









SOUL crooner Pete Lawrie’scareer is on the up . . . buthis sex appeal is goingDOWN.The 27-year-old was votedWales’ 19th sexiest man — althoughlast year he peaked at No16.Top spot went to comedian RhodGilbert while 007 star Timothy Dal-ton limped in at No50.And Pete said: “Something badhas happened. I’ve dropped threeplaces and was beaten by GavinHenson, so that upsets me.“I could do worse as at least Ibeat Timothy, who played JamesBond.“You just have to laugh, though.If you start takingthat stuff seriously,then you’re goingwrong.”What’s not goingwrong is Pete’s spark-ling reputation, withhis debut album ALittle Brighter —out in March —expected to be oneof the big ones nextyear.It’s been two years

since Rollo Armstrong from Faith-less discovered Pete before he’dever done a gig, and sorted out arecord deal for him. But thestraight-talking singer isn’t inter-ested in the hype.Pete said: “In the end you’re justgoing to release your record and ifpeople connect that’s what matters.Music is either good or bad.“If you just believe in whatyou’re doing then people willeither love it or hate it — there’snothing worse than being in thatmiddle ground.”Before the album, Pete is releas-ing first big single Fell Into TheRiver on January 31.He added: “It’s a new year andwe want to go into 2011 with it —

it’s a big, positive gospel song.”Making music is in Pete’s genesafter his Scots grandfather — whohailed from Glasgow — was a starin his own right. He played theoboe on the Beatles’ hit Straw-berry Fields.Pete, from Penrith, Cumbria,said: “My grandfather played on alot of the John Williams scoreslike Superman, Stars Wars andIndiana Jones — it’s amazing.“He bought me a trumpet when Iwas ten, plus both my parents aremusicians so there was alwaysrecords on and a piano in thehouse. I’m lucky I was exposed toall of that at such a young age.”Now Pete — who supported PaoloNutini at the Royal Albert Hall

this year — is focused onmaking it big next year.He said: “Paolo is aproper pop star.“But I really can’twait to do a gig whenpeople have heard all thesongs.“It’s a cliche but ifyou see a stranger in thecrowd singing yourwords back to you, thereis no better feeling.”Q Visit petelawrie.comONES2WATCH


ALASTAIR MURRAY isalso a person.Believe it or not, the PubLandlord legend HAS tastedwine and holidayed inFrance (his alter-ego’s“nemesis country”) earlierthis year on a skiing trip.Although he didn’t actuallyhit the slopes . . .“I don’t have much of anexercise regime,” he tells me.“Which is why I wasn’t toobothered by the shark newsrecently. I’m anything but anavid swimmer, so that’ll neveraffect me!”Having said that, being onstage for two hours night afternight is akin to a full cardioworkout. He adds: “Runningaround shouting every nighttakes its toll. I always finishthe tour relatively trim and fit.“When I start off I’m a mess.A wheezing monstrosity. I fin-ish the tour then get fat againin time for Christmas.”Around about now then.His most recent outing, ThePub Landlord’s Barrel Of Funtour, is in full

swing. And things have neverbeen better. The DVD, whichwas recorded at the Hammer-smith Apollo in October, is outnow and sees the barman hit-ting top form. Not to mentionthe sensational extra specialfeatures.“This year’s show sees thePublican attempting to figureout human nature,” he says.“Although getting thingsdrastically mixed up as usual.“It is basically an excuse totake the p***. A lot of comedydraws big conclusions fromsmall things, like summing upthe differences between menand women from the way theyboth stand in queues.“The Landlord does similarthings by summing up a topicas vast as human nature usingstuff like airport escalators.”Al is currently developing anew format for TV, off theback of a sell-out EdinburghFestival show, his Compete ForThe Meat pub quiz.He says: “We had such agood time doing that. It’s ablatant attempt to f*** about asmuch as we can.“Now there’s talk of a TVshow, interactive DVD, pubquiz machine, the lot!”Just this week the comicperformed a festive version ofthe quiz for charity (of which he is a patron).“Part of the quiz is calledthe “crisp countdown” — acrisp speed-eating contest setto the Countdown theme tune.Al, who has previouslybattled crisp addiction (nothelped by his appearance in aWalkers ad this year) isn’t astranger to practising this

in his own time.“I have beenknown to timemyself eatingthem at home,”says the starwho oncegave up thesnacks as aNew Year’sresolution —only tobecome a‘ s o c i a lc r i s p

e a t e r ’ .“ I ’ mimp r e s -s i v e l yquick asit hap-pens.”Well, they

do say practicemakes perfect.Plus he’ll needthe energy for allthat runningaround on stage.l F o r mo r einformation on Al’stour, DVD and PubQuiz book,

AUSSIE alternative gangKarnivool have got a reput-ation as big as Ayers Rock.They’re on a European tourand they’ll play the onlyScots gig at Glasgow’sKing Tut’s on December18. It’s definitely not apipe-and-slippers affair.Tickets are available via

WHITE LIES have got thetricky second album allsorted. It’s out next monthand single Bigger Than Usis proof they’re on to a win-ner. They are in SouthAmerica but they’ll be backto do a full UK tour in Febru-ary. Listen to the single

now at

KITTY THE LIONWHO: Anna, (guitar/vocals,below), Sorren (guitar/vocals),Callum (mandolin/vocals), Joe(bass), Nick (drums).WHERE: Glasgow.FOR FANS OF: KT Tunstall,

Mumford & Sons and ReginaSpektor.JIM SAYS: Originally formed as avehicle for singer-songwriter AnnaMeldrum, Kitty The Lion becamea fully-fledged band last year and

very quickly one of myfavourite new acts.Winners of the recent Hog

The Stage event I washosting at the HMV Picture

House, they’ll now openEdinburgh's Hogmanay,appearing alongside NewtonFaulkner and The Coral on theWaverley Stage.Anna and the boys have been

attracting some serious recordcompany interest with their quirkybrand of folk-pop — and it’s notjust hype, as I’ve fielded callsmyself from the labels.With two singles already behind

them, as well as a triumphant T InThe Park appearance this year,plans are now in place to record afull album.All the potential is there for Kitty

The Lion to become one ofScotland’s most important bands.MORE: Hear Jim on Amazing Radio,Sundays from 3-4pm (DABdigital radio & online). Seewww.jimgellatly.comN



WIN a chance to meet rock band The Script in the Big Apple.This great prize includes flights from Heathrow to New York,

three nights’ accommodation, two tickets to see the band onThe Late Show With David Letterman (or alternative show) and ameet-and-greet afterwards.For a chance to win, just answer this: Where were The Script

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then your answer (a, b or c) followed by your name andaddress. For example: SUN B Paul Jones, 43 London Road, Any-where, N4 0XX. Or call with your answer on 0904 040 0703.TERMS AND CONDITIONS: You must be 18 or over. Texts cost £1.50p plus standardmessage rate. Calls cost £1.50p per call from standard BT landlines plus networkextras. Competition closes at midnight on Sunday. If you call or text in after theclosing date/time, you will not be entered but you will be charged. Winners will beselected at random from all correct entries received. PRIZE T&Cs: Flights areeconomy class. £500 for winner only. Accommodation is for two people sharing atwin or double room. Trip must be taken on dates specified (leave 18/01/11, return21/01/11). Winner must have personal email account and hold a UK passport valid forat least six months after date of travel. Winner and guest must be legally allowed toenter US – check at




TEXT: 63388 CALL: 0904 040 0703

8 SFTW Friday, December 10, 2010

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