
ADVANCES IN DIVERSE INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF NANOCOMPOSITESEdited by Boreddy S. R. ReddyAdvances in Diverse Industrial Applications of NanocompositesEdited by Boreddy S. R. ReddyPublished by InTechJaneza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, CroatiaCopyright 2011 InTechAll chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source.Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Iva LipovicTechnical Editor Teodora SmiljanicCover Designer Martina SiroticImage Copyright Olegusk, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.comFirst published March, 2011Printed in IndiaA free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.comAdditional hard copies can be obtained from [email protected] Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites, Edited by Boreddy S. R. Reddy ISBN 978-953-307-202-9free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found atwww.intechopen.comChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8PrefaceIXMicrostructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology1Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz, Leszek A. Dobrzaski and Jozef SondorCellulose Nano Whiskers as a Reinforcing Filler in Polyurethanes17Yang Li and Arthur J. RagauskasNanocomposite Based on Natural Materials37Milorad Davidovic, Marina Kutin,Suzana Linic, Ubavka Mioc, Zoran Nedic, Svjetlana Sredic, Aleksandra Nikolic, Dusan Jovanovic, and Polycarpos PissisNanocomposites in Food Packaging A Review57Henriette Monteiro Cordeiro de Azeredo, Luiz Henrique Capparelli Mattoso and Tara Habig McHughHydrogen Storage Properties of Hydrogenated Graphite and Lithium Hydride Nanocomposite79Takayuki Ichikawa, Hiroki Miyaoka and Yoshitsugu KojimaNanocomposite Films Deposition by means of Various Filtered Vacuum Arc Systems97Seunghun Lee, Do-Geun Kim, Igor Svadkovski and Jong-Kuk KimPolymer/Clay Nanocomposites113Ali OladA Strategy to Decorate the Surface of NPsand Control their Locations withinBlock Copolymer Templates139Misang Yoo, Joona Bang, Kwanyeul Paek and Bumjoon J. KimContentsContents VIMultifunctional Nanocomposites Based on Mesoporous Silica: Potential Applications in Biomedicine177Andreza de Sousa, Karynne Cristina de Souza, Nelcy D. S. Mohallem, Ricardo Geraldo de Sousa and Edsia Martins Barros de SousaSelective Laser Sintered Poly(L-Lactide)/Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Scaffolds:A Bottom-up Approach203Wen You Zhou, Min Wang and Wai Lam CheungIsothermal and Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(L-Lactide)/Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Microspheres231Wen You Zhou, Bin Duan, Min Wang and Wai Lam CheungThreshold Optical Nonlinearity of Dielectric Nanocomposite261Yu. Kulchin, V. Dzyuba and S. VoznesenskiyPolymeric Nanoclay Composites289Hamid Dalir, Rouhollah D. Farahani, Martin Lvesque and Daniel TherriaultStructural and Electron Transport Properties of Ultrathin SiO2 Films with Embedded Metal Nanoclusters Grown on Si317Andrei Zenkevich, Yuri Lebedinskii, Oleg Gorshkov, Dmitri Filatov and Dmitri AntonovFrom Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials341Masoud Salavati-Niasari and Fatemeh MohandesMorphology Development of Polymer Nanocomposites: Utilizing Interstratified Clay Minerals from Natural Systems381Kenji Tamura and Hirohisa YamadaNanocomposite and Nanostructured Carbon-based Films as Growth Substrates for Bone Cells399Lucie Bacakova, Lubica Grausova, Jiri Vacik, Alexander Kromka, Hynek Biederman, Andrei Choukourov and Vladimir StaryMultiscale Manufacturing of Three-Dimensional Polymer-Based Nanocomposite Structures437Louis Laberge Lebel and Daniel TherriaultChapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Contents VIIThe Role of Elongational Flow in Morphology Modification of Polyethylene/OMMt Nanocomposite System457N. Tz. Dintcheva and F. P. La MantiaDental Nanomaterials469Seyed Shahabeddin Mirsasaani, Maedeh Hajipour Manjili and Nafiseh BaheiraeiInfluence of Nanocomposite Materials for Next Generation Nano Lithography503Scott Lewis and Lucio PiccirilloPolymeric Nanocomposite Materials529Masoud Salavati-Niasari and Davood GhanbariElectronic Functionality of Nanocomposites549Pandiyan Murugaraj and David MainwaringChapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23PrefaceThe bookAdvances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites was well thought about kniting several broad disciplines of nanocomposites in mind. A glance through the pages of science and engineering literature shows that the use of nanocom-positesforemergingtechnologiesrepresentsoneofthemostactiveareasofresearch and developmentthroughout the elds of chemistry, physics, life sciences, and related technologies. In addition to being of technological importance, the subject of nanocom-posites is a fascinating area of interdisciplinary research and a major source of inspira-tion and motivation in its own right for exploitation to help humanity. The concept of this book is based as much on the serendipity of these new ideas as on the need to oer blueprints for the design of dierent nanocomposite devices for emerging technologies.The choice of materials for multi-author complications is always subject to a number of periodical and judicial limitations. These limitations notwithstanding, I have been privileged to benet from the cooperation of many leading experts in nanocomposites, and also a number of senior researchers of well-known companies at the forefront and nanocomposites not frequently disclosed elsewhere. I must, in particular, acknowledge the courtesy of all the contributors in allowing me to organize their contributions in producing a cohesive and correlated compilation, and to minimize overlaps between closely related chapters.Nanocomposites are atractive to researchers both from practical and theoretical point of view because of combination of special properties. Many eorts have been made in the last two decades using novel nanotechnology and nanoscience knowledge in order togetnanomaterialswithdeterminedfunctionality.Thisbookfocusesonpolymer nanocompositesandtheirpossibledivergentapplications.Therehasbeenenormous interest in the commercialization of nanocomposites for a variety of applications, and a number of these applications can already be found in industry.This book comprehensively deals with the divergent applications of nanocomposites comprising of 23 chapters.IwouldliketoplaceonrecordthatoneofmySeniorResearchFellows,Mr.D. Gnanasekaran, helped me in my editorial work to bring out this book successfully.BSR Reddy, Director Grade Scientist G and Head,Industrial Chemistry Laboratory,Central Leather Research Institute,Adyar, Chennai-600 020, India1 Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz1, Leszek A. Dobrzaski1 and Jozef Sondor2 1Silesian University of Technology,2LISS a.s., 1Poland2Czech Republic 1. Introduction The research issues concerning the production of coatings are the most important directions ofsurfaceengineeringdevelopment,ensuringtheobtainmentofcoatingsofhighusable properties in the scope of mechanical characteristics and corrosion resistance (Yu et al., 2009; Chengetal.,2009;Kao,2009;Maoetal.,2009;Sundararajanetal.,2009).Givingnew operatingcharacteristicstocommonlyknownmaterialsisfrequentlyobtainedbylaying simplemonolayer,multilayerorgradientcoatingsusingPVDmethods(Dobrzanskiet al.,2005; Lukaszkowicz & Dobrzaski, 2008).Whileselectingthecoatingmaterial,weencounterabarriercausedbythefactthat numerouspropertiesexpectedfromanidealcoatingareimpossibletobeobtained simultaneously.Forexample,anincreaseinhardnessandstrengthcausesthereductionof thecoatingsductilityandadherencetothesubstrate.Theapplicationofthenanostructure coatingsisseenasthesolutionofthisissue(Voevodinetal.,2005;Yangetal.,2007). According to the HallPetch equation, the strength properties of the material rise along with thereductionofthegrainsize.IncaseofthecoatingsdepositedinthePVDprocesses,the structuresobtainedwithgrainsize~10nmcausetheobtainmentofthemaximum mechanicalproperties.Coatingsofsuchstructurepresentveryhighhardness>40GPa, ductility, stability