distributed generator coordination for initialization and...

1 Distributed generator coordination for initialization and anytime optimization in economic dispatch Ashish Cherukuri Jorge Cort´ es Abstract—This paper considers the economic dispatch problem for a group of generator units communicating over an arbitrary weight-balanced digraph. The objective of the individual units is to collectively generate power to satisfy a certain load while minimizing the total generation cost, which corresponds to the sum of individual arbitrary convex functions. We propose a class of distributed Laplacian-gradient dynamics that are guaranteed to asymptotically find the solution to the economic dispatch problem with and without generator constraints. The proposed coordination algorithms are anytime, meaning that its trajectories are feasible solutions at any time before convergence, and they become better and better solutions as time elapses. Ad- ditionally, we design the provably correct, DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy that handles generator initialization and addition and deletion of units via a message passing routine over a spanning tree of the network. Our technical approach com- bines notions and tools from algebraic graph theory, distributed algorithms, nonsmooth analysis, set-valued dynamical systems, and penalty functions. Simulations illustrate our results. I. I NTRODUCTION Environmental concerns and economic challenges are fuel- ing technological advancements in renewable energy sources and their integration into electricity grids. In the near future, this trend will make power generation highly distributed, giving rise to large-scale grid optimization problems with an extremely dynamic nature. Since centralized approaches to these problems might become impractical, there is a need to develop distributed methods that find solutions for load management and distribution. Such distributed algorithms have the potential to meet dynamic demands and be robust against generation and transmission failures. With this motivation in mind, we study here the economic dispatch (ED) problem where a group of generators with generation costs described by smooth, convex functions seek to determine generation levels that respect individual constraints, meet a specified load, and minimize the total generation cost. For simplicity, we do not consider transmission losses or line constraints. Our aim is to design distributed algorithms that asymptotically converge to the solutions of the ED problem, are anytime, i.e., generate executions that are feasible at any time and have monotonically decreasing cost, and handle unit addition and deletion. Literature review Given the expected high density of the future electricity grid [1], the nature of the solution methodologies to the A preliminary version appeared at the 2014 American Control Conference. A. Cherukuri and J. Cort´ es are with the Department of Mechan- ical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, {acheruku,cortes}@ucsd.edu. ED problem has shifted in recent years from centralized [2] to distributed ones. Among these, many works introduce consensus-based algorithms. A set of them consider gener- ators with quadratic cost functions and undirected [3], [4] or directed [5] communication topologies. The work [6] con- siders linear cost functions and focuses on the design of a heterogeneous network architecture for faster convergence of the consensus scheme. The works [7], [8], [9] incorpo- rate transmission losses, but either drop constraints on the generator capacities [7], do not scale with the network size because each unit maintains an estimate of the power mis- match of every other unit [8], or do not formally characterize the convergence properties of the proposed algorithm [9]. Regarding the information on the total load, there is a wide variety in the scenarios considered: in [5] a few randomly selected generators have this knowledge, in [3], [4], [6], [8], [9] each generator knows the load demand at the bus it is connected to and algorithms are devised to aggregate this information, and [7] assumes that the load and generation mismatch is retrieved by each generator from the droop control implementation. A limitation of consensus-based approaches is that, in general, the resulting algorithm is not anytime. Instead, center-free algorithms [10], [11] solve an optimal resource allocation problem that corresponds to the ED problem for general convex functions, are distributed, and anytime, but cannot handle individual generator constraints. The work [12] deals with general convex functions and unit constraints, but the proposed algorithm only finds suboptimal solutions by solving a regularized version of the ED problem. None of the approaches mentioned above study scenarios where the set of generator units varies over time, which normally results in violations of the load requirements. The iterative algorithms in [13] solve asymptotically the problem of finding a feasible (not necessarily optimal) power allocation for the ED problem. The algorithmic solution that we provide here is able to find a feasible allocation in finite time, and can therefore handle unit addition and deletion. The implementation of this algorithm is in line with classical strategies for parallel computation, see e.g., [14]. Our work is also related to the emerging body of research on distributed optimization, see e.g., [15], [16], [17] and references therein. In this class of problems, each agent in the network maintains, communicates, and updates an estimate of the complete solution vector. This is a major difference with respect to our setting, where each unit optimizes over and communicates its own local variable, and these variables are tied in together through a global constraint.

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Distributed generator coordination for initializationand anytime optimization in economic dispatch

Ashish Cherukuri Jorge Cortes

Abstract—This paper considers the economic dispatch problemfor a group of generator units communicating over an arbitraryweight-balanced digraph. The objective of the individual unitsis to collectively generate power to satisfy a certain load whileminimizing the total generation cost, which corresponds tothe sum of individual arbitrary convex functions. We proposea class of distributed Laplacian-gradient dynamics that areguaranteed to asymptotically find the solution to the economicdispatch problem with and without generator constraints. Theproposed coordination algorithms are anytime, meaning that itstrajectories are feasible solutions at any time before convergence,and they become better and better solutions as time elapses. Ad-ditionally, we design the provably correct, DETERMINE FEASIBLEALLOCATION strategy that handles generator initialization andaddition and deletion of units via a message passing routine overa spanning tree of the network. Our technical approach com-bines notions and tools from algebraic graph theory, distributedalgorithms, nonsmooth analysis, set-valued dynamical systems,and penalty functions. Simulations illustrate our results.


Environmental concerns and economic challenges are fuel-ing technological advancements in renewable energy sourcesand their integration into electricity grids. In the near future,this trend will make power generation highly distributed,giving rise to large-scale grid optimization problems with anextremely dynamic nature. Since centralized approaches tothese problems might become impractical, there is a needto develop distributed methods that find solutions for loadmanagement and distribution. Such distributed algorithms havethe potential to meet dynamic demands and be robust againstgeneration and transmission failures. With this motivation inmind, we study here the economic dispatch (ED) problemwhere a group of generators with generation costs described bysmooth, convex functions seek to determine generation levelsthat respect individual constraints, meet a specified load, andminimize the total generation cost. For simplicity, we do notconsider transmission losses or line constraints. Our aim isto design distributed algorithms that asymptotically convergeto the solutions of the ED problem, are anytime, i.e., generateexecutions that are feasible at any time and have monotonicallydecreasing cost, and handle unit addition and deletion.

Literature review

Given the expected high density of the future electricitygrid [1], the nature of the solution methodologies to the

A preliminary version appeared at the 2014 American Control Conference.A. Cherukuri and J. Cortes are with the Department of Mechan-

ical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego,acheruku,[email protected].

ED problem has shifted in recent years from centralized [2]to distributed ones. Among these, many works introduceconsensus-based algorithms. A set of them consider gener-ators with quadratic cost functions and undirected [3], [4] ordirected [5] communication topologies. The work [6] con-siders linear cost functions and focuses on the design ofa heterogeneous network architecture for faster convergenceof the consensus scheme. The works [7], [8], [9] incorpo-rate transmission losses, but either drop constraints on thegenerator capacities [7], do not scale with the network sizebecause each unit maintains an estimate of the power mis-match of every other unit [8], or do not formally characterizethe convergence properties of the proposed algorithm [9].Regarding the information on the total load, there is a widevariety in the scenarios considered: in [5] a few randomlyselected generators have this knowledge, in [3], [4], [6], [8],[9] each generator knows the load demand at the bus it isconnected to and algorithms are devised to aggregate thisinformation, and [7] assumes that the load and generationmismatch is retrieved by each generator from the droop controlimplementation. A limitation of consensus-based approaches isthat, in general, the resulting algorithm is not anytime. Instead,center-free algorithms [10], [11] solve an optimal resourceallocation problem that corresponds to the ED problem forgeneral convex functions, are distributed, and anytime, butcannot handle individual generator constraints. The work [12]deals with general convex functions and unit constraints, butthe proposed algorithm only finds suboptimal solutions bysolving a regularized version of the ED problem. None ofthe approaches mentioned above study scenarios where theset of generator units varies over time, which normally resultsin violations of the load requirements. The iterative algorithmsin [13] solve asymptotically the problem of finding a feasible(not necessarily optimal) power allocation for the ED problem.The algorithmic solution that we provide here is able to find afeasible allocation in finite time, and can therefore handle unitaddition and deletion. The implementation of this algorithm isin line with classical strategies for parallel computation, seee.g., [14]. Our work is also related to the emerging body ofresearch on distributed optimization, see e.g., [15], [16], [17]and references therein. In this class of problems, each agent inthe network maintains, communicates, and updates an estimateof the complete solution vector. This is a major differencewith respect to our setting, where each unit optimizes overand communicates its own local variable, and these variablesare tied in together through a global constraint.

