diversity management

Diversity Management Diversity Management at at workplace workplace

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Diversity Diversity ManagementManagement at atworkplaceworkplace

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What do you know aboutWhat do you know aboutdiversity ?diversity ?

Women who work full time now make almost Women who work full time now make almost as much as their male counterpartsas much as their male counterparts

Increasing the number of old aged employeesIncreasing the number of old aged employees Foreign employees are represented at all Foreign employees are represented at all

levels of managementlevels of management Few people hold biases and stereotypes about Few people hold biases and stereotypes about

employees\ Flexible work arrangementemployees\ Flexible work arrangement

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What do you need to What do you need to know?know?

As a leader in diverse work place, the most As a leader in diverse work place, the most important knowledge you can gain is how to important knowledge you can gain is how to build multi-cultural skills.build multi-cultural skills.

What skills do you need? What skills do you need? You need those skills that will provide the basis You need those skills that will provide the basis

for building productive relationship with all type for building productive relationship with all type of people skills for creating a work environment of people skills for creating a work environment that provide challenge and support for people that provide challenge and support for people from all cultural backgrounds from all cultural backgrounds

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Employees Employees backgroundbackgroundDiverse societyDiverse society

Individual Employee







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Multicultural skill Multicultural skill buildingbuilding

Become aware of culture impactBecome aware of culture impact Learn about own culture’s values ,waysLearn about own culture’s values ,ways Recognise own cultural biasesRecognise own cultural biases Learn about other culture’s values,waysLearn about other culture’s values,ways Build interaction skillsBuild interaction skills

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How can I promote How can I promote collaborationcollaboration

If you want to be a leader in your If you want to be a leader in your organization develop the people skills organization develop the people skills that will enable you to promote that will enable you to promote collaboration, synergy among people. collaboration, synergy among people. These skills will help you lead people These skills will help you lead people beyond prejudice and discrimination beyond prejudice and discrimination towards profitable way of working towards profitable way of working together.together.

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Adopt seven leadership Adopt seven leadership strategiesstrategies

Promote tolerancePromote tolerance Be a role model of respect and Be a role model of respect and

appreciationappreciation Value empathyValue empathy Promote trust & good willPromote trust & good will Encourage collaborationEncourage collaboration Work towards synthesis Work towards synthesis Create synergyCreate synergy

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Advantages of managing Advantages of managing diversity welldiversity well

Attracting and retaining the best available Attracting and retaining the best available human talentshuman talents

Increasing organization flexibilityIncreasing organization flexibility Gaining and keeping greater market share, Gaining and keeping greater market share,

locally and globallylocally and globally Reduce costReduce cost Improving the quality of managementImproving the quality of management Cont.Cont.

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Creating and innovating more powerfullyCreating and innovating more powerfully Solving problems more effectivelySolving problems more effectively Increasing productivityIncreasing productivity Contributing to social responsibilityContributing to social responsibility Increase profitsIncrease profits

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How does discrimination How does discrimination affect employees?affect employees?

Recruitment practicesRecruitment practices Screening practicesScreening practices Terms and conditions of employmentTerms and conditions of employment Tracking and job segregationTracking and job segregation Performance evaluationPerformance evaluation Training and development decisionsTraining and development decisions Conti.Conti.

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Contn. Contn.

Promotion practicesPromotion practices Glass ceiling barriersGlass ceiling barriers Diverse standardsDiverse standards Layoff, discharge and practicesLayoff, discharge and practices Career alternativesCareer alternatives

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Equal Opportunity Equal Opportunity

Don’t permit direct or indirect Don’t permit direct or indirect discrimination against any employee on discrimination against any employee on the ground of race, national, sexthe ground of race, national, sex

,sexual orientation, disability ,religion, ,sexual orientation, disability ,religion, marital states or age.marital states or age.

