districtmail 10 oct 2013

Distriks POS HARTKLOP VAN DIE HELDERBERG DONDERDAG, 10 OKTOBER 2013 Prys: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | districtmail.mobi Blue Flag Prestigious accolade for Bikini Beach PG 3 Tref en trap Verdagte dalk binnekort agter tralies BL 5 Cricket Helderberg’s cricket clubs ready for season PG 28 New town on its way DALEEN FOUCHÉ A whole new town with 14 000 houses and 120 hectares of re- tail and industrial space will be built on the old AECI land outside Somerset West over the next 15 to 20 years, irrevocably changing the face of the Helderberg. The land will be developed in six pha- ses, with the first phase between the wet- lands and De Beers Avenue already un- der construction. This phase is called the “De Beers Precinct” and will see the es- tablishment of 500 upmarket homes, a 100-bed private hospital and a private day hospital. The De Beers Precinct includes light industrial and retail developments totalling ten hectares. The property arm of AECI, Heartland Properties, is handling the planning and release of the old AECI land, known as Paardevlei. The total extent of land to be released for development is 730 hectares. The original size of AECI’s land-hold- ing in Somerset West was 1 000 hectares, but the company has already sold 270 hec- tares for several developments that in- cluded the Somerset Mall, Somerset Busi- ness Park, Waterstone Village and the De Velde and Schonenberg Estate housing developments. AECI manufactured explosives but has been selling its land off for development since manufacturing stopped. Well-known property economist Erwin Rode of Rode and Associates says the Paardevlei development is one of the big- gest developments in the Cape Peninsula. For comparison, the 730 hectares of Paardevlei dwarf the 246 hectares of Park- lands, termed the “fastest-growing sub- urb in Cape Town”. Rode says that Somer- set West is one of the very few areas in the Cape Peninsula where expansion is possible. He adds that Paardevlei has a single property owner, AECI, planning the “mega-development”, and thus the planning can be more thorough than Parklands was. Rode says that while jobs will be creat- ed during the construction phases of the development, he cannot say the develop- ment itself will create further jobs. He says that because the development will be “self-servicing” in terms of shopping centres and light industrial development, the new residents will probably not spend their money in the Somerset West CBD. Chantelle Mathomes, Heartland Pro- perties’ marketing manager, says that the De Beers Precinct already received all ap- provals for development in 2007. But some developers who bought into the pre- cinct have only started developing now due to the positive turn in the construc- tion industry following the recession. Mathomes says that the private hospi- tal to be situated in the De Beers District will be run by Busamed Holdings. The private day hospital, comprising three theatres and 30 day beds, will be managed by Cure Day Clinics and will be accompa- nied by a specialist eye clinic. The day hospital will be open for business in Sep- tember 2014. The De Beers precinct cur- rently has several heritage buildings, which will be protected, and the Flag- stone Winery, Triggerfish Micro-Brew- ery, and cheetah sanctuary will remain on the site. The Paardevlei development will need new roads and infrastructure, and there is talk of a new bus service and railway station. Turn to page 4 for more details. TRAFFIC HELD UP AFTER COLLISION: Two trucks and a bakkie collided on Sir Lowry’s Pass at 13:45 on Tuesday (8 October) afternoon. According to the Gordon’s Bay police, a truck, which came down Sir Lowry’s Pass en route to Gordon’s Bay, veered out of control after its axle broke off. The truck then crashed into a second truck and a Toyota Hilux bakkie coming up the pass. The driver of the second truck, Paulus le Qunie (51) from Firgrove, was trapped in the cab of the truck and had to be freed by members of Metro EMS before being transported to Mediclinic Vergelegen. Thomas Phiri, the driver of the first truck, sustained minor injuries. According to the Gordon’s Bay Traffic Department, motorists on the N2 were confronted by heavy traffic congestion until 22:30 on Tuesday evening due to the closure of two lanes in the direction of Grabouw and one lane in the direction of Somerset West. The truck was eventually removed from the road between 21:30 and 22:00. PHOTO: JAMEY THOMAS

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Districtmail 10 oct 2013


  • DistriksPOS


    DONDERDAG, 10 OKTOBER 2013 Prys: R6.00 | Tel 021 853 0211 | www.districtmail.com | districtmail.mobi

    Blue Flag

    Prestigious accolade

    for Bikini Beach


    Tref en trap

    Verdagte dalk binnekort

    agter tralies

    BL 5


    Helderbergs cricket

    clubs ready for season



    on itsway



    whole new town with 14 000

    houses and 120 hectares of re-

    tail and industrial space will

    be built on the old AECI land outside

    Somerset West over the next 15 to 20

    years, irrevocably changing the face

    of the Helderberg.

    The land will be developed in six pha-

    ses, with the first phase between thewet-

    lands and De Beers Avenue already un-

    der construction. This phase is called the

    De Beers Precinct and will see the es-

    tablishment of 500 upmarket homes, a


    hospital. The De Beers Precinct includes

    light industrial and retail developments

    totalling ten hectares.

    The property arm of AECI, Heartland

    Properties, is handling the planning and

    release of the old AECI land, known as

    Paardevlei. The total extent of land to be

    released for development is 730 hectares.

    The original size of AECIs land-hold-

    ing in Somerset West was 1 000 hectares,

    butthecompanyhasalreadysold270 hec-

    tares for several developments that in-


    nessPark,WaterstoneVillageand theDe

    Velde and Schonenberg Estate housing



    been selling its land off for development

    since manufacturing stopped.


    Rode of Rode and Associates says the

    Paardevlei development is one of the big-


    For comparison, the 730 hectares of


    lands, termed the fastest-growing sub-


    set West is one of the very few areas in

    the Cape Peninsula where expansion is

    possible. He adds that Paardevlei has a

    single property owner, AECI, planning

    the mega-development, and thus the

    planning can be more thorough than

    Parklands was.

    Rode says that while jobswill be creat-

    ed during the construction phases of the

    development, he cannot say the develop-

    ment itself will create further jobs. He

    says that because the development will

    be self-servicing in terms of shopping



    their money in the Somerset West CBD.

    Chantelle Mathomes, Heartland Pro-



    provals for development in 2007. But

    somedeveloperswhobought intothepre-

    cinct have only started developing now

    due to the positive turn in the construc-

    tion industry following the recession.

    Mathomes says that the private hospi-

    tal to be situated in the De Beers District

    will be run by Busamed Holdings. The

    private day hospital, comprising three


    byCureDayClinicsandwill beaccompa-

    nied by a specialist eye clinic. The day

    hospital will be open for business in Sep-

    tember 2014. The De Beers precinct cur-

    rently has several heritage buildings,

    which will be protected, and the Flag-

    stone Winery, Triggerfish Micro-Brew-

    ery, and cheetah sanctuary will remain

    on the site.

    The Paardevlei development will need

    new roads and infrastructure, and there

    is talk of a new bus service and railway

    station. Turn to page 4 for more details.

    TRAFFIC HELD UP AFTER COLLISION: Two trucks and a bakkie collided on Sir Lowrys Pass at

    13:45 on Tuesday (8 October) afternoon. According to the Gordons Bay police, a truck, which

    came down Sir Lowrys Pass en route to Gordons Bay, veered out of control after its axle broke

    off. The truck then crashed into a second truck and a Toyota Hilux bakkie coming up the pass. The

    driver of the second truck, Paulus le Qunie (51) from Firgrove, was trapped in the cab of the truck

    and had to be freed by members of Metro EMS before being transported to Mediclinic Vergelegen.

    Thomas Phiri, the driver of the first truck, sustained minor injuries. According to the Gordons Bay

    Traffic Department, motorists on the N2 were confronted by heavy traffic congestion until 22:30 on

    Tuesday evening due to the closure of two lanes in the direction of Grabouw and one lane in the

    direction of Somerset West. The truck was eventually removed from the road between 21:30 and


  • 2DistrictMail

    10 Oktober, 2013





    Five suspects, believed to be part of a rob-

    bery syndicate, were arrested in Lwandle

    last Friday for being in possession of ille-

    gal firearms.

    According to a police report, during Sep-

    tember a number of planned armed robberies

    took place in the area.

    The suspects are armedwith firearms and

    theyusuallyoperate inagroupof three to five.

    Theymostly target thewholeareaofLwandle,

    including Nomzamo and Asanda Village, and

    they use different types of motor vehicles as

    getaway cars, said Constable Mthokozisi

    Gama, spokesperson for the Lwandle SAPS.

    Residents werewarned to be on the lookout

    for suspicious-looking men and business ow-

    nerswere asked to be vigilant while police in-

    tensified their visibility and patrols.

    A breakthrough in the investigation came

    on 4October at 13:30whenpolice officers spot-

    ted a suspicious-looking vehicle. Detective

    Sergeant Marius Erasmus recognised the sil-

    ver-grey Toyota Avanza as it fit the descrip-

    tion of one of the vehicles previously used in

    one of the armed robberies.

    Five male occupants were in the vehicle as

    theydrovealong theN2andturned intoLwan-

    dle. The officers then unobtrusively followed

    the vehicle while calling for backup. The offi-

    cers stopped thevehicle inLongaStreet,Nom-

    zamo and searched the vehicle. Two illegal

    firearms were found and were confiscated

    along with the vehicle.

    The five men, between the ages of 21 and


    in possession of illegal firearms.

    Thetwoillegal firearmswillbesenttohave

    ballistic testing done to determine whether

    they had been used to commit a crime, said

    Gama. The men will make their second court

    appearance in the Strand Magistrates Court

    today (Thursday).

    Crime snippets /Misdaadbrokkies

    Robber dies after

    house robbery

    Arobberdiedandanotherwasarrested fol-

    lowing a robbery in Somerset West on Tues-

    day morning.

    The incident happened at 10:30 when two

    suspects, armed with knives, jumped over a

    front wall and broke a window to gain access

    to thehouseon thecornerofRadloff andPine-

    wood Streets. According to a police report,


    and the men demanded jewellery and cash

    from her. They took the items and fled the

    scene on foot. The police managed to appre-

    hend one of the suspects.

    Constable Suzan Jantjies, spokesperson of

    the Somerset West SAPSA, said a passer-by

    attempted to apprehend the suspects accom-

    plice. A struggle ensued, resulting in the sus-

    pect sustaining a stab wound to his leg.

    Thesuspect laterdiedasaresult ofhis inju-

    ries. Theother suspect is scheduled to appear

    in the Somerset West Magistrates Court to-

    day (Thursday).

    A case of house robbery is being investiga-

    ted and an inquest docket has been opened.

