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2012Annual Review

to find a voice

Helping cHildren

s p e a k i n g U p

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table of contents

A letter from the Director 3

Introducing Kidscape 4

Breaking the silence: Why our work matters 6

Finding a voice: Our workshops 8

Someone to talk to: Our helplines 10

Learning to listen: Our training courses 12

Spreading the word: Kidscape in the media 14

Advocacy 15

Fundraising 16

How you can help 17

Financial information 18

Thanks 19

For 27 years, Kidscape has been a voice for bullied children. We have spoken up in the media and in the political arena, and we have trained teachers and youth workers to spot the signs of bullying and take effective action. But most importantly of all, we have helped countless children and their parents to find their own voices: to speak up with confidence and begin to reverse the impact that bullies have had on their daily experience.

It’s vital work that changes lives – and sometimes, saves them. Read on to find out how we do it, why we need more funding and what you can do to help.

a g a i n s t b U l l y i n gl e t ’ s s p e a k U p

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a l e t t e r f r o m

t H e d i r e c t o r

We have fought to maintain a high profile, and have continued to speak out for the thousands of beneficiaries we work with through our training programmes, helplines, online resources and media presence. The ongoing very difficult economic climate, the impact of the misuse of social networking sites, the continuing growth of cyber bullying as well as the grooming of young people by online predators are only some of the challenges that our services strive to combat.

At the heart of Kidscape’s mission remains the determination to provide children, young people, and all those who work with them with a voice and an active listening ear. To this end our young people’s confidential helpline, Youth2Youth continues to provide vital support for those who experience emotional difficulties, and who may feel that they have nowhere else to turn. We will strive to secure the funding to continue this vital listening service, which has now grown to include Skype. Our parents’ anti-bullying helpline has continued to provide a lifeline to those whose children’s lives are being compromised by the cruelty of others. Kidscape’s listening ear and the consistently effective advice and support offered by our trained advisors brings light into tunnels of despair on a daily basis.

Our Department for Education supported Bullying Intervention Training is being rolled out across England thanks to the hard work of dedicated trainers who will have equipped 30,000 young people with vital life skills by the end of March 2013. We were also delighted to secure funding from the ‘Big Lottery’ to run an innovative intervention, which aims to divert young people from anti-social behaviour and reduced life chances. Much hard work is taking place in preparation for the launch of this programme from which over 6000 young people will benefit. We are buoyed up by the fact that through such work we are addressing the physical and emotional torment of bullying, helping individuals to fulfil their potential, leading to improved attainment, confidence, and a sense of community in schools and other settings.

During the past year Kidscape’s voice has gained an increasing presence on the new media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, which has made us more accessible, has widened our appeal and has helped us to network, and to extend our campaigns to keep children safe.

Over the last 27 years Kidscape has sought to keep the safety of children at the heart of its work. We never fail to be inspired by the young people and families we support, and humbled by the impact that we are able to make on their lives. Knowing this drives us on to achieve

our vision of a world free from bullying and abuse. What is certain is that we could not transform so many lives, and provide such a vital voice for children without the dedication and hard work of our wonderful Patrons, Ambassadors, Trustees, staff, volunteers and supporters. Our achievements in these difficult times are only possible because of their tireless commitment to Kidscape’s mission. To all those who have helped us do so much this year, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If, when reading this review, you feel that you may be able to support our work, I would be delighted to talk to you further. Thank you.

In this very busy and challenging year it has been my privilege to meet a large number of children and young people whose lives have been transformed by Kidscape’s work.

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Founded in 1985, Kidscape is the UK’s most established anti-bullying charity. We are a small organisation with influence far beyond our size – in part because we work hard to share our insights and techniques with other organisations and individuals all over the world.

k i d s c a p ei n

t ro


ci n



Kidscape believes that all children should be able to grow up in a world free from bullying and abuse, and that all adults should keep children safe and help them to reach their full potential.


The mission of Kidscape is to ensure children live in a safe and nurturing environment. By providing training, support and advice to children, parents, schools and those in professional contact with young people, we enable them to gain knowledge and develop the confidence and skills to challenge abuse and bullying in all its forms.


