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How To Be More Interesting Overnight


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FALL 2015 VOL. 1 ISS. 1





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02One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.

Do It Before You Die: Hike to Havasu Falls

Volume. 1 Issue. 1 How to be More Intersting


Being interesting is about introducing people to new things. If you want to be more interesting, be the real deal and live a fun life. Be fun and charismatic. Learn to present what you have to say in an engaging manner. Doing so will help you develop an instinct for the things people want to hear about and leave them wanting to know more.

You can hardly be interesting if you have the same things to say as everyone else. It comes from adding that unique perspective that only you can offer.This is easily done by turning everything into an adventure (a fun one). Whether you’re going to do it, you are This is easily done by turning everything into an adventure (a fun one). Whether you’re going to do it, you are doing it, or are about to do it. The upcoming pages have a few skills that can make you a more interesting person.


05 09 11

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1 Hour Sleep delivers 10 hours of complete clarity, focus, and energy.When sleep is the last thing on your mind.

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•NO SIDE EFFECTS -NO shakines -NO sweaty hands -NO nervousness


Page 5: Do More - Fall 2015

They say we're dreamers but we’re the ones who never sleep.

Becoming cool is an art. It's an art that one must cultivate to make individual. No one wants to be a carbon copy of cool that belongs to someone else. Be you. Find your cool.

So what makes you cool? For starts, be seen. It's a plus to be seen at all the best So what makes you cool? For starts, be seen. It's a plus to be seen at all the best places you can. After work, you hit up a trendy bar for drinks and socializing, to the best restaurant in town- again socialize- let your cool seep into the city around you. After dinner, what's next? Obviously the hottest nightclub or lounge. This is your door to cool. All you have to do is walk through it.

So you're wondering- how will I find the energy to do this? How can I make this So you're wondering- how will I find the energy to do this? How can I make this happen for me? How can I find the time to discover my cool? Well it's your lucky day! The answer to this question is simple- 1 Hour Sleep.There is a way to have a thriving business life and an even more exciting personal There is a way to have a thriving business life and an even more exciting personal life, but you have to find the energy. It's this energy that determines how cool someone can actually be. Now tell me who lives the cooler life- the person who's in bed by 9 or the person who struts through their front door after watching the sun rise?

Discover 1 Hour Sleep and find your cool.




Volume. 1 Issue. 1 How to be More Intersting


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Volume. 1 Issue. 1 How to be More Intersting


How To Be Entertaining…While You’re Entertaining

If you are one of those untold If you are one of those untold thousands of people who, after a night of dancing and partying to music, suddenly think, “Eureka!! I want to be a DJ at parties and events!” this article should help.

Ever since 1860, when Parisians Ever since 1860, when Parisians would dance to the first music recording, the wildly popular dubstep melody “Au Clair de Lune,” there have been people who want to make some money by playing music at events. Being a DJ for an event can be quite for an event can be quite entertaining both for you and for the people who love what you’re playing. It’s a lot of fun, gives you that faux “I’m with the band” swagger, and is a great way to spend your evenings while meeting interesting people.interesting people.

Being a popular DJ these days requires more than setting up your parents’ old record player on a card table and playing songs you fish out of a stack of LPs you bought at a garage sale. To be a competitive event DJ, you have to be high tech. This doesn’t mean be high tech. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on equipment. But being dedicated



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Volume. 1 Issue. 1 How to be More Intersting

• Start simply. You will need the bare necessities. Also, to start, you don’t need top-of-the-line equipment. You will need a couple of turntables or CD players. You need two because you don’t want to have any “dead air” as you fumble to put on another song. Headphones allow you to hear what is actually going out of the speakers. Of course you’ll need speakers. And you will need a mixer with at least two output channels. This allows you to “blend” the end of one tune to the beginning of the next. As far as the digital equipment versus analog to the beginning of the next. As far as the digital equipment versus analog equipment debate goes, going digital means you won’t have to carry hundreds of records around with you.

• Love what you do. Most of the gigs you get will be in the evening, stretching out into the night. If you have a day job, you’ll have to come home, change clothes, load your equipment, get to the venue, and be prepared equipment, get to the venue, and be prepared to entertain people for hours. This idea can’t daunt you. If you love music, dancing, entertaining, and meeting interesting people, being a DJ can be great.

