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  • 8/7/2019 DMPHP Scarce Resources Paper 2011


    REVIEW ARTICLERadiation Injury After a Nuclear Detonation:Medical Consequences and the Needfor Scarce Resources Allocation

    Andrea L. DiCarlo, PhD; Carmen Maher, MA, CDR-USPHS; John L. Hick, MD; Dan Hanfling, MD;

    Nicholas Dainiak, MD; Nelson Chao, MD; Judith L. Bader, MD, CDR-USPHS;C. Norman Coleman, MD; David M. Weinstock, MD


    A 10-kiloton (kT) nuclear detonation within a US city could expose hundreds of thousands of people to ra-

    diation. The Scarce Resources for a Nuclear Detonation Project was undertaken to guide community planning

    and response in the aftermath of a nuclear detonation, when demand will greatly exceed available resources.

    This article reviews the pertinent literature on radiation injuries from human exposures and animal models to

    provide a foundation for the triage and management approaches outlined in this special issue. Whole-body doses

    2 Gy can produce clinically significant acute radiation syndrome (ARS), which classically involves the hema-

    tologic, gastrointestinal, cutaneous, and cardiovascular/central nervous systems. The severity and presentation

    of ARS are affected by several factors, including radiation dose and dose rate, interindividual variability in radia-tion response, type of radiation (eg, gamma alone, gamma plus neutrons), partial-body shielding, and possibly

    age, sex, and certain preexisting medical conditions. The combination of radiation with trauma, burns, or both(ie, combined injury) confers a worse prognosis than the same dose of radiation alone. Supportive care mea-

    sures, including fluid support, antibiotics, and possibly myeloid cytokines (eg, granulocyte colony-stimulating

    factor), can improve the prognosis for some irradiated casualties. Finally, expert guidance and surge capacity for

    casualties with ARS are available from the Radiation Emergency Medical Management Web site and the Radia-

    tion Injury Treatment Network.

    (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2011;5:S32-S44)

    Key Words: nuclear detonation, radiation injury, acute radiation syndrome

    The Scarce Resources for a Nuclear Detonation

    Project, presented in this issue ofDisaster Medi-cine and Public Health Preparedness, was under-

    taken to guide community planning for the first 4 daysafter a nuclear detonation incident. During this pe-riod, the demand forresources will vastlyoutstrip avail-able supplies. The article by Knebel et al1 in this issue

    includes basic descriptions of nuclear detonation sce-narios and a response framework. A nuclear detona-tion differs from other mass casualty incidents in 2 ways:the very high number of affected individuals and the

    release of ionizing radiation. Thus, plans for respond-ingto a nuclear detonation must consider themany con-sequences of radiation (environmental, clinical, and psy-

    chological) across a wide population.

    The present article briefly reviews pertinent aspects ofclinical radiation injury gleaned from reports of humanexposure andresearch in animalmodels. Specifically, we

    describethe features of acute radiation syndrome(ARS),outline data supporting a synergistic effect on mortalityfrom radiation in combination with either traumatic in-jury or cutaneous thermaland/or radiation burns, and dis-cuss evidence for clinical benefit from some facetsof sup-

    portive care, including antibiotics and myeloid cytokines

    (eg, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF]).Toprovide context specific to nuclear detonation re-

    sponse, the article includes model-based projections ofthe number of irradiated casualties, their resource needs,and the anticipated resources available. Subsequent ar-ticles in this issue2-4 address key aspects of radiation in-

    jury management within the context of medical re-sponse to a mass casualty event. Because the ScarceResources for a Nuclear Detonation Project focuses onthe initial response after the detonation, the long-term

    effects of radiation (eg, cancer, teratogenesis, and heri-table genetic effects) are not discussed.

    IRRADIATED CASUALTIES AND RESOURCESAFTER A NUCLEAR DETONATIONComputer modeling in Knebel et al1 includes casualtyestimates across a range of potential nuclear detona-tion scenarios. As illustrated in Figure 1, computer mod-eling of a 10-kT nuclear detonation (identified in the

    National Planning Scenarios5) suggests that the zoneof significant infrastructure damage would extend ap-proximately 2 mi from ground zero, with glass breakageand traffic crashes beyond 2 mi. As such, wider re-


    S32 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness VOL. 5/ SUPPL. 1(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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    example, only 62 pediatric intensive care unit beds are avail-able on an average day in all of New York City. 8

    Fewer than 100 ambulances serve Washington, DC, proper

    (Table 1). Thus, the overwhelming majority of people whopresent for medical carewill arrive without assistance from firstresponders or rescue vehicles. In addition, emergency re-sponderoperations will be limited withinhighly radioactive zones

    dueto radiationand, in some areas,infrastructuredamage.5 Mostseverely injured patients with or without radiation injury wouldnot receive life-sustaining medical care quickly, so many would

    succumb to their injuries. Thus, the effective demand for manyresources such as blood products would be far less than esti-

    mates of need based solely on the expected numbers and ex-tents of injuries (Table 2).