in high temperatures, etc. (Tjong & Chen, 2004; Zhang et al., 2007; Veprek et al., 2005). Theknowndependencybetweenthehardnessandabrasionresistancebecamethe foundation for the development of harder and harder coating materials. The progress in the eldofproducingcoatingsinthephysicalvapourdepositionprocessenablesthe obtainmentofcoatingsofnanocrystalstructurepresentinghighmechanicalandusable properties. The coatings of such structure are able to maintain a low friction coefcient (self-lubricatingcoatings)innumerousworkingenvironments,maintaininghighhardnessand increased resistance (Donnet & Erdemir, 2004; Voevodin & Zabinski, 2005). The main concept in the achievement of high hardness of nanostructure coatings and good mechanical properties and high strength related to it, particularly in case of nanocomposite coatings(Holubaretal.,2000;Rafajaetal.,2007;Carvalhoetal.,2004),istherestrictionof Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 2 theriseandthemovementofdislocations.Highhardnessandstrengthofthe nanocomposite coatings are due to the fact that the movement of dislocations is suppressed at small grains and in the spaces between them, which causes the appearance of incoherent deformations.Whenthegrainsizeisreducedtothatofnanometres,theactivityof dislocations as the source of the material ductility is restricted. This type of coatings is also characterizedwithalargenumberofgrainboundarieswithacrystalline/amorphous transitionacrossgrainmatrixinterfaces,restrictingtheriseanddevelopmentofcracks. Suchmechanismexplainstheresistancetofragilecrackingofnanocompositecoatings (Veprek, 1997; Veprek, 1998; Rafaja et al., 2006). Simultaneously, the equiaxial grain shapes, highanglegrainboundaries,lowsurfaceenergyandthepresenceoftheamorphous boundaryphasefacilitatingtheslidealongthegrainboundariescauseahighplasticityof the nanocomposite coatings (Voevodin et al., 2005).Nanocomposite coatings comprise at least two phases, a nanocrystalline phase and a matrix phase, where the matrix can be either nanocrystalline or amorphous phase. Various analyses revealedthatthesynthesizedTiAlSiNcoatingsexhibitednanostructuredcomposite microstructuresconsistingofsolid-solution(Ti,Al,Si)NcrystallitesandamorphousSi3N4. TheSiadditioncausedthegrainrenementof(Ti,Al,Si)Ncrystallitesanditsuniform distribution with percolation phenomenon of amorphous silicon nitride (Zhang & Ali, 2007; Holubar et al., 2000; Rafaja et al., 2007; Carvalho et al., 2004). OneofthegeneralreasonsfordepositingbyPVDtechniquesisthatprotectivecoatings depositedbyPVDtendtohavehighercorrosionresistancethanthesubstratematerial. Ceramichardcoatingsincreasethelifeofthecoatedcomponents,notonlyduetothe protection against aggressive environments, but also during operation involving mechanical contact with abrasive surfaces. This effect results of high hardness resulting from the smaller grain size of the coatings structure. 2. Experimental procedures ThetestsweremadeonsamplesoftheX40CrMoV5-1hotworktoolsteelandthe X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2austeniticstainlesssteel,depositedbyPVDprocesswithTiAlSiN, CrAlSiN, AlTiCrN hard coatings. The coating deposition process was made in a device based on the cathodic arc evaporation method in an Ar and N2 atmosphere. Cathodes containing pure metals (Cr, Ti) and the AlSi (88:12wt%)alloywereusedfordepositionofthecoatings.Thebasepressurewas510-6 mbar, the deposition temperature was 500 C. The deposition conditions are summarized in Table 1. Coating Substrate bias voltage[V] Arc current source [A] Pressure [Pa] TiAlSiN-90 Ti 80 AlSi 120 2,0 CrAlSiN-60 Cr 70 AlSi 120 3,0 AlTiCrN-60 Cr 70 AlTi 120 2,0 Table 1. Deposition parameters of the coatings. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 3 DiffractionandthinlmstructureweretestedwiththeuseoftheJEOLJEM3010UHR transmission electron microscope, at 300 kV bias voltage. Observationsofsurfaceandstructuresofthedepositedcoatingswerecarriedoutoncross sections in the SUPRA 25 scanning electron microscope. Detection of secondary electron was used for generation of fracture images with 15 kV bias voltage. PhaseidenticationoftheinvestigatedcoatingswasperformedbyglancingangleX-ray diffraction (GAXRD). The cross-sectional atomic composition of the samples (coating and substrate) was obtained byusingaglowdischargeopticalspectrometer,GDOS-750QDPfromLecoInstruments. The following operation conditions of the spectrometer Grimm lamp were xed during the tests: lamp inner diameter 4 mm; lamp supply voltage 700 V; lamp current 20 mA; working pressure 100 Pa. Tests of the coatings adhesion to the substrate material were made using the scratch test on the CSEM REVETEST device. The tests were made using the following parameters: load range 0100 N, load increase rate (dL/dt): 100 N/min, indenters sliding speed (dx/dt): 10 mm/min, acoustic emission detectors sensitivity AE: 1. The critical load LC, causing the loss of the coating adhesion to the material, was determined on the basis of the values of the acoustic emission, AE, and friction force, Ft and observation ofthedamage(Burnett&Rickerby,1987;Bellido-Gonzalezetal.,1995)developedinthe track using a LEICA MEF4A optical microscope. ThemicrohardnesstestsofcoatingsweremadewiththeSHIMADZUDUH202ultra-microhardness tester. The test conditions were selected in order as to be comparable for all coatings. Measurements were made with 50 mN load, to eliminate the substrate inuence on the coating hardness. Thethicknessofcoatingswasdeterminedusingthekalotestmethod,i.e.measuringthe characteristicsofthesphericalcapcraterdevelopedonthesurfaceofthecoatedspecimen tested (Holmberg & Matthews, 1994). TheX-raylinebroadeningtechniquewasusedtodeterminecrystallitesizeofthecoatings using Scherrer formula (Behera et al., 2004) with silicon as internal standard. Investigation of the electrochemical corrosion behaviour of the samples was done in a PGP 201Potentiostat/Galvanostat,usingaconventionalthree-electrodecellconsistingofa saturatedcalomelreferenceelectrode(SCE),aplatinumcounterelectrodeandthestudied specimensastheworkingelectrode.Tosimulatetheaggressivemedia,1-MHClsolution wasusedunderaeratedconditionsandroomtemperature.Theaqueouscorrosion behaviourofthecoatingswasstudiedrstbymeasuringtheopencircuitpotential(OCP) for1h.Subsequently,apotentiodynamicpolarizationcurvehasbeenrecorded.Thecurve started at a potential of ~100 mV below the corrosion potential and ended at +1200 mV or a thresholdintensitylevelsetat100mA/cm2.Oncethislevelwasreached,thereversecycle wasstarted.Thescanratewas15mV/min.Thecorrosioncurrentdensitiesandthe polarizationresistancewereobtainedonthebasisoftheTafelanalysisafter potentiodynamic polarization measurements. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 4 3. Results and discussion The coatings present a compact structure, without any visible delaminations or defects. The morphologyofthefractureofcoatingsischaracterizedbyadensestructure,insomecases thereisacolumnarstructure(Figs.1,2,3).Thefracturesurfaceofthesteelsampleswas examinedandthedepositedcoatingsshowasharptransitionzonebetweenthesubstrate and the coating. Fig. 1. Fracture of the TiAlSiN coating deposited onto the X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate. Fig. 2. Fracture of the CrAlSiN coating deposited onto the X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 5 Fig. 3. Fracture of the AlTiCrN coating deposited onto the X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate. Transmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM)examinationofthecoatingsshowedthatthey consisted of fine crystallites (Fig. 4), and there was no suggestion of epitaxial growth. Single large grains were only observed in case of the TiAlSiN coating (Fig. 5), which may suggest theoccurrenceoftheepitaxionphenomenonastheconsequenceoflargecrystallite occurrence in the coating. Fig. 4. Structure of the thin foil from the CrAlSiN coating. 