  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

    University of Manitoba

    2005 - 2006

    Freshie Handbook

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Welcome from the Dean - Michael Trevan Congratulations – you’re in the right place. Your new Faculty is an exciting place to learn, make friends and get a head start on jobs once you graduate. It will probably all seem confusing and a bit daunting to start with. Take a little time to get familiar with the buildings and the classrooms. Then get ready to study – on the edge. You’ve chosen a career path where new discoveries are still being made; where your ideas will make a difference. But you have to earn your way into the profession and we’re not going to make it easy. A lot will be expected of you, but the more you put in, the more you will get out of the experience in all kinds of ways. Your Degree or Diploma will really be worth something. You’ll listen to lectures, tour agribusinesses, prepare projects, give speeches and write exams. It‘s tough - but you don’t have to do any of it without help. You’ll be assisted by instructors and professors who really know what they’re talking about and who’ll do their best to make sure you do too. You’ll get to know them well and understand they really care - because you will actually be able to use their teaching somewhere along your road. We know that’s true because of the fabulous record of employment set by our graduates. We also know that because our program is not all about farming: your studies will provide you with a broad range of scientific, social and other employable knowledge and skills. In fact, that’s our new id – “It’s not all about farming!” While some students enter the program from a farm intending to return, most Degree and Diploma grads from rural and urban backgrounds move into positions such as plant biotechnologist, food safety officer, financial advisor or environmental manager. Tell your friends! Ours is a fascinating and changing business. You will be part of it if you work hard – while you’re having fun too. That’s what I anticipate as I begin my first year as your Dean. I look forward to watching you grow in knowledge and understanding. You’ve come to the right place. Again – congratulations, and welcome to the Faculty. Michael Trevan Dean Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Michael Trevan, Ph.D.

    Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences from the Faculty of Agriculture Students’ Organization (FASO), the Dean, and all of the Faculty’s staff and students! As a potential student to the faculty, the whole experience may seem overwhelming, but we have designed this handbook to let you know what services are available to you and where to go if other questions arise. The objective of this book is to provide you with a faculty supplement to the University of Manitoba General Calendar.


    Position Faculty Member Telephone Dean’s Office General Inquiries 474-9295 Fax 474-7525 FASO Office General Inquiries 474-6763 Fax 474-7689 Faculty Dean Dr. Michael Trevan 474-9380 Associate Dean (Academic) Dr. Bernie Dronzek 474-8229 Associate Dean (Research) Dr. Rachael Scarth 474-6082 Confidential Secretary Ms. Laurene Davy 474-6029 Executive Assistant Ms. Diane Wreford 474-8281 Manager, Administration & Finance Harminder Dhanjal 474-6027 Communication Specialist Ms. Crystal Jorgensen 474-9435 Student Advisor Ms. Meg Brolley 474-8269 Office Assistants Ms. Wendy Kramer 474-6066 Ms. Sadie Hildebrand 474-9295 Coop Coordinator Mr. Gord Mushey 474-6943 Programmer/Analyst Mr. David Treble 474-9670 School of Agriculture General Inquiries 474-9391 Fax 474-7525 Director Dr. Merv Pritchard 474-9395 Office Staff Ms. Gisele Perrault 474-9391 Ms. Sadie Hildebrand 474-6030 Farm Management Coordinator Mr. Brad Erb 474-9236 Farm Management Instructors Mr. Scott Corbett 474-9236 Mr. Ernie Steeves 474-9236 Ms. Lorrie Koroscil 474-9236 Ms. Gaby Sponagel-Ridder 474-9236

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook



    The oldest college of its kind in Western Canada had its beginnings in Winnipeg in 1906. The Faculty of Agriculture and Home Economics was founded in the Tuxedo area that year, and the first class entered the former Manitoba Agricultural College. The first agriculture diplomas were conferred in 1908, and degrees in 1911.

    In 1913, the Manitoba Agricultural College transferred to a Fort Garry site that later became the campus of the University of Manitoba. The administration of the Manitoba Agricultural College was transferred to the U of M in 1924, and the instructional work was taken over by the Faculty of Agriculture and Home Economics.

    Agriculture and Home Economics became separate faculties in 1970, and in July of 1991, the name changed to the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

    As the years progress, the Faculty becomes larger, as students come to Agricultural and Food Sciences from rural communities, cities, and other faculties. To accommodate this growth in enrollment, as well as a rapidly progressing industry, a curriculum revision occurred in 1995. In addition, the Main Agriculture Building was reconstructed in 1996-1997, and the faculty now has its own agricultural library.

