
KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

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OPJS University, Churu Rajasthan


Dr. Dhananjay Upadhyay

Principal, Maa Shanti Devi College Sabalgarh (Morena)


Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a fundamental role in

hydrological applications. In this paper the most commonly used processing procedures

for remotely sensed data — in particular image processing techniques - and the

capabilities of GIS technologies are presented. The aim of this paper is to show the merit

of a combination of these tools of hydrological models. An important aspect herein is the

use of image processing systems, GIS, database management systems and hydrological

models in a integrated analysis system.

Keywords :- Image pre-processing, Remote Sensing & GIS (Geographical Information


KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved



Climate change and growing population is the major drivers for modification of the land

resources and play a principal role in spatially and temporally changes in landuse

patterns. Apart from climate change anthropogenic activities such as deforestation,

overexploitation of natural resources, rapid urbanization, impact of pesticide and other

human influences have significantly changes in landuse categories. Climate change is the

major drivers for modification of the land resources and they are the main component of

spatially and temporally changes in landuse patterns. Apart from climate change

anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources, rapid

urbanization, impact of pesticide and other human influences have significantly changes

in landuse categories Therefore accurate estimation and monitoring of land cover changes

is important in global change research. Although, land cover has dramatically changed

over the last few centuries, until now there has been no consistent way of quantifying the

changes globally.

In ancient period urban settlements originated and then developed with considering

changes in social, political, religious and historical conditions. Specific settlements get

benefits from location, climate, relief, soil, and water supply etc. Some settlements have

the central place or nodal place and some settlements are located along the road sides.

These settlements naturally get the facilities like health, plenty water, suitable land for

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


settlements and protectable relief from the surrounding area. The types of settlement

develop physical personality of the region and functional multiplicity. Hence, the initial

state smaller settlements slowly go through the various stages and evolved into town or

city. Burgess in 1923 has studied the growth of the city.

Rapid urban development and increasing land use changes due to increasing population

and economic growth is being witnessed in India and other developing countries. The

measurement and monitoring of these land use changes are crucial to understand land use

dynamics over different spatial and temporal scales. Today, with rapid urbanization, there

is increasing pressure on land particularly in the metropolitan cities. Urban sprawl may be

defined as the scattering of new development on isolated tract, separated from other areas

by vacant land (Ottensmann, 1977). The cities are expanding in all directions resulting in

large scale urban sprawl and changes in urban land use. The spatial pattern of such

changes is clearly noticed on the urban fringes or city peripheral rural areas, than in the

city centre. This has made the fringe area of the city to be the most dynamic landscape.

Remotely sensed data is the most important data source for environmental change study

over the past 40 years. Since large collections of remote sensing imagery have been

acquired in a time frame of successive years, it is now possible to study long-term spatio-

temporal pattern of environmental change and impacts of human activities.

In an urban environment natural and human-induced environmental changes are of

concern today because of deterioration of environment and human health (Jat et al. 2008)

. The study of land use/land cover (LU/LC) changes is very important to have proper

planning and utilization of natural resources and their management.

Traditional methods for gathering demographic data, censuses, and analysis of

environmental samples are not adequate for multicomplex environmental studies (Maktav

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


et al 2005), since many problems often presented in environmental issues and great

complexity of handling the multidisciplinary data set; we require new technologies like

satellite remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GISs). These

technologies provide data to study and monitor the dynamics of natural resources for

environmental management (Berlanga et al 2002).

Urbanization is a process of villages to be developed into towns and further into cities

and so on. There is no universally accepted definition of urban settlement. Different

countries adopt different criteria for defining the urban settlement. Urban places are not

even similar in character. This can be distinguished on the basis of defined demographic

characteristic and available infrastructures. In India, criteria of urban centers are more or

less similar to the ones suggested by the United Nations.

In Census of India (1961) has defined urban centers as “Places having a minimum

population of 5000 with at least 75 percent of male workers being engaged in

nonagricultural activities and the density of population should be 400 persons per square

Kilometers”. According to Trewartha, the level of urbanization is defined as the

proportion of urban population to total population residing in urban places by shifting

population from village to city and the process of transformation of villages into city is

called urbanization. Urbanization is broadly defined as a growth of towns and increasing

ratio of urban to rural population of a country. The growth of a country’s towns and cities

is conditioned by the natural, economic and social progress. The concept of urbanization

as a set is related to the socio-economic process which implies a shift in focus from the

city as a cultural aspect to process that leads to the expansion of cities and generate and

diffusing element of urban life and culture.


