  • Aerial C.111111: and Cl•••lfle1itl0ft or Hounta.ia

    -.. la t.i..oi...!f


    L,..... liicl>OU

    iluk.11 Dtpt. of FUtl 41\4 Ca"t

    C.0• r It• 99 .S 7 2


    Repl teat• aer1al count.a were coa.dllC.ted o[ • hard oC approxi.NtclY

    200 aooata (~ ~) ldiAg • PlP'fr PA-1 ... UO S•cr Cub,

    Count• wre condwcted over • 4-y .. r ,.r1od. 1a sprla.&, •~r ud f1.U,

    ••cl ... der varlabl• vuthcr ~tlOlll. luulu wr• COllllP'•red vttb tbote froe JTOVftd comu: of por-t:iou ot thfo herd, aDd • btUcoprer covat of

    the •nttNt Mrd. Vhftl p~rly dotwt, COu;1t• •d• Uftdtr good•

    (1 •••• ov11rc••t tk.le•, lfOft light, no turbulitn«), !JI .. fly to aids.-..e:r,

    Ir.eluded llbout 90 percent O( tha &08tl fOun.d froe lhl &round OT' heli~ptu.

    k4t•ul t• vere l~r aod llOrc lnconalttient vtten ude 011 clear, sunny days

    btcouae of glnrc and ~cause SOllC goats vert htddtn . Helicopter and

    1ro11nd count•, thought to tnclvdt nearly all 1oar1 tn the areaa cov~red,

    vere t4tYAl In accuracy .

    1/ A c•trtbuUon of F,.Mrat Ald 1a VUdUfa lMtorattoe, PToJe:ct

    A-11-9, 10, 11; Al.aa ...

    - ;n

  • Ctouping1 mltlng. and physlea ! charactt'ri.ltic• by •'-'X and age \iere

    11 cudied !ro11 the around over threu if..-Ors. Sex aruJ .ag~ ch3r•:tct.~ri"tlt4

    b)' ubich goats ~ classtfl\!d are listed. i\lchoush no phy•ic.lll

    ebaracceri.stics "'re CO\ll\d by vtltch co dl3tingu1•h K~l9 oth~r thu.u

    kids, )'Nr"Ling1, •nd "adult!'" Cnlftl .t I1xad"""1ae •ircrll!t, It WR found

    Lhat tumbers o( adult ulu could be ettlJMttd by th.el r group in~ patterns

    •lld stage o( molt. 1tld.ll, ot their small slv, could b~ clae11i(Jcd

    u•ll)' 1n tl.SUller•1 counts. Yearllacs . agaia bj' t'lze. coul d be

    tlaui(led ia aprin& eounu. 8}1111.ttheMtleally eo:cbl ning reaults ol

    sprln-& and swm;e_r oc.titl counts, t:be n1,1:1btra or kids, ye11rllnw.a . adult

    1:13.les, and tOt41 go~ts could bf' e,sti111.1t~d .

    !('! ctt-lmte tho nw:bilr oC n0n-b-rcn:.dlng ? .. yc11r-old anl.aals , and tbe

    nUl%1bcr of odult fc1111lea. 1 ~ccoad year oC aerial count• vas found n~c4!1's~ry .

    A stgnl[it.11\t relation~hip between overvi.nter -=irtaitcy of kid.i>-t-

    yearllnp and ye.o.rlings- to-2 .. ycar-olds vas found to exist, and co\lld b•

    used to •st1mte the nU111ber of z ...•old ao~ts pre11eJ\t tn th., tu1cond frou tlu:s n~r of yeAr .linJ;• prui:nt th• fir•t y~ar 11nd the observed

    kid-to-yeo.rllng DOrtelity betvtteo the flrst and seeond yc~ts. Thus,

    vlth Z years of spring and suallle:r aerial count date, the JmportGnt sex

    and 4ge cohorts can be t>•t luted llnd popul4tlon .OOtl.a c:oastructed.

    These counts could be; !Dade by f!xcd-vln&: .i.irerolt,

  • Froa the ettl•tt.d PoS1ul1t loa model•, sex and age ratio• per 1dult

    ftfUl• coW.d bo obtained. 'ntote r•tio• penalt co.-rlna reproduction,

    recl'Uit-.nt, •u"i"al• etc. betvet.n hlrd.s or years. btio• of kids per

    edttlt feu.Je vere found to differ •ianllicantly berweeo iocreuio.g,

    stable. •nd 6ecru1taa htrd1.

    A.llhou-" thlt -lhod of utlMUa& S-t populaUou appear. •Otmd,

    lt.S aUoJute at(Ur~1 could Ml M lppt&Uff vith t.ff Mtl a.t band. eAd

    lurther •tody vlll N otCetMry to ~re fftlMte.d "1th utUll

    poputatloa C~ltloed.

    • SlS •

  • Jlf11CWCT10ll

    lt bu toq beeo recogDiud that Oot or tht ,, •• , •• , t dtate goal

    re•earch ntttd.t ls to develop t111ethcxb: of lnvtntorylng populatlon.t (Euuu.r.

    1977. II.all •nd !Jib.Aud 1918, H111bert 1978). A &Mit htrd vl\Jch occup1ts

    heavily gt.aclated auntalM northea.i&t. or Hoo1e Pau on tbt Kt:nl.1 Ptoinlula

    vat •tl..,cted , and LL va.x thought to be: confined co the: artll bctvcu

    Trail Clacl•r. Snow River Clac.le.r, Ptanatcan l.Jlke, aad Tratl River.

    O.J l •h•flP (OUt.e d:i!Z.!) th.t.te t~ r•a&e vlth &cwit• south ot Crane Lake,

    t.ut •r• r.trd)' !oad north or dr.tlnagt. lttau.e the arN l• rela;tvel.7

    cllttaril tr09 tM oceu. tile hUd l• con1tdtrtd •11 "'Interior"' rather

    a "cou~al" henl.

    tnvutlptJon 4utlnx. ea.rl7 phaau oC t.h• pru«iat atwd)' reY...Ud

    that tome ~ti la t~i• are.i vere Ctot1ln& tho lit&• icef leld at the ot Sn

  • . ' n . .. 1- I


    . "'

    • 1 ·~ f r ' ' t


    ~ "Stii~eabO:~~=====-~~~-Study uea bound&rJ" Aerial Coun~ sub-~eas -----·---... _ Observ&~ move..oen~ s o! ~;ed: goa-: s .....:.,

    - 527 •

  • iii

    Fig. 2 . Goa..t horn. le.ngth by uge, both sexes combined .


    [I e 200 0 .a ... 0 .., ~ 100




    l 2

    (?) (69) (51) (~6) (26) (19) (12)

    (S5~ i t t t t ±

    3 ,, 5 6 ? Age in Years


    Nco.n " "' ~

    So.mpl o oize ( n)

    9 10

  • lt b.u b

    gelh:.ral UJr;a ov

  • Althouah aerial gOlt counts tr•d1t1on..Uy hive bffn cQQd\KtH

    tndlllonally b Aluka #nil tltMere, lhe .ccvtecy of these'S ls

    llllbow. ~t•rved popaJ.atloc Ch.ID&Ct • J be rul or •rel.J the result

    of co.ting erron. Ltatfe.r (19SS) COllP•rtd 1erUl ud 1nmd C9taD.ta,

    and ••v•ral •trl•l «iunu of the...- Noat•fY Soft heed, bvt coeld aot

    detOl'lltne the ..,C.C.Uf

    aerl1l COUAU frca a flud-vi.og alrt:raft aftd to ile.vitlop, lf possible, a

    actbod for cla1.stf7IAJ coata froa the alr.

    - 531 •

  • lttpltcatt atrial au:rveys 0£ lbla p;at herd wr• cooducted durlq

    •~r 1976 t¥iag a vti.eel-eqllipped Pipe.r IA·l8-UO. 1 flw all couota

    aftd recorctt:d •11 ob•ervattoos in a UP• recorder: t"° ot tM counts vere flovn algne , one v1th an obaervor. Loc1tlons of 111 &oatt 1ecn vere


    When tt beca111C apparent that exten1lve., but un'lniovn, llOYetlf!'qt• vere

    taktna pJace In spring as goats left thelr vlnter range, J decided to

    "lltk • nU!lber or anl.,la to •scert•i.n whetber cM ~rd w1 rcaatning

    vJ1hln th• • esublliMd 1tudJ' arM aocl .. rial C.OWttbg bouod.ar1u.

    n... .,thod cued to •l'k &oats V&$ • midlflc•c-loa of that dde:rl\M!d b)'

    Sl-ons (1,71) tor aerW-ly M.1'\.lnc 0.U •hit•• 111 CtMd.t, ud vb.tch t h41d used 1uce:o1[ully on a previous shHp •tudy (lflchol.I 1973). led dye

    (Colcoctd Sc.orlet 2JU.L. Aae:ricu C)'arwulid Co.) vat atxed v.ith W.te.r at a


  • Add.ttloul repllcare .ierlll surny1 wre ClO'tG during l•t• •pr1ri,g

    aftd •\lmlllr 1977. •~r 1978. and cprlaa aftd • .,...r 1979. le

  • punch urd•. Cordi: "'C!r-t- th,..n punclW>d and Mrte-d aec.of'dtq to data

    ea1.11orlu o( laterut &lld the r.,ultia& ~ta ar.aJyud.

