  • 8/16/2019 16-VMWA-3156 Trend Brief 7 Signs You Need DT


    Seven Signs You Need to Embrace Desktop

    and Application Virtualization Now



  • 8/16/2019 16-VMWA-3156 Trend Brief 7 Signs You Need DT


    Do You Need a Change?Is your organization experiencing escalating operational costs when it comes to

    managing your end users? Do you feel you are spending too much time on

    device, image, and application maintenance with little time left to focus on

    strategic IT projects? Are you struggling to support remote and mobile access

    without compromising security and compliance mandates?

    Challenges like these can point to the need to change how you manage, provision,

    and support applications and online services across all of your end users and

    devices—because the approaches that worked in the past are no longer meeting

    the needs of your organization.

    Today, many enterprises are turning to a new and better way to provision, deliver,

    and manage their corporate applications and online services. This new way

    forward is desktop and application virtualization, an approach that transforms

    static desktops and applications into dynamic workspaces that provide end users

    with secure access to all of their applications and online resources across devices

    and locations.

    Consider the benefits of this approach:

    • For end users, desktop and application virtualization provides an easy and

    seamless way to access business resources, regardless of device type, from

    virtually any location.

    • For lines of business, desktop and application virtualization delivers a secure

    and powerful platform on which to build better and more efficient processes.

    • For IT organizations, desktop and application virtualization enables

    administrators to give users the freedom and flexibility they seek while

    preserving the reliability and security aspects required for business-critical

    applications and the protection of sensitive corporate data.

    This brief is meant to help your organization determine whether the time is right

    to capitalize on the opportunities and benefits of desktop and application

    virtualization. To make this determination, it helps to understand the signs that

    indicate your organization could benefit from a new approach to desktop and

    application management. These signs range from escalating costs and concerns

    about security breaches to device expansion and shifting business conditions.

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    Desktop and application virtualization brings the desktop of

    the past into the mobile reality of the present. These solutionsseamlessly deliver secure access to full-featured desktops,

    applications, and workspace services in real time across

    devices and locations. Moving past the inherent limitations of

    legacy desktop architectures, today’s desktop and application

    virtualization solutions provide end users with the best of two

    worlds—the freedom of mobility coupled with desktop

    performance—while allowing IT professionals to securely,

    efficiently, and cost-effectively manage the end user’s

    workspace environment.

  • 8/16/2019 16-VMWA-3156 Trend Brief 7 Signs You Need DT



    Let’s explore whether or not the time is right for your

    organization to embrace desktop and application

    virtualization. Here are seven key telltale signs that will let

    you know:

    1. Escalating costs

    2. Inefficient IT processes

    3. Inefficient business processes

    4. Concerns about security breaches

    5. Anytime, anywhere workers

    6. Device expansion

    7. Shifting business conditions

    1Escalating Costs


    • You have expensive hardware replacement costs and

    increasing capital expenses associated with storage

    due to forklift upgrades.

    • You are not optimizing the use of computing resources

    and would like to reduce resource usage and increase


    • Your IT operations costs associated with the desktop

    environment are on the rise.

    How desktop and application virtualization can help 

    Desktop and application virtualization can help you cut

    both capital and operational expenditures. A few


    • Cut CapEx by repurposing and extending the life cycle

    of your existing fleet of PCs.

    • Reduce replacement costs through the use of less

    expensive thin or zero clients.

    • Consolidate office space and optimize your

    application license costs.

    • Drive down OpEx by reducing help desk tickets and

    accelerating desktop and application updates,

    patches, and deployments.

    Consider stateless or non-persistent desktop

    deployments to scale desktop and application

    virtualization in a cost-effective manner. With the right

    technologies, you can rapidly spin up desktops for users

    that retain user customization and personas from

    session to session, even though the desktop itself is

    destroyed when the user logs out. This stateless

    desktop approach allows you to pool infrastructure

    across all of your end users and drive down your costs.

    The Seven Signs CASE STUDY

    College Cuts Costs with

    VMware Horizon

    In the United Kingdom, a VMware

    Horizon® desktop and application

    virtualization solution helped

    Hartlepool College reduce its PC

    refresh budget from £100,000

    per year to around £20,000 per

    year for server hardware and

    less than £25,000 for thin client

    devices. On the operational side,

    the desktop and application

    virtualization solution helped the

    college save more than £18,000

    a year in power expenses and cut

    its annual PC repair budget in half.