10 nm Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 6 Based on the glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GAXRD) of the samples examined (Figs.6, 7, 8),theoccurrenceoffccphaseswasonlyobservedinthecoatings.ThehexagonalAlNof wurtzite type was not discovered in the coatings examined, which could have been caused by a low amount of aluminium in the coatings. Based on the results obtained, using Scherer method,thesizeofcrystallitesinthecoatingsexaminedwasdetermined.Theresultswere presented in Table 2. Thehardnessofthecoatingstestedfitswithintherangefrom40to42GPa.Thehighest hardness was recorded in the case of the AlTiCrN coating (Table 2). Critical load LC1 [N] Critical load LC2 [N]Coating Thickness [m] Microhardness [GPa] Crystallite size [nm]ASHWTSASHWTS AlTiCrN2.4421715242754 CrAlSiN2.940258182849 TiAlSiN2.140119162746 Table 2. The characteristics of the tested coatings (AS austenitic steel, HWTS hot work tool steel). 111200220311400420 Fig. 5. Microstructure of the thin foil from the TiAlSiN coating, (a) light field, (b) dark field from the (111) reflex, (c) diffraction pattern from the area as in figure a, (d) solution of the diffraction pattern. abc dMicrostructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 7 05001000150020002500300035 45 55 65 75 85 95 105Reflection angle, 2Intensity, imp/s(Cr,Al,Si)N (111)(Cr,Al,Si)N (200)(Cr,Al,Si)N (220)(Cr,Al,Si)N (311) Fig. 6. GAXRD spectra of the CrAlSiN coating at glancing incidence angle =2. 2004006008001000120035 45 55 65 75 85 95 105Reflection angle, 2Intensity, imp/s(Al,Ti,Cr)N (111)(Al,Ti,Cr)N (200)(Al,Ti,Cr)N (220) Fig. 7. GAXRD spectra of the AlTiCrN coating at glancing incidence angle =2. 200400600800100012001400160035 45 55 65 75 85 95 105Reflection angle, 2Intensity, imp/s (Ti,Al,Si)N (111)(Ti,Al,Si)N (200)(Ti,Al,Si)N (220)(Ti,Al,Si)N (311)(Ti,Al,Si)N (222) Fig. 8. GAXRD spectra of the TiAlSiN coating at glancing incidence angle =2. The critical load values LC1 and LC2 were determined by the scratch test method (Figs.9, 10, 11). The load at which the first coating defects appear is known in the references (Sergici & Randall,2006;Heetal.,2006))asthefirstcriticalloadLC1.ThefirstcriticalloadLC1 correspondstothepointatwhichfirstdamageisobserved;thefirstappearanceof Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 8 microcraking,surfaceflakingoutsideorinsidethetrackwithoutanyexposureofthe substratematerial-thefirstcohesion-relatedfailureevent(Figs.12a,13a,14a).LC1 corresponds to the first small jump on the acoustic emission signal, as well as on the friction forcecurve(Figs.9,10,11).ThesecondcriticalloadLC2isthepointatwhichcomplete delamination of the coatings starts; the first appearance of cracking, chipping, spallation and delaminationoutsideorinsidethetrackwiththeexposureofthesubstratematerialthe firstadhesionrelatedfailureevent(Figs.12b,13b,14b).Afterthispointtheacoustic emissiongraphandfrictionforceshaveadisturbedrun(becomenoisier).Thecumulative specification of the test results are presented in Table 2. 0204060801000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Path X, mmFriction force Ft, N ggg0204060801000 10 19 29 38 48 58 67 77 87 96Load force Fn, NAcoustic emission AE nn Fig. 9. Diagram of the dependence of the acoustic emission (AE) and friction force Ft on the load for the X40CrMoV5-1 steel with the AlTiCrN coating. 0204060801000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Path X, mmFriction force Ft, N ggg0204060801000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Load force Fn, NAcoustic emission AE nn Fig. 10. Diagram of the dependence of the acoustic emission (AE) and friction force Ft on the load for the X40CrMoV5-1 steel with the CrAlSiN coating. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 9 0204060801000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Path X, mmFriction force Ft, N ggg0204060801000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Load force Fn, NAcoustic emission AE nn Fig. 11. Diagram of the dependence of the acoustic emission (AE) and friction force Ft on the load for the X40CrMoV5-1 steel with the TiAlSiN coating. Fig. 12. Scratch failure pictures of the AlTiCrN coating on X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate at: (a) LC1, (b) LC2. 50 m(a) 50 m(b)Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 10 Fig. 13. Scratch failure pictures of the CrAlSiN coating on X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate at: (a) LC1, (b) LC2. Toestablishthenatureofdamagecausingtheincreaseinacousticemissionintensity,the examinations of the scratches that arose during the test were made with the use of the light microscope coupled with a measuring device, thus determining the value of the LC1 and LC2 critical load on the basis of metallographical observations. In case of the coatings examined, it was found that coating AlTiCrN had the highest critical load value LC1 = 24 N and LC2 = 54 NdepositedonsubstratemadeoftheX40CrMoV5-1steel,whereasCrAlSiNandTiAlSiN coatingsdepositedonthesubstratemadeoftheX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2steelhadthelowest value.Ingeneral,thecoatingsdepositedonthesubstratemadeoftheX40CrMoV5-1hot worktoolsteelshowbetteradherencetothesubstratethancoatingsdepositedonthe substratemadeoftheX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2austeniticsteel.Thisis causedbyasignificantly higher hardness of the X40CrMoV5-1 steel. Thefirstsymptomsofdamageinmostofthecoatingsexaminedareintheformofarch crackscausedbytensionorscalingoccurringonthebottomofthescratchthatappears during the scratch test (Figs. 12, 13, 14). Occasionally, there are some small chippings on the scratchedges.Alongwiththeloadincrease,semicirclesareformedcausedbyconformal cracking,leadingtodelaminationsandchippings,resultinginalocaldelaminationofthe coating. As a result of the steel fracture test against the coatings deposited, made after prior cooling in liquid nitrogen, no case delaminations were revealed along the substrate-coating separation surface, which indicates a good adhesion of coatings to substrate. (a)(b) 50 m 50 m Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 11 Fig. 14. Scratch failure pictures of the TiAlSiN coating on X40CrMoV5-1 steel substrate at: (a) LC1, (b) LC2. ChangesofcoatingcomponentconcentrationandsubstratematerialmadeinGDOSwere presentedinFigs.15,16,and17.ThetestscarriedoutwiththeuseofGDOSindicatethe occurrence of a transition zone between the substrate material and the coating, which results intheimprovedadhesionbetweenthecoatingsandthesubstrate.Inthetransitionzone betweenthecoatingsandthesubstrate,theconcentrationoftheelementsofthesubstrate increaseswithsimultaneousrapiddecreaseinconcentrationofelementscontainedinthe coatings.Theexistenceofthetransitionzoneshouldbeconnectedwiththeincreasein desorptionofthesubstratesurfaceandtheoccurrenceofdefectsinthesubstrateandthe relocationoftheelementswithintheconnectionzoneasaresultofahighenergyion reaction.Suchresults,however,cannotbeinterpretedexplicitly,duetothenon-homogeneous evaporation of the material from the sample surface. Thecorrosionresistancetestresultsofcoatingsdepositedonsubstratemadeofthe X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2austeniticsteelwiththemethodofpotentiodynamicpolarization curvesin1-MHClsolutionwerepresentedinFig.18.Itwasfoundout,asaresultofthe electrochemicalcorrosioninvestigations,thatthecoatingsdepositedbyPVDprocessonto thesubstratemadeoftheX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2steelmaybeaneffectivesubstratematerial protectionagainstcorrosiveagents.Thepotentiodynamicpolarizationcurveanalysis(Fig. 18) and that of the corrosion rate confirm the better corrosion resistance of the samples with (b) 50 m 50 m (a)Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 12 01020304050607080901000 1 2 3 4 5 6Analysis depth, mAtomic concentration, %NAlFeCrTiNiCr Fig. 15. Changes of constituent concentration of the AlTiCrN and the substrate materials. 01020304050607080901000 1 2 3 4 5 6Analysis depth, mAtomic concentration, %CrAlNFeNiSiCr Fig. 16. Changes of constituent concentration of the CrAlSiN and the substrate materials. 