Page 1: 4 Ways Candidates Shoot Themselves  In The Foot

Brad Remillard

4 Ways CandidatesShoot Themselves In The Foot

IMPACT Hiring Solutions IMPACT Hiring Solutions Presents:

Page 2: 4 Ways Candidates Shoot Themselves  In The Foot

Recruiter’s Perspective

• Recruiter

• Unique position – We are the middle person between the candidate and the hiring authority.

• CEO’s confide in us. We hear the real story.

• Candidates process and ask questions. Confide in us.

• Candidates

• Knowledge of market and what is working.

• Help candidates overcome known issues. Hear issues all the time from companies.

• Provide guidance to candidates based on experience dealing 1-2-1 with hiring authorities.

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Some Observations

Over the last two months interviewed or spoke with 117 candidates - phone or in-person

Asked each the following questions in one form or another.

Do you have written out complete answers to common questions?

100% No. 22% said somewhat or to some degree but not completely.

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Some Observations

Have you video recorded yourself in a real life mock interview?

97% said no.

How would you rate your LinkedIn profile? 13% said excellent, 73% said good to OK,

14% said poor to working on it

Have you utilized any professional help?35% Yes company provided some out-placement, 16% resume help, 49% No.

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Some Observations

How well do you think you are conducting your job search?

If out over 4 months 78% poor , 5% good/doing well, 17% it’s obviously not working; under 4

months 56% said OK, 26% not sure too soon to tell, 15% still evolving, 13% poor

How have you changed how you are conducting your search from last time?

70% didn’t appear to be significant change, 20% LinkedIn & Social Media, 10% doing different.

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Candidate’s Point of View

What do candidates mean when they say,

"I'm qualified for that position?“

• Skills and experiences

• Technical aspect of job

• Hard skills easy to see on resume

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Company’s Point of View

What do hiring managers mean when they say,

"I think they are a good candidate?“

• Fit

• Personality

• Soft Skills

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4 Things To Consider

1. Doing things the old way. It isn't 2006, 2007, 2008.A. It is 2012B. Different economyC. Different tactics and methodsD. Different expectations by companies

2. Resumes A. Cover letter is NOT a resumeB. You are responsible NOT the readerC. One size doesn’t fit allD. Mistakes

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4 Things To Consider

3. Interviewing A. 17 co-interviews

B.13 times or 76% had to say, “I don’t think you answered the question.”

C. My interviews for specific search 83 people, 86% had to say, “You didn't answer the question.” (this included didn't answer the question, partially answered then wander off topic.

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4 Things To Consider

4. Lack of focus.A. Too much networking. Too little researching

B. Less then 15% get OC Business Journal

C. Stay in middle of bell shaped curve

D. Lead with strength not weakness

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AASE Member Resources

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More Than 20 Videos For AASE Members

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Over 25 Audio Recordings ForAASE Members

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Extensive Experts Library

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Brad Remillard

IMPACT Hiring Solutions IMPACT Hiring Solutions

4 Ways CandidatesShoot Themselves In The Foot

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