discover edge hill university

An independent advertising supplement distributed in the Guardian on behalf of Edge Hill University, who take sole responsibility for its contents.

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An indep

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vertising supplement distributed

in the Guardian on

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Page 2: Discover Edge Hill University

ased in Ormskirk,near Liverpool andManchester wehave a 130 yearhistory of providingeducation andopportunity topeople from allbackgrounds.

From our origins in 1885 as the country’s first non-denominational teachertraining college for women tobeing named University of theYear in the 10th annual TimesHigher Education awards, we’ve achieved a lot - andthere’s a lot to discover at Edge Hill University.

Our 160-acre campus is home to more than 2,000 students –and we have almost 10,000 full time students, another 3,000 part time and around5,000 postgraduates on a wide range of programmes.

In the last decade the campushas seen an investment of £250m, including CreativeEdge, a £17m media, music and computing facility withequipment on a par withSalford’s Media City, and a£30m sports complex, ourinternational-standard trainingand leisure hub.

At the same time, our researchprofile has grown at an impressiverate, with a 225 per centincrease in research submittedto the Research ExcellenceFramework – the highestpercentage increase in thesector. All subject areas returnedby the University to the REFfeatured ‘internationallyexcellent’ or ‘world-leadingresearch’.

As a result, our Higher EducationFunding Council for Englandfunding allocation has increasedby 355.3 per cent since 2008– the highest increase inresearch funding in the sector.

Dr John Cater, the country’slongest serving current Vice-Chancellor, has overseen thedevelopment of Edge Hill fromCollege to University, and to theinstitution with one of the mostsecure financial bases in thesector. “It’s really hard to put your finger on exactly whatmakes us stand out,” he said.“But everyone who comes ontoour campus comments on the unique and welcomingatmosphere at Edge Hill. Webelieve that education should be a transformational process,improving lives and life chances,which is why we put ourstudents at the heart ofeverything we do and arededicated to changing lives ofthe people who come intocontact with us.”

Our satisfied students have ratedEdge Hill highly in the NationalStudent Survey yet again andbased on the responses to all 23questions in the survey (whichcover teaching, assessment andfeedback, academic support,organisation and management,learning resources, personaldevelopment, overall satisfactionand satisfaction with thestudents’ union) Edge Hilloccupies a top ten positionamongst all English universities.We’re also top in the UK foracademic support on Biologydegrees, top in the UK forGeography, Physical Geographyand Environmental Sciencedegrees (based on the averageresponse across all questions)and top in the UK for teaching onPublic Relations degrees.

And it isn’t just our students whoare satisfied, as our staff votedthe University the Best UniversityWorkplace in the Times HigherEducation’s 2015 survey.

Our ground-breakingpartnerships with the country’stop employers also help tomaintain our outstandingemployability of 95 per cent ofour graduates in work or furtherstudy six months aftergraduation. With placementsfrom Saatchi and Saatchi to thenew Star Wars film andcollaborations with BarclaysBank, the Everyman andPlayhouse Theatres, LiverpoolFC, TalkTalk and many morefocusing on student-ledinitiatives including volunteering,public health, performance,women’s sport and mentalillness – We even have our ownstudent-led record label andUniversity Literary Press forstudent to get ahead in thegraduate jobs market.

With so many opportunities forour students to learn and grow, a beautiful campus with state ofthe art facilities and numerouschances to gain real-lifeprofessional experience in some of the most competitiveindustries, at Edge Hill Universitywe continue to demonstrate whywe’re head and shoulders aheadof the competition.

Discover for yourself.


We’re Edge Hill University,THE University of the Year!


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“When I found out that Edge Hill Universitybegan life as the first non-denominationalteacher training college for women, I knewimmediately that here was an institution rootedin profound and fundamental educational andsocial innovation.

Looking at its many excellent courses, so manyvocational, Edge Hill continues its pioneeringand inspired educational tradition. It was anhonour to be asked to be the first Chancellor of this fantastic university and a privilege to accept!”

Professor Tanya ByronClinical psychologist, writer and broadcaster

“Spaces are just asimportant as the skillsand friendships youbuild while ineducation, especiallyin the creativeindustries where muchgood work comes fromnetworking andfirming up friendships.We can learn from ourpeers as well as ourteachers and [EdgeHill University] is theperfect place to do this.”

Frank Cottrell-BoyceWriter and honorary graduate

“A fitting tribute to abrilliant institution.”

