  • George Bajenski,Radio & Youth Minister


    P. O. BOX 629BEL AIR, MARYLAND 21014

    January, 1979


    Paul Bajko,Director

    In December 1950, Paul Bajko, son of a minister of the Church of Christ /Christian/ in Poland, landed in USA.Paul lived in Poland till 1944 where in 1938 he accepted Lord Jesus Christ ashis personal Savior and was baptized into Christ at the age of 16.In 1944 Paul was taken from his home to a forced labor camp in Germany, wherehe worked in a screw factory. There he learned to endure hardship. While he was

    . in the camp he resolved to devote his life to the mnistry of Christ.In May 1945 Paul was liberated by American troops and placed in a DisplacedPersons Camp where he devoted himself for preaching and teaching about Christ.There he studied at the Slavic Evangelical-Baptist Seminary graduating in 1947.In 1950 Paul met Earl Stuckenbruck from the European Evangelistic Society. Br.Stuckenbruck recommended him to the Eastern Christian Institute so when Paulemigrated to USA in 1950 he was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Kitchen and heentered ECI in Orange N.J.The first Lord's Day in USA he became a member of the large family of God byplacing his membership with the Central Christian Church in E. Orange, N.J.where Bro. Edmund John was the minister.In 1951 Paul married Adela Burghardt whom he met in the Displaced Persons Camp.After graduation of ECI in May 1952 and ordination into ministry,with the helpof Bro. Stuckenbruck Paul entered Milligan College. He graduated in 1953with a BA degree.

    1954 by the the Trusteesthe Eastern

    teacher thenewly organized Missionary Department.The main purpose of the Missionary Depart- ^ment was to train^students for preaching the ;*

    The first two years were spent practically in ^the ministry on American soil. Paul was tea- ^ I'

    iio the prayer meetings, leading'special Bib-The Bajko's arriving at ECI, Orange,

  • le classes. Every Friday and Saturday night several street meetings were heldin Orange, Newark and Bayonne where the Gospel was preached in Polish, Russianand English languages. Every Friday afternoon two services in the local jailwere held. Work was also done with the Go Ye Chapel Mission.Paul became also the minister of the Slovac Church od Christ in Bayonne, N.J,where he took many students and gave them opportunity to preach in the only,at that time ethnic Church of Christ in U.S.A.It was a good missionary preparation.

    In summer Paul traveled extensively in Christian Seirvice Camps and Churchespreaching and teaching.

    from a minister in Polandwas received. It was agreat news! from that le- 1tter we found out that /'there was a time when l/ilL'jMchurches were closed and Aministers were jailed butby 1936 they were released mand are preaching the Go- \2F' . m

    flFrom the letter we lear -

    there was shor -tage of Bibles, New Tes - Bapt'ismal^e^Tic^^^onnd^^^imtaments, Song Books, Christian literature, material for Sunday Schools,.church buildings etc. Ministerswere poorly supported and many of them had to work on the farms and in the factories. There was need for medicine and clothing. There was also shortage ofpreachers. So in addition to our ministry here we started to spread into Poland and other countries.We purchased a Polish typewriter and my wife Dela started to translate songsfrom English into Polish. From the beginning we started to tithe and by 1957wesaved enough money to publish in Poland 5000 copies of the first song book forchoirs with 241 songs.In 1956 I met Bro. LaVerne Morse who showed me Life of Christ, vis., in Englishand challenged me to translate it into Polish and Russian. He gave S200 for thepublication and in 1957 we published 3000 copies of the Life of Christ, Vis.Book 3 in Polish and Russian and the whole publication was exhausted in severalmonths. Next year we translated Book 1 and 2 and the Book of Acts and publishedseveral thousands of copies but the need always surpassed the supply. Lastyear we printed 10,000 copies of each book in Poland.Appeals were made and we started to send some financial assistance to our preachers and clothing and medicine to the people.We purchased hundreds of Bibles and New Testaments and sent them to Poland.

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  • In 1956 we received a letter fromBro. Paul Bajenski asking us to 0||H|BB||| \accept some Polish students andtrain them into ministry. He men- < jj* S jS| ' 'itioned 4 candidates but only two LfB nTSBSaSwere allowed to c^e,and so in 'rmBajenski arrived at Eastern Chri- |

    help some ^

    fayette^ Ind.and Central Christian 1 , ''Church, Bristol, Tenn. financed their education through Eastern first Thanksgiving of George and Kostek in USAChristian College and Lincoln Christian College.

    In Poland Bro. Boleslaw Winnik was very active in the work among young peopleorganizing orchestras and choirs, and wehelped him to purchase musical instru-ments.


    [Orche_stra and choir in Poland'^dfeanized by Bro. Winnik iU'

    In 1958 Eastern Christian Institute wasforced to sell it's property in Orange N.Jersey and move to a new location in BelAir, Maryland.Here with Bro. Roland Steever as actingpresident of Eastern Christian College wewere working together in starting Cres -

    well Church of Christ of which we were charter members.

    ve ministerial tr^ ECI and First Christmas o^ Slavi^ Church in'Baltimore. MdMilligan College, became the minister of the Slavic Church and serves the Churchin this capacity till present time.

