
Pamplin School of Business Ad-ministration

Principles of Responsible

Management Education:

Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Report

February 2011

Table of Contents

Letter from the Dean: Our Renewed Commitment to PRME..…………………………………………………………….3

Who We Are……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Principle 1: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy …………6

Principle 2: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social re-sponsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.…..8

Center for Entrepreneurship: Sustainable Entrepreneurship……………………………………………………11

Principle 3: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that en-able effective learning experiences for responsible leadership…………………………………………………….12

Principle 4: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environ-mental and economic value………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Principle 5: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective ap-proaches to meeting these challenges................................................................................................18

Principle 6: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, students, business, gov-ernment, consumers, media, civil society organizations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability..........................................20

Future Perspectives and Key Objectives..............................................................................................24

Sustainability on Campus....................................................................................................................24


The Pamplin School of Business Administration (PSOBA) is pleased to submit our Sharing Information on Progress Report detailing our activities during the period of August 2009 through February 2011. It is a privilege to participate and share our results as the values expressed in the Principles for Responsible Management Education are centered to the mission of the PSOBA which is:

“The mission of the Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Administration is to create a collaborative learning environment that develops our students’ knowledge of effective business practices, analytic and interpersonal skills, and ethical and global perspectives and enables them to be successful and responsible leaders in their communities and the changing world.”

The governance function of PSOBA has identified five Strategic Planning Goals which are as follows:1. Teaching and Learning – Premier Academics: Develop and promote recognized, premier aca-

demic programs and services in the Holy Cross tradition of education the whole person: head, heart, and hand.

2. Teaching and Learning – Our People: Recruit, develop, and retain excellent mission-centered students, faculty, and staff.

3. Faith and Formation – Development of Distinctive UP Culture: Foster a campus-wide culture promoting human formation that integrates reason, faith, and ethical values.

4. Service and Leadership – Quest for the Common Good: Promote a community that demon-strates service and leadership for the common good.

5. Service and Leadership – Stewardship of Resources: Exercise innovative and sustainable stew-ardship of resources in support of the mission.

The strategies and action plans we’ve developed to achieve these goals include many significant steps to achieving the mission of PRME. This report documents some of the outcomes achieved as a result of the UP PRME initiative.

The faculty, staff, and students in the PSOBA are committed to the principles of responsible manage-ment education. On their behalf I submit this report which details our successes and objectives for the future.

Robin D. AndersonDean, Pamplin School of BusinessFranz Chair in EntrepreneurshipUniversity of Portland


Who we are….

Since 1901 the University of Portland has devoted itself to an education of the heart and mind by focus-ing on three central elements: teaching, faith, and service. Since the day it opened in September 1901 with 52 boys and 8 professors, the University has grown to a vibrant intellectual community of 3,700 students and 316 professors. Today the University is ranked among the top 10 schools in the West by U.S. News and World Report and its students and faculty have won numerous commendations and awards. In the past 15 years, five professors have received awards from the Carnegie foundation includ-ing National Professor of the Year Kate Regan (Spanish) and State Professors of the Year Karen Eifler (ed-ucation) and Terry Favero (biology). The University of Portland, closely affiliated with the Congregation of Holy Cross, prides itself on providing a traditional, values-centered education that is attuned to the needs of every student.

The Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Administration was founded in 1939, and is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Our goal is to provide students with innovative, challenging educational experiences that go beyond business fundamentals to develop the leadership skills and knowledge required for successful careers, which fits squarely in the purview of the six principles of PRME. The Pamplin School of Business Administration challenges itself to pro-vide each student with:

opportunities to obtain a comprehensive understanding of business state-of-the-art curricula taught by highly motivated and concerned faculty who are on the leading

edge of their disciplines the leadership skills needed to manage organizations -- communication, problem-solving, teamwork,

and utilization of technology -- taught in global and ethical contexts.

What makes the Pamplin School stand-out is the moral and ethical context in which our education is provided. It’s a context informed by PRME and designed to give students a competitive edge as they en-ter the job market. To that end, all of our undergraduate students take part in our Pamplin Professional Preparation Program (see description under Principle 1). This program is integrated throughout the un-dergraduate curriculum to ensure our students are prepared at the highest level to meet the challenges of working in today's world. Furthermore, our students take substantial classwork in philosophy, theol-ogy and ethics in their Arts and Sciences core curriculum. These classes provide the foundational under-pinnings needed by students to understand the more specific ethical issues embedded throughout their accounting, financial, marketing, and general business classwork.

At the undergraduate level, our approximately 500 business students can choose from seven majors within the Pamplin School of Business Administration. These include six B.B.A. majors in accounting, marketing and sustainability, finance, global business, operations and technology management, and en-trepreneurship and innovation management, and a separate B.A. major in economics. Our 140 MBA stu-dents can choose to concentrate in any of the following areas: (1) Entrepreneurship; (2) Finance; (3)


Health Care; (4) Marketing; (5) Operations and Technology Management and (6) Sustainable Business. In addition to the MBA, we have recently started a Masters of Science in Finance and starting in fall 2011, we will welcome our first cohort for our Executive MBA in Nonprofit Management.

Complementing our interest in technology and innovation, the school also offers a Technology En-trepreneurship Certificate for graduate students jointly delivered with Oregon Health & Sciences Univer-sity (Medical school). This two-year, 12-semester-credits program provides a unique experiential learn-ing opportunity for a small cohort of select graduate students with a focus on developing commercializa-tion skills in an environment that combines practice and theory. In the first year, students attend presen-tations and participate in custom-designed short courses. The program continues with a year-long hands-on practicum, working with real medical technology projects, with the goal being to launch a company.

Following is a description of the Pamplin School’s progress and major achievements in embedding the principles of responsible management education in our everyday activities, our strategies for the near future, and our long-term vision to become one of the preeminent business schools in the country.

