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30 October 2010

Today’s TabbloidPERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]



THE GUN by C.J. ChiversOCT 30, 2010 11:12A.M.

THE GUN by C.J. Chivers

History of the Kalashnikov Rifle or AK-47

Mikhail Kalashnikov Inventor of AK-47 Rifle - read more in THE GUN

by C.J. Chivers

“…eye-opening…it‘s hard to resist a narrative that ends with

a world awash with a weapon that has killed more soldiers

and civilians than all the high-tech planes, missiles, bombs,

WMDs and America‘s sophisticated rifles combined. An

entertaining work that combines technical details,

biographies, political maneuvering and insightful military

history.” –Kirkus Reviews

The Gun is a model of research, historical writing, military

expertise, and a soldier‘s ungrudging respect for a weapon

that really works.? –Thomas Powers, author of Intelligence


“This superior history….[is] written incisively and

researched exhaustively.”–Booklist

“The Gun does exactly what the best art history or music

writing does—it opens our eyes to see anew the familiar.

Chivers’ reach and scope is syncretic, omnivorous—he is

dazzling in his research and reporting. This is a book about

connections between people and culture, people and history,

nations with nations. Chivers pulls together vast threads of

an expanding portrait and what emerges is startling. The

Gun is filled with a sense of discovery in the way that John

McPhee‘s work is filled with delight, tribulation, and

surprise.” –Doug Stanton, author of Horse Soldiers

“The Gun is for those who wonder how we fight today and

why we fight that way. C. J. Chivers has given us a seminal

work that will be respected by future generations trying to

understand us.” –James Bradley, author of Flags of Our

Fathers, Fly Boys, and The Imperial Cruise

Simon & Schuster

Roseburg, OR --( It is the most notorious,

widespread, and lethal firearm in the world.

Created in the Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War, the automatic

Kalashnikov rifle, or AK-47, as it was first called, was a breakthrough

weapon – a cheap, simple, and reliable device that allowed ordinary men

to kill other men without extensive training or undue complication.

It was used to crush anticommunist uprisings in Eastern Europe, to

battle American troops in Vietnam (who found it far superior to the

early versions of their own M-16s), and as a symbolic statement by

Osama bin Laden in his first taped message after the attacks of

September 11, 2001. Today it remains a leading cause of battlefield

deaths for American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, and terrorist-

training records show that an introduction to the Kalashnikov is often to

be the first class given to the young Islamic men who sign on for the


In THE GUN (Simon & Schuster; October 12, 2010; $28.00), Pulitzer

Prize-winning New York Times reporter and former Marine infantry

officer C. J. Chivers presents a rich, engrossing, and comprehensive

narrative history of this ground-breaking weapon – not only as a killing

tool but as a strategic and political instrument that has changed the rules

of war and influenced security and development in large sections of the

world. Some six decades after its invention, the armies of more than fifty

countries employ the Kalashnikov, as do myriad police, intelligence, and

security agencies. But by design and by accident, it has long since passed

beyond the control of governments. Authoritative estimates place the

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number of Kalashnikovs and their knockoffs as high as 100 million – one

for every seventy people alive. It is now an everyman‘s gun that marks

the terrorist, the guerrilla, the child soldier, the dictator, the drug

trafficker, and the thug as much as the professional soldier.

THE GUN by C. J. Chivers

THE GUN is a well-organized and fast-moving narrative that operates

at several levels. At the most basic level, Chivers focuses on the original

AK-47 and its many derivatives and companion firearms that have

flooded armories and arms bazaars around the world. He examines their

origins, design, production, distribution, stockpiling, export, and use as

one of the predominant instruments of war of the past half-century – a

status they are likely to retain for at least a half- century more. But he

seeks a larger context, and to equip the reader with a full understanding

of how war has evolved and where the assault rifle fits, he traces the

development of automatic weapons from the American Civil War

through two world wars, the Cold War, and Vietnam to the present day.

Chivers shows how the Kalashnikov became the product of evolutionary

processes in firearms and ammunition development and changes in

military and economic thinking that accompanied an industrializing and

polarizing world. But this is not merely the story of a weapon and where

it came from. It is a chronicle of how war has changed, a rich work of

history and a journey populated by geniuses and fools, ruthless villains

and naïve idealists, self-promoting salesmen and incorrigible profiteers,

a pantheon of killers of all stripes and, now and then, people who wanted

the killing to stop. The book‘s vivid and rigorously reported character

sketches – of expeditionary military leaders in the lopsided colonial

fighting in nineteenth-century Africa; of a famed arms designer who was

a trigamist and apparent draft dodger; of Winston Churchill reacting in

horror to industrialized war along the Nile; of the treacherous lives of

officials in Stalin‘s Soviet Union; of the first known guerrilla to carry a

Kalashnikov in an uprising, in Hungary in 1956; of an enraged young

Marine officer who stakes his name and his career in an act of

conscience; of a bodyguard shot by Iraqi assassins 23 times at close

range – make THE GUN a feat of storytelling, and elevate the story of

the AK-47 to an engaging history.

What is this rifle? At first glance, the new AK-47 was an oddity, a rifle

deviating from the classic forms in many ways. A midsized weapon that

fired a medium-sized cartridge, it was not powerful enough for long-

range sniping duty, but it could push out blistering automatic fire for the

length of two or three football fields. As American Marines found in

Vietnam, a single guerrilla with a Kalashnikov could slow an entire

company‘s advance. It was so reliable, even when soaked in water and

coated with sand, that its Soviet testers had trouble making it jam. It was

so simple that it could be disassembled and reassembled by schoolboys

in less than thirty seconds flat. Weighing less than ten pounds and easily

concealed, it was an eminently well-conceived killing tool, which could

be easily wielded with efficiency even by the small of stature, the

mechanically disinclined, the dimwitted, or the untrained.

