Page 1: Breast Enlargement Secrets: Natural Techniques To Increase

Breast Enlargement Secrets: Natural Techniques To Increase

Breast Size Without Surgery In Weeks

Anna A. Cudney

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[email protected]

Page 2: Breast Enlargement Secrets: Natural Techniques To Increase


Have you ever felt embarrassed about the size of your breasts? Do you think despite having a

fabulous figure, shiny hair, and a successful career, your charm is not enough? I am acquainted

with many women who feel self-conscious about their small breasts. And this type of insecurity

is usual among the ladies.

Breasts are one of the most noticeable and significant parts of a woman’s body. These organs

symbolize a lot about us. From our sensitivity to femininity, boobs represent a lot both directly

and indirectly. And now-a-day, they have become an indispensable part of this image-conscious


So, having small breasts is not a matter of joke anymore, especially for those million ladies who

are suffering from low confidence because of their small boobs. Well, now is the time, you

should stop worrying about your small breasts. It is because I have found techniques on how

you can increase the size of your boobs without any surgery.

In this book, I will reveal all those natural secrets that will work in your favor. I am writing this

book from my own experience. I have suffered a lot because of my flat chest. Now, when my

sufferings are gone, I would love to help those who think they will never look attractive again.

Here are some of the things you will get from this book:

● The food items that will help you enlarge your breasts size

● Home massage that increases the boobs’ size

● Homemade creams for sexier boobs

● Easy exercises that will enlarge the size of your breasts

I will share everything that has benefited me in having bigger breasts. So, if you ever felt less of

a woman and depression because of your small boobs, this book will help you get your

confidence back. Read each word carefully. Apply the techniques and notice the change with

your own eyes

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The Science Behind Perky


Before moving forward and revealing the methods of growing big breasts, let's understand how

everything works. And for that, we have to find out the science behind the perky boobs.

Breasts have been designed and functioned for multiple purposes. These are not just two meat

stakes that bounce on our chest and attract men towards us. The breasts are not only for

enhancing our femininity and beauty but also for providing milk to the babies.

Breasts are known as mammary glands because women provide nutrients and minerals to

newly born children from these organs. Besides being the natural milk bottle, breasts serve as

the beauty spots for the ladies. Men have a weakness towards the big breasts and examine

while choosing someone for mating.

Once I read in an article that it only takes 3 seconds for a man to decide if the woman is a

mating material or not. They conclude by looking at the size of the breasts and other

characteristics. So, breasts are the secret weapons for the ladies that can drive any man crazy.

Biology of the breasts

If you have ever looked at a schematic picture of a breast, you may have noticed that the body

part is designed to produce milk. Okay, let's not complicate the topic.

The main differences between a flat breast and a big breast are in the fatty tissues and the

lobes that produce milk. The fat tissues and nodes are not significant and adequately developed

in a flat boob. From the biological point of view, these things don't matter anymore because

scientists have found the factors that can make your boobs bigger.

So, what factors affect the size of your breasts?

1. Your body weight or body fat

2. Your family history or genetics

3. Your food habit

4. Your body posture

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5. Your daily life

The science behind growing boobs

It is a memorable time for all the girls when their boobs start growing more prominent. They

experience a mixed feeling. It is a matter of happiness as they are going to be mature. They also

feel anxious as they do not know how big the breasts will grow.

The growth of breasts is maintained by a hormone called Estrogen. If you have a dream of

having big breasts, I would suggest you take care of these two from the very beginning. You can

do it by maintaining your food habit, lifestyle, and body posture. I will discuss everything in the

upcoming chapters.

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Top 10 Bra-Busting Foods That

Will Increase Breast Size

Do you wish to have a bigger cup size but do not have enough time to exercise? No worries.

Some foods will help you to grow your dream breasts.

It can be astonishing for many of you, but it is true. You can get a better result from foods than

doing exercise or massage creams. It is proved that some food items enlarge the size and shape

of your bust naturally.