01020304050607080901000 1 2 3 4 5 6Analysis depth, mAtomic concentration, %NTiAlSiFeCrNi Fig. 17. Changes of constituent concentration of the TiAlSiN and the substrate materials. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 13 coatings layers than the uncovered sample (Table 3). During the anode scanning, the current density is always lower for the sample with a coating deposited on its surface in comparison totheuncoveredsample(11.56A/cm2),whichindicatesagoodprotectiveeffect.The potentiodynamicpolarizationcurvecourseistheevidenceoftheactiveprocessofthe uncoatedX6CrNiMoTi17-12-2steelsurface.Thelowestcorrosioncurrentdensityofthe investigatedcoatingsisobtained(fromTafelplot)fortheCrAlSiNcoating.Thiscanbe explainedbytherelativelylowporosityofthiscoating.Thecurrentdensityfortheother coatings is significantly higher than the one obtained for the CrAlSiN coating. The shape of the curves in the cathode range indicates the strong slowing down of reactions occurring on thecoatedsamples.Thebehaviourofthesystemstestedwithintheanodicrangemay evidence the porosity or defect of the coatings. Some of the coatings tested within the anodic range were subjected to self-passivation; however, the passive state occurs within a narrow range of the potentials. The growth of the anodic current related to the transpassivation was observed within the 00.4 mV potential range. The corrosion current density and corrosion rate were estimated according to the potentiodynamic curve courses (Table 3). The corrosion potential Ecor test results confirm the better corrosive resistance of the coatings (Fig. 19) than theuncoatedsteelsamples.Thefactthatthecorrosivepotentialoftheuncoatedsubstrate significantly grows after a 60-min experiment is also worth noting. -0,60-0,40-0,200,000,200,400,600,801,001,201,40-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0Current density log |i|Potential, VsubstrateTiAlSiNAlTiCrNCrAlSiN Fig. 18. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of the coatings in 1 M HCl solution. -0,40-0,35-0,30-0,25-0,20-0,15-0,100 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600Time, sPotential, VCrAlSiNAlTiCrNsubstrateTiAlSiN Fig. 19. Open circuit potential curves of the coatings in 1 M HCl solution. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 14 Coating type Current density icor, [A/cm2] Corrosion potential Ecor, [mV] Corrosion rate, [mm/year] AlTiCrN0,77-0,269,0 CrAlSiN0,15-0,221,7 TiAlSiN0,48-0,285,6 Substrate11,65-0,30136,2 Table 3. Summary results of the electrochemical corrosion investigation. Changesofthecoatingcolourandincreaseintheirroughnesscausedbytheintensive dissolvingoftheirsurfacewereobservedduringtheaggressiveagentaction.Microscope observationsmakeitpossibletostatethatthecoatingdamageprocessdueto electrochemicalcorrosionproceedsindoubleway.Inthefirstcase,thecoatingdamage developsinmanyplaces,whereastheareaofthesedamagesissmall.Inthesecondcase, however,thecoatingdamagecausedbytheaggressiveagentactioncomprisesabigarea, leading to changes in its appearance or delamination of the coating parts from the substrate material. The tests show pitting corrosive attacks. 4. Summary The compact structure of the coatings without any visible delamination was observed in the scanningelectronmicroscope.Thefracturemorphologyofthecoatingstestedis characterized with a dense structure. Based on the thin film test in the transmission electron microscope, it was observed that the coatings are built of fine crystallites. Their size is 1125 nm. Thescratchtestsoncoatingadhesionrevealthecohesiveandadhesivepropertiesofthe coatings deposited on the substrate material. In virtue of the tests carried out, it was found thatthecriticalloadLC2fittedwithintherange4654Nforthecoatingsdepositedona substrate made of hot work tool steel X40CrMoV5-1 and 2728 N for coatings deposited on the substrate made of the X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 austenitic steel. The coatings deposited on the substratemadeoftheX40CrMoV5-1steelpresentabetteradhesionthanthecoatings deposited on the substrate made of the X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 steel. This is caused by a better hardnessoftheX40CrMoV5-1steel.ThetestsmadewiththeuseofGDOSindicatethe occurrence of a transition zone between the substrate material and the coating, which affects the improved adhesion between the coatings and the substrate. Asaresultofthepotentiodynamicpolarizationcurveanalysis,thecorrosioncurrent densitycorrosionratewasdetermined.Itconfirmsthebettercorrosionresistanceof samplescoatedwiththeuseofthePVDtechniquetotheuncoatedsamplesmadeofthe austeniticsteel(11.65A/cm2).Thecorrosioncurrentdensityforthecoatingstestedfits within the range 0.150.77 A/cm2, which proves their good anticorrosion properties. In order to evaluate with more detail the possibility of applying these surface layers in tools, furtherinvestigationsshouldbeconcentratedonthedeterminationofthethermalfatigue resistanceofthecoatings.Theverygoodmechanicalpropertiesofthenanocomposite coatingsmakethemsuitableinindustrialapplications.Theinvestigationresultswill provide useful information to applying the nanocomposite coatings for the improvement of mechanical properties of the hot work tool steels.Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Nanocomposite Coatings Deposited by PVD Technology 15 5. Acknowledgement ResearchwasfinancedpartiallywithintheframeworkofthePolishStateCommitteefor Scientific Research Project No N N507 550738 headed by Dr Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz. 6. References Behera,S.K.;Sahu,P.K.;Pratihar,S.K.&Bhattacharyya,S.(2004).MaterialsLetters,58,29, (November 2004) 3710-3715. 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Introduction Bio-based polymers and biocomposites are a relatively new and growing market in light of recentsocietalconcernsincludingdwindlingpetroluemreserves,environmentalandend-of-livedisposalissues(Mohantyetal.,2005;Vijay,2009).Polymersderivedfromplants, especiallythosefromnon-foodresources,aregainingtheattentionofgovernments, industriesandinstitutes,primarilyduetotheirenvironmentalcompatibility,superior physicalpropertiesandlowstablemarketpriceswhicharebecomingcompetitivewith petroleum-derivedpolymers.Thethreemajorchemicalcomponentsofbiomass,cellulose, hemicelluloseandligninareutilizedindiversefields,suchasbiofuels,particularly bioethanolandgreendiesel,biomaterials,includingconventionalcompositesandnovel nanocomposites,andothervalue-addedchemicals.Amongthem,celluloseisthemost abundantbiopolymerintheworldwithatotalannualbiomassproductionofabout1.5 1012tons(Klemmetal.,2005).Ithasledtoalargebodyofresearchduetoitsrenewable nature,wideavailability,non-foodagriculturalbasedeconomy,lowdensity,highspecific strength and modulus, high aspect ratio and reactive surface (Samir et al., 2005). Cellulose is apolydispersedlinearpolymerof-(1,4)-D-glucose.Acellulosefiberiscomposedof bundles of microfibrils where the cellulose chains are stabilized laterally by inter and intra-molecularhydrogenbonding.Microfibrilsarecomprisedofelementaryfibrilswhere monocrystallinedomainsarelinkedbyamorphousdomains.Generally,monocrystallite cellulose has been reported with length ranges from 100 to 300 nm and diameter between 5 and 20 nm. In other words, cellulose monocrystallite has a high aspect ratio of 20-60 (Helbert et al., 1996; Eichhorn et al., 2001; Mathew & Dufresne, 2002; Morin & Dufresne, 2002; Samir etal.,2004).Table1summarizesthedegreeofcrystallinityandthelateraldimensionof elementaryfibrilsfromseveralcellulosesamplesmeasuredbyX-raydiffraction(XRD). Tensilestrengthandmodulusofnativecellulosecrystallitesareapproximately10000MPa and150MPa,respectively(Kamel,2007).Undercertainprocessconditions,transverse cleavage of the cellulose happens primarily in the amorphous zone of the fiber and releases needle-likemonocrystalsreferredtoascellulosenanowhiskers.Whiskerdimensions dependonboththeoriginofthecelluloseandreactionconditionsemployed.Ingeneral, wood and cotton cellulose nano whiskers have a smaller length and cross section compared tothosederivedfromtunicate,bacterialandalgae(Hanleyetal.,1992;Terechetal.,1999; Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 18 Grunert&Winter,2002;Beck-Candanedoetal.,2005),whichisinagreementwiththe degreeofcrystallinityandthelateraldimensionofelementaryfibrils.Cellulosenano whiskers exhibit not only a high elastic modulus of 143 GPa (Sturcova et al., 2005), but also showsignificantchangesinelectrical,optical,andmagneticpropertiesincomparisonto nativecellulosicfibers(Samiretal.,2005).Therehasbeenagrowinginterestincellulose nanowhiskerreinforcedcompositesinthelastdecade,andimprovementsinmechanical andthermalpropertiesarereadilyachieved.