Download - Approval


Groups of 2, 3, or 4 have already been

selected for you on Moodle. The presentation

will be on the topic picked for you last week.

There are three parts to this presentation



Critique and Survey

Approval Once you and your group have decided how

you will present your topic it must be approved by your Lifeline leader. You must have your assignment approved no

later than February 21st. You may do this by: Simply telling your Lifeline leader in class E-mailing your Lifeline leader Posting it on Moodle under the supplied

linkUnapproved presentations receive an automatic 3 point deduction!

With your group members you will be

making a 4-minute presentation on your

assigned topic.

You will be required to present your topic

as a group to the class on the week of

March 10th-14th . You must be present in

your lifeline class on the week of the 10th.

There will be no make-ups!!!

If you are absent you will receive a

ZERO for the project and NOT be

allowed to do the critique


The presentation will be worth 10 points. However, there will be a 5 point extra credit opportunity for students that do an amazing, completely original, and extraordinarily creative job!

Please be advised that this lab uses a PC. If a group chooses to make a presentation on a Mac computer, they should preview their presentation on a PC to check compatibility.

It is up to you on how to present the material, but be creative! The following are some examples to get you started. First, you will see a run-of-the-mill PowerPoint presentation, and then you may click on links to see more interesting examples using additional media.


Critique and Survey: Worth 7 Points

Take notes while the other groups present since you will be doing a critique of the other presentations from your class

The Critique will be up on Moodle for you to download, fill in, and upload back on to Moodle.

The Survey is for you to say what you and your group mates did for this project. This will also be available up on Moodle in a link under Social Activities.

Both the critique and the survey are dueApril 4th for Monday and Tuesday students, andApril 6th for Wednesday through Friday students

If you don’t do the Critique and Survey YOU WILL LOSE ALL your presentation points.

Critique and Survey



Phospholipids make up most of the cell membrane

They are amphipathic, containing a hydrophilic polar head and hydrophobic nonpolar tail.


Due to their amphipathic nature, phospholipids can form micelles in water.

Micelles are spheres with the hydrophillic head of the phospholipid toward the outside and the hydrophobic tails towards the inside.


The amphipathic property of phospholipids allow cell membranes to form.

Cell Membrane

Cytoplasm Side

Extracellular Side

Now Be Creative!!!Creating a More Interesting


Here is an example using an animation software ( to

help make your presentations more interesting.

Click here for an example of xtranormal video.

You can also use voicethread to make a integrated image, voice and video


Click for an example of voicethread

Click here for an example of how to use voicethread

Another way to spice up your presentation is to use the software animoto.

( You should be aware that the example of Animoto you

will see runs faster than is advisable for a good presentation, unless you pay

for it.

Click here for an example of Animoto.

You could also find images to help illustrate your topic by using the VUE

program to create a concept map to explain your topic. (

The subsequent slides contain information on how to use the VUE program.

Creating a More Interesting Presentation

Do not limit yourself to these programs. Some other options include Google docs, wiki

spaces, and pixton. You can make poster boards, puppet shows,

and a mini skit. Your options are endless in the way you can

present your topics. So be creative.

Download the Concept Map Tool Here

How to use VUE

Go to “Sign up for New Account”

Click here to make new account!

Download Appropriate Version


This is what you will see when you first open Vue. To add a picture, open your web browser, go to your image’s

link (URL).

You can format the color, font and shape of your boxes (nodes) using the Formatting Palette found in the Windows Tab

Adding Images to VUE

Drag the link down to the toolbar, to “VUE: New Map”


Once you drop the link into VUE, the picture will show up on your Map.You can repeat this until you have added all the pictures.To connect the images, you can use the “Link Tool”.

“Link Tool”

•To create a link between two nodes click on the first node and

drag your mouse to the second node. Once a successful link

has been created the second node will glow green. Then you can release the mouse.•You can then write on the link to describe the connection

between the two images.

This is a “NODE”

When connecting two images, it should look like this:

Sample of Concept Map in progress:


Go to File>Save As. Name your file as follows Group

Number_Concept Map_Draft. From the format dropdown menu select VPK (VUE Package). Click Save. (NOTE: If you select VUE your images will not be visible on any other computer. If you select any other file type your concept map will not be able to be edited by others.)

After you’ve saved your conceptmap, it will look something like this


Save your final draft as both a .vpk file and.jpg file.

Don't Procrastinate!!

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