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Paper ID: 15401 Paper: Advanced Computer Networks

INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: Maximum Marks : 601. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should have objective or short answer type questions. It

should be of 20 marks.2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have two questions. However,

student may be asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be 10 marks

Unit -I Review of Physical, Data link layer, TCP/IP: Datalink Protocols; ARP and RARP. Unit-IINetwork Layer: Routing algorithms and protocols, Congestion control algorithm, Router Operation, Router configuration, Internetworking, IP Protocol, IPv6 (an overview), Network layer in ATM Network. Unit-IIITransport Layer: Transport Service, Transport Protocol (TCP, UDP, ATM AAL layer protocol). Application layer: Security, DNS, SNMP, RMON, Electronic Mail, WWW. Unit-IVNetwork Security: Firewalls (Application and packet filtering), Virtual Public Network. Text:1. Tananbaum A.S., “Computer Networks”, 3rd Ed, PHI, 1999.2. Laura Chappell (ed), “Introduction to Cisco Router Configuration”, Techmedia, 1999. References:1. Black U., “Computer Networks-Protocols, Standards and Interfaces”, PHI, 1996.2. Stallings W., “Computer Communication Networks”, PHI.3 Stallings W., “SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, RMON 1&2”, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 1999.4. Michael A. Miller, “Data & Network Communications”, Vikas Publication.5. William A. Shay, “Understanding Data Communications & Networks”, Vikas Publication. 

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Q1. Which organization is responsible for management of internet domain names and addresses?Q2. How internet organization is organized?Q3. Discuss about different web documents used in internet.Q4. Name a technology that creates and handles dynamic documents.Q5. Compare the TCP/IP with OSI reference model. state the similarities and differences between these two models.Q6. Write short note on the following:

(i) SLIP (ii) PPP(iii) NAT(iv) WWW(v) Q13. What are Physical, logical, and port address?

Q7. What are Physical, logical, and port address?Q8. Differentiate between classless addressing and classful addressing in internet.Q9. Given the network address,find the beginning address of this network.Q10. Differentiate Between Private address and special address.Q11. What is Limited Broadcast address?


Q1. What is the Maximum Number of Subnets in the following address: Class C: mask An organization is granted the block administrator wants to create 32 subnets: (i)Find the subnet mask. (ii)Find the number of addresses in each subnet. (iii)Find the first and last address in the first subnet. (iv) Find the first and last address in the last subnet.Q3. An ISP is granted a block ISP needs to distribute these addresses as:

(i) The first group has 64 customers, each needs 256 addresses.(ii) The second group has 128 customers, each needs128 addresses.

Design the subblocks and give slash notation for each subblock.Q4. Explain the following:

(i) CIDR notation(ii) Subnetting and supernetting.(iii) Multihome devices.

Q5. Explain the IP datagram.

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Q6. Explain the Query Messages in ICMP.Q7. What does a router running proxy ARP and representing 10 hosts return in target hardware field in an ARP reply?Q8. What is the maximum size of data portion of the IP datagram?Q9. Name the Application program that uses the services of ICMP to test the reachabilty of a host.Q10. How ARP and RARP protocols are fundamentally different? In what respect they are similar?


Q1. Show the routing table of a host that is totally isolated.Q2. Host A sends a time_stamp message to host B and receives the reply. Discuss the possible causes and corresponding course of action.Q3. Why do OSPF message Propagates faster than RIP message?Q4. How many bytes are empty in a RIP message that advertises N networks? Q5. Explain various methods that make the size of the routing table manageable.Q6. Name the various routing protocols. Explain the various remedies to improve stability in RIP.Q7. A routing algorithm should have global knowledge about the state of the network to perform its task. Give various goals and objectives to be considered in routing algorithms.Q8. Explain the difference between leaky bucket traffic shaper and token bucket traffic shaper.Q9. Does RPB in multicast routing actually create a spanning tree? Explain. What are the leaves of the tree?Q10. What is the basis of classification for the four types of links defined by OSPF?


Q1. How IPV4 is different from IPV6?Q2. What is socket addressing?Q3. For what applications would you use UDP and Why?Q4. How flow control and error control issues are handled in TCP protocol?Q5. Explain the congestion control mechanism of TCP.Q6. The following is dump of UDP header in Hexadecimal Format 06 32 00 0D 00 1C E2 17

(i) What is the source port number?(ii) What is the destination port number?

Q7. Explain the following term in the context of transport layer(i) Forbidden region(ii) Three –way handshake.(iii) Persistence timer.

