dover, delaware j u n e & j u l y 2017...burt brenman cindy konowitz* john levine *past presidents...

1 CONGREGATION BETH SHOLOM DOVER, DELAWARE J U N E & J U L Y 2017 JUNE SIVAN—TAMMUZ 5777 JULY TAMMUZ—AV 5777 CONGREGATION BETH SHOLOM Is a Conservative synagogue offering an egalitarian setting with strong rabbinical support, and opportunities for spiritual growth and new friendships. Inside this Issue: Cover 1 Donations 9 Board of Directors 2 We Can Do Better 10 Rabbi’s Message 3 Yahrzeits 11—12 President’s Message 4-5 Yahrzeits List 13 Treasurer’s Message / lamps Needed, Special leadership help 6 Rabbi Schedule 14 New Board Leadership 7 June & July Calendar 15—16 June Announcements 8 Advertising Sponsors 17—19

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    J U N E & J U L Y 2017




    Is a Conservative

    synagogue offering an egalitarian setting with strong rabbinical support,

    and opportunities for spiritual growth and new friendships.

    Inside this Issue:

    Cover 1 Donations 9

    Board of Directors 2 We Can Do Better 10

    Rabbi’s Message 3 Yahrzeits 11—12

    President’s Message 4-5 Yahrzeits List 13

    Treasurer’s Message / lamps Needed,

    Special leadership help 6 Rabbi Schedule 14

    New Board Leadership 7

    June & July Calendar 15—16

    June Announcements 8 Advertising Sponsors 17—19

  • 2

    President Caroline Schwartz

    V-Pres. Of Administration & Bulletin Editor Larry Klepner*

    V-Pres. Of Religious Affairs Steven Schwartz*

    V-Pres. For School and Education Affairs Barbara White

    V-Pres. For House and Building Herbert Konowitz*

    V-Pres. For Fundraising Open

    Treasurer Stuart Handler*

    Recording Secretary Judi Applegate-Zager

    Corresponding Secretary Rita Klepner

    Sisterhood President or Delegate Linda Roberts

    Men’s Club President or Delegate Open


    Cheri Bragg Senior Activities/Chessed

    Geri Gitlin Membership

    Open Youth Activities

    Jerome Abrams Daniel Marelli*

    Barry Brill Frank Zaback*

    Burt Brenman Cindy Konowitz*

    John Levine

    *Past Presidents




    EDITOR’S NOTE: If you want to contact an individual member on this list by email with any ideas, comments, or questions, requests for current board or congregation meeting minutes, please send your message to [email protected]. Our secretary will forward it to the appropriate person.

    Synagogue Office Hours: 10am-2pm, Tuesday-Friday Phone: (302) 734-5578

    Email: [email protected] Website:

    Address: Congregation Beth Sholom, 340 North Queen Street, Dover, DE 19904

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    Rabbi Peggy Berman de Prophetis

