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• Digital content management • Data g

Standard registration fee $1300

Day one, Tuesday 9th November 2010

8.00 Registration and welcome coffee

9.00 Opening remarks from the ChairVlad Videnovic, President, Institute for Information Managementwww.iim.org.au/

Government keynote address

9.10 Open government and community engagement• Milestones and challenges• Redefining democratic participation in a digital economy• Democratising information access• Delivering citizen-centric information services• Streamlining information delivery at all levels of governmentSenator Kate Lundy, Senator for the ACT* www.katelundy.com.au/*subject to availability

International keynote address

9.40 Data governance or information governance? • Global trends in data governance• Integrating data governance with digital information management• Which data governance models to use in the digital age• Do’s and dont’s for information management professionals Gwen Thomas, President & Founder, The Data Governance Institute (USA) This presentation is followed by an afternoon masterclass with a hands-on look at data governance. www.datagovernance.com/

*Web 2.0 *Digitalisation *Cloud Computing *Workflow & Knowledge Management *Blogs and Wikis *Digital Content IP

Australian Taxation Office 10.10 Case study How to successfully select, acquire, configure and deploy information applications, resources and content

The Australian Taxation Office’s eLibrary project has transformed the way data is managed, while delivering information to 27,000 ATO desktops nationally. This project uses Web 2.0 technology to streamline collaborative content development, while combining varied information resources, including proprietary databases and RSS feeds. • Making information search and retrieval “quick and easy” • Harnessing Web 2.0 research tools to access, capture, share and manage information • Using blogs and wikis to search and retrieve informationCharu Sood, Executive Director, Library & Information Services, Australian Taxation Office (ATO)Damien Browne, Assistant Commissioner, Law Infrastructure, Australian Taxation Office (ATO) www.ato.gov.au

10.40 Technology Review

11.10 Morning tea and exhibition viewing

Centrelink11.50 Case study Moving to a fully-digitalised information management environment

• Modernising document output and information management systems• Delivering benefits from this modernisation to key agencies and end users• Managing the challenges of digitalising paper-based recordsSteve McCauley, Director, Infrastructure Services Branch, Centrelinkwww.centrelink.gov.au

12.20 Panel discussion CIO challenges – 2010 and beyond• What are the top information management priorities? • Which new trends and technologies will drive investment?• Where does cloud computing, virtualisation and shared services fit in the picture?• How will future technology investment plans evolve?Andrew Mills, CIO, South AustraliaSandra Coleman CIO, State Water Corporation (NSW)Peter Konstantin, Director of Information Management, Corrective Services NSWSimon Sharwood, Editor, Government Technology ReviewThis panel will comprise the CIOs of leading organisations.Email: [email protected]

12.50 Lunch & exhibition viewing

Australian National Audit Office 2.00 Case study Managing electronic workflows – what works and why

• Reducing the amount of paper generated within your organisation • Going mainstream with electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS) • Quantifying the return on investment for EDRMS• Providing general and records staff with appropriate training • Using the right tools and electronic document handling skillsGena Clarke, Deputy CIO, Australian National Audit Office (ANAO)www.anao.gov.au/

Queensland University of Technology2.30 Protecting information assets in the digital age

• Who owns digital content in an open information access environment?• Impact of the internet on: -digital content ownership -digital distribution -media rights -copyright -publishing agreements -recording• How will intellectual property rights evolve?• What impact will changes have on information management policy planning?Professor Anne Fitzgerald, Professor, Intellectual Property & Information Policy, Queensland University of Technology

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overnance • Digital libraries • Security • Cloud computing • Broad

inc GST – Register 3 delegates & 4th attends FREE – register on

*Security *Risk Management *Compliance *Auditing *Computer Forensics

3.00 Developments in computer forensics and what these mean for information management professionals

• How is computer forensics evolving? • What are the computer forensics, risk management and auditing considerations? • Where does information management and litigation meet?• How will data privacy and regulation take shape? • What are the challenges of managing multi-lingual data sets?Seamus E. Byrne, Associate Director, KordaMentha

3.30 Afternoon tea and exhibition viewing

4.00 Security, risks and information governance • Meeting your executive and audit committee needs • Best practice models for information governance • Alignment of security and compliance within information governance • Streamlining internal and external controls for effective information governance Jason Masters, Director, Masters Le Mesurier (International)

