Page 1: Becky Barrington: student centred learning elements of Moodle

Student Centred Elements of Moodle


South Devon College

Page 2: Becky Barrington: student centred learning elements of Moodle

My Home• Personal page for students (can be made the

homepage too)• Lists all courses with event details (such as

assignments)• Collates information from all courses enrolled on

(calendar, upcoming events, news)• Link to private files (more on this later)• Can customise and add own blocks

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My Home

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Private Files• Each user has their own storage space• Accessible online from anywhere• Can submit work straight from it into the assignment

upload area• Also means students can add media to journals /

online assignments / wikis

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Activity Completion• Each course item can have activity completion assigned• Will put a tick next to activity / resource when it is

complete• Enables students and teachers to track progress• 3 options:– No activity completion– Student marks as complete– Complete when conditions are met

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Activity CompletionStudent marks as complete• Student ticks next to resource when complete• Good for ‘resources’ where things need to be read• Use labels for agreement / confirmation (shows in

activity report)• Helps to track personal progress through course

(could use as a checklist)

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Activity CompletionMark as complete when conditions are met• Moodle puts the tick in when your chosen conditions

have been met– Resource has been viewed– Quiz or assignments has been completed (and a

grade condition can be added to)– Forum post added

• Conditions are dependent on activity type.

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Activity Completion• Student view

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Restricted Access• Conditional activities• Cannot do B until A is complete• Works with activity completion• Can indicate whether student can see restricted

resource before it is available or not

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Conditional Activities• Offers personalised learning pathways• Can set grade conditions as well as engagement

conditions• Each student can work based on their own individual

achievement and progress• In 2.3 – resources and whole topics can be

conditionally released.

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Conditional ActivitiesSome example uses• Student must tick to say they have read instructions

before activity is made available• If students assignment is graded and passed, the next

work appears for them.• If student achieves >90% in quiz, the assignment is

released for them. If students receives <90% then some support material is released for them.

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Course Completion• Uses resources or activities that have activity

completion activated• Can select resources / activities required in order to

achieve course• Student and teacher reports to check progress

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Course CompletionStudent view

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Course Completion

Teacher View

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Course CompletionExample uses• All course items have activity completion switched on to

enable students to track progress through course• Only required coursework elements are identified for

course completion – Such as assignments (with a specific pass grade)– Quizzes– Offline work – Required paperwork completed

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Course Completion• As each item is graded / marked as complete, the

student can see their progress in the course completion status block

• This helps students to manage their own learning• Teacher can even have a final ‘complete’ sign off


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Multiple Courses with Course Completion

• Pre-requisite courses can also be set• Other courses within Moodle need to be ‘complete’• Separate courses for content but contribute to

overall qualification

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Multiple Courses with Course Completion

Example:• Students complete:

a) main qualification (eg: Diploma)b) Level 2 Functional Skills Englishc) Level 2 Functional Skills ICTd) They are undertaking a qualification through their

tutorialEach is a separate course in Moodle

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Multiple Courses with Course Completion

• In order to achieve the Diploma, the Functional Skills and Tutorial qualifications also need to be complete.

• The Diploma (main qualification) sets up course completion so that the other courses are pre-requisites.

• Each is completed concurrently and once completed will show on the Diploma course completion status.

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Multiple Courses with Course Completion

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