    It takes a village--no, it takes a congregational family to raise a bat mitzvah. For our most recent bat mitz-vah, Sabrina Marelli, the synagogue is a comfortable Jewish space. We all contributed to her bat mitzvah preparations, either by assisting in her training and/or cheering her on, not just on this Shabbat but on the many Shabbatot when she practiced in front of us. Her successful bat mitzvah did not just happen out of the blue on this one particular Shabbat. I have observed in my travels that where the Jewish population is small, and the Jewish community is rela-tively isolated, people make more of an effort to be with other Jews. They are invested in keeping the syna-gogue alive as a center for all Jews in the area, whether they are religiously observant Jews, secular Jews, social Jews, or some time Jews, but Jews nevertheless. The synagogue should feel like a Jewish home to all of us. How well do we do in Dover? Is the synagogue your Jewish home? A home is not a house. We have a house, our building. What makes it a home is the people who come to it. We depend on all of you. We want you to come to learn and pray, to observe holidays and simchot together, to socialize and to maintain and beautify our synagogue home just as you would your personal home. Our synagogue home exists for the benefit of all our Jewish community. It is there for us whenever we need it. But it is up to all of us to maintain it. Empty houses are easily destroyed. Synagogue dues are like a school tax. All citizens should pay. They are a tax for the public good, not just for us personally. For example, people who pay school taxes support a community and civic good whether they have had children in the schools, will have children in the schools, or may never have children in the schools. We all benefit from educated and civilized children who will become productive adults. Synagogue dues are your contribution to the general Jewish good in the Dover area whether you personally take ad-vantage of religious services or come to social events or need a wedding or a funeral. We all benefit from a healthy Jewish community. Under the leadership of our president we are redecorating our home (figuratively, not literally). We are try-ing to make it more inviting. Help us, pitch in; come in the door. Come see the newly refurbished small sanctuary and the new sanctuary chairs in the larger one, if you haven’t already. When you shop, bring some extra paper towels, an Entenmann’s cake (it’s kosher) or grape juice (but only Kedem brand, available in Wilmington’s ShopRite). In fact, with this nice weather, take some friends for an outing and visit the Seven Mile Market in Pikesville, MD. Even if you don’t keep kosher, it’s an adventure; call it a trip to a kosher museum. Pick up some fun stuff for yourself and maybe a bonus purchase on non-perishables for the synagogue. Come, leave an easy-read paperback book or two for the book exchange outside Evelyn’s door and take one yourself. Have a chat with Evelyn. Pick up a copy of the Jewish Voice. Better yet, bring a friend with you. If the rabbi’s there, drop in and say “Hi.” Make your synagogue a familiar space, your oth-er Jewish home.

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    Caroline Schwartz, President

    While “R and R” means Rest and Relaxation to most, “R and R” at Congregation Beth Shol-om means Reflect and Respond . Early in June we elect or re-elect people to the Board. We finish Religious School and celebrate the children’s accomplishments. We wind down on winter-spring activity and look towards summer schedules, vacations, children going to camp or Bubba’s, and generally having a more relaxed weekly attitude and schedule.

    However, the new Board won’t get to engage in ‘Rest and Relaxation’ for too long! For the upcoming Jewish New Year is upon us and demands a lot of planning and scheduling to lay out paths and programming activities to engage and deliver to the membership. In July we’ll plan retreats and committee meetings, align plans for the High Holy Days with the Rabbi, and work on calendars for religious school, services, onegs, choir, and programs. The Amen Choir will begin to practice again for the chanting at HH services and a myriad of other plans will be worked out.

    What can you do to engage yourself in some of this? Well, what are you interested in attend-ing? Are you needing guidance for soul searching, meaningful prayer services, better under-standing of Jewish history, philosophy, or Biblical texts? Do you enjoy music? Or are you just interested in meeting other Jewish persons, not particularly religious but more social? We have it all at Beth Sholom. Sometimes you overlook the bulletin and hesitate to follow the calendar of activities. You will be missing out on a lot of Jewish living experiences if you choose to stay home or away.

    Do you ever get the feeling that you are losing your Jewishness? Well, come to a program or activity at Beth Sholom, not just the High Holy Day services, but some other activity to feel Jewish again. We pride ourselves at Beth Sholom on our ability to govern and conduct our activities collaboratively with our Rabbi to suit our membership community. Even though we adhere to Conservative halachic rules, we nevertheless are able to create and celebrate coming together to enjoy and rekindle our Jewishness through a variety of experiences. There are no strings attached other than showing up. Hopefully you will come often, and consider accepting a membership position. We may need you more than you need us. If not you, then who? We is defined by all of us, not just a few people putting in hours of service to the synagogue. But all of us maintaining our Jewish home led by our Rabbi with activities to bring Jews together.

    Beth Sholom is still here and accepting new members all the time. We welcome you to come for Shabbat and more. Think about what the impact would be of not having a central Dela-ware Jewish home.