    - 3 -


    In connection with the 25th Anniversary of the existance and work of the Department of Missions we will be publishing it*s history in every issue of this newsletter in 1979 and will not be able to give the names of all contributors for1978.But we, who work here and those who work in Poland want to thank you from thebottom of our hearts also in the name of all Christians in Poland for your prayers, love and support.

    Celebrating 25th Anniversary we will try to accomplish even more in the greatVineyard of our Lord.Please continue to remember us in your prayers and support.


    A. The Department of Missions - Polish Ministry received fromthe Churches, Sunday Schools, Missionary Rallies, FaithPromises, Youth Groups, Camps and Individuals in 1978 S 104,453.07

    Balance from 1977 3,713.14Total S 108,166.21

    B. EXPENDITURES in 1978

    1. Living - link support for: Paul Bajko, Boleslaw Winnik,George Bajenski and secretary-bookkeeper S 29,761.09

    2. Housing and utilities 10,717.743. Insurances, Taxes, S/S, Hospitalizations 6,386.584. Travels by car, planes, mission cars maitenances,

    annual meeting of Guidance Committee 8,077.065. Office supplies and telephone 1,283.486. Poland: preachers, relief, medicine, church buildings,

    parsonages, camp, radio, printing. Bibles, Christianliterature, Songbooks 47,235.46

    7. Scholarship 100.008. Purchase of the new mission car 3.400.009. Miscellaneous: CPA service and Christmas bonuses 1,025.00

    Total S 107,986.41


  • George Bajenski,Radio 6 youth Minister


    P. O. BOX 629BEL AIR, MARYLAND 21014

    March, 1979


    Paul Bajko,Director

    The Year 1960 was a very eventful year.January 1st we published our first issue of the Polish Christian Magazine "TheGuidepost' . We never thought that it will become the most popular magazine among Polish people and that we will be publishing it till the present day.Since that first issue thousands of copies were printed and sent to Poland andother 15 countries where Polish people live. Just few days ago we received aletter from England which says: "Thank you for sending us "Drogowskaz" /TheGuidepost/ regularly. We pray that through that magazine Lord will show to many people the true Way and lead lost people to salvation. We are very happythat despite many changes in the world "The Guidepost" remainded pure and trueto the Word of God. I can say that The Guidepost is the best Christian magazine."

    This year upon the request of many people from Poland and other countries, wehad to enlarge the size of the edition of the magazine.We thank God for this service.

    Another great event in 1960 was our trip to Poland.Siace 1956 we knew about the progress of the work in Poland after the Second

    World War only from lettersand from George Bajenski andKostek Jakoniukjour studentsat E.C.C. from Poland.Now we were in Poland forover two months and foundout by ourselves about thework and situation of theChurches in Poland.

    We found that in Poland people were free to worship andpreachers were free to preachthe Gospel.

    We redeemed the opportunityand preached the Gospel e-

    Church of Christ in Olsztyn in 1960 very day and souls accepted

    - 1 -

  • Lard Jesus Christ as personal Savior.

    But we found that the Church of Christ -Christian Church was in strife, was splitand almost disintegrating.We found that in 1950-53 when the leadersof the Church were in jail, Church ofChrist became part of the.United Evangelical Church, which was composed of 5 denominations .Needless to say that the Church of Christlost in some part her vitality, teachingand practice.After release of our preachers there wasstruggle for the restoration, but peopleand preachers were divided and exhausted.

    >o manypraying,

    Service in Mission Tent

    o'lWlr i'- - ' During that trip I never had so manysleepless nights just talking, praying,

    Service in Mission Tent teaching and persuading.For the next 10 years we were

    to restoring the Church of Christ in Poland and they were the hardest years inour ministry, but victory was accomplished.We found that many of our people were meeting in one room houses /privite dwellings/ for services.There was shortage of Bibles, New Testaments, Christian literature and song books,shortage of Christian workers and preachers.After returning from Poland we put our emphasis upon Poland.First we put emphasis upon education of George Bajenski and Kostek Jakoniuk. Wesaw in them great hope for restoration of the Church in Poland and we were not disappointed. When in 1964 Koscek Jakoniuk and in 1965 George Bajenski after completing their education at Eastern Christian College and Lincoln Christian Collegereturned to Poland, they worked hard and dilligently and there was great success.

    In 1966 together with Bro. Winnik, Georgeand Kostek started Christian Service Campand Vinter Retreats which proved bethe best method of reaching young soulsfor Christ and teaching the pure doctrine.

    The Youth Camp grew from year to year. Wesponsored the camp financially and then IjHHf > Tin 1971 we purchased own grounds with some 1 1J^-Ibuildings in Ostroda for S 3,000.00. mflMMlifflillli '

    Since the first camp in Poland at least300 young souls accepted Lord Jesus Christin those camps. j ,Gamp grounds in Ostroda

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  • Then I traveled accross United States talking about Polaikt and needs of theChristians there, raising funds toward the work in Poland. God*s people responded with enthusiasm.

    Because people started to send money toward the work in Poland and support ofpreachers it was advisable to organize Department of Missions with own treasuryand Guidance Committee.Upon my request Trustees of Eastern Christian College approved the separation offunds and opening of an own bank account and calling into existance the GuidanceCommittee.