U.S. News & World Report ranks University of Portland among top ten for 16th consecutive year

The University of Portland ranked in the top 30 of Master's Universities in the 2010 Washington Monthly College Rankings

University of Portland ranks first among peer institutions in number of Fulbright Scholar-ships awarded in 2010

University of Portland recognized by na-tional publications, named 11th best nation-ally by Washington Monthly and an “A-List” college by Parade Magazine  

University of Portland named one of nation’s 286 Green Col-leges

The University of Portland ranks No. 3 on Peace Corps’ 2011 rankings of colleges and universities in the small category (less than 5,000 undergraduates)  

Accredited by AACSB


P4 Curriculum Objectives

Self assessment leading to a


Ethical challenges in the world today

Values based decision making

Professional ethics

Ethics Lens Inventory

Personal values Statement

Goal Setting

Time Management

Stress Management

Communication Skills

Develop StrengthsQuest Top

5 Talent Themes

Problem Solving

Self leadership

Team building theory

ROPES Course and Leader Action


Leadership theory

Plan, prepare, execute, and

supervise projects and activities

Work as part of a team

Lead service projects

Explore business functional areas

Professional (Leader) Development Plan

Cover letter and resume

Job Shadow




Professional Portfolio


ProfessionalService &

LeadershipPersonalValues & Ethics

Principle 1: We will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.

The Business School has focused much of our effort at the undergraduate level on embedding this prin-ciple as a driving focus of change. One major effort has revolved around a co-curricular program created in fall 2008 called the Pamplin Professional Preparation Program (P4). The program provides three of the 120 semester credits required for graduation for all business students, but in fact, is integrated through-out the student’s academic career and embodies our holistic approach to business education. A variety of exercises begin in the freshman year and culminate in the senior year, all designed to attain the P4 ob-jectives identified below. Students are required to complete these activities and faculty and staff are in-timately involved with the delivery, monitoring, and assessment of student progress on the benchmarks.

The P4 program integrates self assessment, leadership, service learning, job shadows, internships, and networking with our alumni. It’s objectives are to ensure that students know who they are as people by a self-assessment process which includes values and ethical decision making, personal-goal setting, leadership training through service projects, and being professionally prepared when they have satisfied their four-year requirements. The program also exposes students to community service so their under-standing of being part of a bigger world is reinforced and supported.


As part of the University of Portland, the Pamplin School of Business takes great pride in playing an im-portant role in the University’s overall efforts to develop not only the capabilities of students to be fu-ture generators of sustainable value, but also those of faculty, staff, and administrators. We attempt at all times to model the attitudes and behaviors desirous within a community of scholars who value sus-tainability and all of its unique elements. Such activities include, but are not limited to the following:

Our campus “sustainability” initiatives resulted in The Princeton Review naming the University of Port-land one of America's 286 ""green"" colleges. Our recognition comes after three years of research by the Princeton Review to find the country's most environmentally friendly schools. The university, and the business school as part of it, is committed to living and acting sustainably.

To further our belief that the university should live and act sustainably, the President sent a message to the university community in February, 2010 banning the sale of disposable plastic water bottles on cam-pus. UP became the first college on the west coast to discontinue the sale of such bottles. His message read in part:


“The University used over 53,000 disposable plastic water bottles in 2009 alone, a good amount of which were not recycled, and the environmental impact of producing and transporting the bottles is significant. The water contained in the bottles often comes from distant locations, which only in-creases the impact from shipping and baling. Furthermore, because water being sold in disposable plastic water bottles is part of a process of privati-zation of water resources, the sustainable purchasing decision not to buy or sell disposable plastic water bottles also fits into the Catholic belief that water should not be treated as a commodity and that access to water is a universal and inalienable right.

The University of Portland takes seriously its commitment to being a good steward of the planet, and this move will not only reduce the amount of waste generated on our campus but will help focus attention on the critical issues of sustainability and water rights.” – Father William Beauchamp,

Principle 2: We will incorporate into our academic activities and curricula the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.

The Pamplin School has been very active in changing our curricula, both undergraduate and graduate, in the past two years to further accommodate initiatives in sustainability. After extensive planning and re-search by the faculty and administrative staff, several major changes have taken place in 2010 or will take place in fall 2011.

In 2010, our MBA program began to offer a concentration in Sustainability. Four classes are offered, two of them taught by faculty outside the B-School. Professor Greg Hill, Math, teaches our Systems Thinking class, and Professor Renee Heath, Communications, teaches our Organizational Communication class. These professors add a particularly meaningful interdisciplinary perspective to our program, enhancing our graduate students’ education in sustainability in a way not found at many other schools. Classes in-clude:

(1) Economics and Metrics of Sustainability: an examination of ecological and environmental economics, Natural Step, and the role of business, nonprofit, and government sectors in foster-ing sustainability.(2) Sustainable Marketing: covers the principles of sustainable marketing(3) Systems Thinking, Resilience and Sustainability: This course develops systems thinking per-spectives and skills through a series of case studies drawn from environmental, social and busi-ness contexts.(4) Organizational Communication and Collaboration for Sustainability: the course is designed to teach students how to communicate when discussing potentially volatile topics such as sustain-ability.

A new Master of Science in Finance (MSF) degree was started in fall 2010. A centerpiece of the program is its emphasis on ethical corporate governance. The program is designed to ensure that MSF students understand the importance of ethical financial governance to the sustainability of their business enter-prise, and the impact of their decisions on all stakeholders.

In fall 2011, we will be initiating our new undergraduate Marketing and Sustainability major. The major introduces all students to the basic concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability by overlaying the fundamentals of our business core. Sustainability principles will be applied across the en-tire marketing discipline through a new 300-level course, Sustainable Marketing. This course will be a prerequisite for several upper division marketing courses, making it possible to integrate sustainability principles throughout our marketing major.

In fall 2011 the B-School will be offering an undergraduate class in Social Entrepreneurship for the first time. It will be similar to our MBA class in Social Entrepreneurship, covering social innovation, venture philanthropy, the Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, microfinance, values-driven organizations,


cause-related marketing and other cooperative strategies, earned income strategies, and measuring so-cial return on investment. The course has been accepted as an elective for our new Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management major, as well as an elective for two programs in the College of Arts and Sciences: (1) Catholic Studies and Social Justice; and (2) Communications.

Also in fall 2011, we will start our new Executive MBA in Nonprofit Management. Our cohort program is anticipated to begin with approximately 10-15 students and includes a strong core of classes designed to impart a values-orientation to the students. The program includes three courses, deemed as values per-spective courses: (1) the Economics and Metrics of Sustainability; (2) Cross-Cultural Management; and (3) Leadership and Higher Level Management. In addition, students will take a required class in Social Entrepreneurship, as well as five other nonprofit classes and three managerial tools courses—(1) cre-ativity, (2) negotiations, and (3) new venture creation.

John Schouten, Marketing, and Chair of the President’s Advisory Council on Sustainability (PACOS), has been promoting the idea of embedding or integrating sustainability across the UP curriculum. Under John’s leadership, a task force is exploring the possibility of providing sustainability principles to all stu-dents at the University of Portland, regardless of their area of study.