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Statement of contributions

Our starting point is the formulation of the ED problemfor a group of generator units that communicate over anarbitrary weight-balanced, strongly connected digraph. Thefirst contribution pertains to the relaxed economic dispatch(rED) problem, which is the ED problem without boundson the individual generators’ capacity. We introduce the dis-tributed Laplacian-gradient dynamics, establish its exponentialconvergence to the set of solutions of the rED problem, andcharacterize the associated rate. As a by-product of our anal-ysis, we establish the anytime nature of this algorithm and itsconvergence under jointly strongly connected communicationtopologies. Our second contribution concerns the ED problem.We use a nonsmooth exact penalty function to transformthe problem, which has generators’ capacity bounds, into anequivalent optimization with no such constraints. The resultingformulation resembles the rED problem, and this leads usto the design of the distributed Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradientdynamics. This algorithm provably converges to the solutionsof the ED problem, and is also anytime and robust to switchingcommunication topologies that remain strongly connected. Ourthird contribution deals with the distributed allocation of theload to the network of generators while respecting the capacitybounds. We propose the three-phase strategy DETERMINEFEASIBLE ALLOCATION, that only involves message passingbetween generator units over a spanning tree. The first phasemaintains a spanning tree over the units present in the network,the second phase determines the capacity of each subtree toallocate additional power, and the third phase allocates powerto each individual unit, respecting the constraints, to meet theoverall load. Our algorithm terminates in finite time and can beused for the initialization of the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradientdynamics and to handle scenarios with power imbalancescaused by the addition or deletion of generators.


Section II contains basic preliminaries. Section III de-fines the ED and rED problems. Sections IV and V intro-duce, respectively, the Laplacian-gradient and the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics. Section VI analyzes theDETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION routine. Section VIIpresents simulations and Section VIII gathers our conclusions.


This section introduces basic concepts and preliminariesfrom graph theory, nonsmooth analysis, discontinuous dy-namics, and constrained optimization. We begin with somenotational conventions. Let R, R≥0, R>0, Z≥1 denote the real,nonnegative real, positive real, and positive integer numbers,resp. The 2- and ∞-norms on Rn are ‖ · ‖2 and ‖ · ‖∞, resp.We let B(x, δ) = y ∈ Rn | ‖y − x‖2 < δ. For D ⊂ Rn,bd(D) and |D| denote its boundary and cardinality, resp. Weuse 0n = (0, . . . , 0) ∈ Rn, 1n = (1, . . . , 1) ∈ Rn, andIn ∈ Rn×n for the identity matrix. For x, y ∈ Rn, x ≤ y iffxi ≤ yi for i ∈ 1, . . . , n. A set-valued map f : Rn ⇒ Rmassociates to each point in Rn a set in Rm. Finally, we let[u]+ = max0, u for u ∈ R.

A. Graph theory

We present notions from algebraic graph theory [18]. Adigraph is a pair G = (V, E), with V the vertex set and E ⊆V×V the edge set. A path is a sequence of vertices connectedby edges. A digraph is strongly connected if there is a pathbetween any pair of vertices. The sets of out- and in-neighborsof vi are, resp., Nout(vi) = vj ∈ V | (vi, vj) ∈ E andNin(vi) = vj ∈ V | (vj , vi) ∈ E. A weighted digraph G =(V, E ,A) is composed of a digraph (V, E) and an adjacencymatrix A ∈ Rn×n≥0 with aij > 0 iff (vi, vj) ∈ E . The weightedout- and in-degree of vi are, resp., dout(vi) =

∑nj=1 aij and

din(vi) =∑nj=1 aji. The Laplacian matrix is L = Dout − A,

where Dout is the diagonal matrix with (Dout)ii = dout(i), fori ∈ 1, . . . , n. Note that L1n = 0. If G is strongly connected,then 0 is a simple eigenvalue of L. G is undirected if L = L>. Gis weight-balanced if dout(v) = din(v), for all v ∈ V iff 1>n L =0 iff Ls = (L + L>)/2 ≥ 0. An undirected graph is weight-balanced. If G is weight-balanced and strongly connected, then0 is a simple eigenvalue of Ls, and

x>Lsx ≥ λ2(Ls)∥∥x− 1

n(1>n x)1n

∥∥22, ∀x ∈ Rn, (1)

with λ2(Ls) the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of Ls.

B. Nonsmooth analysis

We introduce notions from nonsmooth analysis follow-ing [19]. A function f : Rn → Rm is locally Lipschitz atx ∈ Rn if there exist Lx, ε ∈ (0,∞) such that ‖f(y) −f(y′)‖2 ≤ Lx‖y − y′‖2, for all y, y′ ∈ B(x, ε). A functionf : Rn → R is regular at x ∈ Rn if, for all v ∈ Rn, theright and generalized directional derivatives of f at x in thedirection of v coincide. Continuously differentiable and convexfunctions are both regular. A set-valued map H : Rn ⇒ Rn isupper semicontinuous at x ∈ Rn if, for all ε ∈ (0,∞), thereexists δ ∈ (0,∞) such that H(y) ⊂ H(x) + B(0, ε) for ally ∈ B(x, δ). Also, H is locally bounded at x ∈ Rn if thereexist ε, δ ∈ (0,∞) such that ‖z‖2 ≤ ε for all z ∈ H(y) andy ∈ B(x, δ). Given a locally Lipschitz function f : Rn → R,let Ωf be the set (of measure zero) of points where f is notdifferentiable. The generalized gradient ∂f : Rn ⇒ Rn is

∂f(x) = co limi→∞

∇f(xi) | xi → x, xi /∈ S ∪ Ωf,

where co denotes convex hull and S ⊂ Rn is any set of mea-sure zero. The set-valued map ∂f is locally bounded, uppersemicontinuous, and takes non-empty, compact, and convexvalues. A critical point x ∈ Rn of f satisfies 0 ∈ ∂f(x).

C. Stability of differential inclusions

We gather here some useful tools for the stability analysis ofdifferential inclusions [19]. A differential inclusion on Rn is

x ∈ H(x), (2)

where H : Rn ⇒ Rn is a set-valued map. A solutionof (2) on [0, T ] ⊂ R is an absolutely continuous mapx : [0, T ] → Rn that satisfies (2) for almost all t ∈ [0, T ]. IfH is locally bounded, upper semicontinuous, and takes non-empty, compact, and convex values, then existence of solutions

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is guaranteed. The set of equilibria of (2) is Eq(H) = x ∈Rn | 0 ∈ H(x). A set S ⊂ Rn is weakly (resp., strongly)positively invariant under (2) if, for each x ∈ S, at least asolution (resp., all solutions) starting from x is (resp., are)entirely contained in S. For dynamics with uniqueness ofsolution, both notions coincide and are referred as positivelyinvariant. Given f : Rn → R locally Lipschitz, the set-valuedLie derivative LHf : Rn ⇒ R of f with respect to (2) at x is

LHf = a ∈ R | ∃v ∈ H(x) s.t. ζ>v = a for all ζ ∈ ∂f(x).

The next result characterizes the asymptotic properties of (2).Theorem 2.1: (LaSalle Invariance Principle for differential

inclusions): Let H : Rn ⇒ Rn be locally bounded, uppersemicontinuous, with non-empty, compact, and convex values.Let f : Rn → R be locally Lipschitz and regular. If S ⊂ Rn iscompact and strongly invariant under (2) and maxLHf(x) ≤0 for all x ∈ S, then the solutions of (2) starting at S convergeto the largest weakly invariant set M contained in S ∩ x ∈Rn | 0 ∈ LHf(x). Moreover, if the set M is finite, then thelimit of each solution exists and is an element of M .

