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2 0 1 6 A n n u a l R e p o r t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lead Pastor Rev. Dr. Kevin Womack

Associate Pastor Rev. Kim Dawsey-Richardson Director of Children’s Kyle Keys & Student Ministries Music Director Sarah Suhonen

Organist Carlene Befort Media Director Sierra Metzel Administrator Cindy Muehleman Bookkeeper Jean Service Preschool Director Robin Watson

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Lead Pastor’s Report

Associate Pastor’s Report

Session Reports

Gather in Worship Committee

Grow in Faith Committee

Go In Mission Committee

Administration Committee

Preschool Report

Deacons Report

Membership Statistical Report

Financials - Balance Sheet

Financials - Mission

Financials – Income Statement

Financials - General Budget

Financials - Committee Budgets

Financials – Contribution Analysis

Financials - Proposed Terms of Call!!!!


















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What can I say about 2016?... In the words of my Norwegian ancestors, “Uff Da!” It was definitely the kind of year that I hope never to experience again. My bicycle accident in March resulted in three subsequent surgeries. And then there was the diagnosis of kidney cancer in August and another surgery. Things happened in such a rapid succession that I feel like I’m only now catching my breath and having the chance to sit and ponder what I can learn through all that has happened. All of this makes me think of the prophet Jeremiah’s well-known words: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) These words are often shared with someone who has been through a tough experience, reminding them that God is on their side and will protect them. Read them in their true context and they provide that encouragement and so much more! These words were shared with the Jewish people during their exile in Babylon. God met them at their lowest and reminded them that he was still with them. My prayer for 2017 is that God will meet me in this same way and give me the strength to understand and to grow through all that I’ve experienced in the past year. Please pray that I will be a willing participant in this process. One of the reminders 2016 brought to us as a church was that we are far more than our pastors! With Pastor Kim gone on a well-deserved sabbatical and me taking an involuntary “sabbatical” of my own, all of you learned that you can get along just fine without us! Your elders, deacons, and other staff members had everything well in hand. You didn’t miss a beat! I want to sincerely thank all of you for your ongoing participation in our life together here at FHPC. I also want to offer a special thank you to Markus Watson for his presence during this year and his preaching and worship leadership. It meant so much to me to know that you were in good hands. And so now a brand new year stretches out before us! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for each of us and for all of us together here at FHPC. What better way to start the year than by reading through our 2016 Annual Report and celebrating all that God has done among us this past year! With love in Christ, Pastor Kevin

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I wanted 2016 to be a refreshing oasis from some hardships that emerged the year prior. It was not, and felt unusually difficult for so many people on so many levels: emotionally, spiritually, physically, politically, and socially. My sabbatical was scheduled in the midst of this complicated time, and despite Pastor Kevin’s health issues, I was still urged to go with blessing and freedom. This is a testimony to our strong and loving leaders who selflessly gave above and beyond when our faith family needed it. They reminded me that, though our pastoral staff is loved and missed, our faith family is still a family that worships and grows in our absence.

My sabbatical hope was to enter a time away from the everyday demands of life and ministry to rest and renew with my family, and intentionally pursue formational practices. One unavoidable aspect of being in a foreign land is that it demands your attention in new ways. There are curious adventures and little humiliations – language barriers, wrong turns – every day. Traveling with family is really beautiful and hard. We had to share time, words, emotions, and belongings in new ways. Each of us got the giggles or terrible grumpiness at different points. Long-suffering was learned and forgiveness was a must. And, in all the space in between, we saw the world together, and experienced God’s creative wonder as part of us.

My sabbatical journey knit aspects of my personal history together: the developing nations and refugees that impacted me in early adulthood and my study of Church history and formation through the medieval monastics during my seminary years. Our time in Haiti mirrored and expanded previous experiences I have enjoyed in the developing world: the immense wisdom, joy, and sense of community and togetherness in the midst of dire circumstances. Our time in Italy provided me the rare opportunity to visit the birth and resting places of some of my favorite saints, while delighting over the many art forms that communicate God’s story and beauty. It took several months for me to compile thoughts, photos, and favorite moments in a book (I’m happy to show it!), but here are some snapshots and learnings close to my heart:

Haiti • Children make kites from trash – bits of plastic and sticks – that look and float like jellyfish.

Mackensley made Amos his very own. • Avila joined the Haitian dance team to everyone’s delight – learning moves to Justin Bieber

and Meghan Trainor songs – she was the star everywhere we went this summer. • Our beloved and passionate French tutor Fleurencois gave us boundless energy and time – I

am proud to support him as one of the teachers at our school! • Elliot dropped a 19th century canon ball on his hand at the top of Citadel, an astounding

fortress outside Cap-Haitian, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Mules were our only way back. He survived fine and only lost a fingernail.

• We enjoyed the most perfect warm, clear water at Lobster Beach (where yes, fresh grilled lobster was served on the shore) and I was heartsick to hear later that it was devastated by Hurricane Matthew.

• Pastor Edouard Clehomme is a force. He gives and loves and serves, even when collapsing with malaria. He longs to transform his community with Christ's love. The annual Crusades began our last night there – neighbors dotted the skyline dancing to praise music on their roofs!

Italy and France • Assisi was awe-inspiring: amazing to visit St. Francis of Assisi’s home, where his father

locked him up (!), the humble chapel Chiesa Santo Stefano (my favorite church in Italy,

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perhaps) where he prayed, and the gorgeous Basilica that stands in his honor. • Lost up narrow stairs, we met Massimo Coppo, a kind and funny monk who shared about his

conversion to the monastic life, observing Franciscan vows now and proclaiming the good news to everyone he meets. He gave us his prophetic writings and charmed Amos & Avila!