Stalin’s Contest: The Invention of the AK-47

Drawing on years of research, a trove of exclusive sources, and

declassified documents from both the West and the East – as well as on

battlefield reportage and interviews with revolutionaries, terrorists, child

soldiers, arms dealers, conventional grunts, and Mikhail Timofeyovich

Kalashnikov, the man credited with the weapon‘s design – Chivers

travels the world, establishes a firm historical record, and demolishes

many myths about the AK-47. Legend claims that it was born out of an

epiphany at the workbench of a Russian sergeant, Mikhail Kalashnikov,

who was competing in a weapon design contest in Stalin‘s Soviet Union.

In fact, the acronym AK-47 abbreviates two Russian words, avtomat

kalashnikova (Kalashnikov‘s automatic), which pays tribute to this

proletarian hero of Soviet propaganda. The numerals signify the year the

Soviet army accepted the prototype for mass production.

But as Chivers shows, the political, military, and industrial system of the

Soviet state was the real inventor – both of the AK-47 and its fables.

Chivers also reveals how the United States, the incubator for rapid-fire

arms in the nineteenth century, repeatedly misread the path of

automatic arms development in the twentieth, leaving American soldiers

and Marines badly outgunned by the 1960s. The Vietnam chapter is

rooted in ground-breaking reporting and research that reveals the fullest

story ever documented of the debacle of the Pentagon‘s introduction of

the M-16 (a hurried reaction to the AK-47). The chapter uncovers sham

science and official embarrassment and folly, including secret U.S. Army

–lethality? tests against decapitated human heads and severed human

legs from India. The tests had been covered up for almost five decades.

The chapter also reveals internal memos and correspondence from the

manufacturer, as well as secret Pentagon correspondence, showing that

the men who pushed the early M-16 into service knew it was a faulty

weapon that needed to be reworked, and yet sent the rifles to Vietnam

nonetheless and kept quiet about their choices as the rifles failed in the

hands of G.I.s.

Chivers rejects all myths, and resists repeating the received wisdom

surrounding the world‘s most visible and abundant firearm. He explains

how the Kalashnikov became the most important line of firearms in

history not simply because they work well and are easy to handle, but

because Warsaw Pact military standardization mandates and their

production in planned economies assured they were manufactured in

outsized quantities. As its numbers grew and reputation spread, and as

the Kremlin and the White House realized that their stockpiles of nuclear

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weapons had made total war unwinnable, Stalin‘s rifle became the

defining weapon of the Cold War. Small wars and proxies would be the

means through which the Cold War would be fought – and the automatic

Kalashnikov would be the perfect weapon with which to fight it. –The

Kalashnikov Era had arrived,? Chivers writes. –We are living in it still.?

Everyman’s Gun

With its stubby black barrel, dull brown stock, and distinctive banana

clip, the Kalashnikov is the most recognized weapon in the world. It has

been used prolifically not only in armed clashes but also in political art

and ritual displays. More than a weapon, it has also become a symbol –

first of the industrial success of Stalin‘s Soviet Union and the socialist

way, later of popular insurrection, armed liberation, gangland stature,

and most recently of jihad. Kalashnikovs guard South American coca

plantations, serve urban gangs in Los Angeles, are hoarded by

survivalists in the northwestern United States, and have been used by

ivory poachers to nearly exterminate elephant herds in Africa.

As Chivers observes, in the aftermath of the Cold War, the

overabundance of AK-47s has remained a persistent factor in terrorism,

crime, ethnic cleansing, and local and regional destabilization. The

weapon‘s ubiquitous presence empowers undisciplined forces to commit

human rights abuses on a grander scale, raises the costs and exacerbates

the dangers of peacekeeping missions, emboldens criminals of many

sorts, stalls economic development, and increases the social burdens of

caring for the wounded, the orphaned, and the displaced. Shipped by the

millions to regions rife with the tensions of poverty, poor government,

and high ethnic, religious, or nationalist sentiment, the AK-47 has

helped to instigate and expand conflicts.

Ominously, specialists in armed conflict look to the price of Kalashnikovs

in a nation‘s open-market arms bazaars to determine the state of risk.

When prices rise, public anxiety is considered high. When they sink, the

decline can indicate a conflict is ebbing. Chivers, a veteran of combat

zones around the globe as both reporter and Marine, writes, –Anywhere

large numbers of young men in civilian clothes or mismatched uniforms

are carrying Kalashnikovs is a very good place not to go; when

Kalashnikovs turn up in the hands of mobs, it is time to leave.? The

Twenty-first Century’s Rifle

The AK-47 is a Cold War weapon with a legacy as yet unresolved, a

legacy that continues to threaten people and security across much of the

world. Chivers proposes that because governments have focused

elsewhere, Kalashnikovs and the people who have put them to ill use

have killed and maimed more people, and dragged many regions deeper

into disarray, than they might have otherwise. He looks at certain

programs that have met with limited success in ameliorating the effects

of assault rifle proliferation. But, unaligned with any interest group or

side, he leaves the question of the best means of relief and abatement –

of methods that might bring a degree of peace and stability to many

troubled lands – to other hands.

With THE GUN, award-winning reporter C. J. Chivers gives us a

gripping, exhaustively researched, and far- reaching assessment of the

most important weapon of our time. It is sure to be of intense interest to

readers fascinated by military and international affairs, the history of

firearms, the legacy of the Soviet Union, the evolution of modern

warfare, or of a well-told tale that furthers an understanding of the world

today. And with its probing historical analysis, vivid reportage, and

provocative moral dimension, it will be equally compelling to those

concerned with the origins, dynamics, and resolution of global conflict.

–Far too many people regard the study of weapons as an illiberal art,?

Chivers writes. –The chronicle of automatic firepower, viewed through

the AK-47 and its infiltration across the world, suggests otherwise.?