Examples of specific class activities:

Bus 100: Leadership, has a class session devoted to sustainability in which students read four articles and discuss them in class. They also use a business simulation game in which sustainability (focused on climate change), is a part of the teaching module. Students also spend time talking about the ethical challenges in off-shoring and downsizing as well as addressing specific labor issues, employee rights, and regulation in general.

Bus 360: Organizational Behavior, devotes class time to the rewards and challenges of self directed work teams and partnering with unions.

In both the undergraduate and graduate supply chain management classes, the issue of humanitarian supply chains has become an increasingly important topic. Several cases are used as well as a book chapter, and a guest speaker from Mercy Corps has addressed the classes. One case being used is “ITC e-Choupal,” which discusses how a big company can do “social good” when redesigning its supply chain.

The MBA class “Economics and Metrics of Sustainability” requires class projects. One project recently ex-amined ways to reduce university energy consumption in the short term through the use of an energy dashboard. The objective was to create a tool providing real time feedback to reduce energy consump-tion. If the students’ work is successfully implemented, this will be a major step towards meeting the university’s climate action plan goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2040.

Bus513: Social Responsibility in Organizations deals with issues of ethical leadership, culture, CSR, the meaning and value of work, moral rights in the workplace, employee responsibilities, marketing and ad-vertising ethics, globalization, diversity and discrimination, and environmental responsibilities. One stu-dent project is to write a publishable quality, ethics-related case. As a result, a case written by three stu-


dents and subsequently revised by Professor Feldman was accepted for presentation at the Eastern Academy of Management meeting, to be held in Boston, MA in May 2011. The case deals with the ethi-cal issues involved in permitting a wind turbine farm in Klickitat County, Washington.

Ellen Lippman, Accounting, embeds ethical issues in all of her undergraduate accounting classes, includ-ing discussions of the manipulation of financial statements, whistle blower statutes, Dodd Frank, Sar-banes Oxley, etc. In addition, she has incorporated the discussion of environmental liabilities into her in-termediate accounting classes.

Debra Stephens, Marketing, has her Consumer Behavior class discuss overconsumption. Students read and discuss a book called Consumed: Rethinking Business in an Era of Mindful Spending, by Andrew Ben-nett and Ann O'Reilly.

Bahram Adrangi, Economics, teaches a class in International Economics, in which students discuss the impact of expanding globalization and transportation of goods and services on all resources, be it natu-ral, human, air quality, water resources, etc. For example, they discuss specifically the possibility that improved trade opportunities may improve standards of living, reduce population growth, and reduce pressure on the world’s resources in the long- run.

Sam Holloway, Management, has his capstone strategy students do consulting projects. One team is de-veloping a business plan for Impact NW – a private non-profit organization. The team is analyzing an ex-isting business unit within Impact NW, ‘Senior GAP’ that is a financial planning service to seniors that could not otherwise afford to pay market rate. The students are looking to expand the market and find additional seniors that have the ability to pay market rate and still contract with Senior GAP. The excess revenues would then go to fund those seniors that can pay nothing or less than market rate.

Todd Easton, Economics, teaches micro and macroeconomics. In his micro course, he discusses unem-ployment differentials by race/ethnicity and causes of the black/white differential, including bias. His micro class also discusses Third World perspectives on the movement towards freer trade (WTO, etc). His macroeconomics class discusses antitrust law as well as earnings differentials by race/ethnicity and their causes and they spend a full class on pollution taxes and carbon taxes. Todd also teaches a class on “Income Inequality” in which he includes discussions of earnings inequality, wealth inequality, poverty, and policies to reduce all three. The class compares income mobility across high-income economies and looks at evidence for causes of differences. It examines discrimination—by race/ethnicity & sex—as a source of earnings inequality. Another course taught by Todd, “Development Economics,” includes dis-cussions of inequality & poverty in an international context (poverty lines, pro-poor growth, sweat shops, etc.).

Renee Heath, Communications (College of Arts and Sciences), teaches a class “Organizational Communi-cation and Collaboration for Sustainability” as part of our MBA Sustainability Concentration. The class in-cludes graduate students from both the business school and the Communications Department within the College of Arts & Sciences. Renee’s class focuses on the communication skills needed to enact sus-tainability. In particular, the class emphasizes the teaching of skills needed to recognize the interests of other stakeholders, negotiate in a principled rather than polarized or competitive process, and make


Center for Entrepreneurship: Sustainable En-trepreneurshipPart of the responsibility in becoming more sustainable is teaching people ways to live and create in a sustainable manner—in their personal lives and, perhaps more im-portantly, in the ways they create new ven-tures, businesses and projects. The Center provides programs that teach people that entrepreneurial ventures can address soci-ety’s needs in ways that are socially, envi-ronmentally and financially beneficial.

Past activities in this realm include a $149,000 grant from the Coleman Founda-tion to support faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences and in the School of Business in teaching sustainable entrepreneurship to their students. Faculty members are sup-ported in developing projects that teach students how entrepreneurship skills and mindsets can help them succeed in ways that help their communities thrive.

The National Collegiate Inventors & Innova-tors Alliance (NCIIA) is also supporting the University of Portland’s sustainable en-trepreneurship teaching with a grant to in-fuse a sustainability component dealing with the environment, design and society into the Entrepreneur Scholars Program (E-Scholars). The sustainability component is introduced in the BUS 480 course (Creating a World-Class Venture). When these students take BUS 481 (Entrepreneur Apprenticeship) in the spring or summer they include a sus-tainability filter in the feasibility study they create with a mentor. For BUS 482 (Global Entrepreneurship) in the spring or summer, students compare and contrast sustainable business practices in the US to business practices in another country.

collaborative decisions. Argumentation and presentation skills are developed along with skills associated with dialogue and collabora-tion. Students learn these skills through role-playing and other ex-ercises.

Greg Hill, Mathematics (College of Arts and Sciences), teaches our MBA class on Systems Thinking, Resilience and Sustainability. The course is part of our MBA concentration in Sustainability and em-phasizes how a systems thinking approach is needed for imple-mentation and management. The course develops students’ sys-tems thinking perspectives and skills through the use of case stud-ies drawn from environmental, social and business contexts. In ad-dition, the course introduces students to the concept of system re-silience, originally developed in ecosystem science, as an organiz-ing principle for defining and measuring sustainability.