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Q8. What is the purpose of following fields in TCP header?(i) Urgent pointer(ii) Six 1-bit flags(iii) Window size

Q9. Explain the encapsulation of PDUs in TCP/IP, and addressing with suitable diagrams.Q10. Explain Nagle’s algorithm.


Q1. What is the purpose of BOOTP protocol?Q2. What do you mean by SYN flooding attack?Q3. Draw the format of DNS message.Q4. What is Embedding in TELNET?Q5. List the various group of FTP Commands.Q6. Give the purpose of TFTP and explain its bug with diagram.Q7. Explain recursive Resolution and Iterative resolution and caching in DNS.Q8. How are control and data character distinguished in NVT?Q9. Explain the two protocols that SNMP uses to perform management tasks.Q10. Discuss SMTP standard for mail transferring between two hosts with the help of typical mail flow diagram.


Q1. Name a public key and private key algorithm.Q2. What do mean by cipher in cryptography? How substitution ciphers are different from transposition ciphers?Q3. How private key is different from public key in cryptography?Q4. What are digital signatures? What are the type of encryption techniques? Q5. What are block ciphers? Discuss DES encryption algorithm with a block diagram.Q6. What are Firewalls? Explain the different type of firewalls.Q7.what is a VPN and why it is needed?Q8. Why does ATM use small, fixed length cell?Q9. Name the ATM layers and explain their functions.Q10.Briefly explain about ISDN technology.Q11. Explain the following:(i) Frame relay(ii) DNS(iii) RMON(iv) HTTP

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LECTURE PLANMobile Computing

8th Semester

Topics to be covered No. of Lectures


1st term

Introduction to PCS1. Introduction to cellular system architecture 1 12. Mobility Management, Registration, call

Delivery2 1

3. Handoff Management:Detection and Channel Assignment

1 1

4. Handoff Management:Radio Link Transfer 1 15. Network Signalling, cell splitting, cell

sectoring, Co-channel interference2 4, 5

Introduction to GSM System6. GSM Characteristics and service aspects 1 1,27. GSM Architecture 1 1,28. Speech Encoding and Modulation 1 29. Logical Channels and Security aspect 1 1,210. GSM network signaling and Protocol Model 1 1,211. GSM Mobility Management 1 1,2

Introduction to GPRS12. GPRS Architecture and interfaces 2 1,213. GPRS Network Nodes 2 1,2

2nd term

Mobile data communication14. Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11 Standard 2 2,315. Mobile IP 1 2,3

Overview of WAP

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16. WAP & its Architecture 1 1,317. WAP Protocol Details 2 1,3

3G Mobile Services18. IMT 2000 Vision 1 1,2,319. WCDMA & CDMA 2000 2 1,2,320. Quality and services in 3 G 1 1,2,3

3rd Term

Overview of WLL21. WLL Architecture 1 122. WLL Technologies 1 1

Global Mobile Satellite Systems23. Case studies IRIDIUM & Glob Star 2 1,2,3

Wireless Enterprise Networks24. Virtual Networks 2 125. Bluetooth Technology 1 1,326. Bluetooth Protocol Stack 2 1,3

Books :1. Yi-Bing Lin & Imrich Chlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Networks Architectures”,

John Wiley & Sons, 2001.2. Raj Pandya, “Mobile and Personal Communication systems and services”,

Prentice Hall of India, 2001.3. Jochen Schiller ,“Mobile Communications”, Pearson Education, 2001.4. Pahlavan and Krishnamurthy, “Principles of Wireless Networks”, Pearson

Education, 20035. Theodore S Rappaport, “Wireless Communication Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition,

Pearson Education, 2002.


Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) What are the two major parts of typical PCS Network architecture?

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2) What are the differences between cellular and low tier PCS or cordless telephony?

Can we deploy public low tier PCS services as we can cellular services?

3) What is handoff? What is roaming? How do you perform handoff during roaming?

4) Existing cellular system utilizes two level database structure (i.e. HLR & VLR) to

support roaming management. Is it appropriate to implement a cellular system with a

single level database structure?

5) Why is SS7 classified as a common channel signalling protocol? What are the main

elements in the SS7 architecture? Describe them.

6) What are ISUP messages usually used for? Can we implement IS-41 registration

procedure using ISUP?

7) Prove that for a hexagonal geometry, the co-channel reuse ratio is given by Q=√3N,

where N= i2+ij+j2

8) If 20 MHz of total spectrum is allocated for a duplex wireless cellular system and

each simplex channel has 25 KHz rf bandwidth, Find

(a)The number of duplex channels.

(b)Total number of channels per site, if N = 4 cell reuse is used.