D. Constrained optimization and exact penalty functions

We introduce some notions on constrained optimization andexact penalty functions following [20], [21]. Consider

minimize f(x), (3a)subject to g(x) ≤ 0m, h(x) = 0p, (3b)

where f : Rn → R, g : Rn → Rm, and h : Rn → Rp,with p ≤ n, are continuously differentiable. The refined Slatercondition is satisfied by (3) if there exists x ∈ Rn such thath(x) = 0p, g(x) ≤ 0m, and gj(x) < 0 for all nonaffinefunctions gj . The optimization (3) is convex if f and g areconvex and h affine. For convex optimization problems, therefined Slater condition implies that strong duality holds. Apoint x ∈ Rn is a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of (3) ifthere exist Lagrange multipliers λ ∈ Rm≥0, ν ∈ Rp such that

g(x) ≤ 0m, h(x) = 0p, λ>g(x) = 0,

∇f(x) +


λj∇gj(x) +


νk∇hk(x) = 0.

If the optimization (3) is convex and strong duality holds, thena point is a solution of (3) if and only if it is a KKT point.

In the presence of inequality constraints in (3), we areinterested in using exact penalty function methods to eliminatethem while keeping the equality constraints. Following [21],consider the nonsmooth exact penalty function f ε : Rn → R,

f ε(x) = f(x) +1




with ε > 0, and define the minimization problem

minimize f ε(x), (4a)subject to h(x) = 0p. (4b)

Note that, if f is convex, then f ε is convex (given that t 7→1ε [t]+ is convex). Therefore, if the problem (3) is convex, then

the problem (4) is convex as well. The following result, seee.g. [21, Proposition 1], identifies conditions under which thesolutions of the optimization problems (3) and (4) coincide.

Proposition 2.2: (Equivalence between (3) and (4)): As-sume that the problem (3) is convex, has nonempty andcompact solution set, and satisfies the refined Slater condi-tion. Then, (3) and (4) have exactly the same solutions if1ε > ‖λ‖∞, for some Lagrange multiplier λ ∈ Rm≥0 of theproblem (3).

Note that a Lagrange multiplier for (3) exists because therefined Slater condition holds, and hence every solution is aKKT point. The next result characterizes the solutions of aclass of optimization problems. The proof is straightforward.

Lemma 2.3: (Solution form for a class of constrained opti-mization problems): Consider the problem



fi(xi), (5a)

subject to 1>n x = xl, (5b)

where fi : R→ Rni=1 are continuous, locally Lipschitz, andconvex. Let f : Rn → Rn, f(x) = (f1(x1), . . . , fn(xn)). Apoint x∗ is a solution of (5) iff there exists µ ∈ R such that

µ1n ∈ ∂f(x∗) and 1>n x∗ = xl. (6)


Consider a network of n ∈ Z≥1 power generator unitswhose communication topology is represented by a stronglyconnected and weight-balanced digraph G = (V, E ,A). Eachgenerator corresponds to a vertex and an edge (i, j) representsthe capability of unit j to transmit information to unit i.The power generated by unit i is Pi ∈ R. Each generatori ∈ 1, . . . , n has a cost generation function fi : R → R≥0,assumed to be convex and continuously differentiable. Thetotal cost incurred by the network with the power allocationP = (P1, . . . , Pn) ∈ Rn is given by f : Rn → R≥0 as

f(P ) =



The function f is also convex and continuously differentiable.The generators must meet a total power load Pl ∈ R>0, i.e.,∑ni=1 Pi = Pl, while at the same time minimizing the total

cost f(P ). We assume that at least one generator knows thetotal load. Each generator has upper and lower limits on thepower it can produce, Pmi ≤ Pi ≤ PMi for i ∈ 1, . . . , n.We neglect any transmission losses and any constraints on theamount of power flow along transmission lines. Formally, theeconomic dispatch (ED) problem is

minimize f(P ), (7a)

subject to 1>nP = Pl, (7b)

Pm ≤ P ≤ PM . (7c)

We refer to (7b) as the load condition and to (7c) as thebox constraints. We let FED = P ∈ Rn | Pm ≤ P ≤PM and 1>nP = Pl denote the feasibility set of (7). Since

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FED is compact, the set of solutions of (7) is compact. More-over, since the constraints (7b) and (7c) are affine, feasibilityof the ED problem implies that the refined Slater conditionis satisfied and strong duality holds. Note that PM ∈ FED

implies FED is a singleton set, i.e., FED = PM. SimilarlyPm ∈ FED implies FED = Pm. Without loss of generality,we assume that PM and Pm are not feasible points.

A simpler version of this problem is the relaxed economicdispatch (rED) problem, where the total cost is optimized withthe load condition but without the box constraints. Formally,

minimize f(P ), (8a)

subject to 1>nP = Pl. (8b)

We let FrED = P ∈ Rn | 1>nP = Pl denote the feasibilityset of (8). Our objective is to design distributed procedures thatallow the network to solve the ED problem. In Section IV wepresent an algorithmic solution to the rED problem and thenbuild on it in Section V to solve the ED problem.

Remark 3.1: (Power system implications): In the powersystem literature, the cost function of a generator is usuallyquadratic and convex, and generator capacities have minimumand maximum bounds, see e.g. [22]. In our algorithm design,we assume that (1) generators exchange information about thecost function or its gradient with their neighbors, and (2) oneor more generators know the value of the total load. Bothassumptions are reasonable in numerous scenarios. Regarding(1), generators can be categorized in families where eachfamily’s cost function is defined by a finite number of pa-rameters. Hence, neighboring units only need to communicatetheir category and parameters. Regarding (2), we have in mindhierarchical dispatch scenarios where a higher-level plannerassigns loads to each microgrid, consisting of a group ofgenerators, and communicates it to a unit in each group,see [23]. At the lower level, each microgrid executes ouralgorithms to arrive at an optimum dispatch allocation. •


Here we introduce a distributed algorithm to solve the rEDproblem (8). Consider the Laplacian-gradient dynamics

P = −L∇f(P ), (9)

where L is the Laplacian of G. This dynamics is distributed inthe sense that each generator only requires information fromits out-neighbors. Specifically, if each generator knows the costfunction of its neighbors, then they interchange messages thatcontain their respective power levels. Else, if such knowledgeis not available, (9) can be executed by neighboring generatorsexchanging their respective gradient information.

Theorem 4.1: (Convergence of the Laplacian-gradient dy-namics): Consider the rED problem (8) with f : Rn → R≥0radially unbounded. Then, the feasible set FrED is positivelyinvariant under the dynamics (9) and all trajectories startingfrom FrED converge to the set of solutions of (8).

Proof: We use the shorthand notation XL-g : Rn → Rnto refer to (9). We first establish that the total power generated

by the network is conserved,

LXL-g(1>nP ) = 1>nXL-g(P ) = −(1>n L)∇f(P ) = 0, (10)

where we have used that G is weight-balanced in the last equal-ity. As a consequence, FrED is positively invariant under (9).Next, we show that f is monotonically nonincreasing,

LXL-gf(P ) = −∇f(P )>Ls∇f(P ) ≤ 0, (11)

where we have used that G is weight-balanced in the inequal-ity. Given P0 ∈ Rn, let

f−1(≤ f(P0)) = P ∈ Rn | f(P ) ≤ f(P0).

Note that this sublevel set is closed, and since f is ra-dially unbounded, bounded. Then, the set WP0

= f−1(≤f(P0)) ∩ FrED is closed, bounded, and from (10) and (11),positively invariant. The application of the LaSalle InvariancePrinciple, cf. Theorem 2.1, implies that the trajectories startingin WP0 converge to the largest invariant set M containedin P ∈ WP0 | LXL-gf(P ) = 0. From (11) and the factthat G is weight-balanced and strongly connected, we deducethat LXL-gf(P ) = 0 implies ∇f(P ) ∈ span1n, and henceP ∈ Eq(XL-g). Since 1>nP0 = Pl by hypothesis, we concludethat M = Eq(XL-g) ∩ FrED, which precisely corresponds tothe set of solutions of (8), cf. Lemma 2.3.

