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Page 1: 7. evaluation

FMP EvaluationKelly Rodgers

Page 2: 7. evaluation

Production Process Evaluation

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ResearchI think the research PowerPoints were real handy because they gave me the opportunity to look at products that are already in the market. I found that it helped me with my product because I know the layout that is commonly used on magazines that already exist and I was able to make my own product unique so it stands out from the other products. Making the questionnaire and receiving feedback meant that I was able to design my product to specifically fit the needs and interests or my audience. The interviews gave me the chance to get more detailed answers and clearer information of what my audience want to see and what they expect from my magazine. The audience profile made me sum up what type of audience I have, giving me a clear idea of who I'm aiming my product at. I looked at the age and gender of my audience as well as their social status and psychographic. I think that my strengths within the research PowerPoint would be looking at products that already exist and discussing what features are most relevant and what I want to incorporate into my own work. I also think that using social networking sites meant that I got a wide range of feedback on my questionnaires witch were really helpful in the end. I think that my weakness will be getting really detailed feedback on my interviews, I could have asked questions witch would get more open answers. This would of given me some more specific detailed answers about what my audience want to see in my product.

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PlanningThe mind maps that I started of with meant that I could get a pre idea of what I wanted to create, I jotted down the ideas I had and then went into more detail. I then did the mood board so I could look at ideas similar to my own and what images are already commonly used meaning I could make mine different. My production experiments helped a lot because I was able to see what ideas I has would work better and which ones wouldn’t. I was also able to find a strategy of making pixels that would make my work good quality but wouldn’t take up to much time. I experimented with colours, layouts, resolutions and fonts. The proposal was an opportunity to go into detail and talk about any copyright issues that might occur and the basic description of the idea that I had. The pre-production was more specific, I looked at different fonts, image styles and colours that I could use in my final product. I also thought about any issues that might occur when making the product whether it was health and safety or technical issues. The schedule that I made on the pre-production PowerPoint was really helpful and good to turn back to so I knew what I was doing and what order I was going to do it in. I think that my strength within my planning would be my production experiments and layout plans, I added enough detail to make my idea clear and used the exact layouts and colours etc that I was wanting to use in my actual product. My weakness when planning would be thinking about the health and safety issues as well as the contingency planning, I don’t think this effected my product but if I didn’t these pages better it would have maybe made it easier for myself. If was to improve anything I would add more detail onto my layout plans and style sheets which would of given me some more props to use so I didn’t have to spend time throughout the product looking for images and text.

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Time ManagementI have finished the project earlier than the due date which means that I have time at the end to go back through my previous work and make any improvements that I discussed in my production reflection. I completed my planning early so I had more time to make my production because I chose to use pixels which can take up quite a lot of time. After completing my evaluation I am going to make improvements which will include adding more detail like the page numbers from the contents page or making some changes to the colours schemes. For example the dark green background on the front cover makes it a little bit difficult to see the text so I am going to lighten it or change the colour all together, I don’t want to change the colour of the text because there is a continuous colour theme for the text throughout the whole magazine which is black. The part of the project that had taken me the most time was the text on the page spreads, this was because I had to use a font from the internet to keep the continuous themes. I also had to do some work in my own time as I had given myself a detailed project that would take me longer that I was hoping.

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Target Audience AppealMy target audience for my product was mainly males over the age of 14. I chose a psychographic of a belonger and a social status of middle class. However I did want my product to appeal to a range of different people.

My product appeals to my target audience because I have used a large selection of different film, which include a selection of different genres and is aimed at different age groups. The front cover is more likely to appeal to people who have an interest in big blockbuster movies and are most likely males. The back page has been given a children’s theme but the content is more importantly for parents or people buying the magazine. The grand theft auto page is mainly for people who have an interest in games and like to keep informed about games that are due to be released. The finding dory page is a children's film so I have aimed that page at younger people, meaning I didn’t add as much text but included more pictures to keep them interested. The contents page is important and informal because people will need to use it to find the page that they want to read. The How to be Single page is aimed mainly at woman over the age of 14, the page doesn’t express any of the inappropriate content in the film so there isn’t an age limit on it, but because of the colours and images this page wouldn’t be appealing for males. All my pages together are likely to interest people who have an interest in films and upcoming media releases. I asked my audience when doing my questionnaire what type of films that would like to see in my magazine and Star Wars was on of the answers so I based my contents page upon that. I also asked people what colours they would like to see and the most common answer was bright colours so that what I have done but I have matched the colour schemes to the film as well. Overall I think that my magazine has appealed to my audience.