    Ions rrve bunter-ktllll!'d g.~t• oa the> r.:oat haluula \lt_l'f_ t :D.lllned

    •M mp•gr~ by n.~rtaent pel'scn.t'M'l In. fall 1971 and 1918, Annual

    growth Lncr.-.nts were plotted by sex ftRd aae to aaaess horn 1rowth

    rat••· Otl1er horn mcuurieaenta 11tr't ex111Uned for uae •• poaalbl.o criteria

    ror 1cx ditf crentlntton.

    A 9C'ltbod vu deveoloped (or Nth0iiitlc.1lly conttructlng population

    90del • utlllalnA at• lroa both &to\lnd aod 1erl1l COUQt• f-roct comeC'lltive ye•r1. St:Jt aod l:Jl:• ratloa wre utluted fr• lhtt• •fflt.


    Durlng 1..-.r 1976, I t beuae 41pparent that patt vete .ovl11g from

    v tnLer range• Olona the north !>Ides ot f.rnnt tind 1•1.ar11t14n Lllket to

    aumtr rnn1t1 e1&e:W'here. To lc.\rn the extent ot thf!st 110Ve11t:nt1, atrial

    dy~ •r1t1n1 vu uoder;takeu in June 1917, before aprtns •1ar1t.ion.1

    HJ.1t1. D)'• tprayln,a vu cfil'ftduc::ta.d on 8, 10 a:nd 19 June al.00.1 tbo north

    •id• or Craftt take. la all, rwr belly unk lo.di or dye wre tiMd.

    r.aultlq la the Nrtiq of •t le&St lJ Colt•· More .. , llaYll bffa

    urlff ~1 rubblrag •p.iut •erilUf •r\ed •i•t. ""'-Jcb qr. still vet.

    All were .. rited vith red dye; urklag nng•d fr• •laolt co-c>l•te.17 r-ed

    an1•1- to thote vith smaller pink •

    - 534 -

  • H.arbd eolNll vtrt loated duriAg £oUcw-up fUghtl l~ late Jueit

    •IMI ••rlJ July la the dr•!Mga noTdl of C'rul IAkt •• (ar aorth ••

    Tr1U Ct.c l tr. 1'r1cb ve.r-it obser-.-td e-roi..1IQA tti. t!'Xtn• I•,. up,.r Snov

    li•er Clacler tcaf leld •od subs91it.ll'Ol aearcb@• r.v..aled • a~r of

    urUd •nd Ul'llllrked eoau in the dro111oa1e leodtas into Ktoa•• r.ay

    (P~I· 1). nits vas a 41.titance ot over lS 1tr• by Lhtn o• had completely lot1t the ir wlnttr coatt which

    held th( dye), both ea.rial and ground •urvey• 1u&8•Mi•d furth-iir m1;1ve1llflnt•

    Croa J.tns'a IJ.ay 1n aid-Aua.ust. IL 11p 1> Lhll •t ll!llllt pert of th~

    ear~ •~r'a ''population" had iaoved eJJC1Whtrt-- po1albly hnck ecros.s

    tM ice !ie14 into tht Tt.aJl CJacttr area.

    la •• a1tnpt to team sre about these 1.-tr movtmntt•. l rtd

    4,_..,.,q4 20 So&t.a Lo ling'• &ay Vall.ey oa 15 arwt 17 Augwt 1.978 to

    tvo dropa. On 18 Aupst, l u.rke-4 aaothtr 10 blut on cM north aid.t of

    Trill Ct.aclc.r vlth one dr-op. Un(ortUMte.17, St bt ... n retntng ai.o.t

    immtdltitoly thereafter aqd ap1•11rt•nt.I)' Vbhwd Lha Jy~ off, Wlrh tl1l.a

    - S35 -

  • -thN. the dre dou-a' t "'sa:t" b the halt b1o1t •rely tlncturp tbe

    11.1rt1c~ of t~ Utr1 md r=:•n• vater aolualtle. rev •r\ed aoaa vue

    obM~d afterward.a. and co mv~t data wt• obta.i•d.

    lath C..cbffr (19SO) and luck (1973) aoted IJIOV ... QLI or 10.ta out

    or ••rly 11~r r•na~ ln M\.lch rf911u to be le.t.flHld •bout

    llOllMtlln &Oil lllOYCIDCl\ll biJfOfC lt c-an be Atlu-ed th11i glvt1n h11rda v-111

    bt found

  • cc)unt• "•te conducted in May, June. and July. 11.C'cau•e of fundfns and

    vellther problems. heltcoptcir tutvtyM wore not conducted tn 1'76. 1977,

    a• 1979. aor v"re other ptlot•observer tettPS niadc avallablc to a•"t~t in

    tM repUc•te t Lxed .. vin.g aerial cognts. One detallcJ hullcortl1r co~t

    V.iJI made of tho cnt.Jre 11tvdy •cca on 2 .Wgv4t 1!178. AJI .at1riAI count

    re..sulu ate au..1riud in t11bl• 1, vhL;.h U)ljbi Cchmt rdullt by ttudy

    art11 at:pent.

    Wbt.n the. 6tllJy Uat began in 1976, nothing v.u \novn of the llOVefllCft.t!I

    to and Crom'!l B&y and r tbou&ht tlte .iblt.141 J:tudy 1rca bOundartes

    £rou Trail to Pt4talgan t..i ltot. tntompU1cd thLi entire lttu'd. In

    !act, 1 asaU111Cd ctie Tro1il Glacier to tlrant Lake., and crat1t I.AU to

    Pu.mi.po Lab aegDl'nts CODf'1'1ded 1110rt or 11"$$ ditctc.'tt p-opul3ttons 31'1d

    so could bt: eonald.ere.d aeparattly for counting purpo.sc11. Subsequl!.nr:

    aoveaio:nt 1.nfoni:atlon 11hwed t..h1l th~re v1111 an .interc:h11n1• o! toatar

    becveen the Tt"ail Glacter-Crant Loka aer;.mt and Kin.a•• lay Vallty. tr

    go.c:s t;tossed trc:cly ovtr the ice ft.let butve.en th.eaie two areaa. there.

    v•• oo re•son to doubt 101111: lllOVc.i:lllfmt llJ.i,thL Oc.cur betwun Ptanali):an and

    Crsnt Lakes. nterc-foro, cxcovt J.n 1.976 , the atudy area ws con.atde.r!:d

    ... a vhol., for ceMuslog purpose.$ (A.rt4 T). Hwevt.r, cho •ub-4t\l.48 wvr•

    U!nt•ln .. d for u.itsu in ~unt!ng (Table 1).

    Reg-re••lon• v"r1t1 c•lcul•ted for tbe relatJ.onshlpo: bet'-'cen nwnb~r o(

    IO#CS counted On • glv•n eount 11eginnnt; aad th~ tiltl!- sp~nt Nklng the

    count. No slgn!f!CAnt r•lAtlonshipir vete found; 1.e, , " longer, oorc

    intensive count did oot tM!:ce9si11.rt ly r~ult io nor. o\ucervl!"d. All

    counts included were Ullldc with approprlate dlllJgence, lt 1s

    - 537 -

  • Tabl«- 1. Su1111111ry o! n~r-Jnl so..,t c-ounts by llUb-At't.!1.8, 1976-1979.

    Are,,!/ !!.l! Hon-kid.a !M! Yurlirias !2.!.!! Conditiorur cci11

    I 7/18/76 6l 21 86 Poor 8/4/76 62 23 SS Fair/poor 9/l/76 79 27 106 Fai-r/poor

    7/24/76 J6 IS SI Poor 8(23/76 35 11 •6 Poor 9{5{16 l8 12 so l'oor/hlr

    T 8(16{11 us 48 18) &xcell11.nt l 9()/)7 120 Poor 4 9{Uf11 124 l/. 158 Excelle.nt I

    9(24-26/77 l26 ~itlr 3

    1 S{21{11 83 14 83

  • T•blia 1 (Cont.) .

    AT:u!' !lfil No1rkids Kid• .!earllnas Total .£on4i.tlon1 fill.I 3 7/10/78 1.0 14 5.\ Fotlr

    7/25/78 s• 14 68 ExceU~nt 8/2/IS(H) 56 14 70 f.oo

    ]./ counting c.onditio1tS lndexj applied only to counts o! entire study area:

    1 Ell:ct.llent 2 Coad 3 Fa tr

    • Poor :Jl HLlicopte.r count

    - 539 •

  • thAt an accuracy•tt .. relttlonthtp could be de-ao•tT•ted by co;iparing

    qu.tck, c•rolut counu vtth lonaer, .ore «re.fully coodvcted flights.

    A• flr•t I thouWit th•t ('lt"•r. CAL• day• vould k best for aerial

    .-urvey•. bi;i, it .000 Mc•• .-.lffnt th•t ao•t• often vier~ djf(fcult to dlltingui1h fr• tMlr baclc.around lo \r-tght 11m1Jght er a...nh ab.adGiv,

    end that &ritatitr ....,.,, Wff •H• oo Uy• vi th • hl&h overcaat. prodociAg • soft, e:Yftl ll&ht. •&ardl••• of ll&ht condltiClcd, tw'bul.Uit ah

    prevented Nfe fl-IPt l1tto ~1A4 t.ltqUd or close to •lopu ud

    r1d.&t• •f fected by atvere dolil1Mfr•ftt, f urt.l'.ttcr rf' obs~tvat:100Al


    CountlnJ condltl~ durln& taeh aerial 1ur~7 ~rt crouped into

    feur 111.neraJ cl••••• · and .. eh 1tven • eountlng eondltlon ind~ (Ctl).

    n11:10 indJ.c:" veror 1. bc11llt1nt ... htah ov1rc••t, cat. air, e.ven 11aht:

    2. ~ - good liaht but •nt •!nor tutbule.nce or occutooal clouds on

    the hl~u~r peakt; 3. htr - 10-., bright •ua and isllro , •0'9a arua 0£

    nodcr•t• Lurbulence, IOflt! LOI.I clouda ob1curlng hlaht:r rldgci:111 , plltch.u of

    nev •nov i>n hlg.l.or ct1rT'9t11 above Ml"Nl soat ho.bl1:11,-or a colllb1nat1oo

    of such Colld.ttin•: 4. ~ • hot vlth br-lght IWl •nd har-sh light, vith

    or vithOul turbuJenc•. 'nlttll• 'ndlc•• are tltOVO 111 T•ble 1 fo• th•

    •urvf!yl con.d\l~ted on th" f'fttlre •tudy area.