Remark 4.2: (Initialization of (9)): To solve the rED prob-lem, the Laplacian-gradient dynamics (9) requires an initialcondition satisfying the load constraints. Such initializationcan be performed in various ways. If each unit knows Pl andn, then the network can start from Pl

n 1n. If only one unitknows Pl, it can start from Pl while the others start from 0.•

The proof of Theorem 4.1 reveals that the load conditionis satisfied at all times and the total cost is monotonicallydecreasing until convergence. Both facts imply that (9) isanytime, i.e., its trajectories are feasible solutions at any timebefore convergence, and they become better as time elapses.

Proposition 4.3: (Convergence rate of the Laplacian-gradient dynamics): Under the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1,further assume that there exist k,K ∈ R>0 such thatkIn ∇2f(P ) KIn for P ∈ Rn. Then, the dynamics (9)converges to the unique solution of (8) exponentially fastwith rate greater than or equal to kλ2(Ls).

Proof: Uniqueness of the solution to (8) follows fromnoting that strong convexity implies strict convexity. LetP opt ∈ Rn denote the unique optimizer and let V : FrED ⊂Rn → R, V (P ) = f(P )− f(P opt). Note that V (P ) ≥ 0, andV (P ) = 0 iff P = P opt. From (11),

LXL-gV (P ) ≤ −λ2(Ls)‖∇f(P )− 1

n(1>n∇f(P ))1n‖22,

where we have used (1). For convenience, let e(P ) =∇f(P ) − 1

n (1>n∇f(P ))1n. Using the fact that f is stronglyconvex, for P, P ′ ∈ FrED, we have

f(P ′) ≥ f(P ) + e(P )>(P ′ − P ) +k

2‖P ′ − P‖22. (12)

For fixed P , the minimum of the right-hand side is f(P ) −12k‖e(P )‖22, and hence f(P ′) ≥ f(P ) − 1

2k‖e(P )‖22. Inparticular, for P ′ = P opt, this yields V (P ) ≤ 1

2k‖e(P )‖22.

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Combining this with the bound on LXL-gV above, we get

LXL-gV (P ) ≤ −2kλ2(Ls)V (P ),

which implies that, along any trajectory t 7→ P (t) of (9),one has V (P (t)) ≤ V (P (0))e−2kλ2(Ls)t. Our next objectiveis to relate the magnitude of V at P with ‖P − P opt‖. From∇2f(P ) KIn, one has f(P ′) ≤ f(P ) + ∇f(P )>(P ′ −P ) + K

2 ‖P′ − P‖22. Minimizing both sides over P ′ ∈ FrED,

V (P ) ≥ 1

2K‖e(P )‖22. (13)

Having established the relation between V (P ) and ‖e(P )‖,our final step consists of establishing the relation between themagnitudes of e(P ) and P − P opt. Using (12) for P ′ = P opt,one has

f(P opt) ≥ f(P ) + e(P )>(P opt − P ) +k

2‖P opt − P‖22

≥ f(P )− ‖e(P )‖2‖P opt − P‖2 +k

2‖P opt − P‖22.

Since f(P opt) ≤ f(P ) for any P ∈ FrED, we deduce ‖P −P opt‖2 ≤ 2

k‖e(P )‖2. Combining this with (13), we get

‖P − P opt‖22 ≤8

k2KV (P ). (14)

To obtain an upper bound, we use the fact that f is convex,and hence f(P opt) ≥ f(P )+∇f(P )>(P opt−P ). Rearranging,

V (P ) ≤ ∇f(P )>(P − P opt) = e(P )>(P − P opt)

implying V (P )2 ≤ ‖e(P )‖22‖P − P opt‖22. Using (13), we get

V (P ) ≤ 2K‖P − P opt‖22. (15)

Finally, along any trajectory t 7→ P (t), using (14) and (15)with P = P (0), we obtain ‖P (t) − P opt‖22 ≤ 16K2

k2 ‖P (0) −P opt‖22e−2kλ2(Ls)t, as claimed.

Proposition 4.3 opens up the possibility of selecting the edgeweights of the communication digraph G to maximize the rateof convergence of the Laplacian-gradient dynamics (9).

Remark 4.4: (Comparison with the center-free algorithm):The work [10] proposes the center-free algorithm to solvethe rED problem (termed there optimal resource allocationproblem). This algorithm essentially corresponds to a discrete-time implementation of the Laplacian-gradient dynamics (9).The convergence analysis of the center-free algorithm relies ontwo assumptions. First, ∇2f needs to be globally upper andlower bounded (in particular, this implies that f is stronglyconvex). Second, the Laplacian must satisfy a linear matrixinequality that constrains the choice of weights. In contrast, nosuch conditions are required here to establish the convergenceof (9). In addition, the guaranteed rate of convergence of thecenter-free algorithm vanishes once the upper bound on ∇2freaches a certain finite value for a fixed weight assignmentunlike the one obtained in Proposition 4.3 for (9). •

We next characterize the convergence of (9) when thetopology is switching under a weaker form of connectivity.

Proposition 4.5: (Convergence of the Laplacian-gradientdynamics under switching topology): Let Ξn be the set ofweight-balanced digraphs over n vertices. Denote the com-

munication digraph of the group of units at time t by G(t).Let t 7→ G(t) ∈ Ξn be piecewise constant and assume thereexists an infinite sequence of contiguous, nonempty, uniformlybounded time intervals over which the union of communica-tion graphs is strongly connected. Then, the dynamics

P = −L(G(t))∇f(P ), (16)

starting from an initial power allocation P0 satisfying 1>nP0 =Pl converges to the set of solutions of (8).

The proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.1 using that (i)the load condition is preserved along (16), (ii) f is a commonLyapunov function, and (iii) infinite switching implies conver-gence to the invariant set characterized by ∇f ∈ span1n,the set of solutions of the rED problem.


Here we propose a distributed algorithm to solve the EDproblem. We first develop an alternative formulation of thisproblem without inequality constraints using an exact penaltyfunction approach. This allows us to synthesize our distributeddynamics mimicking the algorithm design of Section IV.

A. Exact penalty function formulation

We first show that, unlike the rED problem, there mightbe no network-wide agreement on the gradients of the localobjective functions at the solutions of the ED problem.

Lemma 5.1: (Solution form for the ED problem): Forany solution P opt of the ED problem (7), there existν ∈ R, λm, λM ∈ Rn≥0 with ‖λm‖∞, ‖λM‖∞, 2|ν| ≤2 maxP∈FED ‖∇f(P )‖∞ such that

∇fi(P opti ) =

−ν + λmi if P opt

i = Pmi ,

−ν if Pmi < P opti < PMi ,

−ν − λMi if P opti = PMi .

Proof: The Lagrangian for the ED problem (7) isL(P, λm, λM , ν) = f(P ) + (λm)>(Pm − P ) + (λM )>(P −PM )+ν(1>nP −Pl). A point P opt is a solution of (7) iff thereexist ν ∈ R, λm, λM ∈ Rn≥0 satisfying the KKT conditions

Pm − P opt ≤ 0n, (λm)>(Pm − P opt) = 0, (17a)

P opt − PM ≤ 0n, (λM )>(P opt − PM ) = 0, (17b)

1>nPopt = Pl, ∇f(P opt)− λm + λM = −ν1n. (17c)

Now, consider the partition of 1, . . . , n associated to P opt,

I0(P opt) = i ∈ 1, . . . , n | Pmi < P opti < PMi ,

I+(P opt) = i ∈ 1, . . . , n | P opti = PMi ,

I−(P opt) = i ∈ 1, . . . , n | P opti = Pmi .