• Rome: The Vatican Museums were outstanding in scope and among the boys’ favorites! St. Peter’s Basilica and Michaelangelo’s Sistine Chapel left us speechless. We traveled to the Appian Way, one of the earliest and most important Roman roads starting in 312 BC, strategically connecting ancient cities, and later, messengers of the gospel! We loved the eerie catacombs connecting miles of tunnels and tombs underground. The Colosseum was also a hit, as were local artists, street musicians, strolls by the Arno, gelato… and the food! Everywhere we went, we traveled to offbeat places like the Basilica Prassede, a small church in Rome believed to house the column to which Jesus was tied while flagellated during his crucifixion. It also houses some of the oldest mosaics in Christendom. Amazing.

• Siena: Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) compassionately tended to the sick and condemned, redefined women's roles, and spoke truth to power. She was a theologian, an extensive writer, and she worked to bring the papacy back to Rome from France! We went on our quest to find Catherine's embalmed head in the Basilica of San Domenico – the kids were intrigued and grossed out by some of the relics !. I injured my back (from carrying Avila at the end of long days) and Elliot and I both noticed my back stopped hurting after we visited her head! He was transfixed; I was curious. The pain never returned. Mysteries abound. We call that, "the miracle of Saint Catherine."

• Florence was home base for us and our days were filled with parks, countless churches, crypts and museums, Michelangelo’s David, climbing all 463 steps up Filippo Brunelleschi’s masterpiece, the Duomo, an opera (The Barber of Seville), and enjoying piazzas. Listening to the Vespers chanting and singing at the Badia Fiorentina church was one of our favorite moments.

• Paris was short but perfect. We danced on the Seine, played at parks, enjoyed the Louvre, went to a science center, saw the Eiffel Tower at night, visited churches, and lingered at Sainte-Chapelle, a beautiful Gothic church from the 14th century with 1,113 stained glass scenes from the Old and New Testaments. And the croissants and crepes… come on.

Back on American soil, my solo journey began with time at a retreat center, lots of hiking, and two trips with old friends. It is strange what emerges when the soul is given space to collapse without the distractions of technology, or people, or daily routine. Some of my old demons and worst fears visited me in this time, and yet, I felt God pushing me through old tapes and insecurities with new strength and direction, girded by Christ’s love. I was reminded of the hospitality I experienced all summer – in the faces of our Haitian housemates, in the embrace of the father/daughter who worked next door to us in Italy, in the gift of chocolate and a French lesson from a woman at a market in Paris – a hospitality that opened my heart and illuminated my days, reminding me over and over of Jesus’ other-worldly, self-giving love.

Here at FHPC, I am committed to the hospitable life of Jesus’ self-giving love and to the journey of formation, particularly inner life transformation. I cannot lead this work without being intimately active in the journey myself. This sabbatical was a huge piece of this. Spiritual direction and intentional spiritual friendship, therapy, and contemplative practices are also crucial to my growth as I integrate what God is showing me in my leadership and pastoral care. The focus of my pastoral ministry is geared toward our leadership team: our Grow in Faith and Go in Mission Elders, our Deacons, and our Director of Children’s & Student Ministries, Kyle Keys. It is a gift to partner with, develop, coach (which often takes shape in cheering from sidelines), and oversee the men and women serving in these areas. We pray, plan, learn, and grow together. You can read more about the specifics of those ministries in the Deacons, Grow in Faith, and Go in Mission reports. But here’s to a fresh year, with whatever suffering or joy it holds, and being held in the love of Christ. Thank you for allowing me this gift and time away.

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The mission of the Gather in Worship (GIW) committee is to facilitate, support, and oversee all aspects of the congregational worship experience, to enhance fellowship, facilitate a warm and welcoming environment for all visitors, attract and educate inquirers, receive new members, and to promote Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church to the surrounding community in a positive manner. In the first half of 2016, we were so very happy to have Elder Carly Howarth on our committee as she completed her initial one-year term on Session. In mid-year, she accepted a full Session term and is now chairing our Grow in Faith committee. Her energy and creativity is missed! We also welcomed (actually, welcomed BACK) Elder Jim Hancock to our committee for a 2-year term. Also, in mid-year Elder Shelly Buono rotated off as chair of our committee, but continues to faithfully serve on our committee until the end of her term this June. Elder Tom Guest has assumed the role of chair of the GIW committee for the 2016-2017 year. Worship and Music In May, we bid a fond farewell to Jeremy Dawsey-Richardson as our Worship Team Director, and to David Crowle as the Director of the Chancel Choir, as they both pursued other vocational interests. We particularly want to highlight and profoundly thank Jeremy for his many years of service and leadership within our music ministry and other areas, and we are happy to have him and his family remain part of our FHPC family! But, the sadness of goodbyes was equally matched by joy and excitement as we welcomed Sarah Suhonen to her new role as Music Director in June. She directs both our Worship Team and our Chancel Choir as they lead our congregation in worship through music. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your musical gifts with the FHPC family, all to the glory of God! As with other areas in the life of our congregation, 2016 provided some unique challenges to the preaching of the Word from the pulpit and the administration of communion. During Pastor Kevin’s medical leave and Pastor Kim’s sabbatical, we were fortunate to have some very gifted and able speakers as guest preachers. We particularly want to thank the Rev. Dr. Markus Watson for helping