    Resource scarcity after a nuclear detonation will be both loca-tion and time dependent. Figure 2 is an illustration of this con-

    cept. Because resource availability (y-axis) declines after deto-nation, the operative standard of care (defined by the Instituteof Medicine9) transitions from conventional to contingency tocrisis. The 5 curves represent different medical care settings that

    vary by distance from the epicenter. A radiation treatment, tri-age, and transport (commonly known as RTR1) site (outlinedin Knebel et al1) that forms close to the detonation is likely tohave drastic resource scarcities and then disband after evacu-

    ation is complete. Resource scarcity at local medical care siteswill improve with time after the detonation, but they may notreach normal levels for an extended period. Regional hospitals

    will differ in their availability of resources based on locationrelative to the detonation and their role in the community (eg,

    trauma or pediatric center). Finally, hospitals and referral cen-ters distant from the incident may not be affected for severaldays, but they may face shortages or be overwhelmed as casu-alties arrive at their centers or supplies cannot be replenished

    due to intense demand.

    ARSThe effects of radiation are dependent on the overall dose, dose

    rate, radiation quality, and fraction of the body that is irradi-

    ated. Higher doses (Gray units are used, which equal 100 rad),greater dose rates (Gy/h), and irradiation to larger fractions ofthe body produce greater injury. The same radiation exposurescan cause drastically different signs and symptoms across a popu-

    lation.11 Many genetic, demographic, dietary, and other fac-tors can contribute to the manifestations of radiation injury,but most of the interindividual differences are poorly under-stood. Thus, although radiation exposure is used to guide tri-

    age and initial management, the overall management for eachperson will depend on his or her medical course and the avail-ability of resources.3

    TABLE 2Needs and Availability for Blood Products and Skin Grafts After a Nuclear Detonation in Washington, DC


    Use, US

    Supply AboveDaily

    Use, US

    Supply Model forWashington, DC

    Gaps for Washington, DC,10-kT Nuclear Detonation


    Day 1 Day 2 Day 1 Day 2 Overall

    Red blood cells, units 40 000 160 000 1000 64 000 47 000/79 000/105 000 0/17 000//42 000 47 000/96 000/147 000

    Platelets, units 28 5 00 28 5 00 160 12 0 00 38 0 00/78 0 00/106 0 00 26 0 00/69 0 00/96 0 00 64 0 00/3.3 mi lli on/5.7 mill ion

    Skin grafts, cm2 20 000 7.5 million 340 13 000 0/0/0 0/0/4.5 million 0/0/260 million

    Figures for average daily US use and US supply above daily use are provided for context. The figures for supply and for minimum, median, and maximum gaps in this table arebased on research and modeling of a variety of scenarios by the Modeling Division of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Office of the Assistant Sec-retary for Preparedness and Response in association with the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Blood and Tissue Requirements Working Group.

    FIGURE 2Hypothetical representation of resource availability(left y-axis) after a nuclear detonation based onlocation and type of site



    Days after detonation0 4321

    MC 2 miles away

    Distant referral


    MC 100 miles away

    MC 20 miles away



    standardof care






    The operative standard of care (right y-axis) follows the definitions outlined by theInstitute of Medicine.3 Centers close to the site would be immediately impacted andrequire crisis standards of care. RTR1 (Radiation TReatment, TRiage, and TRansport)sites will be established close to the epicenter shortly after the event and may bedisbanded after a few days, as salvageable victims are evacuated. Distance from thedetonation will be the primary determinant of timing and severity of resource shortagesat regional medical centers (MC). Even referral centers in other regions mayexperience abrupt resource shortages due to patient transfers or depletion ofnationwide supplies.

    Radiation Injury After Nuclear Detonation

    S34 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness VOL. 5/ SUPPL. 1(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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    As outlined by Knebel andcolleagues1 andillustratedin Figure1,2 groups of casualties would be exposed to radiation after anuclear detonation. The first group iswithin 1 to2 km ofa 10-kTblast and would receive a high dose of prompt irradiation re-leased in a circumferential pattern at an extremely high dose

    rate. Because of their proximity to the explosion, many of thecasualties exposed to prompt irradiation would also sustain trau-

    matic and/or burn injuries.1,12

    The second group of irradiated casualties would be exposed inthe fallout zone downwind of the detonation, where radioac-tive fallout from the mushroom cloud would contaminate theenvironment.5 The dose rate of fallout radiation is lower than

    that for prompt radiation and decreases rapidly with time.12 Theclinical consequences of fallout radiation at a given dose maybe significantly fewer than for the same dose of prompt irra-diation because of the lower dose rate from radioactive fallout.

    In addition, many of the individuals exposed within the fall-

    out zone would have radiation injury only and lack traumaor burns.

    Mild symptoms may develop after whole-body radiation expo-sures as low as 1 Gy. Casualties exposed to 2 Gy are at riskfor developingclinically significant ARS.ARS represents a con-

    stellation of signs andsymptomsthat occur between several min-utes and several weeks after exposure.10,11,13 ARS primarily in-volves the 4 organ systems with the greatest acute sensitivityto ionizing radiation: hematologic, gastrointestinal, cutane-ous, and cardiovascular/central nervous systems. Figure 3 illus-

    trates the nature and time course of symptoms, which can varybased on radiation dose. The signs and symptoms of radiationexposure mimic those observed after therapeutic whole-bodyirradiation or treatmentwithclastogenic chemotherapy and can

    range from mild nausea at low doses to rapid neurovascular col-lapse at high doses (ie, 10-20 Gy). While specific organ syn-

    FIGURE 3Simplified time courses for hematologic, gastrointestinal (GI) and central nervous system (CNS) symptoms at differentwhole-body dose exposures




    Hours Days Weeks

    8 16 6 624 22 44

    1-2 Gy




    Hours Days Weeks

    8 16 6 624 22 44

    6-7 Gy




    Hours Days Weeks

    8 16 6 624 22 44

    3-4 Gy




    Hours Days Weeks

    8 16 6 624 22 44

    >12 Gy

    Hematologic changes GI symptoms CNS symptoms

    The relative severity of signs and symptoms is on an arbitrary scale. (Modified from Waselenko 10).