    The current Faculty changes and a thriving agricultural and food science industry holds a bright future for anyone entering the field. Congratulations on your choice!


    The Degree program is designed for high school graduates and for transfer students with degrees or partial degrees from other disciplines. The Bachelors of Science in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agroecology, and Food Science, (B.Sc. Agriculture, B.Sc. Agribusiness, B.Sc. Agroecology, and B.Sc. Food Science, respectively), have the triple objectives of vocational, professional, and cultural education. To attain these goals, the degrees are offered with a major in one of the Departments in the Faculty, or in a program of study; i.e. Agronomy, Plant Systems, Animal Systems, Agroecology, Food Science, Agricultural Economics, or Agribusiness. All courses in the first year and some in the second year of the degree are prescribed. The remainder of the years courses are determined by the major department, or area of study, and by the student’s selection of elective courses. It is strongly recommended that all students plan their course work for third and fourth years before the end of their second academic year.


    The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Graduate Program is offered through the Faculty of Graduate Studies. For more information, contact the Head of Department for your major.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    The two-year Agriculture Diploma program offers practical education for persons

    interested in operating a farm, or working in an agricultural business. The program covers a wide range of agricultural subjects, from production through to marketing and business management. Communication and leadership skills also receive considerable emphasis. The program culminates with assignments and a major project that relates directly to the student’s individual farm or business interests.


    Dean of Agricultural and Food Sciences: Dr. Michael Trevan

    The Dean exercises general supervision and direction over the Faculty, including the staff and students. He is a member ex-officio of all committees of the Faculty Council and has access to all Faculty records. The Dean recommends any hiring, firing, or retirements to the President of the University. He is also responsible for the faculty budget and the year-end report to the President. In addition, the Dean engages in and promotes research and professional staff development, and is responsible for public service. Associate Dean(s), Undergraduate Program: Dr. Bernie Dronzek (Academic) Dr. Rachael Scarth (Research)

    The Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Program is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the undergraduate degree programs in the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. In addition, the Associate Dean assumes teaching responsibilities, engages in and promotes research and personal/professional staff development, and is also responsible for public service. Manager, Administration & Finance: Harminder Dhanjal

    The Manager of Administration and Finance is responsible for administration of the general office and supervision of support staff. Student Advisor: Meg Brolley

    The Student Advisor is the Faculty expert on registration and course selection. Director of the School of Agriculture: Dr. Merv Pritchard Student Advisor of the School of Agriculture: Meg Brolley

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    Better known as F.A.S.O., the Faculty of Agriculture Students’ Organization is an active student council for the faculty, and one of the most successful on campus. All members of F.A.S.O., with the exception of the staff advisor, are students of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. The objective of F.A.S.O. shall be government of the students, elected by the students, for the students. There are currently 30 members on the student council, all of who have a certain job to do for YOU, the students.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    MESSAGE FROM THE SR. STICK Welcome, first year Aggies! I can still remember reading the freshie handbook, unsure of what to expect in my first year of university. Now here I am, getting ready for my last year of school in the faculty.

    Becoming involved in this faculty is a decision you will not regret. Your first year will be what you make it, so get out there and get involved in as many activities as you can. It is the job of FASO to ensure that there are many opportunities throughout the school year to meet new friends and get involved within the faculty. It takes a balance between work and play; Have lots of fun, but do some studying once in awhile!