Ensure that equal opportunity principles are Ensure that equal opportunity principles are applied in all its HR polices in particular- applied in all its HR polices in particular- recruitment,T&D & Promotions recruitment,T&D & Promotions

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Common belief of Male Common belief of Male Female differences Female differences

MALE MALE Aggressive ,Strong, proud, Aggressive ,Strong, proud,

Confident ,Independent ,Courageous ,DisorganConfident ,Independent ,Courageous ,Disorganized and Ambitiousized and Ambitious

FEMALEFEMALE Emotional,Talkative,Sensitive,Affectionate,ManEmotional,Talkative,Sensitive,Affectionate,Man

ipulative(say men) creative (say ipulative(say men) creative (say women)Moody,Patient,Romantic,Cautious,Thrifwomen)Moody,Patient,Romantic,Cautious,Thrifty ty

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Gender BarriersGender Barriers

Barriers to career success that are often Barriers to career success that are often related to gender issues includes,related to gender issues includes,

Lack of career planningLack of career planning Pay inequityPay inequity Glass ceiling issuesGlass ceiling issues Lack of proper trainingLack of proper training Communication blocks,Communication blocks, Unequal relationships, ,sexual harassment Unequal relationships, ,sexual harassment

Career family conflicts and Gender Career family conflicts and Gender stereotypingstereotyping

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Sexual harassment Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment will not toleratedSexual harassment will not tolerated Employees subjected to SH be given advice, Employees subjected to SH be given advice,

support and counselingsupport and counseling Try to resolve the problem informallyTry to resolve the problem informally A special process will be available for hearing A special process will be available for hearing

complaints about sexual harassmentcomplaints about sexual harassment Handled due respect for rights of bothHandled due respect for rights of both SH is regarded as gross industrial misconductSH is regarded as gross industrial misconduct

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Breaking through gender Breaking through gender barriersbarriers

Support career planningSupport career planning End pay inequityEnd pay inequity Break the glass CeilingBreak the glass Ceiling Give TrainingGive Training Bride the communication gapBride the communication gap Value equal relationshipValue equal relationship End gender stereotypes End gender stereotypes

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Persons with DisabilitiesPersons with Disabilities

The definition of a person with a disability The definition of a person with a disability is any one with a physical impairment is any one with a physical impairment that limits the range of tasks he or she that limits the range of tasks he or she can accomplishcan accomplish

Employees with disability tend to have Employees with disability tend to have better records of punctuality ,attendance better records of punctuality ,attendance and turnover, but they are less productive and turnover, but they are less productive than other employees .than other employees .


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Society has always attempted to rehabilitate Society has always attempted to rehabilitate and integrate themand integrate them

Persons with disabilities can become Persons with disabilities can become independent and productiveindependent and productive

Few persons with disability are employedFew persons with disability are employed Employers have to make special Employers have to make special

accommodation for disable accommodation for disable They must provide a medical history to They must provide a medical history to

potential employeespotential employees

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Older EmployeesOlder Employees

Older workers are no more forgetful than younger ones.Older workers are no more forgetful than younger ones. Older workers have more difficulty adapting to change.Older workers have more difficulty adapting to change. Older workers are prone to frequent absences because of age-Older workers are prone to frequent absences because of age-

related conditions and illnesses.related conditions and illnesses. Older workers have fewer work accidents than young workers. Older workers have fewer work accidents than young workers. Extensive training for older workers doesn’t pay off because they Extensive training for older workers doesn’t pay off because they

don’t learn as well and they’ll retire soon any way.don’t learn as well and they’ll retire soon any way. They have more job security and higher pay than younger ones.They have more job security and higher pay than younger ones. Work who retire before age 65 tend to live longer than those who Work who retire before age 65 tend to live longer than those who

don’t. don’t.

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Generation at workGeneration at work

For the first time in history, four For the first time in history, four generations are at work, which presents generations are at work, which presents some interesting challengessome interesting challenges

1.1. Veterans (born before 1946).Veterans (born before 1946).

2.2. Baby Boomers(1946-1964)Baby Boomers(1946-1964)

3.Generation X (1965-1977)3.Generation X (1965-1977)

4. Millennials (1978-1990)4. Millennials (1978-1990)

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They expect to build a career with one employer or They expect to build a career with one employer or perhaps in a single field number of employers. Smart perhaps in a single field number of employers. Smart organizations are asking veterans to stay or return to organizations are asking veterans to stay or return to work as trainers or recruiters, where they are able to work as trainers or recruiters, where they are able to share their experiences and leave a legacy.share their experiences and leave a legacy.