    Radiation Injury After Nuclear Detonation

    Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness S35(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved

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    dromes arediscussed, multiorgan effectsmaymediatemanyclini-cal signs and symptoms.14

    ARS classically progresses through 4 clinical phases: pro-drome, latency, manifest illness, and either recovery or death.

    The prodromal period is characterized by nausea, vomiting, fa-tigue, and, at higher doses, autonomic instability and even loss

    of consciousness.15

    The latency period is characterized by par-tial or complete resolution of symptoms. The extent and du-

    ration of latency are inversely proportional to dose. Casualtieswho receive doses 6 Gy may have little or no latency be-cause signs and symptoms of end-organ injury candevelopwithinhours to days after exposure.

    Peripheral blood cytopenias can develop at doses as low as 1 Gy(Figure 3) due to the heightened apoptotic response of both dif-ferentiated and progenitor hematopoietic cells.16 The rapidity of

    onset and severity of peripheral blood cytopenias are propor-tional to dose. Lymphocytes are particularly sensitive to irradia-tion and the kinetics of lymphocyte depletion is a useful param-

    eter for rapidly assessing the extent of radiation exposure. 3

    Importantly, patients experiencing burnsor trauma may develop

    lymphopenia in the absence of radiation exposure.17,18

    White blood cellcounts mayalso follow a predictabletime coursedepending on the extent of exposure (Figure 4). Evidence from

    radiation accident casualties indicates that a transient in-creasein granulocyte count (an abortive rise) preceding a slowdecline for 10 to 15 days may indicate reversible hematologicARS, and thus a higher likelihood of survival (Figure 4). In con-

    trast, irreversible hematologic ARS (ie, myeloablation) fol-lows a different pattern of granulocytekinetics, with a rapidfallbetween 4 and 6 days after exposure.19 In a review of 60 radia-tionaccident casualties withgranulocyte kinetics that werecon-

    sistent with reversible hematologic ARS, all 60 ultimatelyachieved autologous hematopoietic recovery, although in somecases not until 60 to 80 days after exposure.19

    Manyradiation accident casualties receivedheterogeneous dosesfrom partial-body shielding. Similar heterogeneity may be com-mon in casualties exposed to prompt irradiation from a nucleardetonation because theradiationmaybe blocked by buildings andother structures. If small areas of bonemarrow arerelatively spared

    by partial shielding, then hematologic reconstitution may occureven if the vast majority of the marrow receives a dose that is ad-

    equate to confer irreversible injury. Dose heterogeneity may beless prevalent among casualties exposed to fallout because fall-

    out would broadly contaminate the environment.

    Although whole-body doses as low as 2 Gy can cause clinicallysignificant ARS, both the timing of death and the organ system

    most likelyto mediate death differ between lower andhigher doseexposures. Death from hematologic ARS can occur with expo-sures between 2 and 6 Gy as a result of infection and/or bleedingfromneutropenia and thrombocytopenia,respectively. The long

    circulating life span of red blood cells makes anemia less of an is-

    sue in the early period after radiation exposure. Death from he-matologic ARS typically occurs between 2 and 8 weeks after ex-posure.10 At doses5 to 6 Gy, gastrointestinal ARS may causedeath through extensive diarrhea and transmigration of entericorganisms into the bloodstream, typically within 1 to 2 weeks of

    exposure.20 Symptoms of gastrointestinal ARS include nausea,vomiting, and diarrhea; however, nausea and vomiting are non-

    specific symptoms that can occur at lower doses or even in theabsenceof radiation.21 At doses8 to10 Gy, deathresulting from

    cardiovascular/central nervous system ARSmayoccurwithin daysafter exposure;symptomsincludeheadache,confusion, lossof con-sciousness, seizures, and autonomic instability.10

    The LD50/60 (dose at which only 50% of humans will survive atleast 60 days) for adults in the absence of supportive care is ap-proximately 3.5 Gy.10,22 Death at this dose would primarily re-sult from hematologic ARS and would occur 2 to 6 weeks after

    exposure.10,22 Casualties who survive long enough for hemato-logic reconstitution are likelyto fully recover. In contrast, muchhigher doses lead to earlier death and almost no likelihood of

    full recovery. A Nuclear Regulatory Commission study23,24 es-timated that the LD50/714 for humans is 9.6 Gy (95% confi-

    dence interval, 5.7-17.2 Gy). Death from this higher dose oc-curs within 7 to 14 days because of serious gastrointestinal tractand possibly cerebrovascular injury, in addition to potentiallyirreversible hematologic ARS. As outlined below, interven-

    tions for hematologic ARS, including fluid support, antimicro-bials, and transfusions, may increase the LD50/60 to 600 to 700cGy,7 but it remains unclear whether any available interven-tion can reduce early death after higher doses.

    ARS in organ systems other than the hematologic, cutaneous,gastrointestinal, and neurovascular may be underappreciated,especially in casualties exposed to higher doses. In a review of

    radiation accident casualties, 32 of 45 cases with severe ARShad respiratory involvement, 20 had cardiovascular involve-ment (primarily manifested as heart failure), 25 had liver in-volvement, and 32 had urogenital involvement.8 Delayed ef-

    fects of acute radiation exposure, which can involve almost anyorgan system, can develop months to years after exposure.