Our values are based on the beliefs that:

• all children have the right to lead their lives free from bullying and abuse

• all adults have a responsibility to support, nurture and care for children enabling them to reach their full potential

• all children should have the opportunity and confidence to report bullying and abuse

• bullying and abuse in all forms are not acceptable and should not be tolerated

• children, confidentiality and trust are at the heart of everything we do

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W H a t W e d o

• Workshops for children and their parents, teaching proven techniques to build self confidence, stay safe and respond to bullying in practical ways that bring it to a swift end.

• Helplines for children and their parents and carers, offering on-the-spot support and advice when it’s needed most urgently.

• information and advice on dealing with bullying and related problems, freely available to schools, families and children.

• training in best practice approaches to bullying for teachers, youth workers and child protection professionals in the UK and internationally.

• advocacy – working with Government and other organisations to ensure that concerns for safeguarding children are high on the national agenda

• media engagement to raise awareness and dispel myths about bullying and child protection among the general public

We raise funds from individual and corporate donors, trusts and foundations, and public and statutory bodies to enable us to continue this vital work. Last year, Kidscape spent just over £600,000, of which 19% was dedicated to further fundraising activities. In the current tough economic climate, where public spending is in decline and donors of all kinds are giving less, we need more support than ever. We are responding to the challenge by working even

harder, and making every penny go further. For example, the proportion of our income that went directly towards our charitable activities rose from 77% in 2010 -11 to 81% in the year under review.

The people we help are from every age group: children and young people from 6 to 19, concerned parents and grandparents, teachers and carers. And they come from every background and every part of the country: from inner-London comprehensives and from public schools; from rural villages and from major cities. The children we work with aren’t all being bullied – some of them are bullies themselves, and need help to stop. Whatever the situation, we listen without judgement and offer sound advice based on years of experience and the counsel of some of the most experienced and respected psychologists in the field.

Our work at Kidscape falls into six main categories:“When i came back at the end

of the day i couldn’t believe the

transformation. the room full of

anxious, wary, withdrawn children

had been replaced by children who

were talking nineteen-to-the-dozen,

laughing and full of enthusiasm.

i’ve never seen anything like that

happen in such a short time –

it was so lovely to see.”

Parent of workshop participant, 2011

“i was very impressed by how

thougthfully the workshop had been

planned, and how right from the

beginning it was about engaging the

young people and using their own

ideas and skills. the feedback form

at the end said it all - children going

from feeling zero at the start of the

day to 10 at the end!”

Family therapist who attended ZAP

in January 2012

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b r e a k i n g

t H e

s i l e n c e

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Bullies thrive on silence. They assume that fear will keep their targets from telling on them – and very often, they’re right.

At the best of times, children may not want to tell their secrets. They may be being threatened with more harm. They may feel as if no one will understand, or support them. They may adjust to their situation, however hard, and fear any intervention will make it worse.

Thousands of children and young people in the UK are suffering in silence about bullying. And it’s not just happening in the playground any more. The Internet and social networking have helped to enable ‘cyber-bullying’ around the clock. When your tormentors can get messages to your mobile phone or the computer in your bedroom, even home doesn’t seem like a safe place to be. It can feel as though there’s no escape.

Because bullying destroys self-esteem, many who experience it feel as if they are worthless—

that they may even deserve their bullying. We know from the 2000-plus people who got through to Kidscape’s helplines last year, and the 3,500 who benefited from our anti-bullying workshops, that speaking up is the only way to beat bullying. But speaking up takes tremendous courage.

Kidscape’s role is to help children and young people find that courage.

Everyone has the right to live their life free from intimidation and abuse, including the estimated 60% of school and college students who experience bullying in the UK. These young people need our support. They don’t need to be told it’s “character building”, or “just part of your schooldays”. Bullying is a widespread and corrosive problem in our society, and it’s up to all of us to speak out against it.

“on behalf of all our team at the

great ormond street Hospital for

children, we would like to thank

you very much for all the amazing

support that you have provided for

our children over the years, and we

would like to acknowledge what an

effective job your organisation is

doing in tackling bullying.”

Clinical Psychologist, Dept of Child

& Adolescent Mental Health

ansWering a ‘cry for Help’

in april this year, a concerned

mother contacted kidscape

when her daughter’s problems

with bullies at school reached

crisis point. Her upsetting email

reached our Zap manager, linda

frost. “phoebe” drank nail polish

remover yesterday – a cry for help

regarding the bullying - and was

taken to hospital by ambulance.

