
ÅñùôåõìÝíïé Þ åíáëëáêôéêïß, ðáñÝá ìå äéÜèåóç ãéá îåöÜíôùìá Þ ïéêïãÝíåéá ìå áíÜãêç ãéá ÷áëÜñùóç, ç Ñüäïò åßíáé Ýíá íçóß ðïõ Ý÷åé íá ðñïóöÝñåé ìéá ìáãéêÞ óôéãìÞ óå êÜèå åðéóêÝðôç, áíÜëïãá ìå ôç äéÜèåóç êáé ôéò ðñïôéìÞóåéò ôïõ. ×ñõóÝò ðáñáëßåò, ìíçìåßá ðáãêüóìéáò ðïëéôéóôéêÞò êëçñïíïìéÜò, boutique hotels Þ ìåãÜëåò îåíïäï÷åéáêÝò ìïíÜäåò, ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðéÜôá êáé ìïíôÝñíá äéåèíÞò êïõæßíá. ¸íáò ãýñïò ôïõ íçóéïý èá óáò ðåßóåé üôé ç Ñüäïò åßíáé ðïëëÜ ðåñéóóüôåñá áðü ôá must ôùí ôïõñéóôéêþí ïäçãþí êáé èá óáò êÜíåé íá ôçí áãáðÞóåôå ãéá ôçí áõèåíôéêüôçôá êáé ôç æåóôáóéÜ ôçò.


Ïé ðéï ìáãéêÝò óôéãìÝò ôùí äéáêïðþí

Ï ãýñïò ôçò Ñüäïõ óå... Ï ãýñïò ôçò Ñüäïõ óå...


In Rhodes you will find a unique way to relax and enjoy your holiday, whatever type of holiday you are looking for: romantic, alternative, sporty, family treat or a clubber's paradise. Golden beaches and ancient treasures, boutique hotels or big all inclusive complexes, traditional dishes as well as contemporary cuisine, they are all here. Make a trip around the island and you will discover that Rhodes is more than a “must” section in a tourist guide. You will love it's originality and hospitality.

Rhodes in...

picturesMagic in every step

Óðßôé óôá Êïóêéíïý / House at Koskinou

ÐáëéÜ Ðüëç / Old Town

ÐáëéÜ Ðüëç / Old Town

ÓïêÜêé óôçí ÐáëéÜ Ðüëç / Alley in Old TownÓïêÜêé óôçí ÐáëéÜ Ðüëç / Alley in Old Town

åêéíþíôáò áðü ôç ÌåóáéùíéêÞ Ðüëç êáé ôá áôìïóöáéñéêÜ äñïìÜêéá ôçò, ðïõ Îïäçãïýí óôï åíôõðùóéáêü ÐáëÜôé ôïõ

ÌåãÜëïõ Ìáãßóôñïõ Þ ÊáóôÝëëï, ìÝ÷ñé ôç íÝá ðüëç, ôï öÜñï ôïõ Áãßïõ ÍéêïëÜïõ êáé ôá ðïëõöùôïãñáöçìÝíá ÅëáöÜêéá ðïõ äåóðü-æïõí óôçí åßóïäï ôïõ ëéìáíéïý, ç äéáäñïìÞ åßíáé ìéá áðïëáõóôéêÞ ðïñåßá óôçí éóôïñßá. Áðïëáýóôå ôï ìáãåõôéêü ãáëÜæéï ôïõ Áéãáßïõ óôï ëüöï Ìüíôå Óìéè, åîåñåõíþíôáò ôá åñåßðéá ôïõ áñ÷áßïõ óôáäßïõ êáé ôïõ Íáïý ôïõ Áðüëëùíá óôçí Áêñüðïëç ôçò Ñüäïõ. Ðåñ-ðáôÞóôå óôï ðÜñêï ôïõ Ñïäéíéïý ãéá ìéá áíÜóá äñïóéÜò ìÝóá óôçí êáëïêáéñéíÞ ðüëç êáé êá-ôåõèõíèåßôå Ýðåéôá ðñïò ôç íüôéá ðëåõñÜ ôïõ íçóéïý êáé ôá éáìáôéêÜ ëïõôñÜ ôçò ÊáëëéèÝáò, Ýíá áíáêáéíéóìÝíï ìíçìåßï ãåìÜôï áëëïôéíÞ ïìïñöéÜ êáé ãïçôåßá ìéáò ðåñáóìÝíçò åðï÷Þò.

irst we take the Old Town and the lovely pebbled alleys, that lead to the majestic Palace of the Grand Magister, or Castello di Rodi. A nice relaxing walk is the seaside stroll that takes you to Fthe new town, the Agios Nikolaos lighthouse and the buildings the Italians made. Enjoy the

endless blue sea in Monte Smith hill, among the ruins of the ancient Acropolis, the stadium and the Temple. If you want a cool breeze of air and green scenery, you can visit Rodini Park and then head south to Kallithea bay for impressive sightseeing and crystal clear deep water for your swim.