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our congregation out when it was needed on so many Sundays. In addition to preaching, he helped out in other leadership areas including moderating a Session meeting one month. Prayer Ministry Each Sunday, our prayer team is ready to lift in prayer the needs of our people. Our prayer team has had the honor of bringing many concerns and needs, large and small, to our Heavenly Father. We appreciate the regular commitment of our faithful prayer warriors! Last February we offered a training event for those interested in our prayer ministry and several were added to our team. More are always needed! If you have any interest in taking part in this ministry, please let one of us know and we will schedule another prayer team training. Membership Primarily due to scheduling challenges around Pastor Kevin’s medical leave, we were unable to hold any Inquirer’s Classes in 2016. In January of this year we had our first Inquirer’s Class and we will be scheduling at least one more in 2017. As required by our denomination, our committee and Session reviewed our membership rolls in December. What’s Ahead? We look forward to another year of engaging in the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, enjoying each other in hospitality and fellowship, and lifting each other up in prayer! Two additional things GIW is considering for the 2017 year are an improved and enhanced web site for FHPC ( and an updated informational directory of the congregation. It is a joy to serve this congregation as we worship God together! We gratefully thank the many volunteers who generously give of their time and talent to create an awesome worship experience for us all, to the glory of God!


The Grow in Faith Committee (GIF) includes Lorna McMurray, Susan Ruff, and Carly Howarth who work in conjunction with Pastor Kim Dawsey-Richardson to craft formational and educational opportunities that grow people of all ages in following and living the ways of Jesus Christ. Our oversight stretches from Small Groups and multigenerational offerings to specialized opportunities for our children, students, and adults. Children’s Ministry Sunday School The Sunday School program is thriving with a solid combination of well-known and newer faces teaching the classes. Our younger classes are really flourishing with an especially bustling group of preschoolers. We have switched our curriculum and both kids and teachers seem to be enjoying it, along with the dedicated music time at the start of Sunday School. Vacation Bible School This year at Vacation Bible School we had 160 children attend and learn about God’s generous love, comfort, healing, and forgiveness. While learning about the culture of Norway, children also worked on several missional projects to serve those in San Diego and our partner school in Haiti.

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Special Events Our children enjoyed several events in 2016 such as Family Game Night, partnering with Fletcher Hills Elementary to help with their Fall Festival, and special celebrations on both Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve. Student Ministries This was a very full year for our Student Ministries. There were several events including Winter and Summer camps (thanks to congregation member support, many were able to go because of scholarships), trips to the park to clean up and play Pokemon Go, Cosmic Bowling, differently themed movie nights, 30 Hour Famine, days at the beach, and a Disney themed Christmas party. During our midweek gatherings we journeyed through the book of James and covered such topics as loss, fear, thanksgiving, and art. Small Groups Our Small Group ministry shifts and changes each quarter to meet the needs of our congregation. On average, nearly half of our congregation participates in a Small Group at any given time. We have groups meeting almost daily, at a variety of locations, at varying times, with differing levels of food being served, and an assortment of kid-friendly options. We hope to continue to add new groups in 2017 as we believe that “doing life” and diving into scripture together are wonderful ways to grow deeper in our faith.

Adult Education

The 2016 adult education program offered a variety of classes and special seminars, designed to deepen our walk with God, including:

• Sunday morning classes studying books of the Bible verse by verse, such as the books of Daniel, Deuteronomy, and Hebrews.

• Sunday morning topical discussion classes, including a series covering N.T. Wright’s book: “Evil and the Justice of God” and a series on the topic of forgiveness.

• Precept Upon Precept classes offering in-depth Bible studies on books such Acts and 2 Timothy.

• Monday morning Women’s Bible Study, reading and discussing books in the “Women of Faith” series.

FHPC also presented special seminars taught by Lisa Kemble of Soul Care House. The seminar topics included “Speaking the Truth in Love,” and “In Your Anger, Do Not Sin.” We also held a women’s half-day retreat and workshop in February. Special Multigenerational Programs On Wednesday evenings in December, both children and adults gathered for a special series of Advent programs, providing a chance for reflection and celebration during the busy Christmas season. The themes for the gatherings were: 1) The Announcement: a time of worship, prayer and reflection in anticipation of the season to come, 2) The Journey: a series of experiential stations following the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, and 3) The Birth: a celebration of music and prayer, including a “living nativity” performed by our children. Fall Retreat In September, 72 adults, teens, and children attended our annual Fall Retreat at Camp Stevens for a time of learning, worship, fellowship, and fun. Josh Kerkhoff led us in thoughtfully exploring the theme of “God’s Big Story” and how our lives are wrapped up with God’s. Fall Retreat has become a

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favorite tradition for all ages, as it provides a purposeful time to connect as a church family, as individuals to each other, and to our loving Father. It was such a joy to experience the Spirit working in building connections and relationships that have continued to bear fruit even after we came down from the mountain. God truly is “Big”!


The FHPC Go in Mission (GIM) committee is comprised of Elders and Deacons committed to being a loving presence in our neighborhood, our region, and internationally. We long to be a church that reflects the ethos of Acts 1:8 - “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Our mantra of engagement is one of “coming alongside.” We actively look for relationships that provide growth and learning opportunities for us and highlight the skills, knowledge, and resources of the downtrodden, forgotten, and disenfranchised people we help.

A more focused, personal approach in our neighborhood

Forming a new partnership: Fletcher Hills Elementary School We initiated a new partnership with our local elementary school in 2016. Working through the PTA, over 30 FHPC parishioners volunteered to monitor games, serve food, and help with crafts at their Fall Festival in October. This is a big fundraiser for the school and this year our involvement meant they had enough volunteer coverage to offer all the fun they wanted. With this modest beginning, we hope to join in one or two other events in 2017 that will help us meet families and provide a helpful presence in our neighborhood.