    U1tn1 only tho1e counts frn flxtd~lll.l aLrcr.,(t vhlch included the

    .-ocire atudy are.a, •M Vhich ahould ti.ave ~ unafftttd b)' in.tra.-atta

    90Y .. nta, total aoaca counted, total •du.It.a (non-ltlds) tou:ntH, and kldt counted vere C010artd vlt.fl the CCl for 12cb count •r linear

    • 5'0.

  • reCTessJon. A highly •!gnlflc.ant relat.ion•h!p (r • .815, DP • 6, P

  • c~1ntN v .. hJgh. tt ....... mon- lll""l1 th• re.ult or dtfftc:ulty tn cl•••tfytn.g

    k.14.t &Mt lat• to ta. Tear.

    On otM.r tAao. Ula, ove.rast dlys. tM ooo-kld and k14 porttou of

    the COW\l OV•r•S.Cd 61 and 1:0 ~rct:Qt • respectively• of thit a.~rl found

    on the bo1t dAytJ, Th.1.t suggests th•r ao,.. adult• than lt:td.a vert •1aaed vhtn c:ondtttons vere not Croupa or !e:aales vtth ktda vere W1ually

    lorge t1no11gh to be ob.served d~pltt viewing condSttons, vhile under poor

    ltght or turbulcnc:e condlttons , a1ngle adult• and 1 .. 11 aroupa lif'Ould be

    aore dtfttcult to apot. An exception vu found durtns th• u rly ae.aaon

    ()0 Kly•S June 1979) tutvcy , tJh1a 92 pcrc4tnt 11 .. 1'1 •dultt vtr• •••n

    w.der PoOr t011t1tlt11 coadltlons .as lurtn& the but coat later ta JUD* ,

    FIMd-vlftg count• could M ~rff vlth a heUcopter IU1'Vef only

    l• 1971. the hdicopt•r 11:urv-r W:J Md• pn:1UNbl1 Huua-1 lt vovld be

    alllOll lOO pere«nt u.cur4t• AIM! provide • ba11la of C0111part1on for oth~.r


  • •• vcU •• oa &Oriti outside the •la 1rudy area. Cround elu•lflCjL.loas lt.altff to thoai! arll!&I when oUenor. pr•-bly C

  • ble l . AerlaJ. v•. gro11rtd counts for s4.lectcd a~c h~rds and dates.

    Area Dato Type count Norrokid.s ,)I Kid• A TotM A conditJons

    arm.1a4~/ 7(24176 l'ixed .. vfng 22 . 96 9 1. U Jl l.00 Poor V1Ucy 8/23176 Fl x-ed-vtng 22 • 96 1 .88 29 .94 t3.if

    " 9(5176 P'ixed-vlng 24 l. 04 9 L U 31 1.06 r .ur " (compodt)lf C:round 23 8 31

    .. 1 /28/11 PU.d-vlng 21 .66 11 .85 32 . 7l l'oor " 8(16(77 f'lxtd-v 29 .91 11 .85 40 .89 ~el1Mt •• 9(3111 Flud-vi11& 29 • 91 10 • 77 39 .87 Poor •• 9(1)(11 Ftxod .... vlng 22 .69 8 .62 30 .67 &xcillent .. 9/26117 FJ ited-111 ng 22 .69 11 .85 33 • 73 Good " (compo11lt) C:raund )2 u 45

    " 7/10/7~ f1xcd- vrng 27 • 96 u 1.00 38 .91 Coocl .. 7/23/78 Fixed-1,,1lng 30 1.01 10 • 91 40 1.03 Ext~Ucnt .. 8/2/78 He.Uc:;opter 29 J.04 u 1.09 41 l . Ol .. 8/11/18 C4J-"1ng 40 • 87 l4 l.08 S4 .92 laUcy 7/25/78 Tlxed-"1118 •o .87 12 .92 S2 .88 Exullent

    •• 7/29/18 Cro1.1od •6 l) 59 • 8/2/78 ~Ucopcer " .96 l2 . 92 56 • 9S F•ir " 1IZ6f19 r.row:id 28 9 37 H 7f27f79 f'txod-vtn,s 22 . 79 9 l.00 31 .8' Poor

    lnll Ht. 6/19/18 Cto1,1nd 25 15 40 " 6/28/78 Fixed-win& 24 .96 13 .81 31 • 93 Cood

    ·n Lake.!/ 5/ 5/78 Flxtd-vi ng 18 .86 ?!I 1.00 20 • 87 Cood " S/ll/78 Fixd-ving 19 • 90 z 1..00 21 • 91 Excellent •• S/17/78 C·rouud 21 2 23

    Accur•cy u a perce:rtt or tbt' &round count. Ot\ly thOstt areas ~vercd b)' tbc around counts. k.5t esUmtc based on several count.s on different datu;. 1977 d~t4 not used; \,Ill.Ible to comp3re aerial vs . ground are• coverages . Out$1dc regular atudy aru but rcadll)' vtatble Cro111 the hiaJivay; vi nteri..spring .population . Ycarllng..s: no l.l'lmbe barn by cbit1 d4te .

    - 544 -

  • ground without unlu:iown O'\l'erlar and a.b•cd arl!BS due to the e.xt r~

    rugg~Wtess of the ternain. Hence. for 5enl'.r•l popul111t-lon ccinwu,. ln thi.a

    part of Alaslc.a. around nrveysc ar't 1-;>r•crical. 11te)' 4te u5eJul ,

    h~v·r I ln obt.aining •ccurat(! C:Ourll'.9 and c:tassUic.atiOM or (Ctt41n

    acce•slble sub-populatlona.

    t.n comportng the ac-cutac-y or the Super Cub (ounts relative ro the

    ground ~WlU. lt \lff (ound th"t 1..o the.Sc- 1'C-l3t1Vely 4CCf'lltliblO ftff'ftR

    eounttng con~ltlons did not dlgntftcantly ftffect results. thereCorc .

    nortnl cet1.$l~ resu1t4 vuc luaped rc.g3rdless of countin¥ c:onditlon'!l. It

    v&s also found that tb~rc were no $tAt1stlcally ~tgnt(icnnt dlfferences

    in accuracy between tbc four sub- poruJat(ons c:ounted. nor ~cwcf'n cohorts

    countud (non ... kfda, kide, tocul tiioaca) . The averAgc ccmpocit accuraclot

    o( tl.u ftnd-vln& counta and thi:Jr 9S pcrc11nt confidence ll•ltl vcr1.1:

    non .. kida 87.6 ± 6 .0 porccmt: kid• 92. 6 ;t 6. 3 l>(trccnt ; total 'oo.ts 88.1 ± 5.1 pe~ccnt. ~ut . thu •verage atcuracy of the Super Cub countf.

    OQ these scmple herds va.s about 90 percent (89 ! ll).

    SiD:Uar «liillp•r:i1001 could bo md-e between ground f.:01.mts 11nd helicQpt1r

    count• only on th• K.inRa Bay Valley .t1od i'tArml&.an Yall•Y ..;ub-Popul11tloll~

    L1 1978. A strong, but not 1tatl1tlca.lJy 11ign!fic.ont 0 di((orance (P< .06)

    was l0und in a.ccu\'acy levtlt atU:locd bst:v•en the tvo ar~s. with relative

    nccuracy hither ln the Pt and.'4n Valley t.ou:nt. Howover, coo ft-"'

    sup.let are available for -.itnlugful an.nlyai.s. Average rels.tive: accuracle:s

    ot th~ t\10 areas coaabtned 1.0n-kldt 100.0 petc-0:nt (n • 20 • • 5.66);

    kids 100 • .5 perce:ot (n • Z, s • 12.02); tot al goats 100.0 percent (n • 2,

    e • 1.01). lrt the tWI aro.a• t:0119•r•d, thit ·tavorag;: r:_elativ• • ""racy

    botvui.::n heUeopter ~n.d ground co\11\t-' ~ 100 ~rccnt (Cf9S x • 100 .! 71) .

    - ~5 -

  • Kott s-u ot.Hrved troa tk arou.ct wre c.l•••Sftff ti!)' au, -.d au

    by •st clua. li~-of-t:~)' ~rt nor textd. nor wrt lat 7e.arlinp.

    A.11: claues ued ven-: kid (those an.WU; t.o"' durtna the current

    1.-,r), yu.rlina (an.illi!lla boni dutil'I& the pr•ViOUI 1..-er), 2-yu.r-old

    (onlaal.a 24 llOntbJ old on or about 1 June), and .adult (1Jl 1niaala over

    36 niontht ot age}.