Our required sophomore class “Legal and Social Responsibilities,” covers a variety of ethical concerns, including the ethical ramifica-tions of the application of law, that law is just the “moral mini-mum,” and how the law is informed by society’s values in specific areas such as contracts, torts, employment laws, etc.

John Schouten, Marketing, teaches our MBA class on Sustainable Marketing, using a textbook he authored with his colleague, Diane Martin (Marketing). “Sustainable Marketing” is the first textbook published in this domain and John uses it along with a variety of student projects to inform his students on the role of sustainable marketing. For example, students use the Natural Step Framework and other principles of sustainable marketing to create or adapt a marketing plan for a business that exemplifies competitive advantage through constant progress toward sustainability.


Center for Entrepreneurship: Sustainable En-trepreneurshipPart of the responsibility in becoming more sustainable is teaching people ways to live and create in a sustainable manner—in their personal lives and, perhaps more im-portantly, in the ways they create new ven-tures, businesses and projects. The Center provides programs that teach people that entrepreneurial ventures can address soci-ety’s needs in ways that are socially, envi-ronmentally and financially beneficial.

Past activities in this realm include a $149,000 grant from the Coleman Founda-tion to support faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences and in the School of Business in teaching sustainable entrepreneurship to their students. Faculty members are sup-ported in developing projects that teach students how entrepreneurship skills and mindsets can help them succeed in ways that help their communities thrive.

The National Collegiate Inventors & Innova-tors Alliance (NCIIA) is also supporting the University of Portland’s sustainable en-trepreneurship teaching with a grant to in-fuse a sustainability component dealing with the environment, design and society into the Entrepreneur Scholars Program (E-Scholars). The sustainability component is introduced in the BUS 480 course (Creating a World-Class Venture). When these students take BUS 481 (Entrepreneur Apprenticeship) in the spring or summer they include a sus-tainability filter in the feasibility study they create with a mentor. For BUS 482 (Global Entrepreneurship) in the spring or summer, students compare and contrast sustainable business practices in the US to business practices in another country.

Principle 3: We will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that en-able effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.

The Pamplin School works hard to provide our students with a variety of learning experiences both within and outside the classroom that further the development of leadership skills. A sample of these experiences includes:

Internships: In 2010, fifty (50%) of our graduating seniors had participated in internship programs. At the graduate level, seven of our 2010 MBA students completed internships with local firms as did seven in 2009. With the beginning of our P4 program in 2010, every student in the business school is required to have both job shadow experiences (2) and to fulfill a semester-long internship.

Volunteerism and Service Learning

The $100K ChallengeIn past years, the Center for Entrepreneurship supported a $16K Challenge, a business plan competition for UP students and alumni. On April 30, 2011, the competition will again be held, but this year it has become the $100K Challenge. Students can win $50,000 in cash and $50,000 in in-kind support for their entrepreneurial ideas. In addition, a separate non-profit track has been created and the winner will re-ceive $2500 plus additional in-kind support. Social enterprise business plans are becoming a major com-ponent of the competition, having been created in their E-Scholars program, the undergraduate entre-preneurial ventures class, or the Social Entrepreneurship class. Examples include: a nonprofit that pro-vides unique educational experiences in developing countries, while partnering with existing organiza-tions; developing a fair trade store on campus and in a local community (using pop-up store format), as an earned income strategy to help support a school that is currently being created in Kenya by the stu-dent and his friends; and a nonprofit that will collect used sports equipment, sell it in a pop-up store for-


Even before students get to our B-School pro-gram, they participate in the Freshman Week-end, where 800 students, faculty, and other volunteers participate in a one-day Sustainabil-ity Volunteer program.

mat, and donate any unsold equipment to developing countries. Profits from the store will serve to support the donation side of the organization.

The University has a forum section on the Web in which stu-dents, faculty, staff and administrators can share personal sto-ries and reflections on their campus projects related to climate change and sustainability. The forum focuses on: 1) what we are doing in areas like energy use, transportation, paper use,

water use, waste, etc. and 2) how to improve even further (what does a more sustainable university look like?)

East Africa InitiativeThe Business School has supported UP students in 2009 and 2010 as East Africa Initiative interns. The 9-week internship program is held in collaboration with the Foundation for Sustainable Development ( and in preparation for the program, the student attends bi-weekly seminars leading up to their departure. Topics discussed included: (1) Sustainable Development and International Aid: Practices and Conflicts, (2) Global Health Concerns in the East African Context (Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS), (3) Entrepreneurship, Microfinance and Sustainable Development, and (4) Gender Roles and De-velopment in East African Context. Taylor Bergmann, a senior Political Science major is pictured below with some of his Kenyan students. Elle Hoxworth, a senior majoring in Sociology and Political Science and an E-Scholar in the B-School, was another participant and specifically supported by the Pamplin School. Elle worked with the Western Education Advocacy and Empowerment Program, creating a tech-nical training and fair trade initiative called Shangalia Mama. Elle worked with women teaching them how to use electric sewing machines to make handbags and other goods from local fabrics and ulti-mately, sell their creations. A primary motivation for Elle in creating this venture was to reduce inci-dents of domestic violence, which is so prevalent in Kenya. While in East Africa, Elle learned that women who generated some income for the family were subject to fewer incidents of domestic vio-lence. This is an ongoing project for Elle and the East Africa Initiative.


Plunge Events: Our P4 program requires business stu-dents engage in service learning projects. As can be seen from the photo at left, one of the many plunge projects in which our students have been involved was the paint-ing of a cafeteria at a local elementary school.

Entrepreneur Scholars Program (E-Scholars)Our award-winning E-Scholars program matches 20-25 students (regardless of program of study) with an entrepreneurial mentor and provides them with the opportunity for domestic and international travel to meet with business leaders around the world. A hands-on program, students get every opportunity to “practice” global business. Students take 9 credit hours of coursework, specially designed to enhance their entrepreneurial knowledge. These include the following classes: BUS480 Creating a World-Class VentureBUS481 Entrepreneur ApprenticeshipBUS482 Global EntrepreneurUnlike other university travel experiences, the e-Scholars are tasked with developing a business plan for a project typically in the city or country in which they will be visiting. Students take a five-day trip and must generate their own business leads, meet with local business leaders, and fulfill a number of other tasks. For instance, in May of 2010, a group of e-Scholars visited Israel and had a presentation and tour, including, driving the electric car being developed by Better Place and Renault. Better Place is currently installing their unique system of battery-changing sites in Israel, Denmark, and Australia. Over the last ten years E-scholar groups have traveled to Vietnam, China, Costa Rica, London, New York, Malaysia, Jo-hannesburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and many other locations.