We are all deeply shocked as you

can imagine, especially as we are a

very close family. i am writing out of

desperation to ask for

some advice.”

linda was able to send a long and

reassuring list of advice and tips to

“phoebe’s” mother, helping her to

deal with the school and be strong

for her daughter. “phoebe’s” cry for

help is not new to us,” linda wrote.

“over half the children who come

to Zap have self-harmed or worse.

all of them are delightful, sensitive,

caring youngsters from loving

families. Once they find others who

are gentle like themselves, they

stop thinking of themselves as

“different” or “alone”. over 85% are

never bullied again.”

Linda also managed to find a place

for “phoebe” and her mother on the

next Zap workshop. afterwards,

“phoebe”s mother wrote to say,

“phoebe” was on cloud nine

yesterday. she was telling me all

about the children’s session and i’m

sure it will be literally life-changing

for her. i was watching her today as

some children from her old school

walked past, and the change in her

body language already

was amazing.”

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Bullies don’t just take away lunch money and mobile phones; they don’t just take away self-confidence and a sense of trust.

W o r k s H o p s

Bullying can rob children of their voices, leaving them too ashamed or afraid to speak up for themselves, even to let a parent or carer know what’s going on.

Kidscape helps bullied children to find their voices. Through our award-winning workshops, we connect directly with children and young people, and with their parents and carers. By giving people the tools they need to speak up against bullying, we help them not just to survive the experience, but to emerge stronger and more confident than before.

We also help parents to speak up. Very often, these are people who were bullied themselves as children, and they need help to be good role models for their children. To stop the cycle of passive behaviour, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, we teach parents how to be assertive, to protect themselves and their children from further bullying behaviour. We also advise parents how to approach organisations and schools effectively on behalf of their children, and how to improve non-verbal skills, so that the whole family is listened to when problems arise.

f i n d i n g a v o i c e

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It’s a free day-long programme for 9 to 16 year olds and their families that teaches practical strategies to prevent bullying and abuse.

It’s a proven model: this year, responses from the children six months after attending their ZAP day suggest that they were able to reduce or eliminate the effects of bullying in over 85% of cases. These are individuals in dire need, many of them driven to truancy and self-harm by their experiences; a significant minority have contemplated suicide. Yet after just one session, this year’s ZAP participants lowered their truancy rates from 36% to 6%, and their self-harming tendencies fell from 23% to 2%.

other workshops

Kidscape’s highly experienced trainers offer a range of other sessions for children, parents and professionals. In 2011/12, we ran workshops on topics including:

• Implementing the Anti-Bullying Ethos and Setting up a ‘Telling Environment’

• Anti-Bullying workshops for Parents and Carers

• Basic Child Safety

• Child Protection and Safeguarding Training (Basic/Advanced)

• Personal Development

• Peer Support Training for Staff and Pupils

• Staff Development

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Our pioneering ZAP workshop is the most direct and cost-effective method we have for helping severely bullied children.

“kidscape was our lifeline during

“eleanor’s” time being tossed

around in the storm. i think the

Zap course was a real turning

point. i am constantly amazed at

the different child i am seeing. she

seems to have developed a wisdom

beyond her years… i have even

heard her advising others on what

to do in difficult situations - drawing

from her own experience and what

she learnt on the Zap course.”

bUddying Up to beat bUllying

in 2012, our deputy director peter bradley ran Zap plUs for the third

consecutive year. based at stowe school in buckinghamshire, this

residential course allows young people who have already completed the

ZAP course to spend three days developing new confidence skills and to

try all sorts of exciting activities. each Zap participant is paired up with a

stoic sixth-former “buddy”, and they spend the weekend together having

fun. as peter says, “We are so privileged to be able to offer this course in

such a dynamic, caring and beautiful school. the incredible environment

and the dedication of the school staff enable us to offer this unique

opportunity to the Zap young people who have had to face terrible bullying

in the past. thank you to stowe school and to mr. bruno Wang who funded

the programme.”

“Just a quick note to once again thank you and the team for an absolutely

wonderful weekend. lisa has not stopped talking about it since she came

home and wishes every weekend could be so nice. it is lovely to see her

happy and feeling a little more confident. Hopefully she can take what

she has learnt and move forward, especially with regards to school.”