    Duisende rande se

    duiktoerusting gesteel

    Driemenseis inhegtenisgeneemnnroof-

    tog by Jacks Dive Chest in Hoofweg, Strand

    waar duiktoerusting ter waarde van R17 500

    gesteel is. Die insident het Dinsdag (1 Okto-

    ber) plaasgevind. Luidens n polisieverkla-

    ring het die eienaar van die besigheid onge-

    veer 06:00 kom oopsluit en gesien dat daar in-

    gebreek is.

    Duikpakke, duik- enander toerusting is ge-

    buit. Die ondersoek het die polisie na twee

    mans (29 en 30) en n vrou (30) in Faraday-

    straat gelei. Die gesteelde items is in die dak

    van die woning gevind en die verdagtes is in

    hegtenis geneem.Hulle staan tereg op n aan-

    klag van besigheidsroof en diefstal en het op

    Vrydag 4 Oktober in die Strand-landdroshof

    verskyn. Die saak is uitgestel en hulle sal

    weer Donderdag 10 Oktober in die hof ver-

    skyn en n aansoek om borgtog bring.

    Persone met inligting kan speur-a.o. Fran-

    cois Paanakker by 021 854 9100 bel.


    total of 209 units of

    abalone were confis-

    cated during a bust on

    Monday 7 October.

    Somerset West police

    officers followed up on

    information received at

    13:00 about alleged

    abalone in a store

    room in Jigger Avenue.

    The value of the abalo-

    ne is estimated to be

    R209 000. Constable

    Suzan Jantjies, spokes-

    person for the Somer-

    set West police, said

    one suspect was arres-

    ted and taken in for

    questioning, but was

    later released as he

    could not be linked to

    the case. The investiga-

    tion continues. People

    with information can

    phone Detective War-

    rant Officer Carleigh

    Noemdoe on 021 850



    fare up

    Taxi commuters to

    and from Somerset

    West canexpect aR1

    increase in tariffs

    from Friday 1 No-


    The routes that

    will be affected are


    West, Macassar

    Somerset West,


    West and Sir Low-

    rys PassSomerset


    The current tariff

    is R9 per trip on the





    All German spea-

    kers are invited to a

    spring social at St

    Pauls Church in

    Somerset West on


    at 10:00. Phone An-

    negret 082 390 6671.

  • 3Distrikspos

    10 Oktober, 2013



    Bikini BeachaBlue Flagbeautyagain

    The popular Bikini Beach in Gordons

    Bay was once again awarded the presti-

    gious Blue Flag status that helps local

    businesses to attract tourists.


    for a pilot Blue Flag status for Bikini Beach

    in 2003 and received full status in 2004.

    According to Alderman Belinda Walker,

    Mayoral Committee Member for Communi-

    ty Services and Special Projects, Bikini

    Beach has received Blue Flag status every

    year since then.

    Walker explains that theBlue Flag is a vol-

    untary eco-label awarded annually to over

    3 650 beaches and marinas in 44 countries.

    The status indicates that the beaches are

    clean, have adequate ablution facilities and

    parking, are environmentally sound, are

    safe and secure to visit, and adhere to inter-

    national safety and tourism standards. The

    accreditation is awarded for one season at

    a time, and if conditions deteriorate at the

    beach, it can be withdrawn.

    Having Blue Flag beaches is a significant

    tourism draw-card because international

    visitors know what to expect. The pro-

    gramme challenges local authorities, beach

    operators and yacht and marina manage-

    ment to achieve high standards in environ-

    mental management, environmental educa-

    tion, safety and security and water quality,

    says Walker.

    Jeanette Loring, a Gordons Bay business

    owner andmember of both the Business and

    Residents Associations, agreeswithWalker

    and says the Blue Flag helps attract interna-

    tional visitors.

    Loring,whowasoverjoyedat thenewsthat

    Bikini Beach has once again gained Blue

    Flag status, says local businesses promote

    the Bikini Beach Blue Flag status in adverti-

    sing. She explains that international guests

    donot alwaysknowwhat the situation is like

    in South Africa and tend to believe that it

    is an unsafe country to visit. The Blue Flag

    status, however, gives assurance of safety

    and international standards.

    Loringsaysherownexperienceof theBiki-

    ni Beach front in Gordons Bay is that it is

    safe, even in the evenings.

    OnWednesday9October, sunbatherswere

    enjoyingBikini Beach, with girls in bikinis

    and boys watching them, quips Loring.

    The Blue Flag status for this season runs

    from 1 December 2013 to 31 March 2014.

    Other Cape Town Beaches that received

    Blue Flag status are Mnandi, Strandfontein,

    Muizenberg, Llandudno,CampsBay,Clifton

    4th and Silwerstroomstrand.

    Bikini Beach is a popular tourism destination that attracts many visitors in the holiday sea-


  • 4DistrictMail

    10 Oktober, 2013



    Helderberg set for




    property at Paardevlei (see page

    1) will drastically increase the

    Helderberg population and sev-

    eral new roads and services will

    be needed to cope with the num-


    Already several road upgrades

    have taken place to accommodate

    the De Beers Precinct that is cur-

    rently under construction, but Er-

    win Rode, well-known property

    economist at Rode and Associates,

    believes that public transport will

    be the most pressing need created

    by the development in the next fif-

    teen to twenty years.

    He says roads will need to be ex-

    panded and the introduction of a

    rapid bus transport system in the

    Helderberg needs to be seriously


    Benedicta van Minnen, Ward

    Councillor for ward 15, in which a

    chunkof thedevelopment falls, says

    the City of Cape Town has already

    decided to introduce its Integrated

    Rapid Transit (IRT), or MyCiti bus-

    es, to the Helderberg.

    However, the city is focusing on

    first providing this service to areas

    without rail services, like Khayelit-

    sha, and theMyCitibuseswill possi-

    bly be rolled out in the Helderberg

    in 2017.

    She adds that discussions are un-

    der way with the city and the Pas-

    senger Rail Agency of South Africa


    tion in the Helderberg.

    Van Minnen says road improve-

    ments will include a new access

    point to the N2 and additional road


    A Macro Transport Impact As-

    sessment was undertaken for the

    overall Heartland site by consult-

    ants HHO Africa in December 2005,

    and this forms the framework for

    road development and expansion in

    and around the site.

    Councillor Ernest Sonnenberg,

    Mayoral Committee Member for

    Utility Services, says the wastewa-

    ter for the Paardevlei development

    willbesent toMacassarWastewater

    TreatmentWorks. This facilityhas

    sufficient capacity to cope with the

    additional load.

    VanMinnenconfirms that this fa-

    cility has recently been upgraded.

    Chantelle Mathomes, marketing

    manager for Heartland Properties,

    says Heartland and developers are

    billed by the City of Cape Town for

    bulk services such as water, roads

    and sewage.

    Stolen items found all over

    Hberg, suspect in court

    Intense investigation by mem-

    bers of the Somerset West Police

    led to a successful arrest and the

    confiscation of stolen goods.

    OnThursday 3October at 09:30

    a housebreaking was reported at

    a residence in Bernard Road. Up-

    on investigation, officers discov-

    ered that theburglarshadgained

    access to the house by forcing

    open the front door.

    They stole the following items:

    a 9mm Beretta, a 12-bore shot-

    gun, an air rifle and other items

    fromthehouse suchas jewellery,


    a persian carpet. They then fled

    the scene in a blue Volkswagen

    Kombi with a CFM registration

    number, which they also stole at

    this residence.

    The owner of the house is cur-

    rently in Australia and is said to

    return home later this month.

    The following day (Friday) at


    the stolen vehicle and searched

    it. The Beretta, R7 000 cash, jew-

    ellery and drugs were confiscat-


    Further investigation led the

    police to an address in Rusthof,

    Strand, where more of the stolen

    items were recovered. The

    searchwasextended toMacassar

    where documents that were sto-

    len from the safewere also recov-

    ered. Police later determined

    that some of the items were sto-

    len in other house robberies.

    One suspect, Shane Jantjies,

    was arrested and he appeared in

    the Somerset West Magistrates

    Court where the case was post-

    poned for further investigation.

    According to a police report,

    Jantjies was previously found

    guilty on 15 charges of house-

    breaking and theft in Somerset


    Six phases in total


    The De Beers Precinct develop-

    ment currently under way at

    Paardevlei is only the first of six

    phases that will be developed in

    this massive project over the

    next 15 to 20 years.

    TheDeBeersPrecinct takesup

    43 hectares of the overall 730 hec-

    tares of Paardevlei that will be

    developed. It will include 500 up-

    market houses, ten hectares of

    light industrial and retail devel-

    opments, a Checkers, plus a pri-

    vate hospital and private day


    The next precinct to be devel-

    oped is The Byres, an industrial

    development of five hectares, fol-

    lowed by Wylanden, a five-hec-

    tare mixed use development.

    The environmental impact as-

    sessment for the proposed devel-

    opment isunderway. Weexpect

    a 24 month time frame before

    properties will be sold off, says

    Chantelle Mathomes, marketing

    manager for Heartland Proper-

    ties. This aerial graphic of the Paardevlei development shows the various uses of the developments on the land.


    Skoolsaal word ingewy

    Alle oudleerlinge, -opvoeders en

    ouers word uitgenooi na n dank-

    seggingsdiens ter inwyding van

    die nuwe skoolsaal van Dr. G.J.

    Joubert Primre Skool in die


    Dit vind plaas by die skool op

    Sondag 13 Oktober om 16:00.

    Om jou bywoning te bevestig,

    bel 021 853 7422.

  • 5Distrikspos

    10 Oktober, 2013



    Bisarreongelukeis11-jarige seun


    Die Macassar-polisie ondersoek n saak

    van strafbare manslag en moord n 11-

    jarige Samkelo Nyalela van Macassar

    Village opKramatweg in n tref-en-trap-

    ongeluk doodgery is.

    Die voorval het om 06:44 Donderdagog-

    gend (3 Oktober) plaasgevind. Nyalela was

    op pad skool toe, toe hy na bewering deur

    die passasier van n blou Toyota Conquest

    getref is.

    In n bisarre verloop van gebeure is die

    lyk van n 23-jarige man omstreeks 07:05 in

    die blou Toyota Conquest gevind. Die lyk

    van Riaan Skrywer is voor in die bebloede

    passasiersitplek van die Toyota wat in Bil-

    berrystraat, Smartie Town, gelaat is, ont-

    dek. Volgens dieMacassar-polisie het Skry-

    wer as gevolg van n gebreekte nek gesterf,

    en met die doodsondersoek is gevind dat sy

    kakebeen ook vergruis is.

