7. evaluation

FMP Evaluation Your name

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Post on 24-Jan-2017




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FMP EvaluationYour name

Production Process Evaluation

ResearchI think there are a lot of strengths with research as this is what starts off your actual production. But I would say one of the biggest strengths is that it means from the very start I can get an idea of what my end goal is and what I would like to accomplish with my product. As with my research I tried to do more for example the first piece of research I did was a photography book. So from this I was able to see how they laid out their book. But I also looked at this one because I noticed that it had not writing on it. So all I could get from this is how you can showcase off your work. So I thought this was a strength but also a weakness at the same time as it was different to what I had in mind for my product. As for my own product I did what to include writing so I think this was both a strength and a weakness. Then the next thing that I did some research on was an actual book that included both writing and photos so this was more to what I had in mind for my own product. This was a strength in my opinion because I got a chance to see how someone else managed to lay out. How they managed to fit both the writing and still have the ability to showcase off their photos. But I think this was also a weakness yet again because my product was going to be very different to this as in my opinion I think it should’ve show cased off the photos more then doing lots of writing. So you see sometimes research can be a weakness because you have to research quiet a bit of already existing products so that you can get and idea of what yours could look like. But then research also does have a lot of strengths as you can get inspired for your own product. You can see how other people have done it and change yours so that its different so your not copying someone else's. Then the next bit of research that I did I focused more on actual photographs so that it could inspire me for what photographs I could include in mine. This is a strength because I get to see and analyse the photo for all its details and colours then I can see how I could do that to my own. I don’t think there is a weakness to this as I think it can help you a lot on deciding what photos you want to do for your own product. But also how you can edit them so they look as professional as you can make them. The other piece of research that we did was questionnaires and interviews as this more to do with research about what your audience would like to see in your product. But I had to come up with the questions which was quiet a hard thing to do as I had to pick things that if my audience picked which answer they would like for my product I would have to go with that. Which I do find to be a little bit of a weakness because I don’t get a choice if they choose the thing that I didn’t want to include into my product, I would have too I don’t get to have a part of my say into it. So I would say that was a bit of weakness because it meant I had to be careful with what I chose for my questions. Then the interviews I would say was a strength because it meant I got to ask question that I wanted a little bit more information on so it helped a lot and was a big strength. But also a weakness as you have no control on how much they would write. So I weakness would be if they wrote only a little when it helps me a lot more if they write quiet a bit to my questions because then I can get the information I need.

Research There are some strengths but there are some weakness with this kind of research where your out looking for already existing product. But it can be hard to find ones that will be similar to what your thinking to do for your own. But its also a strength because you don’t want your product to be the same as someone else's. You want your own product to show off your own personality. I would say that this kind of research was helpful for my product and how it came out. As I was able to look at other books and how they arranged their photos or their writing. So that I can try and figure out how I was going to lay out my own product. It also gave me a chance to figure out what photos I would like to take for my own book. But in my opinion I think that this is both a strength and a weakness but more of a strength in my opinion.

I think that this is a vey good strength as this is a way for me to actually hear back from some of my audience and what they would like to see in my product when given some options. But I would say that is a weakness as they could choose something you might not of wanted so you have to think carefully of what questions you ask your audience and the options that you give them. Then I also think that interviews is a strength as it gives you a chance to try and get a little bit more information from my the questions that I had asked beforehand to my audience. But it is also a weakness as your audience may not as but as much detail into your answers as you would like.

