
The Rise of Video Games and the Effect of Violent Games on Childhood Development

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Post on 12-May-2015




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The Rise of Video Games and the Effect of Violent Games on Childhood Development

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The video game industry is the fastest growing entertainment industry and second only to music in


Improvement in graphics, gameplay, and storytelling has helped video game popularity increase and has also provided better and more memorable experiences for gamers.

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As the audience for games grows, however, children make up a smaller part of that audience, and more and more of the most popular games are rated "M" (intended for adults 17 years or older). Unsurprisingly, these M-rated games are popular with young people as well.

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The big thing that put violent video game concerns in the hot seat was the 1999 incident of the Columbine High School Massacre. Before killing themselves two students went on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School and killed twelve students and one teacher.

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Although video games have become a prominent part of modern day entertainment, and could have impacts on young children’s development, violent games do not cause young people or any people to be violent or display violent behavior.

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Video games such as Grand Theft Auto IV allow players to do virtually anything they want.

Perhaps if parents knew what their children’s main goal in these games were they wouldn’t be upset.

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> provide a fun and social form of entertainment

> encourage teamwork and cooperation when played with others

> make kids feel comfortable with technology

> increase children's self-confidence and self-esteem as they master games

> provide points of common interest and opportunities for socialization

> develop skills in reading, math, technology and problem-solving

> encourage participation in related offline activities, such as reading or sports

> encourage civic participation

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Most research out there about if violent video games cause real life violence is very contradictory.

Desensitization! "Once you're emotionally numb to violence, it's much easier to engage in violence."

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“There’s no denying the concern for someone that does something on an extremely excessive basis (be it gaming, watching TV, doing exercise, working, etc.). In most cases, this has more to do with the person than the thing: mental stability, depression, social anxieties, low self-esteem, whatever. Let’s find better ways to help the people and worry less about the “things.”

Jason Della Rocca -director of the International Game Developer’s Association

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In 2005, California enacted a law that imposed a $1,000 fine on retailers any time they sold a violent video game to a minor. The state cited social science studies that it said showed kids who play these games for many hours are desensitized to violence and become more aggressive in their behavior. But the U.S. Supreme Court rejected those arguments, and struck down the law.

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Video games aren’t going to replace schools anytime soon, but they give a glimpse of how we might create new and more powerful ways to learn in schools, communities, and workplaces—new ways to learn for a new information age.