    SOURCES OF DATA ON RADIATION INJURYDespite more than 6 decades of research, major gaps exist in

    our understanding of how genetic, demographic, geographic,and other factors would affect radiation injuries after a nuclear

    detonation in a modern US city. The available literature onradiation injury derives from 4 sources of observational and ex-

    perimental research, and was largely collected in the 1950s and1960s. None of the 4 sources fully captures the spectrum of in-juries expected after a ground-level nuclear detonation withina modern US city, but each provides some insights.

    Nuclear Bomb DetonationsCohorts of nuclear bomb casualties from the Hiroshima and Na-gasaki detonations have been followed for more than 6 decades.

    Up to 70%of casualties postdetonation hadcombined injury(ie,

    Radiation Injury After Nuclear Detonation

    S36 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness VOL. 5/ SUPPL. 1(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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    radiation plus trauma and/or burns)25-27; however, the detona-tions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both air bursts. Air burstsproduce higher rates of combined radiationand burn injurythanwould be expected after a ground-level detonation, which is thetype of event specified in National Planning Scenario 1.5 In ad-

    dition, both Japanese cities contained primarily wooden struc-tures, so building collapse and secondary fires were more com-

    mon than would be anticipated in a modern US city.5

    As a result,lower rates of combined injury areexpected in current scenarios,

    especially within the fallout zone.1 Most important, little medi-cal care was available in theaftermath of the Hiroshima and Na-gasaki detonations, making it difficult to estimate the potentialbenefits of supportive care interventions.

    Medical and Industrial Radiation AccidentsBetween 1944 and 2003, there were 426 major radiation acci-dents worldwide involving more than 130 000 people.28 Nearly

    90% of the exposures resulted from the Chernobyl accident in1986. Most of the other accidents led to only a few casualties. Asa result, extensive resources and supportive care were available

    to treat those injured by these smaller-scale accidents. Databasesonradiation accident casualties,including1 at theRadiation Emer-

    gency Assistance Center/Training Site)29 have been establishedbut are not open access. The SEARCH database, established bytheUniversityof Ulm,contains details from more than 800whole-bodyradiation exposuresfrom70 accidents.19 Datafrom SEARCH

    was used by the European Medical Treatment Protocols effort toestablish triage and treatment approaches for radiation accidentcasualties,11 as outlined for granulocyte kinetics above.

    There are important shortcomings in the literature of radia-tion accidents that limit its applicability to nuclear detona-tion response planning. First, there were no standardized ap-proaches applied to the casualties. Treatment was essentially

    ad hoc, and each center used different combinations of cyto-kines, antibiotics, and even cellular therapies. Thus, the inter-pretation of outcomes andeven the relations between dose andclinical parameters, are highly confounded. Second, the na-

    ture of radiation injury is likely to differ between radiation ac-cident and nuclear detonation casualties. For example, the frac-tion of radiation from neutrons was significantly higher inindustrial accidents like the Tokaimura accident than wouldbe expected after a nuclear detonation.30 Finally, industrial ra-

    diation accidents affect primarily relativelyyoung healthy men,so the effects of a particular exposure across a range of demo-

    graphic groups cannot be determined.

    Therapeutic RadiationThe thirdsource of information on radiation injury (and theben-efit of targeted radiation countermeasures) is from patients whohavebeentreated with therapeuticradiation. Extrapolation from

    the therapeutic radiation experience to nuclear detonation sce-narios is also problematic. Patients treated with therapeutic ra-diation commonly have underlying illnesses (primarily cancer)that affect their overall health, response to radiation, and recov-

    ery. These patients are frequently receiving other agents, such as

    chemotherapy, that further complicate interpretation of the ef-fects from radiation. In addition, most therapeutic radiation is

    highly focused on a limitedportion of thebody andgiven in mul-tiple fractions to minimize toxicity. Even in the setting of totalbody irradiation for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT), partial shielding of radiosensitive organs, such as thelungs, is common.Finally, therapeutic radiation is provided at ex-

    pert centers as part of a comprehensive approachdesignedtomaxi-mize efficacy while minimizing toxicity. Thus, many patientstreatedwiththerapeutic radiation willalsoreceive supportivecare,myeloid cytokines (eg, G-CSF), and even HSCT.

    Animal ModelsTheuseof humandatatoplanfor nucleardetonationresponseavoidsthe need to extrapolate from results in animal models; however,

    animalmodelsare essential forprospective research, includingtheevaluationofpotentialradiationcountermeasures.31-33 AsoutlinedinTable3,thesensitivityofdifferentmammalianmodelstowhole-bodyirradiation variesconsiderably, with LD50/30 rangingbetween

    240and 1000cGy.Thevariabilityineffectthatradiationexposurehason individuals,the potential forcombined injuries toaffectra-diation outcomes, and interspecies variability make it extremelydifficultforasingleanimalmodeltocapturetheeffectsofradiation

    exposureandpredictmedicalcountermeasureefficacywithadequatefidelity.Thus, a variety of animalspecies have been used. It is im-

    portant to note that depending on the radiation syndrome beinganalyzed, different models and/or strains may be appropriate. Forexample, swine are widely considered to be the most appropriate

    human surrogatesforstudies involvingradiationinjuryto skin.34-36

    Rodent models, particularlymice, havebeenusedextensively formechanisticandproof-of-concept studies andto evaluate newand

    existing radiationmedical countermeasures (MCMs). Rodentmod-els are relatively inexpensive, readily available in a wide selec-tion of genetic backgrounds, and can be studied humanely usingsurvival as an endpoint. A primary shortcoming of all of the ro-