PlanningI think my planning went well for my product as I made sure to plan everything well in detail. As this way I knew it would be easier for my to imagine what the end result will look like and what I think my end product will look like. The first piece of planning that I did included fonts and colours. As I wanted to pick a font that people would be bale to read but would still be able to look nice. So I had a look at three different fonts and I was able to pick one that I liked the most and use it for both the text I would be writing for my product and the title. I choose the one to me that stood out the most. I also found it to be the most elegant so I thought it would go more with my photography. I found this to be a strength as it meant that I got the chance to actually have a look at multiple fonts and to analyse. I then also analysed some colours. As I knew I would have colours in my photography since it is photos and there is a lot of colour in them as I don’t want to use black and white photos I want to show people the colour you can have in photos. How it can change your mood. So I tried to analyse some of the colours that I thought would be in my photos, this was also what gave me the idea for my boarders seeing all the different colours and how they stand out so much and peoples eyes are drawn towards them. The next piece of planning that I did was doing some more research on photos and analysing all the colours in the photo as this gave me an insight on the photos that I could take. So this did help me plan on my own photos to include in my book so I would say this was a strength but I would also say that at the same time it was a weakness because I don’t have the cameras like they do so my photos look very different and not as professional as theirs are. So it is both a strength and a weakness when planning the photos you would like to take and seeing other peoples examples. The next piece of planning that I did was my layout and trying to imagine what my pages in my book could look like. I think with planning my layout I did need to improve because when it did come to doing my product, I found out that the layout I had decided didn’t really work out. So this was a weakness in my opinion. As I don’t think that I thought it out fully and if I had more time I would’ve been able to improve this and then I wouldn’t have been losing time when having to change how my product looked. The next piece of planning that I did was actually planning what I was going to do on all of my days which I think did go well I did manage to follow most of it which was good. I think this is a strength if you actually do look at what you planned. As then you know you wont be falling behind with time. Which can get worrying. So I do think that this is a strength unless you don’t follow it then it can become a weakness. I think I don’t think I could’ve improved my planning that much or made it better apart from the planning of the layout because if I had more time I might have been able to see the faults rather then later on when it was a bit too late and it did make me lose at least a little bit of time trying to figure out how I could layout it out better so that when it did come to when I did my production I wouldn’t of lost any time.

Time ManagementFor my initial plans power point my time management went well, I managed to get the power point done even though I did add more work for myself by adding more slides so that I could make sure that I could get the grade I wanted but to also make sure that I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my product. No matter which idea I chose. But I would say I was in good time with this apart from the fact that I didn’t complete one of my slides till late on in my production. But the next thing I did was do my proposal as I knew this would involve a lot of my time as there was a lot of writing I needed to do for it so I thought if I could get that done and finished with I would be in good time. I managed to finish my proposal in two days which meant I was in very good time because also while doing this I started my research power point as well as this is another power point that I knew involved a lot of writing. So this way by starting this as well it meant that I could get this power point done quicker then usual too. Which once I had finished my proposal I went on to finishing the rest of my research production. Then next I did my pre production so that I could get it out of the way, as in my opinion the experiments power points doesn't take up too much time so I wanted to leave that till last. So I started my pre production and got all that completed which yet again didn’t take too much time and doing it this way I found that I was in front of what I was supposed to be and that I was in great time for when it came to doing my production as I would have all the time I needed. Then lastly I did my experiments and completed that as it didn’t take too long but I do feel as if maybe I did rush it a little and there is more work that I could’ve done in it. But I think I would be only be able to do that if I had extra time as I think this would help improve my actual production because this is the stage where I get to learn more skills for when it comes to my production. So I do think I could’ve spent a little bit longer on that but once I had finished that power point I got started on my production. Which at first was going smoothly until I decided that I would do my pages again as I found that I wasn’t showcasing of the actual edited photograph as much as I could have been, so I changed my layout which did put me a little behind I would say as it meant redoing my work and figuring out what to do so that I could show case of the edited photograph more. But I would also by doing it this way it was very time consuming and the way I did I would say didn’t help much either as I first decided that I would do all the pages with the edited photographs in the spotlight and big enough to fit most of the page. Then after I had done all them pages I went on to the pages that would go with them which would have the original photograph and the writing to go with it all. But I could only really do all the writing when on a mac as that way it was easier to download the font I wanted so I had managed to finish all my pages and just had to wait till on a mac to actually finish of all the writing I needed for my pages. So I think did consume most of my time and if I didn’t do it this way then I think I would have more time to do more production. I would be able to create more pages for my book/magazine if I didn’t do it this way and had more time.