(Dufresneetal.,1999;Mathew&Dufresne, 2002; Bondeson & Oksman, 2007). SampleC, %D, nm Natural softwood/hardwood cellulose60-623-4 Isolated sulfite cellulose62-635-6 Isolated Kraft cellulose64-656-7 Natural cotton cellulose68-695-6 Isolated cotton cellulose70-727-8 Natural flax or ramie cellulose65-664-5 Isolated flax or ramie cellulose67-686-7 Bacterial cellulose75-807-8 Algae cellulose75-8010-15 Table 1. Degree of crystallinity (C) and lateral dimension (D) of elementary fibrils from several cellulose samples (Ioelovich, 1993; Ioelovich & Larina, 1999; Grunert & Winter, 2002; Ioelovich, 2009; Ioelovich & Leykin, 2009). Polyurethane(PU)isanypolymerconsistingofachainoforganicunitsjoinedbyurethane linkages (-NHCOO-). It is formed through a step-wise polymerization by reacting a monomer containingatleasttwoisocyanategroupswithanothermonomercontainingatleasttwo hydroxylgroupsinpresenceofacatalyst(Pascaultetal.,2002).PUhasrapidlygrowntobe oneofthemostdiverseandwidely-usedmaterialswithacontinuouslyincreasingglobal market since its first lab synthesis in 1937 by Otto Bayer and co-workers (Vermette et al., 2001). Compared to conventional materials, e.g., wood and metals, polyurethane has its own unique merits, suchas low density, thermal conductivity andmoisturepermeability,a high strength toweightratio,anddimensionalstability(Limetal.,2008).Inaddition,theformulationand reactionconditionscanbereadilyadjustedtosynthesizePUswithdesiredpropertiesfor specific applications. Nowadays, PU is primarily used for construction, packaging, insulation, bedding,upholstery,footwear,andvehicleparts,informsofrigid,semi-rigidandflexible foams with a wide range of densities, as well as elastomers. Despite the significant benefits of PU, it still exehibits some drawbacks including poor degradability and toxicity due to the use ofisocyanateswhichhaveevokedresearcherstofindmoreenvironmentalfriendlystarting materials.Moreover,themechanicalandthermalpropertiesofPUarenotoptimialin comparison to other synthetic polymers like polystyrene. These drawbacks have continued to spurresearchintoPUcomposites,especiallynanocomposites,consideringthesuperior propertiesthatcanbeacquiredbytheintroductionofnanoparticlesintoaPUproduct.In recentyears,cellulosenanowhiskershavebeenusedasareinforcingfillerinPUsynthesis, and improvements of both thermal and mechanical properties have been reported (Marcovich et al., 2006; Cao et al., 2007; Auad et al., 2008; Cao et al., 2009; Auad et al., 2010; Li et al., 2010a; Wangetal.,2010). SincedifferenttypesofPUhavebeeninvestigatedthroughvarious preparationmethodsandcharacterizationtechniques,asummaryandcomparationwith regardtothePUnanocompositesynthesisandadetaileddiscussionoftheproperties, Cellulose Nano Whiskers as a Reinforcing Filler in Polyurethanes 19 mechanismsandotherassociatedissueswillfacilitatefutureapplicationsofcellulosenano whiskers in PU and other related polymers. 2. Cellulose nano whisker 2.1 Preparation of cellulose nano whiskers Duringthepasttwentyyears,researchoncellulosenanowhiskershasbeenextensively developed. Softwood (SW) kraft pulp (Revol et al., 1994; Araki et al., 1998; Araki et al., 1999; Puetal.,2007),SWsulfitepulp(Beck-Candanedoetal.,2005),hardwood(HW)ECF (elementalchlorinefree)pulp(Beck-Candanedoetal.,2005),recyclepulp(Filsonetal., 2009),cottonfiber(Revoletal.,1994;Dongetal.,1996;Dongetal.,1998; Arakietal.,2000; Hasani et al., 2008; Cao et al., 2009; Pei et al., 2010; Tang & Weder, 2010; Wang et al., 2010), sisal fiber (de Rodriguez et al., 2006; Tang & Weder, 2010), flax fiber (Cao et al., 2007), ramie fiber (Habibi et al., 2007; Habibi & Dufresne, 2008; Zoppe et al., 2009), wheat straw (Helbert etal.,1996),bambooresidue(Liuetal.,2010),bacterialmicrofibrils(Grunert&Winter, 2002),grassfiber(Pandeyetal.,2009),tunicatecellulose(Favieretal.,1995;Angles& Dufresne, 2000; Sturcova et al., 2005; Ljungberg et al., 2006; Habibi et al., 2007; Siqueira et al., 2010; Tang & Weder, 2010), microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) (Samir et al., 2004; Samir et al., 2004; Bondeson et al., 2006; Oksman et al., 2006; Bondeson & Oksman, 2007; Bai et al., 2009; Auad et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010) have all been utilized as cellulose sources for whiskers.The most common preparation method employed is acid hydrolysis, including acid sulfuric andhydrochloricacid.Othermethods,suchasenzymatichydrolysisandmechanical disintegration have also been used. Cellulose fibers are usually disintegrated by a Wiley mill to pass through a 20 mesh screen before acid hydrolysis. Sulfuric acid concentrations of 60-70% (w/w), more often 64%, is preferred (Revol et al., 1994). Acid treatment can range from 10minat70Cto3hoursat45Catselectacidtocelluloseratios,andthereactionis typicallyquenchedbydilutingwitha10foldadditionofdeionized(DI)water.The sediment,cellulosenanowhiskers,isthencollectedandneutralizedbyrepeated centrifugation and prolonged dialysis against deionized water until the pH of the whiskers suspensiondoesnotchange.Forspecificinvestigationsand/orapplicationpurposes,all ionsexceptH+associatedwithsulfategroupsonthesurfaceofH2SO4generatedwhiskers need to be removed.This can be achieved by treating the whisker suspension with a mixed-bedionexchangeresinandfilteringthrougha0.45mmembrane(Dongetal.,1996). Afterward,ultrasonictreatmentisnecessarytoseperatenanowhiskers.Aplasticreaction flask is preferred to avoid the release of ions from the glass container and the solution needs tobechilledtoavoidoverheatingwhichcouldcausedesulfation(Dongetal.,1998). Recently,cellulosenanowhiskerswerealsopreparedbysulfuricacidhydrolysisofcotton fiber(Hasanietal.,2008),MCC(Bondesonetal.,2006;Baietal.,2009),andsisalfiber (Siqueira et al., 2010) which followed the same general procedure described above. Whiskers with a narrow size distribution were obtained through differential centrifugation techniques (Bai et al., 2009). A comprehensive compilation of preparation conditions employing sulfuric acid and the average dimensions of cellulose nano whiskers derived from different sources is shown in Table 2.During sulfuric acid hydrolysis, esterification of cellulose hydroxyl groups to sulfate groups occurs(Figure1)whichcanintroducenegativechargestothenanowhiskersandthis provides improved suspension stability. The sulfate content of cellulose nano whiskers can bedeterminedbyaconductimetricmethoddescribedbyArakietal.(1998).Awhiskers suspension(~0.01g/mL,45mL)ismixedwithaNaClsolution(0.01M,5mL)before measurement.Forsampleswithpoorornosulfonation,3mLofwaterisreplacedby0.01 Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 20 Cellulose source H2SO4 conc., % (w/w) Time, min T, CAcid/cellulose, mL/g Dimension,nm2 6410708.75~ 200 5 6050< 70C 8.75~ 200 5 65107010185 75 ~ 3.5 6560458.75185 75 ~ 3.5 SW pulp 64454517.5100-250 5-15 6425458.75147 7 3-5 6425458.75141 6 5.0 0.3 6445458.75120 5 4.9 0.3 HW pulp 64454517.5105 4 4.5 0.3 64120458.75~ 200 5 6460458.75115 10 ~ 7 64454517.5176 21 13 3 64120608.3370-150 10-20 Cotton 6560458.75100-150 5-10 Sisal65156016.2~ 250 4 Flax64240458.33327 108 21 7 Wheat straw65602534.3150-300 ~ 5 63.5130.34410200-400 0.5% (w/v) and anti-thixotropic A/edc, i. e. in the strong electric field (or in the Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling mode) and for any E, including > A, i. e. at the tunnelling over the potential barrier.Let us consider the case of electrons injection from the AFM probe into the Si substrate (i. e. at Vg < 0). In this case, the eigenfunctions of the electron states in the Pt and Si layers can be written as usual: e(z) = exp(ikez) + C0 exp(ikez) ,(z) = Cexp(ikz) ,(21)respectively,whereke=(2mPtE)1/2/=andkc=[2mSi(EEcSi)]1/2/=aretheelectronwave vectorsoftheelectroneigenstatesinPtandinSi,respectively.Forgivenselectionofthe normalization constants C, the tunnel transmission coefficient of the double barrier structure()()()()2Pt ccSi eTm k EE C Em k E= ,(22) asfollowsfromtheconditionoftheprobabilitydensityfluxcontinuitystraightforward. Here mPt and mSi are the electron effective masses in Pt and in Si, respectively. The values of thenormalizationconstantsCatgivenEwerefoundfromtheBastard'sboundary conditions (the continuity of (z) and ofm1d/dz) at each interface in the structure.In Fig. 17,bamodeltunneltransparencyspectrumofthedoublebarrierstructureT(E)calculated for Vg = 5.7 V is presented. The total probe current at Vg < 0 is given by (Esaki & Stiles, 1966): ( ) ( )2Pt Bt g g 30T ln exp 18FBem k TD E EI V = E,V + dE k T =.