· Geographic - Geographic of the world, the spatial reality, the geography

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


· Information - Data and information, their meaning and use

· System - The computer technology and support infrastructure

Although GIS has three parts, information is its heart. Without "I" information "G" and

"S" are unrelated. Different people defined GIS, according to its capability and purpose

for which it is applied A very brief description of GIS is that it is a computerized system

(tool) that deals with spatial and non-spatial data in terms of collection, storage,

management, and retrieval at will, conversion, analysis, and modeling and display. GIS

accepts data from multiple sources which can be in a variety of formats. In other words

GIS is very flexible in the types and structure of

data. GIS is used by various disciplines as a tool for spatial data handling.

Depending on the interest of a particular application, a GIS can be considered to be a data

store, a tool, a technology, and information source or science. In India major

development has occurred in the last decade with significant contribution from

Department of Space, which emphasized the GIS application for National Resources

Management. Recently commercial organizations have realized importance of GIS for

diverse applications and many GIS based projects are in operation according to the

requirements of user organizations.

The modern technology of remote sensing which includes both aerial as well as satellite

based systems, allow us to collect lot of physical data rather easily, with speed and on

repetitive basis, and together with GIS helps us to analyze the data spatially, offering

possibilities of generating various options (modeling), thereby optimizing the whole

planning process. These information systems also offer interpretation of physical (spatial)

data with other socio-economic data, and thereby providing an important linkage in the

total planning process and making it more effective and meaningful. The satellite remote

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


sensing and its ability to provide the accurate and reliable information to making map

measure and monitor the various facts of urban development. When Geographical

Information System, Remote Sensing and Global Positioning system coupled then it

becomes a very powerful tool for planning and making the maps.


A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate,

analyze, manage, and present all types of spatial or geographical data. The acronym GIS is

sometimes used for geographical information science or geospatial information studies to refer to

the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information systems and is a large

domain within the broader academic discipline of Geo-informatics.

Fig: 1- Component of Geographic Information System


KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


The 19th century witnessed a trickle of urbanization and the emergence of metropolises. Control

the world’s urban development as crucial for future of humankind. This rapid and haphazard

growth of urban sprawl and increasing population pressure is resulting in loss of productive

agricultural land and loss of surface water bodies, green open spaces, besides causing air

pollution, health hazards and contamination of water.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a powerful set of tool for collecting, storing, retrieving,

transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world. It has an ability to assimilate

divergent sources of data both spatial and non spatial. GIS allows the user to integrate database

generated from various sources on signal platform and analyze them in a spatiotemporal domain.

GIS provides support in resource management and decision making (Burrough, 1986).


Urban change dynamic has been criticized for eliminating agricultural lands, spoiling

water quality, and causing air pollution (Allen et al 2003). As population increases, so

does the need for new housing, schools, and transportation networks. In the urban world

today, industrial, commercial, and residential districts are markedly different from years

past. Decentralization is a trend indicative of urban sprawl and present day industrial,

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


commercial, and residential areas are no longer necessarily a part of the urban core

(Nechyba et al 2004).

Rather, these types of development are often found in low-density areas that are separated

from the major urban area by large tracts of homogeneous land. Hence, the needs for

larger transportation networks and in turn a greater dependency on automobiles, which

produce more air pollution. As new roads are put in place, precious farmland is often left

unprotected from commercial or residential developers (Hathout 2002). The greater the

imperviousness of an area the more water runoff one can expect, which is the catapult for

water pollution (Wilson et al 2003). Without regulations on urban growth, consequences

of urban sprawl are likely to continue.


In recent years, cities in the less developed parts of the world have experienced rapid

aerial expansion in the wake of phenomenal growth in population. Rural to urban

migration has played a significance role in urban growth in such countries areas. Large

towns and cities in the developing world are experiencing a constant high rate of growth

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


in their populations and as a result, many of them are undergoing unplanned and

uncontrolled expansion of settlements at the densely populated sites or on the fringes

(Fazal, 2000:133).

All over the world, cities and towns are expanding through both natural increase and in-

migration of people from countryside. Urbanization occurs because people move from

rural areas (countryside) to urban areas (towns and cities). The pace of urbanisation is

more rapid when the economy of a country is in the developing stage. Many of the less

developed countries are going or passing through this stage. According to Population

Research Bureau (2005) it is expected that 60 percent of the world population will be

urban by 2030. It is expected that most of the urban growth in the world will occur in less

developed countries during the next decades. India is no exception to it, and rapid urban

growth and development have resulted in increase in the size of India’s urban population

from 79 million in 1961 to 285 million spread over 5161 urban agglomerations/towns in

2001 (Rahman et al., 2011:56). India’s urban population in absolute term is the second

largest in the world after China. Land use and land cover scenario in India has undergone

a radical change since the introduction of New Economic Policy in early 1990s and these

changes involve a series of complex interaction between biophysical and socioeconomic

variables (Roy and Giriraj, 2008:1346). In India number of million plus cities has

increased from 5 in 1951 to 23 in 1991 and to 35 in 2001.