CLICK Here for Video of this book

About the Author

C. J. Chivers is a senior writer for The New York Times and its former

Moscow Bureau Chief, as well as a frequent contributor to Esquire. From

1988 to 1994, he was an infantry officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, and

served in the Gulf War and in the Los Angeles riots before being

honorably discharged as a captain. His work has received several prizes,

including a National Magazine Award for Reporting for the

reconstruction in Esquire of the terrorist siege in Beslan and a shared

Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting for coverage in the Times of

combat in Afghanistan. His war reportage from 2003 to 2009 in Iraq

and Afghanistan was selected by New York University as being among

the Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade in the United States. He

lives with his family in Rhode Island.

More Praise for THE GUN

• C.J. Chivers, a brilliant war correspondent, is an equally capable

military historian. By telling the story of a gun–well, not just any

gun but arguably ?the‘ gun–he reveals much about crime, war, and

terror, and he does so in convincing and compelling fashion.?

• Evan Thomas, author of The War Lovers

• Thanks to C. J. Chivers, every G.I. and Marine in Vietnam who

threw down his jammed M-16 in despair can trace the development

of the better weapon he envied. The Gun is part a biography of

Mikhail Kalashnikov and his AK-47, part grim social history and, in

all its parts, entirely absorbing.?

• A. J. Langguth, Our Vietnam: The War 1954-1975

• C. J. Chivers tells a remarkable story of how this one, superbly

reliable firearm became the most abundant ever produced, and was

to exceed the consequences even of Soviet nuclear know-how in the

Cold War, and beyond.?

• Alistair Horne, author of The Price of Glory and A Savage War of


About the Book


By C. J. Chivers

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Published by Simon & Schuster

Publication Date: October 12, 2010

Price: $28.00

ISBN-10: 0-7432-7076-2

ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-7076-2

eBook ISBN-13: 1-4391-9653-2; eBook ISBN-10: 1-4391-9653-2

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

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at Ammo

THE GUN by C.J. Chivers

Tags: AK-47, Gun Books, Gun Writers, Kalashnikov, Shooting Media

News, Simon & Schuster


Valkyrie Armament IntroducesBelt-Fed, Semi-Automatic AR-15 RifleOCT 29, 2010 02:03P.M.

Valkyrie Armament Introduces Belt-Fed, Semi-Automatic AR-

15 Rifle

Valkyrie Armament Belt-Fed AR-15 Rifle is your conduit to politely tell

those that ask you why…to go pound sand.

Valkyrie Armament

North Ridgeville, OH --( In a continually shifting

world of firearms gadgetry, today’s discriminating second amendment

protector is finally offered an AR-15 style rifle that utilizes time proven

technology of Colt in a belt-fed configuration.

The Belt-fed, Semi-Automatic rifle (BSR – Mod 1) borrows from the

original Stoner/Colt belt-fed design and utilizes modern technology to

precisely machine the removable belt box and feed tray mechanism that

converts a standard AR-15 style rifle into a belt-fed, semi-automatic

support weapons platform.

Coupled with the proven design concepts from the original Colt system ,

Valkyrie Armament LLC can now provide all riflemen and women with a

weapons platform that can utilize a virtually unlimited ammunition


Maintaining 85% parts compatibility, modifications to the upper receiver

and lower receiver in the form of cut outs and a bolt carrier drive system

are the only design changes.

Complete BSR – Mod 1 weapon systems are available in addition to

customer supplied conversions. Msrp $3300.00 for supplied rifle


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…

For those that are looking for that tactical, belt fed, 5.56mm weapons

platform…Valkryie Armament is your answer. Born from an idea that

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness starts with a warm, belt-fed

rifle, Valkryie Armament has reinvented the time-tested model of

Eugene Stoner’s belt fed conversion into a modern day phoenix.

In the shooting sports, there are many options for you to consider when

looking to buy a semi-automatic firearm. Rifles, pistols, shotguns…there

all out there for you to consider. When looking for a belt fed, weapons

platform, however, your options are far more limited. Cost, function, and

caliber are three areas of concern that Valkryie Armament considered

when improving the Stoner design. There just isn’t a more affordable belt

fed, 5.56mm rifle on the market today.

Why a belt fed AR15 style rifle? Because you can.

We’ve all heard it before…why do you own an “assault rifle”…why do you

need a “scary, black rifle”…why, why, why?

Simply put, because you can. In this great land of ours, the liberties that

we all enjoy were born in the barrels and breeches of our forefather’s

flintlocks. This truth is undeniable; however, it is continually under siege

from the violent storm of opposition.

Valkyrie Armament is your conduit to politely tell those that

ask you why…to go pound sand.


• 39 years of machining experience

• 18 years experience USMC officer combat veteran

• 10 years full time Leo

• Colt certified armoror

• glock certified armorer

• Certified firearms instructor

• Valkyrie armament llc Class 2 SOT


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Valkyrie Armament Belt-Fed AR-15 Rifle

Valkyrie Armament Belt-Fed AR-15 Rifle


Valkyrie armament llc, it was formed in 2009 after a lifetime of being

firearms enthusiasts we decided it was time to put our expertise in

manufacturing to work in the firearms industry so we decided on a

historic project to resurrect the stoner convertible belt fed design and so

we present the new BSR-mod 1. Visit:

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Valkyrie Armament Introduces Belt-Fed, Semi-Automatic AR-15 Rifle

Tags: AR-15 Rifles, AR15, AR15 Receivers, Black Rifles, BSR, Gun Parts,

Semi Auto, Valkyrie Armament


When is a Rifle a Pistol?OCT 29, 2010 01:40P.M.

When is a Rifle a Pistol?

