2nd revision of english – 7th grade/ 8th grade - 2nd quarter

2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade Teacher Patrícia 2nd Quarter June 1 Luiza Collet 7 th grade Teacher Patrícia 2 Nd Quarter June CONTENT -Hotspot 4 Unit 10 - Talking about hypothetical situations using the second conditional. Unit 11 Speculating about the future using “may” and “might”. Unit 12 Skills: cross cultural. -Grammar Gym 3 Unit 4 Zero, First and Second Conditional. HotSpot - Unit 10 GRAMMAR SECOND CONDITIONAL Use We use the “second conditional” to talk about present or future situations that are hypothetical, impossible or unlikely (not probable). Ex.: If I saw a ghost, I would scream. If I won the lottery, I would be rich. If I were a bird, I would fly. Form IF + PAST SIMPLE + WOULD/WOUDN’T + INFITIVE CONDITION RESULT Ex.: If I saw a ghost , I would scream.

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Page 1: 2nd revision of english – 7th grade/ 8th grade - 2nd quarter

2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June


Luiza Collet – 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2Nd Quarter – June


-Hotspot 4

Unit 10 - Talking about hypothetical situations using the

second conditional.

Unit 11 – Speculating about the future using “may” and


Unit 12 – Skills: cross cultural.

-Grammar Gym 3

Unit 4 – Zero, First and Second Conditional.

HotSpot - Unit 10




We use the “second conditional” to talk about present or future situations

that are hypothetical, impossible or unlikely (not probable).

Ex.: If I saw a ghost, I would scream.

If I won the lottery, I would be rich.

If I were a bird, I would fly.




Ex.: If I saw a ghost , I would scream.

Page 2: 2nd revision of english – 7th grade/ 8th grade - 2nd quarter

2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

2 I would scream if a saw a ghost.

(We don’t use comma when the condition comes after the result).

• Handling conditional sentences, we can use "were" for all people, especially

in the first person.

If I were rich I would travel a lot.

If you were rich you would travel a lot.

If she were rich she would travel a lot.

If we were rich we would travel a lot.

If they were rich they would travel a lot.


Flat-screen TV = (TV de tela plana).

Lift (British English) = (elevador) elevator (American English).

Would =‘d

We can not abbreviate with


If you did that, she’d be sad.

If you did that, Julia would be sad.

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June


1. Write the name of the picture.

1) _________________________

2) _________________________

3) _________________________

4) _________________________

5) _________________________

6) _________________________

7) _________________________

2. Write four sentences in the second conditional based on the images.





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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

4 3. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the second

conditional sentences. Use the short form when possible.

HotSpot - Unit 11




We can use “may” or “might” (synonyms) to make speculations about the

future. We use to talk about something that we “think” it could happen, but

we are not sure.




I may/ might go.

I may/ might not go.

Compare: “going to” and “may/might”

I am going to the party. (Certainty)

I am not going to the party. (Certainty that not)

I might go to the party. (Maybe)

I might not go to the party. (Maybe not)

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June


Lack of= (falta de...)

Nephew = (sobrinho).

Shanty town = (favela).

Warmth = (calor).

Fewer/ less = (menos, antônimos de “more”, mas com diferentes sentidos).

Local = from the place near you (local).

Global warming = an increase in the earth’s temperature (aquecimento


Eco-friendly = not harmful or dangerous environment.

Harmful = (prejudicial).

Environment = (ambiente).


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

a) Ice in the North Pole is melting because of _________________.

b) The neighbours in our _________________ area are very friendly.

c) The _________________ destroyed all the trees in our garden.

d) This is an _________________ washing machine. It doesn’t use much


2. Choose the correct words to finish the sentences.

We use FEWER with countable nouns. Ex.:

There are fewer cars.

We use LESS with uncountable nouns. Ex.:

There is less traffic.

hurricane – eco-friendly –global warming – local

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

6 3. Complete sentences. Use may or might with the infinitive.

a. Children ___________________ (have) lessons online.

b. Cars ___________________ (be) much faster.

c. Global warming ___________________ (get) worse.

d. We ___________________ (have) robot teachers.

e. People ___________________ (live) in small communities.

f. We ___________________ (grow) our own food again.

HotSpot - Unit 12 VOCABULARY

Wrist = (pulso)

Work out answers = (resolver as respostas)

Low mark = (nota baixa)

Wipe off = (limpar)

Lap = (colo)

Palm = (palma da mão)

Neat = tidy (ordenado)

Wiper = (para-brisa)

Flood = (inundação, dilúvio)


1. Read the text in Karina‘s blog and answer the questions bellow.


Today we’re going to talk about the future in our blog…

In the future people may take better care of the environment, making more eco-friendly things, like bags,

cars, computers… everything! If people take care of the environment, people will live with more health!

They might decrease the number of animals at risk of extinction. It would be very nice. They may learn how to

treat animals and plants in the best way, and they might know more about them.

People may make the hurricanes, floods and all those natural disasters stop. Life might grow with that, and

people may live more. If people live more, they will have time to do more things, like help each others. Wouldn’t

it be nice? I really think that life in the future will be better. What do you think?


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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

7 a. According to Karina, life will be better or worse in the future?


b. What does Karina think people will do to take care of the environment?


c. If people take care of the environment what will happen?


d. What may happen with the animals in risk of extinction?


e. May natural disasters increase in the future?


Grammar Gym – Unit 4





If + present simple + present


If + present simple + will/won’t

+ infinitive

If + past simple + would/

wouldn’t + infinitive


We use the zero conditional to

talk about scientific facts,

definitions and things that are

always true.

We use the first conditional to

talk about conditions (and

their results) which we believe

are certain or almost certain

to happen in the present or

the future.

We use the second

conditional to talk about

unlikely or hypothetical

conditionals (and their

results) in the present or

the future.


If I fell lucky, I buy a lottery ticket.

If you are honest, you always tell

the truth.

If you find a four-leafed

clover, you will be lucky.

Will I be lucky if I see a black


If I saw a ghost, I would


If I was superstitious, I’d

stay in bed on Friday 13th.

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June



Haunted = (assombrada)

Haunt = (assombrar)

Horseshoe = (ferradura)

Ladder = (escada)

Suspicious = (suspense)


1. Write sentences in the zero conditional.

1) Get up early/ do more things


2) Eat coffe/ not sleep


3) Fell lucky/ buy lottery ticket


Remember! Conditional sentences have a condition clause

and a result clause.

Ex.: If the house is tidy, (condition) mum is happy


We can put the clauses either way round, but we

only use a comma when the “If” clause comes first.

Ex.: If people shout at me, I cry.

I cry if people shout at me.

The second conditional for advice

Form: If I were you I would/wouldn’t +


Use: We use the second conditional to give

advice when we want to tell people what

we would do in their situation.


If I were you, I’d stop believing in ghosts.

If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

9 2. Order the zero conditional sentences:

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. ……………………………………………………………………………………


time flies

when you’re

having fun


when you

look good you

feel good



evaporates it

if you boil


not I’m I get

busy if



happy if

I’m happy



and you fat

if exercise eat

don’t you

healthily get

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June

10 3. Write sentences in the zero conditional.


rain/not /go /beach



cold/ wear/ coat



sunny/ wear/ sunscreen

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2st Revision of English - Luiza Collet - 7th grade – Teacher Patrícia – 2nd Quarter – June



Dog/ happy/ wags/ tail



Do/ homework/ get / good/ grades



This study was corrected by the teacher.