“disciples are handmade not mass produced” – david kinnaman


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Page 1: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman
Page 2: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman
Page 3: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

“Disciples are handmade not mass produced” –

David Kinnaman

Page 4: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

ChallengesO Loss of church engagement and for

some faith in our young people

O Generational ministries which are siloed

O Lack of parental engagement and ownership of faith development

Page 5: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

• 0-30 = 1 marble per week = 1560 marbles per young person in your church

Page 6: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

2 Big Ideas on the Solution Side

1. Generational Alignment2. Partnering Parents

Page 7: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Generational AlignmentO ACTIVITY – finish this sentence, at

30 I want my young adults to be / have / ………..

O 4 ways to bring practical alignment:1. Transitions2. Rows to Circles 3. Shared Outcomes4. Sharing Resources

Page 8: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Generational AlignmentO ACTIVITY

O What is one thing you can align across your team this week?

O What is one thing you can improve upon this year?

O What is one thing that you need to talk with your Generational team about working on aligning that seems impossible……..

Page 9: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Partnering ParentsO Parents are the Primary DisciplersO Duet 6 = 4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the

LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Page 10: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Partnering ParentsO Sticky Faith

O Orange

O Developmental Assets

Page 11: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Partnering ParentsO Stages of Parental Engagement

O AwareO InvolvedO EngagedO Invested

Page 12: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Partnering ParentsO Build Awareness

O Create Opportunity

Page 13: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Partnering ParentsO ACTIVITY – Look at your ministry

and context, what you are already doing. Put a parent lens on it and see what changes/ tweeks you can make to begin/ advance your partnership with parents and families.

Page 14: “Disciples are handmade not mass produced” – David Kinnaman

Helpful Resources O Orange

O Think OrangeO Parenting beyond your capacity

O Sticky FaithO Kara PowellO Research, sporadic email

O Sharon WittO TeenTALK – Being a parent of

teenagers book