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    Caroline Schwartz, President

    On another subject, and “food for thought”: Recently I have been digesting the articles about studies on world religious distributions and projections for religious population growth. Some of the areas studied include questions on degrees of reli-gious observance vs. spiritual feelings. In the Religious Landscape Study, the participants were asked about the frequency of their feelings and sense of spiritual peace, their feelings and wondering about the universe, and whether they ever have feelings or a sense of grati-tude or thankfulness. Do they ever wonder about the meaning and purpose of life, as well as to what level do they believe in G-d, or in what form do they view G-d? These are very interesting questions and summaries of conclusions drawn from the collected data of the studies. It provides ‘food for thought’ for us and you and so I hope you will also

    view this website and the study summaries. They might help you to formulate your own thinking. Another question was who or where do you derive your ideas and beliefs of right and wrong? It isn’t heavy reading, but extremely thought provok-ing. If you would be interested in attending a forum of our own on such topics please let me know. There are many books in our library related to these ques-tions. They aren’t necessarily religious, but more philosophical. They may not contain right or wrong answers, but it is interesting to know how other people think and feel. Why not share our ideas?

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    Stuart Handler, Treasurer

    Please continue to send your dues and commitments in as you agreed.

    If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Stu Handler




    Our latest project in the Shul has been reorganizing and decorating Rabbi

    Peggy’s office. We are helping her manage the accumulation of ‘stuff’ that

    found its way into the room during the renovation of the small sanctuary! We

    are in need of lamps: a nice table lamp, a desk lamp, and a floor lamp, all suit-

    able for a professional office. Please call Evelyn in the office to let us know

    you would donate one. If she does not use yours, then we will make sure it

    finds good home with Habitat for Humanity in Dover.

    Caroline Schwartz

    Friday evening services will continue thoughout July at 7:00 pm. Special leadership will be posted as arranged. Please contact Steve Schwartz if you are interested in helping service leadership.

    Please mark you calendars for July 31, 7:00 pm for services commemorating Tisha B’Av, the date of the destruction of both Holy Temples in Jerusalem.

    Caroline Schwartz

  • 7

    Summer is coming, so is the new Board Leadership!

    After June 16, the new Board will be meeting with the outgoing Board to pass the torch and brainstorm ideas for the future of Congregation Beth Sholom. If you have ideas, or wish to join a committee in a specific area of what we do then please contact Evelyn in the office to pass your infor-mation to the newly elected leadership. We will be looking for members to take on small tasks and help in the small ways with programming, ser-vices, onegs, and other activity that relies on many hands to make light work.

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    J u n e

    A N N O U N C E M E N T S

    Happenings Month of June 2016 Calendar

    June 3 Friday Evening Services 7:00 pm - Special Guest Leaders June 4 Jewish History Class 10:00 am June 5 Last Choir Practice 5:15 p June 5 Board Meeting 6:15 pm June 5 Congregational Mtg. 6:30 pm June 10 Friday Evening Services 7:00 pm Choir Finale Religious School Awards June 17 Friday Evening Services 7:00 pm June 24 Friday Evening Services 7:00 pm July 31 Tisha B’ Av Service 7:00 pm

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    When making monetary donations did you know you can earmark your donation for a special purpose? You will be acknowledged in the bulletin as well as have a notice sent to the honoree that your donation was made. The fol-lowing are suggested categories for receipt of your generous donation: General Fund, Fund for the Future, Memoriam Fund, Library Fund, Choir Fund, or Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. Contributions for the issuing of Golden Book Cards should be now made to Congregation Beth Sholom and designated as ‘Golden Book’ donations. We will be renaming and revitalizing this fund as it was originally designed. A ‘Golden Book’ will be kept updated and placed in the foyer and cards will be sent to the honoree. .

    If you have any questions regarding ways and funds to which to donate, please contact me through the office.