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Technical Qualities I have chosen to compare the front cover of my magazine to a front cover of the empire magazine. Both pages have the same theme which is movies, both genres are also action and adventure.

Some similarities between these two pages are the titles of the magazine, both titles are the biggest text on the page and have included a font which I relevant to the magazine. The font used on the empire magazine is easily recognisable for frequent readers.

Another similarities would be the centre piece of the page, both covers have used a main image of the movie character and placed it in the middle of the page. This is a common aspect of most magazine from loads of different genres.

The text around the sides of the centre picture are also similar, they both advertise what is mentioned within the magazine and the text goes around the image. However on the empire magazine they have made their text overlap their image and that I haven’t done.

One of the biggest differences are that my magazine has been made from pixels so there is a continues style throughout the whole magazine. The empire magazine doesn't have pixels and I have yet not seen another magazine that has been made the same way as mine.

Another difference between my front cover and the empire magazines front cover. The empire magazine has included the barcode on the front cover, I added the barcode to the back page so it wouldn’t be distracting to my audience.

Another difference is the different colour schemes both pages have used. For example the empire magazine has based their front cover on pirates of the Caribbean which is set out at ocean. Therefore the background they have chosen to use is of the ocean. I on the other hand has based my front cover on Batman vs. Superman and my background doesn’t specifically relate to that film.

The empire magazine has made all their text and images overlap the image of Jack Sparrow but I have made my image of batman overlap all the images and text on my page.

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Technical QualitiesI am going to compare my back cover to a back cover from an issue of the empire magazine. I think these two pages have more differenced than they do similarities. The first similarity that I have noticed would be the purpose of the back cover. I have used my back cover to advertise competitions and offers for other companies. The empire magazine has used their back cover to advertise one specific film, probably a film that has been released the same month as that magazine issue.

These two pages are different because of the way they have been laid out, I have laid my page out similar to a comic book page which I think makes it match the theme of my magazine more. The empire magazine on the other hand has laid their back page out as if it was a film poster. They have simply included an image of the two main characters, the title of the films, the cast of the film and the release date. All of this is on a plain white background unlike mine which is on a blue background.

Another difference is the style of image that has been used. I have used a pixelated image of more than one character. The character images don’t have backgrounds and are looking at the character from a front angle. The empire magazine has used an image of a scene from the film. The image takes up most the room on the page and shows a close up of the characters faces.

These two pages are also different because of the colour schemes. The colour scheme that I have used is brighter and has a bigger selection of different colours. Unlike the empire magazine which has used mainly white on their page and black and red for their text. I think this doesn’t make it look appealing but I matches the film that they are advertising.

Another difference would be the font used for the text. I have used a more unique and relevant font and the empire magazine has used a traditional basic font that would be seen quite a lot in other magazines.

The last difference that I want to talk about between these two pages is the theme and audience appeal. The theme of my magazine is film which is the same as the empire magazine but they are different because of the age group of people that they are aimed at. I have aimed the back page of my magazine to a younger audience because that’s who is going to be reading it, the empire magazine however have focused their back page on an adult, action and romance film so their page will appeal to adults.

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Technical Qualities

I am going to compare my contents page to a contents page from the empire magazine. The first similarity that I have noticed between these two pages is the layout of the page numbers. Both pages have presented the page numbers and descriptions in columns. However the empire magazine has used smaller columns than I have.

Another similarity is the colours scheme used on the page. The empire magazine has used red for their subheadings to match the title but they have used black for the page descriptions. I have used orange and black for my text which also matches by image.

These two pages are also similar because of the way they have laid out the information, the page number have been put onto the left hand side of the description of what is on that page. I think this is a traditional way of presenting the pages on the contents page.

These two pages have more differences than similarities. The first difference would be the amount of detail. The empire magazine has used more detail than I have, this has made their text smaller.

The difference between these two pages would be the images that have been used. I have used one main image and my colour scheme was inspired by the colours on that image. On the other hand the empire magazine has used at least four different images which are screen shots of scenes from the movies. Their images take up half of the page which has caused them to have to make their text smaller.

Another difference would be the amount of text that has been used. The empire magazine has used more page numbers and their descriptions are longer. I however have just included the title of the page and a few numbers that include interesting and important articles.

The empire magazine has also used some advertising on this page and boarders which makes the page look more detailed. I haven’t used any adverts as there all on the back cover of my magazine. Another difference would be the theme I have made my page out of pixel art and the empire magazine has just used jpegs.