    So since 1962 we operate as independent mission under the incorporation of Eastern Christian College.

    The purpose of the GUIDANCE COMMITTEE is to provide guidance for programmingin the Department of Missions, review proposed projects and activities, and towork in every way possible to improve the service rendered to God.The Guidance Committee consists of 13 members - faithful preachers and workersin Christian Churches - Churches of Christ;Gerald Covan, attorney, member of Traders Point Christian Church, Indiapolis,In.Edmund John, minister, Wyoming Ave. Christian Church, Kingston, Pa.Adam Korenczuk, minister, Slavic Church of Christ, Baltimore, Md.KennethMeade, minister. Manor Woods Church of Christ, Rockville, Md.Paul Nourse, minister. First Christian Church, Evansville, Ind.Ivan Odor, minister. Church of Christ, Rossville, 111.Max Ward Randall,prof. at Lincoln Christian Seminary, Lincoln, 111.Warren Robbins, minister, Christian Church, Benton, Ky.Charles Steele, minister, Westside Christian Church, Richmond, Ky.Desmond Tease, minister. First Christian Church, Tall^assee, Fla.J. T. Segroves, president. Eastern Christian College, Bel Air, Md.Winston Zastrow, minister. First Christian Church, Clinton, 111.William Walker, minister, Norton Church of Christ, Columbus, 0.These dedicated men meet once a year, listen to the reports about the work ofthe Department of Missions, hear the financial report submitted by CPA, approve the budget for the next year including salaries for missionaries: PaulBajko, George Bajenski and Boleslaw Winnik, review all ministry here and inPoland and make recommendations.

    The Guidance Committee is not a Society but a working organism supervising thework of the mission for the glory of God and building His Kingdom.

    We thank God for these dedicated men who lead and direct us, who pray and workwith us.They are involved and know everything what is done on the mission field, theyalso promot the work of the Department of Missions.

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    For several months I was personally not writing to you, in this our bi-monthlymission report, for there was other important news concerning our Polish ministry.However, our involment in the work, and the theme of our ministry has not changed.We do continue to Ring the Bells, and Praech the Word, so that many may know whoJesus is! It brings us joy when we see that it brings blessings to many, and honorto God, our Father. Thank you dear Friends for helping us in serving our Master.

    From the time that we have merged our mission work, with the work of Bro. Bajko andBro. Winnik, through the Deparment of Missions, we are weekly producing two radioprograms in the Polish language, which are heard all over Poland, and in differentparts of Europe. God is blessing this ministry. New churches and preaching pointsare being established in Poland. We receive hundreds of letters asking questionsabout the Bible, and asking for various forms of spiritual help. Here is just a fragment of a letter recently received: "Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ.We listenwith joy in our hearts to the words of God in your program. But it is not enoughfor us! We would like for these programs to be broadcast every day. We ask you fora New Testament if it would not be difficult for you to send us one. Thank you verymuch for the words which you preach to us..." These requests need to be answered,and even followed by personal visitations. We thank God for dedicated Christianworkers in Poland who are involved in this extensive follow-up ministry. On thisside we are doing what can be done, and trying to help our brethren in Poland to dotheir part. Much time and prayer goes into this radio and follow-up ministry.Also, living here near Baltimore, we are assisting in the work of our Slavic Churchof Christ, that was organized through the Department of Missions. Yet, still muchof our time is taken by mission travel here in the United States, speaking in churches, mission rallies, youth camps and colleges.

    A few months ago we have shared with you that we still need S 300.00 monthly forour living-link support. Now we have to repeat this. Can you help us in this need?This coming summer of 1979, we would like to go to Poland to visit our churches,preach God*s Word, bring encouragement to our faithful workers, visit some of ournew radio contacts, and work with our young people at camp. We would like to tellthem that you love them, and that you are concerned about their spiritual wellbeing. Can you help us make this trip possible?By the end of April we will need S 3,000.00 for this project. Please do not waituntil it will be too late! Poland is now open for the Gospel, especially now,aftersome historical development that took place in Poland last year. Pray with us thatthe preaching of the Word of God will bring many to salvation through Jesus Christour Lord and Savior.HELP US NOW FINANCIALLY, IF YOU CAN, AS WE ARE IN NEED, THROUGH YOUR REGULAR COMMITMENT FOR OUR LIVING-LINK SUPPORT AND BY CONTRIBUTION TOWARD OUT TRIP TO POLAND.God knows about inflation, and He knows also about this need. We pray that He willmake it possible for you to act today according to your faith in this our urgentneed.As you write to us, please designate your contribution, either as living-link support for George, or toward the Trip to Poland.God bless you till we meet again.

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  • George Bajenski,Radio 6 Youth Minister


    P. O. BOX 629BEL AIR, MARYLAND 21014

    May, 1979


    Paul Bajko,Director

    1961 was another great year in the ministry of the Department of Missions.Being in Poland in 1960 everywhere we heard the question: "Why do you notpreach on radio?"We knew that the best way to reach Polish people will be through the radioministry. After our return to the United States we were approached by Bro.and Sister Coble, foundres of the Gospel Broadcasting Mission about a Polish radio program. We knew that it was God*s answer to those questions given in Poland.We gladly accepted the challenge. In 1961 the broadcast in Polish languagewent on the air.