Trying a new idea: Service Saturday In accordance with our emphasis on personal engagement, we launched a new opportunity for our parishioners to “get down and dirty” with three different service opportunities on November 12. Twenty two volunteers planted, cleaned the play area, and built a bench for our own Preschool. Twenty one parishioners brought a smile and conversation to a Friend at Home. And twelve volunteers sorted and organized the pantry and clothing stores at PUM. This event provided an organized opportunity to bless individuals and to see first-hand what our partners do. And, it gave our parishioners an opportunity to work together and get to know each other in a setting outside worship and small groups. We will do this again!

Reacting to immediate needs: Haitian Refugees in San Diego At the beginning of the summer, large numbers of Haitian refugees began to appear at the Tijuana border and were legally crossing into the US. From a trickle to over 4,000 in just 5 months, these refugees were in San Diego with virtually no support or help. The Christ United Methodist Ministry Center in Normal Heights stepped in and began sheltering, feeding, clothing, and organizing transportation to families in the US. Quickly overwhelmed, the volunteers at the Ministry Center reached out to San Diego organizations for help. FHPC immediately sponsored a bed for 6 months ($1,500). And, we sponsored a grant application to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to support the immediate needs of the Center. PDA responded quickly and approved a grant of $6,000 to help them upgrade existing showers and meet current fire codes so they can legally shelter refugees on a longer term basis. Though our participation is a drop in the bucket, this is a beautiful example of our connection to a larger denomination and to a wider community of Christians across San Diego and the world.

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Making space in the neighborhood: Saying Goodbye to Some Partners Change is never easy, but there are times when our priorities change or a partner’s situation changes. In 2016, we said goodbye to our official relationships with Military Outreach Ministries, Urban Youth Collaborative, and the San Diego Rescue Mission. These organizations have been excellent partners in the past and we honor the work they do in our San Diego community. That said, we have chosen to focus our financial and personal support on a very small number of partnerships where we can serve in our own backyard and routinely engage. Focusing on fewer relationships helps us make a larger impact and it provides space to meet unforeseen mission needs (as we did with the Haitian refugees mentioned earlier).

Continuing regional relationships with Presbyterians in Baja As a regional partnership, our work with Baja Presbyterian Missions is long-lived. FHPC provides operating funds for BPM as they, in turn, provide support to new churches and pastors along the border in Mexico. In 2016, in addition to our operating support, FHPC provided funds ($2,371) for BPM’s annual backpack drive from special offerings and Mission Fair donations. We long to build a more personal relationship with Dios Habla Hoy, our partner church in Tijuana. 2016 was a quiet time in this relationship as our priorities focused on developing deeper neighborhood relationships, but we will continue to look for opportunities to engage with this congregation in 2017.

Supporting Education in Haiti We have been in Haiti for 4 years now and the relationship we have developed with Journey School and the Mission Eglise congregation is a deep and personal one for many of our parishioners. Over 40 have been to Haiti and many, many more have supported our efforts to bring educational opportunity to the neighborhood of Carrefour in Port-au-Prince. Over 60% of our mission budget ($12,000) was dedicated to the salaries of the 6 teachers and 3 administrators at this school in 2016. The school enrolls 100-120 students and the teaching staff is stable. The students are doing well on their exams and the school has built a solid reputation in the neighborhood. In 2016, six parishioners visited Haiti in February. In May & June, five teachers in our congregation gathered their best tools into resource kits for classroom management and student encouragement. A team of 5 parishioners delivered these in July and spent 2 half-days with the team from the school helping them learn ways to apply these tools in the classroom. Our primary reason for being in Haiti is to provide an educational opportunity to children who would have no other opportunity to go to school. Their future will be better because of the opportunity this school provides. The reason we choose to do this in Haiti is because it helps us understand others – an element of learning that cannot happen within our own cultural or political boundaries. We partner to fulfill this mission because we believe God works when people work together on really difficult problems. We honor the creativity and resiliency of our Haitian brothers and sisters as we see what God can do through them – even when they have so much less than we do. They teach us about ourselves and they show us how God works through all peoples.

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2016: Where Our Mission Giving Went

International (Haiti)

Regional (Baja Presbyterian Missions)

Neighborhood (PUM, Care House & Service Saturday projects)Designated Funds (PUM, Baja Backpacks)

2016 By the Numbers and What’s Ahead for 2017 2016 has been a year of transition and deepening relationships. We have left the comfortable, easy world of writing checks and waded into the personal investment of time and talent that is the call on all Christians from our God who is ever-personal. In 2017, we will continue this focus on personal engagement. Financially, in 2017 we will continue to distribute our support across our neighborhood, regional and international missions. However, our budget reflects a growing focus on neighborhood opportunities. All of our financial support for

mission in 2017 will come from the General Fund. This is an important difference to note and in this regard, we will operate just as every other ministry in our church operates. We will not conduct financial drives or collect special offerings to supplement our mission budget and we do not have undesignated mission special funds to spend as we did in 2016 ($3,756 shown in the pie chart above). We will rely solely on your regular, monthly giving to maintain our financial commitments reflected in our budget of $15,900, distributed thus:

Mission Area 2017 Budgeted Amount

Neighborhood (PUM, Service Day projects, Fletcher Hills Elementary, immediate local needs as identified)


Regional (Baja Presbyterian Missions operating support)


Haiti (School support) $7,200 As we continue to move toward more personal involvement and opportunities that draw more on personal engagement (time) than on financial support, consider how you will jump in and share the precious gift God has given you – yourself.


The Administration Committee has oversight of the areas of Personnel, Finance, and Facilities. The committee members include Paul Knowles (Chair), Lisa Phipps, and Bonnie Demers. 2016 was an eventful year and with the help of many individuals we had a wonderful year. Our staff has remained stable and strong, our finances were managed carefully, and our facilities continued to receive necessary repairs. This report is a look back on 2016 with a happy and grateful heart.

