
Application software- programs that let you do things What are some computer programs that you or your parents use on the computer? How do I start and exit Windows applications (software programs)? 1. Click the Start button to display the Start menu. 2. Click All Programs. 3. Use the menu to select the program you want to run. 4. The program will appear in an application window. How do I resize a program window? 1. Put cursor in bottom right corner. 2. Click the mouse and hold down the mouse button while dragging to the right or left. How do I maximize or minimize a window? 1.Put curser over small box in upper right corner. 2.Click once with the mouse to maximize window. How do I maximize or minimize a window? 1. Put curser over small line in upper right corner and click once with the mouse to minimize window. How do I restore my window? 1. Put pointer over taskbar button. click once with the mouse to minimize window. 2. Click once with the mouse to restore the window to its previous size and location. How do I close an application window? 1.Put curser over small X in upper right corner. 2.Click once with the mouse to close the window.

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