Mini-14/30 Folding Stock Style Rifle

Michigan Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners

Michigan - -( Q: I have a rifle with a folding stock. I

understand that it is legal under federal law since the so-called “Assault

Rifle Ban” expired in 2004. But, I’ve been told that I should register the

gun as a pistol in Michigan. Is this true?

A: The answer to the question of legality under federal law depends

solely on barrel length. The answer to whether a given gun is legal in

Michigan is a bit more complicated.

At the federal level, the National Firearms Act (NFA), which has been

around since the 1930′s, arbitrarily set the limits at 16 inches for a rifle

and 18 inches for a shotgun. The reasons are lost in the mists of time.

But, the law remains.

So, you are in violation of federal law if you are in possession of a rifle

(with any type of shoulder stock) that has a barrel of less than 16 inches,

unless you’ve applied for, and received, an appropriate tax document.

(The length measurement has been construed by ATF to include any

flash suppressor or muzzle brake that is permanently attached.) The

same is true of any shotgun with a barrel of less than 18″.

Under the more-restrictive Michigan law, any gun with an overall length

of less than 30 inches is a pistol, and must be licensed and registered (the

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so-called “safety inspection”). Back in 1985, then Attorney General

Frank Kelly issued Opinion No. 6280 (interpreting MCL 28.419 and

MCL 28.421 et seq, as well as MCL 750.224b et seq) It states that if a

folding-stock weapon is capable of functioning at a length less than 30

inches, it is a pistol. This applies even though the gun may have a stock

attached, and therefore would not be considered a pistol under federal


Furthermore, if the gun is capable of functioning at a length less than 26

inches, it is considered a “short-barreled” rifle or shotgun, even if the

barrel itself meets the minimum federal length requirements under

federal law as noted above. “Short-barreled” rifles and “short-barreled”

shotguns are illegal in Michigan. Manufacturing, selling or possessing

them is a felony punishable by imprisonment of up to 5 years and/or a

fine of up to $2,500.

To sum up: The magic numbers under federal law are minimum barrel

lengths of 16 inches for a rifle and 18 inches for a shotgun. The magic

numbers for Michigan are overall length requirements: Under 30 inches

folded, and still able to shoot, register it as a pistol. But, under no

circumstances can your gun be able to operate at a length of less than 26

inches if it has any kind of shoulder stock attached to it, folded or not.

Of course, there is no minimum size for a pistol that has no shoulder

stock and is properly registered as a pistol.

This information is provided by The Law Offices of Steven

W. Dulan, PLC , . These answers

are intended as general information only and should not be

relied upon as legal advice for any specific situation or case.

The facts of each case vary and you should consult an

attorney whenever you have specific questions.


The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners is a non-profit,

non-partisan organization. Formed from just eight people in 1996, we

now have thousands of members and numerous affiliated clubs across

the state. We’re growing larger and more effective every day.

Our mission statement is: “Promoting safe use and ownership of

firearms through education, litigation, and legislation” Visit:

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When is a Rifle a Pistol?

Tags: ATF, Gun Laws, MCRGO,, Michigan, Michigan

Coalition For Responsible Gun Owners, NFA Firearms, Steve Dulan


Mexico Mayors & CNN BlameAmerican Guns FirstOCT 29, 2010 12:33P.M.

Mexico Mayors & CNN Blame American Guns First

National Rifle Association

Charlotte, NC --( Well, just when you think you have

heard just about everything.

Fox News reports that “A coalition of Mexican mayors has asked the

United States to stop deporting illegal immigrants who have been

convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to Mexican border cities, saying

the deportations are contributing to Mexican border violence.”

Apparently, the mayor of Juarez — the world’s most murder-plagued

city, across the border from low-crime El Paso where Americans are able

to buy and carry guns for protection — said “that of the 80,000 people

deported to Juarez in the past three years, 28,000 had U.S. criminal

records — including 7,000 convicted rapists and 2,000 convicted


This, on the heels of a CNN story noting that Mexico’s foreign minister,

Patricia Espinosa, has claimed that violence in the United States is not

related to illegal Mexican immigrants, but that Mexico’s violence is

caused by guns smuggled into Mexico from the United States.

Predisposed to spinning the news in favor of gun control, CNN

attempted to bolster Espinosa’s claim by quoting a former Carter

Administration staffer to the effect that, as CNN put it, “more than 90

percent of weapons in Mexico come from the United States.”


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

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continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit:

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at Ammo

Mexico Mayors & CNN Blame American Guns First

Tags: Anti-Gun Media, CNN, Gun Banners, Gun Crimes, Mexico, NRA


Holloway & NaughtonHandmade GunsOCT 29, 2010 11:57A.M.

Holloway & Naughton Handmade Guns

Presented by Cheyenne Ridge Signature Lodge

Holloway & Naughton Handmade Guns 28g SBS R&S No-1

Sporting Classics Magazine

Columbia, SC --( The city of London is big. Really


Over seven million residents. Nearly 12,000 folks per square mile.

Like New York City, it’s wide-open, sizzling, rocking and rolling around-

the-clock. On the other hand, Kathy and I are not big-city types.

Got a stoplight and a Wal-Mart? That’s big enough city for us.

After a couple of days visiting midtown gunshops, watching The Queen’s

Cavalry, staring at Buckingham Palace, shopping at Harrod’s and

dodging vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road (I was hit by a

bicycle and was called several names), we were ready for some fresh

scenery. So when Andrew Harvison, owner of Holloway & Naughton and

Premier English Shotguns Ltd., invited us out to the English countryside

for the day, we were happy to oblige.

Tuesday morning, after a quick bite at the Cartref House Bed and

Breakfast in London, we grabbed a cab to Marylebone Station to catch

the train out to High Wycombe about 30 miles northwest of the city.

Along the way we watched the landscape change from urban sprawl to

quaint hamlets, rolling pastures, forests, hedgerows and classic English-

style farmhouses. This was more our cup of tea.