Practical masterclass

4.30 Data governance in the enterprise: primer for information management professionals

The message: Data Governance is of concern to any individual or group that has an interest in how data is created, collected, processed, manipulated, stored, made available for use, or retired. This workshop clarifies data governance trends in a global context; while applying concepts and principles to digital information management within your organisation. • What does data governance mean, and what does it do?• When do organisations need formal data governance?• Where in an organisation are data governance programs located?• Why use a formal data governance framework?• How does an organisation “do” data governance?• How much data governance do we need?• How do we assess whether we are ready for data governance?Gwen Thomas, President & Founder, The Data Governance Institute (USA)www.datagovernance.com/

About Gwen Thomas: Gwen is Founder and President of The Data Governance Institute, which is the premier provider of in-depth, vendor-neutral information about – and assistance with – tools, techniques, models, and best practices for the governance/stewardship of data and information. She also serves as publisher of the web’s largest data governance resource, at www.datagovernance.com; The Data Governance & Stewardship Community of Practice, located at www.DataStewardship.com; SOX-online.com, the web’s largest collection of vendor-neutral Sarbanes-Oxley news and information; and the Master Catalog of Data Governance Software, at www.datagovernancesoftware.comGwen has personally helped companies such as

BankUnited, American Express, Washington Mutual Bank (WaMu), Sallie Mae, NDCHealth/Wolters Kluwer, Wachovia Bank, Disney, and Coors to build or mature their Data Governance and Stewardship programs. (Workshop documentation will be provided)

5.30 Closing remarks from Chair & networking drinks

Day two, Wednesday 10th November 2010

8.30 Welcome coffee

9.00 Opening remarks from the ChairGraham Black, President, Australian Librarian and Information Association

Anywhere, anytime digital information access: Benefits of Broadband Communications

NSW Department of Education & Training9.10 Case study Developments in digital education: delivering anywhere, anytime information using high-speed, fast-access broadband communications

• The Connected Classrooms Program is a NSW State Government initiative to provide Department of Education and Training (DET) staff and students with new opportunities to connect with each other using state-of-the-art technology to share resources and data collaboration. Commitment to the program was made by the NSW State Government on 16 March 2007, when the then Premier announced a $158 million investment over 4 years to enhance the Department’s ICT capacity for teaching and learning. This session will demonstrate how using high-speed, fast-access broadband has supported new ways of teaching and learning. .Dimi Papakadis, Director, Connected Classroom Program, Department of Education & Training NSW www.det.nsw.edu.au/

9.40 Technology Review: Developments in broadband communications

• Industry developments• Technology trends• Enterprise-wide Applications

10.10 Morning tea & exhibition viewing

*Electronic Archiving & Records Management *Virtual Information Mining *Data Capture & Storage

10.50 Panel discussion How the landscape is changing for digital information management

• Current trends and opportunities• Emerging challenges• Future roles and responsibilities• Developments in record-keeping, archiving, and information access Moderator Jackie Bettington, President, Australian Society of Archivists Pat Jackson, Vice President, Australian Society of Archivists www.archivists.org.au/

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band • Storage • Web 2.0 • Digitalisatiion •

line www.halledit.com.au/DIMS2010

Panellists Cassandra Findlay, Senior Project Officer, Government Record Keeping, State Records NSW www.records.nsw.gov.au/

Jennifer Padman, Data Management Lead, Boeing Defence Australia (Qld)*www.boeing.com.au/*subject to availability

Catherina O’Leary, Manager, Internal & Online Communications, CSIRO www.csiro.au/

*Digital Content Management *Virtual Information Mining *Knowledge Management *Digital Libraries

The City of Ryde11.40 Case study Delivering solutions through innovation

• What is virtual information mining? • How virtual information mining has been used to bridge the gap between people, processes and applications • The future of virtual information mining in managing the digital explosion • How end-users have benefited from this innovation Linda Shave, CIO, The City of Ryde (NSW)www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/

12.10 Lunch and exhibition viewing

1.10 Technology Review

Department of Treasury & Finance (Vic)1.40 Case study How to design, develop, implement and sustain a knowledge management strategy

• Defining your knowledge management strategy • Taking an innovative, flexible and creative approach to this strategy • Integrating knowledge and information management programs • Demonstrating business value to sustain and build support for strategic objectives • Developing an agency-wide approach to content management Vanessa Hose, Manager, Knowledge & Information Services, Department of Treasury & Finance (Vic) www.dtf.vic.gov.au/

Swinburne University of Technology (Vic)2.10 Case study Digital information management in education – scope of digital libraries and online access – latest developments

This session showcases Swinburne’s University digital information access project, offering access to 35,000 users in an open university/information access environment.Derek Whitehead, Director, Information Resources, Swinburne University of Technology (Vic)