According to Census of India 2001, about 37per cent of the total urban population lives in

these million plus cities. Urban growth has accelerated during the post-independence

period, and small towns and rural peripheries are progressively incorporated into a wider

and more complex urban system (Aguilar, 2008:133). From the point of view of urban

expansion the spatial context of land use and land cover changes in the urban fringe is

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


important since it comprises a critical consideration for decision-making in urban land

use (Greenberg and Fog, 1995:490).

Aruna Saxena (2000) explains that the fringe zone has complex problems of adjustments

in between rural and urban ways of life. This led to serious land use problems, loss of

agricultural land, unauthorized urban sprawl, high land values, speculation in land and

related problems. For solving these problems, there is an urgent need of development of

an information system. The usefulness of Remote Sensing and GIS in such a situation has

been explained.

Pradhan and Perera (2006) studied Bangkok metropolitan region and discussed the

relationship between urbanization, industrialization and the continuous exploitation of

natural resources such as land and water resources for non-agricultural uses in the urban

fringe areas.

Schenk (1993) focusses on the rurban fringe around Bangalore city. It is suggested that

fringe may be approached from two directions and two perspectives. The first one reflects

the urban view of the immediate countryside whereby somewhere a zone of mixing exists

while the second one looks the other way round.

Tawade and Phadke (1996) make an attempt to study the urban impact of Bombay on

Vasai Tahsil. They identified that the growth of Bombay has caused pressures in rural

areas and it is more along the central railway than along the western railway. However,

there is spillover along the latter corridor. The process of conversion of land into non-

agricultural category is at present slow but would be encouraged with the release of

additional areas for urban development.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


Richard (1995) studied a large proportion of US cropland that produces high market

value agricultural products most of which is within close proximity to fast growing

metropolitan areas. Such land is converted to urban land uses within and adjacent to


areas rapidly.

Nigam (2000) evaluates the effectiveness of High-Resolution satellite data and computer

aided GIS techniques in assessing the land use change dynamics in the fringe areas of

Encschede City from 1993 to 1998. The methodology adopted involved the visual

interpretation of land use on acetate overlays according to land use classification.

Satellite images were used for the year 1993 and 1996 at the scale 1:25000. This land

use/land cover change analysis using remotely sensed has been applied to discover the

trend of development of the rural urban fringe of Enschede city.

Swaminathan (1984) tries to analyse the impact of a growing.metropolis on agricultural

land use in the Madurai region in Tamil Nadu.

Jothimani (1997) took three major metropolitan cities of Ahmedabad, Vadodara and

Surat in Gujarat to delineate major urban land use classes using topographical maps and

IRS-LISS II satellite data. He delimited the sprawling suburbs and identified the zones of

growth as well as the emerging suburban land uses such as developing

industrial/residential cluster and dynamism in rural fringe agricultural areas. These help

in identification of typical land use zones and their territorial extent.

Sudhira and Ramachandra (2003) focus on the urban sprawl pattern recognition and

explore the causal factors for urban sprawl of Udupi and Mangalore area. Survey of India

Toposheets, IRS satellite data and GIS are used for developing a model of sprawl in

urban environment.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved



Rohtak city is located at the meeting point of 28˚41'1'' North latitude and 76˚12'42'' East

longitude in the NCR region of Haryana on National Highway No. 10. Spread over

100.57 km2, it lies 70 kms north-west from Delhi and 240 kms south of Chandigarh

(Figure 1), the state capital.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved



This study approached the use of a series of remote sensing data to prepare land use map

of the area and land use change map. The data required for the present research work are

listed below.

1. Census data of the area

2. Meteorological data of the area

3. Various other urban related information’s from different sources.


The area under Rohtak has undergone rapid urbanization and tremendous economic

growth during last few decades. Most of the economic development activities are focused

in and around Rohtak area. These changes have rapidly transformed area from a

subsistence agrarian economy into rapidly industrialized country. The growing

urbanization in the outer periphery of Rohtak area has created pressure for the changes in

the land use pattern. Main activity of the area is agriculture, which generates income for

the farmers. The area has been experienced sharp changes in the land use pattern during

recent years. Infrastructure development (e.g. road networks, electricity) has further

enhanced the land use change process in the area. It is important to study the driving

forces of land use changes to understand the change process.