Some positives areSome positives areDependable, detail-oriented, thorough, loyal, Dependable, detail-oriented, thorough, loyal,

hard working.hard working. Some challenges,Some challenges,

Don’t like ambiguity or change, reluctant to Don’t like ambiguity or change, reluctant to “make waves.”, adverse conflict, don’t like to discuss “make waves.”, adverse conflict, don’t like to discuss feelings.feelings.

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Baby BoomersBaby Boomers

They have always wanted to excel in their careers, and They have always wanted to excel in their careers, and many have already reach the point of considering what many have already reach the point of considering what to do with the rest of their lives. Smart organizations to do with the rest of their lives. Smart organizations are looking for projects that will engage Boomers so are looking for projects that will engage Boomers so their intellectual capital doesn’t walk out the door.their intellectual capital doesn’t walk out the door.

Some positives,Some positives,Optimistic, driven ,Go the extra mile, Team Optimistic, driven ,Go the extra mile, Team

players ,want to please others, good at building players ,want to please others, good at building relationship.relationship.

Some challenges,Some challenges,Self-centered, Judgmental, Averse to Self-centered, Judgmental, Averse to


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Generation XGeneration X

They are the dominant force in today’s business They are the dominant force in today’s business environment. Their approach to work is fundamentally environment. Their approach to work is fundamentally different from that of their seniors because many in this different from that of their seniors because many in this generation were “latchkey kids” and learned self-generation were “latchkey kids” and learned self-reliance at an early age. Therefore, they will not reliance at an early age. Therefore, they will not tolerate being micromanaged, and they need to give tolerate being micromanaged, and they need to give and receive frequent feedback. They saw their parents and receive frequent feedback. They saw their parents go through downsizings and layoffs, so they don’t put go through downsizings and layoffs, so they don’t put much trust in organizational loyalty or job security.much trust in organizational loyalty or job security.

Some positives,Some positives,Adaptable, tech-savvy, self- reliant, not Adaptable, tech-savvy, self- reliant, not

intimidated by authority, creative, informal, pragmatic intimidated by authority, creative, informal, pragmatic

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Some Challenges,Some Challenges,

Impatient, lack of Impatient, lack of skills,cynical,consider skills,cynical,consider work "just a work "just a job”.job”.

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They have heard from an early age that they need to build They have heard from an early age that they need to build portfolios to get into the right college to land the right job. They are portfolios to get into the right college to land the right job. They are usedused to doing many things at once and are so technologically to doing many things at once and are so technologically savvy that their family and friends used them as tech savvy that their family and friends used them as tech support ;Millennial must be “Connected" at all times. They will support ;Millennial must be “Connected" at all times. They will probably have several careers in very different fields ,so retaining probably have several careers in very different fields ,so retaining this generation will be a challenge for employers, but ,if their this generation will be a challenge for employers, but ,if their organization offer development opportunities ,they may stay a little organization offer development opportunities ,they may stay a little longer. This generation iis the most socially conscious of any sins longer. This generation iis the most socially conscious of any sins the 1960s.the 1960s.

Some positivesSome positivesLike Structure , Optimistic ,Self-confindence,Goal-Like Structure , Optimistic ,Self-confindence,Goal-


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Some Challenges,Some Challenges,

Need Structure,Inexperienced,Need Need Structure,Inexperienced,Need Constant feedback, Entitlement Constant feedback, Entitlement


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Is this sexual Is this sexual harassment? harassment?

A male supervisor occasionally A male supervisor occasionally compliments his young assistant with compliments his young assistant with remarks such as “ you ought to wear remarks such as “ you ought to wear short skirts more often” and “sit and talk short skirts more often” and “sit and talk to me little longer ;I am enjoying the view”to me little longer ;I am enjoying the view”

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A male journalist willingly enters into A male journalist willingly enters into love affair with his female supervising love affair with his female supervising editor .She has always rated his work editor .She has always rated his work performance as excellent. After a few performance as excellent. After a few months he break off the affair.At the next months he break off the affair.At the next performance review ,he received a less performance review ,he received a less than satisfactory rating from her. than satisfactory rating from her.

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