Page 2: Banish Cold Sores PDF, eBook by Gary Townsend


NOTICE: This report is only a GUIDE from the full version of “Banish Cold

Sores” System. You have the Right to Reprint and share this report to others.


The information presented herein represents the view and experience of the

author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which

conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his

opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational

purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information

provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume

any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or any omissions. Any slights of

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purely coincidental.

Page 3: Banish Cold Sores PDF, eBook by Gary Townsend


Dear friend,

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for reading this guide on

cold sores. Cold sores affect nearly 90% of the world’s population, making

them one of the most common viruses. Conventional medicine has all but

given up on cold sores and herpes in general, but upon reading this guide,

you’ll be amazed at how a natural approach may grant you the relief you’ve

been searching for all this time. My goal is to impart knowledge regarding

cold sores; what they are, what their characteristics and primary causes are

as well as how you can successfully eradicate them.

I have personally tested and tried many measures and methods in an effort

to reduce this virus into remission, and when I finally found the most

effective treatment, I wanted to share my discovery with the rest of the


In a nutshell, what I’ve discovered is basically a three ridiculously simple

steps that instantly and permanently banished my humiliating cold sores

after NOTHING else worked! And upon its discovery, I have since helped

8,528 others to erase their cold sores PERMANENTLY! What’s more, these

steps that I discovered doesn’t involve drugs, creams or any other expensive


That’s my story, but it could easily be your success story. Cold sores doesn’t have to be your cross to bear anymore. This is your time for freedom, stand up and take what’s yours! To Banishing Cold Sores for Good!!


Gary Townsend

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Cold Sores Overview

Cold sores are small, sometimes painful blisters that can appear on the lips,

the nose or the mouth. Cold sores are also commonly referred to as fever

blisters. These painful sores can last a few days to a few weeks depending on

the severity. And while the body’s natural defenses can normally rid the body

of viral infections, the cold sores are somewhat resilient and has a high

recurrence rate.

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Causes of Cold Sore

Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex, commonly confused

with the genital herpes virus, but is a separate virus strain. The virus that

causes cold sores are typically Type 1 and this strain is highly contagious. The

Type 1 cold sore virus can spread through kissing or other forms of skin

contact. It is not common to catch this virus from surfaces, but this is a

common myth.

Over 90% of the world’s population has been exposed to this virus. While the

virus can be spread at any time, it is more contagious when a person has an

active cold sore on their body.

Cold sores can appear only once, or they can be recurring over time. Once

the cold sores have healed, the virus goes into dormancy.

While the virus could remain in dormancy for the rest of the person’s life,

there are some common triggers that will cause recurrence, including:

Fever, cold or flu Exposure to the sun Stress

Changes in the body’s immune system

Changes in hormone levels

Skin trauma


Some cold sore sufferers will experience symptoms before there are visible

blisters that appear on the mouth, lips or nose. These symptoms are called

“prodomes” and refer to sensations of burning or tingling in the areas in

which a sore is beginning to develop. Also, redness can begin to form as the

blister is developing.

Once the blister or blisters are fully formed, they can be small, large or even

manifest in clusters in the areas of the mouth, lip and nose.

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The sores can remain for several days, and sometimes as long as a week.

Once they begin to dry up, scabs will form.

Here is a more specific breakdown of the symptoms that a cold sore will

cause during specific phases:

1. Warning signs that a cold sore is developing, including warming

sensations, tingling, itching and redness.

2. Antibodies arriving on the scene; skin swelling and redness occur.

3. Small or large blisters begin to form on the lips, mouth or nose.

4. The blisters develop into larger sores, often accompanied with pain.

5. The sores or blisters begin to dry up, forming scabs.

6. The body begins to heal and the virus goes into remission.

This entire cycle will vary from person to person, typically lasting between 7-

12 days. There are methods that can be implemented that will be discussed

throughout this book that will not only reduce the cycle time, but that will

prevent the outbreaks from occurring in the first place.

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Medical Treatment for Cold Sore

Most cold sores do not require medical treatment. Occasionally, some

people will have frequent outbreaks in which a physician may prescribe

either pain medication or medications to reduce the frequency of outbreaks.

The repeat outbreaks of cold sores are generally not as severe as the initial


As the body is being exposed to the virus for the first time, its response is

often more exaggerated than during the repeat outbreaks. The first outbreak

of the virus is often accompanied by fever, swollen glands, sensitive and

bleeding gums and exaggerated pain.

Other than to heal the pain and to reduce frequent outbreaks, one of the

most common reasons to seek medical treatment is if the cold sores are so

bad that they are interfering with normal eating and drinking. In this

instance, treatment may be advised to address dehydration concerns.

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Exam and Testing

Most physicians will do a physical

examination only as the sores are

visible on the body. If there is a

concern that the cold sores may be

Type 2 herpes simplex, a swab of the

sores will be taken to rule it out.

Home Remedies for Cold Sore

While conventional medicine does not currently offer a cure for cold sores,

there are a variety of treatment options that can reduce the severity of cold

sore symptoms and the duration of the cold sores.

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Some lifestyle changes that you can make to manage your cold sores include:

Using a cold, wet towel to place onto the sores several times a day. This

behavior can work to reduce the swelling and redness of and around the cold


Take aspirin or ibuprofen to address the symptoms.

Rinse your mouth with baking soda as it can cool the mouth and provide

temporary relief.

Avoid foods that contain acid and opt for foods that are more alkaline in


Try over the counter topical treatments to address the pain felt by the cold


Avoid exposure to sunlight for long periods.

Use a lip balm or a sunscreen to protect your lips when you are outdoors.

Avoid sharing beauty products or glasses with others.

Frequently wash your hands as it can work to remove bacteria and viruses

contracted from the environment that you come into contact with on a daily


If you have toys, clean them with disinfectant regularly.

There are more than just medical and home treatments for cold sore. To

discover more about the treatments, methods, and steps to get rid of your

cold sore, simply visit and buy a full copy of

“Banish Cold Sore” system today.

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Here is an example of the extensive information that you will discover by

adopting Banish Cold Sores system

Table of Content

Introduction Page 5

My Story Page 7

Understanding Cold Sores Page 11

Types of Cold Sores Page 15

Herpes Simplex 1 Page 16

Herpes Simplex 2 Page 17

When to Seek Medical Treatment Page 18

At Home Treatment for Cold Sores Page 20

Traditional Medical Treatment for Cold Sores Page 22

The 3 Step Approach to Treating Cold Sores Page 27

An Overview Page 27

DMSO/Toothpaste Page 31

Increasing the PH Balance and Oxygen Levels in the Body Page 37

3 Steps to Increase Alkalinity within your Body Page 46

Cat’s Claw and L-Lysine Supplements Page 51

Cold Sore Maintenance Steps Page 55

More you can discover as you adopt the full system.

To get all of the steps of how to get rid of your cold sores problems in order

to boost your chances be free from this aggravating ailment, go to the full copy of ‘Banish Cold Sores today.

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