How do foods increase breast size- Let's talk


The development of breasts starts when a girl hits puberty. And the development of the breasts

depends on some hormones. Medical researchers have ensured that the development of breast

tissues relies on the balance of progesterone, estrogen, prostaglandins, prolactin, and other

elements. If the balance of the hormones is not accurate, the breast development will be weak

or small.

Among all these hormones, estrogen plays the most significant role in growing breast size. So,

many people ask a common question. Can estrogen rich foods enlarge boobs size? The answer

is Yes.

It is clinically proven that low estrogen can result in small and saggy boobs. Even doctors

sometimes prescribe estrogen supplements to women. But artificial meds can have a negative

effect on a woman's body.

But if you choose the natural food items that are enriched with estrogen, it will have no side

effects. These foods can help you grow bigger boobs without any trouble. In this section, I will

recommend to you Top 10 estrogen rich foods that will enlarge your bust size.

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10 Foods that will increase your bra size


1. Milk and dairy products

Consuming milk and other dairy products like cheese can help you enlarge your boobs.

Researchers have found all the reproductive hormones in milk and dairy products that are

similar to the human body. Especially cow milk is enriched with reproductive hormones.

Cow milk is very healthy, and it contains all the reproductive hormones such as estrogen,

progesterone, prolactin, etc. As milk and other dairy products have a high-fat percentage,

consuming it every day will develop the fat tissues of your breasts. And soon, your breasts will

start growing bigger.

2. Dry fruits and nuts

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If you wish to have a bigger and appealing bust size, add dry fruits and nuts to your food menu.

These are not only excellent as snacks but also help in enlarging breast size. Nuts and dry fruits

have an abundant amount of estrogen, isoflavone, protein, and fats.

So, add the following items to your diet list today.

● Walnuts

● Cashew Nuts

● Peanuts

● Pecan

● Pistachios

● Dates

● Prunes

● Dried apricots

3. Sea Food

Many of us do not know what wonders seafood can do to our breasts. These foods are enriched

with manganese. This particular chemical element can induce sex hormones in our body. When

your sex hormones boost up, it will result in the enlargement of your breasts.

You can try the following food items.

● Prawns

● Oysters

● Shellfish

● Seaweeds

● Mussels

● Shrimp

Consuming these items every day will help you get a bigger cup size. Also, you can try some

variety if you want.

4. Fruits

Some of us ignore this essential food item in our daily diet chart. Fruits can be an excellent

source for getting estrogen and other reproductive hormones. Some fruits are enriched with

estrogen, and consuming them every day will help you gain a few centimeters around your


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Fruits that contain a significant amount of estrogen,

● Strawberry

● Cranberry

● Blackberry

● Apples

● Plums

● Apricots

● Peaches

5. Fenugreek seed extract

We, ladies, use fenugreek seed for weight loss and getting healthy hair. But these seeds serve a

higher purpose as it has more health values.

The fenugreek seeds are a great source of phytoestrogen. And so, these can promote better

development and growth of mammary glands or breasts.

Fenugreek seeds can supply two main reproductive hormones that enlarge the breast size.

These hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Again, it has been said that sprouted

fenugreek seeds contain a considerable amount of diosgenin. It is a natural estrogen that

increases the size of your breasts.

You can use the fenugreek seed in 3 different ways.

1. You can consume it.

2. You can take it as a capsule.

3. You can massage herbal fenugreek oil on your breasts.

6. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are also known as Alsi seeds. These are small seeds that are enriched with many

nutrients. Flax seeds have various health benefits, and enlarging breasts is one of them.

The seeds are packed with lignans. And we know that lignans are similar to phylogenies, which

help us to get bigger boobs. If you compare the flax seeds with other natural elements, you will

find out that these seeds contain 800 times more lignan than any of them. And so, you will have

a larger cup size by consuming flax seeds every day.

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7. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are famous for their nutty flavor. We use these to make our salad and bread

taste more delicious. These tiny seeds are enriched with phytoestrogen and have many culinary


We know that phytoestrogen can regulate estrogen, and estrogen plays a vital role in enlarging

women's breast size. A study has proved the benefits of sesame seeds. The research has shown

that there are flavonoids and amino acids present in the sesame seeds that develop fatty

tissues of breasts.