1 2




1. Ìüíôå Óìéè / Monte Smith

2. MáíôñÜêé / Ìandraki Harbour

3. Náüò ôïõ Áðüëëùíá

óôï Ìüíôå Óìéè /

Temple of Ápollo

at Monte Smith

Kallitheas Springs

4. & 5. ÐçãÝò ÊáëëéèÝáò /

ÖôÜíïíôáò óôï ÷ùñéü Áñ÷Üããåëïò èá ôáîéäÝ-øåôå óôï ÷ñüíï êáé ôçí ðáñÜäïóç êáé áí áíôÝ÷åôå ôá 300 óêáëïðÜôéá ôçò, êÜíôå Ýíá ôÜìá óôçí ÐáíáãéÜ Ôóáìðßêá ôçí ØçëÞ. Ëßãç þñá áñãü-ôåñá èá öôÜóåôå óôç Ëßíäï ðïõ èá óáò ìáãÝøåé ìå ôá ëåõêÜ óðéôÜêéá ðïõ åßíáé óðáñìÝíá óôïí Üãñéï âñÜ÷ï üðïõ äåóðüæåé ç áñ÷áßá Áêñüðï-ëç, Ýíá áð' ôá ðéï áîéïèáýìáóôá ìíçìåßá ôïõ íçóéïý.

Óõíå÷ßóôå ðáñáëéáêÜ ìÝ÷ñé ôï ÐñáóïíÞóé, ôï åîùôéêü íüôéï Üêñï ôïõ íçóéïý ìå ôç óôåíÞ ëùñßäá Üììïõ ðïõ ÷ùñßæåé ôç èÜëáóóá óôá äýï: Þñåìç óáí ãõáëß áð' ôç ìéá ìåñéÜ, öïõñôïõíéá-óìÝíç êáé ãåìÜôç êýìáôá áð' ôçí Üëëç. Ó' áõôÞ ôçí ðëåõñÜ ôïõ íçóéïý èá âñåßôå êáé ôá ðáñáäï-óéáêÜ ÷ùñéÜ ôïõ Ãåííáäßïõ êáé ôçò Ëá÷áíéÜò.

Further south, in Archaggelos village you can see the Dodecanese tradition in all its bizarre glory and if you think you can manage the… 300 steps to the hill of Panagia Tsampika Psili you can visit the tiny church. A little further south you will encounter Lindos and its scenic little white houses under the imposing Acropolis, one of the most important archaeological sites of the island. If you wish to explore a unique beautiful beach with two… sides, one stormy and one serene, Prasonisi is the place to be. Surfer's paradise and family retreat separated only by a thin sandy line. In this side of the island there are also the traditional villages of Gennadi, with the endless pebbled beach and Lahania, with famous traditional cuisine.


1 2

3 4


1. & 3. ÐáíáãéÜ Tóáìðßêá / Tsabika Church

2. ÐñáóïíÞóé / Prasonisi

4. Áêñüðïëç ôçò Ëßíäïõ / Acropolis of Lindos

5. Ëßíäïò / Lindos Village

Aí åðéëÝîåôå êÜôé ðéï… ïñåéíü, ç ¸ìðùíá ìå ôá êñåáôéêÜ êáé ôá íôüðéá êñáóéÜ ôçò èá óáò áðïæç-ìéþóåé óßãïõñá. Áðü åêåß ðÜñôå ôï äñüìï ðñïò ôïí ÐñïöÞôç Çëßá êáé ôçí Åëåïýóá ìå ôá åãêá-ôáëåëåéììÝíá êôßñéá ôçò éôáëïêñáôßáò êáé ðåñÜóôå óôçí Üëëç ðëåõñÜ ôïõ íçóéïý, ôçí ðéï «Üãñéá» êáé áíåêìåôÜëëåõôç áêüìá ôïõñéóôéêÜ: ôç Ìïíüëéèï, ìå ôï õðÝñï÷ï êÜóôñï êáé ôçí ðáñáäïóéáêÞ óïýìá, ôçí Êñçôçíßá, ôïí ìåãáëïðñåðÞ áñ÷áéïëïãéêü ÷þñï ôçò Áñ÷áßáò Êáìåßñïõ êáé ôï ãñáöéêü ôçò ëéìáíÜêé ìå èÝá ôç ×Üëêç êáé ôçí ÁëéìéÜ. Ìçí ðáñáëåßøåôå íá å-ðéóêåöèåßôå ôï êáëïêáßñé ôéò äéÜóçìåò Ðåôá-ëïýäåò óôçí êáôáðñÜóéíç êïéëÜäá êáé íá êÜíåôå ìéá áíÜâáóç óôï «Äñüìï ôïõ Ìáñôõñßïõ» óôï ëüöï ôçò ÖéëåñÞìïõ, ìå ôï óôáõñü ðïõ öáßíåôáé áðü üëï ôï äõôéêü ìÝñïò ôïõ íçóéïý íá êõñéá-ñ÷åß óôçí êïñõöÞ ôïõ.

