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4 Plastic Surgery Myths Debunked

Cosmetic surgery has become more popular than ever over the past few years, with millions

of people opting to improve features about themselves that they are not quite satisfied with

for whatever reason. However, there are still numerous plastic surgery myths that are doing

the rounds, which could potentially discourage people from having these procedures


The Best Surgeons Can Guarantee that no Scarring will occur

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee whatsoever that a patient will not have scarring after

having cosmetic surgery performed. Most plastic surgery procedures will involve cutting or

making incisions on some part of the body, so there will always be the risk that some form of

scarring will occur. Nevertheless, an experienced plastic surgeon will know what to do in

order to disguise or minimize scarring as much as possible. This will usually be done by

trying to make as many of the incisions as possible in areas of the body where natural

creasing already occurs.

If the Procedure seems Excessively Expensive, you are being ripped off

This is not the case, as this is one time where you should definitely not base your choice of

plastic surgeon on the price of the procedure alone. It’s important to remember that you will

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be paying the higher price for a surgeon’s expertise, quality results and safety throughout

the procedure. Always be wary of a plastic surgeon who offers to ‘beat the price’ of

competitors and who always seems to offer pricing structures that are considerably lower

than those of other surgeons who perform exactly the same procedures.

Plastic Surgery Procedures are Unsafe

Although this is one of the most common plastic surgery myths, this is not true at all. There

are risks associated with having any form of surgery performed, but significant advances in

surgical training procedures and technology mean that having plastic surgery is safer than it

ever was before. In the US, numerous regulations and safety measures have been put in

place to ensure that plastic surgery procedures are performed as safely as possible and that

the potential for side effects is reduced. While complications do sometimes occur, these are

extremely rare.

Plastic Surgery is Only for Women

This used to be the case man years ago, until men began to realize how they could benefit

from having enhancement surgery performed as well. Between 1998 and 2013, there has

been an almost 300% increase in the amount of men who are electing to have plastic

surgery performed. Some of the more common procedures that men are opting for these

days include chemical peels, face lifts, neck lifts, microdermabrasion, Botox injections, nose

reshaping, liposuction, hair transplantation, and eyelid surgery.

When opting to have plastic surgery performed, it is essential to choose a surgeon who is

board-certified and who has extensive experience in performing the procedure that you

would like to have done. This will not only ensure that you are completely satisfied with the

results; it will also mean that the procedure is performed as safely and effectively as


About Author: Best Boston plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel is a world renowned facial

plastic surgeon specializing in advanced facial aesthetics for both male and female patients.

He sees patients from around the world who come for the most safe, effective, and beautiful

facial plastic surgery available. Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, Chief of the Division of Facial Plastic &

Reconstructive Surgery at Boston University Medical Center, offers a full spectrum of

cosmetic and reconstructive treatments including facelift, eyelift, nose surgery, facial

shaping, and much more.

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