dissenting traditions conference program 2015


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Page 1: Dissenting Traditions Conference Program 2015
Page 2: Dissenting Traditions Conference Program 2015
Page 3: Dissenting Traditions Conference Program 2015

8:45-9:00 AM Introduction and Welcome

9:00-10:30 AM Session I Canadian Working-Class History: As It Was, As It Is, As It Might Be

1. Wayne Roberts (Toronto) “Life of Bryan: The Origins and Possible Future of the New and Now-Old Social History”

2. Kirk Niergarth (Mount Royal) “Labour/Le Travail Since 50”

3. Sean Carleton & Julia Smith (Trent) “Dreaming of What Might Be: The Future of Canadian Working-Class History”

Chair & Comment: Al Seager (Simon Fraser University)

10:30-10:45 AM Refreshment Break

10:45-12:15 PM Session II Perspectives on E. P. Thompson

1. Nicholas Rogers (York) “E.P. Thompson’s Eighteenth Century”

2. Marcello Badaró Mattos (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro) “Reverberating Globally: E.P. Thompson From Brazil”

3. Russell Jacoby (University of California, Los Angeles) “The Old Bustard: The Warm Marxism of E.P. Thompson”

Chair & Comment: Wade Matthews (University of Toronto)

12:15-1:30 PM Hot Lunch

Day I

Friday 23 October 2015

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1:30-3:30 PM Session III Approaching the Revolutionary Left

1. James Barrett (University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana) “What Went Wrong? The Case of the Communist Party, USA”

2. Michael Goldfield (Wayne State University) “Steelworkers and Communists: Successes and Failures in the United States and Canada”

3. Paul LeBlanc (La Roche College) “Activist Vanguards and Social Struggles in the United States”

4. Ernie Tate (Toronto) “Memoir As Working-Class Radical History”

Chair & Comment: Peter Campbell (Queen’s University)

3:30-3:45 PM Refreshment Break

3:45-5:15 PM Session IV The ‘Labour Question’ in Our Times

1. Stephanie Ross (York University) “Labour Studies in the Neoliberal University”

2. Marcel van der Linden (International Institute for the Study of Social History, Amsterdam) “Regional Inequality within the World Working Class: Two Connected Arguments”

3. Sam Gindin (Toronto) “Labour at the Crossroads, Again”

Chair & Comment: Alvin Finkel (Athabasca)

5:15-6:30 PM Drinks: Cash Bar at the Trend

6:30-8:30 PM Dinner On Your Own

8:30 PM on Social Event: Sangster-Palmer Residence 707 Weller Street (705-745-4512)

(For paper givers, commentators, invited guests)

Day I: Friday 23 October 2015

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9:00-9:30 AM Refreshments and Opening

9:30-10:30 AM Keynote Address

Introduction: Joan Sangster (Trent)

Rosemary Hennessy (Rice University) “Its About Time: Remembering Reproduction in 1930s Women Writers”

10:30-12:15 AM Session V Uprisings of the Dispossessed and Protests in the Street

1. David Thompson (Queen’s) “Dispossessed Agency: The Revolutionary Indignation of Canada’s Unemployed, 1870-1929”

2. John Clarke (Toronto, OCAP) “OCAP and Resistance in the Age of Austerity”

3. Andrée Lévesque (McGill) “Rough Musicking Power: Quebec Street Protests in Our Times”

4. Sean Purdy (Universidade Sao Paulo) “Brazil’s June Days of 2013: Mass Protest, Class, and the Left”

Chair & Comment: Mary Jo Nadeau (Toronto, CUPE)

12:15-1:15 PM Cold Lunch

Day 2

Saturday 24 October 2015

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1:15-3:15 PM Session VI Marginality as Historical Subject

1. Todd McCallum (Dalhousie) “I Fucked for the FBI: The Sexual Economies of the Weather Underground”

2. Ted McCoy (University of Calgary) “Life Beyond the Margins: Segregation and Punishment at Kingston Penitentiary”

3. Annalee Lepp (University of Victoria) “Whose Evidence Matters? Human Trafficking, Cross-Border Movements, and the Politics of Sexual/Labour Exploitation in Canada”

4. Roger Neufeld (Ottawa) “Disreputable Wretches: Winnipeg’s Daily Press, Prostitution, and Disorder on the Margins”

Chair & Comment: Gillian Balfour (Trent)

3:15-3:30 PM Refreshment Break

3:30-5:00 PM Session VII Socialism & Intellectuals

1. Christopher Phelps (Nottingham) “Why Is There No Socialism Except on Fox News?”

2. Leo Panitch (York University) “Socialism and Intellectuals in Historical Perspective: The Canadian Example”

3. Adolph L. Reed, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania) “Race, Class, and Politics in Obama’s America”

Chair & Comment: Linda Kealey (University of New Brunswick)

5:00-6:00 PM Closing Remarks & Audience Comment

Gregory S. Kealey (University of New Brunswick) & Stephen Brier (CUNY)

6:00-8:30 PM Dinner For Paper Givers and Invited Guests Bagnani Hall, B & E Catering/Cash Bar

8:30-9:30 PM Performance/Keynote Address

Introduction: Bryan D. Palmer (Trent)

Bucky Halker (Chicago) “Don’t Mourn, Organize! The 100th Anniversary of the Execution of Joe Hill”

Day 2: Saturday 24 October 2015

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