If you wish to experience something more… rustic, go for Empona and it's wine distilleries, as well as the traditional meat restaurants. From here you can visit Profitis Ilias and Eleousa village and then reach the north-east side of the island with the traditional villages and very impressive castles of Monolithos and Kritinia. Ancient Kamiros with the famous archaeolo-gical site and the scenic bay is a wonderful opportunity to take some rest and relax opposite Halki and Alimia islet. Before returning to Rhodes' town, you might want to see the famous Butterfly bay or climb a few steps to Filerimos Hill and the impressive cross on its top.


1 2




1. ÊÜóôñï Ìïíoëßèïõ / Monolithos Castle

2. ÊÜóôñï Êñçôçíßáò / Êritinia Castle

3. & 4. ÖéëÝñçìïò / Filerimos

5. Ðåôáëïýäåò / Butterflies Valley

ÅðéóôñÝöïíôáò óôçí ðüëç ôçò Ñüäïõ áöÞóôå ãéá ëßãï ôï áõôïêßíçôï Þ ôç ìç÷áíÞ óáò êáé ðåñðáôÞóôå óôéò åéäõëëéáêÝò ÊÜôù ÐÝôñåò, ðëÜé óôç èÜëáóóá ôïõ Áéãáßïõ, ìÝ÷ñé ôï ìåãáëü-ðñåðï êôßñéï ôïõ Grande Albergo Delle Rose, Þ ôï ¼íåéñï ôçò ÁíáôïëÞò, êôßñéï üðïõ âñßóêåôáé óÞìåñá ôï êáæßíï ôçò Ñüäïõ, Ýíá êüóìçìá åíèýìéï áð' ôï êïóìïðïëßôéêï ðáñåëèüí ôïõ íç-óéïý. Ìðåßôå óôï õðüãåéï åíõäñåßï êáé ÷áèåßôå óôéò âïôóáëùôÝò óôïÝò ôïõ íéþèïíôáò ôçí áôìü-óöáéñá ôïõ âõèïý ôçò Ìåóïãåßïõ. ÐåñðáôÞóôå êáôÜ ìÞêïò ôçò ðáñáëßáò óôï ÌáíôñÜêé ôï óïý-ñïõðï Þ óôá äñïìÜêéá ôçò ÐáëéÜò Ðüëçò ãéá íá ïëïêëçñþóåôå ìå ôïí ðéï óõíáñðáóôéêü ôñü-ðï ôï ãýñï åíüò íçóéïý ðïõ äåí ïíïìÜóôçêå Üäéêá Íýìöç ôïõ ¹ëéïõ.

When back in Rhodes' town, enjoy a cocktail in Grande Allbergo delle Rose, the city's casino hotel or walk under the sea in the characteristic Aquarium to feel the aura of the Mediterranean. A walk in the alleys of the Old Town or an early drink on one of the most scenic roof gardens of the island is the perfect way to relax and recall a busy, interesting day exploring the islands endless beauty.


Ðïý èá ìåßíåôå / Where to stay

Ðïý èá öÜôå / Where to eat

ÄéåèíÞò êáé åëëçíéêÞ êïõæßíá /

Ethnik and Greek cuisine

×áôæçêÝëçò / Hatzikelis: 22410 27215

ÁëÝîçò 4 Seasons / Alexis 4 Seasons: 22410 70522

Öþôçò / Fotis: 22410 27359

ÅëëçíéêÞ êïõæßíá / Greek cuisine

ÁìõãäáëéÜ / Amigdalia: 22410 92925

ÉôáëéêÞ êïõæßíá / Italian cuisine

Capricci: 22410 33395

Rodos Palace Hotel 5*: 22410 25222

Grand Hotel 5*: 22410 54700

Amathus Beach Hotel 5*: 22410 89900

Áthineon Hotel 5*: 22410 26112

Mediterranean Hotel 4*: 22410 24661

Eden Roc Hotel 4*: 22410 67067

Semiramis Hotel : 22410 20741

Parthenon Hotel: 22410 22351

Manousos Hotel: 22410 22741

Áthina Hotel: 22410 22631

Domus Hotel: 22410 25965




1. ÊÜôù ÐÝôñåò / Kato Petres

2. ÌáíôñÜêé / Mandraki

3. Êáæßíï, Grande Albergo Delle Rose

Casino, Grande Albergo Delle Rose

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