9) Show that if N = 4, a cell can be split into four smaller cells, each with half the radius

and1/16 of transmitted power of the original cell. If the extensive measurement show

that the path loss exponent is three how should the transmitted power be changed in

the order to split a cell into four smaller cells? What impact will that have on cellular

geometry? Explain your answer with diagrams.

10) What is the difference between soft handoff and hard handoff?

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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) What are the modifications require to an existing GSM Network to be upgraded to

GPRS? Explain with the help of neat block diagram.

2) Describe the functions of MS and SIM. Why does GSM separate the MS & SIM?

How and where is user related data is stored in GSN System? How is user data

protected from unauthorized access over the air interface.

3) What is meant by frequency reuse? Explain the functions of BS, MSC and MS in a

cellular network.

4) Explain role of EIR in GSM Network.

5) Draw GSM TDMA frame format.

6) Explain the QoS attributes in GPRS system.

7) Describe how data encryption is done in GSM system, with diagram explaining the

role of SIM, A3, A5 and A8 algorithm.

8) What is ISM band? What is its frequency?

9) What are different interfaces in GPRS Network?

10) Describe how GPRS would increase the utilization of a GSM Network.

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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) What are the design guidelines for WAP? What are the disadvantages of

implementing TCP/IP directly over the mobile network?

2) Describe WAP Protocol stack. In which situation is WTP is not used.

3) Describe distillation. Which layer of WAP implements this mechanism?

4) List the entities of mobile IP and describe data transfer from a mobile node to a fixed

node and vice-versa. Why and where encapsulation is is needed.

5) What are the advantages does the use of IPv6 offer for mobility? Where are the

entities of mobility IP now?

6) Name the requirements for a mobile IP and justify them. Does mobile IP fulfill all of


7) What is the significance of WAP gateway?

8) What is the alternative of implementing Home Agent (HA) in mobile IP?

9) List the problems associated with reverse tunneling.

10) Explain the need for mobile IP.

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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) of WML What is the fundamental difference of WML compared to HTML? Why is

this difference important with respect to handheld devices? What is specified in

addition to save bandwidth?

2) Why has a scripting language been added to WML? How can this language help

saving bandwidth and reducing delay?

3) Define decks and cards in WML.

4) Write a program in WML to display a table of 2 rows and three columns.

5) Create a WML card can be set up to display the text formatting functions.

6) Create a WML card to let a user enter information like Name, Age and e-mail


7) What is WML Script?

8) List the basic features of WML.

9) List capabilities supported by WMLScript that not supported by WML.

10) Give some standard libraries of WMLScript.

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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) Explain with the help of an example hoe a call is set up in the GLOBALSTAR


2) Compare LEO, MEO,GEO based global mobile satellite systems on the basis of

their technologies and features

3) How is communication established between users in GLOBALSTAR and

IRIDIUM systems?

4) Discuss the layered architecture supported by bluetooth technology

5) In an enterprise location system, we observe tht when the user movement pattern

is more irregular than the potential of losing a call becomes smaller. Explain

6) Give the architecture of virtual networks.

7) What are bluetooth core protocols. Disscuss the bluetooth protocol stack?

8) Write a short note on virtual networks.

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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) What is the most important reason to use WLL instead of its wireline counterpart?

2) What are main modules specified in TR-45 WLL reference model?

3) Discuss four major technologies for WLL systems. What are advantages and

disadvantages of these approaches?

4) Explain the WLL architecture in detail. Explain the functioning of WANU,

WASU and standard network interface.

5) Discuss the issues considered in WLL development so as to compete with other

local loop technologies.

6) Design a system that accommodates both public mobile services and WLL in this


7) Compare GEO, MEO and LEO. Which of these technologies for WLL need to

implement handoff?

8) Differentiate between WCDMA and CDMA2000 with the help of a diagram &


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Mobile ComputingE.C.E 7 Semester

Date of Submission:

1) Summarize the main features of 3rd generation mobile phones systems. How do

you achieve higher capabilities and higher data rate.

2) Enumerate QOS provided in 3G keeping in view the IMT-2000 Vision

3) Draw IMT-2000 frequency bands. Why W-CDMA has been chosen for IMT-


4) Briefly comment on advantages and improvements of IMT-2000 systems over 2G


5) Discuss the message flow for 1st registration with GLR.

6) Comparison of W-CDMA & CDMA2000 in terms of technologies.

7) What are the differences between the W-CDMA trial systems by Nortel &

Ericsson ?

8) What are criteria for evaluating 3G handset design?

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Code No.: ETCS 413 L T CPaper: Requirements & Estimation Techniques 3 1 4INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: MAXIMUM MARKS: 751. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should have objective or short answer

type questions. It should be of 25 marks. 2. Apart from question no. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have two

questions. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks.