    Gospel Broadcasting Mission paid the time, we produced the programs.The task was very hard.First of all we had to purchase the equipment. The Lord answered this needin a wonderful way when the Markle Church of Christ in Markle, Ind. paid forour first professional tape recorder.Then I had to prepare messages. This was not so hard. Then worst part wasthe music. We did not have enough people with good voices, so Dela and AdamKorenczuk with the help of modern technology were able to produce quartetsand even choirs.

    It was great joy in Poland when for the first time they heard the Gospel ofChrist proclaimed in Polish through Radio Luxemburg. We received many letters which encouraged us for greater ministry.Two years later we transfered our program to Trans World Radio, Monte Carlo,Monaco, because this was a more powerful station and reception in Poland wasmuch better.

    This year we entered into the 19th year of radio ministry. Till this timeGospel Broadcasting Mission is paying the time and together with thousands ofpeople in Poland we thank God for the Gospel Broadcasting Mission.Because of this ministry many souls accepted Lord Jesus Christ, new churches

    - 1 -

  • have been started, church members streng-* thened in faith and challenged to minis-

    Iri 1972 Bro. Cloyd Christman, director ofGBM visited Poland together with me andjlfk was very enthusiastic about the work

    M there. This year Bro. Bill McLure, new director of GBM will visit Poland.

    E This ministry involved many of our prea-chers and workers in Poland into follow-up work, leading souls to Christ.

    Poland is in 95% a Roman Catholic coun- ' try and the people are very religious.

    They gladly hear the preached message andBro. Cloyd Christman in Poland -music and write to us letters with many

    questions about salvation, spiritual problems, petitions for Bibles, New Testaments, songs and any Christian literatu

    re, We answer those letters immediately and send adresses to our preachers andworkers in Poland asking them to visit those people in person and lead them toChrist.Because there is shortage of printed Word, we started to produce Christian literature, translate songs and publish song books and other books and send topeople. Printed word became a great instrument in winning souls to Christ.Thousands of copies are printed here every year and sent to Poland.We thank God that in Poland operates the British Bible Societywhich prints Bibles and New Tes-

    Polish language. Forcents we are able to

    forover dollar a ^

    Our growinghelp. In we

    able bring Bro. Winnikwith his family to this countrywho took over the radio ministry.Bro. Winnik, who is now over 70,still works with radio, answeringletters and sending our Christian


    In 1964 we started a local broadcast in Baltimore over WBMD at12.15 FM each Sunday in Polish,

    Bro. Winnik and Bajenski in our studio

    - 2 -

  • Russian and Ukrainian languages. m 1 ~ " Itl ' iFor 6 years this program was ffi V 111 f ||||Hsponsored by the Department of Missions but since 1970 the Sla- i2r ii |BHvie Church of Christ took full j ^responsibility of this program F.^Aunder the leadership of ro. A. BjipPKorenczuk. Ir^

    In 1974 through acquaintance inEngland we were able to go on '"^KIBRA station in Lisbon and air ' ''S.the message of Chist to Poland dl JB ' > and other so at the ! . Bpresent a week we |K|1 1preach on two powerful stationsand there are thousand or even /I W^.l '^W''' ..

    The work was progressing very ra-pidly and in 1977 Bro. George Ba- Ih^HF^ ^jenski joined the staff of the*"Department of Missions in order Bro. Lewczuk in studio in Warsawto preach on the radio and spread the Gospel of Christ. He is very busy in thisministry.

    Since 1977 we started cassette ministry. Hundreds of letters are coming andpeople ask for cassetts with sermons and songs.In order to make this ministry more effective we had to have another radio studio in Poland at Pulaska Street Church of Christ, under the leadership of Bro.Lonek Lewczuk. We make here the master tape and send it to Poland where theyduplicate it and distribute. Also in that studio they make own recordings andrecord many songs which we use in our programs.

    Here is a recent letter from a Roman Catholic listener in Poland:

    Dear Fathers of the Church of Christ in America. I greet you in the dear nameof our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. I would like to share with you very important spiritual matters as well as daily living.First of all I would like to thank you for Christian literature and your Polishmagazine. I thank God that the true Gospel is proclaimed by you to our peoplein Poland. We have many people but not all are listening, but your preaching isappreciated very much. Through your preaching I learn about the true and onlyWay - Jesus Christ. You preach as dedicated followers of Christ and as the Wordis revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. Many people here live according to tradition and are carnal and are Christians only by name /birth Certificate/. Butpeople who gave themseves to Jesus walk the true way. It is what you preach.I am a 32 years old farmer and live in very difficult circumstances.I have a wife

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  • and 3 children and 2 old parents - we live in a small wooden house covered bystraw. Despite those poor conditions in my heart is joy when I think about Jesus as my Helper and Savior. Only Jesus gives me relief and joy in my hardearthly life and I thank God for His grace and for precious blood of Jesuswhich cleanses of sins and protects me from temptations and dirt of this worldI wish you God's blessings in proclaiming the Good News in the name of Jesus.



    When this newsletter will reach you Bro. George Bajenski with Vera and sonBenjamin will be in Poland proclaiming the Gospel.Please remember them in your prayers.