    Die Macassar-polisie het voorts ges

    Skrywer en nog vriende het van n after

    party van die Horskool Eersterivier se

    matriekafskeid gekom.Diepolisie s oogge-


    inKramatweg aangekomhet, gewaar en ge-

    sien hoe Skrywer voor by die venster uit-


    Skrywer en die ander insittendes wou

    vermoedelikvirSamkelo,wat indiegeellyn

    op pad skool toe geloop het, skrikmaak toe

    Skrywer se kakebeen Nyalela se kop tref.

    Die motor wat volgens die polisie aan

    n man wat by die L-woonstelle woonagtig

    is, behoort het aanhou ry in die rigting

    van Macassar.

    Volgens die Macassar-polisie is Samkelo

    opdie toneel doodverklaarenhetdiedoods-

    ondersoekbevestigdat sy skedel gebreek is.

    Nyalela was n gr. 4-leerling by die St.

    Pauls Primre Skool in Faure. Sy pa, Ma-

    lixole Maseti (44), s hy het elke oggend om

    06:30hulhuis inThomasSibangustraatver-

    laat om skool toe te gaan.Minhet hy geweet

    dat di oggend die laaste sou wees dat hy

    sy seun lewend sou sien.

    Die Macassar-polisie het vandeesweek

    aan DistriksPos ges dat die identiteit van

    die bestuurder bekend is, en hulle hoop dat

    hy binnekort in hegtenis geneem sal word.

    Weens hul finansile omstandighede is

    die Maseti-gesin steeds onseker wanneer

    die gedenkdiens vir hul seun sal plaasvind.

    Hulle beoog wel om dit di week te hou.

    Daarna sal Samkelo se lyk na die Oos-Kaap

    geneem word vir die begrafnis.


    senberg by 021 857 7108 bel.Samkelo Nyalela

    Riaan Skrywer se lyk is in die blou Toyota Conquest in Bilberrystraat, Smartie Town, ge-

    vind. FOTO: IAN BAARD


    soek Colin Smith

    Magdalenahuis, wat in samewerkingmet Ba-

    disabestuurword, is dringendop soeknaCol-

    lin Smithwat in Sir Lowrys Pass gewoonhet.

    Smith word gesoek weens n familie-aange-


    Enigeen met inligting oor waar hy hom be-

    vind, kan maatskaplike werker Susara

    Drijfhout by 021 948 3637 bel.

    VERMIS: Patricia Burger (16) word sedert

    Vrydag 4 Oktober vermis. Sy is laas in die

    Strand, in die omgewing van Friedman en

    Cohen, gewaar. Ten tyde van haar verdwy-

    ning was sy geklee in haar skooluniform, n

    donkergroen romp en donkerblou baadjie.

    Mense met inligting oor waar sy haar kan

    bevind, kan Deser Burger by 071 898 9522


  • 6Distrikspos

    10 Oktober, 2013



    Vriendegroet legendariese visser


    Talle roubeklaershetDonderdagoggend

    (3 Oktober) die gedenkdiens van wyle

    visserman Anthony Tone de Wit (54)

    bygewoon om hul laaste eer te betoon.

    De Wit is een van die twee Strand-visser-

    manne wat verdrink het toe die Ralda III op

    23 September sowat vyf seemyl van die kus,

    tussen Hangklip en Kleinmond omgeslaan

    het. De Wit se medevissers Phillip Schoe-

    man (53), die kaptein en eienaar van die

    6 m-vissersboot Ralda III, sy seun Phillip

    (27), Alwyn du Plooy (42), Piet van As (55)

    en Joe Williams (61) van Brackenfell, was

    ook aan boord.

    Die boot se anker het glo vasgesit en toe

    die mans probeer om dit los te kry, het die

    boot omgeslaan.

    Die mans moes byna tien uur lank in die

    diepsee aan die boot vasklou voor vier van

    hulle deur die Nasionale Seereddingsinsti-

    tuut (NSRI) gered is. DeWit, wat aan emfis-

    eem gely het, het egter n sowat agt uur on-

    der diewater verdwyn. Sy lyk het in die rig-

    ting van Hermanus gedryf.

    Van As het probeer strand toe swem,

    maar het verdrink.

    n Soektog na DeWit en Van As is die vol-

    gende oggend voortgesit, waartydens De

    Wit se lyk ontdek is. VanAs se lyk isWoens-

    dag 25 September gevind.

    n Gedenkdiens vir Van As het Dinsdag

    1 Oktober in die NG Moederkerk, Strand


    DeWit se gedenkdiens het om 10:00 in die

    NG gemeente Suider-Strand plaasgevind

    en is deur ds. Gerhard Stoffberg waarge-


    n Broodwinner, man, pa, broer en

    vriend is verlore. Hoe moet ons vorentoe


    tree nie? Toe die skuitmet die vissermanne

    hulpeloos omgedop gel het en hulle vir hul

    lewens vasgeklou het, het God die geleent-

    heid gebruik om n wonderwerk te doen

    mense na geloof te bring, het Stoffberg


    Stoffberg het voorts ges Tone se dood het

    baie mense geraak, nie net sy familie nie,

    maar ook die groter visser- en Strand-ge-

    meenskap. En, dit was duidelik te sien by

    almal wat die gedenkdiens bygewoon het.

    Phillip (Flippie) Schoeman het die hulde-

    blykgebring.SchoemanhetDeWitas nsag-

    geaarde, omgee-mens beskryf wat n onbe-

    skryflike invloed in baie mense se lewe ge-

    had het, en nooit n slegte woord oor

    enigiemand te s gehad het nie.

    Ons was tydgenote wat n passie gedeel

    het. Die see was in ons bloed en dit was ons

    pas se skuld; maar as jy dit in jou are voel

    bruis, maak dit jou sterk en gelukkig.

    Skoolgaan was nie vir Tone nie. Hy het

    elke kans aangegryp om see toe te gaan. Die

    see was sy skatkis, sy rykdom, sy lewe, het

    n hartseer Schoeman ges.

    Hy het praktiese barmhartigheid en

    godsdiens uitgeleef. Ja, ou Toontjies, jy was

    n legendariesemenswat ons lewensverryk

    en iets baie kosbaar agtergelaat het. Ons sal

    jou rykdom koester en as skatkis bewaar.

    De Wit se vier medevissers het ook die

    diens bygewoon en het hul laaste eer aan

    hom betoon deur die doodskis uit die kerk

    te dra.

    De Wit word deur sy vrou van 31 jaar, Jo-

    hanna (oftewel Baba), en dogters Jo-Ann en

    Miekie oorleef.

    De Wit se medevissers Phillip Schoeman

    (53), die kaptein en eienaar van die Ralda

    III, sy seun Phillip (27), Alwyn du Plooy

    (42) en Joe Williams (61) van Brackenfell

    het die kis uit die kerk gebring.

    Phillip (Flippie) Schoeman het vir Johanna (Baba) de Wit getroos. Fotos: JAMEY THOMAS

    Kleindiewe in

    hof gevonnis

    Twee sakevandiefstal en eenvanhuisbraak

    is Dinsdag in die Strand-landdroshof ver-


    In een van die sake is Rafeeq Abrahams

    skuldig bevind op n aanklag van diefstal.

    Die hof het gehoor dat Abrahams na bewe-

    ring op 13 Oktober n Bosch-slyper en n

    Black&Decker-saag uit nmotorhuis in Pal-

    mietsingel, Strand gesteel het. Hy het skul-

    dig gepleit.

    Landdros Karen Scheepers het hom tot

    twee jaar tronkstraf gevonnis, opgeskort vir

    vyf jaar. Hy mag gedurende di tydperk op

    geen aanklagte skuldig bevind word nie.

    QuintonRoss(22) isookopnsaakvandief-

    stal skuldig bevind. Die hof het gehoor dat

    Ross op 13 Julie n beursie by n woning in

    Forbesstraat gesteel het.

    Daarwas R210 kontant asook bankkaarte,

    n bestuurderslisensie en n identiteitsdoku-

    ment in die beursie.



    het berou getoon omdat hy die beursie aan

    die klaer terugbesorg het.

    Scheepers het Ross tot drie jaar tronkstraf

    gevonnis wat opgeskort is vir vyf jaar.

    In nog n saak het Anthony Hartnick (20)

    skuldig gepleit op n aanklag vanhuisbraak.

    Hartnick het op 8 September n uitsny-

    saag, n slyper en n knyptang vanuit n mo-

    torhuis in Meerluststraat gesteel.

    StaatsaanklaerClementAbrahamshet ge-

    s dat dit weer n geval is van n werknemer

    wat sy werkgewer se vertroue geskend het,

    omdat Hartnick voorheen los werk vir die

    klaer gedoen het.

    Scheepers het Hartnick tot 18 maande

    tronkstraf, in terme van artikel 2761(i) ge-


    Dit beteken dat hy slegs drie maande di-

    rekte tronkstraf moet uitdien.

    Heyns-saak na

    horhof verwys

    Die verhoor van die beskuldigdes in die

    moord op die pediater dr. Louis Heyns, sal

    van 3 tot 13Maart 2014 in dieWes-Kaapse ho-

    erhof plaasvind.

    Heyns (59) se lyk is op 30 Mei vanjaar in

    n vlak graf in die duine op die strand inKus-

    weg, Strand, naby die minigholfbaan gekry.

    Hy was reeds agt dae lank vermis.

    Twee broers van Malmesbury,Marthinus

    (33) en Sarel (42) van der Walt, is n paar dae

    daarna in hegtenis geneem. n Derde beskul-

    digde, Juan Liedeman (37), eienaar van n

    skrootwerf op Malmesbury waar Heyns se

    donkergrysPeugeot308gevindis, isook later

    in hegtenis geneem. Laasgenoemde is in Au-

    gustus op borgtog van R20 000 vrygelaat.

    Die twee Van der Walt-broers staan tereg

    op n aanklag van moord op Heyns, terwyl

    Liedeman saam met die broers van ontvoe-

    ring en roof met verswarende omstandighe-

    de aangekla is.

    Die drie het Vrydag (4 Oktober) in die So-

    merset-Wes-landdroshof verskyn.

    Liedeman se regsverteenwoordiger, Willi-

    am Booth, het ges hy gaan tydens of n die

    voorverhoor op 15 November in die horhof

    aansoek doen dat die moord- en roofklagte

    geskeiword.Die saakwordweer aanstaande

    jaar in die horhof verhoor.