    Th l1t clA.ssJftcatlon -li)'£t

  • vith a 110re a·oa.ular appttara:nc:0. and U$UillY arc aore divergent than

    thou of Mles.

    In an 4tte90t: to quantify these. d.i!Cermc:v1. Qoot hOTU$ t~kt-o ln

    the l976 hunting season verc iocatur~ by ~p.taT.tll

    Depc. 0£ Fish and CallC filcG. uopub.). J C091pared inean bns~ clrcu=fcronce•

    a nd 1'1.Jtn length• be.tveen ••xes by •ge l.llSJnti; thc;o pJ11 red t - teJll..

    circumfereace at all •A• 11JVel11 W4ll •l~lflcil.ntl)' t1"«!4tt;tr tn malcll t hat\

    io fcmnles (e< .OOt), but length vaa no A rough approxlution

    of the llll!An basal diameter vat obtained by a.s9'9iftg the base& to be

    circular ( horns ate tou&hlY ov:iJ i" cr6ss ie

  • No statistically stgaiti.cant difference-a 1o•ere found in &Egment

    length by age becvcen $exes, again excepting year 1 ta which c.tle horn•

    ~•CQ 61gnif1cantly longer tha;n those of feA.1.lea {PT ml.jj• than for fo:taalc:s dul'L)g tl1e

    first; 2 ye:ir111, ond th.nt growth varied bctvtt•n aex.s in length , as

    voll u by yettr. Bocaut0: t could d:L

  • Teble 3. Goat horo aegi:ent lengths in mn by age •nd sex, •nd rel ated statiecics, 1977 and 1918 data pooled.

    Horn segmc:nt Kean cotol Standard SQ.Dpl\i S!giU.r.tcont M~on cotol lcngr

    (•g•) Sex length deviat ion size nr t dlfference? o :>nd i c:~ 1 nc.o.d

    ii' .

    I 74 .7 33.2 S6 82 ) . 41 1•49 -

  • nut. horrua or Mle &odt:t were Cound to M •ipi!tcantly thickt.r,

    q vlievecf froa \toth aide and froftt, thlo thOte or feulH. end the space

    l!l.l"ffll horn bu•• vu lcs:s 1A rel•UOll to the baM: v ldtht to Mld ti.a.a r.-1••· TI\a• dlfferecu at'e obvlOl.l.9 to th• tr&lnH qe. and ve found horn•, alOM. vere nearly .alv.iys au aASeciuat.e crlttrton for detend.rdas,

    the •t• or 2-)'l!•t-old and oldt-r goats. \i"'tn homt1 wrt clt.arly visible and •~• va1 floOt ln doubt, t lotcr dropped _,. tnttlal rtqutrt:91tnt of

    vtwln& urlnntlon r~ture or gentt.al11 for llftX identlftc.atton.

    liorn 11'.'ftlotth In rel.atton t.o rar 111.n&tb Viti U11ful in iclentltyina

    ktlbl ~nd y~arllnlCJI , f~tcr (1978) found tho horn•to--••t ratio

    (MD) tn •~rlr •~r v.tS about 0. 7 to~ yeo1cUqs. la late •--r, tbis

    ratlo r1Aehit4 • 1.4 for yurllQ&s, ar:td 0.1 for k.tdt. Our obterYarlOllS

    coaflf'lltd tMf.t relatloublps.

    lody •Mp• •n4 •lie ace also ~uruJ c.r-ltert1 Cor stox dtrrereat1at10Q

    ln Odult tO&Lll. H.ibbs (1966) fetund lhal •dull Mnnt•11 Wlf" a•n•rally

    10-20 percent sllllller than adult billie•. Lentf•t (19SS) wa• •bl• to

    1ttoup ktJ .. , ycorlln~ 1 Z-ycar-ol.d1, •nd adult• on the bl•I• or shoulder

    l1vtd1t, •nd out oh11arv.)tlOD5 agrc:td 11tlth ht". tn t1ddttton, "'

    ct1i11t n:innll"• IJ8llllly M.d t.hlnoer necka and It•• Ms.stvt ahouldtrt tMn

    bll ll••·

    r .. 1. '°''' alvays ub.11>1t black Nlwal patc.h•• •• the uu ... raJMd but RO •1allar cbr\ •rN 11 •Ulblt OD .. 1... la a..-r, the

    •l••' acrot.- art rtadlly visible; iii vlater. tons b-tr 1eo.nU1

    • 5SO •

  • cover• Lbe..H org.u.s. low.Ver, addt a.Jl•• ne.rly olv•y. lpv(I • f.llrl-

    M1Nrff l'\,llf t.a !au •Did vinrer. \lhflt• r~tca ad '°""'goal> ~ff re:tat.lvcly clu.n coau.

    Table 6. auaar1:z:es exrcrul. vitible chlrlCt•r-lttlu vhfch aay bf'

    u1ed to classify goat.s by sc:x and age wtltt'I V19'1ed froa the grOUnd. ""

    vota able to classlfy tltOll t-roa a dlac.1nco or 1 •Ile or .or_. uJ1lng a

    Quo.1ter or Celesc-ron telesco~ on daya wlth few heal vaV(')I.

    Croupln& by S.x and AJ;•

    Malt IOltl art as:u.tlly solitary 1n aumrr. or art fo.d fa ...U

    sra...p• of OM co five (ltadborc 19.SS, C..ubttr 19l0, Cha.dvfck 1911,

    1917, 191': Hibk 1965, Holroyd 1967, t.oder 1955), ThoJ .. ,...llJ

    rta1iD searei.attd fro. the- 1dult f,•, 2-re•r-olds, ytarltriis. and

    kid 1roupa, although they do occa510ftally •lnctt with the• for a ahorc

    tiae. llowaver, they are not a pare or the1e aroup• vtl.en they

    do 10, "nd ao the.Jr separate vay ar. th.i i.1 lVhtc.11t dt•curbunce (Hebert

    1967). Young malv11 rculn vlth tl.u fc1111la a,rou.,i111 until artor they reach

    2 1/2 years or age utu.~n thty buain a rtl4t1V('lly 1olltary t:xiut"'11c"'

    (oxctpt dvrln.g the rvt) (0,ad\l·Jck 1973, HJ.bbtl l%~).

    1be &rouplq of •ll goa.ts clustfled f111 •-r• 1976 through 1978

    it: ll•t.d la Tilble S, and plotced snpbtc•lly la Pta. ). lfo ••gntftaint

    dlff•r.nus could be d9tected lwtt"'-"'"1 tbtil ,....._.,,.., co data va:•t1• puol~.

    tbroughout lb.•~. about 9.S P9r'Unt of •It adult blllld vet• (ou:nd

    ln .. 1.-onJ:r aroup•; the teaialntna s p1rc.nt ..,., ...... tn a.uodatlan

    - 551 •

  • T"bla 4, Useful crlter-J• for d1•tlnguiahll'li se.x end 4&t- ot ll)()Unts1o goats

    tlur-lnR 11u:wer.

    Se.x , Ctuaracterlstlct

    Sm11 ll alte obvious in ctQl'lY 'umcr. but grO\J rapidly

    11nd tequ.J ra 11K1ro c-.a.teful obsC!rvation ftOll the -air by ~r , Hotns be.rely vialble earl,y •i.c=ier to

    l~GS UIQn approximately O. 7~ dmes the eutr lenRth

    by £all. f~cc ve.ry juvenile tn •ppe.air•oc•. Nearly

    :ilvnys Collowt.ns; an ~dult r~iutit.

    Kiil•: Ur!t\&t1on pottur(t: ttaud• in s tretched position

    during urtnat!on.

    Sill largo.r kid. conaldet•bly sulltr than adult

    r,•m:tlt fn 1!-Arly awmer; 11till obvto11$ly 311.'tlJer tn

    l3te Horns t.n early 3umllf)r less than ear

    t'-ngth to up to l.S t.iaM the l!llt length by (alJ.

    face iitlll juvun!lu in iippu~t"nc•. HotnG g.:aar•lly

    vlth ta.gged-rou.ih aurfacc texture (later loat , bec091ng

    very aroooth). Sub-dolllnant behavior: frequently

    "plckeJ on" by all older 'niiul•. Oc:ca$lon•lly 11oltt:ary

    1n bte a-1.P11C:-r and vtntcr-, but DOat oftM with f•tz1al• -

    Juv~lle gt'Ouplf dotlng litlllDtr.

    - SS2 -

  • Tllb1a 4. +tbl\• \then haJr lM 1ll1ort.

    HQrnli ~!Pl))' OJ'lPIJ•)f hl'.JVJer Lf1~ln rt1l.11\lti 1 ~ind

    mot1;> N'4"cuUne.

    Urnttw1tion poM;tur.i; blnc:k vulval potcl1 vtsilblt! wheo

    tall t•l••d; horn• U¥1.18Uy • . tightly t..blnner t:htin


    Size lllMllc.r adult { in '' to

    ncarl)' cqool by (All. ffotnj longer thon cors.

    F~cc no longer juvenile in .1ppc3rancc but nQt qutrc

    as lon1 oind Angular ln taa.i:i:Jc ia:1 iJdults . Difl1cult

    to dUtln•u.t i;h tf'Olll 3dolts lo l11tc IJ~f cxc,ipt by

    c.areftLl oba~rva.t.lon.

    UrlNatioa polirurc~ Hcrotta vlalblt' fn aWlllll!.r coat.