Time management For my initial plans it did take quiet a while to finish as I did do my work then I really needed too. For example you were only supposed to do two mind maps one explaining and the other one your final idea. But instead I wanted to fully explain what it was that I wanted to and all the ideas I had come up with. But I still included a mind map explaining them all and then a mind map explaining just the one idea. But I also included some writing at the bottom as well just to explain what I've done and to just summarise what I've said in my mind maps. But then also with the idea that I was planning to do I wrote that at the top so that people knew which idea I wanted to do. I also tried to put more detail in the mind map for my chosen idea. But this did take a lot of time as it was creating more work for myself and I did move on before finishing this power point which then meant that I didn’t finish this power point until quiet

far into my production. But I tried to finish it as quick as possible so that I wasn’t getting myself too far behind and I wouldn’t get to finish it in time but I did manage too. So I was glad when I got it finished as it meant that I could focus more a little bit on my production rather then worrying that I wouldn’t get this power point finished.

Next I did my proposal and pre production which I started both pretty much at the same time as these two power points I knew would include a lot of writing. So I wanted to get these two over and done with so that I didn’t have to worry about getting behind in

power points. As the only other two power points that include as much writing as these two were my reflection and evaluation power points. But I couldn’t start these until I started my production. So I did these ones next then I was planning on doing my experiments next. As I knew they wouldn’t take as much time or writing. But they would take a bit of time as I would have to Photoshop at least 2 photos.

Next I did my experiments which didn’t take too long at all as you don’t have to write a lot for this power point but I did try to do as much writing as possible. For example I didn’t just talk about how I edited my chose photos.

Instead I included more then that for example I first talked about the photos I had chosen and how their different to the photographs that I normally take. Then I spoke about how I edited the photos and tried to show what each thing I did to the photo changed it. Then lastly I spoke about how I edited them and why I edited them like that so that people can get more of an idea of why I edited them like I did and what I wanted to showcase in the photos. But this didn’t take too long which I liked because it meant I had more time to do my production which meant I was in good time management at this point.

Time management

I had to take a little bit more time with my production but not too much. But on the very last day of production and with not much time left I noticed that I had forgot to add the piece of text that said edited so in the little time that I had left I had to try and add them on as without them it would mean that the last 3 pages of my book wouldn't’t go with the first 3. So I had to quickly fix it as its not something that I would like my work to look like. As then I feel as if people who were to see my work would think that its unfinished when its really not. Apart from that little thing though my production went fine I managed to finish all the pages in time. But I do think that if I did have a bit more extra time I would be able to of checked my work and made sure nothing like that was to happen, instead of rushing it instead. As I don’t like the fact that near to end I did have to rush my work little it feels as if its not the best I could of done when I think my work is.

My production reflection did take more time then I though this might be because I added way more pages and information then I needed too. So I think if I did have some extra time I would mainly use it to focus more on my production reflection as I did start to try and rush when I got to the 12th slide as I was getting scared that maybe I wouldn't finish it in time.

So because of this I did start to do some slides in my evaluation power point a I knew they would take less time as I find them to be easier to write about. So by the end of it I started to do both power points as they both require a lot of writing work but I find one easier then the other. But I also thought starting them both would mean I would finish in time which I did.