In December 2010, two E-Scholar business students launched a nonprofit, the Alliance for Developing Education, with the goal of fostering educational opportunities in developing countries, primarily Cam-bodia. ADE will assist by providing students with access to secondary schools, uniforms, books, and school supplies. In March 2011, the students will be traveling to Siem Reap, Cambodia as part of their E-Scholars (Entrepreneur Scholars) program. While there, they will be meeting with local business, school, and community leaders, as well as NGOs already operating in the country, in an effort to learn more about the local culture and educational needs.


Principle 4: We will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environ-mental and economic value.

Teaching is the number one priority of the University of Portland and the Pamplin School of Business Ad-ministration, yet research is an important part of our day-to-day activities as responsible scholars. One of the highlights of the year has been the publishing of the first textbook on Sustainable Marketing, co-authored by two of our Marketing faculty, John Schouten and Diane Martin. These two faculty members have achieved a stellar reputation for their work in sustainability, both in the past 18 months and previ-ously. However, they are not the only faculty members engaged in research in areas pursuant to PRME. The list below highlights some of the scholarly activities in which our faculty has been engaged since our acceptance in PRME in August 2009.


Martin, Diane. M. & Schouten, John.W. (2011) Sustainable Marketing: Principles and Practice. Pear-son Higher Education


Arjun Chatrath (Finance) and Bahram Adrangi (Economics) are researching market regulation is-sues related to manipulation. They have published two recent articles and also have two work-ing papers: Dominant Markets, Staggered Openings, and Price Discovery. Journal of Futures Markets.

Forthcoming. With Rohan Christie-David, Bahram Adrangi, and Kiseop Lee. Futures Trading and Oil Price Movements. Review of Futures Markets, 18(4), Spring 2010,

347-362. With Rohan Christie-David, Victoria Lugli (MBA Student) and Cynthia Santoso (MBA Student)

BOOK CHAPTERS: Schouten, John. W. and Martin, Diane. M. (2011) “Communities of Purpose” in Karin M. Ekström and

Kay Glans (Eds.), Changing Consumer Roles - An Anthology, London: Routledge. (pp. 125-136). Martin, Diane. M. and Schouten, John. W. (2010) “Green Retailing”, Green Business: An A-to-Z

Guide. eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage. Martin, Diane. M. and Schouten, John. W. (2010) “Stewardship”, Green Business: An A-to-Z Guide.

eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage. Martin, Diane. M. and Schouten, John. W. (2010) “Sustainable Design”, Green Business: An A-to-Z

Guide. eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage. Schouten, John. W. and Diane. M. Martin (2010) “Reverse Logistics”, Green Business: An A-to-Z

Guide. eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage. Schouten, John. W. and Diane. M. Martin (2010) “Service Design”, Green Business: An A-to-Z Guide.

eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage. Schouten, John. W. and Diane. M. Martin (2010) “Social Marketing”, Green Business: An A-to-Z

Guide. eReference, Green Series, Paul Robbins, Nevin Cohen, and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.), Sage.


Martin, Diane.M. & Schouten, John. W. (2009) “Engineering a Mainstream Market for Sustainability: Insights from Wal-Mart’s Perfect Storm,” in John F. Sherry, Jr., and Eileen Fisher (Eds.) Explorations in Consumer Culture Theory, London: Routledge, (pp.150-167).

INVITED PRESENTATIONS: Barnes, William, "Sustaining Creation: An Ecological Economics View," presented to the Southmin-

ster Presbyterian Church, Beaverton, Oregon, June 28th, 2009. Martin, Diane.M. (2010, June) Macromarketing Conference Pre-Conference Sustainability Work-

shop, Laramie, WY. Martin, Diane.M. (2010, May) Connecting the Dots: Links between Marketing and Public Policy Re-

search and Sustainability, AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Denver, CO. Martin, Diane. M. (2010, March) Beyond Ethics as Usual: Training Students for a New Paradigm of

Sustainable Marketing. Presented at the Western States Communication Association, Anchorage, AK.

Martin, Diane.M. & Schouten, John. W. (2009, June) Taking The Natural Step: A Strategic Framework for Becoming Sustainable. Invited presentation to business leaders, faculty and administrators at SUNY, Fredonia, NY.

Martin, Diane.M. & Schouten, J. W. (2009, April) Teaching Sustainability in Marketing. Invited pre-sentation at the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN Martin,

Diane.M. & Schouten, John. W. (2009, April) Leviathan and The Upstart: Two Approaches to Sustain-ability in Marketing. Invited presentation at the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN

Martin, Diane. M (2008, June) Marketing and Sustainable Consumption. Invited presentation at As-sociation of Oregon Recyclers Conference, Seaside, OR Martin,

Diane. M. & Schouten, John. W. (2008, June) Marketing for Sustainability. Invited presentation at the Oregon Natural Step Network, Portland, OR

Barnes, W. "Sustainability in the Service Sector," presented to an auditing team at Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, Portland, Oregon, June 22, 2010.

Barnes, W. "Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage," presented to the Hive, an incubator and networking meeting for UP alumni and entrepreneurs, Portland, Oregon, June 9th, 2010.

Barnes, W. "Sustainability Education and Action at the University of Portland: Connecting the Dots and Building Momentum," (with Laura Goble), presented at Renewing the Campus: Sustainability and the Catholic University, Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, October 10, 2009

CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS: Bernard, Elena. K. & Martin, Diane. M. (2010, April) Teaching Sustainable Marketing: Challenges and

Opportunities. Presented at the Marketing Educators Association Conference, Seattle, WA. Schouten, John.W. & Martin, Diane. M. (2009, November) Sustainability: The Unity of Strategy and

Ethics. Presentation at the Business & Sustainability International Conference, Portland, OR. Martin, Diane. M. (2009, November) Sustainability and Marketing Textbook Ideas. Presentation at

the Business & Sustainability International Conference, Portland, OR. Martin, Diane. M. & Schouten, John.W. (2009, October) Sustainability Roundtable. Presentation at

the Association for Consumer Research, Pittsburg, PA. Martin, Diane. M. & Schouten, John.W. (2009, August) Sustainable Marketing in Practice: Training

Students for a New Paradigm. Presentation at the American Marketing Association Conference, Chicago, IL.


Martin, Diane M. & Schouten, John W. (2008, October) Toward Sustainable Marketing: Re-Imagining a Discipline. Presented at the Sustainability in the Supply Chain International Conference, Portland, OR.