    Hom1 obvtoulil)' thickur tlu1n (cm.alt.II ' vltb lei;~ '1p1ci;r

    bCt'Ju.t:.n baSCli Ital . ~DOOthcr i:urve froa

    b1.a11o: co t-lt> i'I# 111:tn l4t1tr1lJ.y . uy look long~r ln

    propor1;Jo11 to head length than adu-lt males. Body

    .slisJ1tly lai-rger and l~avlcr over ""ck and shouldt.!rs

    than fe11Utlt!a:. Us1,1.i1;lly stlU Jn comp.any of Ce1111tJ~ .. kJd

    &r-oupa: d1ir-lng eUJ1111Cr-.

    Ur-lnzatlan polJtur-(1; blttek vuLvul pat ch vJ•Jhlr vfWJn Lo.Jl

    la rala•d. Horn• thlnnt3r and •llKhlly 11are o.ngul.ttr

    (not 1tlway•) Lhain ..,,1~ a. vlt•wcd l4tt>rally; lllOtc

    "pace lwt\11.•t•U btuit.'-!11 411 vit"lol('J I ro11t4lly. ~t·l.'.'l llnd

    t1 l10uldi!.1'::i uot ~ Sll.9i>1Vc lJtJ 11.JlL'ti:. llody ot1vtou•1ly i.1r1;11lcr

  • T4blc 4. (cunt . )

    than adult rci:alc11 in spting; at-llt •11ghtlt sMlle.r in

    f11U. Dlrfic\llt to dlst1ngui•h from adult feul.u-

    v1thout•k1dtl bi llit• •ucu.r.

    fuU gr"wn an.iaa.U; faces Jon&: and angular,

  • Tabh 4. (cont.)

    vider Lhan mJOH and lg a.bout tn )//,, lht vJdth

    at hotn lwaioe. Ap-v-e•r "eve-nt!ckt.1d" be!or'' IJIQ.J t la

    coaplete w!th thin tK!CU iind long, angular au::1l~s.

    After molt, dorsal crest line .iappelJTS !Jllghtly concave

    or less convex th•o males. Shoulde~s •nd ~ntire body

    less r.wsstve ch.a.o odult Diles. It~ clean la fall

    and winter. Usually in groups vlth ocher tem.Jlet1

    ud juveniles •

    • 555 -

  • Tubll.! S. Cro..- .11lz.. r.,. cot.ore. C:.n.hllk'd d.,t• f ro. •11 •ltad¥ •r~ •ad year•.

    Wlth a.roups 1ncludln&

    i).I !eulea...Ylth·UU

    Cohort Total ohs . % 2 % 3 • )t % Mo. % •

    Adult o !DJ " 4D 2l 2D 15 ll 26 25 - ) 1 2•yr. O IDJ 9 1 2 1 l 1 19 !! 90 !l 2·1'· f u l ! I 1 41 !i 48 .'!.i l'rl&· 189 6 1 6 1 l • 173 2! 177 !i Ad., v /o k Ill 7 l 10 ! ) • UI !! I°' !! ""· i • lk lll I b1erv~d.

    - 556 -

  • Fig . ~ • Group e1zeo or goaes b1 s•x a.a4 age cleao •

    • •::::::::::::::~ llith 9/ltld groups ltt ~ 9 ~ 'JIT:; no

    "' N Percent ot all goata obaerv•d

    • 557 •



    ; 2 1

    'Jitb 9/k1

  • vlll• l~••l~ ~Nup-i. l•, tlil• r:w:~lollon •PP•lr~ leaporary tnd

    ti~ 11clult bllllu wu.ld -.\QlJy lt.•.,. the feNl• 1r~1 !.ft• thon t1•

    or \lhn 4laturbc.d. Ocaly rarel! \flltte •dult found ln ~ ••

    larsu u tour or five; 7S Ptr«-.ot wno f01.1n4 to groups eoct• lca.lq tbr"

    or 1011.

    About 90 pt!rcent of all 2-yci•r-old Mle and feaal• 1oat.1 ob•trvl!!d

    \let• found ln ftr01,1p11 of four or 1110rt1 •n4 in aroupt vlth adult nannies

    •nd kld•. Klnety•foul" petrc:ent o[ )'dtllnit W\lrt in &roupt COntAinin&

    adult f.,1l.:11 vlth kids, and 92 percent 1i1ere ln 1roup1 tarcer tMn

    three. About 81 perceQt or adult fttaalcs vtthout kids vtre observed ia

    1roupt l.ar1er than three. Md to group.s c.ont•lnlns r ... 1 •• vich ld.ds.

    v~ Mttd tl\at 2-)'t•r-old rcuiu and yurllftl• r ... lned la the fl!lale--

    vlth-tld ll'OUJt, •IJ SU9tr. but • ft'V of c.h.e 2"'1Hr-ol4 u lu attd adult

    c .. 1u v!thout kids: and aa oc.ustonal yurllq. left thue ITOl.lPJ: 1ft0-r

    urly Avsutt. The grouping or aU cohorts exceJt adult •le:• vtch the

    c ... 10--vith-kld aggTeptlOftJ "1.S -.nt pf'WQuaetd Jft Ute J\lf1t •nd July.

    In Montana Chndvlth ( 1977) [ ound t h•L Adult .. t•• ver-• In ' 1"1.x•d ~rourw" 27 p•rcont o[ tho t.LM durln& July and A11.&ult, 11i11d e lthet aollt•ry

    Of Vtlh Other Mle-• 7J PfllCettt O[ the t.iN:, 1M 6laO round t.h•t 2:-yur-

    Old.S Yert ln "•lttd c.rOup.S" 841 pt.tCtftt of tbt tl91t, And )'t•rllnp 9l.

    ptrc.ent durlag the aue a.e&$0ft, Ills 1roupln1 deftaitloa.t vere oot

    ePct 17 the s-.- u al.De. ao then data •r• not 4Jrtccl7 c:omparllle.

    n., do, howu._r. Uutlut.e a siaUaT palttn.

    - 558 -

  • la ear17 to ai~~. IOilU •It their heavy vl•ter CO.t•, a

    procat that U v.ry c:ompic.vous MU.Id• of tM contr••tla.g port-lom of

    theJr• covtr·cd "'itb tither thic.k or very thin pu.LA&J•· Dutlng

    aolt. patcbt1 ot loose h;alr adtM!r• to tht ant .. l•. ttopploc ln th~

    breo1e or durlng moveaeut. Cantr-••t I• vor7 .. rkctd t..tvet-1\ cleanly shed

    And unmoltod anla1l1.

    Holt lng does nt;tt 1>4;C:Ut' 41l Lhi: ii•k Lillll! ror llJ ICX IMd 111,t C:}:l.SStl ,

    a dt.ttnctlon w'hlch ha• been noted by other r~•~•rchers. Ho,it agr~

    tbll •dult MlH eomiple.t.e .olt first, and adult feule1 vith tid!I

    lut. Howtv~r. Holroyd (1961) helit•t'd that yurltqa vtrt tM ft r11c: to

    llOlt to lrttl.Ah COiumbia, \lbtreas Hibbs (1966) and e...tbftr (l9SO)

    tt'portff that ye.arLIA&.I vere tliit lAtt to molt In Colorado and Mont.amt

    rupecttvely. Cha.dviclt (1911), ta Montana. and keberr. (1967). tn Jritlsb

    Columbia, Cound that adult =lea 110lted ttrwc, adult Cvula•

    kld1 and yowag ani.o.1$ (pruUMbly 2-ylu• vlth kids 11Uch le:teE:.

    Hoberl (1967) beUovod th4t tht ltO}t potttrn nnd 1oquenco by te• ~od age

    cl••• wa• • flxed physiologic.l process.

    lo tki.f •tudy, au an!A:ll• cl-.•lffff tiy ffllt alMf •i• cl ... vrre aho dA.talCled u to •ta&• of .,lt. to '" • t ... ltqucatt. could bt-qu.aatLtltd and !bed a1 a crlt~rloe for fttt't11lnlft& ti~ •c-• of" durlq •t.rW .surveys. the' seq~e a~peared to bf •l•ll.Or lA ou ttlrtt

    • SS9 •

  • a.-cra •M be~ couul •nd httr1or populatlou. •o data vere

    c•tnw• (Fla. '>· loth .aidWt •od 2-yoar-old •le• C09f>l•t.-d their 110lt J,y ?O July. l'vo-'f'f'•r-old f-ln bcpn 901tlq 1-tttr alld ha4 Dlilt

    coeplttel' sMd untll 4 J.qwr. Ye-arll'!P or ktb l•X•I had oot flolahecf

    untll tM .,..._. date. Adult (eaale-a v1thout ktda foUow.d tht ......

    patttrn •• 2 .. fecuileiJ. Nanni•• w-lth kid• wre th• last to abed;

    non• had t~lt!ted thelr btfore 20 July. buL all hid•t•d lt

    by 8 SoJ•lemUor.

    11.c: POPulAtiont ObltntN lJI Ptaf'llipa Valley •od lillc'• ... ,. d"1'1fl&

    arowd o~trvoiclon• le 1977. 1978, •Dd 1919 are lltttd ~r •~x •Dd •St

    rt ... la T•blft 6. ttunttt Mnt•t. aa reported b)' •141.tory bmt11.r

    ff,Ort &ard., U also lDCludtd ta rbe table 10 lt COY14 ff: CODtlkted

    vtiao c..1rulatlna ove.r-v1n.ter 110ru.lity. Calcul•tt:d ratloe o! tM varl0ot

    cohort.a to odulL C..alca •r• a.Lao ahovn.