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    2 Inefficient IT ProcessesSigns

    • Your software updates take too much time because you cannot simultaneously

    and dynamically push them to many machines . Instead, you have to make one-

    at-a-time adjustments to individual machines.

    • You are experiencing more downtime and your help desk tickets are increasing

    because you don’t have the right tools to monitor health and performance.

    • You rely on manual processes and disparate endpoint management solutions

    for provisioning, securing, and maintaining client devices. If problems arise,

    your business users hand over their devices to IT for undetermined periods of

    time, increasing end-user downtime and causing lost productivity.


    How desktop and application virtualization can help

    With desktop and application virtualization, you get simplified IT management.

    You can relieve the burden on your IT organization by delivering and monitoringapplications and services from a single pane of glass and by updating images or

    applications on hundreds of machines at the push of a button.

    Desktop and application virtualization can help you reduce downtime with

    centralized management and tools that allow your IT team to monitor the health

    and performance of your desktop environment in a proactive manner.

    Capabilities like these help you spot and proactively address issues as they


    Desktop and application virtualization also allows your IT team to efficiently

    provision new client instances. You can spend less time preparing devices for

    new users and new applications and you can deliver patches and updateswithout requiring hands-on access to endpoint devices. With desktop

    transformation, the physical location of the device becomes less important.

    Thanks to virtualization, you can even streamline application delivery by

    deploying tools for real-time delivery with life cycle management. All

    applications in your virtualized environment can be centrally managed,

    delivered, updated, and maintained on demand.

    You can also streamline and reduce your image inventory to select gold images

    or potentially even a single image. Better still, you can free up IT resources for

    higher-value work by providing employees with self-service tools for

    provisioning corporate applications and services.

    Manufacturing Company

    Realizes Concrete Benefits

    with Virtual Desktops

    At U.S. manufacturer Dayton

    Superior, a VMware virtual

    desktop deployment resulted

    in faster provisioning, easier

    management of desktops, and

    reduced costs. In another key

    benefit, the company’s virtual

    desktop environment brought a

    smaller disaster recovery footprint,

    which lowered operating costs,

    while help desk volume decreased

    dramatically—the number of

    trouble tickets went from 50 per

    week to nearly zero.

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    Virtual client computing

    (VCC) comprises desktopcomputing models that

    leverage a range of

    virtualization software and

    delivery models. IDC notes:

    “A distinct advantage of

    VCC is that it enables an IT

    organization to centralize

    business users’ desktops in

    a corporate datacenter,

    where the IT organizationis usually located. As a

    result, IT staff can more

    efficiently provision new

    client instances, centralize

    desktop management, and

    provide endpoint

    security—even for systems

    residing well outside of the

    corporate firewall.” 1

    1 IDC White Paper, sponsored by VMware, “The

    Business Value of VMware Horizon,” January 2016.

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    3 Inefficient Business ProcessesSigns

    • Your users are forced to work from dedicated

    workstations because they can’t share large,

    graphically intense files over the network.

    • Your users cannot connect from anywhere on anydevice, potentially causing them to miss critical


    • Your users experience long login times for devices

    and applications, leading to frustration and lost


    How desktop and application virtualization

    can help

    Desktop virtualization allows all of your employees to

    access feature-rich desktops across devices and

    locations. This anywhere, anytime, any device access

    helps ensure that your employees can be as

    productive as possible at all times , while enjoying the

    same features and capabilities they have on physical

    endpoints, including printing, access to USB drives

    and multi-monitors, and more.

    With desktop virtualization, many large business

    applications used by designers, architects, and

    engineers no longer have to be accessed via

    high-end workstations. Instead, the applications can

    be virtualized and accessed across a wide range of

    devices, from smartphones and tablets to thin clients

    and traditional desktops and workstations.

    The ability to leverage and manipulate high-end 3D

    graphics through a virtual desktop can help your

    organization dramatically improve team

    collaboration, workflow, and security for intellectual

    property, all at a lower cost than that of a traditional

    desktop environment.

    NetApp Redefines the Office

    with Virtual Desktops

    Leveraging VMware Horizon,

    NetApp successfully deployed

    virtualized environments globally

    to nearly 10,000 users in 12 days.