    Caroline Schwartz, President

    Rita Golden in Memory of Olivia Handler

    Madelyn Wright Golden Book in Memory of Sabrina Marelli’s Bat Mitzvah

    Sue & Joey Cohen in Memory of Rayzella Spector

    Steve & Caroline Schwartz in memory of Rayzella Spector

    Mr. Daniel & Mrs Jessica Marelli in memory of Sabrina Marelli’s Bat Mitzvah

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    J U N E


    SIVAN 7 Max Marcua June 1 9 Lillian Isaacson June 3 12 Sylvia Hirschbein June 6 12 Barbara Ellen Slavin June 6 13 Janice Yocheved Cohen Santos June 7 14 Milton Newman June 8 15 Edith Nevias Brown June 9 15 Lena Gertrude Barros June 9 15 Frederick Rosenfeld June 9 15 Aida Kline June 9 18 Bettie Rosenhaus June 12 18 George E. Scott June 12 18 Debbie Goldman June 12 19 Hannah Ettenger June 13 19 Helen Alterowitz June 13 21 Herman Kratenstein June 15 22 Selma Dubyn June 16 23 Vida Brenman June 17 24 Abe Chodos June 18 25 Benjamin Morris Klassman June 19 25 Lena Perlmutter Levitt June 19 26 Mary Levitt June 20 27 Mitchell Schwartz June 21 27 Rose C. Karpel June 21 29 Michael Gorrin June 23 30 Charles Gilbert Jacobs June 24

    TAMMUZ 1 Edna Swartzman June 25

    1 Ben Dubyn June 25 3 Harry Gordon June 27 4 Reba Handler June 28 4 Rachel Kram June 28 4 David Kravitz June 28 4 Bernard Lundy June 28 5 Abraham Solomon June 29 5 Dorothy Petersdorf Gorkin June 29 5 Ivan Howard Soskin June 29 5 Shirley Meyers June 29 6 Frank Paul Colton June 30

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    J U L Y



    7 Morris Isaac Gross July 1 8 Anna L. Schiff July 2 8 Louis Gross July 2 10 Ernish Hirschbein July 4 11 J. Julian Hirschbein July 5 13 Bess Klein July 7 14 Ralph Barros July 8 15 Pincus Morris Perelmuter July 9 16 David Spector July 10 16 Francis Jacobs July 10 18 Herbert Abraham July 12 19 Sarah Gelof July 13 20 Mary Weinstein July 14 22 Jerome Zaback July 16 22 Gussie Golden July 16 24 Madeline Finkelstein July 18 24 Joyce Infield July 18 25 Harry Swartzman July 19 25 Samuel Solomon July 19 25 Lilyan Leah Belock July 19 25 Ida Beth Borish July 19 25 Ann Freedman July 19 27 Bernice Samuel Singer July 21 28 John Marcus July 22

    AV 1 Max Melvin Cooper July 24 1 Sarah Gross July 24 2 Bessie H. Berman July 25 4 Sylvia Weinstein July 27 6 Lena Levitt July 29

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    Yahrzeit Listings

    In the coming months and with your help, we wish to update and confirm that the monthly Yahzeit listings are accu-

    rate. Over the past many years, this history has suffered neglect so what we have today may not reflect the proper

    dates of remembrance, and most certainly we no longer have your contact information to send you a reminder.


    If each month you would read the published Yahzeit lists that should match your dates of loved ones’ passing, and if

    you note an omission or incorrect information, please complete the form and send it to Steven Schwartz, Vice Presi-

    dent for Religious Affairs, 340 N. Queen Street, Dover DE 19904. Please do not email or telephone. For the price of

    a stamp, we will have a written record of your information,


    It is our hope to update our internal membership records and be truly current in providing you with a reminder of

    your loved one’s yahrzeit. You may wish to attend services to recite Kaddish. If not you, then who? It is a mitzvah.

    It is our hope to update our internal membership records and be truly current in

    providing you with a reminder of your loved one’s yahzeit. You may wish to at-

    tend services to recite Kaddish. If not you, then who? It is a mitzvah.

    Your name: ______________________________________________

    Your address: ______________________________________________

    Tel. Number if we need to contact you: ___________________________________

    Departed Family Member English Name: ______________________________________

    Hebrew Name_________________________________________________

    English date of death:


    Hebrew Date of death: (if you don’t know, we can convert it to Hebrew calendar)


    Please list more information on the back of this form.