Down, Jon T. & Ward, K. 2009. Strategic Business Planning in an Economic Downturn. Presented at the Fair Trade Federation Annual Meeting, Portland, OR

Ellen Lippman, Accounting, “Sustainability and Accounting” American Accounting Association Con-ference, Atlanta, GA, January, 2011.

Barnes, W. "Sustainability Education and Action at the University of Portland: Connecting the Dots and Building Momentum," (with L Goble and C Butterfield), presented at the 13th Annual Continu-ums of Service Conference, Portland Oregon, April 1st, 2010 April 1, 2010.

Barnes, W. "Accelerating the Transition to Green Buildings: Lessons from The Nines and Courtyard Marriot," (with C Brockman, G Hill, and T Steenburgh), the 3rd Annual Conference on Business and Sustainability, Portland State University, Nov 5-6, 2009.

CONFERENCES ATTENDED: Gary Mitchell, Operations and Technology Management, attended a 2-day conference at Indiana

University on Sustainability and New Product Development in October, 2010. Howard Feldman, Management, attended a 3 day conference at Humboldt University in Berlin, Ger-

many, on Corporate Social Responsibility


Howard Feldman and Lei Li, Management, co-authored a case on GreenWood Resources, a Portland, Oregon, investment and asset management company with a worldwide focus on high-yield and fast-growing tree plantations (tree farms). The case was submitted to the Case Research Journal and the authors were asked to revise and resubmit their paper.

Michael Phillips (MBA Student); David Watson (MBA Student), and Howard Feldman (Management), submitted “Winds of Change in Klickitat County: the Harvest Wind Project,” to the Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Boston, May 2011.

Elena Bernard and Diane Martin submitted a paper to the Journal of Education for Business that fo-cuses on implementing innovative methodologies in teaching sustainability in an undergraduate marketing class. Specifically, the paper described a teaching module designed to introduce students to the concept of sustainability, show how sustainability is understood and pursued in business, ex-pand students’ understanding of product life cycle, and teach students how to integrate sustainabil-ity with marketing strategy.

Arjun Chatrath (Finance) has co-authored two working papers dealing with market regula-tion and manipulation:

1. Manipulation and Market Power. With B. Adrangi (Economics) , and R, Christie-David2. Does the Price of Crude Respond to Macroeconomic News? With S. Ramchander and

M. Hong. Under 2nd review at Journal of Futures Markets.


Principle 5: We will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective ap-proaches to meeting these challenges.

Pamplin faculty members are very engaged in the local and regional business communities and making strides to become more visible in the national arena. We work closely with organizations such as Provi-dence Hospital and Regence, as well as many other firms in the Portland area. Students are engaged in consulting projects, internships, and in other venues in which they interact with local businesses. At the same time, faculty are engaged in a host of activities in which they work together with local organiza-tions and their key managers. A sample of such activities follows:

Nicole DeHoratius, Operations and Technology Management, is working with a student as part of an in-dependent study, developing a teaching case to be used in a supply chain management elective course that introduces students to the key challenges of managing humanitarian supply chains. Nicole has ob-tained buy-in from the Director and Deputy Director of Mercy Corp’s supply chain organization to have an ongoing dialog regarding some of their recent challenges.

Howard Feldman, Management and Bill Barnes, Economics, will be hosting 16 International Masters stu-dents in Sustainable Development, from EOI Business School in Madrid, Spain, in March 2011. The pro-fessors plan and implement a two-week program on Sustainability that includes meetings with faculty members, as well as business tours and presentations. This is the 5th year in the last six that EOI has vis-ited UP. In 2010, EOI students toured Solar World (German solar panel manufacturer), Clear Edge Power (a fuel cell company), Iberdrolas Renewables (the North American HQ of one of the world’s largest alter-native energy companies and specializing in wind power farms), Boeing, Nike, Columbia Sportswear, His-panic Chamber of Commerce, City of Portland, and many others. In 2011, we have almost twice as many students coming from EOI as in 2010, and while they will be touring some of the same companies we visited last year, we are adding some new ones: SeQuential Fuels, SERA Architects, and others.

Sample of Guest Speakers in 2009-2011

Paul Hawken, Commencement Speaker, 2009, “You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring”

David Bleyle, Retired Consul General of the People’s Republic of China

Andy Bryant, Executive vice president, Technology, Manufacturing and Enterprise Services, and Chief Administrative Officer, Intel

Joseph Boyer, FBI Supervisor, White Collar Crime Squad

Carma Roetcisoender, Communications Director, Forward Edge International, a faith-based organization involved in projects related to poverty, disaster, and sickness in the U.S. and around the world

Scott Welch, Director of Corporate Relations and Philanthropy, Columbia Sportswear


Kyle Yamaguchi and Shu-Chu Wu, founders of 141Eyewear, a for-profit social enterprise based on the model of buy one pair of glasses and a pair are donated

Agata Ramallo Garcia, CSR Manager, Nike

Eric Swanson, lawyer and founder of Roots and Wings, International, a nonprofit providing elementary through university educational opportunities among indigenous youth in rural Guatemala

Justice MHS Ansari, Retired Judge (India)

Carol Kaiser, Portfolio Manager of Sustainable Business and Innovation, Nike

Greg Shortreed, Mercy Corps

Jim McGovern, Schnitzer Steel

Christopher Williams, Director of Strategy Integration and Implementation, Nike


Principle 6: We will facilitate and support dialog and debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organizations and other interested groups and stakehold-ers on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability.

We understand that our own organizational practices should serve as an example of the values and attitudes we convey to our students.

On February 26, 2011, UP will be hosting a one-day event “Focus the Nation,” revolving around clean-energy solutions. The program is student-run, in that students are recruiting the experts (with the help of faculty members such as Bill Barnes of the Business School). This interactive program is designed for participants and experts to work together to map out barriers to clean energy and to create solutions to overcome them. A variety of panels have been developed and they will be discussing topics such as: Business and the Economics of Energy; Clean Energy Technology; Energy and Environmental Policy, etc. In addition, students will be conducting a Sustainability Fair (Green Leaders Exhibition) during the course of the day. Professor Barnes has been a driving force in the establishment of Focus the Nation as a na-tionwide organization engaging schools and students in the discussion of clean energy. Both Dr. Barnes and Laura Goble, the Director of the Moreau Center for Service & Leadership, University of Portland, sit on the Board of Directors for Focus the Nation, headquartered in Portland. In 2008, the first Focus the Nation event was held nationwide. UP hosted the Portland event, a “Town Hall meeting on Climate Change,” which featured 3200 attendees and 125,000 tuning in to the campus broadcast.