    TABLE 3Comparison of LD50/30 Across Multiple MammalianSpecies Compiled From the Published Literature

    Species LD50/30, cGy Mean survival times, d

    Goat 240 ND

    Swine 250 17Dog 250 15Burro 255 ND

    Guinea pig 450 12

    Monkey 600 14

    Hamster 610 ND

    Mouse 640 10

    Mouse (germ-free) 705 NDRat 714 12

    Rabbit 750 10

    Hamster 856 ND

    Mongolian gerbil 1000 10

    All survival times are approximate. ND=no data available.

    Radiation Injury After Nuclear Detonation

    Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness S37(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved

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    dent models is the challenge of providing supportive care similarto what may be provided to a human patient.

    Asnotedin Table 3,the average LD50/30 formiceexposed towhole-body gamma irradiation is 640 cGy, but it ranges between 540

    and 850 cGy depending on the strain (Figure 4). Other strain-specific differences havebeen noted in radiationresponse. For ex-

    ample,a recentreportinvestigating thedevelopment of radiation-induced, late lungcomplicationsin different strainsof mice found

    that certain strains were more representative of human re-sponsesthan others38; for example, C57BL/6mice exhibitedpleu-ral effusions at 6 to 9 months, which are not normally observedin irradiated humans. Rat models are useful for determining the

    pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of candidate MCMs,but there is less literature available to support their use as an ef-

    ficacy model for radiation syndromes. Nonetheless, rats have along track record as the preferred animal models for studies of ra-dionuclide decorporation.39

    Canines (especially beagles) have been studied extensively as

    animal models of hematologic ARS40 and for radionuclide de-corporation.41 Canines have radiation responses similar to hu-

    mans and respond well to supportive care and antibiotics.15,42

    Other animal models for testing radiation effects and poten-

    tial MCMs have been described in the published literature, in-cluding ovine, avian, bovine, equine, and a wide array of non-human primatespecies,especiallytherhesus macaque. Thelatternow represents the gold standard for most acute radiation and

    MCM studies because of its close evolutionary relation to hu-mans and the similar effects of supportive care (Table 4).31

    TABLE 4LD50 Values (Gy) for Humans and Rhesus Monkeys Exposed to Different Radiation Types, With Different Levels ofSupportive Care


    Pure LD50 x-ray LD50 Mixed and Neutron LD50

    Level of Support Level of Support Level of Support

    None Normal Heroic None Normal Heroic None Normal Heroic

    Human ND 4.743 ND ND ND ND 3.144 4.1,22 4.145 8.946

    Rhesus 4.4,47 6.4* ND ND 4.8,48-51* 6.752 4.9,53 5.354 954 4,55 3.856 2.654 4.454

    Support levels indicated are based on a report by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which defined 3 levels of care: minimal, supportive, and heroic. For the purposes of the studiesdiscussed here, no support represents little (human), or no (rhesus) intervention, and normal support is the administration of fluids, blood products, antibiotics, and, in some cases,parenteral nutrition. Heroicsupport is defined as comprehensive, individualized care,including hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Even with these definitionsin place,subtle differencesin the level of supportive care given to irradiated animals and humans can have substantial effects on morbidity and mortality. LD 50 values are given as LD50/60 for humans and LD50/30 forrhesus monkeys. ND indicates no data available. Free-in-air dose22,43-45; high dose rate (8 Gy/min) total-body -radiation exposure47; moderate dose rate (50 cGy/min) total-body expo-sure*; average LD50/30 forreferenced studies (free-in-air doseat skinsurface)

    48-51; 2 MeV,high-energy x-irradiation (approximates60Co-irradiation)52,53; bonemarrow transplant54; nucleardetonation, high dose rate, and mixed neutron: ratio unreported55; mixed neutron:-radiation from TRIGA reactor (General Atomics Electronic Systems, San Diego, CA).56

    *Data from T. J. MacVittie, personal communication.

    FIGURE 4Leukocyte counts based on exposure dose in patients exposed to radiation in Chernobyl











    Days after exposure

    1280 2 4 6 7 9 10 2014 16 18 22 24 26 36 38343028 32 40 42 44


    onset400 rad

    500 rad>500 rad 200 rad

    100-150 rad

    Note that doses less than 5 Gy are associated with an early abortive rise (transient increase) in leukocytes, which are primarily composed of granulocytes. The onset of neutropenia maynot occur for weeks, especially with lower exposures, and the duration of neutropenia may be prolonged. (Modified from Vorobiev 1997.)