    Look at your schedule and get ready because September is a busy month of activities with: Meet the Faculty BBQ, Degree & Diploma Disorientation Socials, and Bedpush, just to name a few Once you get to school and walk around the Atrium you will feel at home, and everything else will just fall in to place. So, make the most of your year, as you are only a freshie once. This tight-knit faculty is a great group to be a part of. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to approach any FASO member or other students. We’ve been in your shoes, and needed others to help us through. It’s our time to return the favour. I look forward to meeting you. Best of luck in your first year! Advice: No mater how you feel, Go to Class! It will make studying so much easier. SENIOR STICK: Doug Wahl As the president of the student council, Doug chairs all F.A.S.O. meetings and provides general supervision over all council affairs. He is a member of committees within F.A.S.O., U.M.S.U., and the faculty. VICE STICK INTERNAL: Kira Gerow Kira is the second in command. She chairs the awards committee and grad committee. She acts as a student advocate. Kira also coordinates Freshie Welcome Week and assists with the baseball BBQ.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    VICE STICK EXTERNAL: Brooke Fridfinnson The duties of this position include being a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists (MIA). Brooke also organizes the annual ASE Career Fair and further industry related seminars. She is also responsible for inter-university relations. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS: Danna Hunt The D.O.C. keeps minutes of all F.A.S.O. meetings. She is also responsible for both incoming and outgoing correspondence. Danna also acts as the editor of the Freshie Handbook and Aggie Songbook. SENIOR TREASURER: Doug Hamblin As a faculty with numerous social activities, clothing sales, and fundraisers; money matters are a big job. Doug receives and disperses all monies from these events and chairs the Finance committee. His monthly financial reports to F.A.S.O. are available to the student body. SENIOR SOCIAL REP: Anastasie Hacault Aggies have the best socials on campus; therefore, we must carefully plan them down to the last detail. Anastasie oversees and plans all socials and chairs the social committee.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    DIPLOMA PRESIDENT: Marlen Bergen Marlen represents the whole Diploma School to F.A.S.O., and is a member of the Diploma Student Executive. He also organizes Diploma Freshie Week. Marlen acts as a liaison between the School of Agriculture and F.A.S.O. GENERAL AGRICULTURAL CLASS REP: To be elected This person will be in charge of lunchtime BBQ’s throughout the year and will be responsible for announcements after F.A.S.O. meetings to the first year degree class regarding future F.A.S.O. events. NOTE: This position is open to all first year students enrolled in course 65.150 and will be elected in September 2003. Please keep this in mind if you are interested or know anyone else that wants to be involved. 2nd YEAR DEGREE REP: Jeff Cook Jeff’s job includes collecting mail, keeping an eye on the Aggie employment opportunities to make sure that they are posted. He also coordinates the bi-annual book trade. Jeff will keep the second year degree class informed about upcoming F.A.S.O. events. 1st YEAR DIPLOMA REP: To be elected This person will maintain the trophy case and assist with lunchtime BBQ’s. He/she will be responsible for reporting F.A.S.O. events to the first year diploma students, and will also help coordinate the Annual Aggie Car rally. NOTE: This position is open to all first year diploma students and will be elected in September 2003. Please keep this in mind if you are interested or know anyone else that wants to be involved.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    2ND YEAR DIPLOMA REP: Ryan Friesen He will keep all of the second year diploma students informed about F.A.S.O. events. Ryan is responsible for Diploma Freshie Welcome, Diploma Meet the Faculty BBQ, and is a member of the Grad Committee. SENIOR DEGREE REPRESENTATIVES: These people, (in their 3rd or 4th year), represent their major, and make announcements to all classes in their majors regarding F.A.S.O. events. They are also members of the Grad and ASE committees, and together, they are responsible for the Degree Meet the Faculty BBQ. The Agribusiness and Food Science reps also act as F.A.S.O. liaisons for the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA), and the Canadian Institute of Food Sciences and Technology (CIFST), respectively. AGROECOLOGY REP: AGRIBUSINESS REP: FOOD SCIENCE REP: Taryn Dickson Aaron Bolduc Tracy Court


    Neil Overby Evan Gillis

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    JUNIOR TREASURER: Pam Desrochers Pam collects coins from and maintains all vending machines. She is a member of the Finance committee, and helps the Senior Treasurer with deposits through the year. Pam will learn the book-keeping system, as next year he will become the Senior Treasurer. SPECIAL EVENTS REP: Michelle Guillas Organizing Hoedown week and Aggie nights-out are Michelle’s main responsibilities as well as coordinating all Liquid Party Tours. Michelle is also a member of the Social Committee. FUNDRAISER: Josee Saquet Josee is responsible for F.A.S.O. jackets and clothing. She, along with the Ladies Social Rep, is responsible for all Aggie clothing sales. Josee is also a member of the Finance committee, and assists with Bedpush. PUBLICITY COORDINATOR: Darcy Catellier The Publicity Coordinator advertises all F.A.S.O. events and removes these posters as they expire. A large monthly calendar of F.A.S.O. events will also be posted in the Atrium.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    DIPLOMA SOCIAL REP: Darren Faurshow This position involves being a member of the Social committee and organizing Aggie Diploma events. Darren will also assist with Diploma Freshie Welcome and “Meet the Diploma Faculty BBQ”. JUNIOR SOCIAL REP: Jasmine Lumax Jasmine will assist the Senior Social Rep as required, and will be responsible for two major social events during the year. She will also help the athletic rep with the Aggie all night sport event, and will be on the Social Committee. Jasmine will be the Senior Social Rep. next year. LADIES’ SOCIAL REP: Heather Maskus Heather assists the Fundraiser Rep with clothing sales and is a member of the Social Committee. She organizes Aggie Ladies’ Events throughout the year. ATHLETIC REP: Nolan Rasumssen Nolan will post sign-ups for all intramural sports, and will attend intramural meetings. He also organizes the All-Night sport event and sits on the F.A.S.O. Awards Committee.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    SENATE REP: Candace Wallcraft Candace will attend monthly university senate meetings in which he will express F.A.S.O. opinions and viewpoints. She is also a member of two faculty committees. U.M.S.U. REP: Nathan Corkum Nathan conducts all elections and referendas. He represents F.A.S.O. to the University of Manitoba Student’s Union, and attends their meetings. YEARBOOK EDITORS: Erin Braun & Kylie Anderson The Yearbook Editors are responsible for compiling the annual yearbook, and select and chair the Yearbook Committee.

