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Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e Christopher Goeckeritz Chapter 11 East Asia INTL 2990 Multiple Choice and Bimodal Questions 1) The term "China proper" refers to A) the ethnic minorities located in the western provinces of the country B) countries that lie within China's larger sphere of influence such as Korea and Japan C) the populous eastern half of China D) the citizens of Taiwan who believe that ethnically and politically they are the "true" Chinese E) the geographic center of China 2) As countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan have industrialized, what strategy have they used to address their air pollution problems? A) They've stopped engaging in pollution-generating activities altogether. B) They've moved their pollution generating activities to countries that have less stringent environmental standards. C) They've moved these activities to less visible areas within their countries. D) They've installed state-of-the-art pollution control devices in all their factories. E) They've ignored these problems. 3) Which country of East Asia has the strongest forest preservation efforts in the region? A) Japan B) China C) Taiwan D) North Korea E) South Korea 4) Why has Japan been so successful in its efforts to preserve its forests? A) They have developed a wood-free paper. B) On a per capita basis, the Japanese use fewer wood products as compared to anyone else in the world. C) The fertile Japanese soils allow for astounding rates of vegetation 1

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Page 1: Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree)€¦ · Web viewDiversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree) Subject Chapter 11 Author brent ranke Last modified by Christopher Michael

Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e Christopher GoeckeritzChapter 11 East Asia INTL 2990

Multiple Choice and Bimodal Questions

1) The term "China proper" refers to A) the ethnic minorities located in the western provinces of the countryB) countries that lie within China's larger sphere of influence such as Korea and JapanC) the populous eastern half of ChinaD) the citizens of Taiwan who believe that ethnically and politically they are the "true" ChineseE) the geographic center of China

2) As countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan have industrialized, what strategy have they used to address their air pollution problems?A) They've stopped engaging in pollution-generating activities altogether.B) They've moved their pollution generating activities to countries that have less stringent environmental standards.C) They've moved these activities to less visible areas within their countries.D) They've installed state-of-the-art pollution control devices in all their factories.E) They've ignored these problems.

3) Which country of East Asia has the strongest forest preservation efforts in the region?A) JapanB) ChinaC) TaiwanD) North KoreaE) South Korea

4) Why has Japan been so successful in its efforts to preserve its forests?A) They have developed a wood-free paper.B) On a per capita basis, the Japanese use fewer wood products as compared to anyone else in the world.C) The fertile Japanese soils allow for astounding rates of vegetation regrowth.D) They have developed substitutes for wood in construction.E) The Japanese import most of their wood products from other locations around the world.

5) Where in East Asia is deforestation LEAST problematic?A) northwestern ChinaB) southern ChinaC) South KoreaD) TaiwanE) Japan

6) What single factor is most responsible for the severity of environmental problems in East Asia?A) the lack of environmental regulations in the regionB) the climate in the regionC) the oil industry in the regionD) the clearcutting of rainforests throughout the regionE) the large population in the region


Page 2: Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree)€¦ · Web viewDiversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree) Subject Chapter 11 Author brent ranke Last modified by Christopher Michael

7) What country in East Asia has resorted to "pollution exporting" as a way to improve its environment?A) JapanB) ChinaC) North KoreaD) SingaporeE) All of the choices are correct.

8) What is an anthropogenic landscape?A) a pristine, natural landscape, in its original stateB) a landscape that anthropologists have studied extensivelyC) a landscape that has been heavily transformed by human activitiesD) a steppe-like landscapeE) a landscape the bears an uncanny resemblance to the human physical form

9) Which of the following phrases best describes the agriculture in East Asia?A) highly productiveB) highly productive, and produces enough for exportC) unproductiveD) highly productive, but does not produce enough to feed all the people in the regionE) highly unproductive

10) Where is almost all of the rice that the Japanese consume grown?A) This is a trick question: it's grown in Japan.B) ChinaC) KoreaD) Southeast AsiaE) New Zealand

11) Japan has a policy of self-sufficiency in which product?A) electronicsB) riceC) steelD) seafoodE) sushi

12) What is the major crop grown in Japan?A) vegetablesB) fruitsC) riceD) dairyE) opium poppies13) East Asia is located in roughly the same latitudinal zone as which of the following world regions?A) Latin AmericaB) North AmericaC) The CaribbeanD) Australia and OceaniaE) Africa

14) In terms of its latitudinal extent, how does Japan compare to the state of California?A) Japan and California have just about the same latitudinal extent.


Page 3: Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree)€¦ · Web viewDiversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree) Subject Chapter 11 Author brent ranke Last modified by Christopher Michael

B) Japan is wider and shorter than California.C) Japan is more elongated, extending farther north and south.D) Japan is narrower and longer than California.E) Japan is both wider and longer than California.

