Page 1: Alford Campus - Top 5 Priorities

Alford Campus Consultation Top 5 Priorities

Each group created a list of five priorities for the Alford Campus which were displayed at the front of the room. Each participant was given nine votes, to use against any of the 25 generated priorities. More than one vote was given to each participant so that they could choose whether to spread their votes out or use them up on one or a couple choices, depending on what was most important to them for the Alford Campus. The votes were then counted and the top five priorities were read out - these are shown below along with the number of votes they received.

1. Building should be appropriate to the site and look and feel like it belongs uniquely to Alford. (31 votes)

2. Café culture – more relaxed eating and meeting to add to community spirit. (25 votes)

3. Eco-friendly – solar power/wind turbines/lots of natural light and motor sensor lighting – lighting must feel warm and inviting. (22 votes)

4. It would be like a village by creating a hub – meeting areas. (20 votes)

5. Community campus – not school with add-ons – using flexible inside/outside space. (18 votes)

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