    Radiation Injury After Nuclear Detonation

    S38 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness VOL. 5/ SUPPL. 1(Reprinted) 2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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    ADDITIONAL FACTORS AFFECTING OUTCOMEStudies in animal models have established several radiation-and organism-specific determinants of radiation response.Presumably, these same determinants affect humans exposedto radiation. The factors include the range of doses selected,

    radiation quality, dose rate, and the fraction of the body ex-posed (eg, partial vs total body). Even the time of day of irra-

    diationcan affect outcome.57

    In animal models, sex andage canalternot only theoutcomeafter radiation exposurebut also phar-

    macologic parameters important for an MCM, such as clear-ance, metabolism, and safety profile. Female rodents, in gen-eral, have decreased radiation LD50/30 values as compared withtheir male counterparts.58,59 The age of rodents60,61 and ca-

    nines62 at the time of irradiation significantly influences theirradiation sensitivity, with LD50/30 values for mice ranging nearly4-fold, from 210 to 740 cGy, depending on age at the time ofirradiation. As expected, the health status of the animals within

    a colony can affect radiation response. LD50/30 values are sub-stantially lower for mice exposed to conventional environmen-tal pathogens than for animals maintained in pathogen-free

    environments.63 Even the type of food and water administeredto animals can affect their radiation response.64

    Radiation Combined InjuryBased on multiple animal models and observations in humans,the combination of radiation with either trauma or burns mark-

    edly increases mortality compared with the same dose of radia-tion alone. Outcomes among casualties of the Chernobyl ac-cident with combined injury were universally poor.65 In a studyby Ledney,66 the LD50/30 in mice for radiation alone was ap-

    proximately 963 cGy but dropped to 820 cGy when combinedwith an otherwise nonlethal 15% bodysurfacearea burn.67 LD50/30dropped from 963 cGy to 761 cGy when radiation was com-bined with an otherwise nonlethal puncture wound. A similar

    study of radiation with or without nonlethal wound is out-lined in Figure 5.

    In canines, a 20% body surface area burn would result in mini-

    mal mortality, but mortality increases to 73% if the same burnis combined with only 1 Gy of whole-body irradiation.68 In rats,lethality from a burn increased from 50% when the burn wasadministeredaloneto 65%when combined with 1 Gy and100%when combined with 2.5 Gy.69 Similar findings were reported

    when burn was combined with radiationin pigs70 or guinea pigs.71

    The additional mortality from combined injury likely results, atleast inpart, from infectionbyenteric organisms. Sublethalwound

    or burn injuryincreases thetranslocation of gut bacteria into thebloodstream induced by sublethal irradiation.72,73 Whitnall et al74

    reported thatsublethaldoses of bothradiationandKlebsiellapneu-moniae administered to mice produce 100% mortality because

    of sepsis. In fact, even doses of radiation as low as 0.5 Gy in-crease the mortality from bacterial infection in this model.74

    Wound closure is also delayed by radiation in a dose-dependentmanner,75 increasing the potential for infection from a cutane-

    ous source after either burn or traumatic injury.

    Supportive CareCurrent data suggest that supportive care can be an extremelyeffective radiation countermeasure.42 Supportive care in ani-mal studies may be generally classified as normal support, de-fined as administration of fluids, blood products, antibiotics, and

    in some cases parenteral nutrition, or heroic support, de-fined as comprehensive, individualized care up to and includ-

    ing cytokines and HSCT. In addition, the management of com-bined injuries, both surgical and nonsurgical, is an essential

    component of supportive care.

    A series of studies has demonstrated the efficacy of antibioticsupport and platelet transfusions in dogs exposed to radia-

    tion,76-78 either in randomized trials or when compared with his-torical controls followed without supportive care. Antibioticsalso improve survival in mice after combined injury.37 Even topi-cal antibiotics can improve survival after combined radiation

    and wound injury. Figure 5 demonstrates the efficacy of topi-cal silvadene or gentamicin applied to wounded mice also ex-

    FIGURE 5C3H/H3N female mice were exposed to radiation aloneor radiation in addition to a non-lethal wound(combined injury)













    Radiation dose, Gy

    3 4 5

    Radiation control

    Combined injury

    Combined injury+SilvadeneCombined injury+gentamicin

    The combination increased mortality at all doses, but mortality was reduced byapplying topical gentamicin or silvadene. (Modified from Ledney. 62)

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    posed to varying doses of radiation.37 This suggests a direct ef-fect on survival from infection by cutaneous organisms, evenat low doses, and the potential for simple interventions to im-prove outcome.

    Supportive care in irradiated humans has been estimated to in-creaseLD50/60 valuesfromapproximately3.5to4Gyuptoapproxi-


    (Table4). The LD50/60 after theChernobyl in-cidentwas 8.88Gy, although manycasualtiesreceived relatively

    low dose rates22 and some underwent HSCT.80 Recommendedapproachesfor antibioticand myeloidcytokineuse(forboth pro-phylaxis and treatment) after radiation exposure largely followalgorithms forthetreatmentof chemotherapy-associatedneutro-

    penia.13,14,81 Ofnote,themanagement ofpatientswithsevereARS,combinedinjuries,or both is highlylaborand resource intensive;asinglecasualtyoftheTokaimuraradiationaccidentrequiredabun-dantpersonnelandresourcesforcomprehensiveandintensivecare,

    including approximately 10 L of fluid daily and extensive trans-fusionsupport.82Presumably,resourcescarcitiesafter anucleardeto-nation would greatly reduce the number of casualties who could

    receive this level of support.