If i ∈ I0(P opt), then (17a)-(17b) imply λmi = λMi = 0, andhence ∇fi(P opt

i ) = −ν by (17c). If i ∈ I+(P opt), then (17a)-(17b) imply λmi = 0, λMi > 0, and hence ∇fi(P opt

i ) =−ν − λMi by (17c). Finally, if i ∈ I−(P opt), then (17a)-(17b)imply λmi > 0, λMi = 0, and hence ∇fi(P opt

i ) = −ν + λmiby (17c). To establish the bounds on the multipliers, wedistinguish between whether (a) I0(P opt) is non-empty or (b)

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I0(P opt) is empty. In case (a), from (17), ν = −∇fi(P opti ) for

all i ∈ I0(P opt), and therefore |ν| ≤ ‖∇f(P opt)‖∞. In case(b), from (17), we get ν ≤ −∇fj(P opt

j ) for all j ∈ I+(P opt).Similarly, we obtain ν ≥ −∇fk(P opt

k ) for all k ∈ I−(P opt).Therefore, −∇fk(P opt

k ) ≤ ν ≤ −∇fj(P optj ) for all j ∈

I+(P opt) and k ∈ I−(P opt). Since I0(P opt) is empty and byassumption Pm, PM 6∈ FED, both I−(P opt) and I+(P opt) arenon-empty. Therefore, we obtain |ν| ≤ ‖∇f(P opt)‖∞. This in-equality, together with (17c) and the fact that either λmi or λMiis zero for each i ∈ 1, . . . , n, implies ‖λm‖∞, ‖λM‖∞ ≤2‖∇f(P opt)‖∞ ≤ 2 maxP∈FED

‖∇f(P )‖∞.

Our next step is to provide an alternative formulation ofthe ED problem that is similar in structure to that of the rEDproblem. We do this by using an exact penalty function methodto remove the box constraints. Specifically, let

f ε(P ) =


fi(Pi) +1


( n∑i=1

([Pi − PMi ]+ + [Pmi − Pi]+)).

Note that this corresponds to a scenario where generator i ∈1, . . . , n has local cost given by

f εi (Pi) = fi(Pi) +1


([Pi − PMi ]+ + [Pmi − Pi]+

). (18)

This function is convex, locally Lipschitz, and continuouslydifferentiable in R except at Pi = Pmi and Pi = PMi . Itsgeneralized gradient ∂f εi : R ⇒ R is given by

∂f εi (Pi) =

∇fi(Pi)− 1ε if Pi < Pmi ,

[∇fi(Pi)− 1ε ,∇fi(Pi)] if Pi = Pmi ,

∇fi(Pi) if Pmi < Pi < PMi ,

[∇fi(Pi),∇fi(Pi) + 1ε ] if Pi = PMi ,

∇fi(Pi) + 1ε if Pi > PMi .

As a result, the total cost f ε is convex, locally Lipschitz, andregular. Its generalized gradient at P ∈ Rn is ∂f ε(P ) =∂f ε1(P1)× · · · × ∂f εn(Pn). Consider the optimization

minimize f ε(P ), (19a)

subject to 1>nP = Pl. (19b)

We next establish the equivalence of (19) with the ED problem.

Proposition 5.2: (Equivalence between (7) and (19)): Thesolutions of (7) and (19) coincide for ε ∈ R>0 such that

ε <1

2 maxP∈FED‖∇f(P )‖∞

. (20)

Proof: Observe the parallelism between (7) and (3) onone side and (19) and (4) on the other. Recall that, forthe ED problem (7), the set of solutions is nonempty andcompact, and the refined Slater condition is satisfied. Thus,from Proposition 2.2, the solutions of (19) and (7) coincideif 1

ε > ‖λm‖∞, ‖λM‖∞ for some Lagrange multipliers λm

and λM . From Lemma 5.1, there exists λm and λM satisfying‖λm‖∞, ‖λM‖∞ ≤ 2 maxP∈FED

‖∇f(P )‖∞. Thus, if ε <1

2maxP∈FED‖∇f(P )‖∞ , then 1

ε > 2 maxP∈FED‖∇f(P )‖∞ ≥

‖λm‖∞, ‖λM‖∞ and the claim follows.

B. Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics

Here, we propose a distributed algorithm to solve the EDproblem. Our design builds on the alternative formulation (19).Consider the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics

P ∈ −L∂f ε(P ). (21)

The set-valued map −L∂f ε is non-empty, takes compact,convex values, and is locally bounded and upper semicon-tinuous. Therefore, existence of solutions is guaranteed (cf.Section II-C). Moreover, this dynamics is distributed in thesense that, to implement it, each generator only requiresinformation from its out-neighbors. When convenient, wedenote the dynamics (21) by XL-n-g : Rn ⇒ Rn. The nextresult establishes the strongly positively invariance of FED.

Lemma 5.3: (Invariance of the feasibility set): The fea-sibility set FED is strongly positively invariant under theLaplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics (21) provided thatε ∈ R>0 satisfies (with dout,max = maxi∈V dout(i))

ε <min(i,j)∈E aij

2dout,max maxP∈FED‖∇f(P )‖∞

. (22)

Proof: We begin by noting that, if ε satisfies (22), thenthere exists α > 0 such that

ε <min(i,j)∈E aij

2dout,max maxP∈FαED‖∇f(P )‖∞

, (23)

where FαED = P ∈ Rn | 1>nP = Pl and Pm − α1n ≤P ≤ PM + α1n. Now, we reason by contradiction. As-sume that FED is not strongly positively invariant under theLaplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics XL-n-g. This impliesthat there exists a boundary point P ∈ bd(FED), a realnumber δ > 0, and a trajectory t 7→ P (t) obeying (21)such that P (0) = P and P (t) 6∈ FED for all t ∈ (0, δ).Without loss of generality, assume that P (t) ∈ FαED for allt ∈ (0, δ). Now, using the same reasoning as in the proof ofTheorem 4.1, it is not difficult to see that the load condition ispreserved along XL-n-g. Therefore, trajectories can only leaveFED by violating the box constraints. Thus, without loss ofgenerality, there must exist a unit i such that Pi(0) = PMi andPi(t) > PMi for all t ∈ (0, δ). This means that there must existt→ ζ(t) ∈ −L∂f ε(P (t)) and δ1 ∈ (0, δ) such that ζi(t) ≥ 0a.e. in (0, δ1). Next we show that this can only happen ifPj(t) ≥ PMj for all j ∈ Nout(i). Since Pi(t) > PMi fort ∈ (0, δ1), then ∂fi(Pi(t)) = ∇fi(Pi(t)) + 1

ε . Therefore,

ζi(t) = −∑



(∇fi(Pi(t)) +


ε− ηj(t)


where ηj(t) ∈ ∂fj(Pj(t)). Note that if Pj(t) ≥ PMj , thenηj(t) ≤ ∇fj(Pj(t))+ 1

ε , whereas if Pj(t) < PMj , then ηj(t) ≤∇fj(Pj(t)). For convenience, denote this latter set of units byN<

out(i). Now, we can upper bound ζi(t) by

ζi(t) ≤ −∑




)− 1




≤ 2 maxP∈FαED

‖∇f(P )‖∞dout,max −1



aij < 0,

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where the last inequality follows from (23). Hence, ζi(t) ≥ 0only if Pj(t) ≥ PMj for all j ∈ Nout(i) and so the latteris true on (0, δ1) by continuity of the trajectories. Extendingthe argument to the neighbors of each j ∈ Nout(i), we obtainan interval (0, δ2) ⊂ (0, δ1) over which all one- and two-hopneighbors of i have generation levels greater than or equal totheir respective maximum limits. Recursively, and since thegraph is strongly connected and the number of units finite, weget an interval (0, δ) over which P (t) ≥ PM , which impliesP (0) = PM , contradicting the fact that PM 6∈ FED.

We next build on this result to show that the dynamics (21)asymptotically converges to the set of solutions of (7).

Theorem 5.4: (Convergence of the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics): For ε satisfying (22), all trajectories ofthe dynamics (21) starting from FED converge to the set ofsolutions of the ED problem (7).