Participant’s parent

“the outcome of this whole weekend has been amazing. i couldn’t have

asked for a more educational experience.”

Student participant

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The need for advice and support is often so urgent that waiting for a suitable workshop simply isn’t an option. When you need guidance right away, Kidscape’s helplines are on hand.

For children, it can be far easier to tell the whole story to an anonymous but sympathetic stranger than to tell a parent or teacher. And for their parents, a source of calm, professional advice can be a lifeline when things look bleak.

We pride ourselves on working a little differently from most helplines. We are there to listen, support and advise on all aspects of bullying and child abuse. This year, our advisors tackled a broad range of issues on behalf of callers, from cyberbullying and homophobic bullying to dealing with teachers who bully.

Many of our callers have met with disbelief or resistance from the school or authorities when they report bullying, and it is always reassuring for them to feel listened to and to know that they are not alone. We provide a very effective toolkit of advice and suggestions to our callers, based on Kidscape’s 27 years of experience.

the parents’ Helpline

Witnessing the bullying of your child can be devastating. Parents feel helpless, and desperate not to do the wrong thing and make it worse. Often there is guilt that they didn’t spot what was going on earlier. Then there are the practical questions: what to do about school, about email, Facebook and mobile phone access.

Kidscape’s experienced advisors took over 2000 calls from parents and carers in the year to March 2012. They answered questions and soothed anxieties around issues including the effects of bullying on the child (depression, withdrawal, self-harm), the best way to handle issues with the school, and how to work together to block bullying.

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Just as important as helping bullied children find their voices, is lending them a sympathetic ear.

“i contacted your advice line today

as my ten year old is being bullied;

he has been strangled, punched,

pushed and threatened. i had been

at breaking point all week until i

was put in-touch with you today.

i spoke to a wonderful lady called

michelle, who i can’t thank enough

for the advice and the peace of

mind she has given me.”

s o m e o n e t o t a l k t o

H e l p l i n e s

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Run and staffed by an amazing group of 54 trained and supervised volunteers aged 16-21, Y2Y provides a confidential helpline service which can be accessed via telephone, email, online chat or Skype.

The volunteers gain tremendous experience and valuable life-skills from their 12-month stint with Y2Y. And for callers, just being listened

to, and understanding that they’re not alone and that their pain and frustration are justified, can give them the strength to seek help from the adults around them

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“thank you for helping me

tonight. the guy who spoke to

me convinced me to phone my

friend, and she’s taking me to the

hospital. i’d love to know how you

deal with messages or phone calls

without panicking, as i know most

adults would have panicked tonight.

thanks again, you’ve really

helped me.”

Following the merger of Kidscape and Youth2Youth in 2010, we now have an award-winning helpline dedicated to helping young people aged 11-19 who are struggling with bullying, anxiety, depression or mental distress.

y o U t H 2 y o U t H

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Commercial training is an important source of income for Kidscape.

t r a i n i n g

Our training arm, staffed by 10 freelance Kidscape trainers, delivered anti-bullying, child protection behaviour management and peer support sessions to approximately 2,000 professionals in 2011-12, in a large variety of settings which cater for the needs of children and families. Many of these individuals cascaded information and strategies to their colleagues, so our influence stretched far beyond the number of individuals we met face-to-face.

A significant number of our child protection/safeguarding training sessions continue to be carried out through the auspices of the British International Schools. This relationship took our trainers to countries as far afield as Thailand, Slovenia and Gran Canaria. The child protection/safeguarding aspect of our training remains the most buoyant in this difficult economic climate, as it satisfies statutory requirements. We have continued to liaise closely with many safeguarding organisations across the world.

