domain services for windows: best practices for windows interoperability

Domain Services for Windows: Best Practices for Windows Interoperability Nicel KM Engineering Manager [email protected] David Shepherd Senior Technical Specialist [email protected]

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Attend this session to learn how Domain Services for Windows can help you enhance Windows interoperability. Find out how to design trees and forests for Domain Services for Windows, how to integrate it into existing Novell eDirectory trees, how to leverage deployment methods that support application access and much more. We'll also discuss how you can deploy Domain Services for Windows with Citrix, VMware and NetApp.


Page 1: Domain Services for Windows: Best Practices for Windows Interoperability

Domain Services for Windows:Best Practices for Windows Interoperability

Nicel KMEngineering [email protected]

David ShepherdSenior Technical [email protected]

Page 2: Domain Services for Windows: Best Practices for Windows Interoperability

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• What is Domain Services for Windows (DSfW)?

• Features in DSfW

• Prerequisites for Successful Deployment

• Deployment Options

• Demonstration

• DSfW in OES2 SP2 and beyond

• Third Party Applications Support


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What is Domain Services for Windows?

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What is Domain Services for Windows?• Domain Services for Windows (DSfW) is a suite of


• Provides AD style authentication to users, applications

• eDirectory™ users can access AD resources and applications with a cross forest trust in place

• Seamless (need to depict that it doesnt change becos of dsfw) access to OES services like file and print services present on NSS or POSIX file systems

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DSfW: What Does It Achieve?

eDirectory™ Tree ActiveDirectory




DSfW Cross Forest TrustResource Access



AD Style AuthenticationApplications

MMCAdd/Modify User


Clientless Access

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Features in DSfW

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Features in DSfW

• AD protocol support

• Domain Emulation/Samba support

• Manageability – MMC/iManager

• Authentication

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Features in DSfW (cont.)

• need more information here.

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Prerequisites forSuccessful Deployment

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Understand What You Are Trying To Achieve• What is DSfW going to be used for?

– Application support. Check that the Windows based application is going to work with DSfW. Do you need a Trust to a real AD Domain for this to work correctly? What is the support position on the proposed solution?

– Windows 2003 and 2008 are not yet supported as member servers but do seem to work

• DSfW into an existing Tree– eDirectory™ versions need to be up to date. At least one existing

eDirectory 8.8 Server should be in the tree with the rest at 8.73.10 or later. Put at least one OES2 Linux Server in place to begin with with any NetWare® 6.5 Servers on SP8

– Time synchronization is key. Kerboros is also time sensitive

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• Current eDirectory™ Structure

– Examine your existing eDirectory structure. Flat eDirectory designs with many Organization objects at the Tree Root may be problematic to implement DSfW

– The first DSfW servers DNS Suffix needs to match the AD Domain Name and suffix. For example if your AD domain name is dc=novell,dc=com then the DNS Suffix needs to be

– Schema checks. Check your schema in accordance with Novell® tid 7003431. May require a dial in to fix

– Partitioning and replication. Check the general tree health and how the existing partitions map to DSfW

Understand What You Are Trying To Achieve

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Deployment Options

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New DomainNon-Name Mapped Configuration• Characteristics:

– eDirectory™ tree is new– eDirectory Tree Administrator is newly created and the DN is

fixed. The AD Forest Name is created at the Tree Root as a hierarchy of DC objects. User administrator is created in cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=novell,dc=com. The dc objects are actual eDirectory objects

server 1 server 2 server 3 server 4 server 5


dc=example, dc=com


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New DomainNon-Name Mapped Configuration• Why would this be used?

– Single Server Tree can only be configured in a Non-Name Mapped configuration

– New Tree just for DSfW. No other application considerations

– The eDirectory Tree Administrator is also the DSfW Administrator. No eDirectory user called admin is created

– A domain is automatically mapped to the eDirectory container. e.g. domain is mapped to container dc=novell,dc=com

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Into Existing eDirectory™ Trees(Name Mapping Mode)

• Characteristics

– A existing eDirectory Tree's partitioned container is used to map the DSfW domain (Name Mapping Mode)

– The eDirectory Tree Administrator is different from the First Domain Administrator

– The domain mapping to eDirectory Tree is managed by the eDirectory Tree Administrator

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Into Existing eDirectory™ Trees(Name Mapping Mode)

• Why would this be used ?

– To add DSfW to an existing eDirectory environment

– To allow the use of Novell Workstations without the Novell® Client

– To allow access through an AD style trust for Microsoft Applications to Novell Users and Data

– To preserve use of existing Novell based applications such as GroupWise® and the Novell Client

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Demonstration of Deployment

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Deployment of DSfW Into An Existing eDirectory™ Tree• Existing NW6.5 SP8 Tree – Novell-Tree

• OES2 SP2 Server has already been part configured and joined to the tree

• The DSfW Provisioning wizard still needs to run

• Once deployed examine how access can be given to Microsoft Clients to data volumes hosted on the NetWare® Server

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DSfW in OES2 SP2 and Beyond

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DSfW in OES2 SP2

• New Provisioning Wizard

• Sysvol replication

• Password Policies

• Upgrade

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DSfW Provisioning Wizard

• Allows autoYaST to configure a basic OES2 SP2 system. A Java-based wizard is then used

• Gives more control and management over the DSfW install process then OES2 SP1

• Gives the opportunity for remedial action if an installation stage fails. Each stage can be executed multiple times until successful

• Is only run when the base OS is installed and operational

• Can be scripted if required

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DSfW Provisioning Wizard

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SysVol Replication

• Allows for the replication of sysvol between Domain Controllers in OES2 SP2

• Uses rsync to execute the synchronization

• Similar functionality to native Windows 2003 Domain Controller

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Password Policies

• Needs adding

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• Allows the in place upgrade of an existing DSfW Domain Controller

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DSfW in OES2 SP3

• Removing Partition Boundary Limitation

• DNS configuration on ADC

• Deployment limiters

– Not moving master replica

– Disconnected children

– Domain name != container name

• Windows 2008 member server support

• Application?

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Third Party Application Support

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• Supported configuration for Citrix XENDesktop and DSfW:

– XenDesktop 3 and 4 are supported when used in an environment with Novell® Domain Services for Windows (DSfW) in Open Enterprise Server 2 Support Pack 1 and higher as follows:

– The XenDesktop farm must be configured to use registry-based controller discovery, as documented in KB article CTX118976 - How to Configure XenDesktop to Function Properly Without an Organizational Unit in Active Directory, and all Desktop Delivery Controllers and virtual desktops must be a member of the same “Domain Services for Windows” domain. There is no requirement for Novell client software to be installed either on the Desktop Delivery Controllers or the virtual desktops

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