Download - 1 Response Mikael

  • Dissolution of borders sounds like anarchism or advocating a One World Government -neither of which I


    Here is where I have no shame in saying fences, and borders need to exist and I don't believe all people

    should have freedom of movement. The right to personal life & liberty trumps somebodys right to

    come into your home, school, hospital or country and spreading TB and other dangers.

    I don't believe criminals should have the right to freedom of movement either.

    According to W.H.O, there are over 2 Billion people in the world with Tuberculosis ( TB). Even if just 10

    million people came into Canada with TB , it would cause a catastrophic financial and healthcare

    nightmare. Ever hear the phrase put the oxygen mask on yourself first before applying to another

    We have to secure our nations wellbeing if we ever want to help less fortunate people.

    Since Canada has universal healthcare, Im sure hundreds of millions of people around the world would

    flock to Canada so we can pay for their medical problems, which would bankrupt us in days and drive

    away all our healthcare workers to other countries. I got the mumps in December, I dont want to get

    TB as well!

    Lets look at our neighbours to the south who have essentially an open southern border

    Illegal Immigrants kill thousands of Americans every year! Illegal Alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans

    every day thats a death toll of 4,745 per year!

    Is United States an example you want to follow?


    So, stringent immigration screening and discriminatory practices are necessary to protect Canadians

    from rapists, murderers, disease carriers, polluters, scam artists etc.

    Mikael Hellstrm, Youre wrong, IT IS A ZERO SUM GAME --- there is a finite amount of arable land, and

    a finite amount of water, and a finite amount of natural resources. Just look at China or India, to see

    what will happen to Canada if its free game. Sure, China has increased trade (economic wealth) within

    Africa and Latin America, but they are also laying down a scorched earth policy too, and have no regard

    for the people or the land.

  • Clean air and drinking water rank above economic wealth or economic growth! Look up the

    environmental degradation occurring in Countries China invests in. There comes a tipping point when

    environmental disregard WILL also affect precious economic growth,


    You say you believe in it for self interest? How will you ensure that? Even if your theory is right and you

    increase "economic growth", it doesn't mean it will benefit anybody except a handful of people.

    Routinely corporations earn profits of Billions and decide to lay off thousands of people so they can

    increase their profit more in the next quarter.

    Some of the most well off nations in the world Mikael are isolationist nations, so you're theory of

    free movement is better is bunk. Dont you ever wonder how Island nations like Japan are so well

    off despite them being an isolationist and Island nation? Exponential or perpetual growth being good

    is a fallacy, as exponential growth is tied to inflation, which is essentially perpetual devaluing of your

    labour and savings.

    Yes there is evidence that culture is destroyed, Prosperity is not a number, and its not about increasing

    your GDP Mikael. There is a reason why hundreds of millions of Indians and Chinese would flood into

    Canada if we let them; even though their home countries have the highest economic growth rate in the

    world, and have some of the top GDP in the world.

    ECONOMIC GROWTH IS NOT PROSPERITY! Economic growth and GDP increases in current G20 nations

    has little to do with improving household debt, liberty, happiness, mental health, physical health, family

    unit cohesiveness, clean air, clean water, or cultural preservation! Exponential growth is unsustainable.

    Mikael you ask: Where is an example of how free movement and mass migration destroys culture

    World history, read it! Read up on the history of Islam, USSR, U.S.A, Roman Empire, British Empire,

    Ottomon Empire, China, or the Catholic Church.

    Look at United States for an easy example: Americans refused to accept the Royal Proclamation.

    The American Colonists declaration of independence stated they wanted to be free from Britain because

    they felt The King was unfairly restricting their freedom of movement to move west to colonize and

    subdue the savage land and savage people west of the Mississippi. Britain didn't allow the colonists

    request of freedom of movement, because they knew it would mean conflict with indigenous

    population, and Britain would have to set up military bases and play peacekeeper in a harsh frontier. .

  • The American colonists thought they should have the right to freedom of movement, and mass

    migration occurred west of the Mississippi and the inevitable slaughter and destruction of numerous

    and unique people and cultures occurred.

    How often do you chat with somebody in the Mohawk or Blackfoot language Mikael?

    With mass immigration and free movement comes problems and clashes of religion and culture. In

    1975, Swedish Parliament Unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a

    multicultural country. Their population has increased 20 percent since, mostly due to immigration from

    Islamic countries. Since then, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now

    number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa.

    Sweden's Economic Growth has improved though; their GDP has quadrupled since 1985, so things must

    be better! Its worth it!

    The Reality is, Altruism and Apathy is destroying Sweden despite Swedens GDP, or economic


    You questioned where is my proof that dissolution of borders hurt the middle class .. It's all around

    you! The immigrants Canada brings in now are selected through discriminatory process as it is, yet

    immigrants cost Canadian tax payers 23 Billion dollars a year! That is money out of the Canadian

    taxpayers pocket! While over 70 percent of immigrants are net fiscal drains!

    Yet, you think it would be better if we didn't even have an immigration process or borders to begin


    Even fellow professors agree with me regarding the loose TFW program.


    Our borders are already dissolving more every year and it has not been a good thing! As I mentioned in

    previous post, the TFW and express entry program is essentially only possible due to the total disregard

    for our borders and sovereignty. These programs are not helping the average Canadian at all. As I

    mentioned and linked in previous post, 24 billion dollars are sent out of the country by TFW's. Im not

    even accounting for ex-TFWs in the country illegally that are working under the table.


    Economic Growth is merely the amount of goods and services produced, there is nothing inherently

    good about it! Slavery was indispensable to European development of the New World. It is

  • inconceivable that European colonists could have settled and developed North and South America and

    the Caribbean without slave labor. Moreover, slave labor did produce the major consumer goods that

    were the basis of world trade during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: coffee, cotton, rum,

    sugar, and tobacco.

    In the pre-Civil War United States, a stronger case can be made that slavery played a critical role in

    economic development. One crop, slave-grown cotton provided over half of all U.S. export earnings. By

    1840, the South grew 60 percent of the world's cotton and provided some 70 percent of the cotton

    consumed by the British textile industry. Thus slavery paid for a substantial share of the capital, iron,

    and manufactured good that laid the basis for American economic growth. In addition, precisely

    because the South specialized in cotton production, the North developed a variety of businesses that

    provided services for the slave South, including textile factories, a meat processing industry, insurance

    companies, shippers, and cotton brokers.

    Maybe we should implement that policy if it's good for Economic Growth, therefore good for

    everybody??? ..Well, except for us working slaves, and all the people who can't get at a living wage

    because of slave labour artificially lowering compensation and competitiveness, screw em though,

    onward with Economic Growth!

    What good is economic growth if it means everybody has to work 70 hours a week, and there can no

    longer be a nuclear family?

    Inflation of goods greater than wage increases is essentially theft and slavery. Who cares if Canadas

    GDP increases, if salaries stagnate and goods prices inflate?


    Economic Growth being good for everybody is where you are dead wrong. The American GDP has

    increased every year since 1960. Would you consider them better off? Their GDP has been increasing,

    but the wealth gap has been increasing dramatically as well!

    Look at the American middle class, and since their southern Border is non-existent, the rich have been

    getting richer, and the middle class destroyed.


  • I ask again, if you don't believe borders should exist, you shouldnt lock your doors and prevent other

    peoples freedom of movement live and prove your theory !.

    To think all humans are good people, healthy, and can contribute positively to their environment is just

    dreamland Star Trek fantasy thinking. Fences, land rights, prisons and quarantines, are necessary for the

    survival of civilisation.

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