8. Vegetables

Green vegetables are the solution to most of the health issues we face. These vegetables are

enriched with nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. You eat them, and they will do wonders for

your body.

Now, you may think green vegetables do not contain a considerable amount of phytoestrogen,

then why I have mentioned them. It is because the green vegetables such as brassicas and

spinach can stimulate the growth of your breast tissues. If you eat enough of them, your

breasts will get a stunning tone and shape.

9. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are known as a rich source of flavonoids. This particular component can exert

estrogen. And estrogen helps in developing the size of the breasts.

Fennel seeds are non-toxic, and they do not have any side effects.

10. Tofu and soy milk

Soya is very popular among health enthusiasts because of its high protein value. Even if you

look at the current stats, we will find that most people prefer drinking soy milk. It offers various

health benefits.

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Recently a study has published that soy milk is a source of phytoestrogen. And this compound

can regulate natural estrogen in women's bodies. The estrogen then helps in developing larger

and bigger boobs.

Tofu is a product that is made with soya. It contains an abundant amount of isoflavone.

Consuming tofu can enlarge your breast size.

Other food items


Papaya can be helpful in breast enlargement. Raw or green papaya contains a large amount of

phytoestrogen, which mimics the natural estrogen. A study has shown that many people have

been benefited by drinking papaya shakes. All of them have confirmed that the fruit can help in

growing bigger boobs.

Note: Papaya contains papain, which can lead to miscarriage or other health issues to allergic



Seeds in any form can help you get your dream breasts. Seeds boost up the estrogen level and

develop the breasts' fatty tissues. Consuming this every day will help you get a larger cup size.


It can be unexpected for some ladies, but chicken can boost up the estrogen level inside a

female's body. A high estrogen level results in bigger size breasts.


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If you want a bigger cup size, add lean meats to your diet list. Lean meats can be helpful in

breast development as they are enriched in protein.

Red lentils

Red lentils contain an abundant amount of phytoestrogen, which naturally enlarges the breasts.

There are many more items you can add to your diet. These items are common and not

expensive. I recommend you these because I have got benefits from consuming these items. I

will add a diet chart later on in this book.

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Breast Massage Secrets To Fuel

Your Breast Enlargement


Big breasts can boost up a woman’s self-confidence. But unfortunately, not every woman ends

up having a big bust size. Sometimes they go through expensive surgeries, which have side

effects. The good news is, there are more natural and easy ways to enlarge your breasts, and

taking massages is one of them.

Breast massage is a traditional way and a secret tool that can help you enlarge your breasts. It is

easy, cheap, and free from any side effects. Doing it every day for 20 to 30 minutes will help

you grow larger breasts.

Does breast massage really work?

From my personal experience, I can say that it does. I have researched a lot on this topic and

found some scientific explanations too.

Breast massage does two critical things.

1. Increase blood circulation

2. Produce prolactin

Breast massages ensure a higher rate of blood circulation in our breasts. Phytoestrogen is a

reproductive hormone, and it flows through the bloodstream. So, the more blood will flow, the

more beneficial it would be for the breasts. It is because they can pick up the necessary

receptors that enlarge our boobs.

Prolactin is a breast enlargement hormone. This hormone works better by any simulation on

the nipples and breasts. When we massage our chests, a wave of sensation flows in our nipples

and breasts that triggers the prolactin hormone. And so, it results in enlarging our boobs.

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Things we would need for breast massage.

No complicated instrument is needed to perform a breast massage. Hands are enough for an

effective massage.

You can use some breast enlargement creams or natural oil for the massage. Never apply soap

as a massage medium as it contains hormone-disrupting substances.

I will discuss breast enlargement creams and oils later on in this book.

Top breast massages that will work for sure

First of all, take some breast massage creams or oils. Natural oils are more beneficial than

creams. But if you want to use creams, go for the natural one. Before getting started, make sure

your hands are warm. Massaging your breasts with cold hands can irritate your skin.