    Cytokine TherapyMyeloid cytokinesenhance neutrophil recovery in patients withneutropenia. Three myeloid cytokines areapproved by the Foodand DrugAdministration for the management of chemotherapy-

    associated neutropenia: granulocyte-colony stimulating factor(G-CSF), granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF), and pegylated G-CSF. Note that these agents arenot approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use af-

    ter a nuclear detonation but would likely be used either underan emergencyuseauthorization or off-label, as discussedby Mur-rain-Hill and colleagues.4

    In a meta-analysis of trials that used G-CSF for patients treatedwith chemotherapy for solid tumors or lymphoma,83 G-CSF re-duced infection-related mortality by 45% from an absolute fre-quency of 2.8% to 1.5%. Although this absolute benefit is small,

    in a scarce resources setting, the prevention or shortening offebrile neutropenia would offer the added benefit of reducingthe need for additional medical care, including inpatient hos-pitalization. In the meta-analysis, G-CSF reduced the fre-quency of febrile neutropenia from 39.5% to 22.4%,83 suggest-

    ing a significant potential for benefit.

    Studies in irradiated primates have consistently demonstratedmore rapid neutrophil recovery after irradiation in animals

    treated with myeloid cytokines.10 In rhesus macaques, G-CSFor GM-CSF increased overall survival after irradiation whengiven for 14 to 21 days.84-86 Some reports have suggested thatthe survival benefit is maximized if myeloid cytokines are ini-

    tiated within 24 hours after exposure. Studies to verifythis pos-sibility are planned or in progress.

    G-CSF and GM-CSF have been used in a subset of radiation

    accident casualties. In a series of 28 cases compiled by the Ra-

    diation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site, neutro-phil recovery appeared to have been hastened in 25; however,many of these casualties received both agents and some also re-ceived interleukin-3.10 Myeloid cytokines maybe beneficial evenseveral weeks after exposure. Recently, 2 radiation accident ca-

    sualties were treated with cytokinesbeginning as late as 28 daysafter exposure and both had rapid responses with complete cor-

    rection of neutropenia.81

    Few states have plans for response to a nuclear detonation,28

    but even among states that do, stockpile targets for individualhospitals are in the range of 150 doses of myeloid growth fac-tors and antibiotics,29 compared with the hundreds of thou-

    sands of casualties expected to sustain radiationinjury(Table 1).Thus, it is essential to use thoughtful, effective triage proto-cols for selecting which casualties should receive myeloid cy-tokines from local caches or from rapid deployments from the

    Strategic National Stockpile. Triage guidelines along with rec-ommendations for myeloid cytokine use are included in the ar-ticle by Coleman et al2 in this issue.

    Ideally, casualties who qualify for myeloid cytokines should ini-

    tiate a treatment course within approximately 24 hours afterexposure. Because early administration of the first dose ap-pears to be important, it is essential to develop approaches forrapidly offering these agents to as many significantly irradi-

    ated casualties as possible. A user-managed inventory conceptis being developed (C. N. Coleman, personal communication,2010) that would make additional drugs available locally at anumber of medical facilities by virtue of maintaining a bubble

    in the supply line of dual-use drugs, such as cytokines used incancer therapy. This would result in more first doses availableearly after the detonation so that treatment of irradiated casu-alties could be initiated locally and then be referred to less re-

    source-scarce settings to receive the remaining doses. In so do-ing, a 10-day course for 1 person locally becomes a 1-day coursefor 10 people, who can be evacuated and then receive subse-quent doses in a more resource-rich setting.

    The initial dose-finding studies of G-CSF demonstrated a clearlinear dose-response effect.68-70 Thus, approaches to extend thenumber of recipients by reducing the dose, extending the in-terval between doses, or abbreviating the course of therapy are

    likely to compromise efficacy and should be avoided. Childrenwith ARS will also benefit from myeloid cytokines, so stock-

    piles should include formulations with dosing flexibility.

    HSCTSome casualties of a nuclear detonation will receive suffi-cient doses of radiation to cause irreversible bone marrowdamage. Allogeneic HSCT in this setting has the potential

    to restore hematopoietic function. It remains unclear, how-ever, whether HSCT has the potential to improve survivalin radiation casualties, especially those with traumaticand/or burn injuries. HSCT has demonstrated a survival

    benefit in animal models37 ; however, animals in these

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    studies typically received syngeneic (or highly genetically simi-lar) stem cell transplants, which eliminates or markedly re-duces the likelihood of graft-vs-host disease.

    To date, 31 patients have undergone allogeneic HSCT after ac-cidental whole-body radiation exposure. The preparative regi-

    mens given, if any, varied widely, as did antibiotics and graft-vs-

    host disease prophylaxis.28,87 The median survival aftertransplantationamongthesepatientswas approximately1 month.Only 4 patients survived 1 year after HSCT; all 4 rejected the

    transplant and reconstituted autologous hematopoiesis, suggest-ingthat thetransplant offered littlebenefit. Among the31 HSCTrecipients, graft-vs-host disease contributed to mortalityin morethan 20%. It is unknown whether any of the casualties who suc-

    cumbed to transplant-related complications would have recon-stituted autologous hematopoiesis if thetransplant hadbeen with-held. Thus, there is no evidence that HSCT improves survivalin humans exposed to nontherapeutic radiation.

    GUIDANCE AND SURGE CAPACITYFOR IRRADIATED CASUALTIESThe detonation of a nuclear device within a US city would cre-ate a national need for health care practitioners to manage ca-sualties exposed to radiation; however, only a small fraction of

    practitioners have either training or experience in the field ofradiation injury.