    1•robl\ .. " ~ric:ountorcJ In c:on.¥tr1.1ctlng tbott obaorved a ub-popu1Gt1on

    110d,1la lncludttd "~ 11l•cJ.•$!JI 1 •caLlon (7 yciarllngt could DOt


  • Fig . 'I •

    .•• I u·

    :•-Yr d

    ?.-Yl" 9


    1'i11te periods be.tore which 1io goatn of given st:x/a15u closo t\avo completely molt.&d 1 &11d a.fte r wl\1cb all. l\avc 11olccd . Coiubined 19?b-??-?0 obnei·vat:ions g r ouped by 10-day period a •

    ... .. (l.4?)

    • - (?8)

    wg :: i #&£ I fi* ! : B!FM (51)

    . ----····' ---- (130) : .. 1 9..,/oK i -···-··-·""·---··-· (1}0)

    ,.,1 9 w/ K i · • ·· -· · · · · {263)

    6/10 6/20 6/30 7/10 ?/20 ?/30 8/9 8/19 8/29 9/8

    l~one completely : • ·- . ··-~-· .......... . -- - Al1 completely J11ol ted Gom.:: co10.11lotoly 1• 01-tod tnO 1 ted

    tJwnber o.f ol>oervationo {n)


  • T•ble 6. Popalatf~• obfli•rve4 by •o aad age: class durtn& obaec-vatlotlJI frQD U... ground 1n tt.Mia.t •

    Are• fear • i11 zl zi zr Ytl. •' • TA T I' l:A nU g.o.n 1971 • 4 8 8 12 u )2 •s (1:t111 iflJ (.l)) ( . 67) ( .6') (I.Oil -1

    1918 I I J 6 1 14 11 JO •I

    (I:~) • (. l I) ( .OJ ( . SO) (.79) -3 1979 • • j ) 8 9 u 10 lZ 42

    (R:f) (.U) ( .62 ) ( .69) (. 77)

    E'ois'• lil:z: 1977 8 1 I 8 8 ro 14 44 58 (R:f) H (, 42) ( .•?) (.42) ( . 70) 0

    1918 9 ) , • ' 22 11 46 59 (l:i) H (. 41) ( . 21) (.41) (.19) 0 1979 1 ) I 4 6 LI 9 28 )7

    (1:f) (.64) (. 36) (.n) (.82)

    !I ,,.o• • i\dult 111.11es "* • Ad~lt ftaa1• 2( • 2-yeAr-old 11.'lle• • • Kid 2 • 2-year-i)Jd remtrs TA • Total oon .. kid• i T • COmbtned 2-yrAr-old• ~ • Total Yrl . • Yearling

    1.1 H • tl.oporred ti..rv.•t bv hvnter1.

    !I (a:i> btJo : Adult r-10. 1n pareothests .

    • S62.

  • l'levtrtM1tu. t beUeve th"' popu.l.atloa.>, Ill•'d. 11rf' clost to

    1979 ll111'• .. , population had ~sun tkU v.111,.., ....,.,.,,,. tit,.

    c.ounf vu uda !Ind. vhcu c.lualftcd , vu •vlC>WJl y •aall\.•r th.1n 'If(:

    ~5udy Arga bi!O and Population Don•lty

    tM •ta• and quality of their v-lnter t4lft&• (ltudttor1 l9.S~. Qwid°J lclc

    1979, Ellt.U 196~. V•ughen 197>), p0$htlatlOI ffulty OCI v lnttr faftltft

    •tll trw txtent of vlnte.r ruie. c.aa k a.ccur.1t~ly 111.-ltftl'•litd '1 oagoias

    •t~it• of radlo-c.oUar~ animJs. dtntlt')' unnot bf' dccen1lnrd fo r t.he

    populatln under at:udy. thtre.£ore, I hlvt! 114!.tely .. tluted th• dc:mJlt~

    Itta, l•a• all atac:l•r• and lake• , on 1:63. 360 topoQraphlc alp• , and

    dtv1d1n& by tho ~lltlmtc:d lwrcl • lie. uwtnc tl1llf touQl1 lailthod. tl1ti

    approxiwto totaJ. are.a of usalJlc habit-Ill l• 119 •11 ('J(lO Ui2), the:

    01tlNtff her:d sl:re ill 1979 vu 246. aqJul• • .and the 1.••ti1a11t,-d d1i"n1Clt7

    va• 1.8 &o.t•/•t2 (0 .7/D2). TI•J• o:mp.r"~ v ltlt ~-n .. ltl"• uf 1.1/•I!

    (1.2/tt.1) found by Omdvld (1979) ln Cl111clf'r P.:1rk, HonLtna •ad

    1. ' fal2 (0.6/ .. 2) found by !!Oorl>dd (1917 Wlpul>. •) ... , .. Oly111>lc

    • 563 -

  • leporttdlJ. 90UDtlia SN ts •Tit .-ctiYt NTlJ ln th• .omiq: •nd late

    la lht artomoon. During -.1.d-day • .::»St .. , " fognd btckttd end ttlting

    or rlnllnatlns (Nidenon 1940. ITattdborg 19SS, Chadvtclt 1973, t..ntfer

    19.5S. lllckloovt l914). The observed •ctivltY p•ttsm Jn thit 1tud)' agre.ed

    vltl• thoico fl11dtn~• (Plg. 'i}. No dif£vrcnc•• could bO dl•cerned Wtveen.

    d11lly aictlvlly 1•Att-al'rut ln 19761 1977, or 1978. ttotil 110rn.lng aetlvlty

    occurred tleforc 1000 bout~, and most :tfttrnoon 3Ctlvlt)' after 1300


    An lntere•tlfll p~a. 1 oblervtd, al\4 \lflith vas alto aentlon.H

    by C".u('bf!tr (19)0). "'2S \/Mt hie aUH .. evtntna 1•t·tosetMr ... nt.

    di• not occur •~ry Uy. oor Cat'! I .. , \IM.r trls~rt4 It ucept t'Mt le

    •Pttf•red mlt freqvnitl)' a(t.e..r Vff")' vara, lllllll,Y Uyt 4'\lriq vhtdi 1ctJvlty

    va.11 .. tnJMl. Jwst abOut 11undovn. uc•rly ev•ry 1oat Oii th« 1lop11 uadu

    o11•Qrvi>tlol\ would bugtn to _,..,~ tcward lllOllC choieQ teedlnl: ar04. Sc.atc.ered

    11\ltNlt •nil tmll group• wo1.1ld fora on

  • Fi g. 5· Percent or goats active by time o! d.a;.

    • . .... .. .. ·· ..... ······ ....

    ........ •• . . ..

    '"•· .•... .. ···· ... .. ..

    • : • • • • . . . • • .

    • .• ..... • ••• .. ,.

    ~ .. .. ....... , .......

    •• .. ··· • ••


    0 .. ?9rc o:it ace!. ·:r:

    • 565 •


    1601- 1800


    1201- lAOO




  • vHthl'r ,•ltlk•r brN\Tn vc-ar-. or k~ ttK- lot('rSor • ad

  • obuiatd. l •uspect that sWlar •itu.ttloa.t otcur tn othu 1oat r:angu

    i.Q Al&lka, n\11. \t10lO&itt.t &tt•c.1aa tO .. tlbllah treed-count 8TNS ebovld. k c111t.J.owi to 1.otarprtt,ta& Jtt~tO-Jtlr rttultt untll they are

    awr• ot the •otlrt Tl:Q&el utcd b' c.Mtr Mrdt tn4 cowit ... ch •• •


    One• the ov.rall •pring-11umer ttl'IJ* of a herd lJ kAOV!'.1 1 St appt.:trts

    ro11lbl• to obtain r1 ... onab~y .1ccur.ate population data by u.4t ot 1J.ov-

    tlyL011 ll.Xtd..Ylft' Aircraft under 1uitablt veather condlt,ona. Ballard

    (197S) felt tl .. t a CHsu 180 '"'a• u 1pproprt.ate aircraft for coat

    c.-..U1tn1. l dtsagru, at dtd Ribb• (196S). SlKh an airualt.

    Vblle ~rtainlr •rt coaforeablt thin a Pfpt_r $uptr c•. la too fut for ~uate vtrviq, atld ta aot mat.,.,.trablt tn014h to c,tt iDto tM ...U

    can1ou occ-wptad -., Ml':IJ soar.a. A •lw. ht&hly ..,.,,uvualtl• pt.a vtth

    &DOif vt1tt.illty and a 111pl11: pwu urwin Cor ••C•tY U req11lt•d to

    Optlrate la tb• 'ftC)' t\1&8'1-d UtilJ2.ed by mlltltAtn jCOAUi. The

    Super Cub 1)0 ta the llOlt ~nly availabl• alrc:raft to 9fftlftl the

    r4J(lut rff PC!t'(ocmnca C!

    ln conduc:tlo& •• cowt• la •unmer, It wa1 round th•t. In thl111:

    •t' .. IL l.a•t, •hllbi"tJ condltJona v.·re a!l-l•port.ant.. Co.t• h•w•

    bMn found by •a1 in•utlga:tol"t to M 90f9 •et'"' la .,.rly 90tnln,g and

    lat.• artemooa oa W:ft •~r c!Ay•, and Mmlt ha-. •UUdt•d tho•e

    p-erlod.I u the ktt tiaes for •1t.ri•l UMtd (C'MolNtrk 1973, Fox 1'77,

    HlbN 196), Y•IA&h&a. 197S). rox (1977) al.lo fouad that &06U 'H:te: 90r~

    actlve, •nd btnc~ a.ore Visible. oa "1it11, clear d.1ya tollcwlft.I pert0d8 of

    - S61 -

  • ~d ve1thtr. and suggeec-e.d JtU.e.h oays u the bt!•1 tor •UrYllJ'•· In this

    etuif1, ~r. l fOl.IDlll tblt ~ SOit.i vtrt Mt IC"CD ktharlor wtitch "-• 1ho noted

    • 568.