When the train stopped at High Wycombe station, our host greeted us

warmly before driving us out to West Wycombe Park where his gun-

finishing work is done.

Well-dressed, well-spoken and well-mannered, Andrew Harvison is the

classic English gentleman, but with an even more relaxed demeanor.

That’s attributable to his preference for the country life as opposed to the

fast pace of “The Square Mile.” In fact, no portion of the Holloway and

Naughton operation is located in London, but every gun is 100-percent

English made. That was one of Harvison’s goals when he rekindled the

firm’s trademark.

“We made up our mind to design our own products and then

take them to the market,” he said as we rode through the

countryside toward West Wycombe,” rather than jumping on

the bandwagon of copying someone else’s design, or indeed,

using somebody else’s components.

“We employ twelve people total,” Harvison added. “Our

engineering base is in Leicestershire, where we employ four

craftsmen who design and build components. The parts are

then sent to outworkers. Barrels are put together with actions

at one place, then on to stockers and engravers.

“The outworkers then send the components back to us, and

after all the bearing surfaces and other fine details are

inspected, the guns are assembled and we add the finishing

touches. The entire process can take up to two years per gun,

though we are seeking ways to shorten that time-frame.”

One of Andrew’s favorite workshops is the one tucked away at West

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Wycombe Park.

Westwood Hall, the home of Sir Edward Dashwood

“You’ll enjoy this,” he told us as we traveled the paved drive that climbs

up toward the estate. From that vantage point we could take in the main

manor house overlooking a serene lake and acres of verdant pasture.

“This is very, very famous,” Harvison said. “It’s Westwood

Hall, the home of Sir Edward Dashwood. It’s been in the

family since the fifteenth century. These people made a

fortune out of tea and the old empire. This whole estate is just

absolutely incredible.”

Pointing to the lake, Harvison explained that big parties held there

during the 19th century became wild affairs.

“Attendees such as baronets and chancellors built small

pirate ships, which they sailed around the lake,” he said. “But

sailing was just part of the fun. They had live cannons and

would actually fire cannonballs at one another . . . they held

sea battles.”

Quartered in an 18th century church building a short walk from the main

house is Harvison’s finishing shop.

Holloway & Naughton Handmade Ryder Cup Gun Base

Inside, the small building was crowded with tools, blueprints and work

tables. The walls were decorated with various European mounts from the

estate, including roebuck and the muntjac, a smallish deer with short,

spiked horns and two-inch fangs.

As we watched a gunsmith at work, Harvison pointed out that the firm

produced 12 guns last year – a fairly lofty number for such a small


“We’re different,” he said, “because we do everything in a

modular sense. Unlike the others, we start with a clean bit of

paper on every design. From the beginning, we sat down and

designed a gun, then we designed another one and another

one and so on. No one has done it that way since before the

Second World War.”

The Holloway and Naughton name precedes Harvison’s ownership by

more than a century. In fact, the name has been highly regarded in

British gunmaking since the early 19th century. Thomas Naughton

started building guns in Birmingham in the mid-1800s and by 1888 he

was working for James Carr on St. Mary’s Row. At that time, George

Holloway, a purveyor of fine guns, was also interested in gunmaking and

saw Naughton as the ideal craftsman.

In 1909 the name Holloway & Naughton was born. Prior to World War II

about 90,000 Holloway & Naughton branded firearms were made, with

many sold in the U.S., India, Australia as well as Britain.

During the war, production ceased as the workforce was called to war.

The factory was annihilated in a bombing raid on Birmingham, and all

plans, blueprints, machinery and records were lost. During the following

40 years only a few boxlock guns were made.

In the early 1990s Harvison resurrected not only the brand, but also the

high standards set by the early Holloway & Naughton craftsmen. Today,

with his unwavering attention to every detail, be it a shotgun or rifle,

Andrew Harvison is being taken very seriously in the gun world.

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Harvison developed a love of shooting at an early age and by 1967, he

was the owner of his own shooting ground. Over the next 17 years he

developed two of the foremost commercial shooting centers in the UK,

which hosted many regional and national events. Harvison represented

his country for nearly 20 years at sporting clays, skeet and trap

competitions. He captained the England skeet team and collected a host

of shooting honors, including the British Open Sporting Championship

and English Skeet titles on two consecutive occasions.

After visiting West Wycombe, we drove out to the E.J. Churchill shooting

ground. Just in time for lunch, we enjoyed a delicious meal of prawn

baguettes served in the dining room. Afterward Harvison led us through

the Churchill shop to a 12-gauge Holloway & Naughton Britannia

displayed on the wall.

“Would you care to shoot some sporting clays with the Britannia?” he

asked. I thought about it for roughly one-thousandth of a second before

answering in the affirmative. Andrew broke the sidelock over-and-under,

looked down the glistening barrels, then passed it to me. I studied the

$65,000 shotgun in my hands before gently draping it over my arm. The

stock and forearm were cut from the finest Turkish walnut. Smooth,

handsome and shaped for shooting, they complemented the English

scrolled action and top-grade barrels.

E.J. Churchill shooting ground.

Soon, Harvison, Max Jellicoe, one of Churchill’s many shooting

instructors, Kathy and I were walking along lush green pathways to the

course to give the Britannia a try. Jellicoe and Harvison had previously

run several rounds through the gun, and had no doubts about its

performance. They wanted to see how this American, who swore he was

only an average shooter, would handle it.

The first thing I noticed was the Britannia’s balance and how it mounted

perfectly to my shoulder and eye. With a few tips from the two

instructors nearby, my shooting was, well, simply smashing! If I could

borrow the Britannia, or pay for it in itsy-bitsy installments, I could

finally be a hotshot back in the New World. But no deal.