Stuart MaconieWriter, broadcaster and Edge Hill alumnus

Times Higher Education has named Edge Hill University the University ofthe Year – the most prestigious accolade in the Higher Education sector.

We were also shortlisted in 2007-8, 2010-11 and 2011-12.

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BeautifulCampus:Over the last decade we’ve invested more than £250min our beautiful campus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DIVERSE COMMUNITY:We’re home to 2,091 undergraduatesin over 40 halls across 160 landscapedacres - with more accommodationplanned on site for 2016. We’ve even got 175 mallard ducks,three pairs of Canadian geese, 24 doves and 18 wood pigeons.

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GREEN FLAG:We’ve won the prestigious Green Flagaward for the fourth year running whichrecognises the University’s huge effortsin minimising the environmental impactof its activities, maintaining naturalhabitats through its commitment tobiodiversity, and developing asustainable environment for theenjoyment of students, staff and thelocal community.

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SAFE AND SOUND:Statistics published by the independentComplete University Guide show thatEdge Hill has the lowest crime rates ofany University in the North West ofEngland and remains in the top 10 of the safest universities nationally.

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COMPETITIVE EDGE:The University’s £30m sports complexfeatures one of the UK’s largestrunning tracks (complete with two100m straights), professional 3Gsoccer pitches, 25 metre pool,solarium, steam room and sauna,double sports hall and even rooftop sun loungers.

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Literary presslaunch

Edge Hill University haslaunched its own literarypress, as a joint enterprisewith Glasgow-basedindependent publisherFreight Books.

The new EHU Press imprinthas secured funding forfour years, with four booksconfirmed to be publishedduring the period. Theinitiative builds on theUniversity’s alreadyestablished literary profilewhich includes thenationally recognised EdgeHill Prize for the ShortStory. Now going into its10th year, the Edge HillPrize is the only UK awardthat recognises excellencein a published collection ofshort stories.

The first book from EHUpress will be released inSummer 2016 and will takethe form of an anthologyfeaturing previouslyshortlisted authors from theEdge Hill Prize. A host ofacclaimed writers includingColm Tóibín, Kevin Barry, AL Kennedy, Ali Smith andNeil Gaiman are alreadyconfirmed as contributors.

EHU Press will also offerinternships to six Edge Hillstudents per year. Thestudents will be assigned avariety of roles workingalongside the FreightBooks team, giving themreal publishing industryexperience.

The LabelRecordingsadd to Edge Hill’sback catalogue

Since The Smiths made anearly live appearance in the80s, Edge Hill Universityhas endeavoured todevelop its musicalheritage.

In 2013 it launched its ownindependent, not-for-profitrecord label, The LabelRecordings, dedicated to sourcing the finestunsigned acts.

Through the Label, ourstudents now gain valuableexperience in A&R, musicproduction, design, videoproduction, journalism,marketing andmanagement. First signingHooton Tennis Club weresnapped up after onerelease by HeavenlyRecordings, home of Manic Street Preachers,Doves, Temples andStealing Sheep.

Edge Hill was alsoLiverpool Sound City’s2015 Industry ConnectionPartner giving studentsfrom across the Universitychance to perform at thefestival, participate in theconference, and work onfilm projects across thenew site on Liverpool’sdocklands.

• The Label Recordings isshortlisted for THE awards2015 in the Excellence andInnovation in the Artscategory

Our PartnershipsEdge Hill University boasts strong links within the creative sector, with innovative collaborationswithin the arts, media, film, performing arts and music.

This not only provides essential industry experienceallowing our students to get ahead in the competitivejob market, but also provides opportunities forresearch, knowledge exchange and innovationwithin the sectors.

Edge Hill professor informs Leonora Carrington exhibition

Edge Hill academic Professor Roger Shannon, who uncovered a number ofLeonora Carrington pieces that had never been publically displayed, was thecatalyst for Tate Liverpool’s successful Spring exhibition for the celebrated artist.

An internationally celebrated member of the surrealist movement, Carringtonturned her back on her upper class upbringing in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley inthe 1930s and eventually settled in Mexico.

Professor Roger Shannon said: “When I first became aware of LeonoraCarrington’s work, it struck me that a significant aspect of the North West’scultural heritage had been under recognised. Carrington’s work encompassedmany aspects of the visual arts (including film, which is my own professionalfocus) and through the span of her creative life she frequently drew on significantinfluences from her Lancastrian nurturing.”