Technical Qualities

The two on the left are my own that I have made and then the one on the right is an existing product. I have chosen to compare this to my own because already I can tell straight away that it is very different to my own. For example the already existing product you can see doesn't have any writing. Where as I do have writing on both pages that I have made as I have a title where as the existing product doesn't even have a title on its pages. Instead all it has is the photos which you can tell will all be equal. Which I think is quiet similar to mine in a way apart from to keep mine interesting I've tried to change on the page where the photos go just so that I can make it different for each page and not just keep them all the same. Another big difference I think with the pages is that my pages have a lot of colour on them where as on the existing product there isn’t really any colour at all. Where as I think when there is colour your eyes are more drawn to them pages rather then the pages without the colour as there's nothing to really catch your eye. But I like the fact that my work is very different to this because then its not the same to another product as then what is the point. You're just copying someone else's work so its better to be different and show your own personality through your work. You can clearly see the difference between the two. Another similarity that I can see is that they are both on white pages and I think this is because when photos are on white pages they stand out a lot more. Apart from on the existing product where the photos are on black and white so in my opinion I think they blend in with the whiteness of the page. Where as because my photos are in colour and my font is black it does not blend in with the white background that I choose.

Technical Qualities

I've decided to also talk about the differences between one of my edited photos and an already a existing product that is a very similar photo to my own. But as you can see there are a lot of difference at the same time no matter if the photo is very similar. I would say that the similarities are that it is of the same flower. Both photos are of blossom which you cant tell that much since my photo is a lot darker then the already existing because I wanted to make my photograph a lot darker because for my photo especially it seemed to bring out the colours more. Where as the already existing photograph the colours already bright even if the photo itself is really bright. Which is a difference that you can see straight away that my photo is a lot darker then the existing. I guess a similarity of both the pictures is that they both have a focus point, the focus point for both of them is also the same as it is the actual blossom that your focus on. But for the existing one it is a little different as for that one there isn’t as much in the background as there is mine. But also you will find that has been blurred more. Mine you can still see the things in the background clearly where as with the existing it is way more blurry and you can only just make out what the background actually is. But I wouldn’t want my photos to be very similar to already existing as then there not my own. As in my opinion I see photography to be a way for people to see how other people see the world. To see how people view the world. The colours they see the beauty. So I don’t think that your photography should be like everyone else's it should be your own and how you see the world for yourself.

Aesthetic QualitiesThis is my final look for my cover for my production. I've tried to keep it very simple and not involve too much writing as then it takes peoples attention away from the photograph on the front of the page. I tried to pick out a really nice detailed and eye catching photo for my cover so then it draws peoples attention to my product and makes them want to pick it up and see what is inside. I then did some boards at the top and the bottom just so that I could include some more colour into the actual page rather then it just being very plain. The colour that I chose for the boarders it an actual colour from the photograph so that there more included and there not just random. Then next I added the title at the top its not too big either but its big enough to read it and to be able to see it from a distance. I also chose this font as I liked the way it flowed to each letter and I think it gives more character to the page its not just a boring font. I also think that this font is easy to read in my opinion. Then I chose this title because I actually let my audience decide in a questionnaire that I made and this was the title that they wanted so to appeal to my audience I choose this title. I do like my work, as in my opinion I think it looks very clean and professional. I don’t think there is anything that I could improve with the cover. Apart from maybe moving the title a little or make it smaller or make the photograph smaller as its touching the

boarders a little so I think I could maybe just improve on that But other then that I don’t really think there is anything that I could improve on. I would have to get someone else's opinion and see what they think.

These are my two pages after my cover. I decided to use this photo next because it was the same photo as my cover so I thought it made sense for it to be the first page and then to include the writing on how I edited the photograph and why I took that photograph. I do like the look of the first page I made sure that the photograph was in the centre of the page so that people could see it clearly. Then I only included a little bit of writing which I like because this way your not taking away from the photograph. People can still see it clearly and it would be the first thing their eyes are drawn too. Then my next page goes with this page. As it includes the original photograph so people can see the

difference between the two of them. I put it in the corner and smaller then the edited because on this page I included all my writing that my audience said they would like. I don’t think there is really anything to improve on this one either apart from maybe where I put the text ‘original’ as even though it is bigger then the writing it still kind of blends in with it all. So maybe instead I could of put it at the top of the photograph instead of at the bottom where all the writing will be.