Proof: Our proof strategy relies on the LaSalle Invarianceprinciple for differential inclusions (cf. Theorem 2.1). Recallthat the function f ε is locally Lipschitz and regular. Further-more, the set-valued map P 7→ XL-n-g(P ) = −L∂f ε(P ) islocally bounded, upper semicontinuous, and takes non-empty,compact, and convex values. The set-valued Lie derivativeLXL-n-gf

ε : Rn ⇒ R of f ε along (21) is

LXL-n-gfε(P ) = −ζ>Lζ | ζ ∈ ∂f ε(P ). (24)

Since G is weight-balanced −ζ>Lζ = −ζ>Lsζ ≤ 0, whichimplies maxLXL-n-gf

ε(P ) ≤ 0 for all P ∈ Rn. FromLemma 5.3, the compact set FED is strongly positively in-variant under XL-n-g. Therefore, the application of Theorem 2.1yields that all evolutions of (21) starting in FED converge tothe largest weakly invariant set M contained in FED ∩ P ∈Rn|0 ∈ LXL-n-gf

ε(P ). From (24) and the fact that G is weight-balanced, we deduce that 0 ∈ LXL-n-gf

ε(P ) if and only if thereexists µ ∈ R such that µ1n ∈ ∂f ε(P ). Using Lemma 2.3,this is equivalent to P ∈ FED being a solution of (19). Thisimplies that M corresponds to the set of solutions of (19).Finally, since (22) implies (20), Proposition 5.2 guaranteesthat the solutions of (7) and (19) coincide.

Since, FED is strongly positively invariant under XL-n-g, f ε

is nonincreasing along XL-n-g (cf. proof of Theorem 5.4), andf ε and f coincide on FED, the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradientdynamics is an anytime algorithm for the ED problem (7).Because these properties do not depend on the specific graph,the convergence properties of (21) are the same if the commu-nication topology is time-varying as long as it remains weight-balanced and strongly connected. Note that, following thediscussion of Remark 3.1, the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradientdynamics can be employed in a hierarchical way for scenarioswhere a set of buses form the communication network andeach bus is connected to a group of generators and/or loads.At the top level, a copy of the dynamics would be implementedover the set of buses (with the cost function for each bus beingthe aggregated cost of the generators attached to it) and, at alower level, a copy of the dynamics is executed in each busamong the generators connected to it. Finally, the initializationprocedures of Remark 4.2 do not work for (21) because ofthe box constraints. The iterative algorithms in [13] provide

initialization procedures that only converge asymptotically toa feasible point in FED. We address this issue next.

Remark 5.5: (Robustness against initialization errors): Boththe Laplacian-gradient and the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradientdynamics preserve the total power generated by the system.Thus, if they are initialized with an error in load satisfaction,the dynamics ensures that the error stays constant while thesystem evolves. In this sense, these dynamics are robust. Weplan to address in future work the more desirable property ofthe dynamics driving the error to zero. •


The distributed dynamics proposed in Sections IV and Vrely on a proper initialization of the power levels of the units tosatisfy the load condition, which remains constant throughoutthe execution. However, the latter is no longer the case if somegenerators leave the network or new generators join it. For therED problem, this issue can easily be resolved by prescribingthat the power of each unit leaving the network is compensatedwith a corresponding increase in the power of one of itsneighbors, and that new generators join the network with zeropower. However, for the ED problem, the presence of the boxconstraints makes the design of a distributed solution morechallenging. This is the problem we address here. Interestingly,our strategy, termed DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION, canalso be used to initialize the dynamics (21).

We assume that the communication topology among thegenerators is undirected and connected at all times. A unitdeletion event corresponds to removing the correspondingvertex, and all edges associated with it. A unit addition eventcorresponds to adding a vertex, and some additional edgesassociated with it. At any given time, the communicationtopology is represented by Gevents = (Vevents, Eevents).

A. Algorithm rationale and informal description

Here, we provide an informal description of the three-phase DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy that al-lows units to collectively adjust their powers in finite time tomeet the total load while satisfying the box constraints.

(i) Phase 1 (tree maintenance): This phase maintains aspanning rooted tree Troot whose vertices are, at any instantof time, the generators present in the network. When a unitenters the network, it sets its power to zero (all units fallinto this case when this procedure is run to initialize (21))and is assigned a token of the same value. A unit that leavesthe network transfers a token with its power level to one ofits neighbors. Every unit i, except the root, resets its currentgeneration to Pi +P tkn

i , where P tkni is the summation of the

tokens of i (with default value zero if no token is received).The root adds Pl to its token if the algorithm is executedfor the initialization of (21). With these levels, the networkallocation might be unfeasible and sums Pl − P tkn

root .(ii) Phase 2 (capacity computation): Each unit i aggre-

gates the difference between the current generation and thelower and upper limits, respectively, for all the units in thesubtree Ti of Troot that has i as its root. Mathematically,

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Cmi =


mj ) and CM

i =∑j∈Ti(P

Mj −Pj). These

values represent the collective capacity of Ti to decrease orincrease, respectively, the total power of the network whilesatisfying the box constraints. If −Cm

root ≤ P tknroot ≤ CM

root doesnot hold, then the root declares that the load cannot be met.

(iii) Phase 3 (feasible power allocation): The root initiatesthe distribution of P tkn

root , starting with itself and going downthe tree until the leaves. Each unit gets a power value from itsparent, which it distributes among itself (respecting its boxconstraints) and its children, making sure that the ulteriorassignments down the tree are feasible.

We next provide a formal description and analysis of phases2 and 3. Regarding the tree maintenance in phase 1, we donot enter into details given the ample number of solutionsin literature, see e.g. [14]. We only mention that the rootcan be arbitrarily selected, the tree can be built via any treeconstruction algorithm, and addition and deletion events canbe handled via tree repairing algorithms [24], [25].

B. The GET CAPACITY strategy

Here, we describe the GET CAPACITY strategy that does ca-pacity computation of phase 2. The method assumes that eachunit i knows the identity of its parent parenti and childrenchildreni in the tree Troot, and hence is distributed. Informally,

[Informal description]: The leaves of the tree startby sending their capacities Pi − Pmi and PMi − Pito their parents. Each unit, i, upon receiving thecapacities of all its children, adds them along withits own to get Cm

i and CMi , and sends the value to

its parent. The routine ends upon reaching the root.

Algorithm 1: GET CAPACITY

Executed by: generators i ∈ VeventsData : Pi, Pmi , P

Mi , parenti, childreni

Initialize : ~Cmi = ~CM

i := −∞1|childreni|if childreni is empty then

Cmi = Pi−Pmi , CM

i := PMi −Pielse

Cmi = CM

i := −∞1 if childreni is empty then send (Cm

i , CMi ) to parenti

2 while (Cmi , C

Mi ) = (−∞,−∞) do

3 if message (Cmj , C

Mj ) received from child j then

4 update ~Cmi (j) = Cm

j and ~CMi (j) = CM


5 if (~Cmi (k), ~CM

i (k)) 6= (−∞,−∞) for allk ∈ childreni then

6 set (Cmi , C

Mi ) =

(Pi−Pmi + Sum(~Cmi ), PMi −Pi+ Sum(~CM

i ))7 if i is not root then8 send (Cm

i , CMi ) to parenti

Algorithm 1 formally describes GET CAPACITY. The nextresult summarizes its properties. The proof is straightforward.

Lemma 6.1: (Correctness of GET CAPACITY): Starting fromthe spanning tree Troot over Gevents and P ∈ R|Vevents|, thealgorithm GET CAPACITY terminates in finite time, with eachunit i ∈ Vevents having the following information:

(i) the capacities Cmi =

∑k∈Ti Pk − Pmk and CM

i =∑k∈Ti P

Mk − Pk of the subtree Ti, and

(ii) the capacities Cmj , C

Mj of the subtrees Tjj∈childreni

stored in ~Cmi ,

~CMi ∈ R|childreni|.

Note that the capacities Cmi and CM

i are non-negative if allunits in the subtree Ti satisfy the box constraints. However,this might not be the case due to the resetting of generationlevels in phase 1 to account for unit addition and deletion.

