
January 2018

Associated Reflexologists of Colorado PO Box 697

Englewood CO 80151

The mission of ARC is to advance Reflexology as a profession and to assist Reflexologists in becoming more effective through continuing education and sharing in both Reflexology

theory and practical techniques.

Inside this Issue President’s Message 2

ARC Meeting Minutes 3

Treasurer’s Report 4

ARCB Internship 5

Constitutional Wizardry 6

ARC Contacts 7

Put Your Best Foot Forward

ARC is proud to present this Free 3 CEU Workshop (Current dues must be up to date to receive credit.

Cost for Non-Members is $35.)

Please join us on: Tuesday, February 13, 2018

6:00 PM—9:00 PM

Constitutional Wizardry Using the 5 Elements to Give Deeper, Wider Treatments

The ancient eastern healing traditions (namely Ayurveda and Chinese medicine) all recognize that human beings are born with a particular constitution or archetypal arrangement that

influences their physical-psycho-spiritual tendencies. By knowing a person’s constitution, we are gifted with a deep knowledge of the framework they are working with in this life. For the individual,

this can give great relief and empowerment.

Presenter: Leslie Huddart L.Ac., M.A.O.M

Location: Malley Senior Center

3380 S. Lincoln, Englewood CO 80113 303-762-2660


Happy New Year! Before the end of my term, I want to take a minute here to express my thanks to you for allowing me to serve as your president for these past several years. I have completely enjoyed the opportunities provided to the ARC president - to work with the presenters at our meetings; to work closely with the officers and members of the national organizations (RAA and ARCB); and to get to know each of you a little better. This has sincerely been a world-class opportunity to work with amazing individuals, and I am grateful. Whatever role you have played in this organization under my tenure, I thank you. I know it must seem to you like I have nagged you at every turn about serving on the ARC Board. (It seems like that to me.) We even made it easier by changing our by-laws to allow Associate-level members to serve in positions on the Board. Now, it actually looks like the only way to keep me from

pleading with you to be on the Board is to replace me with someone else. You may notice when you read the minutes of the November business meeting, that the single topic of discussion was the need to increase our membership. It seems like we are at that critical place again when we need to decide the value that ARC offers us because if we decide that the networking opportunities we get from ARC are valuable to us, we need to step up to serve. If we decide that the ability to get enough continuing education to maintain our national professional certification is valuable, we need to step up to serve. If we decide that having a central hub for sharing reflexology related concerns, including national and local legislation, we need to step up now to serve. ARC needs a President and a Treasurer to begin a term on July 1, 2018. Without individuals willing to take these positions, we cannot move forward. But that’s not all of it. If we dig down and decide that moving forward is the right thing to do, we also need to make a commitment to increasing the membership of ARC. Going forward, we will need to do more and better outreach. What’s it going to be? While you’re thinking about that, I want you to check out the presentation for the February meeting. Leslie Hubbart, L.Ac. is presenting Constitutional Wizardry. I think this sounds awesome and I hope you will join us. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Beth Schroeder at [email protected], or text your RSVP to 720-530-5756 prior to the meeting in order for us to have ample copies of the handouts and attendance certificates. The presentation is approved for 3 hours of ARCB CEU. The February meeting will be held at Malley Senior Center on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. The presentation will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. The Malley Senior Center is located at 3380 S. Lincoln, Englewood. There is parking located directly to the East of the building, across Girard Street to the South of the building, and across Lincoln Street to the West of the building. Hope to see you on February 13, 2018 at 6:00 pm. Most Sincerely, Diane Ahonen President

President’s Message by Diane Ahonen


ARC Quarterly Meeting Minutes Date: November 14, 2017, 6:00 pm Location: Home of Diane Ahonen The meeting was held at the home of Diane Ahonen. After a pot-luck, the meeting opened with a discussion of ways to increase membership. The group acknowledged the value of professional networking; noted that there is a national trend of lower memberships in professional reflexology associations; and noted that Denver has fewer reflexology schools than before. The meeting attendees discussed ideas and practices for ARC to actively recruit new members. Special efforts will be made to make presentations at the remaining schools – Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) and Colorado School of Healing Arts (CSHA). Also, it was announced that RRCC is getting ready to install a reflexology walk and that ARC might like to somehow be a part of that, (possible sponsorship, etc.) Diane will contact RRCC to see how ARC might participate. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00. Respectfully submitted Diane Ahonen