In April 2011 we launched a two-year Bullying Intervention Training (BIT) project, which will run until the end of March 2013. The programme is designed to help professionals working with young people to

identify those who may be the targets of bullying, or who may be on the cusp of displaying aggressive behaviour. It aims to provide the skills and tools to limit bullying occurrences. Kidscape trains groups of professionals who then cascade the strategies to the young people in their settings. We will reach 30,000 young people across England during the timescale of the project.

l e a r n i n g t o l i s t e n

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protecting cHildren – WorldWide

In the past five years, Kidscape has delivered Child Protection and Safeguarding training to schoolteachers and

youth workers in more than 20 countries, including china, dubai, egypt and thailand as well as

throughout europe.

training consultant robin Watts

has grown the child protection

aspect of our training programme

by 400% during the year covered by

this review, and today, kidscape’s

expertise in the field of child

protection is recognised across

the world.

our accredited child protection

and safeguarding courses help

professionals who work with young

people to develop the knowledge

and skills they need to spot signs

of abuse or neglect in the children

under their care, and to act

appropriately. although we train

teaching professionals to meet the

Uk ofsted child protection criteria,

as enforced by the international

schools inspectorate, we are often

working in countries where the

cultural norms around punishment

and the local laws protecting

children’s rights are very different

from our own. it’s often challenging,

and requires a sensitive and skilful


Wherever he may be asked to

deliver his training courses, robin

Watts speaks with the authority

of his 30 years as a detective in

the metropolitan police, including

the investigation of complex child

protection and abuse cases. “at

school, we teach our children

about “stranger danger”, but

statistically only 3 to 4% of child

abuse is carried out by someone

unknown to the child. as a society,

we hate talking about this. but

bringing it into the open, creating

an environment where children

have permission to speak up about

things they feel uncomfortable

about – that’s the only way to

reduce the problem.”

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Certain myths about bullying are

widespread. We hear a great many nice,

intelligent people saying things like, “It’s

just part of growing up”, or “It’s character-building”, or “It never

did me any harm”. At Kidscape, one of our most important

tasks is to dispel these outdated beliefs, by reaching out to the

wider UK public and getting them engaged

with the issues in a more helpful way

k i d s c a p e i n t H e m e d i a

We pursue our media campaign on a daily basis. In 2011-12, Kidscape spokespeople gave at least 10 interviews a week. We took part in national news and current affairs coverage on BBC Television, Sky radio and television, Five Live and LBC, as well as a number of local TV and radio stations. For example, Peter

Bradley spoke about cyber bullying and safer Internet use on BBC Radio Leeds; Claude Knights talked about preventing racist

bullying on local radio in Devon, following a number of incidents in the county; and our Kidscape ambassador Gok Wan gave us

a central role in his TV series, “Gok’s Teens: The Naked Truth”.

Kidscape also contributes regularly to articles in the local and national press. Notable features in the past year included an

extremely positive Guardian piece on our ZAP workshops, which led to a number of referrals for severely bullied children who

might not have found us otherwise. Kidscape Patron Anthony Horowitz added his voice to the debate about bullying in the UK via a feature article for The Telegraph. In it, he particularly

highlighted Kidscape and the courses we run.

All this coverage means that the charity has reached an estimated 15-20 million people in the last year via radio, printed

press and online. Our media activity raises public awareness of the issues of bullying and safeguarding children, helping to

influence public opinion and shape government policy.

s p r e a d i n g t H e W o r d

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As well as working to affect public policy indirectly, through the media and public opinion, Kidscape engages directly with policy-makers. Claude, our Director, continues to be a member of the Managing Sex Offenders working group, which is chaired by Home Office officials. She also represents Kidscape on the Anti-Bullying Alliance steering group, as well as contributing to Department for Education roundtables dealing with safeguarding children issues. Peter, our Deputy Director, sits on the following working groups: Child Employment Advisory Group to HM Government; Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety (CHIS); Child Performance Advisory Working Group to HM Government.

Working together

Kidscape is always looking for opportunities to collaborate with other organisations that share our aims. For example, we play a key role as part of the Coalition on Internet Safety, campaigning alongside other national charities like Barnardos, Beatbullying and the NSPCC to press for improvements in public policy towards the online abuse or exploitation of children. In 2011-12 we also worked with a number of partners to extend our reach in terms of the direct assistance we offer to children. For example, we continued our relationship with the world of Martial Arts through the ‘Martial Arts Foundation’ and ‘Get Spiked’, and found great synergies in the way our approaches work to boost children’s self-confidence, positive body image and goal setting. Partnering with organisations like these helps us to provide a wider range of options when steering young people towards other sources of support in their local communities.

claude knights peter bradley

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In a year when the whole charity sector struggled to compensate for public funding cuts, donations from individuals and companies became even more important than ever.