    Also we would like to thank those who responded for our. appeal and sent contributions toward this trip to Poland.

    Although some churches responded and put George Bajenski on a living - link support, we are still short I 200.00 per month for his salary.We pray that this need will be supplied also.

    There is also need for a cassette duplicator which costs S 1200.00.

    Plese send all contributions in the name of DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONSP.O.Box 629

    Bel Air, Md. 210Uwith the note of designation at the bottom of the check.

    Thank you very, very much for your faithful support of the Polish ministry.

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  • George Bajenski,Radio & Youth Minister

    JUL 1 6 1979


    P, O. BOX 629BEL AIR, MARYLAND 21014

    July, 1979


    Paul Bajko,Director

    The years of hard labour in Poland were bearing fruits. Churches of Christ/Christian/ were strengthened in faith, united and there was visible growth.Now we started to emphasize evangelistic efforts and establishing iew churchesin new areas.The first new church was established in Bielsk-Podlaski in 1969 wherewewereable to secure a property for $ 3,000.00. Kostek Jakoniuk with his familymoved to that place and during my short visit in Poland the church was organized with 15 chartered members.On that property in addition to the house in which Kostek moved, was anotherold building which was renovated and was converted into a worhip house.The sitting capacity is about 70 people. Now it is too small. Last yearwhen I was in Poland and had 2 services there, the house was filled andpeople were standing out-

    theGospel through opendows and doors . JThey applied for a permitto build a new largerhouse of worship.We thank God for the -i^HR IV 'growth of the church. I

    that Httl|every year at least onechurch was established in

    There were also churcheswhich never had their ownhouse of worship. Peoplehad to meet in one room Service in Bielsk-Podl.

    - 1 -

  • ihouses which were smalland very crowded and therewas no way for growth.

    We realized the need formore houses of worship sowith the help of Christiansfrom this country we started to build or to purchase buildings for thechurches.

    So far we were instumen -tal in purchasing or building about 12 houses ofworship.

    other placesdings were in need of re-Renovated house of worship in D. Corn. novations and repairs,and

    . we were able again helpthem financially to purchase building materials while the work was done by themembers of the congregations.

    One of the great handicaps for an effective worship service of almost all churches in Poland is lack of musical instruments.With the help of few American Churches we were able to supply several organs andpianos for some of the churches

    ^-19^In 1971 our churches in Poland observed the 50th Anniversary,great event. Hundreds of Chris-

    Poland for the great celebrationwhich lasted 2 days. I was not

    to but Des-member our

    dance Committe was there rejoi-cing with Polish Brethren andpreaching the Gospel.

    Bro. Tease at the 50th Anniversary

    We thank God for the victories,progress and the growth of theNew Testament Church in the landof Poland.

    - 2 -



    With I^rd*8 help a new church will he started this year in north western partof Poland, There are already few believers and many radio listeners in theczty of Polczyn Zdd^.

    In order to start new work we have to have a preacher and a place for him tol^ve and worship.rje Lord is sending a dedicated young man^Ludwik Skworcz^ but with the housesshortage ^n Poland it is impossible to find for him and his family a place toto Ivoe. Polczyn Zdrdj is a resort city and it is not possible even to rentthere a house or an appartment.

    The Brethren in Poland were considering to purchase a house and God answeredme prayers of many. There is a house for sale and the price is S 6^000.00^but there is no such money in Poland and the Brethren appealed to us.Because it is our goal to start at least one Church each year, we promised tohelp, but we do not have such money either.This year we sent already several thousand dollars for buildings in Kolobrzegand JaktardWj two new churches, so by this letter we appeal to you, Christian Friends, for S 6,000.00.

    The matter is urgent, we must purchase the house in 2 months and move BroSkworcz to Polczyn Zdrdj.We trust that you will answer the plea of Brethren in Poland and there willbe another New Testament Church.

    Please send your contribution to DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS with the note NewChurch in Poland.

    May the Lord bless you as you pray and consider to help.

    Yours in Christ,


    July 31 George Bajenski will return from his trip to Poland and beginingSeptember 1, he will be available for speaking dates in Churches at Missionary Rallies, Faith Promise Rallies and Christian Service Camps, presenting the Polish Ministry. Please send your requests to the Department

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  • of Missions, P.O. Box 629, Bel Air, Md. 21014 and we will be happy to schedule Bro. Bajenski to speak at your Church.



    With great pleasure we submit our 6 months financial statement to all contributors and we thank God for your part in this great ministry.

    A. The Department of Missions - Polish Ministry receivedfrom the Churches, Missionary Rallies, Faith PromiseRallies, Church Groups and Individuals S 58,505,28

    Designated 1,000,00


    1. Salaries for: Paul Bajko, George Bajenski, BoleslawWinnik and secretary-bookkeeper S 16,591.08

    2. Housing and utilities 5,566.443. Taxes, Insurances and Hospitalizations 3,200.434. Promotions; travels and news letters 4,483.245. New Mission Car 6,860.726. Office Suplies and telephones 940.937. POLAND; preachers, relief, medicine, church buildings,

    camp, radio, Bibles and New Testaments 17,660.588. Printing of Christian literature and Song books 2,163.709. Scholarships 600.00

    TOTAL S 58,067.12

    We thank you, beloved Friends - Supporters, who help us and are Co-laborersin this great ministry to Polish people.All contributions and living-link support, please send in the name of DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS. Please do not issue cheksjinthe name of individuals.

