
Our Ten Values

The Academy is committed to doing things differently.

Immersed in Bauer Media, one of the world’s brightest mediacompanies, you’d expect us to be creative.

And given we’ve got a team of leading academics you’d expect us to promote deep learning and critical thinking.

As our media professionals and qualified lecturers haveworked together these values have emerged.

1. Pick your space

Environments have influence.

Good ideas rarely emerge behind a desk.

walk through a park, sit in a coffee shop, go for a swim...

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? ??2.Question everything...

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? ??...curiosity killed nothing.

Questions are our starting point.


Multitasking is overrated. Find head space.

Turn your phone off.

4. Avoid Comfort Zones

Challenge yourself,

confidently make mistaeks


5.Creativity means joining dots...

it’s not what's in front of’s what you see that matters

6.find time to play!

there’s nothing more important than acting like a


8.Collaborate with peopleyou can learn from

add value to other people’s ideas

...don’t just lead, be an effective follower

9. Talent is n't predictable

“everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its abilityto climb a tree it will live its life believing it is stupid”

Albert Einstein

10.Be Bold

...own your journey

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