diy seo using word press

DIY SEO using WordPress Presented by Melissa Cahill Panoptic Online Marketing, LLC WordCamp NYC Baruch College (CUNY) June 9-10, 2012

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This presentation aims to help the small business owner, non-profit webmaster, or personal blogger understand some basic principles and best practices around SEO.


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DIY SEO using WordPress

Presented by Melissa Cahill Panoptic Online Marketing, LLC

WordCamp NYC

Baruch College (CUNY) June 9-10, 2012

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This presentation aims to help the small business owner, non-profit webmaster, or personal blogger understand some basic principles and best practices around SEO.

DIY, or know the right questions to ask before paying a SEO specialist.

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• Basic SEO concepts

• Keyword research: How to select effective keywords

• Keyword implementation: Understand the purpose of each implementation location, and learn how to use the Yoast SEO plugin

• Things to consider when hiring an SEO company

• Learn More About SEO (Free Tools and Resources)

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• Basic SEO concepts

• Keyword research: How to select effective keywords

• Keyword implementation: Understand the purpose of each implementation location, and learn how to use the Yoast SEO plugin

• Things to consider when hiring an SEO company

• Learn More About SEO (Free Tools and Resources)

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Search Engines vs. Users

Search Engine Optimization

Search Experience Optimization

Search Engines Users

Love content. Love content.

Use keywords to generate listings. Use keywords to find information.

Can’t access a poorly designed site. Hate browsing a poorly designed site.

Everything you do on a website should have the dual purpose of satisfying USERS and search engines (yes, in that order!)

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Google says that the right kind of SEO is fine Many people confuse search engine optimization with spamming. Spamming and SEO are two totally different things. A recent announcement from Google contains a statement about “white hat” SEO:

Effective search engine optimization can make a site more crawlable and make

individual pages more accessible and easier to find…

“White hat” search engine optimizers often improve the usability of a site, help

create great content, or make sites faster, which is good for both users and

search engines.

Watch Google’s Matt Cutts talk about SEO on YouTube:

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How Do I Improve My Ranking?

On-Site Factors:

• What you say about yourself

– Keywords you use on your website

Off-Site Factors:

• What other websites say about you

– Inbound Links (and words they use in the link)

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SEO Basics

• Off-site SEO (link building):

– Legitimate

– Credible

– Relevant

Google’s recent “Penguin” update penalized websites undertaking black hat SEO tactics and those with otherwise low-quality content

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On-Site Factors for SEO

1. What keywords to use? – Targeted (to a specific product/service/audience)

– Traffic-bearing (Average Search Volume [ASV])

2. Where to put them on your site?

– Page Titles & Meta-Description Tags…

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Keyword Research

What keywords to use?

– Targeted (to a specific product/service/audience) – Traffic-bearing (Average Search Volume [ASV]) – Not ridiculously competitive

• Brainstorm, but keep it simple.

• Don’t spread yourself too thin.

• Be specific about what you’re selling.


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Implementation Locations

• Where should I use keywords?

1. Domain name (

2. Sub-page URLs (permalinks):


3. Title

4. Meta-Description

5. Headers (h1, h2, h3; descending importance)

6. Internal links

7. Website copy (written content on the page)

8. Bold text

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Keyword Implementation Rules

• Don’t overdo it!

• Only target 2-3 phrases per page on site

• Don’t make text read like you are spamming!

We’re a coffee shop in New York City and our coffee shop in New

York City serves good coffee.

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Keyword Implementation Rules

• Don’t overdo it!

• Only target 2-3 phrases per page on site

• Don’t make text read like you are spamming!

We’re a coffee shop in New York City and our coffee shop in New

York City serves good coffee.

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Title & Meta-Description

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Title & Meta-Description

• Title is essentially #1 for keywords

• Meta-Description relatively low on the list

Unless your business name is a widely

recognized brand, keep it out of the Title, but

include it first in the Meta-Description


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Yoast SEO for WordPress

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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5

Descending weight on SEO

• h1 – One of the main keywords of page

• h2, h3 – secondary/topical keywords

• h4, h5 – not crucial to use/embed

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Website Copy

• At least one paragraph of copy should be

found on each page

• Keyword Density

– Not imminently important

• Learn how to write copy for the web

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Yoast SEO for WordPress

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Keywords for Images

• File name …“whitesalmon-rafting.jpg”

• Alt attribute • Shows when image cannot be


• Tooltip text

alt = “Rafters plunging down Husum Falls on the White Salmon River”

• Title attribute

title = “Husum Falls on the White Salmon River”

<img src=“/images/whitesalmon-rafting.jpg” width=“250” height=“150” alt=“Rafters plunging down Husum Falls on the White Salmon River” title=“Husum Falls on the White Salmon River”>

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Internal Links

• Can be helpful within the copy, especially at the end of articles

• Should not be overused

• Should have the same anchor text as your main navigation or inbound links

Consider a “related posts” plugin:

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Update Services Alert update services (“ping”) that you have new content. The WordPress Codex keeps a list of valid ping services that you can cut and paste into your blog’s settings:

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XML Site Maps

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Yoast SEO for WordPress

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Yoast SEO for WordPress

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Yoast SEO for WordPress

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Advanced Features

1. Robots Meta configuration

2. Canonical

3. Breadcrumbs

4. Permalink clean up

5. XML Sitemaps

6. RSS enhancements

7. Edit your robots.txt and .htaccess

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What to ask SEO vendors?

Don’t trust anyone who makes guarantees

regarding rankings, especially if they promise

you one of the top spots in Google.


• How do they conduct their keyword research?

• What’s included in their price?

• How do they monitor performance and how often will they make any necessary adjustments?

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SEOMoz’s Beginniners Guide to SEO - Chapter 5: Keyword Research Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (PDF) Yoast’s SEO for WordPress Plugin - The Definitive Guide to Higher Rankings for WordPress Sites

Google & SEO-Friendly Page Titles (Video) CopyBlogger Copywriting 101 Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO

Learn More About SEO

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Visit us at

We are a Worker Cooperative, a partnership of five professionals who pool our talents and tools to make things better for our clients (and easier for ourselves). We share a strong belief in open-source software, collaborative effort and empowering the individual WordPress user. We offer WordPress Design/Development, Hosting, Training and Support for individuals, small business and non-profit organizations.

About Tadpole