Later, in the clubhouse, Harvison explained that the firm also produces

the Britannia Field Model, which is similarly well-balanced and fast-

handling with its slim stock and fore-end, light barrels and fine rib. The

gun is engraved with traditional English style scroll.

Driving back to the station for our return to London, I asked Harvison

what he considered his greatest achievement at Holloway & Naughton.

“To have designed every single part, every single component,”

he replied . . . “to make something as beautiful as this from

scratch, has been a monstrous achievement. To have

accomplished this as an independent gunmaker is just a

million to one.”

To find out more about Holloway & Naughton, visit

Holloway & Naughton Handmade Ryder Cup Eagle Gun

Sporting Classics Magazine Sept/Oct 2010


Sporting Classics is the magazine for discovering the best in hunting and

fishing worldwide. Every page is carefully crafted, through word and

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picture, to transport you on an unforgettable journey into the great


Travel to the best hunting and fishing destinations. Relive the finest

outdoor stories from yesteryear. Discover classic firearms and fishing

tackle by the most renowned craftsmen. Gain valuable knowledge from

columns written by top experts in their fields: gundogs, shotguns, fly

fishing, rifles, art and more.

From great fiction to modern-day adventures, every article is

complemented by exciting photography and masterful paintings. This

isn’t just another “how to” outdoor magazine. Come. Join us! Visit:

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at Ammo

Holloway & Naughton Handmade Guns

Tags: Custom Guns, Double Barrel, English Guns, Gun Collectors, Over

Under Shotguns, Shot Guns, Side By Side Shotguns, Sporting Classics



R.A.R. Guns – Black Rifles fromthe Best BrandsOCT 29, 2010 11:08A.M.

R.A.R. Guns – Black Rifles from the Best Brands

R.A.R. Guns - Black Rifles from the Best Brands

RAR Guns

Castle Rock, CO --( R.A.R. Guns is pleased to

announce our association with several different black rifle and

accessories vendors.

We worked hard in the last year and have added the following premium

brands to our RAR Line up. LMT, Adams Arms, Spikes Tactical, Del-

Ton, Yankee Hill Machine, Timney Triggers and Black Hole Weaponry to

our RAR Line up.

At R.A.R. Guns, we want to be able to offer as many top quality choices

and options as we can.

Lewis Machine & Tool

LMT is an industry leader in the AR platform world. LMT provides

weaponry to US Special Ops Command, US Army, US Navy, US Air

Force, US Marine Corps and other government agencies and bureaus.

They build their rifles with unsurpassed quality and we are proud to be

able to offer their products.

Adams Arms

We added Adams Arms to our lineup because of their reputation with gas

piston systems. Their conversion systems are easy to install and work

flawlessly. Their monolithic uppers make for a great build for those who

want a great, ready to go, reliable gas piston gun.

Spikes Tactical

When we started selling our guns, we chose Spikes Tactical for our lower

receivers. We did not make this choice lightly. Spikes Tactical does a

great job on all of their products. After using many of their lowers and

never having a single problem, we decided to take on their entire line.

We feel that the Spikes Tactical product line adds and affordable, quality

rifle and parts selection to our lineup.


We’ve had many, many customers ask if we carried Del-Ton products.

We knew who they were and we also knew they made a good product at a

good price. So we looked more deeply into their products and decided to

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add them as a vendor. They offer an amazing amount of configurations

and choices for the customer to choose from. Now we can offer the public

those choices as well.

Yankee Hill Machine

Yankee Hill Machine is another company we have been dealing with for a

long time. We are particularly fond of their free float hand guards and

sights. They make a very high quality product at a very affordable price.

It wasn’t a tough decision to start carrying all of their products.

Timney Triggers & Black Hole Weaponry

Timney Triggers the leader in drop in trigger assemblies. We felt we had

to add them to our product line. They offer triggers for all types of guns

and now even for archery. A rifle is only as good as it’s barrel. So we now

offer the superior quality of Black Hole Weaponry barrels. They offer

polygonal rifling, custom fluting and more.

R.A.R. Guns offers military and LE discounts on everything

we sell. We also offer discounts to the general public under

certain conditions. We are very competitively priced. Not all

products are available on our web-site. If you don’t see what

you’re looking for, please call us. 303-495-5406


RAR Guns. Home of the best AR 15s in the world. We don’t just assemble

parts. We measure and test each part before it is installed. Then each

part is function tested to insure proper operation. We have several AR15

models to choose from and we also build to your custom specifications.

We warranty our AR15 rifles for workmanship for a full year no

questions asked. Our AR15 rifles will even perform with most Russian,

steel cased and polymer coated ammo. If it breaks or has a malfunction

within one year of purchase, we will correct the problem for free. Visit:

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at Ammo

R.A.R. Guns – Black Rifles from the Best Brands

Tags: Adams Arms, AR15, AR15 Accessories, Black Rifles,,

Lewis Machine & Tool Company, RAR Guns, Spike's Tactical, Timney

Triggers, Yankee Hill Machine


Preserve Your FirearmsFreedoms By Voting Pro GunOCT 29, 2010 10:56A.M.

Preserve Your Firearms Freedoms By Voting Pro Gun

New York State Rifle and Pistol Association

New York --( Do you want to preserve your firearms

freedoms, promote youth hunting, increase access to public lands and

ensure Conservation Fund monies are wisely spent?

On November 2 make your voice heard and vote for those candidates

who will support you in Albany and across the state.

2010 General Election Candidate Ratings and Endorsements

New York State Rifle and Pistol Association 2010 Candidate Ratings

The grading system is as follows:

• A Outspoken supporter of RKBA/sponsors pro-gun legislation and


• B Supports RKBA/votes for pro-gun legislation and initiatives

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• C Cannot be counted on to vote pro-gun/possibly clueless and/or

does not understand the issues well

• D Opposes RKBA/votes for anti-gun legislation and initiatives

• F Outspoken opponent of RKBA/sponsors anti-gun legislation and


• ? Did not survey/unable to survey/did not return survey

Notes: It is much easier to get an F than it is an A. A person must have

publicly demonstrated his support for the RKBA to receive an A.