15) Which environmental hazard is the most serious in Japan (think March 2011)?A) deforestationB) hurricanesC) earthquakesD) tornadoesE) desertification

16) How many major islands make up Japan?A) 2B) 3C) 4D) 5E) 12

17) In which country of East Asia are earthquakes most frequent?A) western ChinaB) northern ChinaC) North KoreaD) JapanE) central China

18) What climate type is found in most of Japan?

A) tropicalB) subarcticC) subtropicalD) continentalE) temperate


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19) Which of the following cities of East Asia has the greatest seasonal variation in rainfall?

A) Tokyo, JapanB) Shanghai, ChinaC) Taipei, TaiwanD) Seoul, South KoreaE) Akita, Japan

20) As of 2010, what was the approximate population of Japan?A) 34 millionB) 63 millionC) 100 millionD) 128 millionE) 157 million

21) What country in East Asia is facing a population decline?A) TaiwanB) ChinaC) North KoreaD) South KoreaE) Japan

22) The populations of Japan and South KoreaA) are predominately rural.B) reside in the upland areas of the nations.C) are concentrated along the central coasts of both nations.D) are concentrated mainly in cities.E) are evenly distributed around the two countries.23) Which city in East Asia was called "Edo" in the 1700s?A) Tokyo


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B) BeijingC) SeoulD) KyotoE) Hong Kong

24) Which of the following words is a synonym for superconurbation?A) urban primacyB) primate cityC) megalopolisD) megacityE) edge city

25) What writing system forms the basis for the writing throughout East Asia?A) ideographsB) Arabic alphabetC) Cyrillic alphabetD) hieroglyphicsE) Roman alphabet

26) What is the name of the belief system that deals with designing buildings and placing of objects on the landscape in accordance with the spiritual powers that course through the local topography?A) feng shuiB) ShintoC) ConfucianismD) BuddhismE) Falun Dafa

27) Confucianism stresses all of the following ideals, EXCEPT A) the importance of the family.B) deference to authority.C) the importance of ethics.D) respect for tradition.E) the need for the aristocracy to serve in the bureaucracy.

28) Who are the Ainu?A) an ethnic minority in Japan B) the political elite in ChinaC) the wealthiest people in South KoreaD) the secret police of North KoreaE) the religious leaders of Taiwan

29) What is Kanji?A) the writing form used in KoreaB) the Japanese term for the Chinese ideographs they borrowed to begin their writing systemC) the quasi-alphabet used by the Japanese to express concepts that could not be expressed through Chinese charactersD) a Roman alphabet version of the Japanese languageE) the Chinese names for ideographs30) What style of Japanese writing would the typical resident of the United States find the most familiar?A) HiraganaB) KanjiC) KatakanaD) RomanjiE) ideographs


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31) Which country of East Asia has the greatest linguistic diversity?

A) TaiwanB) ChinaC) JapanD) KoreaE) Hong Kong

32) According to most linguists, what other language is related to Japanese?A) TurkishB) KoreanC) ChineseD) VietnameseE) Japanese is not related to any other language.

33) The Shinto religion is most closely associated with which country of East Asia?A) ChinaB) North KoreaC) JapanD) South KoreaE) Taiwan34) In which country of East Asia has Confucian philosophy had the LEAST influence?A) JapanB) ChinaC) TaiwanD) North KoreaE) South Korea

35) With which country of East Asia is Taoism associated?


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A) JapanB) North KoreaC) South KoreaD) TaiwanE) China

36) In which of the following parts of East Asia has Japan controlled territory?

A) KoreaB) Manchuria and Xinjiang, ChinaC) Xinjiang, ChinaD) Taiwan and KoreaE) Manchuria (China), Taiwan, Korea37) Japan is involved in a conflict over the Kuril Islands with which other country?A) ChinaB) VietnamC) South KoreaD) RussiaE) Taiwan

38) Which East Asian country rose after World War II to become the second-largest economic power in the world?


Page 8: Diversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree)€¦ · Web viewDiversity Amid Globalization, 5e (Rowntree) Subject Chapter 11 Author brent ranke Last modified by Christopher Michael

A) JapanB) ChinaC) North KoreaD) South KoreaE) Taiwan

39) Japan's economy A) is currently the largest in the world.B) slowed substantially in the 1990s.C) has seen sustained gains in its real estate values over the last two decades.D) did not begin to industrialize until after World War II.E) is not as large as China's.

40) Which of the following products does Japan import?A) meatB) feed for its domestic livestockC) soybeansD) lumber and pulp