These two things work for all the massage techniques I am discussing below.

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Breast massage 1

● Place your hands on the breast gently. Spread your fingers around the boobs.

● Your hand motion should be in a forward direction in a circular motion.

● Move your right hand in a clockwise and left hand in an anti-clockwise direction.

● Make sure each rub lasts for at least 4 to 5 seconds.

● Do not touch your nipples while massaging your breasts.

● Continue the massage for at least five minutes and perform twice a day.

Never massage your breasts more than 15 minutes at a time. And if you feel soreness in your

boobs, stop rubbing. Continuing the massage every day for the next 30 days will give you a

pleasing result.

Breast massage 2

● In this method, you have to massage one breast at a time. So, place your right hand on

the left chest and left hand on the right one.

● Start rubbing one breast at a time.

● If you just keep rubbing your breasts, you will not get satisfactory results. To enlarge

your breast size, you have to apply a little pressure on your breasts. This pressure will

affect the fatty tissues and lobes beneath the skin.

● Avoid massaging the nipples.

Breast massage 3

● In this method, we will transfer waist fat to the breast area. This method is called the

‘Fat Transfer Method.’ ● You have to start massaging your waist.

● Direct the waist fat towards the breast area. And then gently move towards the breasts.

● Be extremely smooth and careful while performing this technique.

Some other breast massage methods

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Circles method

● Place your left-hand fingers on the right breast and right-hand fingers on the left one.

● Make a 2 o’clock on the left boob and 10 o’clock on the right one. ● Now start drawing small circles around the breasts with your fingers.

● The direction will be top to the sternum and then bottom to the armpits.

Flip flop method

● Grab your breasts with your hands.

● Place your hands at a 6 o’clock position. ● Now, slightly lift both the breasts and let them waggle.

This massage should be done after taking off the bra.

Depth method

● Place your left palm over the left nipple.

● Give a little push and move the nipple in a circle.

● Do the same with the right nipple.

I have discussed some of the massages that worked for me. There are numerous types of breast

massage available. If you are thinking of starting breast massage, then you have to remember

one thing.

The effect of breast massage will not appear immediately. You have to continue massaging

every day. And after a specific time, your boobs will start growing bigger. So, patience is a must

if you are choosing this natural way of breast enlargement.

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How Much Estrogen Is Enough

For Bigger Boobs?

I assume you have got an idea about this chapter by reading its title. Generally, we talk about

various methods of breast enlargement. From food to lifestyle, we are ready to change

everything to grow bigger boobs.

A survey shows that over 250k women go through breast surgery to get a larger cup size. The

fact is, no matter what we do, the only secret of growing big breasts is hormones.

Hormones control everything in our bodies. How much fat we will get or how strong our

muscles will be, all depend on the hormones. So, it is the same for the development of our


We know that our breasts grow when we hit puberty. So, if we want to improve our breasts

again, we have to re-create the hormonal environment. By recreating the situation, our chests

will start developing the fatty tissues, and eventually, they will grow bigger.

If you want to enlarge our breast size, we have to do 4 things.

1. Level estrogen hormone

2. Increase the prolactin hormone

3. Increase the amount of growth hormone

4. Decrease the testosterone hormone level

Let’s talk about how these things work.

Estrogen hormone

Estrogen is the specific hormone that controls the size of our breasts. It affects the size and

shape of the boobs.

Leveling the estrogen hormone is significant because a slight imbalance in this will ruin the size

and shape of breasts. If you have an excellent estrogen balance in your body, there is a high

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chance that your boobs are bigger and bouncy. The lower the estrogen level, the smaller the

boobs are.

Do not think it is easy to level the estrogen hormone. Even if you push estrogen hormone in

your body from any external source, your body has to receive it properly, and then it will be


We will talk more about estrogen later in this chapter.

Prolactin hormone

Prolactin is a powerful reproductive hormone. This hormone works with the estrogen level.

Prolactin has three main functions.