• Some pitfalls to avoid. Hey!! If being a DJ didn’t have a few rough patches, everyone would be doing it. In addition to the dreaded “equipment breakdown” downer, there are a couple other DJ-ing pitfalls to avoid. One of them is if you “take requests.” If you’re going to take pitfalls to avoid. One of them is if you “take requests.” If you’re going to take them, make sure you’ve got the tune. Telling the person you don’t have that song is like pulling out your guitar and asking for requests. The other potential pitfall is a natural result of people is like pulling out your guitar and asking for requests. The other potential pitfall is a natural result of people dancing the night away to your music. When they have too much fun with alcohol or drugs, some people can become belligerent. Don’t take shouts of “You suck!” personally. If the majority of the crowd doesn’t share that opinion, the problem will self-resolve. If everyone is shouting “You Suck!” it might be time to gracefully leave the event. But, if you’re dedicated to what you do, you’ll be good at it, and the pitfalls will become non-existent.

If you love music, love making people happy, love being “in charge” of an event, love ending your day with If you love music, love making people happy, love being “in charge” of an event, love ending your day with fun, and love meeting some great people, becoming a DJ might be the thing for you. Tom Cavnaw

Detailed information on becoming a DJ can be found here:

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5 Worst Tinder Dates Ever (As Witnessed By Bartenders)By Danielle Page

Online dating has made the bar scene a Online dating has made the bar scene a pretty awkward place—especially for your bartender, who has to witness your cringe worthy first date, firsthand. But the first (and presumably last) Tinder dates that these 10 bartenders encountered go above and beyond not recognizing your date immediately, or using a lame excuse to get yourself out of using a lame excuse to get yourself out of there.

Read on for some of the worst Tinder dates ever witnessed by your local bartenders—we hope they at least left a decent tip!

1. The Text Message Peace Out"A guy and his date sat down at the bar after having a little bit of trouble "A guy and his date sat down at the bar after having a little bit of trouble recognizing each other, and three rounds of top-shelf cocktails later, the guy disappeared to use the restroom. It was kind of busy, so it took me a while to realize that he had been gone a long time. I went over to check on his date, and as I got closer I saw that she was crying. When I asked what was wrong, she told me that the guy had TEXTED her saying he wasn't interested. He left her with the entire bill." -Scott, 29-Scott, 29

2. Daddy Issues: Resolved?"The bar I work at is by a college, so the patrons are always pretty young "The bar I work at is by a college, so the patrons are always pretty young and I always have to card. A girl came in who was just barely 21, and was waiting on someone to join her. The guy who came in could have been her father—he had salt and pepper hair and visible wrinkles, I'd say he was in his mid 40s. He comes up to the girl and introduces himself as Dan, and I watched the girls eyes widen with shock. The two ordered drinks even though she was clearly uncomfortable, and when I went back to deliver them I heard him say something to the effect of, 'I know I'm older than I them I heard him say something to the effect of, 'I know I'm older than I said, but there must be some daddy issues that you want to work out...'" -Lindsay, 22

3. An Early Halloween"It was Halloween night right after work, so no one was dressed up at the bar yet. This girl comes in wearing a super slutty nurse costume with the hat and everything. She goes up to one of the men drinking at the bar and says, 'Are you Chen?' The guy says, 'No sorry,' so she walks around until the guy she was supposed to meet shows up -- in a full suit. He was definitely surprised to see her dressed up, and she was definitely surprised to see what this guy looked like in real life...since the man she first thought he might be was much, much older." he might be was much, much older." -Khad, 25

4. You Can Still Tinder When You're Homeless..."We do $3.50 mixed well drinks on Wednesdays, which is when this couple came in. The girl got there first and ordered a drink and paid for it. The guy shows up with what looks like camping gear, sits right next to her and they take a minute or two to realize who each other are. As time goes on I overhear the guy tell his date that he recently lost his job. When she asks about the backpack, he says that since he's been laid off he's been crashing on his buddies couches...but that he spent last night sleeping in the park by the bar. He also admitted that he chose our bar because of the special...but the bar. He also admitted that he chose our bar because of the special...but that he could only afford to pay for himself. I felt so bad for her!'" -Crystal, 27