    Erin Kylie STAFF ADVISOR: Derek Brewin As the staff advisor, Derek will represent the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the F.A.S.O. meetings and will advise council in matters involving Faculty affairs.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    NEWSLETTER EDITORS: Karen Hodgson & Wilco van Mejil Karen and Wilco will organize the Annual Aggie Car Rally, and will compile at least 4 newsletters over the course of the year. They will collect articles from each F.A.S.O. member, and other students. If you ever have a story, article, joke, or something to say, be sure to let the Editors know! CHARITY REPS: Michael Klassen & James Stoesz Michael and James coordinate the Annual Aggie Bedpush, (September 30 to October 3 2005) and the Annual Red Cross Blood Bath, and any other charity events.

    Michael James

    FASO members perform their duties as listed above, as well as help each other and fellow students whenever needed. They are required to regularly attend F.A.S.O. meetings and to do the best job possible for the students. If you are elected/selected as a member of F.A.S.O., or sit on any Faculty or Senate/U.M.S.U. Committees, you can be recognized for such work. If a Student Recognition Form is filled out, credit for such work will be noted on your transcript

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    Found in the Agriculture Lecture Block (aka the AGGIE Lounge) ~ main office (Room 204) with: ~ stapler ~ hole punch ~ fax machine ~ telephone ~ student lounge with: ~ pool table ~ satellite television ~ couches

    ~ telephone ~ microwaves (2) ~foozeball table ~brand new furniture

    Other services include: ~ Informative and entertaining Aggie newsletter (aka The BarbedWire) ~ Aggie yearbook ~ Free lockers (located in the basement of the Ag. Lecture Block) * please note there will be a locker sign-up in the lecture block ~ Freshie Welcome Week to greet all first year students ~ Meet the Faculty BBQ ~ Agri-Careers Reception (ASE Fair – an opportunity to meet future employers) ~ ASE Career Fair ~ Cooperative education program ~ Intramural sports ~ Hoedown Week and numerous social events!!!!! ~ Awards night And much, MUCH MORE!!

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    In addition to the many study areas located within the many libraries on and off campus, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba has four areas where students may ‘hit the books'.

    In the Lecture Block, both the lounge and the study hall can be found on the main floor in addition to the study carols located in the basement. Both the Agriculture and Animal Science Buildings have numerous classrooms that may be used for studying when they aren't being utilized for teaching. Food and drink are allowed only under the assumption that any mess will be cleaned up. If these privileges are abused, there will be no food allowed. Coming this year, there will be new study carols found in the basement of the Lecture Block.


    Puzzled about a career in Agriculture or Food Sciences? Need some ideas on what to expect while working? Check out the Agri-Food Connections program developed specifically for your faculty! Agri-Food Connections is a pilot project designed to assist students in planning their career in Agriculture or Food Sciences. The program provides students with the opportunity to meet working professionals or mentor in various agri-food industries. The mentors volunteer their time to answer questions concerning: ~ Actual job duties ~ Job market outlook ~ Starting salaries ~ Trends in the industry ~ Required skills ~ Career experiences Agri-Food Connections is a great way to network with professionals in your field of study. For more information, contact the Career Program Coordinator at 474-8667, or drop by the Career Resource Centre at 474 University Centre or the Agricultural Career Resource Centre on the 2nd floor of the Lecture Block. *Agri-Food Connection is a program in partnership with Counseling Services, Manitoba Institute of Agrologists, F.A.S.O., and the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    The U of M Stockman’s Club was started in the spring of 1994. The club has two main objectives. The first is to keep members of the club informed of current issues and practices in the livestock industry. It is difficult for students to maintain knowledge of all current issues while attending school, so the club presents speakers at monthly meetings. The second objective is to support judging team(s) representing the University of Manitoba. The members have the opportunity to judge in multi-species competitions across Western Canada. It is a great opportunity to get ‘hands-on’ experience! More information is available in the F.A.S.O. office, F.A.S.O website, or by contacting Neil Overby, President of Stockman’s