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Technical QualitiesBoth these pages are film reviews, they have similar aspects. For example the title of the film has been put in the top left hand corner of the page for both pages.

The articles on both pages have started of with details of the film, for example the name of the director, release date, age rating and the genre. These have been presented in the same place on the page as they are important information for the audience to read before the read the review.

Another similarity is that the magazine has used a star rating. However both magazines have presented the star rating in a different way. For example the existing magazine has used images of some stars and put them in the bottom corner of the page. I on the other hand have use digits to present the rating and I have put it in the paragraph including the film information.

Both these pages also have some differences, one difference is the use of images. The magazine that already exists has included just one central image which is a screenshot of a scene from the film. I have used 3 images but they don’t give away any information about the film. My images are also more basic this is because I have chosen ton use pixels to create my magazine.

The last difference that I would like to talk about is the layout of the text. The magazine review that already exists has set their text out in columns which is a traditional way of p0resenting an article. I however have present this page in two simple columns one on each page. I do think that this makes my page stand out from the other film review pages.

Overall I think that the empire magazines page is better quality and more professional than mine but not as unique and creative.

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Technical Qualities

These two pages are aimed at a younger audience they are both also character guides. The first similarity between these pages is the contents, they both describe characters in a simple and short description. Another similarity would be the colours, the colours that have been used match the film and are bright and colourful which makes it attractive for younger people.

A difference between these pages would be the layouts. I have laid my page out in columns unlike the empire magazine who has used one simple paragraph. The images are also different I have used more than one image and the images don’t have backgrounds behind then. The empire magazine on the other hand has use one main image and it has got a background around it. I have also included more than one character on the page and the empire magazine has just focused on one character which means that they have had more room to add information and detail about the character which I think is more for the young audience to read.

Another difference between the pages would be the text. The empire magazine has used a quote that the character has said in the film, an image of the character, a description of the character and information about the actor that has played the character, they have probably had room to do this because they have included one character on one double page spread. I have only used a simple description of what is going to happen to the character in the film.

So overall I think these two pages are mostly different, they have the same audience profile but have presented everything in a different way/format. The titles are different, the text and different and the images

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Technical Qualities

Both of these page spreads are for informal purposes, they are both presented in 1st person point of view which I think makes the articles more approachable for younger audiences. However these article are in different styles. My article is informal making it less professional but friendlier.

Another similarity between these two page spreads is that they have got the large image and title of the game in the same place, I think this is a common layout for most magazine articles.

They are both also similar because they have laid out the text in a column format. The Club article has used subheadings and smaller text unlike me who has used simple columns with bigger text meaning that mine page spread looks more approachable for people who are under the age of 18.

Some differences between these two products would be the use of colour schemes. I have used a brighter and more colourful colour scheme unlike the existing product that has used a basic white and orange colour schemes which makes it look more professional and less child friendly.

Another difference would be the amount of images that has been used. I have used a selection of 3 images and the existing product has only used one. However they have used adverts around the page which adds more interests and features.

The last difference that I would like to talk about is the audience appeal. I have aimed my product at a younger audience because I know that is the age range of people who actually play these games. The magazine article that already exists has used mature content and a more mature style layout so their magazine would appeal to older people than mine.

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Aesthetic QualitiesSo this is my final front cover. I used Photoshop to create this and I mainly used the pencil tool to draw the text and images. I think the best part about the page is the image of batman, the detail is good and it looks like the original comic character. I also think the layout is lightly traditional but has its own style as well, for example an average magazine would have equal amounts of text on either side of the main image and I have put most of my text on one side of the image. I think the use od different fonts and texts sizes is a really good idea but it would look better if the colour for the text was brighter and made it clearer to read.

The film character logo that I have draw on my front cover was a really creative way to show what will be featured in the magazine rather than writing it the same way I have with the other films. The font I used for the title is a comic font that it used often in other comics and film magazines, this will make the genre of the magazine clear. In the bottom corner I have draw the price and date of the magazine, I used black so it doesn’t stand out and distract people from the graphics, yet they still had to be there because there important for the people buying the magazine. I like how everything on the magazine looks and think it matches what I had said in my planning.

There are some featured on the front cover that I don’t like and are planning on changing when doing improvements. For example the bottom of the background colour is to dark making it harder to see, so I am going to make the background go from dark green to lighter green.