  • by Cha:Mck (1973) and Saunders (19S5). TI'is r11ct or VOS found to be

    p.!t..rtlcu!Arly {Jllport.ant as prosrt&scd. daya wgrur, and new

    pelage: thicker. Results of ropllc.:ttt eunaer aerial surveys on clear ,

    sunny dAys vcrc found to be 10\I and gen~ra•ty inconalatont and unpredictable.

    Thu ideal conditicmt [or 11J1M1Cr au rial &urvcys chulf: cu11" L#t of

    overcast conditton1 which s t11l oll \W enough light for 8"od vi•tbJ lity,

    and oir col11 enough for ""'Cc. L(Jl.1-:i l tltu,dc 1 believe Lhat

    1umncr counts conducco.d under o ther- than KOQd vi.r11in)l. i;;ond.ttiorui produce

    inconsistent re:isulca and are therefore , not wor-t-h dolnli for census

    f' Ur'J>O•U·

    Va.rl9u. ... ,OM have t>e.n r~c00Dto.nd41d At: beat for aatlal coat

    s urvte)'•. SOile l.nvottgator• recocaend vlnte..r for totol counts bcC:AU!Jc

    goats are generally coi1ce.ntrated, tl1e sexes ore llOre o r JC$S •1J:ed, :ind

    the g001ts co.n bo louted by cracks ln the snow (Br.indbora J9JS, lllbluc

    196S , llibb:a :ind Denne)' 1965, Vn1tgha.n 197S), However, under eondl t lons in thts imrt or Alo3k.ll, goAtt: l'lfc:- t&lspJ)' coo hard to see ln

    vince.r. They hle.nd v ith th~ broken patt(!m o( snow and cock, oind a.iny

    ut:lliz• tuuavy Limber or brwt1h vttere t llll)' arc bidden beouath the conopy,

    Spria& bu also btw proposed ror total count$ (loni: 1978,

    1976). I have round that good rci;iult.$ cou.l.IS be! obtaiAed 011 vara dt:ys ln

    lace April co ldd-~.ay \!hen 90ait goats ~v~ onto open a.lopes

    aevly e11Crgcd vegc:tatJ.on. aod co b.aCOllQ very visible. Since: they are

    usu.a.Uy found on open. unCl'.1- frc:t: southe:rn cqiosuTes, they are readily

    - 569 -

  • :h•l•u dl•riJ•itt• Hun t l~ht which iM 1\oL y~t l1ri~ht ""°~h tbllll far north to

    produce bad ~lare. on soutt ... Cne.tng alopr:~. At thl.8 tlmi:. all ages and

    &elu!8 .ire t tlll 1110rc: or 1-0::11 together, not yet having sc•ttered onto

    t WllllO.f rang~$. furthcnioco. tblt l.s the ooJ.y time alter winter is over

    vlu:n ydrlln&t art $t"'ltl easy to reeognLie troa the .air. Spring-count•

    should be conducted before p;:arturltion heg1M bec"U*• gravid femal••

    seek tho llolitude or rugged terr-aln, and arc, agala, difficult to


    Soac .invcsticator:; hove uuucsted tarly suamc.r ( lete Junt" to •id

    July) As best ror ~t IMUn.g totll1 number• (~tfer 19SS) , or ror

    obta.tntng kid/:Jdult tAttos (Ha ll and lllballd l9J8. Hibbs 1965, VlluaMn

    1975) , wbilc Kleln (1953) thoUSht i n Alaska late &lCIDler would be

    be-at oC lack of s now banks. t believe chat the best c-oul

    count• c;;an be Obtain~d in early to ll1dsu11111er, (rom aid~June through

    July. AA.hUttoo,lly. \1ds fir'= easlc!!t to recognize froa the air durln&

    thi.s pertod; by late sunmec. they are often confused \11th yearli.1111 or

    Adult• when in large g roupf. Croup .slu also ii greatest during this

    period (Ch.tdvick 1973, llch•rl 1967, IJlbb• l96S), svg&e•tlng that fewer

    of the lllOfc soLLt..ary adu-ll ul.e.. V().u]d be confui1d wlth .... 11 grqup$ of

    other cohorts.

    By lac.e al.lllllll!r, deaplt~ reduced enow covtir, goAt• are Mfe dlff-1.cult

    to loeate *x~cpc on cool days (for exW11Ple. [ Cound one radio-collared

    ~dult 114J.c to be ouL or vlghL under a unowbonk on a •uany day ln late

    s~r despite an ate temper~ture of 0 dc&re-es c~ntigredc at that •levation) .

    By lata sunmQ:r kids beeo.ain~ di((t~ult co recognize.

    - 570 -

  • lbut. c.o obtaln the most accurate cstiMte or the tDtnl n1mber ('I(

    goats prctient ta., g.iven herd, 4ftd tht- nuaibe.r of ldds .. oJ-thct-year pr6S.:tlt,

    aeriaJ cen.aus by eJo ... '-fly1ng, r1xed-viog 31tcroJt ~bould ~ conducte.d

    durina tha 11arly to mid3unmer period vtitn ltgbt 3.nd wind conditions are

    optimal; ovorc•st u.nd te.asonably c:nlm. Under thPae eondittona, and

    vith due d!liac:nc~ 1n 11earchin~ •11 h1tbltat1 an accuracy level or BlJprox.111.1.tely

    90 p~rcent can be eXJ>Q:ctG:d.

    In ndd1tl011 co accurot.o a nd C'o!lpti-rabla vl'arly catl11111teliJ or totQ) herd Stie , vhlch

  • hv 1 he numlif·t:t or yc11rl lnJ:rt und 2-yeoic .. ulds prc.11cn t in rclucion co kids

    und yc~rltnns of chc previous yeAr. lbwi . to correctly understand

    poru.lotlon acacus , the number o! klds . ygorllngG . 2-year- olds. adult

    f~mal~s, and adult lllllles • be det~rmJ.nud. the ratJ.01 of the variouB

    cohorc.s to adult !eawlus aru \Weful in comparing yeaC"s and herds.

    Lnformadon cnn be uat.J.iaatud !roet aerial s-urveys , bui: noi: frOC1 one

    survey or un thu buwi M o! ono year only .

    ·ro buse!n co11q,llini;. d:ata by 1.Jhlch to estimat e herd co~post~ion, 1tn

    l nit.iol ~orial count aust b~ conducted in spring, pcefer•bly in early

    Ml:ty , to obtain the pcrcuntagc or y~arlings in the Jte-i:d. A "tot•l" count

    I){ the herd is un.ncC

    Ycallings are i:clatlv

    b1:lng much sC11Jller l)dulc.s :.ind gene_r.,lly s c- lll following thtlr d8111S.

    tr the c;oont I s 1; in !att'i M.ily or- enrly June., ye.a r-l.tng8 a re

    rarely wlc-h tl:te1-c- n1other-s, but o.i:e tctlll recognJ:iabl~ by 1;h11fr si~•

    Howe,o_v(!r' , they a-r>., e..aaJrtr tn !dentlfy ttnd count bt!forf!' parturition begin•

    ln lat~ May . Ali:io. pregnant 1\8nnies have riot isola t ed themselves yet

    and so orl'l 1l'I01'-.l l.l('t- to be sqcn a11d i ncluded in the tot al tallied .

    A second :ier1al count is M.Cdcd 1.n Ulte June ( portur-f.t1on) or

    July to obtain the best or tot.:tl herd sir.c: and the nU111ber of

    vlnble kids present. By corly to mid .Jul y, gonta seem to be more or

    lcsG e:st..iblia:hcd o n thctr summc-r rnngo. and oggregations have become

    reMtlveJ.y stable . l believe the (lrHt. 2 or 3 veek& 1n July Pre

    (or thl1:1 c::ount •

    - S72 -

  • Durtng survey, tl1c number of goats in C!.ach Q"t'.OUfl c.ol.lnti.zd aust

    be noted, aa vell as VllethCT the groups contain gny kldg or obvio~

    yurllnga . Thi.a survey ahou.ld l'roducu. tho. roUowing lnfonMtion: 1) tbll!

    herd a.txe: 2) t.lte. nu:mbet" o! k:lda pre.aunt: 3) Lhe: C0111POSition of grouplil;

    (i . a.. vhcthOE' th(I. acoups contaln kid~ or yuarUng, or only odult ei.11.llll;).le);

    and 4) the size of eac:h aroup . tn ~x:un.ining group-IS' V"Jthnut k-icl.ll or

    yc;srUngg. it should ali;o bo not'='d \olhether the anlJIU'.11.s nr~ i::Ktltinf; or

    clQ,un shQd (or n~~rly ao) .

    At tMM time o( yeJ!&r, nl!•rJy n-11 ud1.1lt i:ulq• httv~ bucn round to be

    c:ompl•tcily . 61". 11lmost coopl"t~ly mnltc:.d . F1.1rtho:tnnorn, nearly all Jargc,

    11ingle goats, or lai:-ge 3oat1 t.:n ft:toup• of 1~p to thrcti w-!t11 110 kids or

    ye•rling~ pr•8ont , wil.l be ~dult 1111J.les . If such go~t• aru only partly

    QOlted, they i:dght be considered as adult females or 2-y~•r-.old~;

    li!N~ll•I", I hti-V• 8e4n few ,i.0&c-s t:-hltr: atof;ory whlch v11r• othl!r

    than adult mal" durJng this tlme period.