    AGRIBUSINESS STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION (ABSA) ABSA is a student group whose main objective is to keep knowledgeable about the Agricultural industry and the changes it is facing. To do this we bring in various speakers or go on field tours at our monthly meetings. Another objective of the club is to send a team of students to the AAEA (American Agricultural Economics Association) annual conference each year. This gives students an opportunity to meet other agriculture students from across North America and to gain international exposure in the Agriculture industry. Some of our activities that we hold throughout the year include our annual wine & cheese night which a great chance to meet and network with industry representatives. One of our more famous events is the Bingo Bowling that always has some new and exciting things happen each year. For more information contact Karen Hodgson, President of ABSA.


    Aggie Bedpush is one of the many ‘crazy’ Aggie events held annually. Each year, the charity representatives choose a non-profit organization to which all the funds raised are donated. Bedpush 2005 will be held September 30 to October 3 2005 and all proceeds will be forwarded to Cancer Care Manitoba. A bed will be pushed from Brandon to Winnipeg – over 200 kilometers! This is a three-day excursion, commencing Saturday morning in Brandon, and ending Monday afternoon at the U of M Administration Building. The weekend is an excellent opportunity for young, energetic first year students (all students are more than welcome) to get to know the veterans of the faculty. We’ll need volunteers to run, drive support vehicles, collect pledges, and be cheerleaders. Hope to see you all at this Aggie bonding event!!!!

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    To encourage recreation, fitness, and athletic programs on campus, the university maintains a wide variety of facilities which include: a swimming pool, numerous playing fields, tennis courts, weight rooms, hockey rinks, aerobic classes, and University Stadium. To use the facilities, a pass must be purchased at the main desk at Frank Kennedy Centre. Students from different faculties and schools have the opportunity to compile teams for fun and competition in the intramural program. Sports which Aggies have participated in include volleyball, basketball, floor hockey, ice hockey, ultimate Frisbee, etc! * For more information, call 474-8630 or contact Nolan Rasmussen, the F.A.S.O. Athletic Rep.

    COMPUTER LABS The Agriculture Student Computer Lab is located on the second floor of the Main Agriculture Building, across the hall from the library. It is available to all students enrolled in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the U of M. It contains approximately 20 computers and 2 printers. There is also a room within the library with an additional 10 terminals and another printer. The lab is accessible all through the week, with supervision provided on weekdays and some evening. It is asked that the following rules be obeyed when using the computer facilities:

    1. Never bring food or drink into the lab 2. Immediately report any equipment malfunction to the computer

    advisor 3. Logout and turn off computer terminal before leaving the lab

    TEXTBOOKS The textbooks necessary for all of your courses are listed on your registration confirmation form. You may purchase them at the Campus Book Store, but they can be very expensive new. It is probably a good idea to tray and buy used texts. The best way for Aggie students to do this is to wait for the F.A.S.O. used book sales, held in September and January. In the first month of school of both semesters, a sign-up will be posted in the lounge for those wishing to buy and/or sell books. Students may also post advertisements to sell textbooks on the FASO website, check it out in the guestbook section. In the event that this route proves unsuccessful, another alternative is to check out Archives, the consignment book store, located in the new Nurses building.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    As part of the U of M fundraising campaign, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences has decided to fundraise among its students, staff, alumni, and agriculture-related organizations. The objective is to build and Agriculture Endowment Fund exclusively for the betterment of the Faculty. Some possible uses for the fund are to upgrade the instructional facilities and lab equipment, and provide additional scholarships and fellowships. A referendum occurs every 3 years so the students can vote as to whether or not we should continue contributing to the fund. Students and student groups can apply to the Faculty to potentially receive assistance for projects or equipment for the Faculty.


    There are specific regulations off the faculty that are observed by all teachers of

    classes in the Faculty. These rules can be found on page 55 in the General Calendar.

    Promotion Requirements A minimum final grade of ‘D’ is required in all Faculty courses. Attendance in

    the laboratory portions of courses is mandatory to enable students to fulfill the requirements of the courses. Students absent from a class or lab due to illness may be required to present a certificate from a qualified health professional upon return. Where absence from a lab is involved, makeup may be required.