Incumbents are in bold. NYSRPA/NRA members are in italics. NYSRPA-

PVF endorsed candidates have a * next to their grades.

Check our webpage for last minute additions or corrections.


The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is the state’s largest and

oldest firearms advocacy organization. Since 1871, our organization has

been dedicated to the preservation of Second Amendment rights, firearm

safety, education and training, and the shooting sports. Our membership

consists of individuals and clubs throughout the state. We are a not-for-

profit 501(c)4 organization and the official NRA-affiliated State

Association in New York. Visit

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at Ammo

Preserve Your Firearms Freedoms By Voting Pro Gun

Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Endorsements, Gun Politics, Gun Voters,

New York, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, NYSRPA


Maryland Natural ResourcesPolice BlotterOCT 29, 2010 10:29A.M.

Maryland Natural Resources Police Blotter

Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Annapolis, MD --( Allegany County – On October

25, 2010, the Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) charged Donald

Sneckenberger, 75 of Hagerstown, Md. and Doy Sneckenberger, 46 of

Hagerstown, Md. with hunting bears with the aid of bait. This offense

occurred in the Little Orleans area of Allegany County.

Baltimore County – On October 25, 2010 at 9:20 p.m., NRP charged

Daniel Scott Pieper, 23 of Whitehall, Md. with hunting at night and

possessing a loaded weapon in a vehicle. Pieper was stopped as officers

were investigating a suspicious vehicle on Hunter Hill Road. NRP seized

two loaded weapons from Pieper’s truck. The weapons seized during the

incident were a loaded Bushmaster .223 caliber rifle equipped with a

silencer, night vision scope and a laser sight and a loaded .22 caliber


Garrett County – On October 25, 2010, Maryland Natural Resources

Police (NRP) charged the following individuals;

• Donald David Gutermuth, 53 from Baldwin, Md. was charged with

hunting bears with the aid of bait and Lee Cliford Brenneman, 63

from Accident, Md. was charged with the use of attractants to lure

bears. This incident occurred on private land near Bittinger.

• Charles Dock Crigger II, 52 from Middle River, Md. was charged

with hunting bears with the aid of bait, failure to wear fluorescent

orange and failure to maintain visual contact between permitees.

Earnold Lee Crigger, 52 from Middle River, Md. was charged with

hunting bears with the aid of bait and failure to maintain visual

contact between permitees.

• Jerome Stanley Ziemski, 55 from Baltimore, Md was charged with

hunting bears with the aid of bait and failure to maintain visual

contact between permitees. These charges occurred on private

property near Swanton.

• Rex Allen Penick, 55 ofWestminster, Md. and Terri Lynn Penick,

48 from Westminster, Md. were both charged with hunting bears

with the aid of bait. This incident occurred on private land near


• James Bennett Wood, 42 from Westminster, Md. was charged with

hunting bears by the aid of bait in the Oakland area of Garrett


Garrett County – On October 26, 2010, NRP charged Allen Eugene

Soth, 55 from Swanton with hunting deer with the aid of bait, hunting

bears without the permitee and possession of deer during closed season.

This incident occurred on Backbone Mountain near Swanton.

Worcester County – On October 27, 2010 NRP charged James Melvin

Steward, 33 from Fruitland with casting rays of artificial light onto fields

and woods with a weapon in possession and possessing a loaded weapon

in a vehicle. This incident occurred in the area of Old Furnace Rd and

Whitesburg Rd near Snow Hill.

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at Ammo

Maryland Natural Resources Police Blotter

Tags: Conservation Officers, Law Breakers, Maryland, Maryland DNR,

Poaching, Wildlife Officers


Yamaha Reminds Hunters toRegister to Win a New 2011Grizzly 450 EPSOCT 29, 2010 10:13A.M.

Yamaha Reminds Hunters to Register to Win a New 2011

Grizzly 450 EPS

In Honor of National Hunting & Fishing Day Yamaha’s ATV

Sweepstakes Remains Open Through November.

Yamaha 2011 Grizzly 450 Auto. 4x4 EPS


CYPRESS, Calif. --( Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A., the

leading maker of ATV and Side-by-Side (SxS) vehicles for outdoor

enthusiasts, has donated a new 2011 Grizzly 450 with Electric Power

Steering (EPS) in honor of National Hunting and Fishing (NHF) Day’s

celebration of outdoor recreation and conservation. Yamaha wants to

remind outdoor enthusiasts that they can still register to win.

This year’s NHF Day celebration was held on Saturday, September 25,

2010, and proved to be a great success – with 120 registered events held

in more than 40 states. The Yamaha ATV sweepstakes, which remains

open through November 30, 2010, was promoted online and at NHF Day

events nationwide. Anyone can enter to win by registering online at

“As a sponsor of NHF Day for the third year in a row, as well

as a partner with numerous other conservation organizations,

Yamaha supports preservation efforts across numerous

recreational activities,” said Steve Nessl marketing manager

for Yamaha’s ATV/SxS group. “NHF Day celebrates

sportsmanship values, ethical outdoor activities and

conservation — all of which are principles Yamaha has always

promoted and will continue to support. NHF Day is reflective

of Yamaha’s core recreational values and we are proud to

sponsor this important and commemorative day.”

“Year after year, NHF Day’s successful events showcase the

celebration’s effectiveness in promoting the importance of a

healthy environment in outdoor sports throughout the

nation,” said Denise Wagner of Wonders of Wildlife museum

in Springfield, Mo. — the official home of NHF Day.