Aesthetic Qualities

These are all the pages that included my edited photographs,. These are the first pages then they will have other pages to go with them that will include writing and the original photograph. I like how these are simple but it still looks like there's a lot to them since the photos fit most of the page. With these pages though I mainly had to keep the photos in the middle because then they wouldn't’t really be as big as I would want them to be. But these pages the photo needed to be as big as possible so people can clearly see the picture. They can see all the detail in the photo because without this there's nothing really to the photo in my opinion. But I like how all the pages seem to look the same but their not. They all have their own character as the photos some are different in sizes and then where the edited is with some pages that has changed so they do all have their own different things but yet still very similar.

Aesthetic Qualities

These are the pages with the actual writing on. I've put them all together like this so that you can see them all together. You can see that there all very similar but still different in their own way which I do like. I do really like the fact that I have tried to change where all the photos go on the page. Another thing that I do like about my work is the fact that I changed the boarder colours for the pages apart from the two highland cattle pages. But I do think if I had extra time that is something that I would've done so then all the pages would have done so that then every page did have its own colour as then I feel as if each page has its own different character. But overall I do like the outcome of these pages. I think that in my opinion they do look like an actual product you would buy at a shop. So I am happy with what I've done and my production. I think the strengths of my pages is that there different and that I managed to do quiet a lot of writing for all the pages. The only weakness that I can think of for my pages is that pages 2 and 3 have the same coloured boarders.

Audience AppealI think I have appealed to my audience in a way as I have changed some things about my product while in the middle of production. To start of with I was basing my product around all the feedback that I did get from my audience. For example having two photographs on one page but to also include the original photograph as well as the edited version. As this is what my audience said they wanted so to do this easier fro my self. Too make this so that I could appeal to my audience and make it easy for me I just made the two photographs per page be the edited version and original as it easier to understand as well. I was also able to include most that my audience said they would liked in my questionnaire apart from a couple things that I did have to change all because it wouldn’t all fit on page. For example my audience said that they would like the fact that I had two photos on each page and that they would like to see both the original and the edited which I did do. But I was unable to include both photos on the one page as my audience also said that they would like to see writing. So it was hard for me to fit all that on the one page. So to still try and include what my audience liked. So I made sure that they still had what they wanted apart from the two photographs on the one page. As I also asked them what writing they would like to see on my pages and I wrote what they said they would like to see but then also when doing my interviews I got a little bit more information on what people would like to see and someone gave me a different option on what they would like to see written. So I thought I would include that as well as I knew they wouldn’t be the only person who would want to see that so I thought it would be safe to include it. But also it means that I will appeal to wider range of my audience as well. Another think that I did so that I could appeal to my audience was I gave them the choice of what my product could be called as I thought by giving them the choice it would engage them more with my product. I also did like the name that the majority of my audience on my questionnaire chose. I think overall my product will appeal to my audience because I really did try and include all that they said they would like to see in my product as I wanted to make sure that the end look would appeal to them but I did also try to include the things that I would like to be in my product as well. I think something that didn’t really appeal to my audience would be the colour of the font as when I asked about font colour on my interviews I didn’t get a detailed enough answer to know what I should do. So instead I just left it normal black. But if I got more of a detail response from my audience I think I might of change but then again I don’t know if I would’ve because then I think that it may have been a bit too much for people to handle as there is a lot of colour on my pages already in my opinion. So adding anymore I think may ruin it.

Peer Feedback

Feedback 1

What did you like about the product?I really liked how the colours in the highland cow were brought out, the hair that was blown across its eyes was made much brighter and I feel it made it look rather majestic. I also really appreciated the brightness that was changed in the sky behind the blossom that was In the clouds of blossom picture. I feel that the colour been brightened in the sky really helped bring out the colour in the sky and blossom.

What improvements could have been made to the product?

