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Plan Do


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“Start With the End in Mind”

Dr Stephen R Covey

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Do“If it's important to you and you want to do it

"eventually," just do it and correct course along the

way” Tim Ferriss

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“If you can’t measure it, you

can’t manage it” Peter Drucker

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Plan Do


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Plan“Start With the

End in Mind”It’s 1 week before my 1st year in business, I have

so much to celebrate. I smashed my annual earnings mark of £70,000, I’m regularly

interviewed on the radio because of my expertise in……., I gain new clients every day through

referrals, and my social media efforts. My new book launch was a great success and Kindle sales on Amazon have been fantastic. I’m coming up to my 1000th book sale already. I’m excited by the

holiday we’ve got coming up. 3 weeks away from the office, and I know I’ll still be bringing in sales

while we’re away.

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Plan1 Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to

the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).

 2 Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for


3 Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

 4 Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

 5 Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the

plan through which you intend to accumulate it. 

6 Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning.



Napoleon Hill

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Plan your MarketingHow many billable hours do you spend with

each client?

How many existing clients do you need each week to get your number of billable hours?

How many new clients do you need each week to get those billable hours?

How will your clients find you?

How will you find your clients?

How can you increase your earnings?

How else can you increase your income?

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Plan to Succeed

“Experiencing great success means that you are able to reach your desired level of income, maintain or exceed

that income all while learning to work less and

make more” Patrice Matteson

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Plan to work on your business –

not in it

“The technical work of a business and a business that does that technical

work are two totally different things!”

Michael Gerber

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Role of Self EmployedWebsite Email

Marketing OnlineOffline

Design SalesSales Copy Follow UpPurchasingNegotiationAdministration InvoicingCredit Control Legal

To name just a few…..

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“Delegate quickly, you'll be stuck in your work and not see your family otherwise. People say they can’t afford to, I say you can’t afford not

to.” Richard Branson

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“Know your strengths and focus on those. Delegate, Outsource & Automate the

rest.” Bridget Greenwood

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DoAbove All Nike


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Test & Measure Everything

Only change one thing at a time

Tweak and improve

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Test Small - Never ever ever take huge risks or spend more than you can afford

Test Often – Once a month each month for the rest of the year

Failure is Good - This is a numbers game – so it’s useful information, but Fail FAST and always take action.

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Plan your MarketingHow will your clients find you?

How will you find your clients?

How can you increase your earnings?

How else can you increase your income?

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Plan your MarketingHow else can you increase your income?

Find ways to sell more than just your time

1 – 2 – 1

1 – 2 – Many


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Plan your MarketingHow can you increase your earnings?

Increase the number of Customers

Increase the average transaction value

Increase the Frequency of Purchase


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Plan your MarketingHow will you find your clients?

Who are your customers? Where are they? What are they doing? What type of people are they? Your decision about who your customers are will be one of the most important decisions that you will make and it needs constant focus and attention. This decision about who your customer is and who they will be will determine:The UPPER LIMITS on your Wealth.The SPEED at which you create WealthThe EASE at which you create WealthYour Marketing Strategy

Know your NICHE

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Know your NicheWhat are you passionate about?

What are you naturally good at?

Where can you add huge value?

Where is the gap in the market?

What are you competitors doing badly, or not at all?

Who is your target market?

What are your customers interests?

What is your customers pain/problem?

What does your customer ultimately want?

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Plan your Marketing

Marketing Methods –

Outbound Marketing


Social Media Advertising

Direct Mail




Telephone Marketing

Email Marketing

Display Ads Online


Trade shows/Exhibitions/Live Events

How will you find your clients?

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Plan your MarketingHow will your clients find you?

When people want a problem solved they turn to the internet and their friends for help.

When your clients grab their laptop, mobile phone or some other wired device and start learning about a product or service that you offer, make sure they find you.

70% of Americans now say they look at product reviews before making a purchase 79% of consumers now say they use a smart- phone to help with shopping83% of mums say they do online research after seeing TV commercials for products that interest themDefine yourself as THE EXPERT in your NICHE

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Plan your Marketing

Marketing Methods –

Inbound Marketing


Social Media






How will your clients find you?

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Plan your ToolsCRM



Web Design



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Plan your ContentSEO







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Plan your Conversations

Linked In



Google Plus

Discussion Forums

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Plan your Copywriting

Inbound Marketing


Simple language (8 yr old)

Story Telling

Benefits – think of the result of the results





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Plan your Headlines

Thought provoking question

How To

Direct Statement

Big Benefit

Who Else?


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Plan your ContentNews Stories

Picture of the Week

Video of the Week

How To’s/Tutorials

Myth Busting

List & Resources

Case Studies

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Plan Your Strategy

Do Take Action

Measure Your Strategy


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