Download - Butterfly's story

Page 1: Butterfly's story

Hello! My name is Butterfly, I am 10 years old and I live in Cambodia!

Page 2: Butterfly's story

I live with my mother, father, and sisters. I help my mum and dad by looking after my younger sisters when they are working.

My family

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My mum sews shoes to sell to factories, and my dad is a motor taxi driver.What jobs do your family do?

My mum sewing shoes

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I go to school at 6am in the morning and finish at 11am. In Cambodia it is very hot in the afternoon so it is good to go to school early in the morning when it is cooler.

Getting ready for


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I like learning at school, I am in grade 4 and my favourite subjects are Khmer language and art.

At school

This is my class exercising before


I want to work for a business

when I am older.

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In Cambodia you must pay money to go to school. Not everyone is able to afford to go to school.

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We meditate when we are at school, and when I am at home I ask Buddha to bring happiness and peace to my family.

Here I am meditating.

At prayer

This is a pagoda where people


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When I am not studying I like to play sport with my friends. I also like reading books.

Playing with my


This game is called Touching

LepThis is a hand clap game

called Tiger Eats Cows

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Can you work out what I am doing after school in these pictures?

After school

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Time to go to sleep! Here I am making my bed. In my family we sleep with a net so that we are protected from the insects that come out at night!

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I hope you have enjoyed seeing what a day is like for me in Cambodia!What is a day in your life like?

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