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  • George Bajenski,Radio 6 Youth Minister


    P. O. BOX 629BEL AIR. MARYLAND 21014

    September, 1979


    P&ul Bajko,Director

    It is a hard job for me to summarize 25 years of ministry of the Department ofMissions.

    We just received a letter from Poland in connection with our 25th Anniversaryin which Bro. Lewczuk writes what was done.With some additional information we would like to print this letter on the pages of this newsletter.


    Each anniversary is a ahance for reflections^ review of past years and appraisal of the value of the work.

    For Christians 25 years of mature service in the name of the highest Authorityis already history.

    First years after 2950 were very hard for the Churches of Christ in Poland.Still with the traces of war^ God sent some trials and sufferings for many mi--nisters and their families and all churches.In such troublesome period God choose Bro. and Siter Bajko and used them fordifficult and hard missionary work. I am sure that Lord knew that they havethe qualities of faithful children of God, love the country in which they wereborn and raised^ know the mentality, pecularities and character of the people,and are full of dedication, honesty and charity.

    Unfortunately nobody was keeping record of the versality of their work and nowit will be hard to write about the wide scope of their ministry.

    It began with relief work for the poor and sick./For over 25 years each year hundreds of packages of used clothing were sent toindividual families. In many instances financial assistance was given to buya house, a cow, medicine.../

    - 1 -

  • flext they started to pi4blish Polish magazine "The Guidepost" which is rich incontest.

    /"The Guidepost" is now in its 20th year of publication. There are hundreds ofreaders. Thiis magazine is read by children, youth, idults, Christians and non-Christians. It strengthenes faith of Christians and leads sinners to Christ."The Guidepost" is reaching every continent where Polish people live./A Gospel broadcast - the first in Polish language - was started./In 1961 for the first time people in Poland heard the Good News over the radio. For the first couple of years we broadcasted over the Louxemburg stationand later we moved to Trans World Radio, Monte Carlo.At the present time the Gospel is beamed from Monte Carlo every Monday andfrom Lisbon every Thursday.Also another broadcast was started locally here in Baltimore in 3 languages oneach Lord's Day under the sponsorship of the Slavic Church of Christ.For one year Gospel was also preached by the students of Eastern ChristianCollege from the Havre de Grace station./

    Help for repairs^ buildings and purchase of new chapels and houses of worship./Houses of worship were repaired and renovated in Olsztyn, Gdansk, Sosnowiec,D^browa Gornicza and Siemiatycze.New houses of worship were bought or built in Warsaw, Kolobrzeg, Muratyn, Bia-logard, Katowice, Biala Podlaska, Bielsk Podlaski, Bielsko Biala.One room was added to private dwellings where God*s people meet regularly in:Matiaszowka, Szeszyly, Sielc and Jaktorow.Also the first house of worship was purchased for the Slavic Church of Christin Baltimore - Department of Missions started this church.English work was supported in Baltimore and other new congregations in Maryland,Delaware and New Jersey.All together we invested in properties over S 70,000.00

    Purchase of property for Christian Service Camp and support of the Camp./Camp began in 1966. Each year we sent money for food, equipment and for children who were too poor to pay their own way.In 1971 we purchased,camp grounds in Ostroda and since that time invested overS 15,000.00 in this project. The results are great. Only this year 30 souls accepted Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior in the Camp.

    Most of our chapels have organs and musical instruments which were purchasedand sent to us by the Department of Missions./Churches in Warsaw, Sosnowiec, D^browa Gornicza, Bialogard, Olsztyn, Bielsk -Podlaski and other./

    Song books - Several hundreds of songs were translated and published by SisterBajko from English into Polish for the great joy and edification not only of

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  • Sc iwt other denominational ahuvahee and the Roman Catho-


    1*:^ patriae >v rbi


    Publications of the Department of Missions

    /So far we published 10 different Song books and repeated the editions seve -ral times. Alltogether were published over 40,000 copies.Also we put out pne record of George Bajenski "The Heavenly Home"/Four different Poem books were published in Polish language.Life of Christ visualized and New Testament Heroes /Book of Acts/ areinareatdemand. ^

    /So far we put out 40,000 copies of Life of Christ visualized'and New Testa -ment Heroes in the Polish language and 3,000 copies in the Russian language.At the present time another 40,000 copies of Life of Christ and Book of Actsare printed directly in Poland,We also purchased and distributed thousands of Bibles and New Testaments inPolish, Russian, Ukrainian and other languages, and helped the Brethren in Poland to print 10,000 New Testaments for radio listeners./

    The Department of Missions built and equipped studio in Poland in which we make mus%cal recordings^ messages and cassette.We cannot by pass the purchase of oars which are great help for us in missionwork.