Feedback 2

What did you like about the product?The pictures- they look really good, also I like how you took pictures in different angles.The detail- I think the amount of detail in the paragraphs you wrote are spot on.The layout – the layout of the text is really good, also l like how you put the paragraphs separate.The fonts- I like the font you chose because its different and makes me want to read the paragraph.

What improvements could have been made to the product?I don’t think you need to Improve anything.

Feedback 3

What did you like about the product?This has a very decent and good photos. I like the picture of the blossoms best of all because they are colourful and bright. The animal photos that has Swans and Cattle in it has a bit of range to them.

What improvements could have been made to the product?The text you chose is a little too difficult to read and took me a while to figure out what was written. I suggest getting a text font that would be easier for readers.

Peer Feedback SummaryWhat do you agree with from your peer feedback?I think with the first piece of feedback that I was given I agree with the comments they made. As they made very nice comments. Mainly commented on my photos rather the page itself but I didn’t mind as much as it was still good feedback either way. As they got to see how I see the world, what I picture the colours to be like. As I think in my opinion they did see that as they did make a lot comments on the colour of the photos. I could also tell that they had a favourite out of my photos from reading there feedback and I think that is a good thing. As then I know that what I've done is good and that it does appeal to my audience as the person that gave me my first piece of feedback was someone that I said would be in my audience for my book. The second piece of feedback that I got did try and comment on everything that they could about my work. For example the colour, the layout, the font I choose and more. I think there feedback was really good and I do agree as you could tell that they really looked at my book and tried to spot all that they could. I like that they did comment on the fact that my paragraphs were separate as that was something I wasn’t too sure my audience would like but I still did it as a risk. So I was glad they were able to comment on that. Another thing that was good about what they commented on was the font, as I think in my opinion that was a little bit of another risk as when small it is very hard to read the font, but when at the right size it is better to read in my opinion. But that is my own opinion but know I also have someone else and someone who would be in my target audience which is a good thing. Then my last and final feedback was also good I would say but they were the only one to actually give me something that they think I could improve on with my product. For their feedback they didn’t really give me a lot to go off on for what was good. They mainly commented on my photos like the first person they didn’t give me anything really on the pages themselves just mainly about the photos. They even told me how they had a favourite.

What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?I did disagree with the little bit of feedback that I got on how I could improve on. As the in my opinion the reason that they couldn’t read the text that much was because for it to fit on the screen I had to make it a lot smaller then the book pages would really be. When it is the size that it would be printed out in, then you are able to read it a lot easier. But I do see the persons point at the same time as for some people it can be seen as too hard to read. So I think maybe next time I would’ve gone with the same font but an easier one to read. As in my opinion I think the font is fine and I wouldn’t really want to change it in my opinion as I think it is fine. But then again it may not be fine for my audience.

Peer Feedback SummaryI don’t think there are a lot of improvements that I would make to my work even after my feedback. But then again I didn’t really get much feedback on what I could improve on my product so I guess it is a little harder for me to think about what improvements I could make. Apart from the ones I maybe could think of my own improvements but even then I really cant think of my own improvements I guess it would’ve helped if I got more people to give me feedback so then maybe I would be able to get more improvements and get a wider range of feedback from my audience. So then I can really know what it is about my book that my audience like and what they don’t like. So then I can now the improvements I need to make instead of improvements that I don’t agree on. I think this because when the person that gave this feedback was looking at my book he wasn’t seeing it for how big it would really be instead he was seeing it smaller so maybe that is where his opinion was coming from. Maybe if the person was actually seeing it for how big it would really be then maybe he would've changed his mind about the font. But I don’t think there is any feedbacks as even the majority that did give me feedback did give me any on any improvements that I could make so it makes it harder on me because then I don’t know what I could fix about my book that would make it appeal to my audience more. Even though I did get some feedback that could maybe appeal to my audience more but I think I also need to agree to my improvements as well since it is my product at the end of the day and I don’t want it all to be decided on my audience as then its not really mine is it. So I think I shouldn't do feedback that I don’t agree on.