I think my strengths within my front cover production would be making the image of batman using pixels, I think this went really well because I expressed the amount of detail that was on the original picture, however I do think I would stand out more if there was a darker outline around the edges or the background was a lighter green. I also think I did well with the logos and the title on the magazine, this is because I counted an equal amount of pixels so the sides are the same lengths and the circles look round. I think my weakness when doing this page was drawing over the text, because the text was smaller and thinner it was hard to make it obvious and clear, I also think using a brighter colour for the text would have solved this issue. If I was to change the colour I would still have to match the colour scheme that I have used.

In the top right corner I have draw a movie clapper board which I think was an important touch because it help clearly show the genre of the magazine and what is likely to be seen inside. My favourite thing about this page would defiantly be the amount of detail on the whole piece but mainly on the centre image of batman, it makes the whole page come together and look traditional. From looking at my planning I think I have successfully completed what I had planned to do and took ideas and inspiration from existing product and the layout plan I had done on the pre-production PowerPoint. So in conclusion I think that I have been creative and successful on this page.

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Aesthetic QualitiesMy contents page is one of my favourite pages, I like the simple and clear layout and I like the colour scheme I have used. The image of BB8 was the first thing I did so I was able to use the grey and orange colours throughout the whole page. I font I had used is the same as the font on other pages, I kept it black to match the title. I like how the number are in line with each other along with the text. I kept the text simple because I didn’t want the contents to have loads of advert and information about what is on the pages because that information is going to be on the page anyway. The background I still white because I thought I looked better with the grey a orange colours. I think if I was to change something about this page I would fill in the plain gap near BB8 but then I would have to make the text go out of line. My favourite thing about this page would be the contents title because I have used the star wars font and it brings the whole theme together.

I think my strength when doing this page would have been the keeping the text in line with each other, I shows the traditional column layout that I seen quite often in other existing magazines. I also think that one of my strengths was drawing over the BB8, I didn't use all the detail that was on the original picture but I think I expressed everything that was important. I think that my weakness was measuring the columns as there is a large gap near the image. I could either have made the image fill a whole page or made the image smaller so I could write some text around it. I think if I was to make some improvements I would fill in the blank gap and I would change the black markings on the image of BB8 a little bit lighter so they don’t stand out as much. I also think that the background would be better with some subtle patterns or a subtle colour which would make the edges of the edges of the page more obvious or I could have added a border but that would mean that id have to move the text.

This page was one of the easiest pages to do because it have less detail, Because I did this page last I couldn’t add the page numbers onto the other pages so I will have to do that when doing the improvements. I think that the numbers 4 and 8 should be in line with the 1 on the 12. Overall this page is one of the best ones that I have done, the image of BB8 was successful and similar to the original image. The text turned out great as in equal columns but was very time consuming. Although there is some room for improvements.

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Aesthetic Qualities

I like this page because it includes bold specific colours and text. The main features of this page that I like are the characters, I like how they are all the same size and are identical to the original images. The font I used is a pixelated font that I found online and I have used it for every single page. I like the title because it is the logo to the actually film so I would easily be recognisable for people who have seen the film.

Because this page was aimed at younger people as the film is a children's family film didn’t want to add to much text that would make them loose their interest. I kept the text in simple small columns as this is a common and traditional layout in other magazines. Even though the page has been done using pixels at the resolution of 30 but it still isn’t quite as obvious. I wanted to make my magazine out of pixels because its something that hasn’t been done before and is one of my strong points.

If I was to make some improvements to this page I would maybe add some more detail to the background, possibly some bubble effects of some seaweed along the bottom. I think the columns would be better id there was a smaller subtle border around the which would separate them better. I also think that there should be a darker background then everything will be more clearer and stand out more. I think the characters that are already blue should be lighter so they don’t blend in with the background as much. I think that my strengths within the page would have been making the text, I was successful at keeping at the words the same size and in line with each other. I also think that the drawings of the characters were also a success as they look like the original images and are all in line with each other and are the same size. The size proportion on this page is perfect, everything matches and goes well together. So overall I think it went well, and matches what I had been planning on making in the first place.

I think my weakness on this page was choosing a colour scheme that would make everything visible and clear to see. Everything could have been made to look a little brighter which would have made the page a bit more appealing. In conclusion I do think this page went well, it matches what I wanted to create and the text and drawings turned out to be what I expected it to.