Coming Attractions in 2018 Save This Date

August 14, 2018

"Use of Hand Tools in Foot Reflexology"

Presented by Rachael Lord, RN, MH, NBCR, CMT 3 hours of CEU - ARCB Approved

ARC Treasurer’s Report Bank Balance 12/31/16 $3,312.39

Inflows Memberships 85.00 Total Inflows 85.00 Outflows Domain Listing-annual 105.00 Bond – CNA Surety 100.00 Liability insurance (Auto Owners) 321.00 Meeting room rental 270.00 Newsletter 200.00 Guest Speaker 150.00 Tax Filing 265.00 Total Outflows 1,411.00 Ending Balance 1,986.39 Bank Balance 03/31/2017 Bank balance agrees with 06/30/2017 statement. **Note: Website expense prepaid through 2019.


Announcing the ARCB Board of Directors Internship Pilot Program

What: A one-year, unpaid, board of directors internship to one or more qualified ARCB certificants Purpose: To mentor possible future board members of reflexology organizations To expose interns to the internal processes of the ARCB To assist the ARCB directors with tasks such as writing journal articles, making contacts, wording policies and procedures, locating information and researching Qualifications: ARCB certificant in good standing Plan to practice for at least five more years Not in retired status Not a reflexology teacher Not affiliated with any reflexology school Able to attend monthly hour-long telephone conference calls Computer literate; access to email and other applications, including “Zoom” If you would like to be considered for an internship, please email letters of interest to the ARCB office ([email protected]).


Constitutional Wizardry Using the 5 Elements to Give Deeper, Wider Treatments

The ancient eastern healing traditions (namely Ayurveda and Chinese medicine) all recognize that human beings are born with a particular constitution or archetypal arrangement that influences their physical-psycho-spiritual tendencies. By knowing a person’s constitution, we are gifted with a deep knowledge of the framework they are working with in this life. What physical ailments are they most prone to? What are their psychological tendencies, gifts, challenges and blind spots? For the individual this can give great relief and empowerment on finally knowing what’s “normal” for them and what guidance to follow in a sea of constantly shifting health-fad information or one-size-fits all advice.

Unlike other personality assessment modalities (ex. Meyers-Briggs, Enneagram), Constitutional typing is linked with an assessment of the physical body makeup and can therefore begin to be applied without much self-reporting on the behalf of the patient. An expert grasp of constitutional typing allows a practitioner to gain a wealth of information as the client walks in the door and says hello before they even get to the treatment table. This allows practitioners to tailor their therapeutic interaction and treatment to the individual’s constitution for optimal, personalized results.

Activity Objectives: Introduction to the Asian Medicine tradition of Constitutional Assessment An overview of basic 5 Element Theory Basic modes of assessing a patient using the 5 Elements Practical application of 5 Element assessment Participants will get a sense of their own constitution and practice hands on assessments The workshop will include interactive lecture and exercises, handouts and worksheets, and experiential partner exercises.

Leslie Huddart L.Ac., M.A.O.M Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado - DORA - ACU.0002078 Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine - Oregon College of Oriental Medicine Clinic Director - Body Wisdom Wellness

President Diane Ahonen [email protected] Vice President Amy Ito [email protected]

Treasurer Amy Luong [email protected] Recording Secretary Karly Ormond [email protected] Membership Secretary Beth Schroeder [email protected] Web Master Scott Love [email protected] Editor Julie Saad [email protected]

ARC Contacts

The ARC Newsletter is published quarterly. This newsletter is for the education of its membership and dissemination of health related information and news. The material should not be construed as medical advice, treatment or recommendation for self-treatment where professional, medical intervention is the standard of care, and is not intended to replace professional medical care.

Membership meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of February, May, August and November.

ADVERTISING IN ARC’S NEWSLETTER Advertising in the ARC Newsletter is encouraged for both members and non-members. These ad spaces are for both business operations and reflexology related advertising. Member fees: Non-member fees: $10 Business Card Size $15 Business Card Size $15 ¼ Page $20 ¼ Page $20 ½ Page $25 ½ Page $30 Whole Page $35 Whole Page

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