
ACCESS RESOURCES ON STUDENT SHARED USE CORBETT MATHS TO ACT ON TARGETS MAKE SUMMARY NOTES USE ADDITIONAL ONLINE RESOURCES Each AP has a matching revision sheet containing possible targets and matching Corbett Maths resources. Corbett Maths has videos, worksheets and answers. Progress books and Kerboodle digital books are useful for summarizing key points for each unit. Kerboodle digital books contain helpful examples and notes as well as links to Mymaths and additional videos. EFFECTIVE REVISION FOR ASSESSMENTS Identify targets Look through your progress book and highlight target areas. How? Access Revision Resources How? Student Shared Area Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Access Revision Resources How? SELECT THE CORRECT AP Use Revision Resources How? Refer to a target on the revision resources sheet then watch the matching video on Corbett maths CLICK ON WATCH Use Revision Resources How? Now complete the matching worksheet CLICK ON COMPLETE Use Revision Resources Check Progress How? Once you have completed the worksheet, mark it using the answers provided. CLICK ON Use Revision Resources Summarise main points for each unit. How? Look through your progress book and make note of key points. Use Look through your progress book and make note of key points. Use zhm4 SELECT LOGIN CLICK ON SELECT A BOOK THERE ARE 9 BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM Which Kerboodle book is right for you? AP 2 AND 3 AP 4 AND 5 AP 5 AND 6 THIS IS ONLY A ROUGH MATCH! Summarise main points for each unit. How? Look through your progress book and make note of key points. Use KERBOODLE Look through your progress book and make note of key points. Use KERBOODLE Use the notes and examples provided in the digital books. Use other online resources for further practice. How? This symbol is found at the bottom of some pages. It links to a relevant video This symbol is found at the bottom of some pages. It links to a relevant Mymaths lesson Use other online resources for further practice. How? Try the questions in the different exercises. You will find the answers at the back of the digital book. Use the helpful examples to revise the key points.

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