1. It cuts out any excess level of estrogen.

2. It promotes fatty tissues.

3. It ensures breast growth.

So, it is clear that if you want a larger cup size, you have to be able to gain a certain level of

prolactin. This hormone generates inside the body during puberty and pregnancy. But there are

some herbs and foods that can help you produce prolactin inside the body.

Growth hormone

Growth hormone plays a vital role in breast enlargement. It makes sure that estrogen and other

reproductive hormones are working properly.

Testosterone hormone

It is known as a male hormone as it makes a person manlier. If, in any case, the testosterone

level inside our bodies increases, we will start looking less ladylike. This hormone restricts the

growth of the breasts. And so, the less the testosterone level, the better the shape of the

breasts will be.

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Raise the estrogen level

Well, we already know that estrogen is the primary hormone that will help us have larger

boobs. But what to do if our estrogen level is low?

The natural way to raise the estrogen level is by consuming foods. In a previous chapter, I have

listed some estrogen enriched food items. You can also add phytoestrogen and prolactin rich

food items to have a better result.

Another way to get estrogen is by taking estrogen pills or injections. These things definitely

work but sometimes cause some side effects too. If you want to take estrogen pills or shots,

you must consult a doctor first.

I have said earlier that our bodies are not always ready to receive external hormones. So, by

proper checkups, a doctor can suggest to you if your body can endure the pills or not. Again, he

will limit the number of tablets that you must follow.

I have tried many things to enlarge my breasts. And I always recommend you follow the natural

ways to grow bigger boobs.

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Top Home Exercises To

Skyrocket Your Bigger Breasts


Your options are few if you want to increase your breast size without surgery. I have talked

about food and other things that will help you get a larger bust size. In this chapter, I will

discuss another natural way to enlarge the breast size, and that is exercise.

Not many ladies realize that daily exercises can make their boobs bigger and firmer. Basically,

the activities make the pectoral muscles more substantial and more prominent. And as a result,

the boobs appear larger than before.

Many women think that exercises are expensive, and going to the gym is a must. Well, that is

not true. You can do home exercises to grow your breasts bigger.

Some natural home exercises helped me enlarge my breast size. I will share those with you.

Home exercises to skyrocket your breast size

1. Wall pressing

● Stand in front of a solid wall.

● Place your palms flat against the wall. You should place your palms at the same height

as your chest.

● Slowly move forward. Lean until your head touches the wall.

● Get back to the previous position.

● Repeat the movement for 10 to 15 times.

2. Arm circling

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● Extend your arms. Keep them on your shoulder level and parallel to the floor.

● Make small circles with your arms in the backward direction. Do it slowly for one


● Now do the same for one minute in the forward direction.

● Do it for a couple of minutes.

3. Arm pressing

● Stand straight, extending both your hands in front of your chest and keep the palms


● Open your arms and do a backbend.

● Now go to the previous position.

● Repeat the movement for one minute.

4. Towel workout

● Stand straight, extending your arms, and keep your shoulders wide open.

● Now pull both ends of the towel with both your hands.

● Hold the position for 20 seconds.

● Now get back to the normal position.

5. Push-ups

● Lie flat on your palms and toes.

● Keep your arms and legs straight.

● Lower your body until you feel your chest touching the floor.

● Now push your body up, keeping the knees straight.

● Repeat it for 15 times.

These are some basic exercises you can do at home without any equipment. There are many

more exercises available.

I am adding a list below. You may need a few types of equipment for some tasks.

1. Bench press

2. Pectoral flys

3. Incline flys

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4. Modified push-ups

5. Tug and pull

6. Butterfly press

7. Chair dips

8. Crossbody punch

9. Plank

10. Chest press with dumbbells

11. Chest fly

All these exercises are easy to perform, and you do not need to attend any gyms. If you do

exercises every day, your breasts will grow naturally.

Can Yoga help you enlarge your breasts?

Yoga is a traditional way to improve your health. Many women do not know that Yoga has a

solution to your small breasts too. Many studies have proved that some yoga postures can

enlarge your breasts naturally.