    Grade Ranges GRADE VALUE RANGE USED DESCRIPTOR A+ 4.5 teacher’s discretion exceptional A 4.0 3.75-4.00 excellent B+ 3.5 3.25-3.74 very good B 3.0 2.75-3.24 good C+ 2.5 2.25-2.74 satisfactory C 2.0 2.00-2.24 adequate D 1.0 1.00-1.99 failure F 0.0 0.00-0.99 failure

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMS FOR DIPLOMA STUDENTS Any student in good academic standing, (i.e. not on probation or suspension; see page 33 of the General Calendar), is eligible to write one supplemental exam during each academic session for a course in which an ‘F’ was received.

    DEGREE/DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Candidates enrolled in the four year undergraduate program must complete the degree within 10 years following first enrollment. Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences students enrolled in the diploma program must complete the program within 5 years.

    DEAN’S HONOUR LIST Full time students with a sessional G.P.A. of 3.5 or greater will be included. A full time student is considered one who is registered for a minimum of 80% of the credits required in any one year of the academic program.


    In keeping with the philosophy of the U of M in regard to challenge for credit, the Faculty considers it desirable to provide some means for recognizing baccalaureate level knowledge and competence which may have previously acquired through study and practical experience. Refer to the General Calendar, and then speak to a student advisor to challenge credit.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    STUDENT APPEALS During the time you study in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the U of M, you may find yourself in a situation where the reasonable course of action is an appeal. An appeal is a request of a recognized authority for an opinion regarding a decision about a grade or standing in a course. A student’s first course of action is to go to the instructor to clarify the decision. Following that step, a student may appeal at the Faculty level. If their appeal is not granted, then the appeal may be taken to the University Senate. The process can be time consuming and expensive, thus few students choose to initiate it.

    For more information, contact the Vice Stick Internal of F.A.S.O. –Kira Gerow, an Ombudsman, a Student Advocate, and/or an U.M.S.U. Student Advocate.


    The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences awards numerous scholarships and

    prizes to students enrolled in the programs offered by the Faculty. Recipients of the awards are selected on the basis of academic achievement. In addition, there are a number of bursaries available, which are awarded on the basis of need, as well as academic performance. A list of the scholarships and bursaries offered by the Faculty on a yearly basis can be found below.

    Announcements regarding application deadlines for scholarships and bursaries are made in class during the fall term. For more information about the awards and bursaries available in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, please contact Meg Brolley at 474-8269 for inquiries about awards offered in the degree program and in the diploma program.

    SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES Students need not apply for the scholarships and prizes listed below. All students

    in the Faculty are automatically considered for theses awards on the basis of academic achievement.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Bachelor of Science (Degree) Programs

    University Gold Medal – Undergraduate Degree Program

    The University Gold Medal is awarded to the student with the highest academic record over the last two years of the student’s program and is based on a minimum of 60 credit hours taken during this time frame. The minimum G.P.A. is 3.80.

    Lieutenant Governor’s Gold Medal A gold medal, a gift from the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, is awarded each year to a student graduating in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. The award is made on the basis of scholarship, personal excellence, character, capacity for and habit of wise leadership, good fellowship, and unselfish advice as manifested by other things in the conduct of the winner during his/her life in the university. The student’s academic record for all years is considered.

    General Awards Agricultural and Food Sciences Faculty Awards (8 @ $100) Canadian Wheat Board Undergraduate Scholarships (8 @ $1400) Dr. A.W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarship ($1500)

    Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Student Organization Awards (100, plus a plaque)

    Isbister Scholarships (2 @ $150) Lord Selkirk Association of Rupertsland Agriculture Scholarship (30% of fund) Manitoba Institute of Agrologists Scholarship ($800) Robert and Lenore McGinnis Meritorious Student Award (70% of interest) Roderick McKenzie Scholarship ($100) Valmar Air Flo Inc. Award ($500) W. W. Thompson Scholarship (Income)

    William Silverwright Cuthbertson and Alice Cuthbertson (nee Patterson) Scholarship ($800)

    Zeneca Agro Achievement Award ($1000)

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Awards for Specific Areas of Study

    Agricultural Economics and Farm Management

    Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society Book Prize ($100) United Grain Growers Limited Scholarships (2 @ $500)

    Animal Science Canadian Feed Industry Association Scholarship ($500) Canadian Society of Animal Science Book Prize ($100) Cyril L. Anderson – Feed-Rite Award ($500) E.W. Stringam Award for Excellence in Animal Science ($400) Manitoba Egg Producers’ Marketing Board Scholarship (2 @ $300) Manitoba Hatchery Association Scholarship ($400) Manitoba Pork Prize ($300) Nevin Estate Scholarship ($500)