5. The Tinder Marathon Dater"I once watched this girl bring in three different Tinder dates to the bar in one night. She got there at 5, met a guy who was extremely well dressed, and told him at around 6:30 that her friend was coming to meet her and that he should go. That friend was Tinder date number two (I saw her going through his photos for reference before he arrived). Date number two looked like he just stepped out of the wild wild west. He had a super thick accent, and 'yes ma'amed' her after everything she asked him for another hour and a half. We all thought she was done after that one, and started hour and a half. We all thought she was done after that one, and started cracking jokes with each other that she should've stuck with option number one, but then she ditched date two for date three...who looked like Screech from Saved By The Bell. They made out hardcore for like 30 minutes at the end of the date, and I'm pretty sure she ended up taking him home..." -Carla, 32

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Dating With TinderThe Definitive Guide To Doing Tinder RightBy: Madeleine Holden for

Crafting Your ProfileIf you’re one of the few single people not yet on Tinder who wants to If you’re one of the few single people not yet on Tinder who wants to be, you need to start by creating the best profile possible. First things first: Yes, your pictures matter. Sure, Tinder is largely a looks-based endeavor — at least at first — and can therefore be criticized for being superficial, but that's not really any different to meeting someone at a party or bar. You tend to approach the people you find physically attractive in real life, and then talk to them to see if there's a deeper connection. It's the same story with Tinder, except with the advantage connection. It's the same story with Tinder, except with the advantage of vetting who can approach you.

Lead Photoit's important to paint a flattering (but not misleading) picture of yourself in your profile, and starting with a clear, well-shot, smiling head shot will kick things off well. It's preferable that your leading pic is a solo shot without other people in it — you don't want potential matches to fall in love with your best friend, only to be disappointed when they scroll through your subsequent pictures. Group shots are even worse as a lead, but you can stack the odds in your favor with a pic of you holding an adorable cat or dog — think twice before adding pic of you holding an adorable cat or dog — think twice before adding yet another fish or tiger, though!

Photo DiversityIt pays to take advantage of all six photo spots Tinder allows you, so that you can give as wide as possible an impression of what you look like and get up to for fun. Your pictures are giving away crucial information about you, whether you're squatting in the gym, splayed out on a beach with friends, chugging back beer at the game or gazing adoringly at your beloved puppy. Be honest! There's no point in giving the impression that you're a party animal if you're really a bookish, stay-at-home type: It's not going to be a sustainable front to keep up, stay-at-home type: It's not going to be a sustainable front to keep up, and besides, why would you want to alienate the bookish, stay-at-home girl of your dreams?

BioFinally, it's optional but highly recommended that you include a bio, which can be up to 500 words. It's lazy to have nothing at all, but err on the side of relative brevity: There's an unattractive tendency for some men to use their Tinder bios as an opportunity to gripe about women, including long tirades about the type of women they're not looking for ("swipe left if you take duck face selfies, wear wedges, use emojis or eat kale.") Remember that you control who can match with you, so there's no need to list what you don't want, and it can be pointlessly limiting to no need to list what you don't want, and it can be pointlessly limiting to do the reverse, too — "I love redheaded, freckled cat-lovers with university degrees who can cook" is very specific, and comes across a little entitled.

Volume. 1 Issue. 1 How to be More Intersting

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Let’s just say this kind of training isn’t for everyone. If you haven’t stepped foot in a gym recently, proceed to the next article. However, if you’re up for the chalenge of your life and want to tell a good story at your next happy hour, this is the place for you.

Pick your first marathon for its scenic beauty and Pick your first marathon for its scenic beauty and its size—a medium-to-large event with anywhere from ten thousand to forty thousand runners will probably be better organized and more exciting than a local race. For example, the New York City Marathon has 50,00o participants this Novemeber 2015. That should be fun.

Most important, have a goal: the mental part of Most important, have a goal: the mental part of marathoning is critical, and when you hit the wall in those last six miles, you’ll need to focus on why you wanted to put yourself through this misery. Some people run for charities or in remembrance of a loved one. Maybe you run just to say you’ve done it, but having a higher purpose can help.

Mark the date on your calendar and start training Mark the date on your calendar and start training about 4 weeks out. For the first week, just get comfortable running. Find your best pace and maintain it for at least a half hour. Then, day by day, increase speed and distance. The chart to the right has been proven to work but you have to be your own best coach.

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New York City Marathon finishers in Central Park, 2014


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A SIGNATURECooking for a potential mate? Making a signature dish is easier than you think. Adding simple things to dishes can

instantly increase your kitchen cred and make you way more appealing as a potential lover.

A signature dish should be more than awesome, it should be A signature dish should be more than awesome, it should be interesting, multifaceted, comforting and somehow

sophisticated. Here it is:

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