I will share 5 yoga postures that will surely make your breasts bigger than before.

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Most of us are familiar with the ‘Cobra pose.’ Bhujangasana is the Sanskrit name of the cobra pose. This posture is useful for enlarging breast size.

Bhujangasana strengthens the chest muscles and increases the blood circulation rate in breasts.

These things eventually result in growing larger boobs.

To perform Bhujangasana, follow the steps given below.

1. Lie on the mattress and make sure your stomach is lying flat on the floor.

2. Place your flat palms on the floor.

3. Now raise your shoulder, neck, and head slowly.

4. Once you reach the highest point, raise your head towards the ceiling.

5. Stay in that position for a few seconds.

6. Go back to the normal position.

7. Do this 4 or 5 times a day.


Ustrasana is the Sanskrit name of the ‘Camel pose.’ It is a common and relaxed posture that will

help you enhance your breast size. This pose stretches your breast muscle and works on the

fatty tissues underneath your boobs. And as a result, your breasts start growing bigger.

Follow the steps to perform Ustrasana.

1. First of all, sit on your knees.

2. Place your hands on your hips.

3. Make sure your shoulders and knees are on the same line. Sole of your feet should be

facing the ceiling.

4. Now try bending backward slowly.

5. While bending, you have to push your buttock in the air.

6. After reaching the lowest point, hold your position for 10 to 30 seconds.

7. Release the position.

8. Performing the Ustrasana 5 times a day will enlarge your breasts in a short time.


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Stabdhasana is very useful in strengthening breast muscles. By performing this yoga posture,

you will notice an improvement in your breast size and have firm breasts. Stabdhasana ensures

blood circulation in your breasts.

Follow the instructions to perform Stabdhasana.

1. Sit on the floor or mattress, keeping your spine straight.

2. Inhale air through your nose and bend your shoulders in the forward direction.

3. Put your palms in a prayer position and place them in front of your chest.

4. Try pressing the palms for a couple of seconds.

5. Release the pressure and exhale your breath through your mouth.

6. Repeat the posture 5 to 10 times a day to enlarge your breast size.


Dhanurasana is the Sanskrit name of the ‘Bow pose.’ It helps in increasing breast size. The posture has some other benefits too.

● It helps in relieving constipation.

● It eases menstrual pain.

● It increases blood circulation in breasts.

To perform the Dhanurasana, follow the steps given below.

1. Lie on the floor on your stomach.

2. Spread your arms by the side of your body.

3. Now, keep folding your knees towards your head.

4. Hold the ankles with your hands.

5. Take a deep breath and lift your chest off the ground.

6. Keep stretching your body while looking straight.

7. Try to hold the position and so your breath.

8. Release the position and your breath slowly.

9. You will observe improvement in your breast size by repeating the posture 5 to 7 times

a day for one month straight.


Vrikshasana is the Sanskrit name of the ‘Tree pose.’ You can make your breasts firmer, bigger, and fuller by performing this posture. This yoga pose stretches the breast muscles and fatty

tissues, which results in growing a larger cup size.

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This posture also helps in improving concentration and body figure. Follow the instructions to

perform Vrikshasana.

1. Stand straight, extending your arms by the side of your body.

2. Now bend your right knee and place it on the left thigh.

3. Make sure the sole is flat and firm.

4. Keep the left leg firm and straight to maintain the balance.

5. Hold the posture.

6. Now get back to the normal position and do it with another leg.

7. To increase your breast size, perform Vrikshasana twice a day.

Yoga poses are easy to perform. You just need a little practice to make it correct. Many women

have found these postures helpful in growing bigger boobs.

Posture and breast size

Body posture makes a lot of impact on your breast size. Even if you have small breasts, a proper

body posture will make those appear bigger than usual. And the positive thing is that the trick is

easy and straightforward.

To attain a good body posture, you just have to raise your shoulders. Try making the shoulders

as square as possible and pin them back. By following this simple trick, your boobs will appear

bigger than it is.