    Norman E. Stanger Prize in Pre-Veterinary Studies (70% of annual interest earned)

    Biosystems Engineering Please contact the Department of Biosystems Engineering for a complete list of awards offered to students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering. Entomology A.G. Robinson Memorial Scholarship (up to 70% of the Fund) Entomological Society of Manitoba Student Achievement Award ($100) SWAT Student Award ($100) Food Science Catherine E. Reimer Memorial Scholarship ($200) Manitoba Egg Producers’ Marketing Board Scholarship ($300) Plant Science H.W. Kennedy Prize in Horticulture (annual income on the trust fund) Imperial Seed Company Limited Scholarship ($1800) Stefansson Award in Plant Science (70% of interest) Western Canadian Society for Horticulture – Silver Medal Soil Science Canadian Society of Soil Science Book Prize ($100) E. L. Wight Memorial Scholarship ($300) Westco Scholarship ($2000)

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook

    Diploma Program

    Governor-General’s Bronze Medal

    The Governor-General’s Bronze Medal is awarded each year to the graduating student with the highest academic record attained over both years of the program.

    President’s Medal The President’s Medal is awarded to a student graduating from the Agriculture Diploma Program who combines scholarship with outstanding qualities of leadership.

    Diploma Program Awards (no application required)

    A.W. Hogg Scholarship ($1500) Back-to-the-Land Association (5 * $200) Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers – Agronomy Award ($1000) Canadian Wheat Board (5 * $500) Cargill Limited Prize ($100) Cyril L. Anderson – Feed-Rite Prize ($300) F.A.S.O Award ($175) Faculty Award ($100) James Farms Ltd. Award ($400) John Roth Memorial ($250) KAP/Nesbitt Leadership ($500) Manitoba Dairy Association Prize ($300) Manitoba Feed Industry Association Award ($500) Manitoba Pork Prize ($300) Manitoba Seed Growers ($400) McDiarmid Lumber ($300) Nevin Estate Scholarship ($1000) Pallister Farm Award ($500) Robert and Lenore McGinnis Meritorious Student Award (70% of interest) Winnipeg Livestock Exchange (2 * $150)

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    Students must complete application forms for the bursaries listed below. Application forms are available from the Financial Aid & Awards Office, Room 421 University Centre, or from the Dean’s Office, in the Main Agriculture Building. Completion of one application will qualify students for most bursaries offered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.

    Bachelor of Science (Degree) Programs

    General Bursaries (application required)

    Agricultural and Food Sciences Loan Fund (70% of interest) Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Endowment Bursaries ( 1 @ $1000, 3 @ $500)

    Helga Nielson Westdal memorial Bursary ($250) Manitoba Egg Producers’ Marketing Board Bursary ($800) Manitoba Seed Growers’ Entrance Award ($700) Paterson Bursary (2 @ $1650)

    Bursaries for Specific Areas of Study (application required)

    Animal Science Interlake Grassland Society Bursary ($900) Jack Woodhouse Memorial Bursary ($200) Manitoba Egg Producers’ Marketing Board Scholarship ($300) Manitoba Hog & Poultry Days Bursaries (2 @ $500) Nevin Estate Bursaries (3 @ $500) Sydney L. Morantz Fund for Research in Poultry Science

    Diploma Program Bursaries

    Brandon Hog Days ($1000) Canadian Wheat Board (5 * $1000) Faculty of Agriculture Endowment (2 * $500, 1 * $1000) J.R. Bell Memorial (2 * $600) KAP Entrance Bursary ($500) MB Agricultural & Food Sciences Grads Association ($500) MB Egg Producers B ($800) Neuin Estate B ($1000)

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    There are a number of services offered by the University of Manitoba for

    students. These include everything from educational and career counseling, to health facilities, to restaurants, to the book store. A detailed directory of services is at the back of this handbook, complete with addresses and phone numbers.

