  • 8/17/2019 2nd of 2nd year.docx



    2ND  YEAR CHAPTER (16, 26}1. In which zone plant community is most diverse

    A. Limnetic zone B. Littoral zone C. Profundal zone D. All of these

    2. Among the followings which is the most longest supportive cell?

    A. Tracheids. B. Sclereids. C. Trachea. D. Collenchyma cells

    3. Temperature of temperate deciduous forests isA. 4-30 deree C B. 4!-!0 deree C C. "0-"! deree C D. !-#0 deree C

    4. apid movement of leaves of mimosa on touching is an e!ample of"

    A. Turor mo$ement B. %astic mo$ement

    C. Tro&ic mo$ements. D. 'ro(th mo$ement

    #. $ne of the most important cause of deserti%cation is

    A. )loods B. *ind +lo(in C. ,ainin D. Deforestation

    &. 'hich one of the following is avascular structure?

    A. A com&act +one. B. A s&ony +one. C. Cartilae D. All

    (. The most fragile of all )iomes is

    A. 'rassland B. Coniferous al&ine C. Desert D. Tundra

    *. 'hich of the follwing is a childhood disease resulting from nutritive +a2,


    A. y&ocalcaemia Tatanic s&asms. B. steomalacis. C. ,ic/ets. D. Tetany

    -. ndos/eleton is secreted )y"

    A. ctoderm. B. ndoderm. C. 1esoderm. D. All of these

    10. iameter of thic/ %lament is"

    A. 2 nm. B. nm C. #nm D. #0-#00 nm.

    SHORT QUESTIONS1. ierentiate )etween sapwood and heartwood?2. ierentiate )etween epinasty hyponasty?3. 'hat are the characterization of littoral and limneotic zone?4. ierentiate )etween microcephalyarthritus and osteoarthritis?#. ierentiate )etween eective stoc/ and recovery stoc/?&. 'hat is deserti%cation?(. ierentiate )etween )one and cartilage?*. 'hat is layering in ecosystem?

    -. ierentiate )etween tetany and term tetanus?10. 'hat are the causes of cramps?

    LONG QUESTION11. a5 iscuss the repairing of )ro/en )ones?

    #5)5 iscuss ecdysis or moulting?

    3512. a5 iscuss the ultra6structure of s/eletal muscle? raw diagram? 45

    )5 iscuss the role of calcium and AT7 in controlling the cross )ridges? 35


    8/etch and la)el the ventral and dorsal view of pectoral griddle of frog?



    8/etch and la)el the )ones of fore lim) of frog?


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