    Since it hu been !:fhOWn that t.he avnrttgo bccurncy lovcl or un

    3Ctlnl count c:onductnd und~r good vl~lng cund lllons in {•llrly ,, i:-1

    app-roxiMtely 90 pe:ree:nt. a. correction factor sllould I>

  • u( tnJ1.1lt a;al(!-i ~1RC4.' le- V3!>' (o-und thnt nppro-ximately 7S percent '°'ere

    round ln groupf of t hree or lesl!I - U)' dividing the estlinated nuaber of

    malco by 0.1; . ~ bettPr estinatQ of the ACt~xl number of adult =ales

    An estlllaate: of th11 n~r of ytt.arl1n&s prE!$1ftnt may ba obtained by

    multip l ying the total number of non-kld.11 lili!fln by! p~'tcentag. of

    year-lings observed to ht! prde.ttt. i rt the: sprln& count .

    TI\w. • .'.In « tiSlate vill have been obta.1.ned of tl\e t otal herd sl:ce .

    ond th,c n1.1111bcr of 4d1Jlt aolcs . ye.arlln&s, and kids pre.sent. Remalning

    1Jl'liC I n!'l81C1,ed wtl.l be tl\C ".Id ult feo.'11et; ond s ub-adult 2 year old . .

    No v ny vaa Cound to dtffer-~ntlato bctw~n ~bcsc tvo cIAes~ frota the

    with 11.ny dcJ;reo 0£ s uccess , and a second year of data atU8t be obtained

    bQforo this can bu dona a.atheaa.tically .

    Both oC tho abovu dc~crihud uurv.:ye :a ru relat i vely simple r;o conduce ;

    neither require9 dangerous. lw ! l ying since t he cohorts. as de£in~d.

    c3n be rccogni~cd tro. a relatively safe dlscancc.

    Thu prohlem or ostl&"ttlng thl'- nUJ11l:>er of 2- yca:r- old 11nimal a can bo ~o lvnd 111:1tl1ufllht1cnlly froei data ohtalned lrt thle fi rst yeoc's survey

    cOOlblned with thot fyo«i ~uccesr.tvc'~ o( l'llmila r e.urvoys . By c:ompa.ring

    t.hc-: numbers of kids, y

  • the ground), esttCl3tcs of ovc-rvintcT morcta11cy '1Cre: obta.Jned . Siad la..r

    mortal,;t.ty duu wttr~ obtOlnUd from other •tudi•• $ nd al'o tist•d iil 1'abl~ 7.

    AM1ys.1s oC these data shov.?d thot althouth t.hc- rnortnltcy rate"

    verc aigntf1cnntly d~ffcr~nt (P''' ll l' l 111>:.H dul"ln); 11 rnl llll19111111.' r

    t2 • c~tttMtcd number of 2-y~~t-old~ durtng second su11119er.

    - 575 -

  ••11.' 7. Ubaurv~d -.t"tal it.I•• bot:Vffn ye.Or• by cott0rl.

    ~~"!f.'" ~tc.• Yciil'l> ~IJ-'rrl. YC'l-2-yr-old ·---· Oolne 1977 a.c:. 1967-68 - 45% - 0

    1968-69 -100: -67: 1970-71 - 141 -2'% 1971-72 - Z9J -17Z 1974-75 -zs: 1975-76 - SOI

    C1lndwlck 1979 Hontana 1974-75 - 38Z -4ZZ 1975-76 - 4Jl -36%

    Nichol• 1980 l'tnl"lllitan 1977-78 - 46% -zs: 1978-79 - 18% +14%

    Ki n.g:a' Boy 1977-78 - 36% -zsz 1978-79 - S4% -S6Z

    Satch 1976 Hnntttna 1973-74 - ))% - 0 1974- 7S - 29% -llZ

    Rideout 1974 Kont4M 1.971- 72 - 73% -59Z 1972- 73 - 28% - 2Z

    - 576 -

  • EZ • (1 ·.81 llky)(Yl) < (1°.66 >fky)(Yl) < (l-.41 >fky)(Yl)

    'nlis aethod vai;; applled to Ch\! observed populaclonic In the ccn11bl n \Jd

    Kin.a ' a 84y ond Pc.armigon Va.ll(:y a.1• 1.u:uJ co compar\• c.ali:.ulat1Jd 3nd ObMerv"d

    numbe.r·s of 2- year-old goats in t.hJ~ ~.mple (Table 6) . n 1e (:StitM t od

    nUlllber.s o{ 2-yeor-olds ngreed c lo~tJlY wlth th

  • T111i1,• 8 . 11bttl'rV\•d 1111111.b,•ru 111 kld . yuJrll u,.;, uuJ 2-y11.ur-old i:ooLv . ob-ervad mort:Ality r:ateK. and ~.o.lculatcd numboro of 2-yellr-old goo.ta in combined Pt:i.rm.15~n Valloy and KinG' e Say popu.l~tlonG b~$Cd upou ground cl.aasiCic.utiona.

    1977 -ob.S~rve.d





    2 ... vea.r-old


    'icarl 1ug

    16 -25% ........... - 4U

    12~ l6 /


    / 24

    12ot:2 / / -25% / -)8%

    12/ 15/ 19

    !/ Mortall~y of yaarll.ngw to 2-y•ar-Oldii calcu.l,At~d ~~ 64.:!:231 af obs~rv~d ~td to y•&rl!ng mortl.alty (9S% cOnfidftnco littJ.ta).

    - 578 -

  • Table. 9 . COmbinud Kina ' R B.:&)' oni] rtAnalgan Vlley ~oac popuJntlnnl't :1K obYo..rved Croat tht ~rouud ;l11J n:: c~tlmatcd fTOfll ;-i~rJ:il c:ount,. 1/

    1971 Crouud

    (ro tios).~/



    1978 Gi:ound


    A:J r


    1979 C.:rou.od





    u (.:)8)



    (. )))


    ( .02:!;0)


    ( . 38)



    (. 50)


    (. 3J)

    ( . 50)








    (. 6))





    ( . 67)


    (.41 .. .!ll)


    ( .7~)


    (.39±.03) (.21J:!:.lll) ( . 2fr!:.02) ( . 77:!:.06)



    36 76


    24 bO

    26~2 .50

    j/ lnc.lude..s only 4reu by both ground und a.erla.1 counts, except yearling pcrec.nto.ges obtalned from acrW count of e.1l tlT~ study area.

    ! I R.&tio.a per :)dult fem.Ale.






    )./ Nf• lld ult l'Mlc; 2 yr• 2-ye

  • nut bt• t:. .


    •i.:tinlu~rul nu•h••rK nJ(1ru.~ .

    - 580 -

  • Tabl • 10. Pat'tia.l popu lAl 1011 90dllit.b o( ru1tir c study he r d ttti obr.arvcd duril'lg sp~ing ond s~r ~erlal surveys wl t h corr~etJ

  • Tttbl;: ll. 1'011ulatlon IOCXlul~ of t:Jltlru :itudy herd bntlcd on spring a nd Humaie.r at•rlnJ i:oun tl'I . oippJ lc.:d correction r01ccors. and 2-yl!nr-old i.;.o.'llX er:ilculncf'd fro111 kid- to .. yco:irllng llOttalicic.Q .

    ~ ~ LJ..!: ~ !tl £ ~ ! l978 3? 17:!:3 68+! 26 48 m 198 (r:itioa)!/ ( . 57;!:. 03) ( . 25.;!:.05) (. 38_:!:.02) ( . 71_:!:.03)

    1?7? 59 18:!:3 89.:!:3 25 SS 191 246

    (rntloH) ( . G6_:!:.Ql} C.lo:t. 04) (. 28.;!:.0ll (. 62:!:. 02)

    ·-II R..1tlo:. 1·~r atlult rcm.:ilc . lnc ludlng 9:>% conftdeoee ltmtcs.

    • 582 •

  • For , tl\C St8tu5 of chis herd, ;a5 ttx'PretSMl'.!d a jl racJo:i of

    cohorts to t-ho adult [cmalt- constant, con b

  • T1blo 12. ~ans 1:1nd a.11111ticlot11J atntlstlcs of f':ttio8 borv.en aex and DRC cohort• anJ adult ruMl(!t; ()( tvo Jnc.tea!ltng and two decrcuinA h~rd•·

    S Ao:~ 2 yrii Yr!:~ K:~ ropulatl~n &CAtl,I.$

    Thi• •tudy I .62 . 21 . 33 . 67 AJtp•rently increa6ing

    s .06)6 .0)\4 .0707 . 06)6

    • 7 2 2 2 a,.dw Lek 1971 x . )9 • Ja .so .69 lncre11lng

    s • LSJJ • L709 .2597 .2291

    n 3 ' J 3 tMnu J977 x • 14 • l 7 • 23 • 28 Strooaly dec reasing

    s .0404 .0800 . J746 . 1861

    • 7 7 7 7

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    ii • ..... s. atandord dcvJacJon

    •• n~r or years of•

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    Aerial Census and Classification of Mountain Goats in AlaskaAbstractIntroductionMethodsFindingsDiscussionAcknowledgementsLiterature Cited

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