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PERSONNEL The committee’s responsibilities in the area of personnel are to oversee FHPC’s personnel policies and procedures and to develop and assist our staff in maintaining a cohesive team dedicated to serving and glorifying the Lord in their work. Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church is blessed to have committed, loyal staff who serve both our temporal and spiritual needs with loving care. They are our greatest assets! 2016 brought a few changes to our staff team. We said farewell to our much loved Daniel Ambler with prayers that he might achieve his goals in his new vocational calling. Additionally, we said farewell to Jeremy Dawsey-Richardson as he set his sights on a new vocation (but we’re thrilled that Jeremy is still with us as a congregational member). Jeremy participated effectively in the interview process that led us to our new and gifted Music Director, Sarah Suhonen. What a blessing she is leading us in praising and worshiping God each Sunday! Cindy Muehleman, our Church Administrator, finds incredibly creative ways to save money which is especially appreciated in budget-strapped years. This year she negotiated new contracts for the elevator telephone and a new, more efficient, copy machine. She also managed a couple of large insurance claims and helped us to make facility improvements even in light of the damages. FINANCE We praise God and give thanks for the congregation’s giving of their time, talents, and money to His ministries at FHPC. As in other years, giving can vary greatly month to month which can be challenging, but God is faithful and so are you. The staff and Session have worked hard to keep expenses in check and are encouraged by your continued support to maintain and improve the ministries we value so deeply. Three significant areas of savings this year include: a new copier (saving $7,884), an in-house financial review thanks to Ashley Dugan and Laurie Norton (saving $4,000), and a new elevator phone system (saving $1,550). ENDOWMENT FHPC’s Endowment Fund provides a way to receive and administer wills, bequests, and other special gifts. Its purpose is to provide long-term, financially stable income for the life and ministries of FHPC. Endowment Committee members are: Michael Buono (Chair) and members Misha Schreiber (Elder Representative), Richard Williams (Deacon Representative), Bonnie Demers (Ex-Officio), Jamie Asche, and Joe LaGreca. FACILITIES The committee’s responsibilities in the area of facilities involve the ongoing upkeep and repair of our building and grounds, which is comprised of four buildings - 39,518 square feet on 4.33 acres of land. This means significant on-going maintenance and repairs. We also book and oversee the use of our facilities by members and guests. This year we were proud to host two Presbyterian youth groups on their way to mission trips in Mexico, one from Northern California and one from Washington State. We also continue to host three AA groups, “Banding Together Jam Sessions” for individuals with special needs, and the “Senior Follies” for their spring season rehearsals. We shared our parking lot with Foothills Christian Elementary School for their open house and with St. Ephrem Maronite Church for their Lebanese Festival. And we continue to provide space for Cub Scout Pack 360 which meets on site twice a week and for special occasions throughout the year. We also have made our facility available to the Registrar of Voters as a polling location. Our church campus has been a busy, thriving part of our community and mission field. Highlights of the 2016 Projects: This year we completed upgrades in Fellowship Hall and the kitchen with new carpet, flooring, cabinets, and paint. Clean up and repairs after a flood in the Calvin Center restroom included new carpet, paint and blinds in the adjoining Calvin Center. We have trimmed trees, cleared brush & weeds, repaired broken lights, A/C units, and leaky roofs, cleared out drains, repaired the damaged stucco on the side of Calvin Center, and fixed & replaced

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many faucets and drains throughout the preschool and church. We fixed the fire alarm in the front office, replaced the main entrance sign, and received the donation of an AED and a vacuum cleaner from the Windjammers fellowship group. Thank you for being a part of 2016. Your gifts of tithes, time, and talents have made all of this possible!


Here are the top ten things that happened at Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Preschool in 2016: 10) Each of our six preschool classes hand-made valentines to send to our friends at Journey Christian School in Carrefour, Haiti with the mission team that traveled there in February. It was incredible to show our preschoolers where Haiti was on the map and then answer their questions about the kids and the school in Haiti. God’s love speaks universally, despite the language barrier. The special valentines were made with love by our preschoolers here in San Diego and received with gratitude by the children in Haiti! 9) In May of 2016, during our Teacher Appreciation Week celebration, the preschool staff of 18 amazing women were taken (by limousine!) to San Diego Harbor, where we boarded the Hornblower ship for a dinner cruise. It was an amazing night filled with laughter and a special time together as a staff away from the preschool. It is easy to show appreciation for our staff when they tirelessly give of themselves day after day here! 8) Our preschool honored two very special preschool alum that were battling cancer, Ryan Wilcox and Blake Biesel, at the preschool’s End of the Year Celebration in June. This was both a tear-filled opportunity to pray for our beloved preschool alum and their families in their battles with cancer, and also an immensely unique opportunity to see and show exactly what it means when we say that you are a part of a family when you attend or have attended Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Preschool. 7) Multiple staff members took Child Development and other courses at local colleges, working towards their personal education goals, all while actively working with our precious preschoolers. 6) Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Church’s partnership with the preschool included hosting the cookie reception for the Children’s Christmas Concert, designing and building a bench on the preschool playground, and beautifying the playground and preschool entry. It is an honor to share the work that the congregation and Mission Committee put forth with our preschool families and to be able to show them, tangibly, what it means when we say the church and preschool are in partnership together here on campus. 5) 2016 allowed us to the opportunity to love and educate 120+ children, ranging from six week old newborns to five year olds who we are equipping to send off to kindergarten. It is both a blessing and a deep privilege to have the opportunity to be a part of these little one’s earliest academic experiences!