    Dr. Louis Heyns

  • 7Distrikspos

    10 Oktober, 2013



    Sandvleiwater contamination still beingquestioned


    ter from the Kuils River flowing through the

    Sandvlei residential area is not contaminated,

    results from independent tests prove other-


    During theheavyrainandstorms inAugust,wa-

    ter levels inSandvlei roseresulting inhomesbeing


    The DistrictMail previously reported how resi-

    dent Nazeem Anthony had to take quick action to

    prevent heavy flooding to his home by digging a

    hole in his front yard to prevent the water from

    causing damage to his house. Anthony claims that

    he contracted dermatitis on his hand after being

    in contact with the water.

    Anthonys neighbour, FaizaEdwards leg has al-

    so been affectedwhen thewater flooded her home.

    My leg is so sore and I am in constant pain. I have

    been to the doctor numerous times, but the medi-

    cine does not seem to be working, Edwards says.

    The river is situated close to theZandvlietWaste

    Water Treatment Works (WWTW) and residents

    believe it is effluent from there that is the cause

    of all evil.

    Shortlyafter the flood, theresidentshadsamples

    taken from thewater and had them independently

    tested by the Council for Scientific Industrial Re-

    search (CSIR).


    ments portfolio committee, spearheaded the test-

    ing andwhen the test results came back, they con-

    firmed that the water was indeed contaminated.


    ful chemicals like ammonium and phospate in the


    These levels are unacceptable for crops, live-


    with it.

    Adamsadded that he isworking towards getting

    a closed-pipe system in place where the effluent

    from theWWTWcan flow towards the ocean,with-

    out any of the residents coming into contact with

    it.TheCityofCapeTown,however, isadamantthat

    the water is not contaminated.

    It is not contaminated stormwater and we can

    onlyassumethatit is thetreatedeffluentwaterthat

    the WWTW releases back into the Kuils River

    stormwater system that is being referred to, says


    ber for Transport for Cape Town.

    Herron says treated effluent water from the

    WWTW is being released into the river, but that

    it is at acceptable levels, not harmful to anyone.

    Sandvlei resident,Faiza Edwards

    shows her infected leg.


    City responds to contaminatedwater dispute

    Councillor Brett Herron, mayoral

    committeemember, Transport for

    Cape Town, City of Cape Town:

    If the flooding in Zandvliet was

    the result of theWWTWdischarge,

    itwouldbe floodedonadaily basis.

    To illustrate, please see below a

    clearviewof theWastewaterTreat-

    ment works at Macassar, with the

    canal that runs into theKuilsRiver

    of the Zandvliet area.

    As can be seen from the photos,

    the Kuils River overflowed on the

    floodplain, with a 1:2 year flood.

    The floodplain is inundated with

    water coming from upstream,

    spreading thewaterover thewhole


    It is clear then that theWastewa-

    ter Treatment Works is not the

    source and did not cause the river

    to burst its banks.

  • 8Distrikspos

    10 Oktober, 2013



    150 jaaroue


    Die Van Zyls van Somerset-Wes meen

    hul tuin sal nooit weer dieselfde wees


    Dt volg n nmassiewe denneboom,wat

    vermoedelik 150 jaar oud is, omstreeks

    06:00 Sondagoggend 22 September weens

    ouderdom in die agterplaas van hul huis

    in De Villiersstraat omgeval het.

    Volgens Dan en Judy van Zyl was hulle

    in Ierland toe die voorval afgespeel het en

    het hul bure die nuus aan hulle oorgedra.

    Toe ons Sondag by die huis aankom, is

    onsmetdie onaangenameverrassing ver-

    welkom, s Dan.

    Hyhet voorts vertel volgenshul burehet

    mensewat in die omgewingwas, almal na-

    der gehardloop n hulle die oorverdowen-

    de slag gehoor het.

    Die boomhet tussen twee bomebuite die

    Van Zyls se werf beland en die helfte van

    n bloekomboom en n ander denneboom


    Volgens Judy meen houtkappers n 30

    ton-vragmotor sal nodigwees omdie boom

    te verwyder as gevolg van sy grootte.Maar

    die geluk by die ongeluk is dat die boom

    weg van die huis af geval het, anders was

    hul huis daarmee heen.

    Afgesien daarvan dat hulle hartseer is

    oor die besonderseuitsigwat nouniemeer

    daar is nie, mis hulle ook die geluid van

    die uile en ander vols (hadidas, kolganse,

    tarentale enselfs eekhorinkies)watnesge-

    maak het in die boom.

    Dis s hartseer dat ons hulle nie meer

    hoor nie, s Judy.

    Benewens die feit dat dit n ramp is om

    so n geskiedkundige boom te verloor, is

    dit vir ons as gesin eens so erg. Die boom

    was sodeel vanonshuis.Ons tuin sal nooit

    weer dieselfde wees nie.

    Somerset-Wes-inwoner Judy van Zyl wys hoe die denneboom, wat vermoedelik 150

    jaar oud is, dwarsdeur hul heining geval het. FOTO: JAMEY THOMAS


    ing to statistics, 75% of people af-

    fected with leukaemia are under the

    age of 25. The annual fund-raiser

    Bandana Day will this year be cele-

    brated on Saturday 12 October.

    Support this initiative by buying

    your bandana from your nearest

    Pick n Pay. All funds raised will go

    towards finding potential new do-

    nors for those suffering from life-

    threatening blood disorders like leu-

    kaemia. Pictured are Vivien de

    Klerk (left) bone marrow transplant

    donor riding for The Sunflower

    Fund at the recent Spur MTB at Lou-

    rensford Estate with Lancea Craf-

    ford, Kerry and Jamie Norman

    from Somerset College. Jamie and

    Kerry are the daughters of bone

    marrow recipient Sarah Norman.



    Send diary entries to:

    [email protected]

    Weekly deadline:Monday, 12:00

    Wewould like to invite our regular diary

    advertisers to send us pictures of their

    events for inclusion in our Social or Diary




    ) Taebo fitness classes every Thursday at the Unit-

    ed Church in Bright Street from 18:3019:30.

    0 Carmen: 076 976 2703.



    ) Helderberg Bikers together with Christian Mo-

    torcycle Association and Strand Chapter holds an

    open charity/fun day at Charles Morkel Stadium

    from 11:00 until late. Entry: R35 (includes metal

    badge); children under 12 free. Custom bike con-

    course, custom cars on show, food stalls, team

    games, entertainment for kids, a charity auction,

    cash bar and plenty more in store.


    ) Die Helderberg Gemeente in Firmountweg se

    Voedselfees op die kerkterrein van 09:0015:00.

    Verskillende braaigeregte, gebak, poeding, wyn

    en selfs vermaak vir die kinders word aangebied.

    Toegang is gratis. 0 Jan Branders:

    021 851 5582, 084 220 0154.

    ) The new look Country Craft Market at Southeys

    Vines in Main Road from 09:0014:00. Visit the

    consolidated food area, the Country Kitchen. The

    emphasis on high quality hand-crafts remains the

    same. 2 Lesley Wonfor: lwonfor@absa-


    ) The Somerset West Bird Clubs visit to the Dick

    Dent Bird Sanctuary at 16:00.No charge. Visitors

    welcome. 0 John Clemens: 021 850 2216.


    ) The Schapenberg Sir Lowrys Conservancy

    10 kmguidedwalk startingand finishingatOnge-

    gund Guest House and Conference Centre,

    08:3013:00. Cost: R150. Phone Andreas on

    082 344 1096; Margie on 082 641 4819; or

    email [email protected].



    ) Southey Vines Food/Craft Family Market and

    Auto Fayre every Sunday (weather permitting)

    from 10:0016:00. The market offers hand-craft-

    edproducts, a variety of food stalls, children enter-

    tainment and a meeting place for private vehicle

    sellers and buyers (sellers pay a nominal display

    fee). 0 Anne-Mari: 082 617 6226.

    ) The Hottentots-Holland branch of WESSA

    (Wildlife and Environment Society of SA) walks

    to the Harmony Flats to see the spring flowers.

    Everyone meet at the Waterstone Village Centre

    at 10:00.0 CeciliaWolmarans: 021 854 8011.



    ) Die Helderberg geestesgesondheidsondersteu-

    ningsgroep ontmoet in die restaurant vanMedicli-

    nic Vergelegen om 18:00 vir 18:30. Gasspreker

    en kliniese sielkundigeAmandadeKlerk bespreek

    Ongesonde omgee.

    0 Alta: 082 576 8218.



    ) TheHottentots-Holland branch ofWessa (Wild-

    life and Environment society of SA) holds a talk

    by conservationist Brian J. Huntly in the Somerset

    West Library hall at 19:30. In celebration of Kirs-

    tenboschGardens centenary, Huntly gives insight

    into its history. Get a signed copy of his book enti-

    tled Kirstenbosch the most beautiful gardens in

    Africa. 0 Freya Brett: 082 708 1016.



    ) The Friends of Richard Dawkins Association

    (FoRDA) meet in the Rotary hall, on the corner of

    Cloetenberg and Lourensford Roads, at 19:00.

    Jacques Rousseau from UTC talks on Towards a

    free society. 0 Peter: 076 535 5754.


    Charles Hotel Ladies Club, which has cele-

    brated 20 years of existence, introduces their

    new committee members here. The new

    members (from left) are: Marianna de Villiers

    (chairperson), Jenny Patchett (accountant),

    Colleen Schoeman (registration officer), Lau-

    rette Hattingh (assists with registration) and

    Jenny Lewis. The members of the club meet

    at the hotel every last Wednesday of the

    month. After an informative talk by a guest

    speaker, the ladies always enjoy an indul-

    gent buffet lunch.


    Now also online...


  • 9DistrictMail

    10 Oktober, 2013






    General Notices


    In Landdroshof vir die Distrik


    gehou te SOMERSET-WES.

    Saaknommer: 3319/2013

    In die Aansoek om Likwidasie






    R e g i s t r a s e n o m m e r





    NA DEURGAAN van die

    stukke en aanhoor van die Ap-

    plikant se Prokureur van Re-

    kord, gelas die Hof as volg:

    1 . D i e Re sponden t i n

    voorlopige likwidasie geplaas


    2. Die Respondent en alle

    belanghebbendes opgeroep

    word om redes aan te toon, in-

    dien enige, by bovermelde

    Agbare Hof op 13 NOVEM-

    BER 2013 om 09h00 of so

    gou daarna as wat die aansoek

    aangehoor mag word waarom:

    2.1 die Respondent nie finaal

    gelikwideer sal word nie; en

    2.2 die koste van hierdie aan-

    soek nie koste in die likwida-

    sie sal wees nie.