Kidscape has worked hard to strengthen its relationships with existing supporters and to reach out to new ones, with the result that we were able to maintain the level of support we offer to children and parents in dire need of our help. Kidscape has traditionally received a significant amount of its income from grantmaking and statutory bodies, but the increasing number of charities seeking support from these sources has led to greater competition and fewer successful applications. As a result we have had to work harder than ever to encourage individuals and community groups to raise money to help us in our work.

corporate supporters

A huge thank you once again to the companies which supported us in 2011-12. We’re proud to report that almost all of our corporate partners maintained or increased the level of their support this year, despite very challenging trading conditions.


grass roots group

protocol education

cubitt House

lend lease

John laing

Howard tenens


first ascent

Westminster foundation

We benefited again from the specsavers Spectacle Wearer of the Year competition in November 2011. The final was held in November at Battersea Power Station and raised over £10,000 for us.

The team at grass roots raised an impressive £12,000 for Kidscape in the first year of our partnership. Their inventive fundraising schemes

included their own version of The Apprentice and a 3 Peaks Challenge. Thanks to their support, we also built the first Friendship Garden at a local school.

We were also honoured to be chosen as one of the official charities of the lord mayor of Westminster, who held a number of fundraising events during the year and whose support brought us a lot of valuable exposure.

We held a fundraising lunch with our celebrity ambassador gok Wan in July at one of the venues run by cubitt House, another of our corporate supporters. It was a smash hit with the ladies-only guest list,who got a two hour private audience with Gok, and the chance to talk to him about any subject.

f U n d r a i s i n g

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specsavers spectacle Wearer of the year awards

sponsored events

Congratulations to the 16 intrepid individuals who ran The London Marathon in 2011 in aid of Kidscape, raising a grand total of over £30,000. We also had participants in various 10k races throughout the year, and we were bowled over by the amazing efforts of our trustee Kevin Parke, who ran 7 marathons in 7 countries in 7 days in October for Kidscape’s benefit.

How you can help

As a registered charity, Kidscape is entirely dependent on grants from public and statutory bodies as well as donations from the general public. There are four main ways in which individuals can help:

• make a donation – even the smallest amount can help. For example, just £5 will pay for a “bully pack” to be sent to a family desperately needing support. £180 will pay for a teacher to attend a

Kidscape workshop and learn how to create a peer mentoring scheme at school. And £284 will fund a ZAP workshop place for one severely bullied child and their parents.

• do some fundraising – sponsored walks, coffee mornings, raffles – or why not run a marathon for Kidscape? Find inspiration and practical advice on our website.

• get your employer involved – you might be able to nominate Kidscape as a corporate charity where you work. Join household names like Specsavers and do your bit to help.

• remember kidscape in your will – leaving a legacy is a great way to support our future work.

You’ll find advice and guidance on all of these ways to support us on our website:

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f i n a n c i a l

i n f o r m a t i o n

Total Income £523,265 To

tal In








g cos



,533 Fundraising costs £129,176








Governance costs £2,409

Charitable expenditure £

487,128 Charitable expenditure £445,805

Total Expenditure £608,371 Total






Total restricted Income £174,047

2011-12 2010-11Total restricted Income


Our income fell by approximately ten percent in the financial year under review (compared to the previous year). This was largely due to increased competition for grants and cuts in local authority spending, which have impacted on schools’ budgets for training. Because Kidscape has historically been prudent in its financial management, we were able to draw on the charity’s reserves to ensure that we continued to meet our commitments to bullied children and their families. We also reduced our fundraising expenditure by 9%, without limiting the effectiveness of our efforts: income from fundraising activities over the same period rose by nearly 10%.

This page shows a breakdown of Kidscape’s income and expenditure for the year ending 31st March 2012. The full report and accounts have been sent to the Charity Commission, and a copy of the audited accounts can be obtained on request from Kidscape.