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4) We continue to offer extra-curricular soccer class on campus through a local organization. The kids love it and the parents love it, too! And we love offering a wide variety of experiences for our preschoolers and their families to participate in. 3) Curriculum continues to be teacher-created, providing opportunities for our teachers to collaborate on ideas and teaching methods and offering space and options for our teachers’ unique gifts and talents to come through in the curriculum they create for their classes. 2) One of the qualities and characteristics of our preschool that stands out in our community is not only the fact that we have been around since 1961, but that the staff we employ here is dedicated, loving, nurturing, and committed to excellence. Anyone can work at a preschool, but our teachers know this is their calling to work with these precious children… far more than just a job! 1) Fletcher Hills Presbyterian Preschool continues to be a community where children, families and staff pray, learn, and grow together, not only for 2016, but for decades and decades to come!


The Board of Deacons is an integral part of FHPC, aiding the church in its calling to bring about shalom in this world. The start of 2016 meant a new structure to the budget for our deacons. Moderator Vicki Takahashi and Secretary/Treasurer June Long met with FHPC bookkeeper Jean Service to determine how to best allocate the funds to enable the ministry of the deacons to continue. Much of the deacons’ work happens on a regular basis behind the scenes. Every week, Judi Ravetti and Chuck Lane set up communion and recruited servers, and Wanda Knowles and Judy Enright coordinated the volunteers who arranged and delivered flowers to our Friends at Home and those in need. Jan Elliott, Dick Joliffe, and June Long served grieving families through their work on the memorial committee. Kathy Brenner coordinated the banners at the front of the sanctuary and made certain the sanctuary was decorated for Advent and Easter. Milt Takahashi, Bessie Geilenfeldt, and Rachel Blackwell connected with our local mission partners. And Evie Aring coordinated the volunteers who set up coffee and donuts every Sunday. One of the biggest events of the year for the deacons is the Diamond Brunch. The event honors our members 75 and over. Karina Westra and Eline Broadnax coordinated this spring’s brunch. The theme was “Springtime in Paris”. Close to 50 honorees enjoyed French food, entertainment, and fellowship. Pastor Kim works with the Board of Deacons, providing mentorship and guidance. During the 2015-2016 school year, she led us in a discussion of the book Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton. Conversations focused on keeping close to God and his word in our noisy lives. We missed Pastor Kim’s leadership during her summer sabbatical but are thankful that she had some time to refresh her soul, connect with her family, and travel abroad.

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For a variety of reasons some of our deacons could not complete their full term. As a result, the Nominating Committee was tasked with calling ten new deacons. We excitedly welcomed the Class of 2019. Their energy refreshed the board as we met during the summer and moved into the fall. Karina Westra began her term as Moderator in July and June Long continued to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. Lindsay Owens, Tim Johnson, and June Long now serve on the communion committee. Kathy Brenner joined Judy Enright on the flower committee. Gloria Johnson oversees the Sanctuary decorating while Evie Aring continues her work on the hospitality committee. With Pastor Kim’s return, we started The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Peter Scazzero. It has already provided some rich discussion. Pastor Kim and Sara Wildman met to work out a new vision for our prayer time during meetings, which Sara is leading. Sara also oversees the prayer quilt ministry. Richard Williams brings new energy to the Friends at Home ministry, helping all of us understand how we can best serve this part of our community. Despite a difficult year, we were blessed to have only three memorials at FHPC. Karen Hoss, Jan Elliott, and Meredith Willsey worked with our pastors to coordinate the service and a time of fellowship for grieving family and friends. Because of our congregation’s generosity and the deacons’ stewardship, the Board was able to provide over $5,000 to our Friends in Need. Debbie Williams and Susi Vasi serve on the committee, making sure that parishioners have support during some of their toughest times. As we look to the future, it will soon be time to plan the next Diamond Brunch. Jenna Dawsey and Eline Broadnex will be coordinating the event. Our prayers are also with the Nominating Committee as they discern who will join us in this ministry as the Class of 2020!

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Total Active Membership 1/01/2016: 254

Additions to Active Membership Profession 0

Reaffirmation 0 Certificate 0 Returned to active 0

Total 0

Losses to Active Membership Deceased 5 Certificate 0 Moved 8 Others 17 Total 30

Total Active Membership 12/31/2016: 224

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CA Bank & Trust Checking 43,310$ CA Bank & Trust Money Market 124,396$ Special Funds - Edward Jones Mutual Funds -$ Endowment - Edward Jones Mutual Funds 143,407$ Endowment - Edward Jones Money Market 435$ Endowment - Edward Jones Unit Trust 43,049$ Endowment - Presbyterian Foundation 78,804$ Petty Cash 200$

Total Cash 433,602$

Fixed Assets (per 12/31/2014 Review):Land 284,770$ Building 2,051,301$ Equipment 95,633$ Furniture & Fixtures 111,261$ Construction in Progress -$

Subtotal Fixed Assets 2,542,965$ Less Accumulated Depreciation (1,348,511)$

Total Fixed Assets 1,194,454$

Total Assets 1,628,056$


None -$ Total Liabilities -$

Equity:General Operations 37,488$ Endowment 265,696$ Deacon's Fund 5,016$ Preschool 85,836$ Special Funds 39,566$ Investment in Assets 1,194,454$

Total Equity 1,628,056$

Total Liabilities and Equity 1,628,056$


Balance Sheet

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General Fund - Mission CommitteeLocal & Regional Missions 4,762$ International 13,490$ Special Mission Projects 381$