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Fashion Secrets To Make Your

Breasts Appear Perkier &


Our clothing style can help a lot in making our breasts look appealing. Well, you do not need

expensive clothes or new fashion sense to do that. I will share 10 tricks with you, which will

make your boobs look sexier.

Tips the help to make your boobs look bigger

and perkier

1. Wear clothes according to your body size.

The design of some clothes makes your breasts look worse. Never wore those clothes. Rather

than that, choose the clothes that have a neat area around the chest. These types of designs

make the breasts more visible and bigger.

2. Always wear a padded bra.

The tissue paper bra or regular bras can be embarrassing for some situations. So, never take

any chance and buy those excellent, uplifting bras available. Victoria's Secret is famous for

making quality bras for women. You can buy one if you want.

Again, padded and push-up bras make your boobs look bigger, perkier, and sexier than usual.

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3. Go for the padded swimsuit.

Swimming costume is the best chance to show your figure. You should not be afraid of wearing

a swimsuit because of your breast size. I suggest you buy those padded or wire supporting bras.

These bras help you to get in your dream bust size.

4. Put on some makeup.

I am not kidding. Your dark shade foundations can make your cleavage look sexier and more in-

depth than it is. Use your blush brush and dark foundation powder to make a V shape on your

cleavage. It will look natural and eye-catching if you can do that perfectly.

5. Choose stripy clothes.

Horizontal stripes can make your breasts look bigger. It pushes the breasts and supports them

from all directions to make them appear perkier and sexier.

6. Wear jewelry and colorful clothes.

A psychology report says that your bust size looks bigger than usual if you wear colorful dresses

and have jewelry. These things attract the attention of people and make them praise your


7. Wear pendants

Wearing thin chains and pendants will make your cleavage area sexier. These small visual

distractions make your breasts look bigger.

8. Shop tight clothes only

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Loose clothes will make your breasts look smaller. That is why you should always wear tight and

fitting clothes. Personally, I choose sturdy and thick materials for clothing. It is because thick

material makes the curves more visible and makes the breasts look bigger.

9. Maintain your body posture.

In my previous chapter, I have talked about body posture. If you keep your back straight and

shoulders square, your boobs will appear perkier and sexier.

10. Know your bra size

Each woman should know the size of her breasts. If you do not know your bra size, you will end

up having the wrong cup size, which will make your boobs look worse. So, measure the breast

size each month.

Each bra band may have different measurement charts. Do not be confused about your bust

size while buying a bra.

Here is an extra tip you should follow. Try wearing blacks more. A study has shown that black

clothing makes the breasts look bigger and more appealing to men.

Fashion is something that always helps you to make your way into anything. Try the tips and

enjoy the attention.

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Herbal Remedies For Breast

Enlargement: Secret Revealed

For thousands of years, women have been depending on herbal treatments for increasing their

breast size. I have used different herbs and roots for enlarging my cup size, and that worked. I

have researched these herbs and found those roots that are most effective in breast


There is no need to go to any shop to buy any herbal supplements. You can directly eat or make

oil from the items I will add below.

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Natural remedies for growing big boobs

Pueraria Mirifica:

It is also known as Kwao Krua or Butea Superba. These plants are found mainly in Thailand and

Myanmar. The root of Pueraria Mirifica contains different reproductive hormones, such as

phytoestrogen, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, and coumestans.

These hormones have a fantastic side-effect on a woman’s body. They work on the breast tissues and start developing. A team of researchers has proved that Pueraria Mirifica can

increase the size of the breasts by 80%.

Most breast enlargement capsule companies and cream brands use this herb in their products.

Red cloves:

Red cloves are the source of many nutrients. Our body gets isoflavone from this item. And we

know that isoflavones work for breast enlargement.

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Dandelion root:

It can extract toxic elements from the body and works on building up the breast tissues. Many

women have benefited from this dandelion root. It has no side effects and helps a lot in breast


Watercress leaf:

This is one of the most ancient green vegetables. Watercress leaves are an excellent source for

Vitamin E, folic acid, and Lucien. Vitamin is known as the fertility key to the human body, and it

is very significant for increasing breast size.

