  • 7/28/2019 Analysis and Presentation of Results Final Report and Ethics


    M04 EKM Study Skills and

    Research Methods

    Lecture 8 Analysis, Critique and

    presentation of results and ethics in

    research projects.

  • 7/28/2019 Analysis and Presentation of Results Final Report and Ethics


    Learning Outcomes of today

    Develop a results analysis strategy.

    Ensure clarity and understanding of the critique of

    results of different research methodologies.

    Communicate and present results in a clearmanner.

    Understand potential problems and errors inresearch.

    Understand a thesis structure

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    What will the raw data look like?

    Brain storming

    Focus Groups

    Observation Interviews


    Case Studies Library-based research

    Desk-based research

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    How will you present the data?

    Pictograms Charts

    Pie charts

    Bar charts Component bar


    % component bar


    Compound bar



    Frequency polygon Graphs


    Curves Tables

    Case Studies


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    Bar Charts

  • 7/28/2019 Analysis and Presentation of Results Final Report and Ethics


    Histograms and Frequency


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    Translating a histograms /graphs into words

    Is there a clear pattern to the shape?

    What are the most and least frequent values and where do they occur in the

    histogram / graph?

    Is it possible to make an educated guess about where the mean value for

    the distribution lies in the histogram?

    How frequent is that mean value?

    Can you draw conclusions about relationships from or between the graphs?

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    ExampleAn investigation into the effect of students average grades

    at school and their thoughts on University on their planswhen leaving.


    Find out what student

    average grades are. Investigate their

    thoughts on University.

    Find out what their

    intentions are afteruniversity.

    Evaluate and critique

    any relationships

    between these.


    Focus groups



    How are you going to analyseall this information?

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    A possible suggestion . . . .

    If you have thought carefully about your

    questionnaire you could put the results

    together in the form of a simple table.

    Lesson learnt think about How you are

    going to present the results when you are

    doing the research!

    Once you have the table you couldcompare data in the form of a graph

    what sort of graph would you use and


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    How to write a case study A case study is more than just a description it is information

    arranged in such a way that the reader is put in the same position asthe case writer.

    There are three basic steps

    The Research Phase

    Library and internet research (desk based)

    Interview people (email, phone, in person)

    The analysis phase

    Put all the information together and decide what you are

    using and what you are not using.

    Refer to your aims and objectives and select information thatassists you to critically analyse these.

    The writing Phase

    Organize your case into sections e.g. Introduction,

    background, describe the situation that links to your project,

    include tables, pictures, questionnaire analysis etc.

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    Common mistakes Inadequate summaries of data

    Choice of scale for graphs

    Incorrect pictogram size comparisons


    Generalising from very small samples

    Misuse of data

    Not referring to the figure in the text

    Referring to data in the text but not drawing afigure

    Cluttered graph/table with too much data

    Not using the Math Support Centre (in AS)

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    Research misconduct

    Fabrication of evidence, data or results

    Falsification of evidence, data or results

    Selective use of evidence to support an

    hypothesis Choosing and using only experimental

    samples that will produce evidencesupporting the hypothesis

    Suppression of evidence

    Claiming anothers work as your own

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    Possible consequences

    Loss of respect and recognition by peers

    Effective ending of academic and research

    career prospects

    Notification to the relevant professional


    Notification of the offence to journal editorsor book publishers



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    Coventry University Ethics Policy

    CU ETHICS is available at

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    As researchers we need to let those involved inour research understand what is expected ofthem, their rights including the right to withdrawfrom the research, and our obligations towardsthem and towards the data we collect aboutthem

    It is a disciplinary offence to misuse researchdata or to fail to abide by the Universitys Ethicspolicy.

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    You need to consider your personal safety during theresearch project and the safety of any other peopleinvolved in it. For example, would the research that youare carrying out:

    Endanger you by requiring data to be collected in unsafeplaces or by giving away personal data about yourself?

    Upset participants with research material that they mayfind distasteful or which may causes a violent reaction?

    Damage the participants job prospects by confidentialdata about them becoming known to others becauseyour research makes it easy for them to be identify orbecause you accidently leaking information about them?

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    Ethics Process

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    Principle InvestigatorCertificate

    no ethical approval requiredRoutes

    SecondaryData Only


    No LivingParticipants




    Personal Data Other SecondaryData Only


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    Participant Information Sheet

    Key headings suggested are:

    Information about the project/Purpose of the project

    Why have I been chosen?

    Do I have to take part?

    What do I have to do?

    What are the risks associated with this project?

    What are the benefits of taking part?

    Withdrawal options

    Data protection & confidentiality What if things go wrong? Who to complain to

    What will happen with the results of the study?

    Who has reviewed this study?

    Further information/Key contact details

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    Some projects might use a survey to collect anonymous data, that cannot be traced back to named or identified individualseither from other students or from other groups of people.

    In this case, a participant information leaflet about the project needsto be prepared and offered to all participants in the study even

    though you will not take their contact details.

    The participant information leaflet needs to be pre-approved by theresearch Supervisor or the Faculty Research Ethics Leader beforeany data is collected and will need to be included in the dissertationor report. The participant information leaflet should be attached to

    the low risk ethics checklist.

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    Some projects might ask individuals to be interviewed to provide data. Theinterviewees will need to provide what is called "informed consent". Theresearcher will need to make sure that all interviewees have completedinformed consent forms before being interviewed and they will also need tobe given participant information leaflets at the time when informed consentis requested. The informed consent for should be attached to the low riskethics checklist.

    These need to be approved by research Supervisors or the FacultyResearch Leader before any contact is made and therefore before any datais collected so this method of research requires a long development timeand very good advance planning.

    Data collected in this way has to be stored securely. It also needs to be

    destroyed after the research is completed and again this will need to beconfirmed. You will need to convince interviewees that the information thatthey share with you will be treated confidentially and show to us that this isthe case.

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    Informed Consent Form

    TemplatePlease tick

    1. I confirm that I have read and understood the participant information

    sheet for the above study and have had the opportunity to ask questions.

    2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free towithdraw at anytime without giving a reason.

    3. I understand that all the information I provide will be treated in confidence

    4. I understand that I also have the right to change my mind about

    participating in the study for a short period after the study has concluded

    (insert deadline here).

    5. I agree to be filmed/recorded (delete as appropriate) as part of the

    research project

    6. I agree to take part in the research project

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    Generic Objectives

    To define and plan the project

    To identify and review the current state of prior literature

    To design a robust study to answer the research question

    To collect all the data needed to answer the research questionusing the developed study design

    To derive and present the results of the study from the datacollected

    To analyse the results of the study in the light of prior knowledge

    To draw conclusions about the contribution made by the studywhich may be concerned with the problem under investigation, themethods deployed or the student as researcher

    To provide a complete and accurate record of the material used inthe study, cited consistently according to a recognised system.

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    Thesis Structure

    Introduction HypothesisAimsObjectives

    Research Methodology

    Literature review

    Research Study Presentation of Results



    Further Work




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    Learning Outcomes of Today

    Investigate the concept of ethics in


    Communicate the Universitys ethics


    Discuss the ethics of different research


    Recap (briefly) Plagiarism.

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    A Final Note

    This was your last M04EKM lecture.

    You must submit coursework 1 (Logbook)next week and Coursework 2 via Moodle

    through Turnitin.

    Coursework 2 will be released this week

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