do you make this 4 email marketing mistakes

Do You Make This 4 Email Marketing Mistakes? Paul Adedoyin

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Do You Make This 4 Email Marketing Mistakes?

Paul Adedoyin

Page 2: Do you make this 4 email marketing mistakes

Ever wonder how it is that your competitors seem to just know the right way to

successfully engage their prospects and paying customers through email

marketing? Read on, and you will discover how to use and apply the same secret

weapons of email marketing that top guys in your industry are using right now to

successfully engage their prospects and paying customers.

This amazing post reveals some mistakes you make in your email marketing plus it

reveals time-tested and proven strategies that you can use right now.

But first,

4 refreshing reasons…

Why email marketing is important?

Email marketing offers …

1. Speed; speed in terms of …

connection/engagement with your prospects,

offering a quick survey of what your prospects want so that you can

improve your products and or services

offering quick discounts to them

2. Profits; with this speed of connection, comes speedy profits. For instance,

you offer quick promo exclusively to your list and if only 5% of your

subscribers take up your offer, you would have been able to make quick

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profits. Note that the time it takes you to send this mail is less than 5

minutes. However, this can only happen if you have had the right

engagement with your subscribers.

3. Longevity; for as long as your subscribers do not unsubscribe or die, you

will always have them to market to and more importantly be able to give

them what they want at any given time.

4. Relationship Building; last but not the least you can eventually become

partners with some of your subscribers in offering a product or service to

the market. Thus, helping a soul achieve what might have been a distant


Now that you know the importance of email marketing, here are 4 reasons why

your email marketing suck?

1. Your Subject Line

Gone are the days when you can get away with using “your corporate name +

newsletter” as the subject line. The reason why it worked so well back then was

that lots of folks do *not* receive as many emails as they receive today. Thus,

your email does not need to stand out before it gets opened. Today, however, if

you use “your corporate name + newsletter” as your subject line in this day and

age, you would be lucky if your message is not tucked to into the spam folder.

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To ensure that your subject line stands out and your email gets opened, the

following ideas have been proven to work. In your subject line,

Use curiosity

Use Story; a great example of using story in your subject line is by

using current celebrity events plus current affairs.

2. No Personality

Apart from getting your mails opened, you have to put some personality in your

message. In essence, do not be boring in your newsletter. Simply put, you have to

e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n in your emails. Think of your email newsletter as a movie and in a

movie, there are plots and sub-plots. Ensure that your newsletter follow this same


Apart from entertaining in your newsletter, you might go out of your way and

court controversy in the message you deliver – go against the usual norm.

Lastly, while you might use the above 2 methods in your emails the key is to

remain yourself. That is, be simple in the way you deliver your message. Let your

message be as clear as possible – simplicity is the keyword.

3. No CTA

A mail with a lack of call to action [CTA] will not allow you to effectively gauge the

response from your subscribers regarding the message you deliver. In other

words, there will be no engagement. Call to actions can range from asking

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questions – no matter how simple, completing a quick survey, commenting on

your blog posts to trying out your new product and or service then offering their

feedback to enable you deliver a prospect oriented service and or product.

Why not start today by putting a CTA in your email newsletter.

4. Design

A lot of corporate email newsletters are filled with company logos and all. While

this is commendable, it is not important. The reason being that your newsletter is

like a letter to your personal friend, think of your subscribers as your personal

friends and relate with them as such both with the message and design not with

logos etc. plus, once your call to action is solid, your brand will surely will be

entrenched in their memory which was the reasoning behind branded newsletters


Now you know the solutions to your email marketing woes. Will you put them to

use? Only your corporation can answer that.

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Paul Adedoyin is a freelance copywriter and email marketer for hire who help

small and medium sized businesses bond with their audience using power of the

written word to increase their profits. Connect with him on google+ here.

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