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Aesthetic QualitiesI have completed my gaming page spread, I think this page look okay but still has room for improvements. The layout of the text is traditional as it is in columns. I think the page on a whole was very creative and appeal to what my audience is interested in. My favourite thing about this page was the title, It is the same as the original game logo which will make it easily recognisable to the people who do enjoy gaming. I also like the background and it has a selection of different colour shades, however I do think it would look better if it was darker. I also like the image of the car, it shows the car on a different angle it also doesn’t have a background behind it which makes it stand out from the other images of the page. The images I used for the templates on this page included loads of shading and detail which made it difficult to recreate so my own interpretations of the images weren’t as good as the originals.

There is definitely room for improvements on this page, for example the colours on the background could be darker which would make them stand out more. I also think that the text could be made darker so its easier to read. There could be more shading and detail on the skin tones of the characters. I am going to re-do the text altogether and a new document so it has a resolution of 72. I am going to use the original images for the characters so I can transfer over the faces, therefore the skin tones will be detailed enough to look realistic. I will also draw over the background using the pencil tool so it is more vibrant.

I think the strength on this page was the title as it was the first thing I did and the detail and colour makes it look bold. I also think that the layout was really good and expressed similar ways of presenting an article that other magazines also produce.

I think my weakness on this page was creating the characters and making the them look like the originals and the text as it didn’t turn out to be as clear and bold as I wanted it to be.

So in conclusion I think this page on a whole went really well, it matches the interests of my audience and has included things I was wanting to put on this page when doing my planning. However I don’t think this is my best page as there is room for plenty of improvements.

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Aesthetic QualitiesI think this page looks good, I like the images of the love hearts and the champagne bottle. The colour scheme was a good choice because it matches the genre of film and appeal to the target audience for this page. I also like the font that I used for the text I think it goes well with the pixelated theme and it also matches the font that I have used on the other pages. I think the layout and the style of article is really basic and could be more creative.

I think the champagne bottle would be better if there was more detail, such as dark green shading or detail on the label.

I also think that the ‘how to be’ part of the title should be a darker blue which would make it stand out more because its currently hard to read due to the colour used for the background.

This page is the only page which is aimed at a female audience. I think I did well at getting this page to appeal to them, the colours and film topic I used would make the page interesting for them. The type of article is a review, however the review is negative but honest. I think using a honest review makes the magazine seem more independent and professional.

I have also noticed that the text on the page is all a different size, the text becomes smaller towards the end of the page.

I think my strength when creating this page was the images, all the colours were significant and the shape of all the love hearts were identical. I also think another strength would be finding the information and a review online which would be appropriate and informal to make the article friendlier.

I think my biggest weakness when making this page was getting the text all the same size. Because I was using a resolution of 30 to create the pixel art I had to create the text using a jpeg format on an A4 page with a resolution of 72.

If I was to make any improvements to this page I would, re-do the text, change the colour of the title and add some more detail to the images.

I added the date that the article was written onto the bottom of the page so people will know that this page is up to date.

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Aesthetic QualitiesThis page would be my least favourite page, I think it looks rushed and the text doesn’t match the images. I think the layout of the page looks good and some of the images of the characters look good. The comic themed layout was creative and makes the back page more interesting and attractive.

I think the image of batman and superman are the best but there is room on the other images for improvements. I like the colours that I used on the background and I also like the pixelated font. I think this was a good way to present the competitions and adverts.

I added a barcode onto this page but I think it would have looked better if I had draw over it using the pencil tool so It blended in with the background.

I think if I was going to add any improvements to this page I would add some detail to the background, make the text smaller and more detailed and I would add some more detail to the character images so they look more the original pictures.

I think my strength on this page would be creating the image of batman and superman, they are the images that look like the original DC comic characters. I also think creating the comic strip shapes turned out really well and its easy to tell what the topic and design of the page is.

I think that my weakness on this page would be making the text the same size and adding enough detail. I will definitely be adding more detail to this page as my audience specifically wanted a magazine which would provide them with good quality and detailed graphics.

I put the price on the magazine onto the front cover and well and the back cover, the pound sign on the back cover isn’t pixelated so it doesn’t match the continuous theme. I think I will be improving this as well.

Overall I don’t think this page is as good as the other pages I have created and I think there is improvements that need to be made.

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Audience AppealThe audience for my product is mainly males so I focused my product on gaming, films and comics. The language that I used was informal and simple so younger viewers wouldn’t find the articles boring or difficult to read. I also used films that would already fir into their age range so they are able to watch every film they read about in the magazine. On my front cover I specifically mentioned films that would appeal to them and I also use solid outlines which makes things clearer and stand out more, for example there is a grey outline around the centre image of batman. Another point is that I made the price and date smaller than the other text on the front cover because it isn’t going to be important for younger viewers.