On April 14-16, 2011, the university is hosting Michael Pollan, the best-selling author. Pollan’s lecture will be the keynote address to Food for Thought, a three-day conference on food issues. The conference will feature both national and local leaders, including Kevin Concannon, Undersecretary for Food, Nutri-


tion, and Consumer Services for the United States Department of Agriculture, and University of Portland alumnus Fedele Bauccio, founder and owner of Bon Appétit Management Co. A variety of issues surrounding food will be dis-cussed, from nutrition and genetic modification to justice and sustainability. The business school and several of its faculty has been very involved in the leadership of this program, obtaining sponsors, community involvement, etc. On the first day tickets were available, 2500 were sold for a venue on campus seating 3800.

March 26-28, 2010, the University hosted a three-day conference, Conflu-ences: Water & Justice, bringing together some of the nation’s leading ex-perts to examine various perspectives on water, including environmental jus-tice, protection, science, theology, business, history, law, and the Native American perspective. International water activist Maude Barlow, former se-nior water advisor to the president of the United Nations General Assembly, gave the keynote address. Business School students and faculty were inti-mately involved with the planning and implementation of this program.

The Business School is a member of an initiative begun by Michael Naughton (St. Thomas University, Minnesota) exploring what it means to teach business at a Catholic University. In August 2010, our Business School hosted the con-ference for the third phase of this initiative--the curricular phase. About 35 academics, primarily from business disciplines, attended and several pre-sented papers about how to incorporate the tenets of Catholic Social Teach-ings into discipline specific courses. This meeting focused on Finance, Mar-keting and Economics.

Laura Steffen, Coordinator for the Sustainable Entrepreneurship program, participated in the January 21, 2011 webinar on Women’s Empowerment Principles.

Professor Howard Feldman participated in the May 26, 2010 webinar on “Cli-mate Change and Business School Curricula in the Era of Sustainable Leader-ship” hosted by Copenhagen Business School.

Some action highlights, in no particular order

1. Bought a smallish, easily heated house in the city, with sidewalks, a grocery store nearby, and my favorite: a hardware store within two blocks!

2. Signed up for Blue Sky Power at Pacific Power (click)


Professor Bill Barnes, as part of the President’s Advisory Com-mittee on Sustainability at-tempts to be a role model for our students when it comes to educating them on climate change and what we as individu-als can do. As such, he posted the following for our students:

Since I taught my first Environ-mental Econ course a few years ago, I have been trying (not al-ways successfully) to reduce my environmental impact. BONUS! It's more fun, I'm healthier, and I'm making and saving dollars. And I cut my carbon a lot - de-pending on how you count, I'm a European or a bit worse, (yes, one average American is equiva-lent to more than three French or two British citizens in terms of carbon impact - click to see for yourself). According to this car-bon calculator, my household footprint is around 19 tons (for 2 people, so 9.5 tons a person). This does not count my 100% Blue Sky Power, which would put me closer to 7-8 tons assum-ing windpower is zero carbon. The EPA calculator above also does not include air travel, but I offset my air travel so that I am carbon neutral, which is an im-perfect solution for various rea-sons. If you include my air travel, my footprint jumps to be-tween 10 and 15 tons. (see this calculator, which includes enter-ing your air travel). Bill posted his action highlights, which begin on this page…

3. Sold our second car, and when I absolutely have to have another car, I use ZipCar - incredibly easy to use.

4. Our only car is now a hybrid - gets 40-45 (actual) miles per gallon 5. Bought an electric bike (and fixed up my Mt bike) 6. Car pooling, busing, and biking to work (wife gets car) 7. Offsetting my air travel. 8. Investing in renewable energy companies and companies devoted to sustainability 9. Using a mug for coffee and drinks, bring mug everywhere 10. No paper, no plastic - use a cloth bag when shopping 11. Recycling all plastic, bottles, etc 12. Cloth diapers (they are more high tech than the image), European no pthalate/ BPA toys, no flame

retardant mattress and clothes for the new boy! 13. Baby food? Yeah, like mom's milk, avocados, apples, peas (have never bought a manufactured baby

food can/ jar - there is no need!) 14. No paper bills, no paper statements, no paper banking - I do it all online. 15. Eliminated 90% of my home junk mail using Greendimes 16. Dropped weekly garbage pickup - now down to once a month garbage pickup and the cheaper rates

that go with it (now down to half a can a month) 17. Non toxic and natural soap, cosmetics, detergents, etc, 18. Buying organic and local food at Portland's awesome farmer's markets and elsewhere. 19. Weekly Milk/ cheese/ yogurt/ grass fed beef home delivery from a local dairy - easier to do than you

think. No bovine growth hormone in milk, etc. 20. Replacing incandescent with CF bulbs 21. Composting all food scraps 22. Use compost for backyard garden - grow lettuce, tomatoes, squash, figs, plums, blueberries, straw-

berries, peaches, raspberries (my wife likes fruit - the peaches are amazing) 23. Installed a drip system for garden and plant watering 24. Stopped watering grass 25. Disconnected my downspouts and now get a kickback from the city. 26. Getting my Oregon Bull Run water from the tap - no sodas or bottled water (particularly plastic bot-

tles) - using a Klean Kanteen because of endocrine disruptors and hormone disruptors still in our plastics.

27. Using bamboo and renewables for remodeling 28. Low VOC paints for remodeling 29. Turning off computer as much as possible 30. Unplugging the power source by turning off a power strip, not just turning an electronic device off

(eliminating house vampires like cell phone chargers and TVs on infinite standby) 31. Home Energy audit through Energy Trust


32. Took an Ecological Footprint class with the Center for Earth Leadership 33. I am becoming more educated on the policy details both at the state and the federal level, par-

ticularly on the issue of climate change. And, as a citizen I am now voting on this issue.

Education Related

1. Dropping paper syllabi (made available electronically) 2. Dropping paper homework (all uploaded online) 3. When necessary, thin margins, smaller font, double-sided, single space printing, and even two

sides to one side. Translation: I can now reduce what would normally be a double spaced, 10 page, single sided document to one sheet of paper! 10 down to 1.....that's a 90% reduction. And it still reads easily! (you know, like the print/ font in a paperback book!)