    LIBRARIES There are a number of libraries on the university campus. Your student card acts as your library pass, and there are numerous resources available to students such as photocopiers, books, magazines, journal, videos, international databases, and computer files. A common computer directory, BISON, links all libraries, listing every book and resource on file. BISON can be accessed from the terminals in the libraries. The libraries most commonly used by agriculture students are: ~ W. R. Newman Library, Agriculture Library, Main Agriculture Building ~ Albert D. Cohen Library (Management), Drake Centre Building, 474-8440 ~ Elizabeth Dafoe Library, 474-9544 ~ Science Library, Machray Hall, 474-9281 (NOTE: most agricultural literature is located in this library)

    UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA POLICIES The University of Manitoba has a number of policies with regards to intolerable behavior, which are all listed in the General Calendar. These include sexual harassment, cheating and plagiarism, clean indoor air, etc. Knowing your options while you are a student at the U of M is extremely important. In a place as large as the U of M, the system takes care of those who take care of themselves. It is your responsibility to be aware of such things as the deadlines for voluntary withdrawal, fee payments, and application for graduation. Therefore, it is extremely important that students read and familiarize themselves with their GENERAL CALENDAR.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    The University of Manitoba has a functioning government, which oversees, and regulates the operation of the university. This government may be viewed as somewhat of a federated system. The governance is quite complex. Within the system, there is no one person who holds absolute control over operations of the university. It is, in theory, a working democracy that rests on the financial support of the provincial and federal governments, students, alumni, and various other agencies. The Board of Governors is the highest level of authority. Its powers are derived from an act of the legislature, (University of Manitoba Act), which provides the framework by which the university is governed. The Board is involved in university concerns such as: hiring, firing, contract negotiations, tuition fees, and policy direction. There are four students on this board: U.M.S.U. president, a student senator elected by the Senate, and two others recommended to the Minister of Education by U.M.S.U. The Senate has ‘general charge of all matters of academic nature’. It has power over granting degrees, diplomas, and certificates; and regulating entrance requirements, curricula, instruction, libraries, awards, and academic appeals. Its members are detailed in the General Calendar, and are composed of University Heads, as well as elected student members. The 28 student members form a student caucus, which meets together to act and voice the student body’s view. The Faculty and School Council are further described in the General Calendar, as well as the Central Administration.

  • Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Student Handbook


    UNIVERSITY SERVICE LOCATION TELEPHONE Aboriginal Student Centre 541B University Centre 474-8850 Answers Info Booth 103H University Centre 474-8211 Archives Used Books 1st floor Helen Glass Building 474-6511 Athletic Therapy Centre 138 Frank Kennedy Building 474-8724 Bison Camps Program 124 Frank Kennedy Building 474-9142 Bison Sports 124 Frank Kennedy Building 474-9234 Book Store 140 University Centre 474-8321 Campus Dental Centre 100 University Centre 474-7373 Campus Digital Copy Centre 118 University Centre 474-6533 Campus Parking Office 129B University Centre 474-9483 Campus Police Office 99 Dafoe Road 474-9312 Career Planning & Placement Centre 473 University Centre 474-8592 Champlains’ Association 102Y University Centre 474-8721 Clash Hair & Tanning Salon 151 University Centre 474-8217 Counseling Service 474 University Centre 474-8592 Daycare 15 Dysart Road 269-7773 Disabled Services 155 University Centre 474-6213 Financial Aid & Awards 422 University Centre 474-9531 Food Service Office 201 Pembina Hall 474-9916 Frank Kennedy Equipment Desk 145 Frank Kennedy Building 474-8734 Housing & Student Life 416 University Centre 474-9981 International Centre for Students 541 University Centre 474-8501 Intramural Program 124 Frank Kennedy Building 474-8630 Learning Assistance Centre 520 University Centre 474-9215 Manitoban Newspaper 118 University Centre 474-6520 Maxbell Recreation Centre 106 Maxbell Centre 474-8634 Medusa Hair Salon 102AB University Centre 269-0237 Nutrition Services 404A Human Ecology Building 474-8708 Ombudsman’s Office 519 University Centre 474-9983 Peer Advisors 150 University Centre 474-6696 Post Office 112 University Centre 474-9233 Psychological Service Centre 151 Dafoe Building 474-9222 Radio, UMFM Campus Radio 308 University Centre 474-7027 Resource Services Office 520 University Centre 474-9251 Safewalk Services Building 474-9312 Scholarships 422 University Centre 474-9531 Student Advocate 520 University Centre 474-9251 Student Affairs – Vice Provost 208 Administration Building 474-8279 Student Group Centre 312 University Centre 474-6516 Student Records Office 400 University Centre 474-9423 The Focal Point Optician 109 University Centre 269-6043 Tuition Fee Assessment 400 University Centre 474-9420 Tuition Fee Payment Inquiries 138 University Centre 474-9433 UMSU Offices 101 University Centre 474-8678 UMSU Student Advocate 101 University Centre 474-8678 University 1 Resource Centre 204 Tier Building 474-6209 University Centre Pharmacy 112 University Centre 474-9323 University Health Services 104 University Centre 474-8411 Women’s Centre 514C University Centre 474-6897

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