General objective of the study is to develop a methodological framework for a systematic

study of dynamic spatial changes to suggest the land use changeover of Rohtak from


Specific objectives of this study are:

To identify the land use change dynamics over Rohtak Area;

To identify various utility services and their possibility within the area.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


To implement the utility and planning for future urban planning.


Availability of advance technology and multi-temporal data availability is the scientific

tool for assessment of urban land use change dynamics of any area particularly

assessment of impact of fast growing city on various landscape.

The main finding of this research work shall be utilized for assessment and monitoring of

landscape changes over the time and to find out the major causes and rate of urbanization

in the area. The results of this work can be utilized by decision and policy makers for

proper utilization of resources and for sustainable development of the area through the

use of latest available techniques of remote sensing and GIS.


Exhaustive literature survey of the topic of investigation will be undertaken. Published

literature, reports will be collected from various libraries, institutes; Govt. departments

etc. Besides, relevant literatures like reference books, bulletins, review etc. were obtained

through internet. This phase comprises of literature review for the understanding the

complexity of a dynamic phenomena of urban change and environmental impact within

the Rohtak City. Selection of appropriate satellite data for the research work. This phase

will be comprises of detail survey of the study area and its fringe areas in different

Seasons, GPS surveys, instrumental surveys, photographs, questionnaire survey etc.


It includes the collection of different spatial data and their pre-processing such

gereferencing of various data sets, creation of AOI , digitization of various layers,

preparation of maps and selection suitable landuse classification scheme of the area.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


Various classifications will be applying for classification of landuse / land cover map

preparation of the area using multi-temporal satellite data and their accuracy assessment.


Generally, two major processing groups may be distinguished: physically-based and

statistically-based methods, both in combination with image processing techniques. In

most hydrological applications, statistical methods and image processing have proved to

be most effective. These techniques do not ask for complex physical measurements

which can usually be carried out only for very small areas. Statistical methods are,

therefore, applicable over larger areas whereas physically-based methods are preferred in

basic research. Visual interpretations are still a meaningful technique for analysing

remote sensing data and may even be preferred to digital analysis techniques in certain

situations (e.g. in field campaigns in remote regions or in projects where no or only

limited computer equipment is available). The most common applications of remote

sensing data in hydrology are related to the investigation of cloud cover, impervious

surfaces, floods, land use, radiation, rainfall, snow cover, soil moisture and surface

temperature to name a few important applications for monitoring and forecasting. Some

of these applications are presented here. Additional examples may be found in Engman &

Gurney and Haefner & Pampaloni which give an overview of the variety of remote

sensing applications in hydrology. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) — in addition

to remote sensing - have contributed significantly to applied hydrology in state and

government monitoring and forecasting projects. GIS technology can provide resource

managers and decision makers with tools for effective and efficient storage and

manipulation of remotely sensed information and other spatial and non-spatial

information . Remotely sensed data, effectively integrated within a GIS, can be used to

facilitate measurements, mapping, monitoring and modelling activities. Designing and

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved


building a GIS database may be an expensive enterprise since it includes the import and

entry of data from many different sources (this means that very often data have to be

digitized from source documents). Data themes can range from hydrological (e.g. runoff)

and climatological (e.g. temperature, precipitation) to data from both point and areal



Remote sensing and GIS technologies are well established tools and are routinely used in

applied hydrology. In conventional applications, either results from remote sensing or

from GIS analyses serve as input into hydrological models. During the last few years,

research has focused on the question of how to integrate both technologies with

hydrological models in integrated analysis systems. Remote sensing is presently in

transition from a descriptive phase to a quantitative technology. Measurements may be

carried out from the ground (field measurements) but the advantages of remote sensing

applications in hydrology as a source of spatial information (in opposition to point

measurements) becomes more obvious if sensors on air- or spaceborne platforms are

used. The sensors measure the spectral characteristics of interest and their variations in

time over large areas, providing data input into various hydrological models.

Additionally, remote sensing data represent an important input Open for discussion until

1 February 1997 594 M. F. Baumgartner & G. M. Apfl into algorithms which allow the

derivation of hydrological parameters. Remote sensing - especially using spaceborne

sensors - offers the advantage of long term (years to decades) temporal and spectral data

sets over relatively large regions (local to global scale) and, therefore, of monitoring the

(temporal, spectral and spatial) variations of objects at the Earth's surface.

KIJAHS/APR-JUN2016/VOL-3/ISS-2/A16 ISSN:2348-4349 IMPACT FACTOR(2016) – 6.8712

Copyright © 2016 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved



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