Most people in my audience are male yet there are some females. I made my product appeal to them by using films that would also be aimed at them. The colours I used on my front cover would also make my product appeal to males because I have used blues and greens. In my questionnaire I asked my audience what colour schemes they would prefer to see within my product, the most popular answer I got was bright colours. I have incorporated this into my work as well as using colour schemes that match the film that is the main focus on that page. I also asked my audience in the questionnaire whether they were male or females and 71% were males.

When doing my audience profile I looked at people that had a social status of middle class, these are people that can easily afford luxuries like a magazine and have someone in the family that is earning a large amount of money. I appeal my product to these people by making my magazine design worth the price of £3.99 by using plenty of detail and making it good quality. I asked my audience what competitions they would prefer to see in the magazine and I have used their ideas to make the magazine include more opportunities and value for money.

The audience I was wanting my product to appeal have a psychographic of a belonger, meaning that they are reliable upon other people and are most commonly young. I used text and colours that would make it appeal to them, colours that relate to the films and colours that are bright and vibrant. I also had to make my product cost an appropriate amount for their parents/guardians to pay, I chose to use £3.99 which is in the bottom corner so it isn’t distracting to the younger viewers. I think the pixelated theme would attract people who are interested in and enjoy gaming because games like Minecraft have also included pixels. I also think that the main image of batman makes it clear as to what the magazine is about and who it is aimed at, making it clear for the people buying it.

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Audience AppealMy contents page appeals to my audience because I have based it upon star wars, the colours I have used and the fonts are all related to star wars, this keeps the continuous theme and makes it appeal to people under the age of 18 which was my target audience. I have used small brief descriptions of what will be on that page to keep the younger viewers interested and so it isn’t as complicated. I interviewed one person from my audience and they said that the film they would like to see in the magazine was Star Wars: The Force Awakens, therefore I used that film as the design for my contents page. So overall I think my contents page help my product be interesting for people under the age of 18, however I do think that this page can be appealing for people older as well, anybody that appreciates the Star Wars film series.

The main topic films for this page which is Star Wars would make it appeal to males but because of the fonts and colour schemes I think it could also interest females. I also asked people in my questionnaire how old they were and the most common answer was people between 14-18 so I chose films that had age ratings that would fit to them.

The psychographic I was aiming this page at was a belonger which I think I was successful because its appeal for younger people because of the amount of text, colours and film topics. This page doesn’t make people want to watch the Star Wars film because I doesn’t say anything specific about that film, I focused on all the films that are seem in the magazine. In conclusion I think this page goes really well with the rest of the magazine and related back to what my audience was wanting.

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Audience AppealI wanted my magazine to have a mixed audience so it would get more views. The finding Dory page was an example of a page that would appeal to a younger audience of under 14. I chose this films because it is soon due to be released therefore I would also attract people that are interested in film altogether.

I have used images of the characters that come across as positive and upbeat as the film is a children's fantasy film. The type of article will also make it attracting to younger viewers because the text in simple and not as detailed as the other articles that I have done. I think the colours are also good for younger people because they are solid and bright which also represents the film. The font size is also bigger than the text on the other pages because it will makes it easier for younger people to read what it says.

I was important on this page to make a good quality page with the appropriate amount of detail for children as well as making the parents want to buy this magazine for the kids or teens. Overall I wanted this magazine to be for anybody under the age of 18, so I used a mix of different films and genres but kept it appropriate, therefore this page is a perfect example of the range of teens that I was trying to attract.

I think this page separately to the other would be aimed at a lower class because it is simple and would possibly be cheaper if it wasn’t in the same magazine as the other pages I've created. If I had changed the size of the text I would have been able to add more in which would of made it less appropriate for younger viewers. Because the characters are already popular and famous it was important to make them as identical as possible.

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Audience AppealThe Grand Theft Auto page is mostly aimed at older teens but there isn’t any content within the article that would make it inappropriate for younger people as well. This article has more text which includes mainly rumours and statistics which would also be aimed at older people. The game within its self I extremely popular meaning that it is likely people under its age limit do play it. I have used images of recognisable characters from the game which would grasp the attention of people that are already a fan of the game. The amount of the text that I have used may come across as distracting which would put younger people from reading it. The colours I have chosen to use are also recognisable for people who already play the previous games. The layout of the text is traditional also making it for older people.