    Users now have secure access to

    internal resources within a familiar

    desktop experience across devices

    and NetApp corporate offices. A

    NetApp senior technical marketing

    engineer notes: “We’ve been

    able to increase productivity by

    enabling engineers to start and

    stop work whenever they need

    to. Engineers don’t have to be

    chained to their desks in order to

    get work done securely. Whether

    building code on a work laptop or

    reading internal wikis on a phone,

    employees can access a secure

    environment from all devices

    without a diminished experience.”

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    4 Concerns about Security Breaches Signs

    • You are concerned about or have experienced viruses and attacks that trigger IT emergencies and disrupt

    business continuity.

    • You spend a considerable amount of time updating security patches to all devices, and even then you can’t

    be sure all settings are standardized and all current security features are in place.

    How desktop and application virtualization can help 

    With desktop and application virtualization, your information is less vulnerable to security breaches. That’s

    because your data resides in a secure data center, rather than being stored on—or running on—client devices.

    Virtualized desktops can be managed and protected by IT professionals working from a central location. IT

    can easily set user policies that control and limit access to critical content and databases.

    And with stateless or non-persistent desktops, your users can receive a brand new desktop each time they

    log on, which means that no viruses or malware can be carried over from the last session. Centralizing control

    also allows you to quickly update security patches to all devices to help ensure that settings are standardized.

    You can also implement more efficient disaster recovery, with the ability to host pools of capacity across

    data centers and geographies to help keep your business running in the event of an IT emergency or security

    breach. In addition, disaster recovery is greatly simplified because you can easily revert virtual desktops back

    to their original state.

    Good desktop and application virtualization solutions also allow you to enforce contextual policies for your

    end users so that client access can be easily controlled and changed depending on where your employees

    are and what devices they are using.

    And don’t assume that cloud solutions are less secure. Today, you can enjoy integrated security

    capabilities, such as secure point-to-point network connectivity, dedicated compute, and features for

    network isolation. Capabilities like these protect your business-critical data and applications while enabling

    users to work on the devices of their choice, wherever they are.

    TELUS Delivers Secure,

    Reliable Access to Call

    Center Partners

    In VMware Horizon, TELUS found

    a secure remote virtual desktopsolution that delivers centralized

    end-to-end desktop management

    with consistent service quality to

    call center partners worldwide.

    “From a security perspective,

    we protect customer data using

    the VMware solution,” a TELUS

    workplace services manager

    notes. “With it, we can deliver

    all of the tools necessary to

    provide effective and exceptional

    service for our customers in a

    secure manner. All that travels

    across the wire is pixels and the

    authentication protocol.”

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    5 Anytime, Anywhere WorkersSigns

    • You no longer have a traditional office environment. Instead, you have a distributed workforce with

    employees working from remote offices, home offices, airports, and just about anywhere else.

    • Your employees expect to access information at their fingertips and collaborate in the office, at home, and

    on the go, online or offline.

    • Your business is global and your workers need 24/7 workplace connectivity from regions around the world.

    • You have various types of workers, ranging from full -time employees to contractors and road warriors.

    How desktop and application virtualization can help 

    With desktop and application vir tualization, you can give your end users fast, consistent, and contextual

    access to services across devices and locations. They can walk up to any device, anywhere, and access their

    full desktops, with single sign-on to improve productivity and satisfaction. This flexibility helps your

    organization improve both employee productivity and satisfaction.

    For road warriors who need to be productive even when working offline, look to containerized desktop

    solutions. These solutions provide the central management and policy-setting capabilities found in traditionaldesktop and application virtualization solutions along with the flexibility needed by end users when accessing

    their local compute devices, even those that are employee owned.

    6 Device ExpansionSigns

    • You have users who want to use a wide range of devices that deliver a consistent experience to get their

    work done.

    • You have users who want the freedom and flexibility to customize and install applications.

    How desktop and application virtualization can help

    With desktop and application vir tualization, your BYOD users can use personal or corporate Windows

    laptops, Macs, Chromebooks, Android tablets, home computers, or smartphones and still log on to the same

    session with the same settings. A single interface gives users a unified workspace and a consistent and

    seamless experience across a range of devices.