Lemma 6.2: (Bounds on feasible power allocations to sub-tree): Given P ∈ R|Vevents|, the following holds

(i) Cm+CM ≥ 0 if PM ≥Pm (same holds with strict signs)(ii) for each i ∈ |Vevents|, the additional power P gv

i ∈ Rcan be further allocated to the units in Ti respectingtheir box constraints if and only if −Cm

i ≤ Pgvi ≤ CM

i .Proof: Fact (i) follows from noting that Cm

i =∑k∈Ti(Pk − Pmk ) =


Mk − Pmk ) − CM

i . Regard-ing fact (ii), P gv

i can be allocated among the units in Tiwhile satisfying the box constraints for each of them iff∑k∈Ti P

mk ≤

∑k∈Ti Pk + P gv

i ≤∑k∈Ti P

Mk . That is,

adding P gvi to the current generation of Ti gives a value

that falls between the collective lower and upper limits of Ti.Rearranging the terms yields the desired result.


Here, we describe the FEASIBLY ALLOCATE strategy thatimplements the feasible allocation computation of phase 3. Be-fore this strategy is executed, the generation levels computed inphase 1 are unfeasible because their sum is Pl−P tkn

root and doesnot satisfy the load condition. Additionally, because of unitaddition and deletion, some might not be satisfying their boxconstraints. The FEASIBLY ALLOCATE strategy addresses bothissues. The procedure assumes that each unit i knows parenti,childreni, and the capacities Cm

i , CMi , ~Cm

i , and ~CMi obtained

in GET CAPACITY, and is therefore distributed. Informally,[Informal description]: The root initiates the algo-rithm by setting P gv

root = P tknroot . Each unit i, upon

initializing P gvi , computes its change in power gen-

eration (P chgi ∈ R) and the power to be allocated

among its children (~P chgi ∈ R|childreni|). The unit sets

its generation to Pi + P chgi and sends ~P chg

i (j) tochild j ∈ childreni. The strategy ends at the leaves.

Algorithm 2 gives a formal description of FEASIBLY ALLO-CATE. The next result establishes its correctness.

Proposition 6.3: (Correctness of FEASIBLY ALLOCATE):Let P tkn

root ∈ R with −Cmroot ≤ P tkn

root ≤ CMroot. Then, the FEA-

SIBLY ALLOCATE strategy ends in finite time at an allocationP+ ∈ R|Vevents| satisfying the box constraints, Pmi ≤ P+

i ≤PMi , i ∈ Vevents, and the load condition, Pl =

∑i∈Vevents P

+i .

Proof: By Lemma 6.2(ii), −Cmroot ≤ P tkn

root ≤ CMroot implies

that P tknroot can be allocated to the units in T . In turn, by the

same result, for a unit i, −Cmi ≤ P

gvi ≤ CM

i implies existenceof a decomposition P chg

i ∈ R and ~P chgi ∈ R|childreni| with

P chgi + Sum(~P chg

i ) = P gvi , (25a)

−myP dmi ≤ P chg

i ≤ myP dMi , (25b)

−~Cmi ≤ ~P chg

i ≤ ~CMi , (25c)

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Executed by: generators i ∈ VeventsData : Pi, Pmi , PMi , parenti, childreni, ~Cm

i , ~CMi

Initialize : P chgi := −∞, ~P chg

i := −∞1|childreni|,myP dm

i := Pi−Pmi , myP dMi := PMi −Pi

1 while P chgi = −∞ do

2 if i root or message ~P chgparenti

(i) from parenti then3 if i root then P gv

i =P tknroot else P gv

i = ~P chgparenti


4 set P chgi = argminx∈[−myPdm

i ,myPdMi ] |x|

5 for j ∈ childreni do6 set ~P chg

i (j) = argminx∈[−~Cmi (j), ~CM

i (j)] |x|7 set P gv

i = P gvi − P

chgi − Sum(~P chg

i )8 if P gv

i ≥ 0 then9 set X = minP gv

i ,myP dMi − P chg

i 10 set (P chg

i , P gvi ) = (P chg

i +X,P gvi −X)

11 for j ∈ childreni do12 set X=minP gv

i , ~CMi (j)− ~P chg

i (j)13 set (~P chg

i (j), P gvi )=(~P chg

i (j)+X,P gvi −X)

14 else15 set X = maxP gv

i ,−myP dmi − P chg

i 16 set (P chg

i , P gvi ) = (P chg

i +X,P gvi −X)

17 for j ∈ childreni do18 set X=maxP gv

i ,−~Cmi (j)− ~P chg

i (j)19 set (~P chg

i (j), P gvi )=(~P chg

i (j)+X,P gvi −X)

20 set Pi = Pi + P chgi

21 send ~P chgi (j) to each j ∈ childreni

where we denote myP dmi = Pi − Pmi and myP dM

i =PMi − Pi. Equation (25b) corresponds to the box constraintsbeing satisfied for unit i if assigned the additional power P chg


to generate. Equation (25c) ensures that a feasible allocationexists for the subtree of each of its children. We compute P chg


and ~P chgi in two steps. First, we find the portion of power that

ensures feasibility for i and its children. This is done via

ai = argminx∈[−myPdmi ,myPdM

i ] |x| ,~bi(j) = argminx∈[−~Cm

i (j), ~CMi (j)] |x| , for j ∈ childreni.

Observe that P chgi = ai and ~P chg

i = ~bi satisfy (25b) and (25c)but not necessarily (25a). The second step takes care of thisshortcoming by defining Xi ∈ R and ~Yi ∈ R|childreni| as

P chgi = ai +Xi, ~P chg

i = ~bi + ~Yi.

In these new variables, (25) reads as

Xi + Sum(~Yi) = P gvi − ai − Sum(~bi), (26a)

−myP dmi − ai ≤ Xi ≤ myP dM

i − ai, (26b)

−~Cmi −~bi ≤ ~Yi ≤ ~CM

i −~bi. (26c)

Adding the lower limits of (26b) and (26c) yields −Cmi −ai−

Sum(~bi), where we use Cmi = myP dm

i +Sum(~Cmi ). Similarly,

the upper limits sum CMi − ai − Sum(~bi). Therefore, with

−Cmi ≤ P

gvi ≤ CM

i , (26) is solvable by unit i with knowledgeof P gv

i , myP dmi , myP dM

i , ~Cmi , and ~CM

i . Note that the lower

limits of (26b) and (26c) are nonpositive and the upper onesare nonnegative. Therefore, if P gv+

i ≥ 0, FEASIBLY ALLO-CATE considers first unit i and then its children sequentiallyand assigns the maximum power each can take (bounded bythe upper limit of (26b) and (26c)) as Xi and ~Yi until there isno more to allocate. Similarly if P gv+

i < 0 negative values areassigned (lower bounded by lower limits of (26b) and (26c)).For unit i, this corresponds to steps 9-10 (if P gv+

i ≥ 0)or 15-16 (if P gv+

i < 0) of Algorithm 2. For the children,this corresponds to steps 11-13 (if P gv+

i ≥ 0) or steps 17-19(if P gv+

i < 0) of Algorithm 2. Consequently, the resultingpower allocation P+ = P + P chg satisfies Pm ≤ P+ ≤ PM

because (25b) holds for each unit i ∈ Vevents. Additionally,∑i∈Vevents

P chgi = P chg

root +∑


P chgi

= P chgroot +


~P chgroot = P gv


where we use that (25a) holds for each i ∈ Vevents in thesecond and third inequalities. Since P gv

root = P tknroot and∑

i∈Vevents Pi = Pl − P tknroot , we get

∑i∈Vevents P

+i = Pl.

Remark 6.4: (Trade-offs between additional informationand network-wide computation): When dealing with the addi-tion and deletion of generators, it is conceivable that, depend-ing on the nature of the events, agents may use algorithmicimplementations that do not involve the whole network indetermining a feasible allocation. As an example, consider ascenario where network changes occur in a localized mannerand do not affect substantially the network generation capacity.Then, one could envision that a feasible allocation couldbe found involving only a small set of generators in thecomputation of capacities and the allocation of the mismatch.Such localized solutions are prone to failure when facedwith more extreme events (e.g., a large change to the overallnetwork generation capacity caused by topological changes).Instead, the DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy isguaranteed to find a feasible allocation whenever it exists. •


Here, we illustrate the application of the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics to solve the ED problem (7) andthe use of the DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy tohandle unit addition and deletion. The dynamics (21) is sim-ulated with a first-order Euler discretization. The optimizersare computed using an sdp solver in the YALMIP toolbox.