  UNIT – I Requirements engineering: Requirements Elicitation, Requirement Elicitation techniques, Requirement Analysis, Requirement Analysis Models, Requirement Documentation, Requirement Management, IEEE Std. For SRS [No. of Hrs.: 10] UNIT - IISize Estimation: Function Point Analysis, Mask II FPA, LOC estimation, Conversion between size measures [No. of Hrs.: 12] UNIT - IIIEffort, schedule & cost estimation: Estimation factors, COCOMO-II, Putnam Estimation Model, Estimation by Analogy, Validating Software Estimates [No. of Hrs.: 12]UNIT - IVIntroduction to software life cycle, management activities in software projectTools: Software Estimation Tools Industry Resources; IFPUG, UQAM-SEMRL, COSMIC, IEEE, COCOMO[No. of Hrs.: 10]  

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TEXT BOOKS:1. Swapna Kishore, Rajesh Naik, “Software Requirements and Estimation”, TMH,

1992. REFERENCE BOOKS:1. K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, "Software Engineering", 2nd Ed., New Age

International Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.2. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioiner’s Approach”, 3rd Edition,

McGraw Hill, 1992.

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Q1.What are the steps for a software project? Explain each step briefly?Q2. What is requirement ? Distinguish between functional and nonfunctional requirements?Q3. What are the various activities involved in requirement management?Q4 Describe the tasks involved in requirement elicitation?Q5.Justify-“Waterfall model is the base unit of all other life cycle models?Q6. What is DFD and how is it best used ?Q7.What all does requirement comprise of ?Q8.What is Project Quality Assurance?Q9Explain any three Requirement Elicitation Techniques in detail?Q10. Write short note on following:(1)CORE(2)JAD(3)QFD(4)SSM(5)DFD(6)ERD(7)STD(8)USE CASES(9)SRS(10)SOFTWARE LIFE CYCLEQ11. What are the common problems problems with an SRS?Q12. Write IEEE standards for SRS?


Question bank

1.Explain the following in brief:

(a ) JAD


(c ) SSM


(e) Use cases




(I ) Reyliegh Curve


2.Explain Software Lifecycle ?

3.Explain the various management activitiesin a software project.

4.What is requirement engineering?

5.Write short note on management Activities in a software project.

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6.Describe characteristics of the SRS Document.

7. Write IEEE standards for SRS.

8. For your college library system, write the SRS document following the IEEE standards.

9.Explain Function Point Analysis.

10. What is Mark II FPA?

11. Explain LOC Estimation.

12.Compute Function pont Value for a project with the following information domain characteristics:

No.of user inputs=30,user outputs=42,user enquieries=08,no.of files=07,external files=06.Assume all

complexity adjustment factor are moderate.

13. Explain Requirement Elication techniques.

14. Write a short note on advantages and disadvantages of counting Function points.

15.List the activities in Requirement definition and requirement management of requirement engineering.

16. Give the advantages and disadvantages of IFPUG’s FPA method? How is Mark II FPA method more

accurate than IFPUG FPA method.

17.How do we determine the complexity of different function points and discuss the procedure of counting

the enhancement project function points using IFPUG’s FPA method.

18.Write an example documentation for elicitation of any functional requirements of any s/w system as per

the methodology developed by Horst Kittel?

19.What are the various stages in Soft System methodology? Explain.

20.Which are the additional GSC’s in Mark II FPA method which are not included in IFPUG FPA


21.Discuss various stages in “Change Management Process”?How do you maintain requirement s

Tracability and give advantages of it.

22. Calibrate the accuracy and suitability of formula” VAf=(UFP *0.001)+0.65” based on rating of 14


23. Describe what an SRS should cover and give a possible table of contents of SRS.

24 Describe desirable features of requirements management tools.

25. What is MARK II FPA method and how is it different from IFPUG method for Function Point


26. What is change management and why is it required?

27. Explain Requirement analysis Models.

28.Expand the following terms:

(1) CCB,(2)ILF.(3)IBIS,(4)BLC,(5)COCOTS

29. Write short note on following:

(a) Caliber –RM


(c )Vital Link

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(d)Requisite Pro

30. Describe any three Requirement Elicitation Techniques?

31. Describe pros and cons of prototyping?

32. What is the importance of prototyping in analysis?

33. What is productivity ? What factors does productivity depend on?

34. Both over estimation and under estimation are costly. Explain.

35.Explain complexity as Estimator?

36. Explain in brief Putnum Estimation model and its importance in estimation.

37.Explain behavior of software projects and Norden Rayliegh curve.