    /Several bicycles, motorcycles and cars were purchased for ministers for theradio follow-up work, evangelistic purposes and camps./

    Financial assistance for preachers./Since 1954 we started to assist preachers financially so they can be free from

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  • secular jobs to preach the Gospel.Assistance is given to 20 full time preachers, 10 parttime evangelists, 3 veteran preachers and partial help is given to preacher's widows.Also we help to train students at the Academy of Theology in Warsaw and at theBible School in Warsaw.There are plans to start a Bible School at Pulaska Street Church in Warsaw toeducate young people preparing them for ministry, to supplement education of o-thers and send them on the field, etc./

    Almost every believing Fole^ who landed on the American continent^ found careand protection and help in the home of Bro. and Sister Bajko and their church,Afe, as husbcmd and wife had the opportunity to experience it on ourselves.An unrepeated event was when 7 people from Poland left for USA to attend theNorth American Christian Convention in Anaheim and the florid Convention in Mexico City,It was a great experience for the visiting Brethren but Bro. and Sister Bajkoput great effort and funds as well as extended their hospitality to all andwere in charge of everything.There is also another phase of Bajkos ministry. Many people ./Christians andnon-Christians/ come to them in person or by letters with a "box of complains"with their spiritual^ physical and material ptoblems^ confinding in them andseeking help. In this counseling and guidance ministry God gives them wisdomto help those people.Maybe the most difficult area:-, are the finances.In our condition they have to keep this matter a secret because curiosity canlead to sin of greed and envy.They choose the right way of selfdedsion and full discretion./All support, especially for the preachers is given individually upon completeevaluation of the individual's ministry. Money is sent officially throughPolish Trading Corporation and detailed records as well as receipts and lettersfrom preachers are kept here..Each supported preacher is responsible fianan-cially before us and his.supporting church. Preachers are encouraged to givetithes to the local congragations./

    Iflith this letter we do not try to summarize the whole work of the Departmentof Missions. Someday the Great Recorder will do it and the reward of the Giver of-.everything what is good will be theirs.

    To many appreciating hearts we add our sincere thanks to God for Bajkos andtheir excellent work and also we thank all those who work and guide them -the Guidance Committee^ who in their goodwill and vital interest work forthe glory of God and building the New Testament Church. With Christian greetings^ Lonek and Alice Lewczuk"


    George Bajenski returned safely from Poland with good reports about the progress of the Church there. The report will be given in November issue of ournewsletter. We thank God for His guidance and protection of Gerge and his family.

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  • George Bajenski,Radio & Youth Minisitr

    DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS - Polish MinistayEastern Christiaii College


    OUR MINISTRY:Assistance in Establishment of New Congregations Publishing ofChristian Literature and Song Books in Polish Language * SpiritualMateHal and floral Support of Preachers in Poland Belief Ministry toPoland * Training Foreign Students New Testaments and Bibles toPoland Radio Ministry in Polish, Bussian and Ukranian Languages Follow-up Workof Radio Listeners by Correspondence Preaching inCamps, Churches and at Rallies Work Among Foreign SpeakingPeople in the United States of America * Christian Service Camps andYouth Ministry in Poland Cutting Christian Records

    Psul Bajko/Director

    November', 1979


    Wien a Chcist-ian will aount all blessings he receives from his heavenly Father,then every day will be a thanksgiving day. But here in America we have a dayset apart - Thanksgiving Day, when we how our heads and in a loudvoice say "Praise God from Uhom ALL blessings flow". 0 yes, blessing of freedom, blessing of spiritual abundance, blessing of worship and fellowship, blessing of preaching and serving the Lord, blessing of living in a free country ofAmerica.

    While we in America are feasting on everything,there are many people around theworld, who suffer spiritual hunger.Poland is one of those countries. But we thank God that with your help we areable to give them the spiritual food through radio, publications. Bibles and direct preaching of many preachers in Poland.Ou:r hearts are filled with joy and thankfulness because this year alone twochTMPches were started in Poland: in Kolobrzeg and in Polczyn Zdrdj. In both cities places for preachers to live and places of worship were secured. Becauseof you we were able to contribute toward that cause S 10,000.00.With Lord's help we plan to start at the end of this year another church in acormunity where there is no Christian Church yet. We are negotiating a housz thatwill contain living quarters for the preacher and his family and have room forworship services. This place will cost S 10,000.00 and we believe that Lordwill help us to raise this amount.Another reason to be thankful is Christian Service Camp in Ostrdda. This yearZO souls accepted Christ as personal Savior in the Camp.There is need for a kitchen and dining hall. Although brethren in Poland willuse own labour, material will cost another S 10,000.00. In order not to loosethe building permit we must start to build now. We sent already the firstS 2,000.00 and will have to raise another S 8,000.00, but we believe that Lordwill provide through you, wonderful Friends, who love the Lord and care forsouls.We thank you for you:r faithful giving. Every cent is used wisely toward spreading of the Gospel and building New Testament Church, Yours in Christ



    by George BajenskiThe Summer of 1979 seems long since passed, but the inspirations and memories of