“Yamaha’s donation for the ATV giveaway is a prominent

feature in NHF Day’s celebration. NHF Day is very grateful

that Yamaha’s similar interest in conservation has provided

support for this important cause in the hunting and fishing


The sweepstakes is open to all outdoor recreational sports enthusiasts.

One lucky winner, 18 years-of-age or older, will receive a 2011 Grizzly

450 EPS. Approximate retail value is $7,499. No purchase necessary.

The sweepstakes continues to be open until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard

Time on November 30, 2010. The winner will be determined by random


More information on NHF Day is available at Complete

rules, entry details and additional information are available by visiting

About Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A.

Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A., (YMUS), a leader in the motorsports

market, makes the toughest, most capable and versatile ATV and Side-

by-Side vehicles. The company’s ever-expanding product offerings also

include motorcycles, outboard motors, personal watercraft,

snowmobiles, boats, outdoor power equipment, race kart engines,

accessories, apparel and much more. YMUS products are sold through a

nationwide network of dealers in the United States.

Headquartered in Cypress, Calif., since its incorporation in 1976,

Yamaha also has facilities in Wisconsin and Georgia, as well as factory

operations in Tennessee and Georgia. For more information on Yamaha,


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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo

Yamaha Reminds Hunters to Register to Win a New 2011 Grizzly 450


Tags: 4x4, ATV, Contest, Hunting Gear, National Hunting and Fishing

Day, NHF Day, Off Road Vehicles, Side X Side, Yamaha


Day 6 PlotWatcher Trail CamSuccessesOCT 29, 2010 10:00A.M.

Day 6 PlotWatcher Trail Cam Successes

Mike Strickland’s Massive Buck

Day 6 Outdoors

Columbus, GA --( A few weeks ago, Mike Strickland

was watching a 193-inch buck at 80 yards using his Day 6 PlotWatcher

time-lapse video camera, now that buck is up on his wall, and he can see

him anytime he wants.

People all across the country are getting this type of result thanks to the

PlotWatcher Time Lapse Video Camera. Does your game camera

produce results like this?

Not your traditional game camera, the PlotWatcher videos daytime game

activity around potential hunting locations several days leading up to

your hunt.

When you review the footage, you can see what you would have seen had

you been sitting there. Using the information the video provides, you can

make an educated decision on when you should hunt and which spot

offers you the best opportunity.

• Check out the PlotWatcher footage of this buck at

• You can see trophy shots at

The PlotWatcher doesn’t rely on a motion-activated or heat-sensing

trigger to work, so the animals don’t need to be close to the camera in

order for it to take their picture. Using time-lapse video technology, the

PlotWatcher takes a picture every 5 to 10 seconds and saves these

individual pictures as an HD video.

The GameFinder video player software comes free with the PlotWatcher

and has been developed to give you the ability to watch an entire day’s

video in just a few minutes. For optimum performance and to preserve

your camera battery’s life, use a 4GB ReadyBoost USB to download your

video to your computer.

Stop by the Day6 booth at the 2011 SHOT Show in Las Vegas to check

out the new PlotWatcher camera boasting updated features and

technology that will help improve the quality and success of your hunts

even more.

For more information on the PlotWatcher, check out

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Day 6 PlotWatcher Trail Cam Successes

Tags: Day 6 Outdoors, Deer Hunters, Deer Hunting, Hunting Gear, Trail


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Direct Components Announcesthe First & Only Black TacticalLightOCT 29, 2010 09:44A.M.

Direct Components Announces the First & Only Black Tactical


Direct Components UVGS7 Black Tactical Light

Direct Components

Lake Forest, CA --( The highly anticipated UVGS7

has made its launch September 7th. UVGS7 is the first and only Black

Tactical Light on the market.

Released earlier this month by Direct Components, the UVGS7 is the

latest in a new concept of aiming light technology which provides

maximum safety and flexibility in critical situations, rapid target

acquisition and all the benefits of IR lasers without the use of optics.

“Based on our proprietary laser design technology, this new

ultraviolet diode laser operates with low amplitude noise,

higher target fluorescence, tight focal length, shorter Rayleigh

length and extremely low power consumption in a compact

laser housing” says Steve Mencanin Direct Components

President and CEO.

The laser is nearly invisible to the naked eye until the beam hits the

target; due to higher energetic frequency target materials fluoresce to

user, and not the target. Designed to improve range and visibility in day

and night conditions, UVGS7 offers faster target acquisition, zero beam

track back, no effect on night vision and is fifty times more visible than

any green laser aiming light on the market.

Direct Components UVGS7 Black Tactical Light

Due the unique properties of the UVGS7 UV spectrum laser, users will be

able to recognize the beam faster, in day or night settings, than a red or

green laser, never lose track of the beam in a heavy action situation and

the target will not be able to track the beam back to the user.

Mencanin says” These unique UV properties make the

UVGS7 the safest and most effective aiming light in the


Mencanin also boasts, “That in conjunctions with all of the

safety and accuracy features the rugged devices remains

light-weight and meets the MIL-STD-810G requirements for

reliability under harsh conditions.”

Available for handguns, M-4, M-16, AR-15 and other weapon confirming

to the MIL- SPEC 1913 rail. UVGS7 comes in four versions the 5mW,

50mW, 100mW and 150mW.

Features include: rugged aerospace aluminum housing (MIL-SPEC

Type III hard coat anodized), power warning indicator, multiple user

modes, light weight, no rail equipped fore grip required, “Bread Crumb”

capability, and ultralow parallax. Manufactured in the U.S.A. this patent

pending device comes with mounting hardware, battery & 7 inches

remote cable switch.

About Direct Components:

Focused on accuracy, efficiency and safety; Direct Components is the

aiming laser and target acquisition source. To learn more log on to

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at Ammo

Direct Components Announces the First & Only Black Tactical Light

Tags: Direct Components, Laser Sights, Laser Technology, Low Light

Shooting, Optics, Tactical Gear

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