38 What is process? What are the benefits of a process oriented approach ? Why is a process- oriented

approach especially relevant for software projects as compared to a product- oriented approach?What are

the advantages and disadvantages of Function points?

40. Write the Watson and Felix Model.

41. Write a note on Full function Points.

42. Describe Requirement Elicitation by Brainstorming and Interviewing methods?

43.Describe Object points and explain how they can be computed?

44.What are scaling factors used in COCOMO II? Explain each scaling factor .How do these differ from

effort multipliers?

45.Compute the unadjusted function points for the following:

No. of external i/p=13

No. of external o/p=7

No. of external inquery=7

No. of internal logical files=5

No. of external interface files=2

46.Discuss the technique for s/w size estimation based on team of experts?

47.Write a short note on

(a) Process Maturity

(b)Validating Software Estimates.

. 48. Explain Quality Function Deployment?

49. What are the various Requirement analysis models? Explain each of them.

50. Explain the estimation factors which effect the productivity?

51. Briefly Explain Estimation by anology .



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Code No.: ETCS 312 L T C

Paper: Multimedia Technologies 3 1 4INSTRUCTIONS TO PAPER SETTERS: MAXIMUM MARKS: 751. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should have objective or short answer

type questions. It should be of 25 marks. 2. Apart from question no. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have two

questions. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks.

 UNIT – IIntroductory Concepts: Multimedia – Definitions, CD-ROM and the Multimedia Highway, Uses of Multimedia, Introduction to making multimedia – The Stages of project, the requirements to make good multimedia, Multimedia skills and training, Training opportunities in Multimedia. Motivation for multimedia usage, Frequency domain analysis, Application Domain & ODA etc. Multimedia-Hardware and Software: Multimedia Hardware – Macintosh and Windows production Platforms, Hardware peripherals – Connections, Memory and storage devices, Media software – Basic tools, making instant multimedia, Multimedia software and Authoring tools, Production Standards. [No. of Hrs.: 11] UNIT – IIMultimedia – making it work – multimedia building blocks – Text, Sound, Images, Animation and Video, Digitization of Audio and Video objects, Data Compression: Different Compression algorithms concern to text, audio, video and images etc., Working Exposure on Tools like Dream Weaver, 3D Effects, Flash Etc.,

[No. of Hrs.: 11] UNIT – IIIMultimedia and the Internet: History, Internet working, Connections, Internet Services, The World Wide Web, Tools for the WWW – Web Servers, Web Browsers, Web page makers and editors, Plug-Ins and Delivery Vehicles, HTML, VRML, Designing for the WWW – Working on the Web, Multimedia Applications – Media Communication, Media Consumption, Media Entertainment, Media games.

[No. of Hrs.: 11]UNIT – IVMultimedia-looking towards Future: Digital Communication and New Media, Interactive Television, Digital Broadcasting, Digital Radio, Multimedia Conferencing,Assembling and delivering a project-planning and costing, Designing and Producing, content and talent, Delivering, CD-ROM technology. [No. of Hrs.: 11] TEXT BOOKS:1. Steve Heath, “Multimedia & Communication Systems”, Focal Press, UK, 1999.2. Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia: Making it work”, TMH, 1999.

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3. K. Andleigh and K. Thakkar, “Multimedia System Design”, PHI, PTR, 2000. REFERENCES BOOKS:1. Keyes, “Multimedia Handbook”, TMH, 2000.2. Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Naharstedt, “Multimedia: Computing, Communications

& Applications”, Pearson, 2001.3. Steve Rimmer, “Advanced Multimedia Programming”, MHI, 2000.

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Practical Questions in Multimedia Technologies

Practical – I (Familiarization of basic objects to be used for animated movies)

1. What are the various hardware platform available for multimedia?

2. On what criteria you would emphasize while selecting a multimedia computer


3. Explain Card and Page based Authoring tools with Examples?

4. An audio signal is digitized at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz, a bit depth of 16 and

in stereo mode. Calculate the space occupied by 1 minute of the audio and its data

rate for playback?

5. An audio signal is recorded on a computer in stereo mode using a bit-depth of B

such that its data rate is R KB/sec. Find an expression for the average frequency

of the signal?

6. An audio clip has a duration of 8 minutes. The highest frequency in the soud wave

is 15 kHz. This is to be sampled using 8 bits per sample and in stereo mode.

Calculate the file size. Mention any assumptions made?

7. Consider a TV camera where the maximum intensity of a color signal is

represented by 1 volt. An unsaturated magneta signal is formed by mixing 70% R,

20% G and 60% B. What is the luminance output voltage for the signal? What

would this value be if the magenta color is saturated?