    Christian fellowship with believers in Poland, will stay with us for years to come. Somehow, in God's work, it always proves to be true, that the more we giveourselves to do His will, the more He blesses us! In May we started our trip toPoland, ready to preach, teach, sing, and work in any needed capacity. In August,as we s^ely returned home, we were physically tired, but spiritually and amotio-nally lifted higher than as we had first started.For Benjamin, our five year old son, this trip especially was memorable, for hewas for the first time meeting and more intelligently getting acquainted with some of relatives, and making new friends. He had to make a quick ajustment to thePolish language, which solely surrounded him,- and, of course, to every aspect oflife, for life in Poland is still quite different.Thank you, dear Christian friends, for your prayers and financial support, whichmakes our ministry possible. It was truly a beuatiful summer. We had just arrivedin Warsaw in time to celebrate with the local Church and with the remaining members -of my immediate family, a special "Mother's Day" program. Memories of mychildhood were brought back to me. Thus it was for the next several weeks thatwe were to travel by car, train, and bus, visiting most of our Churches of Christcongregations and several other Evangelical Churches with whom we have fellowshipin Poland. Altogether we were able to visit about 50 different congregations andsome smaller groups of Christians, meeting often in private homes. In Warsaw wemet with a group of young Bible students who were preparing themselves for a preaching ministry. On different days and in various places we met with young preachers and elders to discuss the church situation, and look for ways possible toimprove the work-ways in which we could help and ways in which they could work,sothat the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ would continue to grow, and that we mightfeel even stronger ties with each other.

    This close fellowship with our Polish churches was again demonstrated when severalsmall gtoups and individuals from Christian churches in the United States and Canada visited Polad this summer. We were happy to assist them in arranging theirvisits, so that their testimonies and witness would bring the most effect to ourPolish churches. In May, Bro. George Carillet from Ga. was with us for few days.Then for five days, a largergroup of Christians led by Bro. Rod Huron from Ohio,and Bro. John Huk, from Toronto, were with us. Later in June we had two wonderfulweeks of travelling and witnessing with the Rostvitt Twins from Colorado and Bro.Bill McClure from Wisconsin. All of these services left strong impressions on ourPolish brethren. Finally, in July, a small group of students from Johnson BibleCollege was working with us at our Youth Camp in Ostroda. Putting it all togetherwas a full summer's schedule.

    Yet how happy we are to see that the work, which is being done, is bringing resultsfor the Lord's Kingdom. At our camp, for instance, many young people gave their

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  • life over to Jesus. To hear theirprayers and see their devotion toBible study, made us rejoice in theLord. This was especially so in thecamp situation in which a largepercentage of the campers were notchurch members. To see them respondin such a positive way to the Gos -pel was very precious! They reallydo appreciate the camp program, andearnestly pray for it.

    Another highlight of our summer'swork was to take part in the ordi -nation service for my nephew,AndrewBajenski, who is now the youth- andassistant minister in the WarsawChurch of Christ. At the ordination of A. BajenskiAlso, it was beautiful to be a witness of and preach at the dedication service ofa church building in the northern city of Kolobrzeg, where one of our young preachers, Peter Karel, is successfully starting a new work.

    Truly I can say that the situation in Poland is very favorable for Church growthtoday. Everywhere we went" people were telling us that they listen to our Christian radio broadcast. They were thanking us for preparing them, and asking formore to be sent.We have seen many new church buildings being built. Bibles are distributed freely. There were even some signs of a Bible shortage, due to the great demand forthe Scriptures!Enthusiasm is great! Some more knowledgeable people were telling us that the developments inreligious life in Poland during this last year, have outgrown or evendestroyed much atheistic indoctrination that Polish people have received duringthe last 35 years!

    Thus, this is the time in which we arecalled to work toge -ther, so that the repentance and remission of sins be preached everywhere inPoland, and all aroundthe world - till Hecomes again.

    May God help us as wecontinue in this goodendevor - togetherl

    Youth Camp in Ostroda

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  • Vera, Benjamin and George Bajenski

    "Ring the bells... let the wholeworld know..." With these familiar words of my favoritesong, we greet you to-day, andwould like to share with youthis good news!

    Exactly 20 years ago, in November of 1959, God brought me tothe United States of America.I did not know, at that time,myfuture. I simply wanted to study the Bible, and tell othersof His matchless love.

    Now, with so many years behind, I can truly thank Him for so faithfully leading me through the days of my study and into His service. He was with mewhen I was working in Poland, and when the time came that I was to leave myhome and family, He gave me more than I had ever asked for. He gave mea goodChristian wife, and a son. Many of you opened your homes and your hearts tous. Your land became my land, and your freedom made me free! Now I can freelylive and work for Him who loved me so.

    In this Thanksgiving season, we thank our Lord for everything, and ask you,our friends, to accept our thanks and gratitude for all your love and carein our ministry.


    "Beloved in Christ! We greet you with the precious name Of Jesus. It's alongtime since we wrote you but we were very busy in the work for the Lord. Thankyou very much for the financial support which you give toward our ministry.The summer Service Camp is over and we gladly recollect that time; all theblessings and work during the camp with the children and youth. It was a blessed season. Many young people met Jesus and gave their lives to Him.We thankGod for the time of His saving grace.At the present time we do the final preparations for the development and buildings of Ostoda Camp. We thank God and you for this beautiful place and fromthe bottom of our hearts we thank you for your prayers and work which you do.Thanks to your help we can continue our work in His vineyard. May the Lordreward you abundantly.We pray atid work arid ask God to bless all of you as He is using you for Hisglory and building His Church in our country. Yours in Christ, P.W."

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