1) IEEE 118 bus: Consider the ED problem forthe IEEE 118 bus test case [26]. This test case has54 generators, with quadratic cost functions for eachunit i, fi(Pi) = ai + biPi + ciP

2i , whose coeffi-

cients belong to the ranges ai ∈ [6.78, 74.33], bi ∈[8.3391, 37.6968], and ci ∈ [0.0024, 0.0697]. The load isPl = 4200 and the capacity bounds vary as Pmi ∈[5, 150] and PMi ∈ [150, 400]. The communication topol-ogy is a directed cycle with the additional bi-directionaledges 1, 11, 11, 21, 21, 31, 31, 41, 41, 51, with allweights equal to 1. Fig. 1 depicts the execution of (21). Notethat as the network converges to the optimizer while satisfyingthe constraints, the total cost is monotonically decreasing.

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1 2

6 3



1 2


6 7

(0.94), P tkn1 = 0 (2)


(2.7) (0)


1 2


6 7

(3.0, 3.9), P gv1 = 0 (2.51, 0.09)

(2.51,−1.51)(0.25, 0.25)

(1.95, 0.25)

(−1.5, 3.0)


1 2


6 7

(−0.04) (0.05)


(0) (1.5)


Fig. 2. (a) Initial communication topology with all edge weights equal to 1. (b) Communication topology after the addition of unit 7 and deletion of unit3. Generation levels at the end of Phase 1 of the DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy are in parentheses. The tree is depicted via edges with dots.When leaving, unit 3 transfers its power as a token to unit 4 and hence, after token addition, 4’s generation becomes 5.01 (higher than its maximum capacity).Unit 7 enters with zero power. Thus, all units except 4 have zero token value. Unit 1, being the root of the tree, sets P tkn

1 = 0. (c) State after the executionof GET CAPACITY. For each unit i, (Cm

i , CMi ) are indicated in parentheses. Unit 1 initiates FEASIBLY ALLOCATE to distribute P gv

1 = 0. (d) State at theend of FEASIBLY ALLOCATE, with values of the power distributed to the units in parentheses. These values sum up to 0, and when added to their respectivegeneration levels in (b) result into the allocation P+

0 = (0.9, 2.05, 3.5, 1.35, 2.7, 1.5) that satisfies the load condition and the box constraints.

0 100 200 300 4000









(a) Power allocation

0 100 200 300 4006





7 x 104

(b) Total cost

Fig. 1. Evolution of the power allocation (a) and the network cost (b) underthe Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics in the IEEE 118 bus test case.The stepsize of the Euler time-discretization is 2.5× 10−3 and ε = 0.006.

Unit ai bi ci Pmi PM


1 1 4 5 0.9 1.52 1 2 3 2 3.63 4 4 1 1 2.44 2 3 2 2.5 3.55 1 0 5 1.1 1.66 1 1 1 1 2.77 2 2 1 1.5 3

TABLE ICoefficients of the quadratic cost function fi(Pi) = ai + biPi + ciP

2i and

lower Pmi and upper PM

i generation limits for each unit i.

2) Unit addition and deletion: Consider six power gen-erators initially communicating over the graph in Fig. 2(a).The units implement (21) starting from the allocation P0 =(1.15, 2.75, 1.5, 3.35, 1.25, 2) that meets the load Pl = 12and quickly achieve a close proximity of the optimizer(0.94, 2, 2.4, 2.61, 1.35, 2.7). After 0.75 seconds, unit 7 joinsthe network and unit 3 leaves it, with the resulting topologyshown in Fig. 2(b). The network then employs the DETERMINEFEASIBLE ALLOCATION strategy, whose execution is illus-trated in Fig. 2(b)-2(d), and finds the new feasible allocation(0.9, 2.05, 3.5, 1.35, 2.7, 1.5) from which (21) is re-initialized.Table I gives the cost function and the box constraints for eachunit. Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the power allocations andthe total cost. The network asymptotically converges to theoptimizer (0.9, 2, 2.5, 1.1, 2.7, 2.8). In Fig. 3(a), the disconti-nuity at t = 0.75s corresponds to the DETERMINE FEASIBLE

0 0.5 1 1.50.5







(a) Power allocation

0 0.5 1 1.580






(b) Total cost

Fig. 3. Time evolutions of the power allocation and the network costunder the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics. The network of 6 gen-erators with topology depicted in Fig. 2(a) converges towards the optimizer(0.94, 2, 2.4, 2.61, 1.35, 2.7) when, at t = 0.75s, unit 3 (red line) leaves andunit 7 (brown line) gets added. After executing the DETERMINE FEASIBLEALLOCATION strategy to find a feasible power allocation, the network withtopology depicted in Fig. 2(b) evolves along the Laplacian-nonsmooth-gradient dynamics to arrive at the optimizer (0.9, 2, 2.5, 1.1, 2.7, 2.8). Thestepsize of the Euler time-discretization is 2.5× 10−5 and ε = 0.006.

ALLOCATION strategy handling the addition and deletion. Notealso the jump in the cost. In this case, the jump is to a highervalue, although in general it can go either way based on thenetwork topology, the cost functions, and the box constraints.The network eventually obtains a lower cost than the onebefore the events because the added unit 7 incurs a lowercost when producing the same power as the deleted unit 3.


We have proposed a class of anytime, distributed dynamicsto solve the economic dispatch problem over a group ofgenerators with convex cost functions. When units commu-nicate over a weight-balanced, strongly connected digraph,the Laplacian-gradient and the Laplacian-nonsmoooth-gradientdynamics provably converge to the solutions of the economicdispatch problem without and with generator constraints, resp.We have also designed the DETERMINE FEASIBLE ALLO-CATION strategy to allow a group of generators with boxconstraints communicating over an undirected graph to finda feasible power allocation in finite time. This method can beused to initialize the Laplacian dynamics and to tackle caseswhere the load condition is violated by the addition and/ordeletion of generators. We view the proposed algorithmic

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solutions for the ED problem formulated here as a buildingblock towards solving more complex scenarios. Future workwill focus on the extension of the algorithms to make themoblivious to initialization errors, to handle cases where the totalload is not known to a particular generator, the consideration oftime-varying loads, and the study of transmission losses, trans-mission line capacities, and more general generator dynamics.


This research was supported by NSF award CMMI-1300272.


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Ashish Cherukuri received the B.Tech and theM.Sc degrees in mechanical engineering from In-dian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2008 andETH, Zurich in 2010, respectively. He is currently aPh.D. student in the Department of Mechanical andAerospace Engineering in University of California,San Diego under the supervision of Prof. JorgeCortes. His research interests include dynamical sys-tems, distributed algorithms, and optimization of theelectrical power network. He received the ExcellenceScholarship in 2008 at ETH, Zurich and the Focht-

Powell fellowship in 2012 at University of California, San Diego.

Jorge Cortes received the Licenciatura degreein mathematics from Universidad de Zaragoza,Zaragoza, Spain, in 1997, and the Ph.D. degree inengineering mathematics from Universidad CarlosIII de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2001. He held post-doctoral positions with the University of Twente,Twente, The Netherlands, and the University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA. Hewas an Assistant Professor with the Department ofApplied Mathematics and Statistics, University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, from 2004 to

2007. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Mechanical andAerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA. Heis the author of Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of NonholonomicSystems (Springer-Verlag, 2002) and co-author (together with F. Bullo and S.Martınez) of Distributed Control of Robotic Networks (Princeton UniversityPress, 2009). He is an IEEE Fellow and an IEEE Control Systems SocietyDistinguished Lecturer. His current research interests include cooperative con-trol, game theory, spatial estimation, distributed optimization, and geometricmechanics.