(23) ThereversecurrentwasneglectedsinceItbecomesconsiderable(It>1pA)atVg2V>> kB/e only.AnexampleofthefittingofameasuredIVcurveoftheprobe-to-samplecontactbya model one is presented in Fig. 16, b; du, dc, and h were the fitting parameters. The best fit has Structural and Electron Transport Properties of Ultrathin SiO2 Filmswith Embedded Metal Nanoclusters Grown on Si 337 been achieved at du = 1.4 nm, dc = 1.1 nm, and h = 1.3 nm (the band diagram in Fig. 17, a has been calculated just for these values) which agrees with the XPS and TEM data satisfactory althoughthemodeldescribedaboveisratherrough.Firstofall,theeffectoftheimage potential at the Pt/SiO2 and Si/SiO2 interfaces on the band profile has been neglected. Then, theelectronenergydistributionhasbeencalculatedinthesimpleparabolicband approximation, the global band minima were taken into account only while the higher band extremaaswellasthebandnonparabolicitywereneglected.Also,thevaluesoftheband offsetattheSiO2/AuandSiO2/Ptinterfaceswerecalculatedfromthevaluesofthe workfunction and of the electron affinity for the respective materials. 0 2 4 6 8-238(z)x50SiO2PtEcEFEnergy (eV)Depth (nm)Au SiO2n-SiEcEFVgduh dc 0 2 4 6 8 1010-1510-1210-910-610-3100unnel TransparencyEnergy (eV) ab Fig. 17. The calculated band diagram (a) and the tunnel transparency spectrum (b) for a Pt/SiO2/Au/SiO2/n+-Si double barrier structure. dc = 1.1 nm, h = 1.3 nm, du = 1.4 nm, Vg = 5.7 V. Reprinted from (Filatov et al., 2010) under license by IoP Publishing Ltd. In addition, the dielectric constant for such an exotic material as depleted Au layer was not known, so it was assumed to be equal to the one of SiO2 to simplify the model. Nevertheless, fromthecomparisonoftheresultsofthemodelingwiththeexperimentaldata(Fig.16,b) one can conclude that the present model describes the electron tunnelling through the small AuNCsinathinSiO2filmsatisfactoryandthatitislikelythepeaksobservedinthe measured IV curves originate from the resonant tunnelling effect. In Fig. 16, b one can notice that the resonant peaks in the calculated IV curve are narrower compared to the measured ones that should be attributed to the inhomogeneous broadening due to the nonuniformity of the actual NC thickness. Also, one can note the splitting of the resonant peaks in the measured IV curve that could probably be ascribed to the stepwise fluctuations in the NC thickness.6. Conclusion The results presented in this chapter demonstrate the approaches based on the deposition of anm-thickMeSi(Me=Au,Pt)amorphousmixturewithwell-controlledMe/Si compositional ratio followed by its oxidation by the glow discharge oxygen plasma at room temperatureoralternativelybyitsthermaloxidationtoallowgrowingtheultrathinSiO2 layers with the embedded Me NCs. The resulting SiO2:NC-Me nanocomposite layers contain the Me NCs of 2 to 5 nm in the lateral size with the sheet density of ~ 1013 cm2, which can be Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 338 controlledbyvaryingtheMe/SiratiointheinitialMeSimixture.Furthermore,the methodsallowgrowingtheSiO2/SiO2:NC-Me/SiO2sandwichednanocompositestructures on any substrate in a single vacuum cycle. It should be stressed here that the NCs formed by theproposedmethodsareconfinedinthesinglesheetswiththepreciselycontrolled thickness of the underlying and cap layers. The CV measurements demonstrated a clearly expressedhysteresisindicatingthatthenanocompositeMOSstructuresgrownbythe described methods have the potential for the nanoscale nonvolatile memory applications. TheapplicationoftheTunnelingAFMallowedthevisualizationofthe AuNCsembedded intotheultrathinSiO2filmsontheSisubstrates.ThesizeofthecurrentimageofaNC embedded in a thin dielectric film was found to be determined primarily by the size of the contactareabetweentheAFMprobeandthefilmsurface.Thesecondfactoraffectingthe imagesizeandcontrastwasfoundtobethedepthoftheNCslocationbeneaththefilm surface.TheapplicationofTunnellingAFMallowedalsotheobservationoftheCoulomb blockade and of the resonant electron tunnelling through the individual Au NCs ~ 1 nm in thickness.Theobservedeffectscanbeutilizedinfuturenanoelectronicdevicesbasedon single NCs embedded inultrathin dielectric films. 7. 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Introduction In nature, zeolites as aluminosilicate members of the family of microporous solids are often formed where volcanic rock of specific chemical composition is immersed in water so as to leachawaysomeofthecomponents.Zeolitesareknownas"molecularsieves".Theyhave manyusefulapplicationssuchas:ionexchangetechnology,filtering,odorremoval, chemical sieve and gas absorption tasks but the most well known use for zeolites is in water filtrationapplications.Inatypicalexample,Figure1presentsacubicstructureofzeoliteY with 3D system of channels. Fig. 1. The structure of zeolite Y. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 342 Duetotheuniformityoftheporedimensions,zeolitescanactas"hostmaterials"forother molecules. Only molecules of certain size are able to be absorbed by a given zeolite material, orpassthroughitspores,whilemoleculesofbiggersizecannot.Duringthelasttwo decades,zeoliteswithnanoscaledimensionsopenanewviewinhost(nanoporesof zeolite)guest(transitionmetalcomplex)nanocompositematerials.Theencapsulationof transitionmetalcomplexesintotheframeworksitesofthemolecularsievehasattracted considerableattentionsasthepreparationofnovelcatalysts,owingtowhichpossessthe advantagesofbothhomogeneouscatalysisasthemetalioninthesolutionand heterogeneous catalysis as the molecular sieve in the polyphase system. So that, the catalytic efficiencyofzeoliteencapsulatedmetalcomplexes(ZEMC)ismuchhigherthanthatofthe neatcomplexesandtheZEMCnanocompositeshaveprovidedtheopportunitytodevelop catalyticprocessfortheselectiveoxidation,alkylation,dehydrogenation,cyclization, amination, acylation, isomerisation and rearrangement of various substrates and are able to produce intermediates as well as most industrial. Basically,therearethreemainapproachestoencapsulatecomplexes:thezeolitesynthesis (ZS),theflexibleligand(FL)andship-in-a-bottlemethods.IntheZSmethod,transition metalcomplexes,whicharestableundertheconditionsofzeolitesynthesis(highpHand elevatedtemperature),areincludedinthesynthesismixture.Theresultingzeolite encapsulates the transition metal complex in its voids but in the FL method, a flexible ligand is able to diffuse freely through the zeolite pores. Scheme 1 shows a typical "flexible ligand" synthesis of zeolite-Y encapsulated metal complexes of Ni(II). Scheme 1. "Flexible ligand" synthesis of zeolite-Y encapsulated metal complexes of Ni(II). Toensureencapsulation,FT-IR,UVVisspectroscopy,powderX-raydiffractionpatterns (XRD) and BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) technique can be applied.Theinvestigationofreportedresultsrevealsthatzeolitesencapsulatedmetalcomplexas heterogeneous catalysts make higher selectivity and conversion percentage than that of the homogeneous catalysts.From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 343 2. Host moleculesThelonghistory"host-guest"or"supramolecular"chemistryhascometotheforefrontin