2.40 Into the future: information management education for the digital age

Organisations need access to well trained and highly skilled information professionals who can manage information to not only support current and emerging organisational priorities, but to drive those priorities. This session will explore the current and anticipated future for information management education in Australia.Associate Professor Helen Partridge, Faculty of Science and Technology, Queensland University of Technology

3.10 Afternoon tea

Practical masterclass

3.40 Practical strategies for managing risk – hands-on guide for knowledge managers

Kim James, Senior Strategic Advisor, Records Management Association of Australia (RMAA)• This interactive workshop will first cover some of the principles of risk. The workshop will take you through case studies and scenarios about how to recognise and apply risk in records and digital information management and what needs to go in reports about risk strategies and assessments. The workshop will give you practice in developing strategies to manage risk with information projects or processes, such as new systems, business processes, classification schemes or a major sentencing project.

About Kim James: Kim is a senior strategic advisor / planner / project leader with a broad range of experience in IT and organisational change projects in the public sector. Unusually in the industry, she has worked in senior roles in the public sector in human resources, IT project officer and business roles at Director and SES levels, in the private sector in application development projects, IT strategy and business development as a senior business analyst / project leader, and as a business analyst contractor in a number of agencies. Kim has a long-standing interest in technologies to support knowledge workers, including workflow and document / records management. Kim currently works for UXC Limited as a principal consultant engaging in information management projects across the sector.

4.40 Closing remarks from the Chair

5.00 Close of conference

Register 3 delegates & 4th attends


Why attend?• IDENTIFY latest contracts & projects • REVIEW award-winning case studies• ASSESS Web 2.0 & digital technologies • MASTER your industry knowledge • TRACK authoritative & independent analysis

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Who should attend? This conference will attract senior-level public service information technology industry executives: Federal – State – Local Government that are actively involved in digital information management programs. Including:

Dear Executive“Knowledge Management in the Enterprise” comes under the spotlight at this November’s Digital Information Management Summit being held 9-10 November in Sydney.

Drawing on the expertise of information and knowledge management professionals, this forum showcases award-winning stories from across the three tiers of government.

Industry professionals, experts and practitioners will share their experiences about innovations in digital information management, while helping your organisation design, implement and manage 21st century information management programs.

Among our case studies, we’re pleased to showcase insights from the ATO, Centrelink, NSW Department of Education & Training, State Records NSW, Australian National Audit Office, Boeing Defence Australia (Qld), wwDepartment of Treasury & Finance (Vic), Queensland University of Technology, CSIRO, The City of Ryde, and others driving information management innovations.

Additionally, we offer hands-on training to help you master data governance, risk management, privacy, security, intellectual property and data compliance requirements.

Speakers, panellists and professional development experts are drawn from Federal, State & Local Government agencies, Libraries, Archives, Education, Legal, Healthcare, Planning & Development, Financial Services and other information as well as intensive sectors.

Do review this program and contact us to discuss your participation at this summit. We look forward to welcoming you and your team at the Digital Information Management Summit this November.

Warm regards,Shahida SweeneySenior Conference DirectorDigital Information Management Summit 2010

Digital Information Management Summit 9th-10th November 2010 www.halledit.com.au/DIMS2010

• Digital Record-Keeping & Information Managers• Records Managers• Documents Managers • Knowledge Managers • Information Managers (Public Libraries, Universities, TAFE & Secondary & Higher Education)• Policy & Planning Managers • Departmental Heads of Records & e-Government Services • Purchasing Officers • Heads of Information Services/Information Management Systems • Data Storage Managers • Data Centre Managers • CIOs/CTOs • Operations Managers • E-Business Managers • Compliance Managers • Asset Managers • Legal Counsel • Information Privacy Managers • Digital Rights Managers • Scanning & Imaging Managers • Business Process Managers • Library & Information Managers • Record Team Leaders • Archivists • Historians • Researchers

Industry sectors including• Federal, State & Local Government Agencies • Libraries, including Universities, TAFE, Higher Education & Public Libraries, Digital Libraries & National Archives • Education • Health• Defence• Information Technology & Communications• Legal • Transport • Building & Planning • Infrastructure • Construction ... and other information-intensive sectors

Register 3 delegates & 4th attends FREE

Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities/Enquiries:Steve CongertonPublisher Government Technology ReviewPhone: +61 2 8923 8010Fax: +61 2 8923 8050Email: [email protected]

Richard FugelsangNational Sales & Project ManagerPhone: +61 2 8923 8002Fax: +61 2 8923 8050Email: [email protected]

Upcoming events: Cloud Computing Forum – Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th February 2011, The Realm Hotel, Canberra, Australia www.halledit.com.au/CCF2011

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