18,634$ = 18,634$

Special Funds - MissionBaja Presbytery Missions (for Backpacks) -$ Christmas Eve Offering (for Care House) NoneEaster Offering (for Presbyterian Urban Ministies) -$ Haiti School Support 1,771$ Mission Fair (for Mission Partners) 2,866$ Thanksgiving Eve Offering (for Mission Partners) 549$

5,186$ = 5,186$

Deacons FundMember Care (in General Fund) 5,972$ Emergency Assistance -$ S. D. Ministry Agencies -$

5,972$ = 5,972$

Fellowship Groups - Mission & Cargo 1,173$



Mission Summary

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Income Statement


General Fund 512,986$ Church School -$ Loose Offering 13,194$ Facility Use 2,600$ Preschool 24,000$ Interest 69$ Outside Memorials -$

Total Income: 552,849$

EXPENSES:Gather in Worship 20,723$ Grow in Faith 5,134$ Go in Mission 18,634$ Admin - Personnel 405,656$ Admin - Facilities 101,518$ Admin - Finance 5,873$ Per Capita 3,564$ Loan Payments N/A

Total Expenses: 561,101$

Total - Surplus / (Shortage): (8,252)$

RESERVE FUNDS:General Fund Reserve 37,488$ Minimum Reserve (One Month Expenses) 50,787$ Available Reserve as of: 12/31/2015 (13,299)$

OTHER FUNDSStarting Balance

2016 Income

2016 Expenses

Ending Balance

Special Funds - Mission

Thanksgiving Eve Offering -$ 479$ 479$ -$

Special Funds - OtherFacility Preservation $139 571$ 345$ 365$

Deacons Fund 4,546$ 1,145$ 675$ 5,016$

Fellowship Groups - Mission & Cargo 1,173$



Given to Mission Partners

Year Ending December 31, 2016

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Session Approved Budget - January 10, 2016Approved

2016 2017Income: Budget Budget Change

Envelope Giving 567,619$ 512,986$ (54,633)$ Loose Offering 12,331$ 13,194$ 863$ Church School -$ -$ -$ Preschool Use Fee 24,000$ 24,000$ -$ Facility Use 2,680$ 2,600$ (80)$ Interest Income 77$ 69$ (8)$ Total Anticipated Income: 606,707$ 552,849$ (53,858)$

Expenses:Gather in Worship 24,150$ 21,725$ (2,425)$ Grow in Faith 9,900$ 16,300$ 6,400$ Go in Mission 18,450$ 15,900$ (2,550)$ Admin - Personnel 430,368$ 389,899$ (40,469)$ Admin - Facilities 121,360$ 102,040$ (19,320)$ Admin - Finance 1,770$ 2,510$ 740$ Per Capita 3,448$ 6,178$ 2,730$ Loan Payments N/A N/ATotal Anticipated Expenses: 609,446$ 554,552$ (54,894)$

Budget Surplus / (Shortage) (2,739)$ (1,703)$

Reserve Fund as of 12/31/2015 37,488$ Minimum Reserve Amount (One Month's Expenses): 46,213$ Available Surplus / (Shortage): (8,725)$

Historical Year End Summary

Year Income Expenses Surplus /


2016 $ 552,849 $ 561,101 (8,252)$ -1.5%2015 $ 578,707 $ 601,273 (22,566)$ -3.8%2014 $ 609,495 $ 589,329 20,166$ 3.4%2013 $ 566,641 $ 568,656 (2,015)$ -0.4%2012 $ 589,497 $ 556,152 33,345$ 6.0%2011 $ 555,201 $ 559,469 (4,268)$ -0.8%2010 591,247$ 627,233$ (35,986)$ -5.7%2009 639,785$ 618,756$ 21,029$ 3.4%2008 625,391$ 615,769$ 9,622$ 1.6%2007 668,118$ 678,846$ (10,728)$ -1.6%2006 657,382$ 608,847$ 48,535$ 8.0%2005 606,926$ 569,925$ 37,001$ 6.5%2004 580,426$ 558,869$ 21,557$ 3.9%


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ADMINISTRATION - PERSONNEL: GATHER IN WORSHIP - WORSHIP:Salaries 299,801$ Worship Supplies 1,450$ FICA / SECA 10,626$ Holiday Programs 200$ 401(b) Contribution 7,370$ Instrument Maintenance 500$ PC(USA) Board of Pensions 59,775$ CCLI (Copywrite License) 475$ Workers Compensation Insurance 1,502$ Guest Pastor Honorarium 450$ Professional Expenses 10,825$ Music Guest & Subs 4,000$ Staff Development -$ Visual Images 250$

Total: 389,899$ Development 1,000$ Audio Equipment -$ Pray Training -$

ADMINISTRATION - FINANCE: Total: 8,325$ Endowment -$ Annual Review -$ Bank Fees 200$ GATHER IN WORSHIP - HOSPITALITYReal Estate Tax 310$ & MEMBERSHIPCard Processing 2,000$ New Members 300$

Total: 2,510$ Church Life 400$ Sunday Morning Fellowship 2,200$ Web Site 500$

ADMINISTRATION - FACILITIES: Congregation Lunch & Picnic 1,000$ Admin - Insurance 5,700$ Advertisement / Directory 1,000$ Admin - Janitorial Supplies 2,100$ Deacons - Parishioner Care 8,000$ Admin - Copier Contract 8,000$ Total: 13,400$ Admin - Janitorial Service 12,000$ Admin - Office Expenses 2,700$ Admin - Payroll Service 2,100$ GROW IN FAITH - CHRISTIAN EDUCATION:Admin - Postage 1,350$ Church School Curriculum 750$ Admin - Session 200$ Teacher Prep & Supplies 500$ Admin - Technology 1,260$ VBS General Fund 500$ Bldg - Bldg Maint. & Repair 11,000$ Family Ministry 250$ Bldg - Elev Maint. 1,500$ Adult Ministry 500$ Bldg - HVAC PM Maint. 3,000$ Retreats 2,000$ Bldg - Fire Ext. Service 250$ Child Care 1,800$ Bldg - Fire Alarm Service 750$ Jr/Sr High Ministry 10,000$ Bldg - Pest Control 900$ Total: 16,300$ Bldg - Landscape Maint. 1,200$ Bldg - Replacement Reserve -$ Util - SDG&E 38,000$ GO IN MISSION:Util - Telephone 3,730$ Special Missions 500$ Util - Refuse Disposal 2,900$ Local & Regional Missions -$ Util - Water & Sewer 3,400$ Neighborhood Mission * $4,000 6,700$

