
1. Use of dairy:-Keep a dairy you have a trouble remembering assignments given by a teacher and always make it enter every work assigned by different subjects.

2. Use of shopping list:- Always keep a shopping list tacked on the wall and always add items you need to the list of things to be done.

3. Using memo’s writing notes and ‘To do’:-Write reminders yourself and leave them in a prominent place.

4. First letter memory aids:-One of the easiest ways to remember a string of word is to use first letter cueing in which first letter of a word is used as a cue to remember word itself Ex:-To memorise the sequence of mughal kings .The first letter of Babar,Humayun,Akbar,Jhangir,Shahjahan,and Aurangazeb can be remembered as BHAJSA like VIBGYOR

5. The place method:-Item to be remembered are imagined in a series of familiar places.

6. Paying Attention:-Is the most important thing to improve memory paying attention involves deciding which things are worth remembering.

7. Chunking:-Breaking long number down into reasonable bits to easiest way to remembering number Ex:-8005552943 is difficult to remember but when digits grouped into telephonic number sequence becomes (800) 555-2943.

8. Using face names associates changing people’s names into some thing meaningful and matching them with some thing unusual about their faces:-

a) Pay attention to the name and repeat it. b) Think about the name and find something

distinctive in it. c) Scrutinize the person face choose something

memorable. d) Link the memorable feature with the

distinctive name and picture it vividly in your mind.

9. PQRST Method:- P=Preview, Q=Question, R=Reading, S=Self recitation, T=Test.

10.Using an alarm Clock:- (or devices such as watches, timers) Timer/ Alarm is used to remind the work to particular time of a particular day. When to wake-up, When to Prepare for School, When to do Home work, When to do Project Work, When to watch TV.

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