Practical – II (Make a movie with motion and shape tweening)

8. How CD is different from DVD. Discuss about recent development in RAM


9. What is optical disc? How it is different from magnetic optical disk?

10. Differentiate between the STP and UTP cables with their advantages and


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11. An NTSC encoded video clip has a frame size 720 × 480 pixels and is digitized

using a bit-depth of 8 bits for each of Y, Cb and Cr and a chroma sub-sampling

scheme of 4:2:2. Calculate the file size of 1minute of the video clip and the total

time taken for it to be transmitted over a 2 Mbps transmission line?

12. An MPEG-1 video has a frame sequence : IBBPBBPBBPBBI. Determine the size

of GOP. Derive the transmission sequence of the frames?

13. A digitized video is to be compressed using the MPEG-1 standard. Assuming a

frame sequence of IBBPBBPBBPBBI… and average compression ratios of10:1

(I), 20:1 (P) and 50:1 (B) derive average bit rate generated by the encoder for both

the NTSC and PAL formats?

14. What do you mean by entropy of information? Find the entropy of string

“bbbbbb” where the probability of ‘b’ is = 1/16?

Practical – III(Make a movie with different scenes)

15. Differentiate between the BMP, JPG, GIF and TIFF image file formats

mentioning where each is used?

16. ‘The colors of an image may appear different on two different monitors’. Explain

whether true or false?

17. Explain how a time domain signal is converted to frequency domain by Forward


18. What is a basis function? Explain the nature of the sine and cosine basis functions

in DFT?

19. A CD-ROM contains 333000 block to be played back in 74 minutes. Calculate the

data rate and capacity of the CD-ROM when operating in (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2

333000 blocks are played back in 74 minutes?

20. Calculate the file size for 1 minute, 44.1 KHz, 16-bits, stereo sound file?

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Practical – IV (Make a movie with sound effects)

21. What is dynamic range and how does it influence the number of bits to be used

for the quantizer?

22. What is meant by the ‘vertical scan rate’ of a monitor? How is it related to the

‘horizontal scan rate’?

23. Explain Frame Replenishment and Motion Compensation for video compression?

24. What are the main functions of the video adapter card? How is the card connected

to the monitor?

Practical – V (Make a movie to stop terrorism in India)

25. An analog signal containing components with frequency values raging from 50

Hz to 5 KHz, is to samples. Determine the sampling frequency and the bandwidth

of the band-limiting filter?

26. An analog audio signal has a dynamic range of 50 dB. Determine the magnitude

of the quantization noise relative to the minimum signal amplitude if the quantizer


(a) 3 bits and

(b) 16 bits?

27. A 15 inch monitor with an aspect ratio of 4:3 has a pixel addressability of 800 ×

600. Calculate its resolution?

28. A monitor can display 4 shades of red, 8 shades of blue and 16 shades of green.

Find out the color depth supported by the monitor?

Practical – VI (Make a movie and watch in 3D space)

29. What determines the total number of colors that can be displayed on a monitor

and how?

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30. What is RIAA equalization curve?

31. Explain the main aspects of the MIDI specifications?

32. Explain how compression is achieved in the MP3 format using relevant block


33. Write a note on Quick Time? How Quick Time is de-factor standard for video?

34. What are the various modes of JPEG encoding schemes? Explain JPEG image

compression standard?

35. Explain what is a Macroblock and GOP in MPEG-1 video compression scheme?

36. Explain the significance of the quantization step in JPEG compression scheme?

37. Explain following terms associated with digital sound:

(i) Sample rate (ii) Sample size

(iii) Bit Resolution (iv) Quantization

(v) Clipping (vi) Noise

Practical – VII (Make a Jurassic Park – III )

38. How is lossy achieved using the GIF standard. Is it a lossy or loss-less?

39. Explain digital audio file formats? Explain.

40. Discuss the use of text in multimedia. Explain the term hypermedia and


41. What is sampling? Explain the sampling variable.

(a) Discuss the detail about the characteristics of various image formats.

(b) Explain the Shannon Fano and Huffman algorithm and also determine the

Huffman and Shannon Fano code for following variables whose

frequecies given below:


20 30 50 35 70 10 05

42. What is dictionary based compression? Show all the steps of LZW compression

including dictionary formation for the text string


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43. A monitor has a pixel addressability of 800 × 600 and a color depth of 24 bits.

Calculate the minimum amount of display memory required on its adapter card to

display an image on the screen?