    3. Die bevele in 1 en 2 hierbo:

    3.1 beteken word op die kan-

    toor van die Ontvanger van In-


    3 . 2 b e t e k en wo rd p e r

    geregistreerde pos op alle be-

    kende skuldeisers van Res-


    3.3 publiseer word in een uit-

    gawe van Die DistriksPos en

    The Argus nuusblaaie.

    A L D U S g e d o e n t e

    SOMERSET-WES op hede

    hierdie 2de dag van OKTO-

    BER 2013.



    Niblickweg 10




    In die boedel van wyle


    LAN ( I den t i t e i t s nommer

    310303 0006 083), 'n wedu-

    wee van Stormhaven Park

    63, Somerset-Wes en Espe-

    ranza Huis, Strand en wat te

    STRAND op 31 Augustus

    2012 oorlede is.

    B O E D E L N O M M E R


    Die Eerste en Finale Likwi-

    dasie- en Distribusie-reke-

    ning in bogenoemde boedel,

    sal vir 'n tydperk van 21 dae

    vanaf VRYDAG, 11 OKTO-

    BER 2013 ter insae l by

    die kantoor van die Meester

    van die Hooggeregshof ,

    Kaapstad en by die kantoor

    v a n d i e L a n d d r o s ,




    Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur

    Cluver Markottergebou



    Tel: 021 - 808 5600

    Faks: 021 - 886 5420

    Verw: SMG/ivdm/MAL



    In the Magistrates Court for

    the District of Strand held at


    Case Number: 4415/2010

    In the case between:



    S E C T I O N A L T I T L E

    S C H E M E N U M B E R :


    Execution Creditor





    740914 5138 08 3

    Execution Debtor



    PURSUANT to a judgment by

    the magistrate court of

    STRAND given on the 20th

    JANUARY 2011 the under

    mentioned goods will be sold

    at 11:00 on Tuesday, 22nd

    October 2013 by public

    auction to be held at 4 Klein-

    bos Avenue, Strand by the

    Sheriff for the Magistrates

    Court of Strand to the highest

    bidder for cash, namely:

    The property to be sold

    consists of:

    K I T C H E N , L O U N G E ,

    B AT H R O O M A N D 1



    A Unit consisting of

    (a) Section No. 54 as shown

    and more fully described on

    Sec t i ona l P l an No SS

    569/1996 in the scheme

    known a s BAYWATCH

    TERRACES in respect of the

    land and building or buildings

    situate at GORDONS BAY of

    which section the floor area,

    according to the said sectional

    plan is 45 (FORTY FIVE)

    square metres in extent;

    (b) An undivided share in the

    common property in the

    scheme apportioned to the

    said section in accordance

    with the participation quote as

    endorsed on the said sectional

    plan; Held by Deed of

    Transfer ST 18616/2002

    The property will be sold "as

    is" and is subject to the

    conditions of the Title Deed

    under which the property is


    SIGNED at STRAND on the

    23rd day of September 2013.







    Tel: 021 854 4315

    Ref: MBAYW1-100


    F I R S T A N D F I N A L

    L I Q U I D AT I O N A N D

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    A C C O U N T I N T H E



    Identity Number 410323

    5203 187, of 35 Kelterweg

    7 11 0 1 S c h n a i c h , B a d

    Liebenzell, Germany.

    Estate Number: 3137/2012

    NOTICE is hereby given that

    the First and Final Liquidation

    and Distribution Account in

    the above Estate will lie for

    inspection at the Office of the

    Master of the High Court,

    Cape Town & of the Magis-

    trate, SOMERSET WEST for

    a period of 21 days as from 10

    OCTOBER 2013.



    15 Fairview Centre

    Caledon Street

    Somerset West 7129

    Tel: 021 852 7511


    In Landdroshof vir die Distrik


    gehou te SOMERSET-WES.

    Saaknommer: 3320/2013

    In die Aansoek om Likwidasie






    H E L D E R B E R G


    R e g i s t r a s i e n o m m e r





    NA DEURGAAN van die

    stukke en aanhoor van die Ap-

    plikant se Prokureur van Re-

    kord, gelas die Hof as volg:

    1 . D i e Re sponden t i n

    voorlopige likwidasie geplaas


    2. Die Respondent en alle

    belanghebbendes opgeroep

    word om redes aan te toon, in-

    dien enige, by bovermelde

    Agbare Hof op 13 NOVEM-

    BER 2013 om 09h00 of so

    gou daarna as wat die aansoek

    aangehoor mag word waarom:

    2.1 die Respondent nie finaal

    gelikwideer sal word nie; en

    2.2 die koste van hierdie aan-

    soek nie koste in die likwida-

    sie sal wees nie.

    3. Die bevele in 1 en 2 hierbo:

    3.1 beteken word op die kan-

    toor van die Ontvanger van In-


    3 . 2 b e t e k en wo rd p e r

    geregistreerde pos op alle be-

    kende skuldeisers van Res-


    3.3 publiseer word in een uit-

    gawe van Die DistriksPos en

    The Argus nuusblaaie.

    A L D U S g e d o e n t e

    SOMERSET-WES op hede

    hierdie 2de dag van OKTO-

    BER 2013.



    Niblickweg 10





    Lik enDis

    Estates Liq+Dis


    E S T A T E L A T E


    Identity Number 230914

    0076 103, Pensioner of Frail

    Care, Bridgewater Manor,

    No.1 . Andr ies Pre tor ius

    Street, Somerset West, and

    who at her death on 29 July

    2013 was a Widow.

    Estate Number: 11390/2013

    Creditors and Debtors are

    required to file their claims

    with and pay their debts to the

    undersigned within 30 days of

    date of publication of this

    notice. (11 October 2013)



    Agents for the Executor

    The Forum

    13 Drama Street

    P O Box 43


    Tel: 021-850 9706

    JCK/hjvr (KH000017)


    F I R S T A N D F I N A L

    L I Q U I D AT I O N A N D

    D I S T R I B U T I O N

    A C C O U N T I N T H E


    LECHNER, Date of Birth

    1 5 A u g u s t 1 9 3 7 , o f

    Mozartgasse 54, Schnkirchen

    2241, Austria.

    Estate Number: 6227/2012

    NOTICE is hereby given that

    the First and Final Liquidation

    and Distribution Account in

    the above Estate will lie for

    inspection at the Office of the

    Master of the High Court,

    Cape Town & of the Magis-

    trate, SOMERSET WEST for

    a period of 21 days as from 10

    OCTOBER 2013.



    15 Fairview Centre

    Caledon Street

    Somerset West 7129

    Tel: 021 852 7511

    Leopards roamthe land


    The Hottentots Holland Moun-

    tains that towerovertheHelder-

    berg are home to the top preda-

    tor in the province.

    Cape leopards are elusive crea-

    tures, but through a long-term re-

    search project, the Cape Leopard

    Trust (CLT)BolandProjectmeticu-

    louslymonitors thenumber,move-

    ment and behaviour of leopards in

    the Boland.

    One such leopard, named Scott

    by the CLT, has territory spanning

    the N2 at Sir Lowrys Pass and in-

    cluding the Steenbras Nature Re-



    His neighbour is Neo, whose ter-

    ritory includes the Helshoogte

    mountains, Jonkershoek, Helder-


    Holland mountains overlooking

    Somerset West.

    These two male leopards have

    been GPS radio collared as part of

    the research project.

    According to Anita Meyer, a re-

    searcher for theCLT, thereareusu-

    ally two to three female territories

    within the entire range of a male

    leopard. We are aware of one fe-

    male in the Helderberg area.

    The CLT launched the Boland

    Project in March 2010 and the re-

    search covers a massive area from

    the Groot Winterhoek Mountains

    right down to the Kogelberg coast

    at Bettys Bay and Kleinmond.

    Jeannie Hayward, a researcher

    for the Cape Leopard Trust, says

    there isnowayof determininghow

    many leopards used to live in the

    mountains before humans settled

    here. She explains thatmany other

    animal species suchas lion,buffalo

    andelephantused to live in theHel-

    derberg area, butwere wipedout

    by humans. She says because leop-

    ards live in mountainous areas,

    they remained.

    Meyer says that apart from re-



    as where there is conflict between

    farmers and leopards and to inves-

    tigate resident mammal popula-

    tions. In the Helderberg, research

    takes place on City of Cape Town

    nature reserves and private land.

    Camera traps have been placed in

    strategic positions and not only

    capture images of leopards, but al-

    so record the wide variety of ani-

    mals that occupy themountainous


    Meyersayssomeof theotherani-

    mals caughtoncameraarebaboon,

    porcupine, large-spotted genet,

    small grey mongoose, water mon-

    goose, Cape clawless otter, duiker,

    klipspringer, Cape grysbok, das-

    sie, Hewitts red rock rabbit, hare,

    honey badger, striped polecat, ca-

    racal and Cape fox.

    But theCapeLeopardfacesmany

    challenges, including illegal

    poaching. Meyer says that

    throughout the Boland study area,

    illegal wire snares are used to cap-

    ture animals for food. This is also

    a problem in theHelderberg area.

    She explains that snares pose a di-

    rect threat to leopards since they

    can get caught in them and be se-

    verely hurt and killed.

    The snares also pose a secondary

    threat in that the poachers deplete

    the leopards food source by hunt-


    Meyer explains that because the

    leopard is the top predator in the

    Western Cape, it is essential that

    the species is protected.

    Residents can follow the

    progress of the project at capeleop-


    This leopard was caught on camera on Schapenberg.





    Rape Crisis Hel-

    derberg needs

    help to keep its

    safe house open.

    The house has

    since its establish-

    ment empowered

    rape survivors to

    heal and continue

    their lives suc-


    According to

    Rape Crisis Hel-

    derberg director,

    Reinette Evans,


    of safety and heal-

    ing for victims of

    rape, incest, sexu-

    al assault, domes-

    tic and physical


    Here survivors


    aged to be part of

    regular healing

    therapy convened

    by the centre.

    Rape survivors

    receive 24-hour


    ing as well as 24-

    hour medical ex-

    pertise from local

    doctors at the Hel-

    derberg Hospital

    while legal mat-

    ters are attended

    to by counsellors

    and a lawyer.

    Anyone who

    can support the

    Safehouse can

    contact Evans on

    083 484 9409.

  • 10


    10 Oktober, 2013





    Stuur jou sms na


    Begin die sms met die

    woord MENSE en tik dan

    jou boodskap.

    ) Baie, baie dankie vir die

    skoonmaak van die traders. Dit

    lyk al tonne beter. Wilna, Gor-


    ) Dis loutere twak! Om dorps-

    burgers te nooi om skoonmakers

    se werk te doen, moet end kry.