4. Re-using paper that has been printed on one side 5. Alternative transportation to work 6. Starting to offset my airline travel to conferences 7. Getting as involved as I possibly can in our sustainability efforts on campus 8. Speaking on campus and in the community as much as possible on this issue 9. Reading and researching as much as I can on climate change and solutions/ social change 10. Serving on the boards of two environmental non-profits - Crag Law Center and the Greenhouse


Dreams for my school

1. UP is known as a model campus in sustainability among Catholic institutions of higher education 2. Everyone gets involved, learns a lot, and changes proactively, not reactively. Change is good, es-

pecially on this issue! 3. We fulfill the requirements of the University President's Climate Commitment


Future Perspectives and Key Objectives

There is no doubt the Principles play an important role in the Pamplin Business School’s strategic plan-ning process. PRME informs our discussions of future strategy, the goals we have chosen and the imple-mentation efforts needed to ensure success. Key objectives for the future have been identified such as:

Better integration and awareness of ecological and environmental issues (particularly climate change) into the overall business curriculum. (An associated university objective is to embed sustain-ability in the university core curriculum for all students).

Better recognition of the synergistic effects of sustainability on profits Greater awareness and integration of specific tools such as life-cycle analysis; carbon footprinting;

systems-thinking; and communication, collaboration and negotiation skills, within the business cur-riculum

Greater involvement of the faculty in research and scholarship directed to the themes of the PRME program

Greater involvement of the faculty in the webinars and other initiatives offered by PRME Consistent progress towards sustainability under the framework of the Principles More involvement of Business School faculty and students in community events dealing with sus-

tainability efforts, education, etc.

Sustainability on Campus

As mentioned previously, the University of Portland has been recognized by the Princeton Review as one of the nation’s 286 “Green Schools.” That comes in no small part from the activities mentioned on the previous pages as well as a very active cross-campus sustainability effort led by administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The university’s curricular efforts include several courses of study for students inter-ested in issues surrounding the environment and sustainability. These include a Bachelor of Science de-gree in environmental science; a Bachelor of Arts degree in environmental ethics & policy; a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering with a concentration in environmental engineering; and a Masters of Business Administration degree with a concentration in sustainability. Beyond the curriculum, the uni-versity’s efforts are multi-fold. For example:

Transportation EffortsThe University of Portland is seeing record use for its alternative transportation options, continuing the school’s trend of successful sustainability initiatives.

Use of the school’s MAX shuttle is at record levels, as is usage of the school’s five Zipcars. In addition, de-mand for bike parking on campus is so high that several new bike racks are currently being installed; the University’s monthly allotment of school-subsidized TriMet passes has regularly sold out; dozens of cam-


pus community members take part in a carpooling program that provides financial incentives to those who rideshare; and since 2006 the University has offered a highly successful and innovative forgivable home grant program that provides funding assistance for employees who purchase homes in North Portland with the expectation that they use alternative transportation when commuting to campus.

“The University's continued commitment to addressing transportation needs for our faculty, staff and students has led to a complex integrated transportation demand management program that has freed our community from the binds of needing cars,” said Jeff Rook, environmental safety officer and coordi-nator of the University’s transportation demand management program. “We have continued to look at leading the way for the benefit of our campus and our neighborhood communities.”

The University’s Zipcar shuttles, partly subsidized by TriMet, have had a total of 4,971 boardings from August through November 2010, an all-time high since the shuttles began in 2006 and a 30 percent in-crease over the same period in 2009. To encourage use of alternate modes of transportation and to min-imize both environmental impact and the number of automobiles on University property and in the sur-rounding neighborhood, freshmen students are not allowed to have cars on campus.

Zipcar usage is also at record levels and has set a new monthly high for three consecutive months. In No-vember, 1,292 hours were used, besting the previous all-time highs of 1240 in October and 909 in Sep-tember. The campus Zipcars allow students and employees to commute without a car while still having the option to make short trips within the city using a Zipcar when necessary. The University partners with Zipcar to allow faculty and staff to use Zipcars for business trips at no charge. The partnership also allows students, faculty and staff to join Zipcar for personal use for $35 per year while also receiving $35 in free driving. The University’s demand was so high that Zipcar added two additional vehicles to campus in September, bringing the total to five.

Bicycle usage at the University is also at an all-time high among students and employees. Demand for bi-cycle parking was so great during the fall that several new bike racks are being installed across campus – including two large covered bike racks – which combined will provide more than 100 new bike parking spaces. After the installation of the new racks, there will be at least 850 indoor and outdoor spaces on campus.

Proposed Woodland In December, the City Council unanimously approved a development agreement with the University that will create more than 228,000 square feet of protected forest and native Oregon white oak woodland along the bluff that will greatly expand the function and connectivity of the current wildlife corridor. This proposed woodland, which would be the first Oregon white oak habitat creation in the Portland area, would be planted and maintained by the University.


Campus ConstructionThe newly renovated and expanded Donald P. Shiley Engineering Hall was awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum certification – the highest possible rating – by the United States Green Building Council. The award secures Shiley Hall’s status as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally sustainable buildings in the world. As of June 2010, Shiley Hall was one of 15 build-ings in Portland, one of 25 buildings on college campuses nationwide, and one of 313 buildings world-wide to earn LEED Platinum certification.

The City of Portland granted Shiley Hall a BEST (Businesses for an Environmentally Sustainable Tomor-row) Award in the Green Building category, recognizing the University of Portland’s commitment to ex-cellence in sustainable building practices.

Fields and Schoenfeldt Halls, new student dormitories dedicated in 2009, earned LEED Gold certification, making them the highest LEED certified dorms on campus.

Bauccio Commons, the student dining hall, was expanded and renovated this fall – in conjunction with food service provider Bon Appétit Management Co. – and a new ala carte system for purchasing food was put in place, which has reduced food waste by approximately 70 percent. Bon Appétit primarily uses locally-sourced products and has significantly reduced the amount of meat and cheese served, helping lower the University’s carbon footprint.

Climate Action PlanUniversity president Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C., adopted a Climate Action Plan in association with the American College & University President’s Climate Commitment, in which the University aims to be carbon neutral for Scope 1 emissions by 2020; Scope 2 emissions by 2030; and Scope 3 emissions by 2040.

Campus Living The university maintains two sustainability “green houses,” in which students practice sustainable living, including running a composting program for two other student dormitories.

The on-campus organic Student-Led Unity Garden (SLUG) doubled in size to help provide food for local families in need. (see below)


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