    Radiation Emergency Medical Management Web SiteTo establisha resource forpre- andpostevent information, train-ing and communication, the Department of Health and Hu-

    man Services (DHHS) launchedthe Radiation Emergency Medi-

    cal Management (REMM) Web site inMarch2007.88 Recognizing

    the limitations of available human and animal data as an evi-dence base for guiding medical management, REMM has the

    following goals:

    Provide guidance for health care providers, primarily phy-sicians, about clinical diagnosis and treatment of radiation

    injury during radiological and nuclear emergencies Provide just-in-time, evidence-based, usable information with

    sufficient background and context to make complex issuesunderstandable to those without formal radiation medicine

    expertise Provide Web-based information that is also downloadable

    in advance so that it would be available during an event ifthe Internet is not accessible

    Since its establishment, REMM content has expanded signifi-cantly and REMM versions havebeen launched for various mo-

    bile platforms.89 The primary managers of the site are contentand technology experts at various DHHS agencies, includingthe National Cancer Institute, the National Library of Medi-cine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the

    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Re-sponse, which has its own public health emergency Web site(

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of radiation in-jury are included on the REMM site and extensively refer-enced from the peer-reviewed literature. Template admissionorders for irradiated casualties are also available ( and include antibacte-

    rial, antifungal, and antiviral prophylaxis; decorporation agents;myeloidcytokines; and other elementsof radiation casualtyman-

    agement.Contentfrom theScarce Resources for a NuclearDeto-nation Project outlined in this special issue of Disaster Medi-cine and Public Health Preparedness is being incorporated intothe site.

    Radiation Injury Treatment NetworkMany of the casualties with radiation-only injury will be sal-vageable but require outpatient and/or inpatient care. Recog-nizing this, the US National Marrow Donor Program, the USNavy, and the American Society for Blood and Marrow Trans-

    plantation collaboratively developed the Radiation Injury Treat-ment Network (RITN), which comprises 55 HSCT centers, stemcell donor centers, and umbilical cord blood banks across the

    United States.90,91 The goals of RITN are to develop treat-ment guidelines for managing hematologic toxicity among vic-

    tims of radiation exposure, to educate health care profession-als about pertinent aspects of radiation-exposure management,to assist in coordinating the medical-situation response after aradiation event, and to provide comprehensive evaluation and

    treatment for victims at participating centers.

    In recenttabletop exercises,90 RITN centers volunteered to pro-vide surge capacity for 2000 total irradiated people at their

    institutions. Strategies to increase bed availability and extendstaff andresources could increase surge capacity 10-fold but wouldrequire changes in operating standards.90 Considering the largenumber of irradiated casualties anticipated after a nuclear deto-

    nation (Figure 1), many centers across the country in additionto those in RITN will be asked to participate in the manage-ment of casualties with ARS.

    CONCLUSIONSAn extensive literature base has described the effects of radia-tion injury in humans and animal models. Many gaps in ourunderstanding still exist and some injuries cannot be modeledin the laboratory, but several important findings have emerged.

    First, there is marked variability in radiation response withinand across species. Second, many factors related to either the

    radiation or the recipient can affect the outcome of radiationinjury. Third, traumatic and burn injuries can synergistically

    increase the mortality from radiation. Fourth, supportive caremeasures such as antibiotics, fluids, transfusion support, and pos-sibly myeloid cytokines can reduce the mortality of radiationinjury. These findings establish a foundation for the triage and

    treatment approaches outlined in this special issue. The needis critical for just-in-time guidance and surge capacity for irra-diated casualty management. The REMM Web site89 was es-tablished to provide available evidence and expert opinion, in-

    cluding pre- and postevent training for health care workers and

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    planners. RITN is a model for voluntary planning at centersacross the country.

    Author Affiliations: Dr DiCarlo is with the Radiation/Nuclear Countermea-

    sures Program, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National

    Institutes of Health; Commander Maher is with the Office of Counterterror-

    ism andEmerging Threats,US Food andDrugAdministration;Dr Hick iswith

    the Hennepin County Medical Center, University of Minnesota; Dr Hanfling

    is with the Department of Emergency Medicine, TheGeorge Washington Uni-versity; Dr Dainiak is with BridgeportHospital, Yale University Schoolof Medi-

    cine; Dr Chao is withthe Duke University Bone Marrow andStemCellTrans-

    plant Program; Drs Bader and Coleman are with the Office of the Assistant

    Secretary for Preparedness and Response, US Department of Health and Hu-

    man Services; Dr Weinstock is with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Har-

    vard Medical School.

    Correspondence: Addresscorrespondence andreprint requeststo Dr David Wein-

    stock, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/HarvardMedicalSchool,45 Brookline Ave,

    D510B, Boston, MA 02115 (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Received for publication December 16, 2010; accepted January 11, 2011.

    DHHS providedfunding to support this publication and convene the authors.

    The contents of the articles represent the personal views of the individual au-

    thors anddo notnecessarilyexpressthe opinion or policy ofDHHS orits com-ponents. No statement in the articles should be construed as an official posi-

    tion of DHHS or its components.

    AuthorDisclosures: DrWeinstock isa paidconsultant by Genzymeand Novartis.

    Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the members and contributors

    of the National Institutes of Healths 2004 Animal Endpoint Working Group

    and the 2006 Ad-hoc Radiological and Nuclear Subcommittee Product De-

    velopment Tools Working Group of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Steer-

    ing and Integration Group. The authors also thank Alicia Livinski, biomedi-

    cal librarian, National Institutes of Health Library, and Paula Murrain-Hill,

    program analyst, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Re-

    sponse, DHHS, for their assistance with the preparation of this article.

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