    Daar is talle werkloses wat ver-

    dien om n geldjie te verdien, en

    jy versterk die regering se pap-

    broekigheid om werk te skep.

    Nie goed nie.

    ) Abig thankyou toactingman-

    ager Natalie at Joshua Doore,

    SomersetWest formovingmoun-

    tains to replace a faulty electrical

    appliance for me. Great service!

    You deserve a bouquet! K Poole,

    Gordons Bay

    )Wonder oor die massiewe

    damwalle in Quinanweg. Wie

    het toestemming gegee en wie

    betaal? Antjie

    ) n Bejaarde egpaar soek na n

    tehuis vir n bejaarde vrou wat

    siekesorg nodig het. Verkieslik

    vir ouderdomspensioen-staats-

    toelae, aangesien sy geen ander

    familie het nie. Ons sal dit baie

    waardeer. Bel mnr. of mev. Da-

    mon by 021 851 0610 of

    071 411 4004.

    S dankie, geluk,

    jammer, lief jou....

    Traders unsightly structures spoils seaview

    The natural centre of Strands at-

    tractions is where Main Road

    meets the sea front.

    The seaside is the reason for the

    towns position and it is basic to

    the welfare of all of its citizens as

    a whole.

    Yet, that area is host to a large

    agglomeration of small traders

    selling cheap goods housed in

    cheap andunsightlymovable tem-

    porary structures; much of the

    open area is covered afresh each

    day with these little shops; and

    they fill all of the available space

    during holiday periods.

    The sea view is obstructed and

    spoiled and the impression made

    is extremely unfavourable to the


    It is obvious that thearea should

    be made attractive to pedestrians

    and holiday makers and a holiday

    mood would thrive if it was up-

    gradedandaccessible.What anas-

    set is being wasted!

    How the municipality allowed

    this situation to develop is incom-


    Now there is an obvious and se-

    rious problem if the small traders

    are to be moved elsewhere. But it

    must be done somehow, in the in-

    terests of the town.



    Macassarnot consultedabout taxi rank facilities

    Dear Councillor Brett Herron,

    Mayoral Committee Member for


    Im appealing to you on behalf of

    the taxi commuters in Macassar/


    Weve had a so-called upgrade of

    our taxi rank inMacassar, but now

    the taxi rank is left without a roof,

    which it previously had.

    The surface on which commut-

    ers must now stand is tarred, in

    comparison with the bus standing

    area which is beautifully paved.

    The taxi association has had its

    only toilet demolished, we, the

    commuters, had none, and now

    there are no toilets at all.

    So there is no roof, no toilet and

    the rank is boycotted by the associ-

    ationas thewholeprojectwasdone

    in bad faith by the City of Cape


    No public facilities at all facili-

    ties such as toilets for commuters

    and water for drinking.

    The City never consulted the

    Taxi Association, neither the rate-

    payers in this development, nei-


    ronmental association, the Macas-

    sar Environmental Association.

    Every development in Macassar


    City does not feel the necessity to

    consult with our community.

    The taxis are now parked in the

    mud and the taxi commuters must


    the taxis.

    It is inhumanto take toiletsaway

    from the taxi rank.

    Where must they relieve them-

    selves! Where must commuters re-

    lieve themselves andwhat toilet fa-

    cilities must they use?

    Whydoes our councillor not con-

    sultwith theNGOs, ratepayersand

    residents of Macassar?



    (Councillor Brett Herron, Mayoral

    Committee Member: Transport for

    Cape Town responds:)

    The City of Cape Town appreci-

    ates residents concerns in this re-

    gard, thusourattempts togradual-

    ly improve the taxi rank. It must

    be borne in mind that the current

    facilitywas intendedasaninterim

    solution to improve theconditions

    experienced by commuters previ-


    This was communicated to the

    taxiassociation,aswellas theSub-

    council and localWardCouncillor

    who acknowledged that the facili-

    ty is an interim intervention and

    that a full investigation for a new

    Public Transport Interchange

    (PTI) facility will be undertaken

    this financial year (2013/2014).

    TheCity hasmade the following

    improvements to the interchange:

    ) Hardening of surfaces

    ) Walkways for commuters

    ) Improvements to stormwater

    drainage and

    ) Provision of temporary shel-


    Unfortunately, it was not possi-

    ble to upgrade the toilets as part

    of the interim upgrade. However,

    maintenance is ongoing and the

    Citywill provide two chemical toi-

    lets. The full upgrade of ablution

    facilities is part of the plannedPTI

    facility currently under investiga-

    tion. As part of the upgrade proc-

    ess, the City is investigating the


    ) A land investigation into the

    current and further location of the


    ) A demand and need analysis

    of the current operations to estab-

    lish a sufficient and flexible public

    transport facility, which will in-

    clude the following proposed in-

    frastructure: loading bays with

    covered roof shelter; ablution fa-

    cilities; sidewalks for commuters;

    wash bays; signage, etc.

    TheCitywill continue to engage

    with the residents, commuters

    and the taxi association until a so-

    lution can be found for all.


    AECIs decisions on what to do with

    its land at Paardevlei have had, and

    will continue tohave, the largest im-

    pact on the Helderberg stemming

    from any single source.

    The development of the Somerset

    Mall precinct irrevocably changed

    the nature of business in theHelder-

    berg area.

    The developments to follow at

    Paardevlei will bring new ground

    shifts to the area. The land will hold

    14 000 new houses and 120 hectares

    of shops, industryandbusinessesby

    the time the developments are com-

    pleted in 15 to 20 years time.

    The distinction and distance be-

    tween Somerset West and Cape

    Town will possibly no longer exist

    two decades from now, as the

    Paardevlei development will fill in

    the space between the two nodes.

    The urbanisation of the Helderberg

    will in effect be accelerated.

    Development on this scale holds

    immense consequences. It is essen-

    tial thatresidentsandbusinessasso-

    ciations as well as civic re-

    presentatives are involved in what-

    ever public participation processes

    arise to help shape the new face of

    the Helderberg. Because a new face

    is undoubtedly on its way.


    Dakkie van As (80) se gedig, Gebed van

    n visserman,wat vashou aan omgeslane

    boot,wat sy vir haar wyle seun Piet (55)

    geskryf het en op die omslag van die be-

    grafnisbrief laat druk het:

    Hoe lank, hoe lank moet ek nog aan

    hierdie tou bly klou?

    Hoe lank, Heer, hoe lank kan ek nog


    Gedagtes van die verlede gaan by my


    Gedagtes wat ek graag wou vermy

    Hoe lank, hoe lank moet ek nog aan

    hierdie tou bly klou?

    Hoe lank, Heer, hoe lank kan ek nog


    God het geklop, ek het geluister

    Maak oop jouhart, ek neem jouuit die


    Godhetgefluister, diewindhetgeluis-


    Die boot gaan stadig voort na die be-

    kende oord

    Biddend het ons op die sand gekniel

    Ons het gevra

    God het ons gedra

    n Nag om te onthou

    God bly altyd getrou.

    BLUE FLAG AWARDED: The popular Bikini Beach in Gordons Bay was once again awarded the prestigious Blue Flag status. Blue Flag

    status indicates that the international standards for safety, environmental considerations and facilities have been met. Local business owners

    promote the Blue Flag status to attract international tourists to Gordons Bay.



    Nou ook aanlyn...

    S jou s

    S jou s

  • 11


    10 Oktober, 2013



    Ina se storiesnou ine-boeke

    As n klein dogtertjie het sy

    vir almal van hul gekleurde


    nou toe is dit baie keer net die

    eenvoudigste toneel of plek

    wat die ontstaan van n ver-

    haal word.

    Dt dien as bewys dat stories

    die groot liefde en passie is van

    Strand-inwoner Ina Bergh (73),

    wie se verhale onlangs deur

    Kwarts.co.za as e-boeke beskik-

    baar gemaak is.

    Ina is asdie tweedeoudstevan

    ses susters in die Vrystaat gebo-

    re, en tydens haar grootwordja-

    re was dit vir haar die lekkerste


    te vermaak, veral as sy die ver-

    rukking op hul gesigte opge-

    merk het.

    Ina het haar laer- en hor-

    skoolloopbaan in Wolmarans-

    stad voltooi. Dit was op hor-

    skool terwyl die leerlinge in die

    Duitse klas hersiening gedoen

    het, dat Ina verskeie kindersto-

    ries die lig laat sien het.

    Oral sien ek storieswat virmy

    wink. En, as ek nie vinnig genoeg

    die stories neerpennie, raas hulle

    met my, lag Ina.

    Sy en haar man, Hattie, was

    saam op horskool en, volgens

    Ina, het hy haar dadelik as groen-

    tjie opgemerk. Hulle is reeds 54

    jaar gelukkig getroud.

    Ina vertel hoe hulle as gesin,

    methuldogter enseun,naKlerks-

    dorp verhuis het.

    Sy was van die eerste lede wat

    by die PUK (Noordwes Universi-

    teit) se skryfkursus ingeskryfhet,

    maar kon dit egter nie voltooi nie

    omdat sy haar man Griekeland

    toe gevolg het.

    Hattie het daar n projek gehad

    en Ina het besluit om vir die pret

    Griekse kindertjies American

    English te leer, en natuurlik het

    sy ook stories geskryf.

    Griekelandhetmaarnet inmy

    bloed gebruis. Daarhetmyverha-

    le,Roos vanAthene,Griekeland,O

    Vrolike Land en Spensvol Griekse

    Stories ontstaan.

    Later het hulle Pretoria toe ver-

    huis waar Ina as n eiendoms-

    agent gewerk het en tot haar ver-

    basing nogal baie huise verkoop



    te by skouhuise ingewaghet, het

    sy stories in haar dagboek ge-


    Toe sy n ou stal met klomp to-

    rinkies en nplaasmet nbuiten-

    gewone ingang gewaar, het ver-

    hale soosEienaarsvanLizamore

    en Vygiesdal se Mense ontstaan.

    Van Pretoria het hulle na Piet

    Retief getrek en daarna na die

    Strand, waar hulle sedert 2007


    Ina vertel dat sy verlede jaar

    Desember n gewrig gebreek het

    en toe besluit het dat vanjaar

    haar jaar van welslae sou wees.

    Vroer di jaar het

    Kwarts.co.za vyf van haar ma-

    nuskripte Gekoopte Bruid,

    Spensvol Griekse Stories, Vers-

    skerwe, Peggy die afbeen makou-

    wyfie van Somerset-Wes, en Die

    Verkeerde Kuiergas goedge-

    keur vir e-boeke.