As part of Edge Hill University’s relationship with Tate Liverpool and the LeonoraCarrington exhibition, it also hosted an evening ‘In Conversation’ with TateLiverpool’s Artistic Director, Francesco Manacorda and journalist and cousin ofLeonora Carrington, Joanna Moorhead as well as organising a reading of newwork inspired by her surrealist creations.

Carrington LeonoraThe Pomps of the Subsoil, 1947© 2015 Estate of Leonora Carrington / ARS, NY and DACS, London.

Journalist, co-writer of Surreal Friends and cousin of Leonora Carrington Joanna Moorhead joinedFrancesco Manacorda, Tate Liverpool’s Artistic Director, to discuss the intriguing history and artisticpractice of Leonora Carrington at one of a series of ‘In Conversation’ events.


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Are we all hardwired racist?

Could the way we perceiveour own and other races behardwired in our brains?

New research by ProfessorGeoff Beattie from theDepartment of Psychologyhas been exploring whetherthe lack of BME individualsin senior positions in manyorganisations could be linkedto implicit prejudice.

One study asked participantsto shortlist two candidatesfrom four CVs. In theexperiment the same CVswere sometimes attributedto a white candidate andsometimes to a BMEcandidate. The resultsshowed that whiteparticipants were ten timesmore likely to select twowhite candidates than twoBME candidates, whilenon-whites were 6.5 timesmore likely to choose twoBME candidates than twowhite candidates.

One theory is that this kind ofimplicit prejudice originallyserved to give us anevolutionary advantage,helping us secure the long-term survival of our owngroups. This ground-breaking researchdemonstrates not only thatthis prejudice still exists, butalso identifies other factorsthat can have an effect onthese automatic andunconscious processes,such as time constraints orcognitive load.

The research, whichculminated in a book, OurRacist Heart? An Explorationof Unconscious Prejudicein Everyday Life, also hasimplications for other areasincluding sustainability.

Lifesaving mentalhealth partnership

A partnership between EdgeHill University and a hospitalin Mysore, India is deliveringa lifesaving mental healthprogramme in one of theworst-affected regions ofthe country with the world’shighest suicide rate.

A team from the University’sFaculty of Health and SocialCare and colleagues from theCSI Holdsworth MemorialHospital, Mysore havesecured £24,310 fromTHET (Tropical Health andEducation Trust) whomanage grants under theDepartment forInternational Development(DFiD) funded HealthPartnership Scheme.

The training will focus onimproving mental healthinterventions for those whohave attempted suicideand/or are at a vulnerablestage in their life.

There is an acute shortageof mental health trainedprofessionals in Mysoreand with 2000-2500 peoplebeing referred to just twodoctors each year aftersuicide attempts this is amajor public health concern.

Our ResearchEdge Hill’s research profile has grown at a startlingrate, with a 225% increase in research volumesubmitted to the Research Excellence Framework – the highest percentage increase in the sector.

All subject areas returned by the University to the REF featured ‘internationally excellent’ or‘world-leading’ research.

Mosquito traps protect our ports

Academics from Edge Hill University’s Biology Department are working withLiverpool Port Health Authorities (LPHA) to protect British ports and preventpotentially deadly mosquito-borne diseases from entering the UK.

Using a number of different traps to attract mosquitoes, scientists and the portauthorities are acting as border controls, looking out for visitations of well-knowncarriers of disease.

Biology Senior Lecturer Dr Clare Strode and Research Technician Thom Dallimoreare working on the collaborative project.

Clare Strode, Senior Lecturer at Edge Hill University said: “There is concern thatinvasive mosquito species that transmit diseases such as dengue and chikungunyacan be transported passively into the UK via air and shipping cargo. One of themost invasive species, the Asian Tiger Mosquito, has recently spread successfullyand rapidly across Europe and therefore we need to be vigilant in carrying outsurveillance at potential entry points.”

Part of the surveillance work carried out by Edge Hill University will also investigatethe diversity of native British mosquitoes.

“By understanding the movement of mosquitoes we can better understand the possibility of diseases coming into the UK under the radar.”

Thom Dallimore, Research Technician and PhD Researcher

Edge Hill University’s Every Child Counts programme has put our researchinto action by helping over 100,000 children across the UK and beyondimprove their literacy and mathematics skills.

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Open DaysSaturday 10th OctoberSaturday 14th November

Come and take a closer look...

Edge Hill University, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP

T: 01695 575171

[email protected]

10am – 3pm