I wanted my magazine to be mainly a film magazine but to cover other things as well, such as comics and games so I have created my page spread of games so this page would make my magazine appeal to people who are fans of gaming as well as fans of film. This article would be interesting for anyone who is interested in the gaming industry and prefers to read about realistic facts rather than interviews or opinions.

The images on this page don’t look as if the match the detailed text so there is a mixed message of the audience for this page. Overall I think this page would have an audience of people between 14-18 and mainly males. Most likely aimed at middle class because those people are most likely to own a gaming console and games.

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Audience AppealMy back page is likely to appeal to anybody that has an interest in DC comics and the films they have made. I have kept the text on this page simple so its easy to read for everybody as its quite important. I have also kept the background and characters simple do I reckon that this page would be aimed more toward younger viewers than older viewers. The adverts and competitions in themselves would be more likely to appeal to older people because they are the ones that would benefit from them. If a young child was to read these adverts they wouldn’t be able to enter without their parents permission therefore this page will appeal to belongers, people who still rely on someone else.

I also think that my page will appeal to people that are in any social group lower than high class. This page in the magazine does seem likes it lower quality to the other pages I have created because of the amount of detail which will probably make it more approachable for younger people. Although this does help give me a wide range of different people in my audience.

The colours I have used are subtle and light which would probably help this page be attractive for younger people because it gives of a positive and upbeat mood. I also think that the characters I chose to draw are also associated with a positive vibe. I think that the way this page looks it will attract younger people but the content on this page is more likely to attract older people. For example older people need to know the price and where the barcode is to buy it.

My target audience for my magazine altogether was mainly males over the age of 14, I do think that this specific page out of my magazine matches this audience and provides older people with the information they need to buy the magazine. I think keeping all the adverts and competitions on the back page together was a good idea because they wouldn’t be as interesting for the teenagers so I kept it out the way so they wouldn’t loose interest when reading the magazine. Overall I think he page matches my audience.

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Audience AppealBecause I wanted my magazine to appeal to a wide selection of different people I created a film review page that featured a comedy/romance film that has just been released. Therefore I chose How to be Single. I think this page would appeal to females over the age of 15. My main target audience for my magazine was mainly males but I wanted to be able to cover loads of different film. I used the same font as I did on the other pages because I wanted their to be a continuous font throughout the whole magazine. I used colours on this page which would appeal to females, colours like pink, red, black, green etc. The topic of this page is review about a chick flick film so it would also appeal to them because of that. The images I chose to use are simple and relate to the film and its genre the theme is repeated making it appropriate for the audience.

The film itself would appeal to middle aged woman and teenage girls, because of this I would say that my page would also appeal to them. However this page could also appeal to males who have an interest in film altogether. The film review is written in first person making it more direct and informal, this helps to add humour making this articles appropriate for a younger age group.

In conclusion my magazine on a whole is aimed at either males and females, over the age of 14 or anybody with an interests in film and gaming. This page specifically will appeal to females over the age of 18 but because the article doesn’t include any inappropriate information then it is okay for anybody at any age to read. Also because the film has an age rating of 15 and over I haven’t advised anybody younger than 15 to watch the film, I have only informed them of what the film is like and the basic information they need to know about the film.

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Peer Feedback

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Feedback 1

• What did you like about the product?– I think the pages on a whole are really colourful.– Its all very clear and well laid out.– You can easily tell what the images are supposed

to be.• What improvements could have been made to

the product?– The text could have been made little bigger or


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Feedback 2

• What did you like about the product?– I think the mix of different films genres you have used

is interesting.– The pixel art is good and detailed.– I like the bright colour schemes used through the

whole magazine. • What improvements could have been made to the

product?– I think you could have made all the pages with the

same detail and quality.

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Feedback 3

• What did you like about the product?– I like the pixel art.– I think the article look appealing because there

isn’t loads of boring text to read.– I like the different films you have done about.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– There could be some more detail on some of the


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Peer Feedback Summary

• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?– I agree with my feedback about my product being good because I used a selection of different films to focus on, I

think this gives me a large audience profile. I also agree that the pixel art I have created is really good, however I do think there is room for improvements. I could add improvements such as more detail to the skin tones which has also been mentioned on my feedback. I also agree with my audience when they say that the colour schemers I have used on all the pages are really bright and vibrant which I think gives of a positive mood.

• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?– I disagree that the text should be bigger and bolder. I think the bigger I make the text the less information I will be

able to fit onto a page. However I will be making some of the text on some of may page spreads bolder when making my improvements. I also disagree that the small articles I have created makes the page look more appealing, I think that adding more text would give people more to read and more information which will keep them interested for a longer amount of time.