    Dt volg n syKwarts.co.za ge-

    nader het toe haar oog onverwags

    een van hul advertensies gevang

    het terwylsydienommervanPro-

    teahuis inPretoriaopdie internet

    gesoek het.

    Ek is opreg dankbaar dat hulle

    my manuskripte min of meer in

    n maand goedgekeur het.

    Het ek vlerke gehad, het ek oor

    onswoonstelgebou gesweef so bly


    s Ina, wat gewoonlik romantiese

    verhale skryf, maar tans besig is

    met n kinderverhaalbundel van

    verskillende plekke.

    Afrikaanse mense kan nou

    oorseemyboeke lees en geniet, en

    so miskien ook terugverlang.

    Strand-inwoner en skrywer Ina

    Bergh (73) se verhale word nou

    deur Kwarts.co.za as e-boeke be-

    skikbaar gemaak.


    Blommeklub byeen ten bate


    Lede van die Helderberg Blommeklub

    het Erfenisdag op 24 September met n

    piekniek gevier waartydens Koos My-

    burgh n demonstrasie op n damwal ge-

    doen het.

    Myburgh het die nuutste enmaklikste

    manier van onthaal aan die klublede ge-


    Die klub se volgende funksie is Flo-

    wers and Song op Saterdag 12 Oktober

    by die NG kerk, Brandstraat, Strand.

    Di geldinsameling op Nasionale Hos-

    pice-dag word deur die Helderberg

    Blommeklub aangebied en is ten bate

    van Helderberg Hospice.

    Die welbekende blomkunstenaar,

    Pam Harris, sal n demonstrasie lewer

    en plaaslike sanger, Shireen Blatt, sal


    Volgens Blatt is die geldinsameling

    ook ter ondersteuning van borskanker-


    Mense wat nie self die funksie wil by-

    woon nie, kan n kankerpasint met n

    kaartjie borg.

    Die geleentheid begin om 10:00 en

    kaartjies is R80 per persoon wat verver-

    sings insluit.

    Kaartjies kan by Flowers on Main in

    Hoofweg, Strand, gekoop word.

    Bel Helderberg Blommeklub se voor-

    sitter, Jannie du Toit, by 072 473 2420 of

    ShireenBlatt by076 455 0735virmeerbe-


    Klublede wat op Erfnisdag aan die spanbou deelgeneem het.

    TALK AT ROTARY CLUB: The former head of Cape Town Tourism, Ma-

    ritte du Toit-Helmbold, recently addressed the Helderberg Rotary Club.

    With her is Arthur Fandam, who thanked her for her speech.

    EXPERIENCE SHARED: Hottentots-Holland High Schools Interactors of

    Rotary recently addressed the Helderberg Rotary Club on their Adventure

    into Citizenship experience, where they went to Cape Town as part of a

    larger group for a week to see all the attractions. Seen here (back, from

    left) are Peter Cohen (president of the Helderberg Rotary Club) and Janet

    Baxter; (front) Victor Botha, Beata Green, Rezaan Abrahams, Jillian Uren,

    Tasneem Daniels and Conray Izaks.

  • 12


    10 Oktober, 2013




    evening forHospice

    Helderberg Hospice hosted a very suc-

    cessful Bosman and Boerekos evening

    at The Farmhouse Coffee Shop in Som-

    erset West recently.

    Well knownstory teller andauthorDori-

    an Haarhof transported a crowd of avid

    Herman Charles Bosman fans from a cold,

    wet Helderberg to the stoep of Oom Schalk

    Lourens in theGrootMarico. He delighted

    the large gathering with the best of Bos-

    man, ranging from tales of peach brandy

    to a marathon singing of Psalm 119.

    Patricia McNaught Davis, who organis-

    es theevents,mediaandmarketing forHel-

    derbergHospice said shewas thrilledwith


    Dorian and Henk who performed free of

    charge and everyone else who supported

    the event.

    Friends Di Gillespie and Ro-

    salee Truter with Dorian

    Haarhof (aka Oom Schalk

    Lourens). Rosalee first saw

    Dorian performing as Oom

    Schalk Lourens in Windhoek,

    Namibia in 1983 and when

    she heard that he was per-

    forming in Somerset West,

    said she just had to see him


    Judy Cawood (of the Helderberg

    Stroke Support Group), her hus-

    band, Dr Chris Cawood, and

    Judys mother, Fay Rennie, (a vol-

    unteer at Helderberg Hospice) also

    supported the event.


    A feast of flavours at Paardevlei

    The inaugural Feast

    of Flavours Festival

    took place this past

    weekend at Paarde-


    Guests could enjoy

    various activities set

    in the park-like sur-

    rounds of the site; The

    FamilyFunZone, The

    Art, Wine & Craft

    BeerMeander and the

    Global Village.

    The festival was a

    fund-raiser in aid of


    and Cotlands.

    The Haupt family (from left) Meghan, Markham Sr., Melanie and


    From left: Anna Blom, Lee Bezuidenhout

    and Natasha Dickinson.

    Matt Farquhar, Savannah Bowie and Matt

    Daniel enjoyed the beer tasting at Trigger-

    fish Brewery.

  • 13


    10 Oktober, 2013



    Faldien en Salwa Jooste het die ma-

    triekafskeid van Horskool Strand


    Clayton Adams and Aiyshah

    Mauritz both matriculants, at-

    tended the matric ball of Hot-

    tentots-Holland High School at

    The NH the Lord Charles Ho-

    tel on 19 September.

    Adriaan Carelse

    en Merryl Pillay

    van Sir Lowrys

    Pass het die ma-

    triekafskeid van

    Horskool Hotten-

    tots Holland by-


    At the back are Kim Dreyer, Dali

    Bo Furnell, Samantha Bichard

    and Melanie Gross with Anscha

    Rall, Megan Shelton and Sarah

    Kang in front.

    Michelle Pfeipher, Imraam Mo-

    hamed, Thomas Jacobs and Ben


    Luke Tredrea, Derrick

    Ndayi, Carl Hogg and

    Dylan Solms with Tyler

    Paris and Christopher

    August in front.

    The boys at the back are (from

    left) Sebastian Dorrington, Alex

    ORiordan, Neil Huyshamer, Dar-

    ren Hendricks and Joshua Whin-

    dus; in front: Bianca Silberbauer,

    Carmen Steyn, Megan Higgo, Al-

    exandra Rust and Robyn Keet.

    The grade 11 matric farewell committee are (at the back) Stephani Perold,

    Ben Albertyn, Kirstin Adams, Reece Ackerman, Nikita Rodenbach, Min-Jae

    Cho, Dean Erasmus and Kesley Kapps, In front are Dhan de Beer, Kyle

    Evans, Seth Fuchs, Leshiha Blankenberg, Max Vester, Phb Bronkhorst and

    Tanya Barnard. Tristan Veen was absent.

    PVsmatrics do it Harry Potter style






















































































































  • 14


    10 Oktober, 2013





    A walk through the gardens of Vergelegen Estate is an

    experience not to be missed.

    However, this is not merely a walk to admire the

    thoughtfully landscaped gardens, but also a glimpse in-

    to the immense history of the more than 300-year-old

    estate, built by Willem Adriaan Van der Stel.

    Theestates camellia garden is oneof only twoCamel-

    lia Gardens of Excellence in the southern hemisphere

    boasting a camellia tree planted in the 1920s.

    Similarly there are camphor trees of more than 200

    years old, a 300-year-old mulberry tree, and a yellow

    wood tree of 400 years old.

    To visit the estate phone 021 847 1334 or visit


    Priscilla Holmes, Lorraine David, Ursula Carton, Suzette Holden, Sue

    van Heerden and Anne Rogers with Vergelegen horticulturist Ri-

    chard Arm.

    Magda Stander and Suzette Holden admiring a camellia flower

    along the route.

    Richard Arm at the 400-year-old yellow wood tree on


    Get inspired by design

    Made By Architects (MBA),

    including well-known sculp-

    tor Jean Theron Louw, are

    currently displaying their

    innovative designs at Imiba-

    la in Bright Street, Somerset


    The exhibition is titled

    Create and it features highly

    visual and exclusive pieces

    of bespoke furniture, design

    and sculpture objects by

    MBA partners Wilhelm

    Louw, Jean Theron Louw,

    Ren Winzker and Freddy

    Ltter. Spectacular sculp-

    ture pieces created by Louw

    are also included.

    The exhibition started on

    Monday 7 October and lasts

    until Saturday 19 October.

    During the exhibition,

    there will be an auction in

    aid of the Imibala Trust con-

    sisting of ten Stobles, dona-

    ted by MBA and hand-paint-

    ed by students benefiting

    from Imibalas art pro-

    gramme. For details, phone

    021 855 1197 or visit


    za or www.imibala.co.za.

    Die Malan-familiebond


    oudste familiebonde in

    Suid-Afrika en vier van-

    jaar sy 24ste verjaardag.

    n Propvol dag vol akti-

    witeite word ter viering

    vir Saterdag 12 Oktober


    Die verrigtinge begin

    om 09:00 by die NG Moe-

    derkerk, Stellenbosch.

    Daarnavolg nbesoekaan

    die Sasol-kunsgalery en

    die Oude Libertas.

    Die verrigtinge sluit af

    met n besoek aan die Si-

    monsig-landgoed, n Ma-

    lan-familieplaas, vir mid-

    dagete by die Cuve-res-


    Prof. Christo Viljoen,

    voorsitter van die Huge-

    note-vereniging, is die


    Daarna volg n wyn-

    proe en besoek aan die



    wassenes en R80 vir laer-


    Bel Dennis Malan,

    voorsitter van die Malan-

    familiebond, by

    083 375 3251/021 853 5319

    vir meer inligting, of

    stuur n e-pos na d.s.ma-

    [email protected].

    Malan-bond vier

    25 jaar

  • 15


    10 Oktober, 2013




    082 927 5069 | 021 851 3353082 927 5069 | 021 851 3353

    [email protected]@psgkonsult.co.za

    1st Floor II T1st Floor II Trindent Park Niblick Wrindent Park Niblick Wayay

    Somerset WSomerset Westest




    082 927 5069 | 021 851 3353

    [email protected]

    1st Floor II Trindent Park Niblick Way

    Somerset West


    R E T I R E M E N T

    P L A N N I N G

    O F F S H O R E

    I N V E S T M E N T S



    M A N A G E M E N T




    next Cape Business Connect meeting takes

    place on Wednesday 16 October at NH The

    Lord Charles from 08:00 to 09:30. Member

    speakers are Anita Bellini of SA Homeloans,

    Di Havard of Remax Helderberg and Corlene

    Mostert of STBB, whose expertise is in prop-

    erty law and conveyancing. Lee Siebert (pic-

    tured), owner and driving force behind the

    success of Remax Helderberg, will share her

    secrets. Call 082 454 9475 or email helder-

    [email protected] for boo-

    kings and information.