Page 19: 2012 - Kidscape · Patrons, Ambassadors, Trustees, staff, volunteers and supporters. Our achievements in these difficult times are only possible because of their tireless commitment

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Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift Fund

Barbara Ward Children’s Foundation

BBC Children in Need

City Bridge Trust

Department for Education

Doris Field Charitable Trust

Dudley and Geoffrey Cox Charitable Trust

Edgar Lee Foundation

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

Hobson Charity Ltd

James Weir Foundation

John Coates Charitable Trust

John Laing Charitable Trust

Kramer Charitable Trust

Lacuna Trust

Ladbrokes Charitable Trust

Light Fund

W O Street Charitable Foundation

Westminster Foundation

corporate support

Abacus Cards

Bridgewater Associates

Connected/Sound Advice

Cubitt House

First Ascent

Grass Roots Group

Heron Corporation

Howard Tenens

Institute for Philanthropy

Lend Lease


Protocol Education



Esther Alexander

Elizabeth Alsworth

Amy Barber

Karen Barker

Alan Bates

Andrew Battye

David Beckwith

Lesley Beevor

Tim Bennett

Tim Bishop

Sean Brickell

Margaret Burke

Luke Burrage

Martin Carolan

Chloe Christey-French

Janette Citroen

Peter Clark

Liam Clarke

Emily Codd

Sean Corbett

Jennifer Cordiner

Patrick Cox

Donna Cregg

Amy Daniels

Margaret Dowley

Jack Dredge

Kevin Dredge

Sue Dunstall

Lucy Faulkner-Gawlinski

Isla Gray

Roxanne Harley

Jonathan Harman

Vanessa Harrison-Hyde

Nicola Hastie

Carol Hayes

Patricia Hernandez

Liz Horrigan

Bob & Kate Huxley

Derek Jackson

Gunther Jones

Mary Keating

David Knowles

PJ & HI Lawson

George Lee

Bob Lemmon

Susan Letouze

Philip Liddell

Edward Longinotti

Damien Martin

AB McKenzie

Bridget Monk

Yvonne Morris

Thomas Noblett

Stephen O’Reilly

Thanos Papasavvas

Kevin Parke

Carlos Patino

Mary Perkins

David Pettitt

Kathleen Phillips

James Pryor

Elaine Robertson

Robert Rooney

Stephen Shepherd

Velia Soames

Carl Spickett

Mike Sutherland

Kumi Thomas

Danielle Toutoungi

Benjy Waldman

Bruno Wang

Tim Warren

A Watson

Roger Weitkamp

Susan Wheal

Nicholas Wilby

Hilary Wilkinson

Dennis Wilson

Tim Wilson


Linda Blair

George Gawlinski (Chair)

John Hadjipateras

Sheila King

Nick Lovering

Kevin Parke

Anna Raeburn

Amanda Ross

Andrew Stead


Michele Elliott OBE

kidscape staff

Toyah Anderson

Peter Bradley (Deputy Director)

Claire Burnell

Catherine Calvert

Harry Draper

Michelle Edwards

Rachael Frankel

Linda Frost

Stephanie Grahovac

Rosemary Harrison

Nikki Kerr

Claude Knights (Director)

Deirdre McLellan

Andrew Morrison

Kathy O’Connor

Steve Perry

Jodie Potter

Rebecca Round

Lisa Spencer

Brenda Stafford

Dave Taylor

bit project staff

Alye Begum

Dawn Green

Deborah Scaife

Sue Seager

Julie Wilkinson


Justine Caroll

Jenny Drew

Jackie Engelberg

Jean Gawlinski

Jan Harrup

Christine Tanner

Debbie Tucker

Robin Watts


Anthony Horowitz

Dame Mary Perkins DBE


David Davies

Jill Halfpenny

Dan Norris

Patsy Palmer

Dr Wendy Piatt

Phillip Schofield

Gok Wan


Jackie Benson

Dave Elmer

Bea Gaunt

Natalie Smith


Williams & Co.

thank you On behalf of all the children and families that have benefited from Kidscape’s services this year, we’d like to say a big thank you to all our supporters. Special mention goes to the following organisations and individuals:

Page 20: 2012 - Kidscape · Patrons, Ambassadors, Trustees, staff, volunteers and supporters. Our achievements in these difficult times are only possible because of their tireless commitment

to find a voice

Helping cHildren

s p e a k i n g U p

Annual Report kindly supported by


2 Grosvenor Gardens London SW1W 0DH

Tel: 020 7730 3300 Fax: 020 7730 7081

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Registered Charity 326864

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