Page 1: Analyses of front, contents and double page spreads



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magazinesFront Page Contents Page

Double Page Spreads

Page 2: Analyses of front, contents and double page spreads



The date, issue number and price is presented in small text which shows it is inferior and less important compared to other aspects of the front cover.

The mast head is large, bold and is overlapping the image which tells the reader its the most dominating aspect on the front cover.

The main image shows Bob Dylan (famous singer) in smart, traditional clothing, which provides the reader with additional information about him and his music style. Also he is looking directly at the viewer (camera) to try and communicate with the audience.

This part of text (Bob Dylan) is large and bold which signifies to the reader that this is the main cover line/ artical.

The ‘‘plus’’ is in a red box to catch the reader eye and to signify importance.

The gap and lines between these parts of the text shows that they are all different cover lines.


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The issue of the magazine is clearly presented in big, bold, red text. A slogan is added to show

brand recognition.

The sections of the contents are easily separated by lines a red subtitles, to help the reader find what their looking for easier and faster.

The page number are larger than the text so they are to clear to see for the readers.

the image is on the right corner of the page, so it doesn't use the whole page to distract the audience form the contents .

The top line of all the text are bold, bigger and sum up what the text is about to provide additional information to the readers.

The website, sate and page number is placed at the bottom of every page, if the reader needs a quick glance.

These contents are separated from the rest in a coloured box which suggest there more important or the editor wants you to focus on them.

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The text saying Bob Dylan has been place right at the top, notifying the reader that these pages are part of his double page spread.

Traditionally the first letter in this case the ‘‘I’’ is in a very large font size to make the article more aesthetically pleasing.

The long shot image of Bob Dylan takes about or up to three quarters of the page, this shows that it is the main subject of the page.

Also the large image is in black and white which gives it a more realistic feel.

This quote ‘‘my songs are personal. I wouldn't want people singing along with me. It would sound funny.’’ is put in a very large font because the editor or the person that interviewed him believes this point is important and wants the reader to focus on that point.

Date and page number are put at the bottom of the page away from the main article so it can be easily read and understood by the reader.

In the article some parts of the text is written in italics and some aren't, this shows the reader when the interviewer is talking and when Bob Dylan is talking.

This quote has easily been shown to the reader because of it white text against the dark image.

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The mast head is large, bold and clear and above the main image which shows it is superior and most important to anything else on the front cover.

The text (cover lines) bellow the masthead are smaller however the same colour which informs the reader that they are also important.

The medium/close up shot of the three band members are clearly shown against the black background with an edited blue colour overlay. Which could ignite a scenario of ghost’s emerging from the shadows.

Linking with the image there is text (main cover line/ article) saying reunion which informs the reader that they, the band (THE XX) are coming back together.

The band member on the right is looking at the camera, whereas the others are indirect. This could send a message to the reader that he is more important than the other two.

The barcode, issue details and price are tucked away at the bottom corner of the page which shows it is relevant but not really important..


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The contents title is placed at top canter of the page, so its for the reader to see and read.

The date is placed at the very top of the page in small text allowing it to be informative, relevant however no so important to the reader.

The contents are separated into sections/ categories with bold, underlined subtitles which makes it easier for the reader to find which article they want.

Instead of one big image, smaller images are scattered on down the right and left side of the page, to engage the audience more and to compliment the text..

The page numbers are bold so the reader can easily see them and then check what’s going to be on that page because the contents are parallel to the number.

The same black and white colour scheme and the same text font is being used throughout the contents page to keep the magazine consistent.

A drop shadow effect is used on some of the images to make them more aesthetically pleasing to the reader.

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The image takes a whole page, half of the double page spread. This tells the reader that they (band) are the subject of the pages.

The text is highlighted in blue, because identifies the photographer, costume designer and journalist to the readers.

‘‘The xx’’ is in bold because it is easy and clear to read to the audience.

‘‘The xx’’ is is also bold because it makes the reader focus and understand that it is important.

More over ‘‘The xx’’ is also bold because that is the name of the band and that is what the page is going to be about. The main article is presented in three spaced out

columns. This makes it easy for the reader to understand where to start and where to finish and most importantly easy and clear to read.

The website and page number is positioned on the right hand side of the page against the white background, away for the large pieces of text which allow them to be easily identified by the reader .

The black, white and navy colour scheme has been used throughout the front, contents and double page spread

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The skyline above the masthead informs the reader that they will get free CD’s and Posters in this issue.

Some points of the masthead is overlapped by the image which signifies that the reader does not need to see the full masthead to recognise the magazine.

The medium shot of the band (ALL TIME LOW) members have been edited to be darker, black white and grey for a more realistic feel also to stand out agonist the very colourful and vibrant background.

Also all the band members have a modern fashion including hair style this shows the reader it is a modern magazine and points out its target audience.

One band member is in front of the rest this could signify he is more important or he is the lead singer.

The smaller purple text (cover lines) dispersed around the front cover are there to inform the reader of the articles included in the magazine .

The barcode, issue details and price are in the bottom corner, horizontally placed which makes it easy for the reader to understand.

The All time low is the band name and is big and bold and in blue instead of purple showing it is different and important whilst keeping consistent, and complimenting the vibrant yellow and purple used around the page.

The image of the free CD that is being given away informs the reader of the songs they will be getting.


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The contents page uses two pages instead of one, to be able to fit more on contents.

The image in the middle dominates the page so the reader can focus on that.

Once again the same band member is in front of the others providing information to the reader that he is a leader.

Some boxes are filled with yellow which tells the reader they are very important parts.

More images are scattered towards the bottom and middle of the page and some highlighted in yellow to show importance which provides the reader with more information about the article. (‘‘a picture says a thousand words’’). And moreover page numbers are added in the corner of the pictures allowing the reader to view the image and go strait to that article.

Page numbers are in bold for the reader to easily see.

Above the contents there are red sub headings/titles which sum up the article to help the reader know what the article is about strait away.

The bold yellow and white text in the red circle is used to catch the attention of the reader.

The side areas is filled in with black to also catch the attention of the reader.

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The all time log is inside a purple arrow at the top left hand side of the double page spread which tells the reader that this is what the pages are going to be a about .

The close up shots of the other members of the band are used to provide additional information to the readers about the band.

The page numbers are positioned at the bottom corners of the page in white against the dark coloured background so its easy for the reader to identify.

The headline is in big, bold text and is positioned in the middle of the left page. So its clear and easy to read.

The main singer image uses the whole second page, once again this shows he is more important and more dominant to the other because he has a whole page image where as the other only have small images.

The parts highlighted in blue are mini articles that don't corporate to the main article. And there in blue to signify to the reader that there different.

The bold white text and the smaller yellow text below that sums up the blue boxes below.

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