    Farmers exhibition

    goes to the country

    The Western Capes longest running techno-

    logy exhibition focused exclusively on the

    wine, fruit and olive producing sectors is set

    to take place at Sandringham Estate for the

    first time next month.

    Sandringham Estate is situated along the

    N1 at the Klapmuts turnoff to Stellenbosch

    perfectly located in the agricultural heart

    of the Western Cape.


    bition takes place from 15 to 17 October from

    09:00 to 17:00 daily. Itwill feature free lectures

    and workshops and entrance is free. Online

    registration can be done at www.wffg.co.za.

    sie toelaaggebruikmaak.Jougeldworddus

    in Rand bel en deur Coronation indirek

    omgeskakel na Dolar of Pond.

    Die fonds sal bekend staan as die Corona-

    tion Global Managed Feeder Fund.

    Die woordjie feeder wys vir jou dat jy nie

    direk in Dollar of Pond bel is

    nie, maar liewer in Rand. Die

    blootstelling in termevanrisko

    enopbrengs isegterpresiesdie-

    selfde as die direkte buiteland-

    se fonds.

    Indien jy n eenmalige beleg-

    ging van R250 000 wil maak in

    dieselfde fonds, kan jy gebruik

    maak van jou buitelandse be-

    leggings toelaag, wat tans

    R4 miljoen per jaar is.

    Hiervoor het jy belasting kla-

    ring nodig by die Suid Afri-

    kaanse Inkomste Diens


    Danword jouRand omgeska-

    kel na Dollar of Pond en direk

    in dieCoronationGlobalManagedFundbe-

    l. Let op dat die woordjie feeder nou weg

    is. Met hierdie direkte metode het jy die

    voordeeldat jybyonttrekkings-stadiumnie

    noodwendig jou geld in Rand hoef te neem


    Jykandit in nbuitelandsebankrekening

    laat uitbetaal. Dit beteken dus dat indien jy

    in nbuitelandse fondsbel iswatdiewoord

    feeder agterna het, is jou geld nie direk in

    nbuitelandsegeldeenheidnie,maar liewer

    in Rand bel, niks om oor bekommerd te

    wees nie. Weet net dat jy nie eendag op jou

    oorsese reis van hierdie geld in Dollar of

    Pond kan neem nie. Indien jy op dieselfde

    dag R100 000 bel in die Coronation Global

    Managed, enGlobalManaged Feeder Fund,

    sal jy na vyf jaar presies dieselfde opbrengs


    geldeenheid jy dit terug sal ontvang.

    Ons is steeds van mening dat jy n groot

    deelvanjouspaar-enaftreegeld indiebuite-

    land moet bel.


    dit net welgestelde mense is wat in die

    buiteland kan bel. Dit is egter ver van

    die waarheid. Moderne beleggingsfond-

    se en produkte het dit moontlik gemaak

    vir enige persoon om sy geld oorsee te


    Daar is n hele paar metodes

    tot jou beskikking om jou geld

    daar te bel

    Sekerlik die maklikste en

    mees algemene metode is deur

    middel van effektetrust. Jy kan

    met so min as R500 per maand

    by enige van die groot beleg-

    gingsinstansies in een van hul

    buitelandse fondse bel.

    Daar is verskillende metodes

    om jou geld in die fondse te bel.

    Kom ons gebruik n voor-

    beeld. Indien jy n maandelikse

    belegging van R500 wil maak in

    byvoorbeeld die Coronation

    GlobalManagedFund, sal jy vandiebetrok-

    ke maatskappy se buitelandse bate alloka-

    Jan alleman kan ook in die buiteland bel

    Heinn Havinga

    PSG Portefeuljebestuurder

    0 021 851 3353

    2 [email protected]


  • 16


    10 Oktober, 2013



    TWINTIG JAAR GEVIER: Die Tinktinkie kleuter- en babasorg sentrum het onlangs hul 20 ste verjaarsdag met

    n vrolike partytjie gevier. Agter in die middel, is Wian Kotz die eerste baba by die sentrum wat onlangs sy

    tweede verjaarsdag gevier het. Die sentrum akkommodeer tans 40 babas en kleuters en is onlangs by die We-

    skaapse onderwysdepartement geregistreer ter voorbereiding vir n graad R-klas vanaf Januarie 2014.

    BLOMMEKUNS: Brenda Eksteen, blommekuns-beoordelaar en puik

    demonstrateur het baie treffend Reik na die Sterre (foto) tydens

    die onlangse vergadering van die Strand Blommeklub uitgebeeld.

    Die klub vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand in die Gere-

    formeerde Kerksaal in Altenaweg, Strand. Bel Elsa Smit by 021 853

    6430 vir meer inligting.


    ) Friday 11 October

    Zandr is performing at the

    SpringbokBluesPubat 20:00.Nocov-

    er charge, but phone 021 854 7787 to

    book a table.

    DJ Cool will bring the house

    down at Melts Tavern in Gordons

    Bay from 21:00.

    Gert Zandberg performs at Die

    Watergat Pub & Grill in the Gants

    Centre at 21:00.

    ) Saturday 12 November



    is free.

    Mississippi Disco will be per-

    forming at Berties Moorings in Gor-


    Karla Christene is on stage live

    at DieWatergat in Strand from 21:00.

    ) Sunday 13 November

    Karin Kortj and Gift Gwe from

    SA Idols are among the artists per-

    forming in the school hall at Dr G. J.

    Joubert Primary School in Strand. It

    starts at 19:30 and tickets are R50. A

    portion of the funds will go towards

    the school. Tickets are available at

    the school or fromTheresa on 072 594


    Kenny from the legendary band

    the Stecatos will be performing at

    Melts Tavern 14:00 18:00. No en-

    trance fee.


    forming at Berties Moorings for the

    first time at 18:00 today. No cover


    The Kevin Floyd Band

    THE GYPSY RHYME: Vocalist Kyle Seconna (right) and Nicola Gardiner

    (vocalist-instrumentalist), both from Somerset West, will be performing in

    the Liebrecht Gallery in Somerset West on 18 October. The concert is titled

    The Gypsy Rhyme and is presented by Vineyard Artist to whet the appe-

    tite for the solo exhibition of A Gypsy Woman by Wendy Gaybba which

    opens in the gallery on the 24 October. Kyle and Nicola started perform-

    ing together when they were pupils at Somerset West Primary. Both have

    directed a number of shows, musicals and theatre productions. Tickets are

    R90 and are available at the gallery. Phone 021 852 8030 or 082 682

    5710 to book.

  • 17


    10 Oktober, 2013



    Kerke / Churches

    Kerke / Churches


    camp needs help

    Child Welfare South Africa Helderberg is

    planningacamping trip for theGrade7pu-

    pils of Sir Lowrys Pass Primary next

    month.The threedaycamp, from4 to 6No-

    vember in Villiersdorp, is to prepare the

    pupils who will be going off to high school

    in 2014, andwill includemeals and accom-


    According to Adel Zeelie from Child

    Welfare SA Helderberg, the pupils were

    asked to contribute R100 from their own


    able to do so.

    We will be grateful for Helderbergers

    who can either sponsor a child or make a



    ableexperienceoutsideof theirvillageand

    for many, probably the first time in their

    lives.Anyonewhowould likemore infor-

    mation ormake a contribution, can phone

    021 852 3126 or send an email to helder-

    [email protected].


    BLE: The Beaumont Primary String Ensemble

    earned an A+ at the Helderberg Eisteddfod. At

    the back (from left): are Megan Lane, Dillon Vil-

    joen and Darryl La Basse; (front row) Jelena Jer-

    ling and Danielle Kock.


    mont pupils April Kallis and Jemi-

    mah Scott both earned a cum

    laude in the Violin Own Choice

    section of the eisteddfod.

    HENDRIK LOUW UITGEBREI: Laerskool Hendrik

    Louw het op 1 Oktober die nuwe uitbreidings aan hul-

    le nasorgfasiliteite en grade RR- en R-klaskamers amp-

    telik geopen. Die nasorgsentrum kan 250 leerlinge

    huisves. Hierdie is die tweede keer in vier jaar dat die

    skool uitgebrei word en daar word ook beplan om die

    graad R- en RR-klasse volgende jaar uit te brei. Van

    links is Danie Jacobs ( projekbestuurder), Pierre van

    Rensburg (beheerliggaam-ondervoorsitter), Lewellin

    Brown (skoolhoof), Alida Kruger (beheerliggaam-voor-

    sitter) en Ludwig Nelson (onderhoof).



    BAY EX-

    CELS: Gor-

    dons Bay

    Primary pu-

    pils ob-

    tained 21

    cum laudes

    and a

    number of


    awards in

    the Music

    and Word

    Art Catego-

    ry of the



    Seen here

    (back, from

    left) are the

    cum laude

    winners Bi-

    anca Habets, Tionita Myburgh, Cara Smith, Megan van Antwerpen and Anke

    Tough; (second row) Tasnim Murphy, Lauren Bennell, Chan Botha and Tamanica

    Zucca; (kneeling) Charmaine Ralidzhivha, Jordan Ching Sent, Marcel Snyman,

    Cheri Snyman and Nebreska Cyster; (front) Nestah January and Dant Jacobs.

    EISTEDDFOD: Receivers of the Winners Cer-

    tificates and medals at the Helderberg Ei-

    steddfod are Autumn Moos, Tasnim Murphy

    and Dant Jacobs.

  • 18


    10 October, 2013












    03.11.1977 - 03.10.2013

    Passed away peacefully .

    Lovingly remembered by

    husband Regan, children

    Ethan & Lana and fam.



    07.07.1963 - 05.10.2013

    Our dearest son, husband,

    father and brother will

    always be in our thoughts

    and in our hearts. We are

    privileged to have had you

    in our lives.

    With all our love,

    Mom, Michle, Sebastian,

    Nicholas, Nola, Andrew

    and families.

    A memorial service will be

    held at the United Church

    in Somerset West (28

    Bright Street) on Friday 11

    October at 14h30.






    08.08.1938 - 07.10.2013

    Our dearest brother passed

    away peacefully. O, Jesus

    invites you to come and

    make that fa