    For even greater freedom and flexibility, your users can install whatever they want on their own devices

    because the virtual desktop session is completely separated from applications installed on the device.

    Cooperative Modernizes

    Retail Operations with

    Virtual Desktops

    Southern States Cooperative

    deployed VMware Horizon to

    deliver virtualized desktops and

    applications to employees who

    work in the field. Employees

    can now work at the farm gate,

    provide real-time quotes, and

    take orders from customers.

    By the time the sales reps get

    back to the office, products and

    services are already in the works.

    Even better, the virtual desktop

    solution has greatly acceleratedthe onboarding process for

    new employees. The company’s

    manager of infrastructure delivery

    services notes: “With the old

    way, it was taking days, if not

    weeks. We’re now able to onboard

    employees within one day.”

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    7 Shifting Business ConditionsSigns

    • Your business is very dynamic. You could

    experience sudden expansion due to mergers or

    acquisitions. You also must accommodate seasonal

    surges in employees.

    • Workers who join your company permanently or on

    a part-time basis are most comfortable and

    productive working on the devices of their choice.

    How desktop and application virtualization

    can help

    Desktop and application virtualization is designed for

    scalability. You can easily bring on new workers and

    support new devices to keep pace with the growth

    and evolution of your business and seasonal spikes in

    numbers of employees.

    And with virtual desktops as a service (DaaS), you

    can respond quickly to unanticipated demand in an

    affordable manner, paying for only what you need.

    Good cloud solutions also allow you to pair cloud

    management with on-premises infrastructure for

    maximum flexibility or in the event that you have

    security/compliance mandates that require you to

    maintain your desktops and infrastructure on your


    University Transforms

    Student and Staff

    Experience with BYOD

    In London, Kingston University

    deployed VMware Horizon to

    transform the way IT services are

    delivered to its students and staff

    members. Users are now able to

    access their university desktops—

    complete with nearly 1,000

    applications, including graphics-

    intensive CAD programs—from

    any location and on any device.

    By allowing access to course

    materials and applicationsremotely and from any device,

    Kingston University has enabled

    its staff and students to work and

    study in the ways that best suit

    their needs.

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  • 8/16/2019 16-VMWA-3156 Trend Brief 7 Signs You Need DT


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    Capitalize on Desktop andApplication VirtualizationIf your organization is seeing any of the seven signs that indicate you could

    benefit from a new approach to desktop and application management, it’s time

    to consider solutions for desktop and application virtualization.

    With desktop and application virtualization, gone are the days of escalating

    costs, slow application delivery, inefficient IT and business processes, disrupted

    business continuity, and tethered employees. Desktop and application

    virtualization brings yesterday’s desktop environments into today’s mobile era

    marked by end-user freedom and secure access to services.

    Desktop and application virtualization delivers benefits for your end users as well

    as your IT administrators. Your users gain the freedom of mobility coupled with

    the efficiencies of consistent and personalized access to applications and data

    across devices and locations. Your IT team, in turn, benefits from being able to do

    more with less through simplified, centralized management with flexible, secure

    delivery of apps and desktops—all at a lower cost.

    As you chart this new course for your approach to desktop and application

    management, you can look to VMware for assistance. The VMware Horizon

    portfolio of desktop and application virtualization solutions allows you to

    transform your desktops into secure and feature-rich workspaces that your end

    users can easily access across devices and locations.

    These proven, end-to-end solutions provide your IT team with a new streamlined

    approach to deliver, protect, and manage Windows or Linux desktops and

    applications on-premises or in the cloud—while containing costs and ensuring

    that end users can work anytime, anywhere, across any device.

    Learn more at

    Oilfield Services Company

    Scales Infrastructure Up

    and Down

    Oklahoma-based Seventy Seven

    Energy turned to VMware for

    a 100 percent cloud-based

    infrastructure that allowed the

    company to scale up and down

    with the ebbs and flows of the

    world’s oil markets and to meet

    the needs of a workforce that is

    diverse and distributed throughout

    the country. VMware Horizon®

    Air™ enabled the company to

    virtualize user desktops and makethem available wherever end users

    happened to be. The company was

    able to do this within a very short

    window of time and with a limited

    number of IT staff. A Seventy

    Seven Energy senior information

    manager notes: “VMware products

    have allowed us to be prepared for

    the future.”

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