44. A GIF image occupies a rectangular area of A inch by B inch on a monitor screen.

The resolution of the monitor is C dpi. What is the file size of the image in KB?

The dimensions of the image is A inch × B inch?

45. Consider an image of dimensions 640 × 480 and color depth of 16 bits. If this

image is to be transmitted along a 56 kbps line from a Web server, calculate how

long it would take before the entire image is visible on the screen?

Practical – IX (Make a movie on Literacy rate in India)

46. What are sockets? How can I detect that the other end of a TCP connection has


47. Can TCP keep alive timeouts be configured? Are there object-oriented network

programming tools?

48. Explain the Update procedure for encoding the message [aardvark], where our

alphabet consists of 26 lower letters of English alphabets. Give Flowchart of the


49. Write a short note on Silence compression/

50. What is the role of Multiple monitors in image processing?

51. Calculate the file size in bytes for a 10 second recordingat 20.05 KHz, 8-bit

resolution monophonic sound?

52. Give the alphabet {a,b} with P (a) = ¼, P (b) = ¾, Code the sequence abc?

53. What is the principle of Arithmatic code? Generate the tag interval for alphabet A

= {a1, a2, a3} with P(a1) = 0.7, P(a2) = 0.1 and P(a3) = 0.2?

54. A document contains letters A through F with frequencies as indicated:

A : 0.25, B : 0.1, C : 0.2, D : 0.15, E : 0.26, F : 0.04

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Question Bank in Multimedia Technologies


1. An analog signal containing components with frequency values raging from 50

Hz to 5 KHz, is to samples. Determine the sampling frequency and the bandwidth

of the band-limiting filter?

2. An analog audio signal has a dynamic range of 50 dB. Determine the magnitude

of the quantization noise relative to the minimum signal amplitude if the quantizer


(a) 3 bits and

(b) 16 bits?

3. A 15 inch monitor with an aspect ratio of 4:3 has a pixel addressability of 800 ×

600. Calculate its resolution?

4. A monitor can display 4 shades of red, 8 shades of blue and 16 shades of green.

Find out the color depth supported by the monitor?

5. A monitor has a pixel addressability of 800 × 600 and a color depth of 24 bits.

Calculate the minimum amount of display memory required on its adapter card to

display an image on the screen?

6. A GIF image occupies a rectangular area of A inch by B inch on a monitor screen.

The resolution of the monitor is C dpi. What is the file size of the image in KB?

The dimensions of the image is A inch × B inch?

7. Consider an image of dimensions 640 × 480 and color depth of 16 bits. If this

image is to be transmitted along a 56 kbps line from a Web server, calculate how

long it would take before the entire image is visible on the screen?

8. An audio signal is digitized at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz, a bit depth of 16 and

in stereo mode. Calculate the space occupied by 1 minute of the audio and its data

rate for playback?

9. An audio signal is recorded on a computer in stereo mode using a bit-depth of B

such that its data rate is R KB/sec. Find an expression for the average frequency

of the signal?

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10. An audio clip has a duration of 8 minutes. The highest frequency in the soud wave

is 15 kHz. This is to be sampled using 8 bits per sample and in stereo mode.

Calculate the file size. Mention any assumptions made?

11. Consider a TV camera where the maximum intensity of a color signal is

represented by 1 volt. An unsaturated magneta signal is formed by mixing 70% R,

20% G and 60% B. What is the luminance output voltage for the signal? What

would this value be if the magenta color is saturated?

12. An NTSC encoded video clip has a frame size 720 × 480 pixels and is digitized

using a bit-depth of 8 bits for each of Y, Cb and Cr and a chroma sub-sampling

scheme of 4:2:2. Calculate the file size of 1minute of the video clip and the total

time taken for it to be transmitted over a 2 Mbps transmission line?

13. An MPEG-1 video has a frame sequence : IBBPBBPBBPBBI. Determine the size

of GOP. Derive the transmission sequence of the frames?

14. A digitized video is to be compressed using the MPEG-1 standard. Assuming a

frame sequence of IBBPBBPBBPBBI… and average compression ratios of10:1

(I), 20:1 (P) and 50:1 (B) derive average bit rate generated by the encoder for both

the NTSC and PAL formats?

15. What do you mean by entropy of information? Find the entropy of string

“bbbbbb” where the probability of ‘b’ is = 1/16?

16. A CD-ROM contains 333000 block to be played back in 74 minutes. Calculate the

data rate and capacity of the CD-ROM when operating in (a) Mode 1 (b) Mode 2

333000 blocks are played back in 74 minutes?

17. Calculate the file size for 1 minute, 44.1 KHz, 16-bits, stereo sound file?

18. Calculate the file size in bytes for a 10 second recordingat 20.05 KHz, 8-bit

resolution monophonic sound?