Total: 102,040$ * Plus $1,300 from Existing Special Funds * for 2017 ONLYInternational Mission - Haiti & Baja 8,700$

2017 Budget Committee Cuts Total: 15,900$


Committee Detail

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No. Pct.25 13% -$ 0%11 6% 0$ to 1$ 1$ to 52$ 417$ 0%9 5% 1$ 5$ 53$ to 260$ 1,408$ 0%18 9% 5$ 10$ 261$ to 520$ 7,426$ 1%11 6% 10$ 15$ 521$ to 780$ 7,400$ 1%7 4% 15$ 20$ 781$ to 1,040$ 6,611$ 1%8 4% 20$ 25$ 1,041$ to 1,300$ 9,390$ 2%8 4% 25$ 30$ 1,301$ to 1,560$ 11,320$ 2%8 4% 30$ 35$ 1,561$ to 1,820$ 13,955$ 3%8 4% 35$ 40$ 1,821$ to 2,080$ 15,641$ 3%10 5% 40$ 45$ 2,081$ to 2,340$ 22,160$ 4%4 2% 45$ 50$ 2,341$ to 2,600$ 10,135$ 2%12 6% 50$ 60$ 2,601$ to 3,120$ 35,029$ 7%5 3% 60$ 70$ 3,121$ to 3,640$ 17,139$ 3%8 4% 70$ 80$ 3,641$ to 4,160$ 31,309$ 6%5 3% 80$ 90$ 4,161$ to 4,680$ 21,875$ 4%4 2% 90$ 100$ 4,681$ to 5,200$ 19,800$ 4%12 6% 100$ 125$ 5,201$ to 6,500$ 71,548$ 14%1 1% 125$ 150$ 6,501$ to 7,800$ 7,000$ 1%3 2% 150$ 175$ 7,801$ to 9,100$ 25,197$ 5%2 1% 175$ 200$ 9,101$ to 10,400$ 19,740$ 4%4 2% 200$ 250$ 10,401$ to 13,000$ 45,269$ 9%4 2% 250$ 300$ 13,001$ to 15,600$ 56,175$ 11%2 1% 300$ 350$ 15,601$ to 18,200$ 34,217$ 7%1 1% 22,825$ 4%

190 100% 512,986$ 100%


Average that Gave $3,109.01$59.79

Weekly RangeNo Contributions

Yearly RangeNo Contributions

Over $ 350.00 Over $18,200.00

Giving Units



$51.92 $2,699.93

2016 Contribution Analysis

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Session Approved 01/10/2017 Proposed 2016-17

2016 2017 Change

Rev. Dr. Kevin Womack, Lead PastorSalary

Cash Salary: 31,802$ 31,802$ -$ Housing: 55,000$ 55,000$ -$

Total Salary: 86,802$ 86,802$ -$ 403(b) Retirement Savings

Contribution 7,370$ 7,370$ -$ Other

SECA Reimbursement on Salary 7.65% 6,640$ 7.65% 6,640$ -$ Tax Reimbursement on SECA 28.0% 1,859$ 28.0% 1,859$ -$

Administrative Costto Board of Pensions of PC(USA)

Pension 11.0% 10,563$ 11.0% 10,563$ -$ Death/Disability 1.0% 960$ 1.0% 960$ -$ Medical 24.5% 23,528$ 24.5% 23,528$ -$

Total BoP: 36.5% 35,051$ 36.5% 35,051$ -$ Optional - Dental 1,632$ 1,632$ -$

Expense ReimbursementAuto 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ Study 1,500$ 1,500$ -$ Professional 1,750$ 1,750$ -$

Total Package: 143,605$ 143,605$ -$

LeaveVacation 4 Weeks 4 Weeks N/CStudy 3 Weeks 3 Weeks N/C

Rev. Kimberly Dawsey-Richardson, Associate PastorSalary

Cash Salary: 12,559$ 9,559$ (3,000)$ Housing: 45,000$ 48,000$ 3,000$

Total: 57,559$ 57,559$ -$ Other

SECA Reimbursement on Salary 7.65% 4,403$ 7.65% 4,403$ -$ Tax Reimbursement on SECA 28.0% 1,233$ 28.0% 1,233$ -$

Administrative Costto Presbyterian Church Board of Pensions

Pension 11.0% 6,467$ 11.0% 6,467$ -$ Death/Disability 1.0% 588$ 1.0% 588$ -$ Medical 24.5% 14,404$ 24.5% 14,404$ -$

Total: 36.5% 21,459$ 36.5% 21,459$ -$ Optional - Dental 1,632$ 1,632$ -$

Expense ReimbursementAuto 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ Study 1,500$ 1,500$ -$ Professional 1,750$ 1,750$ -$

Total Package: 90,537$ 90,537$ -$

LeaveVacation 4 Weeks 4 Weeks N/CStudy 3 Weeks 3 Weeks N/C


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