contemporary researches with the awarding of the 1987 Nobel Prize in chemistry to Donald J.Cram,Jean-MarieLehnandCharlesJ.Pedersen.Inmolecularengineering,host-guest chemistrydescribescompoundsthatarecomposedoftwoormoremoleculesorionsthat areheldtogetherinuniquestructuralrelationshipsbyforcesotherthanthoseoffull covalentbonds.Host-guestchemistryencompassestheideaofmolecularrecognitionand interactionsthroughnoncovalentbonding(hydrogenbonds,ionicbonds,vanderWaals forces,andhydrophobicinteractions).Althoughsupramolecularsystemsareoftenheld togetherbyweakerinteractionsthancovalentsystems,insomecasesthestrengthof supramolecularsystemsactuallyliesintheweaknessoftheseintermolecularforces.In particular,theweaknessoftheseinteractionsallowshost-guestbindingtobecomea reversible process, so that a host and guest can associate and dissociate without either of the building blocks being damaged or altered. This can be useful for systems such as molecular switchesandforcatalysis,andisutilizedfrequentlyinnaturalenzymes.Macrocyclichosts aremolecularreceptorsthatarearrangedasaring,inwhichtheguest,orsubstrate,may bindintheinterior.Macrocyclichostscanbegenerallyclassifiedastypesof "endoreceptors",inthattheybindwiththeirguestslocatedintheinteriorofthehost[1]. "Exoreceptors",incontrast,bindtosubstratesontheirexterior.Somecommonexamplesof macrocyclic hosts include: Cyclodextrins Calixarenes Cucurbiturils Crown ethers Cryptophanes Porphyrins Cyclotriveratrylenes Carcerands Zeolites 2.1 Cyclodextrins (CDs) In 1891, cyclodextrin molecules made up of cyclic oligosaccharides containing a-(1,4)-linked glucopyranosylunitsweredescribedbyA.Villiers[2].Typicalcyclodextrinscontaina numberofglucosemonomersrangingfromsixtoeightunitsinaring,creatingacone shape. Thus denoting: -cyclodextrin: six membered sugar ring molecule -cyclodextrin: seven sugar ring molecule -cyclodextrin: eight sugar ring molecule Chemical structure of the three main types of cyclodextrins is shown in Fig. 1. Theproductionofcyclodextrins(CDs)involvestreatmentofordinarystarchwithasetof easilyavailableenzymes[3]. Severalsyntheticmethodsforthepreparationofglycosylated cyclodextrinshavebeenreported[4,5].Recently,-cyclodextrinandhydroxypropyl-cyclodextrinsphereswithaparticlesizelessthan400nmwerepreparedbyMammucari and co-workers via an Aerosol Solvent Extraction System (ASES) process [6].Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 344 Fig. 1a. Chemical structure of cyclodextrins. As a class of water-soluble and nontoxic cyclic oligosaccharides with a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic interior, CDs have been extensively investigated in host-guest chemistry. OneofthemostimportantpropertiesofCDsistheinclusionofguestmoleculesintotheir cavities.ThecavitysizeofCDsincreaseswiththeincreasingnumberofglucopyranose repeatingunits.ThecavitydiameterofCDsisabout0.440.83nm(-CD:0.49nm,-CD: 0.62nm,-CD:0.80nm)[7,8].Furthermore,recentnovelapproachestochemicalsensing systemsusingsupramolecularstructuressuchasCDdimers,trimersandcooperative bindingsystemsofCDswiththeothersupramolecularshavebeenmentioned[9].Whena competitiveguestisaddedtotheaqueoussolutionoffluorophore-CD,thefluorophoreis excluded from the inside to the outside of the CD cavity. The fluorescent CD exhibits strong emissionintheself-inclusionstateduetothehydrophobicenvironmentoftheCDcavity andexclusionofthefluorophorefromthecavitytobulkaqueousmediaweakensits fluorescenceintensity.Therefore,fluorescenceintensityofmanykindsofturn-off fluorescent chemical sensors decreases by complexation with guest molecules. On the other hand,inturn-onfluorescentchemicalsensorsbyinclusionofahydrophobicguest moleculeintothecavityofthefluorophore-CDconjugate,thefluorophoreislocatedina more hydrophobic environment, thus the fluorescence intensity increases (Fig. 2a and 2b).CDs can be used as modified surface agent in the synthesis of nanostructure materials. Zhao andChenhavesynthesizedmulti-petalsZnOnano-structureinthepresenceof-cyclodextrinandtheyfoundthatifnotusing-CDinthepreparationprocess,onlylarger rodscouldbeobtained[10]andaccordingtorecentreport,-Cyclodextrin(-CD)-functionalizedCdSe/ZnSquantumdots(QDs)applyforopticalsensing[11].Todevelop functional nanowebs, Uyar et al. have synthesized cyclodextrin functionalized polyethylene oxide(PEO)nanofibers(PEO/CD)[12].Additionally,CDsarealsousedforfiltration purposes[13-15].Cyclodextrin-cappednanoparticlescanapplyincatalystindustry.Fig.3 represents TEM images of - Cyclodextrin capped Au nanoparticles [16]. OtherimportantapplicationsofCDsinvolve:supramolecularcarrierinorganometallic reactions[17]andpharmaceuticalapplicationsfordrugrelease[18,19].ToproduceHPLC columns allowing chiral enantiomers separation, -cyclodextrins are used [20].2.2 Calixarenes Calixarenes as macrocycles or cyclic oligomers are based on a hydroxyalkylation product of aphenolandanaldehyde[21].Thesemacromoleculeshavehydrophobiccavitiesthatcan From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 345 Fig. 2. (a) Turn-off and (b) Turn-on fluorosensors [9]. Fig. 3. TEM (a,b) and HRTEM (c,d) images of - Cyclodextrin capped Au nanoparticles [16]. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 346 holdsmallermoleculesorionsandbelongtotheclassofcavitandsknowninhost-guest chemistry. Like cyclodextrins, these scaffolds are able to bind hydrophobic organic molecules and can be modified with carbohydrate ligands on one face of the molecule with control over ligand to ligand spacing. The general structure of calixarenes represents in Fig.4. Fig. 4. The general structure of calixarenes. Theseconjugateshavebeenusefulforbothsite-directeddrugdelivery[22]andforstudies ofwater-monolayersurfaceinteractions[23].Calixarenesareefficientsodiumionophores andareappliedassuchinchemicalsensors.Ontheotherhand,thesemoleculesexhibit greatselectivitytowardsothercations.Calixarenesareusedincommercialapplicationsas sodium selective electrodes for the measurement of sodium levels in blood. In this case, Jin reportedseveralnewfluorescentNa+sensorsbasedoncalixarenes(Fig.5)[24].Useof differenttypesofcalixarenesassensitivelayersrevealswidepossibilitiesincontrolof sensitivity and selectivity of sensors [25, 26].LudwingandDzunghavediscussedaboutmoleculardesignprinciplesofcalixarene-type macrocycles for ion recognition and the relationship between their structure and selectivity [27].Calixarenesasexcellentsurfactantshavearemarkablecapacityformolecular encapsulation,arealsoproficientatencapsulatingnanoparticles.Therefore,these compounds can be use to control the growth of nanomaterials because of their stable cyclic structureinspiteoflowmolecularweightandalsoveryfavorablepropertiesforuseas high-resolution resists [28]. Wei reported the synthesis of Au and Co nanoparticles by using C-undecylcalix[4]-resorcinarene (C11 resorcinarene), as shown in Fig. 6 [29].Calixarenederivativessuchasp-sulfonato-calix[n]arenescanformhostguestinclusion complexesinasimilarwaytocyclodextrins.Suchwatersolublecalixarenesdisplay interestingbiologicalpropertiessuchasantiviralandanti-bacterialactivity[30]. It is found that calixarene derivatives as resist materials are used for electron-beam lithography [31, 32]. 2.3 Cucurbiturils (CBs) Acucurbiturilisamacrocyclicmoleculeconsistingofseveralglycoluril[=C4H2N4O2=] repeat units, each joined to the next one by two methylene [-CH2-] bridges to form a closed band.Theoxygenatomsarelocatedalongtheedgesofthebandandaretiltedinwards, formingapartlyenclosedcavity.Cucurbiturilswerefirstsynthesizedin1905byBehrend, bycondensingglycolurilwithformaldehydeinconcentratedsulfuricacidatafairlyhigh temperature(>110C)[33],buttheirstructurewasnotelucidateduntil1981[34]. Cucurbiturilsarecommonlywrittenascucurbit[n]uril,wherenisthenumberofrepeat units(n=5,6,7,8and10).AcommonabbreviationisCB[n].Fig.7andFig.8showX-ray crystal structures of CB[n] (n = 5-8) and synthetic method of CB[6], respectively [35, 36]. From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 347 Fig. 5. New fluorescent Na+ sensors based on Calixarenes [24]. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 348 Fig. 6. TEM image of Au nanoparticles prepared by using C-undecylcalix[4]-resorcinarene (C11 resorcinarene) [29]. Fig. 7. X-ray crystal structures of CB[n] (n = 5-8). Color codes: carbon, gray; nitrogen, blue; oxygen, red [35]. From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 349 Fig. 8. Synthetic method of CB[6] [36]. The cucurbiturils are often compared to cyclodextrins (Table 1), which are considered to be their closest relatives in terms of size and shape, and the fact that both are often studied in aqueous solution [37]. Host Portal Diameter () Interior Cavity Diameter () Height () Cavity Volume () Solubility in Water (Mm) CB[5] CB[6] CB[7] CB[8] CB[10] -CD -CD -CD 2.4 3.9 5.4 6.9 9.5-10.6 4.7 6.0 7.5 4.4 5.8 7.3 8.8 11.3-12.4 5.3 6.5 8.3 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 7.9 7.9 7.9 82 164 279 479 870 174 262 427 20-30 0.018 20-30 [MnL]-NaY > [NiL]-NaY. Forthefirsttime,transitionmetal(M=Mn(II),Co(II),Ni(II)andCu(II))complexeswith octahydro-Schiff base (H4-N4O4) have been encapsulated in nanopores of zeolite-Y; [M([H]8-N4O4)]@NaY;throughFlexibleLigandMethod(FLM)andutilizedasoxidationcatalysts [184]. The formation of these host-guest nanocomposite materials was illustrated in Fig. 28. Theresultsclearlysuggestthat[Cu2([H]8N4O4)]@NaYefficientlycatalysestheconversion ofcyclohexanetocyclohexanolandcyclohexanonewith59.3%and40.7%selectivity, respectively.4.1.2 Cyclohexene oxidation reactions Theencapsulatedcomplexescatalysethecyclohexeneoxidationreactionsingoodyield. Undertheoptimizedconditions,theoxidationofcyclohexenegavecyclohexeneoxide,2-cyclohexene-1-ol, cyclohexane-1,2-diol and 2-cyclohexene-1-one as major products (Fig. 31). Varioushighreactivezeoliteencapsulatedcomplexcatalystsusedfortheoxidationof cyclohexene were illustrated in Table 7. Besidesthetypeofcatalyst,temperatureandamountofcatalysteffectonthecatalytic activity and product selectivity [193-195]. Nanoscale microreactor containing (5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-4,11-diene)nickel(II)wereentrappedinthe supercageofzeoliteYandcyclohexenewascatalyticallyoxidizedinthepresenceof molecularoxygenand[Ni(Me6[14]aneN4)]2+-NaY.Effectsoftemperatureandamountof catalystonthereactivityandproductselectivitywereinvestigated.Theseresultswere illustrated in Table 8 and Table 9 [194]. From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 371 Fig. 28. Octahydro-Schiff base (H4-N4O4) encapsulated in nanopores of zeolite-Y through Flexible Ligand Method [184]. Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 372 Fig. 29. Conversion and oxidation products distribution in CH3CN with neat octahydro-Schiff base complexes in the oxidation of cyclohexane with H2O2 [184]. Fig. 30. Conversion and oxidation products distribution in CH3CN with octahydro-Schiff base (H4-N4O4) encapsulated in nanopores of zeolite-Y in the oxidation of cyclohexane with H2O2 [184]. From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 373 Fig. 31. Oxidation of cyclohexene. CatalystConversion (%)Major ProductRef. [VO(sal-dach)]-Y86.62-cyclohexene-1-one182 [Ni(Bzo2[14]aneN4)]+2-NaY49.62-cyclohexene-1-ol185 [Mn(H4C6N6S2)]-NaY90.32-cyclohexene-1-one186 [Mn(Bzo2)[12]aneN4)]+2-NaY80.34di-2-cyclohexenylether187 [Ni((Benzyl)2[16]aneN6)]+2-NaY59.72-cyclohexene-1-ol188 [Ni((Benzyl)2Bzo2[14]aneN6)]+2-NaY68.72-cyclohexene-1-ol189 [Mn(sal-2,6-py)]-NaY92.52-cyclohexene-1-one190 [Ni((C6H5)2[12]1,3-dieneN2O2)]+2-NaY67.52-cyclohexene-1-ol191 [Ni([H]2-N4)]+2-NaY70.82-cyclohexene-1-ol192 Table 7. High reactive zeolite encapsulated complex catalysts used for the oxidation of cyclohexene. Selectivity (%) 2-Cyclohexene-1-one2-Cyclohexene-1-ol Conversion (%)Temperature (oC) 39.8 37.4 34.5 31.4 60.2 62.6 65.5 68.6 4.8 10.6 61.6 20.6 50 60 70 80 Table 8. Effect of temperature on the reactivity and product selectivity [194]. Selectivity (%) 2-Cyclohexene-1-one2-Cyclohexene-1-ol Conversion (%) Amount of catalyst(mg) 46.4 44.6 42.4 40.6 38.7 34.5 39.4 48.6 53.6 55.4 57.6 59.4 61.3 65.5 60.6 51.4 53.2 54.5 56.3 57.4 59.6 61.6 59.1 58.3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 9. Effect of amount of catalyst on the reactivity and product selectivity [194]. It is found that the reactivity and selectivity to 2-cyclohexen-1-ol increase in the range of 5070 C.Ontheotherhand,theoptimizedamountofcatalystis10mgwiththehighest conversion and selectivity to 2-cyclohexen-1-ol.Advances in Diverse Industrial Applications of Nanocomposites 374 4.1.3 Phenol and alcohol oxidation reactions Host(zeolite)/guest(metalcomplex)nanocompositematerials(HGNMs)canbeusedas suitablecatalystsforoxidationofaromaticandaliphaticalcohols.Catalyticactivityof [Cu(salpn)]-Yintheoxidationofphenoltoamixtureofcatecholandhydroquinoneusing H2O2 as an oxidant has been studied by Maurya and co-workers and the best suited reaction conditions have been optimized by considering the effect of solvents used, concentration of substrate,temperature,reactiontime,amountofcatalystandoxidant[196].Underthebest suitedconditions,theselectivitytowardstheformationofcatecholandhydroquinoneis about80and20%,respectively.Veryrecently,solventfreecatalyzedoxidationofbenzyl alcoholby7,16-diacetyl[Cu(Me4(Bzo)2[14]tetraeneN4)]-NaYwasreported[197].Sahaetal. showedthatthecomplexCu(salen)[salen=N,N0-(ethylene)bis(salicylaldiimine)] encapsulatedinNaYzeoliteexhibitsremarkablecatalyticactivityforoxidizingof1-naphthol and norbornene [198]. Herein, we summarize several effective HGNM catalysts for the oxidation of phenol, benzyl alcohol and cyclohexanol (Table 10). FunctionalizationofcarbonnanotubeswithSchiffbasecomplexesisaneffectivewayto enhancetheirphysicalandchemicalproperties,andimprovesolubility.Ourexperimental resultsshowedthatfunctionalizedmulti-wallcarbonnanotubes(MWNTs)bySchiff-base complexes can catalyze the oxidation of aliphatic and aromatic alcohols into the corresponding carboxylic acids and ketones in the presence of H2O2 in good yields [206, 207]. 4.1.4 Other catalytic applications BesidesabovementionedcatalyticapplicationofHGNMs,thesenovelmaterialscan catalyze other important reactions in good yield such as: hydroxylation [208-214], oxidation of sulfides and ethers [215-219] and epoxidation [220-222]. CatalystSubstrateConversion (%) Major ProductRef. [Cu((C6H5)2[13]1,4dieneN4O2)]+2-NaYCyclohexanol 88.6Cyclohexanone199 [Cu((Benzyl)2Bzo2[14]aneN6)]+2-NaYBenzyl alcohol 75.7Benzaldehyde200 [Cu(Me4(NO2)2Bzo[14]tetraeneN4]+2-NaY Benzyl alcohol 83.1Benzaldehyde201 [Cu(Me4[14]aneN8]+2-NaYBenzyl alcohol 73.2Benzaldehyde202 [VO2(sal-ambmz)]YPhenol43.9Catechol203 [Cu(Eto-salen)-NaYPhenol44Catechol204 [Ni(Me4(NO2)2Bzo[14]tetraeneN4]+2-NaY Phenol60.3Catechol205 Table 10. Several effective HGNM catalysts for the oxidation of phenol and alcohols. 5. ConclusionsAtopicofgreatinterestinrecentyearsisthesynthesisofmolecules(hosts)capableof encapsulatingsmallermolecules(guests)withinopeninteriorcavitiescontainingportals allowing the smaller guest species to enter and depart. Such molecules can serve as models ofmolecularrecognitioninbiologicalsystemsandhaveprovidedbetterunderstandingof thenatureofhydrophobicandvanderWaalsinteractionsinaqueoussolutions.Besides catalyticapplicationsofhost-guestnanocompositematerials,thesematerialsbecauseof From Zeolite to Host-Guest Nanocomposite Materials 375 their nano-size dimension can be used as gas adsorption and seperation [223-225] sunscreen additives for reducing adverse effects from UV [226] and for water splitting [227]. 6. References [1]K.Ariga, T.Kunitake, SupramolecularChemistryFundamentalsandApplications, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, 2006. [2] A. Villiers, Compt. Rend. Fr. Acad. Sci. 435 (1891) 8. [3] A. Biwer, G. Antranikian, E. Heinzle, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 59 (2002) 17. [4] D.A. Fulton, J.F. Stoddart, Org. Lett. 2 (2000) 1113. [5] J.M. Garcia-Fernandez, C. Ortiz-Mellet, Adv. Carbo. Chem. Biochem. 55 (2000) 35. [6] R. Mammucari, F. Dehghani, N. R. Foster, Pharmaceutical Research 23 (2006) 429. [7] M.V. 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