19. Give the alphabet {a,b} with P (a) = ¼, P (b) = ¾, Code the sequence abc?

20. What is the principle of Arithmatic code? Generate the tag interval for alphabet A

= {a1, a2, a3} with P(a1) = 0.7, P(a2) = 0.1 and P(a3) = 0.2?

21. A document contains letters A through F with frequencies as indicated:

A : 0.25, B : 0.1, C : 0.2, D : 0.15, E : 0.26, F : 0.04

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22. What are the various hardware platform available for multimedia?

23. On what criteria you would emphasize while selecting a multimedia computer


24. Explain Card and Page based Authoring tools with Examples?

25. How CD is different from DVD. Discuss about recent development in RAM


26. What is optical disc? How it is different from magnetic optical disk?

27. Differentiate between the STP and UTP cables with their advantages and


28. Differentiate between the BMP, JPG, GIF and TIFF image file formats

mentioning where each is used?

29. ‘The colors of an image may appear different on two different monitors’. Explain

whether true or false?

30. Explain how a time domain signal is converted to frequency domain by Forward


31. What is a basis function? Explain the nature of the sine and cosine basis functions

in DFT?

32. What is dynamic range and how does it influence the number of bits to be used

for the quantizer?

33. What is meant by the ‘vertical scan rate’ of a monitor? How is it related to the

‘horizontal scan rate’?

34. Explain Frame Replenishment and Motion Compensation for video compression?

35. What are the main functions of the video adapter card? How is the card connected

to the monitor?

36. What determines the total number of colors that can be displayed on a monitor

and how?

37. What is RIAA equalization curve?

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38. Explain the main aspects of the MIDI specifications?

39. Explain how compression is achieved in the MP3 format using relevant block


40. Write a note on Quick Time? How Quick Time is de-factor standard for video?

41. What are the various modes of JPEG encoding schemes? Explain JPEG image

compression standard?

42. Explain what is a Macroblock and GOP in MPEG-1 video compression scheme?

43. Explain the significance of the quantization step in JPEG compression scheme?

44. Explain following terms associated with digital sound:

(i) Sample rate (ii) Sample size

(iii) Bit Resolution (iv) Quantization

(v) Clipping (vi) Noise

45. How is lossy achieved using the GIF standard. Is it a lossy or loss-less?

46. Explain digital audio file formats? Explain.

47. Discuss the use of text in multimedia. Explain the term hypermedia and


48. What is sampling? Explain the sampling variable.

(a) Discuss the detail about the characteristics of various image formats.

(b) Explain the Shannon Fano and Huffman algorithm and also determine the

Huffman and Shannon Fano code for following variables whose

frequecies given below:


20 30 50 35 70 10 05

49. What is dictionary based compression? Show all the steps of LZW compression

including dictionary formation for the text string


50. What are sockets? How can I detect that the other end of a TCP connection has


51. Can TCP keep alive timeouts be configured? Are there object-oriented network

programming tools?

Page 35: 7 Sem Syllabus

52. Explain the Update procedure for encoding the message [aardvark], where our

alphabet consists of 26 lower letters of English alphabets. Give Flowchart of the


53. Write a short note on Silence compression/

54. What is the role of Multiple monitors in image processing?


1. S. Deering. Host extensions for IP Multicasting, 1998. RFC 1112, available at 112.txt.

2. R. Braudes and S. Zabele. Requirements for multicast protocols, 2003. RFC

1458, available at 1458.txt

3. Frank Gadegast et al. The MPEG-FAQ version 4.1, June 1999. available at

4. Leonardo Chiariglione. The development of an integrated audiovisual coding

standard: MPEG. Proceedings of the 34(no. 4), April 2001.

5. Andy C. Hung. PVRG-P64 CODEC 1.1, 1999. available at

6. Brace Sterling. Short history of the Internet, 200. available at


7. Didier Le Gall. MPEG: A video compression standard for multimedia

applications. Communications of the ACM, vol. 34(no. 4), April 2001.

8. “Audiovisual Interactive (AVI) Systems General Introduction, Principles,

Concepts and Models”, ITU-T Draft Recommendation T.170, Second

Revision, Geneva, Nov. 16-25, 2003.

9. N.S. Borenstein, “MIME: A Pertable and Robust Multimedia Format for

Internet Mail” ACM Multimedia Systems. Vol. 1. 1993. Springer. New York,

pp. 29-36.

10. ISO/IEC IS 10918:1992, “Information Technology Digital Compression and

Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images(JPEG).”

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