discover why our world is at risk for losing a generation of children


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Page 1: Discover Why Our World Is At Risk For Losing A Generation Of Children

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Can You Imagine A World…

Where Half Its Children Were Malnourished And Disease-Ravished…

…Illiterate And HIV Infected?

Discover Why Our World Is At Risk For Losing A Generation Of Children…

And How You Can Save…Our World Today!

Dear Neighbour:

On an eventful day back in 2014…in the midst of South Sudan‟s years -long civil war…Sunday

Samuel gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

For a brief moment…Sunday experienced a flicker of hope and in that moment -named her

daughter Bismah…meaning: Self-Reliant…Creative…Great.

She - Sunday had hoped that with „help‟ – Bismah would one day be great in her own way…

despite the conflict that had taken its toll on their country‟s food production and economy.

But in the first year and 10 months of Bismah‟s life – she experienced a lifetime of trauma...

…fear of safety - transferred from mother to child.

… bitter hunger – robbed of one of life‟s most essential necessities- food.

–Bismah never savored the sweetness of childhood…

…and pain, inflicted on her frail body from malnutrition and diseases like Malaria.

To experience childhood: the ability to play…the sound of her own laughter …and the

discomfort in her little stomach after having eaten too much…were but foreign to Bismah.

Sunday, didn‟t even have what you and I might consider pocket change – to buy flour...

A Mother‟s Worst Fear

In defeat…she journeyed to Al Sabah hospital with Bismah – seriously malnourished and

malaria infected – Bismah lost her will to eat what little Sunday could scrape together.

Hopelessly desperate – she relinquished control of her daughter‟s future into the hands of –

humanitarians and medical staff…

“If my child has problems, they are the ones that can help her” Sunday said

But care from doctors and nurses came too late…

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Bismah passed away...

Hope crushed - Sunday returned home empty handed.

The Future Of Our World Is In Trouble

Children are at the epicenter of today‟s global emergencies … and the odds are stacked against

millions of them - like Bismah…

That‟s why I am writing to tell you of an organization that is racing against time to treat children

like Bismah…

They are looking for a partner – someone like you… who finds immeasurable satisfaction in

service to people and in helping children…

For almost 70 years they‟ve been pooling resources in an effort to give every child a fair chance

in life.

…they‟ve successfully educated and supported millions of children to overcome trauma …

…and provide them with a sense of normalcy and hope for the future – in the midst of violence,

instability and disaster.

In 2015 alone – thanks to friends of yours who helped to make that possible…

2 million children were treated for severe acute malnutrition …

…..that‟s 2 million mothers who returned home from the hospital with their babies-

hopeful of the future.

11.3 million children were vaccinated against measles…

….that‟s 11.3 million children who were protected against lung infections and swelling of

the brain.

Quite frankly, some of these people will tell you that the contribution they‟ve made was priceless

-yet painless…

You Can Make A Difference Too!

You may think that only „rich‟ people support the less fortunate but you‟ll be surprised at how

far what you and I consider as pocket change can go in other people‟s lives…

It can go towards saving lives by providing immediate humanitarian assistance to children and

families at their most vulnerable.

In 2015 this organization through the generosity of your friends helped…

22.6 million people with access to safe water for drinking, bathing and cooking

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…to say that „everyday‟ people like you are making a huge impact in the quality of lives of

children like Bismah; is a gross understatement.

A Network of Neighbours Like Yours

Thanks to the assistance from your neighbour next door…

2 million children received psychosocial support in 2015 alone.

…this is a biggie…

Ensuring that two million children who have experienced devastation of some sort are

emotionally and socially cared for…

…and able to contribute meaningfully to their society is remarkable.

But that‟s not even all…

4 million accessed formal or non-formal basic education in the last 12 months alone.

Although this organization should take a moment to celebrate what is obviously an outstanding

accomplishment – they just can‟t!

The challenges are growing…

A generation of children is in trouble - so they must focus on increasing their appeal for help


In 2016 they aim to assist 76 million people- including 43 million children like Bismah- in 63


I can break this number down in the various categories for you as I did…

…when I told you of what was done in 2015 but what difference would that make?

What is important is - the only way they can touch the lives of 76 million people who are in

desperate need of help is by raising US$2.8 billion.

Will You Reach Out And Take Their Hand?

The organization I‟ve been talking about…is UNICEFand they have been building bridges of

hope for millions of children like Bismah and their families for almost 70 years.

And that‟s why I am doing everything I can to help UNICEF reach their target for 2016 - but I

need your help…

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I‟m sure if you had met Bismah before that fateful night when her malnourished and disease

ravished body succumbed to its illness – you would have loved her…

When Bismah was born – Sunday had hoped that someone would be her daughter‟s hero and


…so that food and medicine would be on the ground during intense clashes of armed forces…

…unfortunately, Bismah died without that hero.

But here‟s an opportunity for you to be another little girl‟s hero:

To provide a level of safety for her and her family who are forced from their homes

risking their lives in search of safety and a better future.

To prepare her and her family to be more resilient in future emergencies

A Legacy You‟ll be Proud You‟ve Started

Children worldwide need your help right now!

There may never be a more urgent reason or a more apt time for you to invest in a little girl‟s

future than now – today!

Here‟s what I want you to do…

Simply click on the link below and become a little girl‟s hero today.

Children need your help – DONATE NOW

Or visit

And because we want you to know how much we sincerely appreciate your partnership…

…as soon as you‟ve invested, you will receive a gratitude letter stating –

that you‟re in partnership with UNICEF – in making a difference in children‟s lives.

But that‟s not all…

That letter in your mailbox… might just be the edge you need… to set you apart in whatever

your future endeavours may be.

…Partnering with a non-profit like UNICEFis not something for you to take lightly.

Do you know that for the millions of children UNICEF are saving every day there is an equal

amount dying because the help that is needed is not forthcoming?

That‟s why you cannot put off your investment until tomorrow…

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Tomorrow was too late for Bismah… and undoubtedly your tomorrow will be too late for

another little girl.

You must invest now!

Remember you‟re investing in a generation of children…in…

Nutrition for 2.9 million children who are severely affected by malnutrition

and the Health – of 11.7 million children that need immunization against measles

This could be the legacy you‟ve talked about leaving behind…

Assisting… 17.3 million people to access safe water

And 8.2 million children to have access to education.

Sunday had lost hope for Bismah‟s future but…

You can be the „hope‟ for 3 million children who need psychosocial support this year and…

243,500 who need treatment for HIV and AIDS.

Please do what you can today!

In loving memory of Bismah Samuel.

Kate Johnson In Partnership With UNICEF

P.S We‟ll send you – for FREE - a special report “Hidden In Plain Sight” A statistical

analysis of violence against children. It‟s yours at no cost if you invest within 24 hours of

receiving this mail.

You‟ll be informed on how violence undermines children‟s future potential, damages

their physical, psychological and emotional well-being; and in many cases, ends their


And you may be able to identify violence against children „hidden in plain sight‟ and do

something to stop it from continuing.

But you must invest in a child‟s life now!