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    HHDS, 10 shabbatot, 2 holidays ( Simchat Torah and Purim), 2 other activities

    1. WELCOME BACK Rabbi Peggy August 18-20

    2. September 15-17 ( September 16 Selichot)

    HHDs– September 20-22 Rosh Hashanah

    September 29-30 Yom Kippur

    October 12-13 Simchat Torah

    3. October 14-15 Bereishit

    4. November 10-12 Chayei Sarah

    5. December 1-3 Vayishlach

    ( December 12 Chanukah begins)



    ( January 31 Tu B’Shevat Seder 4:30 pm) Thursday program TBD

    7. March 2-4 Ki Tissa

    ( March 30 Enev Pesach

    8. April 27-29 Acharei Mot

    9. May 11-13 Behar Behukotai

    (May 19-29 Shavuot)

    10. June 1-3 Beha’alotecha

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    2017 / 5776


    1 7 SIVAN 2 8 SIVAN

    Friday evening services

    7:00 pm

    Religious School Partici-pation and awards

    3 9 SIVAN

    4 10 SIVAN

    Burt Brenman’s

    Jewish History Class

    10:00 am

    5 11 SIVAN

    Religious School

    4:30 pm

    Choir Practice

    5:15 pm

    Congregation meet-ing

    6:30 pm

    Board Meeting following congrega-tion meeting

    6 12 SIVAN

    7 13 SIVAN

    8 14 SIVAN

    9 15 SIVAN

    Choir Assisted service, with Rabbi Peggy

    10 16 SIVAN

    Table Torah Ser-vices 9:45 am with Rabbi Peggy Kiddush lunch followed by Rabbi’s class

    11 17 SIVAN

    Morning Minyan 9:30 am Rabbi’s Class 10:30 am

    12 18 SIVAN

    13 19 SIVAN

    14 20 SIVAN

    15 21 SIVAN

    16 22 SIVAN

    Friday service– Installation Shabbat, Cantor Mason leader

    17 23 SIVAN

    18 24 SIVAN

    19 25 SIVAN

    20 26 SIVAN

    21 27 SIVAN

    22 28 SIVAN

    23 29 SIVAN

    Friday evening services conducted by Steve Schwartz

    24 30 SIVAN

    25 1 TAMMUZ

    26 2 TAMMUZ

    27 3 TAMMUZ

    28 4 TAMMUZ

    29 5 TAMMUZ

    30 6 TAMMUZ

    Friday evening services conducted by Steve Schwartz

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    2016 / 5776


    1 7 TAMMUZ

    2 8 TAMMUZ

    3 9 TAMMUZ

    4 10 TAMMUZ

    5 11 TAMMUZ

    6 12 TUMMUZ

    7 13 TUMMUZ Friday Services 7:00 pm

    8 14 TUMMUZ

    9 15 TUMMUZ

    10 16 TUMMUZ

    11 17 TUMMUZ

    12 18 TUMMUZ

    13 19TUMMUZ

    14 20 TUMMUZ Friday Services 7:00 pm

    15 21 TUMMUZ

    16 22 TUMMUZ

    17 23 TUMMUZ

    18 24 TUMMUZ

    19 25 TUMMUZ

    20 26 TUMMUZ

    21 27 TUMMUZ Friday Services 7:00 pm

    22 28TUMMUZ

    23 29 Tammuz

    24 1 AV

    25 2 AV

    26 3 AV

    27 4 AV

    28 5 AV Friday Services 7:00 pm

    29 6 AV

    30 7 AV

    31 8 AV Services Commemorating Tisha B’ Av 7:00 pm

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    Please support our Business Sponsors


    Michelle Zimore

    413-588-4996 ZPaperstudio

  • 17


    Please support our Business Sponsors

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    Please support our Business Sponsors


    Appliance Sales

    3516 Crossing Avenue, Units 3-5 Lewes, DE 19958

    ( Behind the Lewes Walgreens)

    Sales 302-645-8930 Fax 302-645-8932

    [email protected]

    Service - Parts Trevor and Amy Vest Owners