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Peer Feedback SummaryI think that the feedback I got from my peers is overall really positive, I agree with most of the things they have said. I am going to make some improvements to my product, some of these improvements are going to be things that I think would make my product better and some of the improvements I make will be suggested by peers on my feedback. On one of feedback slides they have mentioned that the text could be bigger and bolder, I am going to make the text clearer on my gaming page spread because I also think it look slightly blurred. Another comment was that I could make the quality of all my pages the same. I agree with this, my front cover is better than my back cover. I am going to improve my back cover by adding more detail, maybe some patterns or colour shading to the background. The last improvement comment that I got was also about the amount of detail. I am going to go through all the pages I have made and adjust the features to make the as detail and to the best quality as they can be. I think that doing this would make the whole magazine come together better and the pages will look like they all belong in the same magazine.

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The first thing I did to improve my production work was change the colour of the bottom of the background, I used lighter green colours which made everything stand out more and gave the front cover give of a more positive vibe. I did this by drawing over the part of the background I wanted to colour using the pencil tool. I already think this page is looking better.

The next thing I did was line up the patterns on the background so they were at an equal angle on either side of the image of batman. I also made the width of the a similar distance so it looked neater. I did this by re-drawing the patterns using the pencil tool.

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The next thing I did was use the pencil tool to draw over the lightly coloured text on the left hand side, I changed it to black which made it stand out more and makes it easier it read. However when the page is zoomed out it is still fairly difficult to read because its in a pixelated style.

The last thing I did to improve this page was turn up the brightness. I think this made my page look loads better and more eye catching which was the impression I wanted to give of in the first place. I experimented with changing the contrast but I made the text unclear so I set it back to normal.

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ImprovementsBefore After

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The first thing I did to improve this page was use the quick select tool to select the image of BB8. I then dragged the image more to the right so I didn’t take up as much room. This left I gap in the background. Since I have moved the picture I should be able to add some more text around the side.

To finish of this page I drew over the gap in the background that I had made using the pencil tool. I then added some page number onto the bottom which I had forgotten to do while creating the page. I then used the text tool to write some more page numbers and description which I then drew over using the pencil tool. I think this page does look better now, there is more detail and it look finished.

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ImprovementsBefore After

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This page was one of the pages that needed the less attention. However the first thing I did do was turn up the brightness and the contrast. The brightness changed the background colour to a lighter blue along with the colours on the characters. The contrast made the text and the image bolder and stand out more. I think doing this has made the page more positive and vibrant.

The last thing I did to finish of this page was add some page numbers. I used my contents page as a reference to what number is should use. I prefer this version of the page better than the old version because I think the improvements I have made will attract my audience even more.

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Before After

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The first thing I did to this page was find the original images I used as templates for the characters. I then placed the face of the character over the image o had created to add more detail to their skin tone. I already think that doing this have made the page look better.

The next thing I did was erase the text that was on the page because I was blurred, this meant I could draw over the background to make it bolder. The next thing that I am going to do is re-do the text so it doesn’t looked blurred and hard to read.

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I have now finished adding the text that I had on the other page. I think it looks clearer and easier to read already. I have also made the pixelated image of the porch darker so it doesn’t blend in with the light background as much. The next thing I am going to do is fill the blank space with more text.

I filled in the empty gap with more text so the article finishes just above the image. This is now my finished page and I think this version looks loads better than my original version.

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Before After

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On this page the text wasn’t all the same size, so the first thing I did was erase and the text. I can now go over the title and images to make them bolder. I also think that this will give me the opportunity to experiment with putting the text into columns so it is similar to the other pages I have created.

I used the quick select tool to select the blue part of the title. I then made it bolder using the brightness adjust tool. This has made it stand out more so its clearer to read. I already think that this has made the page look better.

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I have added some rulers so it will be easier to add the text again in 4 different columns. The next thing I am going to do is use the same font as I have on the other pages and re-do the text on this page.

I added the text to the beginning of the article, this is the information about the film. I have made it stand out by putting a darker pink square around it. The rest of the article is going to be in columns.

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I have started to re-do the plot summary which I got of the imdb website. I mainly focused on getting all the text to the same size as that was the mistake that I had made before. I then started on the review which I also got from imdb.

I have finished writing the article and getting the resources from the internet. The last thing I did to the page was add some more love hearts so there is an image in each corner. I also added some page numbers to match my contents page as I forgot to do this before hand.

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Before After

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