Dong Quai root:

It is known as the tonic herb for females because this root can increase the size of the breast.

Scientists have proved that Dong Quai root contains progesterone, which can develop breast


Wild yam root:

Many breast enlargement brands use this root in their products. Yam root is an abundant

source of beta carotene and diosgenin. These elements can develop breast tissues and make

those bigger.

Applying herbs is always safe because it has no side effects. These herbs are available around us

and easy to find. But if you can not identify any herb, do not use them.

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Secret Of Breast Enlargement

Creams: Make Your Own


In a previous chapter, I have mentioned that breast massage or enlargement creams are

beneficial. Most women want to have bigger breasts, but the implements cost a lot. So the

cheap, easy, and natural way to make a larger cup size is using breast enlargement creams.

Nowadays, thousands of brands claim that their creams work better than others. Who should

you believe? And most often, these creams have side-effects. That is why I prefer making my

own breast enlargement creams.

You do not need expensive elements to make them. The procedure is simple, and the cream

will help you grow bigger boobs.


● Fenugreek seeds - 3 tablespoons

● Anise - ½ tablespoon

● Caraway - ½ tablespoon

● Fennel seeds - ½ tablespoon

● Licorice - ½ tablespoon

● Your body lotion - 2 tablespoon

How to make breast enlargement cream

1. First of all, add 2 cups of water to the pot.

2. Place the pot on a burner on medium heat.

3. Add all the herbs in the water and stir properly.

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4. Make a good mixture and leave it for five minutes.

5. Now strain the mixture and keep the sediments in a different jar.

6. Take two tablespoons of your body lotion in a small bowl.

7. Put one tablespoon of the liquid in the bowl and mix it properly.

8. Your breast enlargement cream is ready.

To get a better result, you have to apply the cream every day after a shower. In a short time,

you will notice changes in your breast size.

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Diet Plan For Breast


Throughout my journey, I have seen that, among all-natural ways to make bigger breasts, food

is the most effective one. In a previous chapter, I have talked about the top 10 foods that will

help you to get a larger cup size. In this chapter, I will share the diet plan I have followed to

increase my bust size.

Diet chart to get your dream bust size

Time Items

Early morning 1 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

Breakfast Veg Oats

1 glass of milk


Whole grain cereals with 1 cup of berries and 2 tablespoons of almonds

Mid-morning Fruits/fruit juice

Lunch 1 bowl of boiled rice

1 bowl of vegetables


Tuna sandwich loaded with salad



Evening Fruits

Herbal tea

Dinner 1 bowl of boiled rice

1 bowl of vegetable

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Pasta with salad

Bedtime 1 glass of milk

You can add or remove food items according to your taste.

Which foods to consume and which ones to


It is obvious that we can not eat anything we want if we have a goal to earn. Here, I am adding

a list of foods that will help you achieve your dream bust size.

Type of food Can be consumed Should be avoided

Cereals Brown rice



Fruits Apple
















Canned or package fruits

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Vegetables Asparagus















Canned and frozen vegetable

Dairy products Tofu



Soy milk


Saturated milk

Raw milk

Unpasteurized milk

Condensed milk

Oils Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Mustard oil

Canola oil

Fat oils

Palm oils

Meat Lean meat



Egg white


Spice Salt




Red chili powder

I believe, if you strictly follow the diet routine, soon you will be able to get your dream bust


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At last, I want to say that longing for bigger breasts is not any taboo or a bad thing. All women

want to increase their charms in separate ways. Most ladies wish to have big breasts to

maintain self-confidence.

Breast surgery has become very popular nowadays. But most women can not afford that, and

also it has side effects. In this book, I have included all the natural ways that actually work for

breast enlargement.

I have talked about food, exercise, massage, breast enlargement creams, clothing tricks, herbal

treatments, and every possible thing that will help you increase the size of your breasts.

I believe this book is the complete guide for all the women who have tried everything to have a

larger bust size but failed. This book will change your life and make your dreams come true. So,

do not wait. Start working on your breasts from today.

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